Application of geosites assessment method · Church with atypical facade, made of yellow tufa,...

Simon Martin 1 , Amandine Perret 1 , Pierre Renau 2 , Olivier Cartier-Moulin 2 , Géraldine Regolini-Bissig 1 1 Bureau d'étude Relief, Ch. des Oisillons 9, CH-1860 Aigle | [email protected] 2 GME CalcEre, Montagny, FR-73340 Arith Application of geosites assessment method in geopark candidacy procedure 300 ma 250-290 ma 190 ma 300 ma 8.8 ma 47 ka 10-8 ma 10 ma 10-7 ma 8.5 ma 8 ma 7 ma 6.5 ma 7-8 ma 7 ma 375 ka 130 ka 120 ka 80 ka 80 ka 80 ka 80 ka 80-40 ka 80-47 ka 40 ka 47 ka 49 ka 47 ka 80 ka 7-5 ma 17 ka Carboniferous Permian Triassic Triassic/ Jurassic Jurassic Jurassic Triassic Carboniferous Triassic Triassic Neogene Carboniferous Neogene Neogene Neogene Neogene Neogene Neogene Neogene Neogene Neogene Neogene Neogene Neogene Neogene Neogene Neogene Neogene Neogene Neogene Pleistocene Mid. Pleistocene Mid. Pleistocene Mid. Pleistocene Up. Pleistocene Up. Pleistocene Up. Pleistocene Up. Pleistocene Up. Pleistocene Up. Pleistocene Up. Pleistocene Up. Pleistocene Up. Pleistocene Up. Pleistocene Up. Pleistocene Messinian Up. Pleistocene Up. Pleistocene Jurassic 1 1 2 2 2 2 1/2 1/2 1 1 2 2 3 1 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3/4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 outcrop outcrop outcrop; reptile prints outcrop outcrop; sandstone slab outcrop; slump viewpoint; contact zone example of granite erosion example of granite erosion viewpoint; outcrop viewpoint; outcrop example of sandstone erosion outcrop outcrop outcrop hydrothermal vent; maar hot spring polyphase volcano phonolitic protrusion phonolitic dome phonolitic protrusion ring dyke phonolitic protrusion maar; lava lake phonolitic dome neck; dyke phonolitic dome; maar maar maar strombolian volcano strombolian volcano strombolian volcano; quarry strombolian volcano maar dyke dyke neck Prades, St-Cirgues de Prades, Jaujac, ... Largentière St-Julien-du-Serre Vernoux-en-Vivarais St-Julien-du-Serre Les Vans Montselgues St-Michel-de-Chabrillanoux St-Vincent-de-Durfort Vernon Moudeyres Ribes, St-André-Lachamp, Beaumont Chalencon, Beauvène Chaudeyrolles Meyras St-Laurent-les-Bains Saint-Clément Jaunac, Accons Ste-Eulalie, le Béage, Cros-de-Géorand Borée, les Estables, la Rochette, Chaudeyrolle Ste Eulalie, St-Martial Marcols-les-Eaux Pranles Lachamp-Raphaël Genestelle Gourdon St-Julien-Boutières Chaudeyrolles Montpezat-sous-Bauzon Alleyrac, Presailles, le Monastier-sur-Gazeille St-Martial Borée, Saint Martial Lachamp-Raphaël St-Cirgues-en-Montagne, Cros de Géorand,... Meyras Montpezat, Thueyts Antraigues Montpezat-sous-Bauzon Pont-de-Labeaume Jaujac, Fabras Meyras Montpezat, Burzet Thueyts Coux Borée Borée Borée Borée Ajoux Aizac Prades-Jaujac-La Souche Carboniferous Bassin Les Fourniols Reptile prints in Triassic sandstone Le Bois du Four La Jaubernie Caves Submarine landslide Naves Cirque Granite Boulders of la Borne Belvedere and formation of the Eyrieux Valley Serre de Gruas Baumicou Waterfall Aubépin Valley near Moudeyres Metamorphism of the Labeaume Valley Chalencon - Pont de Chervil Quarry Dents du Mézenc Doris and Mofette Maar Hot water fountain Boutières Cirque Rocher de Brion Phonolitic plug of Chabrières Mont Mézenc Gerbier de Jonc and Loire Source Ring structure of Pradoux et Sara Roches de Borée Volcano du Don Volcano de Chirouze Suc de Montivernoux Rocher d'Ajoux Volcanic Neck of Crau Roche de Gourdon Basalte Quarry of St Julien Boutières Chaudeyrolles Maar and Mont Signon Le Chambon Monts Breysse Saint Martial Lake Borée Maar and Echamps Plateau Phonolitic plug of Bauzon Gravenne de Montpezat Coupe d’Aizac Volcano Antraigues Château de Pourcheyrolles Pont du Diable Gravenne de Thueyts Volcano du Souilhol Vestide du Pal Les 5 sucs Amarnier A41 A42 A43 A40 A50 A45 A27 A17 A38 A9 A37 A35 A48 A26 A36 A49 A4 A12 A6 A13 A21 A18 A47 A1 A2 A14 A15 A25 A30 A33 A34 A39 A32 A46 A19 A23 A22 A11 A5 A3 A24 A44 A31 A10 A28 A7 A29 A16 A20 A8 Sedimentological Sites Geomorphological Sites Petrographical Sites Hydrogeological Sites Volcanic Sites Code Name of the geosite Commune Geosite interpretation Level of interest Science Education Tourism Protection Ecology Culture Era Period Age Equipement and/or Roman Church built of standstones Church designated «Monument Historique», made of granite Roman Church in the hamlet of Niégles Church with atypical facade, made