Applied Anatomy - AfriVIP Comparative Anatomy... · Applied Anatomy Thoracic limb Premature closure...

Applied Anatomy Thoracic limb Premature closure of the distal ulnar physis Elbow luxation Fracture of the lateral humeral condyle Ununited anconeal process 2 ndary centres of ossification & physeal lines Nerve paralysis Intravenous injection

Transcript of Applied Anatomy - AfriVIP Comparative Anatomy... · Applied Anatomy Thoracic limb Premature closure...

Page 1: Applied Anatomy - AfriVIP Comparative Anatomy... · Applied Anatomy Thoracic limb Premature closure of the distal ulnar physis Elbow luxation Fracture of the lateral humeral condyle

Applied Anatomy

Thoracic limb

Premature closure of the distal ulnar physis

Elbow luxation Fracture of the lateral humeral condyle

Ununited anconeal process

2ndary centres of ossification & physeal lines

Nerve paralysis

Intravenous injection

Elbow luxation
Elbow luxation
Fracture of the lateral humeral condyle
Fracture of the lateral humeral condyle
2ndary centres of ossification & physeal lines
2ndary centres of ossification & physeal lines
Ununited anconeal process
Ununited anconeal process
Premature closure of the distal ulnar physis
Premature closure of the distal ulnar physis
Nerve paralysis
Nerve paralysis
Intravenous injection
Intravenous injection
Page 2: Applied Anatomy - AfriVIP Comparative Anatomy... · Applied Anatomy Thoracic limb Premature closure of the distal ulnar physis Elbow luxation Fracture of the lateral humeral condyle

Thoracic limb – Elbow luxation Elbow luxation ∣ Fracture of the lateral humeral condyle ∣ 2ndary centres of ossification & physeal lines ∣ Ununited anconeal process ∣ Premature closure of the distal ulnar physis ∣ Nerve paralysis ∣ Intravenous injection ∣ Menu

Humerus Humerus



Ulna Ulna



Fossa olecrani Fossa olecrani

Proc. anconeus Proc. anconeus

lateral lateral

Normal elbow joint – Left limb

Radiograph of a luxated elbow joint

The elbow is a very strong and stable joint, but its action is restricted to flexion and extension in a sagittal plane. These features are largely due to the presence and very precise fit of the Proc. Anconeus in the Fossa olecrani when the joint is extended. The precise fit of the Proc. anconeus also makes elbow luxation (dislocation) impossible (without fracture or collateral ligament rupture) when the joint is extended. Luxation can only occur when the elbow has been flexed to an angle of 45° or less (i.e. when the anconeal process is free of the olecranon fossa). Lateral luxation of the radius and ulna occurs most frequently because the lateral condyle is smaller than the medial condyle. Medial luxation is possible but is usually associated with severe damage to the ligaments.

For. supratrochleare

Medial humeral condyle

Medial humeral condyle

Lateral humeral condyle

Page 3: Applied Anatomy - AfriVIP Comparative Anatomy... · Applied Anatomy Thoracic limb Premature closure of the distal ulnar physis Elbow luxation Fracture of the lateral humeral condyle

Thoracic limb – Fracture of the lateral humeral condyle Elbow luxation ∣ Fracture of the lateral humeral condyle ∣ 2ndary centres of ossification & physeal lines ∣ Ununited anconeal process ∣ Premature closure of the distal ulnar physis ∣ Nerve paralysis ∣ Intravenous injection ∣ Menu

While fractures of the medial humeral condyle are very rare, fractures of the lateral condyle are quite common. Typically, the fracture line starts from the most distal aspect of the articular surface and extends proximally, through the For. supratrochleare and into the metaphysis, running parallel to the bone’s longitudinal axis. The reasons for the lateral condyle’s susceptibility to fracture lie in its structure: the lateral humeral condyle projects laterally, it is smaller than the medial condyle and its dorsal support (Crista supracondylaris lateralis) is not well-developed. Of particular significance is the fact that the lateral condyle’s articular surface, the Capitulum humeri, articulates mainly with the radius, the main weight bearing bone of the antebrachium (bears 90-95 % of the load carried by the limb). If the animal jumps or falls from height and lands on fully extended thoracic limbs, the force of impact is largely concentrated (via the radius) on the lateral condyles. Given their relative biomechanical weakness, their predisposition to fracture is easily understood.



