Application 2020 Transportation Growth Management Grant...2020 Transportation Growth Management...

2020 Transportation Growth Management Grant Application Instructions Be sure to download and review the 2020 application packet before filling out this grant application. The application packet, additional resources, and examples of successful applications can be found on the TGM planning grants page. You can save your progress and revisit this form at any time by clicking the "Save" button at the bottom of each page. Applications must be received by July 31, 2020 at 11:59 p.m. (PDT) Applicant information Instructions: Complete this information for the applicant. Provide both a designated contact and an authorized representative (if different than the designated contact) for your entity. The authorized representative is someone who is authorized to make decisions and sign a funding agreement with ODOT should your project be chosen for funding. Primary applicant jurisdiction City of Yachats Mailing address P.O. Box 345, Yachats, Oregon 97498 Website Contact person name Justin Peterson Contact person title Contract Planner on behalf of OCWCOG Contact phone (541) 924-8420 Contact email [email protected] Would you like to receive TGM news and updates? Yes Authorized representative name, if different from the applicant contact

Transcript of Application 2020 Transportation Growth Management Grant...2020 Transportation Growth Management...

Page 1: Application 2020 Transportation Growth Management Grant...2020 Transportation Growth Management Grant Application Instructions Be sure to download and review the 2020 application packet

2020 Transportation Growth Management Grant ApplicationInstructionsBe sure to download and review the 2020 application packet before filling out this grant application.

The application packet, additional resources, and examples of successful applications can be found on the TGM planning grants page.

You can save your progress and revisit this form at any time by clicking the "Save" button at the bottom of each page.

Applications must be received by July 31, 2020 at 11:59 p.m. (PDT)

Applicant informationInstructions: Complete this information for the applicant. Provide both a designated contact and an authorized representative (if different than the designated contact) for your entity. The authorized representative is someone who is authorized to make decisions and sign a funding agreement with ODOT should your project be chosen for funding.

Primary applicant jurisdictionCity of Yachats

Mailing addressP.O. Box 345, Yachats, Oregon 97498


Contact person nameJustin Peterson

Contact person titleContract Planner on behalf of OCWCOG

Contact phone(541) 924-8420

Contact [email protected]

Would you like to receive TGM news and updates?Yes

Authorized representative name, if different from the applicant contact

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Shannon Beaucaire

Authorized representative titleCity Manager

Phone(541) 547-3565 x102

[email protected]

List other participating local jurisdictions (if any)List other participating local jurisdictions (if any)Participating local jurisdiction Providing match?

Project name and locationProject titleCity of Yachats Transportation System Plan

Project area: Using either of the two fields below, attach a map of the project area or describe the area your project is located in.

Option 1: Project area mapzoning map.pdf

Option 2: Project area descriptionStreet Network within Yachats City Limits

ODOT region (1-5)Region 2

ODOT Region Map

Type of grantCategory 1: Transportation System Planning

Summary description of projectThe City of Yachats is applying for this grant to create a Transportation System Plan (TSP). The current Circulation Plan was developed in 1999. The City of Yachats has grown significantly since the development of the Circulation Plan. Furthermore, the population of the city will triple during peak tourist season and overwhelm the transportation network. The lack of a TSP creates challenges for project prioritization. A TSP will guide future transportation decisions for the city.

Project cost table

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TGM funds requested


Local reimbursement

Total TGM funds requested$140,000.00

Local match 12% minimum (calculated)$19,090.91

Match to be provided

Labor, supplies and services during project$19,090.91

Payment when Intergovernmental Agreement is signed

CertificationsCertificationsThis application was prepared by staff of the primary applicant or staff of one of the involved jurisdictions

Certifications checkboxBy checking this box, I certify that my organization listed above supports the proposed project, has the legal authority to pledge matching funds, and has the legal authority to apply for Transportation and Growth Management funds. I further certify that matching funds are available or will be available for the proposed project.

Eligibility requirements

Applications are reviewed on a pass/fail basis on each of the following three requirements.

Applications found to not meet each of these requirements will not be scored against the award criteria and will not be awarded a grant.