of yellow tufa, granite, trachyte and red scoria Temple built between 1837 and 1841 to serve as place of worship for the protestant parish of St-Etienne-de-Serres Dyke topped with 3 crosses near the Church Castle with nice view of orthogneiss outcrops and Castle in front of the site of Pont de Labeaume Castle built on the Crau volcano elements of the rural heritage: terrasses, bridges, mills, ... Lime kiln alongside the trail from Pas à Bres to Gratte, the kiln used the dolomitic levels of the Middle Triassic Millstones extraction site Outstanding archaeological heritage, wine making vats carved into sandstone Small grinding mill with horizontal wheel Monumental contemporary art installation in «cromlech» style made of phonolites, on each stone texts or pictures are inscribed The wine cellar explores the nature of the soil in their wine promotion. On sandstones: wine terrasses of Balbiac Exhibition about the growing techniques and the civilisation of chestnut trees Spring and mineral water plant of Reine des Basaltes and Pestrin Fountain located in the Parc de Vals, producing a geyser Eco-museum, geological approach to the history of the hot springs History of the springs of Morcols, discovery of the Janvier spring Visits, animations and exhibitions about wind power, including a section about the formation of the Mézenc Massif Museum about archeology, geology and local handicraft Tourist village with thatched cottages and museum Farm «Monument historique», phonolite roof, basalt prisme pillars. Example of traditional vernacular architecture Educational trail and visit to discover the heritage of dry stone Mill built in1891, animations, visits and regional products Discovery trail of the ancient quarry, nice view on the principal buildings from the road Remains of the iron mines of Aihlon In 1821 a meteorite of 91 kg hit the ground at this place. Historical Heritage Built and vernacular Heritage Gastronomy and Wine Hertitage Hydrological Heritage Sites to visit Mining heritage Astronomical sites St-Julien-du-Serre St-Clément Montpezat-sous-Bauzon Meyras Pont-de-Labeaume Malarce sur la Thines Borée St-Etienne de Serre Fay sur Lignon St-Martin-de-Valamas Meyras Genestelle Vallée de la Drobie Faugères Chassiers Laval d'Aurelle Borée Rosières Joyeuse Asperjoc, Meyras Vals-les-Bains St Laurent-les-Bains Marcols-les-eaux Saint-Clément Les Vans Moudeyres St-Andéol-de-Fourchades St-Michel-de-Chabrillanoux Pranles St-Joseph-des-bancs Juvinas Church of St-Julien-du-Serre Church of Saint-Clément Church «Notre Dame de La Pervenchère» Church of Meyras Church of Niègles Church of Thines Church of Borée Fival Temple Fay-sur-Lignon Crosses Rochebonne Castle Ventadour Castle Crau Castle Schists terraces of Drobie - Lauzes trail Lime Kiln of Chambon de Gratte Quarry of Fromenterol Wine making vats carved out of rock Mill at Laval d’Aurelle Tchier de Borée Cooperative wine cellar La Cévenole Chestnut Grove Museum Mineral water plant Intermittent fountain and springs of Vals Odyssée des eaux, thermal Exhibition about mineral water Ecole du vent Musée des Vans Village with thatched cottages Bourlatier Farm Ecomuseum «des terrasses» Mandy Mill Raoul Mill Ancient quarry of Ste Ancient quarry of calamine Remains of mines at the Bois de Vouge Juvinas Meteorite SNG 1 SNG 2 SNG 3 SNG 4 SNG 5 SNG 6 SNG 7 SNG 8 SNG 36 SNG 9 SNG 10 SNG 11 SNG 12 SNG 13 SNG 14 SNG 15 SNG 16 SNG 17 SNG 18 SNG 19 SNG 20 SNG 21 SNG 22 SNG 23 SNG 24 SNG 25 SNG 26 SNG 27 SNG 28 SNG 29 SNG 30 SNG 31 SNG 32 SNG 33 SNG 34 Architectural Materials Architectural Architectural Landscape Historical Historical Archaeological Gastronomical Hydrogeological Hydrogeological Cultural Architectural Ressources Ressources Ressources Gastronomical SNG 38 Maison du Fin Gras Chaudeyrolles Religious Heritage St-Julien du Serre Materials Architectural Architectural Cultural Cultural Artistic Materials Archaeological Cultural Artistic Gastronomical Hydrogeological Hydrogeological Cultural Cultural Cultural Gastronomical Gastronomical Astronomical Roman Church with outstanding polychromatic facade (trachyte, red and black scoria, granite) Ancient quarry of calamine (Zn) Fons Planzolles Astronomical SNG 37 Mars Planet Mars Observatory with large telescope Hydrological SNG 35 Peat bog of Montselgues Montselgues Natural site on the plateau of Montselgues presenting peat bogs and a particular fauna and