Apple by Manas


Transcript of Apple by Manas

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Welcome to apples story. Almost all of us have heard the story of apple relating with adam and eve ,issac newton. But now we are going to discuss the story of apple Inc. One of the most valued company in the world.1

Steve WozniakSteve Jobs

Apple was started in 1976 byRonald Wayne

Moving on idea of apple was born in 1974 in the minds of steve jobs steve wozniac ronald wayne. It was in 1976 when these three guys founded this company Apple.


Ronald Wayne..???Havent heard his name so far.Yes, he was one of the founding member but later in 1977 he sold his shares to other two partners at $800....(which worth around $35 billion today)

Most of us havent heard the name of ronald wayne however he was one of thr founding member who later on sold his shares to other two partners. He must have been regreting today since his shares worth 35 billion dollars today.3

1974The idea for Apple Computers wasBORNFirst Computer wasSOLD


The Macintosh wasINTRODUCED1984

The company founded in 1976 sold its first product APPle 1 in 1976 which was a bit successful. However the first grand success for the company was in 1984 by the introduction of Macintosh.4

1984The Macintosh wasINTRODUCED1985was dischargedSteve Jobs

Apples ceo Sculley and Jobs's visions for the company greatly differed. So the company witnessed the clashes between ceo sculley and co founder steve jobs which later on resulted in jobss resignation.5


Apple introduced all-in-onethe iMacAlso Apple unveiledthe iBook

In 1985 jobs resigned and after his resignation not a single product of the company was a success. However apple acquired the company NeXT founded by steve jobs meanwhile after his resignation in return steve jobs became interim CEO of the APPLE.6

And the Innovations continue

the company continued its trend of innovation and invented many more products. Which include computer series macintosh portable media player ipods and smartphone series iphones.7

2012Apple TV iPhone 52013iWork iLifeiPad Air 2014iPhone 6Xsan 42015Apple Watch Magic Mouse2016iPhone SESOONiPhone 7 Apple Car


Apple also provide software products which include iwork, ilife, xsan. In addition to this, iphone 7 and Apple car arethe new products of Apple which are in pipeline and will be entering in the market very shortly.8

Was known as Apple Computer Inc. till 2007.Leader in innovative product launches.Transformed the way of talking, playing, reading, listening music.Famous for its products like iPhone, iPad, iPod, MacBook etc.


In order to focus on non-computer products, Apple computer incorporation changed its name to Apple Inc. in 2007. It also contributes lions share as far as transforming the habits of people in terms of playing, talking, reading and listening is concerned.9

Mission Statement"Apple is committed to bringing the best personal computing experience to students, educators, creative professionals and consumers around the world through its innovative hardware, software and Internet offerings."

The mission of Apple focuses on building the trust and commitment among its users by way of providing quality products which are innovative and satisfying in nature.10

Vision StatementApple is committed in producing high quality products and providing high quality service thus setting high industry standards for other competitors.

Apples first priority is its brand image and goodwill in the market hence it never compromises with its quality and service as well.11

A Glance on Apple products....Hardware ProductsiPod Portable media player.iPhone Line of Smartphone.MacBook Brand of notebook computers.iPad iOS based line of tablet computers. Software Products iOS, MacOS, iWork, iLife, QuickTime, Aperture, GarageBand.

In order to survive in the cut throat competition, Apple always tries to differentiate its product by innovation. The grand success of Apple Ipod was the key reason behind introducing the non-computer products in the market.12

Marketing Strategies behind the success of Apple Inc.Continuous product innovationPrice skimming strategyVery narrow segmented target groupAppreciable budget plan for advertisementIntroducing affordable product range for gaining high market share.Strong support of media

The strategy formulation of Apple plays a crucial role while capturing high market share. Price skimming, segmented target groups, flexibility in launching of new products shows a positive symptom for long term survival in the market.13


The picture speaks itself about designing marketing strategies of Apple. It clarifies the policy formulation of Apple for both of its Target Audience and Competitors. 14

Highs and lows of the company.Failure of Apple ISuccess of Apple II and Macintosh.Jobss resignation.On the verge of Bankruptcy.Jobs returns.Success of iMac, iPod etc.

Every company has good and bad times so had Apple. Failure of its first product Apple resulted in losing one of its founding member however the succeeding products like apple 2 and macintosh were a great success. After Jobss resignation the company was on the verge of bankruptcy. 15

Faithful customersApple is a leading innovator in mobile device technologyStrong financial performance ($10,000,000,000 cash, gross profit margin 43.9% and no debt)Brand reputation


The strengths of Apple has strengthened its existence in the market. Some of them are customer relationship management, Brand Image, positive and strong financial performance.16

1.High price2.Decreasing market share3.Further Change in management4.Long term gross margin decline


Since its strengths are appreciable, it also has certain lacunas like high price and continuous fluctuations in its management may prove harmful.17

CHALLENGES Increasing market shareMaking the product more user friendlyCompeting with new entrantsMaintaining quality of the products by reducing the price.Making products readily available

The challenges are everywhere as opportunities bring challenges but its success lies in its tactful dealing and marching towards its target as very well did by Apple and will also perform the same in the coming future.18

RECAPAbout the companyGlance at Product range of AppleMarketing Strategies of AppleBrand Strategies of AppleHighs and Lows of the Apple Inc.SWOC analysis

The entire presentation throws light on the emergence of Apple Inc along with its product range, strategies adopted, its SWOC Analysis and ups and downs of Apple.19

CREDITSCourse material provided by Prof. Sameer Mathur WikipediaGoogle

The presentation would not be completed unless the guidance and support of Prof. Sammer Mathur and on net and off net sources.20

DISCLAIMERCreated by Mr.Manas Mondal, VNIT Nagpur during an marketing internship under Prof. Sameer Mathur , IIM Lucknow.

During the marketing internship, I have prepared this presentation as the partial fulfilment of the internship under the eminent supervision f Prof. Sameer Mathur.21