Application of High-Field Superconducting Magnet to ... · requires high magnetic field and large...

Physics Procedia 36 (2012) 953 – 957 1875-3892 © 2012 Published by Elsevier B.V. Selection and/or peer-review under responsibility of the Guest Editors. doi:10.1016/j.phpro.2012.06.236 Superconductivity Centennial Conference Application of High-Field Superconducting Magnet to Protein Crystallization Hitoshi Wada a *, Noriyuki Hirota a , Shinji Matsumoto a , Hidehiko Okada a , Motosuke Kiyohara b , Takahiro Ode b , Masaru Tanokura c , Akira Nakamura c , Jun Ohtsuka c , Akiko Kita d , Nobutaka Numoto d , Tatsuki Kashiwagi e and Ei-ichiro Suzuki e a National Institute for Materials Science, Sengen, Tsukuba, 305-0047 Japan b Kiyohara Optics Inc., Shinjuku, Tokyo, 160-0022 Japan c Dept. Applied Biological Chemistry, University of Tokyo, Yayoi, Tokyo, 113-8657 Japan d Research Reactor Institute, Kyoto University, Asashiro-nishi, Sennan, 590-0494 Japan e Institute for Innovation, Ajinomoto Co., Inc., Suzuki-cho, Kawasaki, 210-8681 Japan Abstract A quasi-microgravity environment appears in a high-field superconducting magnet bore where a large magnetic force counterbalances gravity acting on a diamagnetic substance. This suppresses convection of the diamagnetic solution in the crystallization cell placed in the bore from which protein crystals precipitate. A 16 T class superconducting magnet has been developed with a special coil configuration; one of the component coils produces a magnetic field the direction of which is opposite to that of the other coils. Thus, a large magnetic field gradient occurs, creating a magnetic force large enough to levitate water and hinder convection. This magnet system is operated in persistent mode, which is adequate for a rather time-requesting crystallization process of proteins. Preliminary experiments have shown that the protein crystallization process is substantially retarded in the magnetic force field. Keywords: Superconducting magnet; Magnetic force; Diamagnetism; Protein crystals. * Corresponding author. E-mail address: [email protected] Available online at © 2012 Published by Elsevier B.V. Selection and/or peer-review under responsibility of the Guest Editors. Open access under CC BY-NC-ND license. Open access under CC BY-NC-ND license.

Transcript of Application of High-Field Superconducting Magnet to ... · requires high magnetic field and large...

Page 1: Application of High-Field Superconducting Magnet to ... · requires high magnetic field and large magnetic field gradient. Taking into account the fact that protein crystallization

Physics Procedia 36 ( 2012 ) 953 – 957

1875-3892 © 2012 Published by Elsevier B.V. Selection and/or peer-review under responsibility of the Guest Editors. doi: 10.1016/j.phpro.2012.06.236

Superconductivity Centennial Conference

Application of High-Field Superconducting Magnet to Protein Crystallization

Hitoshi Wadaa*, Noriyuki Hirotaa, Shinji Matsumotoa, Hidehiko Okadaa, Motosuke Kiyoharab, Takahiro Odeb, Masaru Tanokurac, Akira Nakamurac, Jun Ohtsukac,Akiko Kitad, Nobutaka Numotod, Tatsuki Kashiwagie and Ei-ichiro Suzukie

aNational Institute for Materials Science, Sengen, Tsukuba, 305-0047 Japan bKiyohara Optics Inc., Shinjuku, Tokyo, 160-0022 Japan

cDept. Applied Biological Chemistry, University of Tokyo, Yayoi, Tokyo, 113-8657 Japan dResearch Reactor Institute, Kyoto University, Asashiro-nishi, Sennan, 590-0494 Japan

eInstitute for Innovation, Ajinomoto Co., Inc., Suzuki-cho, Kawasaki, 210-8681 Japan


A quasi-microgravity environment appears in a high-field superconducting magnet bore where a large magnetic force counterbalances gravity acting on a diamagnetic substance. This suppresses convection of the diamagnetic solution in the crystallization cell placed in the bore from which protein crystals precipitate. A 16 T class superconducting magnet has been developed with a special coil configuration; one of the component coils produces a magnetic field the direction of which is opposite to that of the other coils. Thus, a large magnetic field gradient occurs, creating a magnetic force large enough to levitate water and hinder convection. This magnet system is operated in persistent mode, which is adequate for a rather time-requesting crystallization process of proteins. Preliminary experiments have shown that the protein crystallization process is substantially retarded in the magnetic force field.

© 2011 Published by Elsevier Ltd. Selection and/or peer-review under responsibility of Horst Rogalla and Peter Kes. Keywords: Superconducting magnet; Magnetic force; Diamagnetism; Protein crystals.

* Corresponding author. E-mail address: [email protected]

Available online at

© 2012 Published by Elsevier B.V. Selection and/or peer-review under responsibility of the Guest Editors.Open access under CC BY-NC-ND license.

Open access under CC BY-NC-ND license.