1. Clear transportation relationship

A proposed project must have a clear transportation relationship and produce transportation benefits. A project must entail analysis, evaluation and selection of alternatives, development of implementation actions, and public involvement that results in a long range transportation plan, land use plan, or other product that addresses a transportation problem, need, opportunity, or issue of local or regional importance.

Certification: Clear transportation relationshipBy checking this box, I certify that the project meets this eligibility criterion.

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2. Adoption of products to meet project objectives

A proposed project must include preparation of an adoption-ready product or products that lead to a local policy decision and that directly address the project objectives, such as a transportation system plan, comprehensive plan amendment, land use plan, code amendment, implementation program, or intergovernmental agreement. Projects are expected to include adoption hearings (or equivalent) by the governing body or to prepare products which will be adopted as part of a larger project.

Certification: Adoption of products to meet project objectivesBy checking this box, I certify that the project meets this eligibility criterion.

3. Support of local officials

A proposed project must clearly demonstrate that local officials, both the primary applicant and any co-applicants, understand the purpose of the grant application and support the project objectives. A resolution of support, meeting minutes, or authorized letter from the governing body of all applicants (e.g. City Council, Board of Commissioners, or Transit Board) must be submitted with the application to meet this requirement.

Upload your resolution, minutes or authorized letter from governing body of applying jurisdiction(s) here:Signed TGM res_ (002).pdf

Award criteria

Criterion 1: Proposed project addresses a need and supports TGM objectives (up to 40 points)

The project clearly and effectively addresses a local or regional transportation or transportation-related land use issue, problem, need, or opportunity and will achieve one or more of the TGM objectives.

Application instructions and example responses can be found here.

Explain how your proposed project addresses a need and supports TGM objectivesa. The transportation needs in Yachats have changed over the past two decades since the City adopted the Village Circulation Plan. Not only are general traffic demands higher, but there has been increased local and statewide interest in providing transportation options beyond a conventional automobile. In particular, there has been an increase in transit service, as well as growing local interest in walking and biking.

Being equally situated between Florence and Newport, Yachats currently serves as a transfer point between two coastal transit routes; the Florence-Yachats Connector operated by Lane Transit District and the South County route operated by Lincoln County Transit. Both routes are recent additions to the regional transit network, and Yachats has not yet had the opportunity to fully integrate these transit amenities into its overall transportation systems. Further, with the help of a TSP Yachats could develop into a small transit hub, providing amenities to travelers as they transfer between routes.

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A desire for more walking and biking routes through town, has led to the beginnings of a local trail system including the 804 trail. The TSP process will be the first opportunity for Yachats to plan a robust and interconnected network.

b. Yachats has a small geographic footprint, making it theoretically ideal for high walk and bike mode shares. However, the current infrastructure doesn’t provide an adequate level of comfort for all residents to regularly choose modes beyond their car. Additionally, the City has discussed ideas for a centrally located parking lot where residents or visitors could park once, and access all their desired destinations by walking or a small shuttle.

Being situated on the coast, Yachats benefits from segments of both the Oregon Coast Bike and Hiking Trails running along the coast line. Improving connections from these trail amenities to a larger community trail system would improve access for residents as a recreation site, supporting health and quality of life.

c. Support economic vitality and growth by planning for land uses and the movement of people and goods. In 2017 the City of Yachats constructed sidewalks and pedestrian crossing improvements along US 101 in an effort to improve the City’s walkability. These improvements included pedestrian bulb outs which have caused vocal dissatisfaction among residents since their implementation. 2nd and 3rd Streets intersect US 101 at an acute angle, which makes right turns off of south-bound 101 a challenge, and the City has received multiple reports of drivers hitting or running over the curb when making the turn. 2nd Street is one of the main access points for Yachats State Park, which is a desirable tourism draw as well as an important recreation site for residents.

The turning issue is a particular problem for freight trucks attempting to deliver to the C&K Market located at 2nd St & US 101. Currently, the largest trucks are unable to make the turn to deliver products, and instead have begun using local streets as alternate access routes. C&K Market is the only full service grocery store in Yachats, and as such the City has a strong interest in keeping the business viable.