fauna Equipment Code Name of the site Commune Description Interest Tourist site Context Inventory and assessment process Inventory criteria Assessment criteria Acknowledgements and references RELIEF & PATRIMOINE GÉOTOURISME In 2014 the Natural Regional Parc of Monts d’Ardèche (NRPMA) is candidate to the European Geopark Network (EGN). In this context an inventory of geosites within the whole territory (2.280 km 2 ) has been carried out. The inventory and assessment is based on the method from Reynard et al. (2007) but it has been deeply modified in order to fit with the aims and the specificities of the context: 1. The EGN requirements; 2. Absence of any existing inventory; 3. Short time; 4. Presence of local specialists; 5. Coordination by a private company. The selection of the criteria and more specifically the level of detail was a complex issues because the inventory has to fulfill many different objectives (multiple stakeholders). The authors thank the management of the Regional Natural Park of Monts d’Ardèche, in particular N. Klee, and the Ardèche Geological Society, in particular M. Aymes and G. Naud. Reynard, E., Fontana, G., Kozlik, L. & Scapozza, C. (2007). A method for assessing « scientific » and « additional values » of geomorphosites. Geographica Helvetica, 3, 148-158. Reynard, E. , Perret A., Buchmann M., Bussard J., Grangier L., Martin S. (2014). A method for assessing the intrinsic value and management potentials of geomorphosites. In Abstract volume EGU, Vienna. Assessment is based on the criteria and data from the inventory. It is extremely simplified (some assessment are only yes or no criteria) but fullfill the requirements of the EGN. The assessment has been carried out during an only meeting by the experts of the Ardèche geological society and a representative of the Park management. Expert-based assessment guarantees sound data and a quick process, but has to be clearly framed. Map of NRPMA geosites (see table ) See the results and details on the table left above. Results Inventory (summary) and assessment of the RNPMA geosites (above) and cultural sites related to geology (below) France Loire river Rhône river Aspiring Geopark of Monts d’Ardèche section criteria Inventory Inventory EGN candidature Park management Ardèche geological society Site management E protection status, damages, threats, property Interests for tourism D access, existing use (all kind), interpretive facilities (theme, target audience,...), aesthetic, tourism services Interests for education C readibility of the phenomenon, representativeness, existing use, link with scool programs Scientific interest B main interests (geosciences fields), datation, description, geol. features, scientific interest (publications) Description localisation A name, description, localisation, area many specific criteria are required for the application; both scientific and tourism/management criteria; sites have to be distributed in the whole area for political reasons; needs data for sites management; interested in sharing information if the protection of the sites is increased mostly interested in scientific criteria and protection Level of interest Science Education Tourism Protection Ecology Culture Equipement and/or interpretation Central value / scientific value Central value / scientific value Promotion / education Promotion / visit conditions Protection / protection status, threats Additional values Additional values Promotion / education Criteria for EGN application Type Corresponding module in Lausanne method* yes/no yes/no yes/no yes/no value 1-3 value 1-3 value 1-3 value 1-3 * Reynard and al. 2014 Assessment Management Selection of potential geosites Preliminary list Geosites assessement Final list Managment strategy Geosites uses Evaluation by the users Field and bibliographic work Classical method for geosites inventory (Reynard and al. 2014) Process in the RNPMA Stakeholder Field and bibliographic work Selection of potential geosites Preliminary list = 87 potential geosites Creation of a local framework (information needed) Geosites assessement Creation of a local framework (aim of the assessment) Final list = 56 geosites (A); 31 sites of interest (B + C) This process is based on expert assessment. The role of the private company is to provide advices and to coordinate the inventory process. Local specialists RNPMA Private company Trainees

