Apple Computer Antonio

Apple Computer Apple computers were invented by three friends in the USA in1976. Today, Apple makes computers, iPods, iPhones and iPads. According* to Steve jobs, one of the founder* of Apple, he was coming back from an Apple farm* and he suddenly thought Apple was a fun* name for the company! Vocabulary: According to: según. Farm: granja. Founders: fundadores. Fun: divertido. Name: Antonio M. class: 5th



Transcript of Apple Computer Antonio

Apple Computer

Apple computers were invented by three friends in the USA in1976.Today, Apple makes computers, iPods, iPhones and iPads. According*to Steve jobs, one of the founder* of Apple, he was coming back from an Apple farm* and he suddenly thought Apple was a fun* name for the company!

Vocabulary: According to: segn. Farm: granja. Founders: fundadores. Fun: divertido.

Name: Antonio M. class: 5th