While the permanent population of Yachats is small, during the peak tourism season the population nearly triples, placing strain on the current transportation system which wasn’t designed to accommodate that level of traffic. Additionally, Yachats’ economy relies heavily on tourism, so current hindrances to tourist movement may be negatively impacting the City’s economic vitality. Improvements to both the road and trail networks would serve to attract additional tourism and boost the Yachats economy.

d. The Yachats TSP will evaluate the appropriate land uses and transportation network needed to accommodate residential and employment growth. One objective of the Plan is to promote transportation options and reduce vehicle trips.

The City of Yachats currently does not have comprehensive list of future road improvements. The TSP will develop a list of future projects and help the city prioritize projects, which will reduce costs of system improvements and maintenance, and to maintain acceptable system operation levels.

As Yachats grows, the TSP will become a valuable resource to guide growth in an economically sustainable way that promotes transportation options and efficient land uses.

e. Yachats is interested in improving and expanding transit options and improved bicycle and pedestrian facilities that will increase the likelihood of using more environmentally friendly methods of travel.

Criterion 2: Proposed project is timely and urgent (up to 25 points)

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The application demonstrates timeliness and urgency. The project is needed now to:

address pressing local transportation and land use issues

make amendments to local plans or regulations necessitated by changes in federal regulations, state requirements or regional plans

make amendments to local plans or regulations necessitated by changes that were not anticipated in previous plans, including growth or lack of growth, changes in land-use patterns or changes in available funding

build on, complement or take a necessary step toward completing or implementing other high priority community initiatives, including Governor's Regional Solutions Team priority

resolve transportation or land use-related issues affecting the project readiness of local, regional or state transportation projects for which funding is expected to be obligated within the near future

Application instructions and example responses can be found here.

Explain how your proposed project is timely and urgentOne of the most pressing transportation concerns in Yachats is freight traffic accessing C&K Market. With trucks unable to make a right-hand turn off US 101 to deliver products, freight traffic has shifted to using Ocean View Drive as an alternate truck route. Ocean View Drive is relatively narrow, so the City has temporarily made it a south-bound one-way from 7th St to 2nd St to accommodate the freight vehicles and provide a pedestrian pathway. However, directing freight traffic to Ocean View Drive is not an ideal long-term solution as Ocean View Drive is experiencing erosion, which may be heightened by the recent increase in freight traffic.

In 2019, the City of Yachats attempted to apply for the TGM Quick Response Program to address the US 101 curb issues, and were directed by TGM program staff Stacey Goldstein (Letter dated December 12, 2019) that developing a TSP would be the best way to address these issues and the broader transportation concerns within the City. A site visit in March 2020 by Area 4 Manager Savannah Crawford and Region 2 Bicycle & Pedestrian Liaison Jenna Berman also resulted in the recommendation that Yachats pursue the development of a TSP. The TSP update is timely and urgent, and the city pursued other options to prior to submitting this grant application.

The delay in this project will create increased cost for the city because of the lack of a project list. A project list will reduce costs of system improvements and maintenance, and to maintain acceptable system operation levels.

Criterion 3: Proposed project approach is reasonable (up to 20 points)

The application demonstrates a clear approach to achieving the expected outcome and includes consideration for adoption. Where substantial coordination with other local, regional, and state planning efforts will need to occur, the mechanisms and responsibilities for the coordination are clear.

Application instructions and example responses can be found here.