Transcript of Application of geosites assessment method · Church with atypical facade, made of yellow tufa,...

Page 1: Application of geosites assessment method · Church with atypical facade, made of yellow tufa, granite, trachyte and red scoria Temple built between 1837 and 1841 to serve as place

Simon Martin1, Amandine Perret1, Pierre Renau2, Olivier Cartier-Moulin2, Géraldine Regolini-Bissig1

1 Bureau d'étude Relief, Ch. des Oisillons 9, CH-1860 Aigle | [email protected] 2 GME CalcEre, Montagny, FR-73340 Arith

Application of geosites assessment method in geopark candidacy procedure

300 ma250-290 ma

190 ma

300 ma8.8 ma

47 ka

10-8 ma10 ma

10-7 ma

8.5 ma8 ma7 ma

6.5 ma7-8 ma

7 ma

375 ka130 ka120 ka80 ka 80 ka80 ka80 ka

80-40 ka80-47 ka

40 ka

47 ka49 ka

47 ka

80 ka

7-5 ma

17 ka

CarboniferousPermianTriassicTriassic/ JurassicJurassicJurassic




NeogeneNeogeneNeogeneNeogeneNeogeneNeogeneNeogeneNeogeneNeogeneNeogeneNeogeneNeogeneNeogeneNeogeneNeogeneNeogeneNeogenePleistoceneMid. PleistoceneMid. PleistoceneMid. PleistoceneUp. PleistoceneUp. PleistoceneUp. PleistoceneUp. Pleistocene

Up. PleistoceneUp. PleistoceneUp. Pleistocene

Up. PleistoceneUp. Pleistocene

Up. Pleistocene

Up. Pleistocene


Up. PleistoceneUp. Pleistocene











outcropoutcropoutcrop; reptile printsoutcropoutcrop; sandstone slaboutcrop; slump

viewpoint; contact zoneexample of granite erosionexample of granite erosionviewpoint; outcropviewpoint; outcropexample of sandstone erosion


hydrothermal vent; maarhot spring

polyphase volcano

phonolitic protrusionphonolitic domephonolitic protrusionring dykephonolitic protrusion

maar; lava lakephonolitic dome

neck; dykephonolitic dome; maar


strombolian volcanostrombolian volcano

strombolian volcano; quarrystrombolian volcanomaar



Prades, St-Cirgues de Prades, Jaujac, ... LargentièreSt-Julien-du-SerreVernoux-en-Vivarais


Les VansMontselgues


Ribes, St-André-Lachamp, BeaumontChalencon, BeauvèneChaudeyrolles


Saint-ClémentJaunac, AcconsSte-Eulalie, le Béage, Cros-de-Géorand

Borée, les Estables, la Rochette, ChaudeyrolleSte Eulalie, St-Martial


GenestelleGourdonSt-Julien-BoutièresChaudeyrollesMontpezat-sous-BauzonAlleyrac, Presailles, le Monastier-sur-GazeilleSt-MartialBorée, Saint MartialLachamp-RaphaëlSt-Cirgues-en-Montagne, Cros de Géorand,...MeyrasMontpezat, Thueyts

AntraiguesMontpezat-sous-BauzonPont-de-LabeaumeJaujac, Fabras

MeyrasMontpezat, Burzet








Prades-Jaujac-La Souche Carboniferous BassinLes FourniolsReptile prints in Triassic sandstone Le Bois du FourLa Jaubernie CavesSubmarine landslide

Naves Cirque

Granite Boulders of la BorneBelvedere and formation of the Eyrieux ValleySerre de GruasBaumicou WaterfallAubépin Valley near Moudeyres

Metamorphism of the Labeaume ValleyChalencon - Pont de Chervil QuarryDents du Mézenc