Page 2: Application of High-Field Superconducting Magnet to ... · requires high magnetic field and large magnetic field gradient. Taking into account the fact that protein crystallization

954 Hitoshi Wada et al. / Physics Procedia 36 ( 2012 ) 953 – 957

1. Introduction

A number of biological and medical products, such as drugs and enzymes, are designed and synthesizedon the basis of 3-D structures of protein crystals determined by X-ray diffraction. Thus, high qualityprotein crystals are a crucial key for innovative biotechnologies. However, obtaining high quality proteincrystals to date is like a gamble leaving everything to chance and regarded as a serious bottleneck in thecourse of development.One of the major factors disturbing the formation of protein crystals of high integrity is convection ofprotein solution that incorporates different defects into growing crystals. If convection is somehowsuppressed, crystallization proceeds in purely diffusional manner and crystals of high integrity shouldprecipitate from solution. Thus, space is an excellent environment for protein crystallization, sincegravity-induced convection disappears. In fact, protein crystallization has always been among major subjects of space experiments. Improved integrity has been reported on those protein crystals grown inspace [1]. A quasi-microgravity environment can appear in a high-field superconducting magnet bore where largemagnetic force counterbalances gravity acting on a diamagnetic substance. Levitation of diamagneticsubstances by magnetic force is now a popular scientific playground where improved integrity has beenreported on protein crystals grown in magnetic fields [2].Magnetic force is proportional to the product of magnetic field and magnetic field gradient, as given inthe following equation:





where Fm is magnetic force per unit volume (N/m3), volume magnetic susceptibility (-), 0 permeabilityof vacuum, B magnetic field (T) and dB/dz magnetic field gradient in vertical direction (T/m). Adiamagnetic substance is fully levitated when Fm is equal to gravity, Fg. To levitate water, BdB/dzamounts to ca. 1,360 T2/m. Thus, this approach to protein crystallization by diamagnetic levitationrequires high magnetic field and large magnetic field gradient. Taking into account the fact that proteincrystallization from solution is a rather time requesting process, sometimes weeks or months long,superconducting magnets operated in persistent mode will be the first choice.A superconducting magnet system has been developed which can generate magnetic force large enoughto levitate water and suppress convection; the magnet has superconducting joints and is operated inpersistent mode. Preliminary protein crystallization experiments have been carried out using this system.The results of these are described below.

2. Fabrication of superconducting magnet for diamagnetic levitation

The superconducting magnet system developed is illustrated in Fig. 1. The design of the system is featured by its coil configuration; the magnetic field direction of the upper Nb3Sn coil is opposite to that of the lower NbTi and Nb3Sn coils. The maximum magnetic field generated by the lower coils is 16 T.Between the two groups of coils Fm becomes large enough to levitate water, creating a quasi-microgravityzone where gravity-induced convection is suppressed. The crystallization cell is placed in this zone. A serious problem with this asymmetric coil configuration is the electromagnetic, repulsive force inducedbetween the upper and the lower coils. This problem has been solved by shifting the relative position ofthe lower NbTi coil to the lower Nb3Sn coil along the magnet axis; the electromagnetic force is thenreduced effectively.In order to generate a magnetic field of 16 T in persistent mode operation, a high performance Nb3Sn

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Fig. 2 Crystallization of protein in and outside magnetic force field.

Fig.1. Superconducting magnet system developed.

superconductor is required. The magnet has been fabricated by using the Nb3Sn superconductor whichwas originally developed for over 900 MHz NMR magnets [3].Prior to the crystallization experiments on different proteins, water was levitated in the magnet bore.

3. Crystallization experiments

The crystallization cell consists of a well and a reservoir, and is placed in the microgravity zone in themagnet bore. The sitting drop vapour diffusion method has been adopted for crystallization [4]. Fig. 2

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shows results of a otein is mixed


4. Discussion

It is known that crystallization of protein of high quality is difficult. Some proteins cannot even be n


parallel been carried out to clarify effects of magnetic field, magnetic

5. Summary

A superconducting magnet system has been developed which is operated in persistent mode and generates


This work is supported by “Development of Systems and Technology for Advanced Measurement and


[1] B. Lorber, The crystallization of biological macromolecules under microgravity: a way to more accurate three-dimensional

rhombic lysozyme) in quasi-microgravity environment obtained by

processed Nb3Sn superconducting wire for high field magnets, IEEE

ation. In Ducruix A and Giege R editors. Crystallization of Nucleic Acids and

crystallization experiment. A well solution containing 20 mg/ml of prwith an equal volume of a reservoir solution containing 15% PEG3,350 as a precipitant. The crystallization process is followed by taking photos of protein precipitates every one week. Noare obtained even after 32 days for the condition of Fm nearly equal to Fg, whereas several crystals appear within 27 days for Fm smaller than Fg. In the case of without magnetic force, crystals complete to appear within 6 days. These facts suggest that protein crystallization in high magnetic force field proceeds with slower nucleation and/or growth. Slower formation of crystals should favour higher integrity of protein crystals. In addition, some of the present crystals formed under quasi-microgravity environment have shown smaller lattice constants compared to those formed under gravity.

crystallized at all. The present approach may be an answer to this stagnant. If diamagnetic levitatioworks properly, its advantage over space-utilizing approach is clear; much lower cost and more frequenopportunities for growing crystals. A computer simulation study has in force, gravity, temperature, physical and chemical properties of solvents, etc. It has then turned out that the temperature control of crystallization cell is critical to the suppression of convection [5].

a quasi-microgravity environment where diamagnetic substances can be levitated. When applied to protein crystallization, this system suppresses convection and substantially retards the crystallization of proteins. Preliminary X-ray diffraction analysis has suggested the improvement of crystal quality for those protein crystals formed in the quasi-microgravity environment in the magnet bore.

Analysis Fund” of Japan Science and Technology Agency.

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[2] D.C.Yin et al, Formation of protein crystals (orthosuperconducting magnet, J Cryst Growth. 2004 270, 184-191.

[3] T. Miyazaki et al, Development of high Sn content bronzeTRANS. Appl. Supercond. 2004 14, 975-978

[4] Ducruix A, and Giege R. Methods of crystallizProteins, NewYork: OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS, 1993, p. 82-90-

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[5] H. Okada, N. Hirota, S. Matsumoto, H. Wada, Simulation of fluid flow during protein crystal growth in magnetic fields, J. Appl. Phys. 2011, 110, 043903.