Explain how your proposed project approach is reasonableThe application will follow the approach outlined in the TSP guidelines available online (

Public Engagement

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• Include a robust and equitable public involvement process that engages citizens and provides an opportunity for iterative review and feedback. The public engagement process meets the needs of Statewide Planning Goal 1 and engages Title VI populations in our community. The process includes stakeholder interviews, community meetings, and engagement with the City Council and Planning Commission. • Community meetings will include a project kickoff to establish a schedule and public involvement plan that includes multiple platforms and targeted outreach to discuss project objectives and goals. The City shall hold multiple public events to engage the public and gather input. • Yachats will form a technical advisory committee to oversee the process and include representatives from: the City, ODOT, members of the public, and any other agencies or groups that request representation. Goal Setting • Review local, regional, and statewide planning documents for existing goals, policies, and identified projects of regional importance. • Improve freight and tourist movement both through Yachats and to popular or frequent destinations.• Integrate the Oregon Coast Bike and Hiking Trails into a more robust community-wide trail system.• Identify parking congestion concerns and mitigation strategies, with an emphasis on the demands of peak tourism season.• Develop a goal setting process that evaluates criteria for project selection in a logical prioritization system. Projects will be selected based on the goals, but will also be evaluated by the advisory committee to prioritize needs over time. • Coalesce community interest in providing for transportation options that provide alternatives to single occupancy vehicle trips, potentially reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and providing safe and convenient mode choices

Existing Conditions • Inventory existing conditions of facilities as dictated by the Transportation Planning Rule: (1) Air; (2) Bicycle; (3) Marine; (4) Pedestrian; (5) Pipeline; (6) Rail; (7) Roadway; (8) Transit; and (9) Truck Freight, if applicable. • Identify major trip generators and unmet transportation needs of the population.• Evaluate existing conditions surrounding schools and barriers to safe routes to school.

Funding • Analyze the existing City budget to understand opportunities and constraints. • Identify resources that may be available in the future: urban renewal, Statewide Transportation Improvement Funds, Safe Routes to School funds, federal or other state funds, or local funding options.• Develop potential future funding scenarios to help determine the number and type of projects that can reasonably be accommodated within the time frame.

Analyze Future Conditions • Document existing conditions and gaps in modal equity or access. • Use population and employment forecasting to determine future capacity needs for all elements identified in the existing conditions inventory. • Use existing comprehensive plan and land use maps, as well as population and employment forecasts, to determine future travel demand needs. • Use the information from the existing conditions inventory to determine future deficiencies and needs for all transportation elements. • Develop or enhance GIS layers for transportation, including populations and employment forecasting, for use in both the TSP and in future transportation planning processes.

Project Evaluation • Examine gaps and deficiencies in transportation elements: Solutions should adhere to local,

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regional, and state goals, objectives, and policies, and should also be reasonable in nature and reflect the rural character of the community. • Evaluate projects for financial reasonableness: A fiscally-constrained set of projects, reasonably expected to be completed in the next 20 years, should be included, with identified potential funding source.

Final Plan • The final plan will be adopted by the Yachats City Council. The Comprehensive Plan and Development Code will be updated simultaneously to reflect adopted policies, maps, figures, tables, and images.

Criterion 4: Proposed project has community support (up to 5 points)

The application demonstrates that there is local support for project objectives, a commitment to participate, and a desire to implement the expected outcome.

Application instructions and example responses can be found here.

Upload letters of support from stakeholders hereLincoln Transit Letter of Support.City of Yachats.pdf

Mayor Moore Letter of Support.pdf

Criterion 5: Proposed project sponsor readiness and capacity (up to 10 points)

The application demonstrates that the local government is ready and able to begin the project within the TGM timetable and that there is local commitment and capability to manage and complete the project. The application demonstrates, if applicable, successful performance on previous TGM projects.

Application instructions and example responses can be found here.

Explain how proposed project sponsor is ready and capableWith support from Oregon Cascades West Council of Governments, the City of Yachats is ready and has the capacity to begin the project within the timeframe provided by the Transportation and Growth Management Program. City Staff, Oregon Cascades West Staff, City Council, Planning Commission are committed and capable of managing and participating in the development of a TSP.