Doris and Mofette MaarHot water fountain

Boutières Cirque

Rocher de Brion

Phonolitic plug of ChabrièresMont MézencGerbier de Jonc and Loire SourceRing structure of Pradoux et SaraRoches de BoréeVolcano du Don Volcano de ChirouzeSuc de MontivernouxRocher d'AjouxVolcanic Neck of Crau Roche de GourdonBasalte Quarry of St Julien BoutièresChaudeyrolles Maar and Mont SignonLe ChambonMonts BreysseSaint Martial LakeBorée Maar and Echamps Plateau

Phonolitic plug of Bauzon

Gravenne de MontpezatCoupe d’Aizac VolcanoAntraiguesChâteau de Pourcheyrolles

Pont du Diable Gravenne de ThueytsVolcano du SouilholVestide du Pal

Les 5 sucs











Sedimentological Sites

Geomorphological Sites

Petrographical Sites

Hydrogeological Sites

Volcanic Sites

Code Name of the geosite Commune Geosite






l of i
















Era Period Age



ent a



Roman Church built of standstones

Church designated «Monument Historique»,made of granite

Roman Church in the hamlet of Niégles

Church with atypical facade, made of yellow tufa, granite, trachyteand red scoriaTemple built between 1837 and 1841 to serve as place of worshipfor the protestant parish of St-Etienne-de-Serres Dyke topped with 3 crosses near the Church

Castle with nice view of orthogneiss outcrops and

Castle in front of the site of Pont de LabeaumeCastle built on the Crau volcano

elements of the rural heritage: terrasses, bridges, mills, ...

Lime kiln alongside the trail from Pas à Bres to Gratte, the kiln usedthe dolomitic levels of the Middle TriassicMillstones extraction siteOutstanding archaeological heritage, wine making vatscarved into sandstoneSmall grinding mill with horizontal wheel

Monumental contemporary art installation in «cromlech» stylemade of phonolites, on each stone texts or pictures are inscribed

The wine cellar explores the nature of the soil in their winepromotion. On sandstones: wine terrasses of Balbiac

Exhibition about the growing techniques and the civilisation ofchestnut trees

Spring and mineral water plant of Reine des Basaltes and Pestrin

Fountain located in the Parc de Vals, producing a geyser

Eco-museum, geological approach to the history of the hot springs

History of the springs of Morcols, discovery of the Janvier spring

Visits, animations and exhibitions about wind power, including asection about the formation of the Mézenc Massif

Museum about archeology, geology and local handicraft

Tourist village with thatched cottages and museum

Farm «Monument historique», phonolite roof, basalt prisme pillars.Example of traditional vernacular architecture

Educational trail and visit to discover the heritage of dry stone

Mill built in1891, animations, visits and regional products

Discovery trail of the ancient quarry, nice view on the principalbuildings from the road

Remains of the iron mines of Aihlon

In 1821 a meteorite of 91 kg hit the ground at this place.

Historical Heritage

Built and vernacular Heritage

Gastronomy and Wine Hertitage

Hydrological Heritage

Sites to visit

Mining heritage

Astronomical sites




MeyrasPont-de-LabeaumeMalarce sur la Thines


St-Etienne de Serre

Fay sur Lignon


Vallée de la Drobie



Laval d'Aurelle




Asperjoc, Meyras


St Laurent-les-Bains



Les Vans







Church of St-Julien-du-Serre

Church of Saint-Clément

Church «Notre Dame de LaPervenchère»

Church of MeyrasChurch of NièglesChurch of Thines

Church of Borée

Fival Temple

Fay-sur-Lignon Crosses

Rochebonne CastleVentadour CastleCrau Castle

Schists terraces of Drobie - Lauzes trail

Lime Kiln of Chambon de Gratte

Quarry of Fromenterol Wine making vats carvedout of rockMill at Laval d’Aurelle

Tchier de Borée

Cooperative wine cellarLa Cévenole

Chestnut Grove Museum

Mineral water plant

Intermittent fountain and springs of Vals Odyssée des eaux, thermal

Exhibition about mineral water

Ecole du vent

Musée des Vans

Village with thatched cottages

Bourlatier Farm

Ecomuseum «des terrasses»

Mandy Mill

Raoul Mill

Ancient quarry of Ste

Ancient quarry of calamineRemains of mines at theBois de Vouge

Juvinas Meteorite







SNG 36


SNG 12

SNG 13

SNG 14

SNG 15

SNG 16

SNG 17

SNG 18

SNG 19

SNG 20

SNG 21

SNG 22

SNG 23

SNG 24

SNG 25

SNG 26

SNG 27

SNG 28

SNG 29

SNG 30

SNG 31

SNG 32

SNG 33

SNG 34















GastronomicalSNG 38 Maison du Fin Gras Chaudeyrolles

Religious Heritage

St-Julien du Serre




















Roman Church with outstanding polychromatic facade(trachyte, red and black scoria, granite)