Humeral condyle Ulna



Displaced lateral humeral condyle

Medial humeral condyle

Lateral humeral condyle

Medial humeral condyle


Crista supracondylaris lateralis

Fossa olecrani

Radiograph of a fractured lateral humeral condyle

Normal elbow joint – Right limb

Page 4: Applied Anatomy - AfriVIP Comparative Anatomy... · Applied Anatomy Thoracic limb Premature closure of the distal ulnar physis Elbow luxation Fracture of the lateral humeral condyle

Thoracic limb – 2ndary centres of ossification & physeal lines - bones Elbow luxation ∣ Fracture of the lateral humeral condyle ∣ 2ndary centres of ossification & physeal lines ∣ Ununited anconeal process ∣ Premature closure of the distal ulnar physis ∣ Nerve paralysis ∣ Intravenous injection ∣ Menu


Tub. supraglenoidale Condylus humeri

Caput humeri

Tub. majus


Caput radii

Trochlea radii


Tuber olecrani

Proc. anconeus

Proc. styloideus ulnae

Metacarpal bones

Caput Ossa metacarpalia II-V


Basis Ossa metacarpale I (not shown)

Humerus P. 2 Radiographs

Tub. minus

Page 5: Applied Anatomy - AfriVIP Comparative Anatomy... · Applied Anatomy Thoracic limb Premature closure of the distal ulnar physis Elbow luxation Fracture of the lateral humeral condyle

Thoracic limb – 2ndary centres of ossification & physeal lines - radiographs Elbow luxation ∣ Fracture of the lateral humeral condyle ∣ 2ndary centres of ossification & physeal lines ∣ Ununited anconeal process ∣ Premature closure of the distal ulnar physis ∣ Nerve paralysis ∣ Intravenous injection ∣ Menu

P. 1 Bones

Caput humeri

Tub. majus





Condylus humeri

Caput radii

Tuber olecrani

Radius Ulna


Carpal bones

Proc. styloideus ulnae

Trochlea radii

Metacarpal bones

The parts of the long bones all have their own centres of ossification and are thus, by definition, secondary centres of ossification (i.e. epi- and apophyses). On a radiograph of an immature animal, each part will therefore appear to be separated from the body of the bone (i.e. metaphyses and diaphysis, the primary centre of ossification) by a thin radiolucent (black) line representing the open (unossified) Cartilago physialis. It is obviously very important for the clinician to be able to distinguish radiologically between physeal and fracture lines.

Page 6: Applied Anatomy - AfriVIP Comparative Anatomy... · Applied Anatomy Thoracic limb Premature closure of the distal ulnar physis Elbow luxation Fracture of the lateral humeral condyle

Thoracic limb – Ununited anconeal process Elbow luxation ∣ Fracture of the lateral humeral condyle ∣ 2ndary centres of ossification & physeal lines ∣ Ununited anconeal process ∣ Premature closure of the distal ulnar physis ∣ Nerve paralysis ∣ Intravenous injection ∣ Menu

In certain large breeds, especially the German shepherd, St. Bernard and basset, the ossification centre of the Proc. anconeus occasionally fails to fuse with the olecranon.

The loose fragment (i.e. the ununited anconeal process) causes joint instability, pain, a weight-bearing lameness and usually initiates degenerative joint disease.

Radiograph of a flexed elbow joint of a young dog (over 6 months old)

Proc. anconeus

Normal proximal ulna

Tuber olecrani

Tuber olecrani

Ununited Proc. anconeus

Ulna Radius


Page 7: Applied Anatomy - AfriVIP Comparative Anatomy... · Applied Anatomy Thoracic limb Premature closure of the distal ulnar physis Elbow luxation Fracture of the lateral humeral condyle

Thoracic limb – Premature closure of the distal ulnar physis Elbow luxation ∣ Fracture of the lateral humeral condyle ∣ 2ndary centres of ossification & physeal lines ∣ Ununited anconeal process ∣ Premature closure of the distal ulnar physis ∣ Nerve paralysis ∣ Intravenous injection ∣ Menu

In general, the shape of a physeal cartilage can be described as being a transverse plate. However, in the dog, the physeal cartilage of the distal ulnar epiphysis (i.e. between the Corpus ulnae and Proc. styloideus ulnae) is conical in shape (and thus V-shaped on longitudinal section, and on radiographs). In immature animals, the shape of this physeal cartilage is the reason that trauma to the distal ulna seldom causes a physeal cartilage fracture. Instead, trauma to the region often compresses the physeal cartilage, damaging it sufficiently to cause its premature closure and longitudinal growth of the ulna effectively ceases.

This is a serious injury as the distal epiphysis is responsible for 75-85% of the ulna's longitudinal growth. If the radius’ distal growth plate is not also damaged, the radius continues to lengthen (the distal radial physis is responsible for 70% of the bone's longitudinal growth). However, since the radius and ulna are joined by ligaments, the radius’ normal development is impeded by the short, under-developed ulna. This results in a variety of abnormalities such as curvature of the radius, deviation of the paw and subluxation of the radio-carpal and elbow joints. In the cat, the physeal cartilage of the distal ulnar epiphysis is a transverse plate and trauma to the distal ulna (immature animal) can quite easily cause a physeal cartilage fracture.