Required formsTitle VI: Racial & Ethnic Impact Statement formRacial-Ethnic-Impact-Statement Signed.pdf

Download the Racial & Ethnic Impact Statement form here

Today's date7/24/2020

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If you encounter any issues with the submittal process, please contact:

Abigail EricksonPlanning Section Web [email protected]

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WHEREAS, the TGM Grant Program, distributed by the Oregon Departments ofTransportation and Land Conservation and Development, provides funds to help localgovernments develop integrated land use and transportation plans; and

WHEREAS, the City of Yachats does not have a Transportation System Plan and theYachats Village Circulation Plan completed in 1999;and

WHEREAS, the City ofYachats has seen increased growth and has an influx of touristsall year; and

WHEREAS, developing an efficient transportation system for all modes will require anupdated transportation system plan; and

WHEREAS, receipt of grant funds would support hiring the technical expertise neededto develop a TSP; and

WHEREAS, the Yachats City Council heard from the City's engineer abouttransportation studies and funding options, received public input, and discussedproceeding with a larger transportation study at its June 19, 2019 meeting; and

WHEREAS, the Yachats City Council discussed the Ocean View Drive transfer from theCounty, traffic circulation, and ODOT Transportation System Plan grants with theLincoln County Public Works Director, City Planner, and City Engineer and decided topursue grant funding for a comprehensive Transportation System Plan at its July 3,2019 meeting (Resolution 2019-84); and

WHEREAS, the Yachats City Council discussed the Transportation System Plan, TGMgrant, and ODOT Quick Response program and funding at its September 4 andSeptember 18, 2019 meetings; and

WHEREAS, the Yachats City Council discussed the Transportation System Plan, aCommunity Survey and ODOT Quick Response program and funding at its October 2meeting; and

WHEREAS, the Yachats City Council discussed the Transportation System Plan andODOT Quick Response program with ODOT representatives at its October 16 meetingand decided to proceed with applying for a Quick Response for directionality on OceanView Drive and addressing curbs on side streets; and

WHEREAS, the Yachats City Council received a determination from the ODOT Quick

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Response program that the aforementioned projects did not fit the eligibilityrequirements of the Quick Response program and were more suited to a TransportationSystem Study and the TGM grant would be pursued to support conducting aTransportation System Plan at its December 18, 2019 meeting; and

NOW THEREFORE, the City of Yachats resolves to1. Authorize the City Manager and Staff to submit an application for a TGM grant for

the purpose of developing a transportation system plan,2. Provide a staff match of at least 12 percent from wages and salaries as a grant

match, and

3. Authorizes the mayor to write a letter in support of the grant application.

This Resolution memorializes action taken by the Council on December 18, 2019 and iseffective as of that date.


By:W. John Moore, Mayor


Shannon Beaucaire, City Manager

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City of Yachats, OregonZONING MAP


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RACIAL AND ETHNIC IMPACT STATEMENT This form is used for informational purposes only and must be included with the grant application.

Chapter 600 of the 2013 Oregon Laws require applicants to include with each grant application a racial and ethnic impact statement. The statement provides information as to the disproportionate or unique impact the proposed policies or programs may have on minority persons1 in the State of Oregon if the grant is awarded to a corporation or other legal entity other than natural persons.

1. The proposed grant project policies or programs could have a disproportionate or unique positive impact onthe following minority persons:

Indicate all that apply:

Women Asians or Pacific Islanders Persons with Disabilities American Indians African-Americans Alaskan Natives Hispanics

2. The proposed grant project policies or programs could have a disproportionate or unique negative impact onthe following minority persons:

Indicate all that apply:

Women Asians or Pacific Islanders Persons with Disabilities American Indians African-Americans Alaskan Natives Hispanics

3. The proposed grant project policies or programs will have no disproportionate or unique impact on minoritypersons.

If you checked numbers 1 or 2 above, please provide below the rationale for the existence of policies or programs having a disproportionate or unique impact on minority persons in this state. Further provide evidence of consultation with representative(s) of the affected minority persons.

By checking this box, I hereby certify the information contained on this Dated: form is true, complete, and accurate to the best of my knowledge.

Printed Name: Title:

Agency Name:

1 “Minority person” are defined in SB 463 (2013 Regular Session) as women, persons with disabilities (as defined in ORS 174.107), African Americans, Hispanics, Asians, or Pacific Islanders, American Indians and Alaskan Natives.