Ancient quarry of calamine (Zn)



AstronomicalSNG 37 MarsPlanet Mars Observatory with large telescope

HydrologicalSNG 35 Peat bog of Montselgues Montselgues Natural site on the plateau of Montselgues presenting peat bogsand a particular fauna and fauna

EquipmentCode Name of the site Commune Description Interest Tourist site


Inventory and assessment process

Inventory criteria

Assessment criteria

Acknowledgements and references



& P









In 2014 the Natural Regional Parc of Monts d’Ardèche (NRPMA) is candidate to the European Geopark Network (EGN). In this context an inventory of geosites within the whole territory (2.280 km2) has been carried out.

The inventory and assessment is based on the method from Reynard et al. (2007) but it has been deeply modi�ed in order to �t with the aims and the speci�cities of the context:

1. The EGN requirements;2. Absence of any existing inventory;3. Short time;4. Presence of local specialists;5. Coordination by a private company.

The selection of the criteria and more speci�cally the level of detail was a complex issues because the inventory has to ful�ll many di�erent objectives (multiple stakeholders).

The authors thank the management of the Regional Natural Park of Monts d’Ardèche, in particular N. Klee, and the Ardèche Geological Society, in particular M. Aymes and G. Naud.

Reynard, E., Fontana, G., Kozlik, L. & Scapozza, C. (2007). A method for assessing « scienti�c » and « additional values » of geomorphosites. Geographica Helvetica, 3, 148-158.Reynard, E. , Perret A., Buchmann M., Bussard J., Grangier L., Martin S. (2014). A method for assessing the intrinsic value and management potentials of geomorphosites. In Abstract volume EGU, Vienna.

Assessment is based on the criteria and data from the inventory. It is extremely simpli�ed (some assessment are only yes or no criteria) but full�ll the requirements of the EGN.The assessment has been carried out during an only meeting by the experts of theArdèche geological society and a representative of the Park management. Expert-based assessment guarantees sound data and a quick process, but has to be clearly framed.

Map of NRPMA geosites (see table )

See the results and details on the table left above.

Results Inventory (summary) and assessment of the RNPMA geosites (above) and cultural sites related to geology (below)


Loire river

Rhône river

Aspiring Geoparkof Monts d’Ardèche

section criteriaInventory Inventory



Ardèchegeological society

SitemanagementE protection status, damages, threats, property

Interests fortourismD access, existing use (all kind), interpretive facilities (theme,

target audience,...), aesthetic, tourism services

Interests foreducationC readibility of the phenomenon, representativeness, existing

use, link with scool programs

Scienti�cinterestB main interests (geosciences �elds), datation, description,

geol. features, scienti�c interest (publications)

DescriptionlocalisationA name, description, localisation, area

many speci�c criteriaare required for theapplication;

both scienti�c andtourism/managementcriteria;

sites have to be distributedin the whole area forpolitical reasons;

needs data for sitesmanagement;

interested in sharinginformation if the protectionof the sites is increased

mostly interested inscienti�c criteria andprotection

Level of interestScienceEducationTourismProtectionEcologyCulture

Equipement and/or interpretation Central value / scienti�c valueCentral value / scienti�c valuePromotion / educationPromotion / visit conditionsProtection / protection status, threatsAdditional valuesAdditional values

Promotion / educationCriteria for EGN application Type Corresponding module in Lausanne method*



value 1-3value 1-3value 1-3value 1-3

* Reynard and al. 2014







Selection of potentialgeosites

Preliminary list

Geosites assessement

Final list

Managment strategy

Geosites uses

Evaluation by the users

Field and bibliographic work

Classical methodfor geosites inventory(Reynard and al. 2014)

Process in the RNPMA Stakeholder

Field and bibliographic work

Selection of potentialgeosites

Preliminary list = 87 potential geosites

Creation of a local framework

(information needed)

Geosites assessement

Creation of a local framework

(aim of the assessment)

Final list = 56 geosites (A); 31 sites of interest (B + C)

This process is based on expert assessment.The role of the private company is to provide advices and to coordinate the inventory process.

Local specialists RNPMA Private company Trainees