Proc. styloideus ulnae

Proc. styloideus ulnae


Shortened Ulna

Carpal bones

Normal conformation

Abnormal conformation – curvature of the radius

Subluxation of the radio-carpal joint

Page 8: Applied Anatomy - AfriVIP Comparative Anatomy... · Applied Anatomy Thoracic limb Premature closure of the distal ulnar physis Elbow luxation Fracture of the lateral humeral condyle

Thoracic limb – Nerve paralysis Elbow luxation ∣ Fracture of the lateral humeral condyle ∣ 2ndary centres of ossification & physeal lines ∣ Ununited anconeal process ∣ Premature closure of the distal ulnar physis ∣ Nerve paralysis ∣ Intravenous injection ∣ Menu

N. axillaris Paralysis of this nerve has little clinical effect because the long head of the M. triceps brachii and the M. latissimus dorsi also flex the shoulder (this is known as compensatory adaptation); the non-functional M. cleidobrachialis has no discernable effect on the animal's gait.

N. musculocutaneous Paralysis causes no appreciable lameness but the elbow will be slightly more extended than normal. The animal may have some difficulty in raising the antebrachium and will use the carpal and digital extensors (e.g. M. extensor carpi radialis) to flex the elbow.

N. radialis < If the nerve is injured proximal to the origin of the branches to the M. triceps brachii, the limb cannot support body weight at all because it cannot extend the elbow. The elbow hangs and the limb appears to be "too long"; the digits are flexed and their dorsal surfaces rest on the ground. There is also a significant reduction in the ability to flex the shoulder as the long head of the triceps is non-functional. This condition is referred to as high radial paralysis and will also be seen when the radial nerve's roots are contused against the first rib. < If the nerve is injured between the branches to the triceps and the R. profundus, the limb will be able to support weight but on the dorsal surface of the Manus; this is because the carpus and digits cannot be extended. This condition is referred to as low radial paralysis. Some animals learn to adapt by rapidly flexing the elbow and flipping the Manus forward in an extended position.

N. ulnaris & medianus Paralysis of the N. medianus and/or the N. ulnaris has no obvious clinical effect although the carpal and digital flexors are inactivated. Weight bearing may cause the carpus to slightly overextend and this is seen as a slight sagging or dropping of the joint. Normally, when a dog lying in a sternal position is pulled caudally, it will attempt to resist by digging its claws into the ground. This is not possible if the carpal and digital flexors are non-functional.

N. subscapularis Experimental neurectomy (transection of a nerve) of the N. suprascapularis causes no change in gait.








8 9 11


Radial nerve paralysis
Radial nerve paralysis
If the thoracic limb is excessively abducted (as might occur in a motor vehicle accident), the roots of the brachial plexus are placed under great tension and may be severely stretched, torn or even pulled loose from the spinal cord. Such a catastrophic injury would clearly affect most or all the nerves of the brachial plexus. However, milder forms of this injury may result in damage to the nerves arising from the caudal part of the plexus (e.g. N. radialis) as they are compressed against the first rib. The radial nerve is also vulnerable to injury where it lies against the caudal surface of the M. brachialis. Sharp-edged bone fragments from a fractured humerus may lacerate or even transect the nerve.
1. M. subscapularis
1. M. subscapularis
2. M. teres major
2. M. teres major
3. M. coracobrachialis
3. M. coracobrachialis
4. M. biceps brachii
4. M. biceps brachii
5. M. tensor fasciae antebrachii
5. M. tensor fasciae antebrachii
6. M. triceps brachii Caput longum
6. M. triceps brachii Caput longum
7. M. triceps brachii Caput mediale
7. M. triceps brachii Caput mediale
8. M. extensor carpi radialis
8. M. extensor carpi radialis
9. M. flexor carpi ulnaris Caput ulnare
9. M. flexor carpi ulnaris Caput ulnare
10. M. flexor digitorum superficialis
10. M. flexor digitorum superficialis
11. M. pronator teres
11. M. pronator teres
Page 9: Applied Anatomy - AfriVIP Comparative Anatomy... · Applied Anatomy Thoracic limb Premature closure of the distal ulnar physis Elbow luxation Fracture of the lateral humeral condyle

Thoracic limb – Intravenous injection Elbow luxation ∣ Fracture of the lateral humeral condyle ∣ 2ndary centres of ossification & physeal lines ∣ Ununited anconeal process ∣ Premature closure of the distal ulnar physis ∣ Nerve paralysis ∣ Intravenous injection ∣ Menu

V. cephalica

V. cephalica

Left antebrachium

The V. cephalica is routinely used for intravenous injections. Note that the vein is flanked by the cutaneous branches of the N. radialis and the branches of the A. antebrachii superficialis cranialis. These structures are damaged by poor intravenous needle placement technique, and when irritating substances are injected subcutaneously instead of intravenously.