Applying the theory - barthes

Applying the theory: Barthes By Matt Lovett

Transcript of Applying the theory - barthes

Applying the theory:BarthesBy Matt Lovett

The Cultural (Referential) CodeThe cultural code in this clip is the accents that each character have, for example, most of the characters have a London accent so its easy to infer that this program is set in England. However, there is multiple ethnicity’s in this clip also, which is quite common to the London area.

The Semantic Code

The semantic code in this screen grab could be that the male character wants more than just the typical maid service that you would normally expect in a hotel, however there are stereotypes with maids being inappropriate etc. so its quite relatable.

The symbolic code

The symbolic code in this scene could be the stereotypical person with dreadlocks and jewellery. This mise en scene suggests that the employee has a secret previous life that he wants to keep a secret.

The Hermeneutic (enigma) Code

The enigma code in this scene could be that the two maids are being quite secretive because one is aware that the man will pay extra for a bit longer of their time. This is an enigma code as the audience don’t quite know what's happening until they go into the room and all becomes clear.

The Proairetic (Action) Code

The action code here is the dialogue between the two chefs as the audience can quite easily understand that its going to become quite intense and therefore leading them to try and guess what’s going to happen.