Appendix N Undergraduate Degree Program Graduating Student ... · Undergraduate Degree Program...

Appendix N Undergraduate Degree Program Graduating Student Exit Survey Form

Transcript of Appendix N Undergraduate Degree Program Graduating Student ... · Undergraduate Degree Program...

Page 1: Appendix N Undergraduate Degree Program Graduating Student ... · Undergraduate Degree Program Graduating Student Exit Survey Form. KSU BS CM Exit Survey Fall 2013 1. A. General Information

Appendix N

Undergraduate Degree Program Graduating Student

Exit Survey Form

Page 2: Appendix N Undergraduate Degree Program Graduating Student ... · Undergraduate Degree Program Graduating Student Exit Survey Form. KSU BS CM Exit Survey Fall 2013 1. A. General Information

KSU BS CM Exit Survey Fall 2013

1. A. General Information

Dear KSU CM Program Graduate:

As part of the Exit Interview Process please take 5 minutes to complete the below survey keeping in mind the below

listed objectives of the program:

Graduates of the KSU CM Program shall have the ability to:

1. Estimate project costs and schedules.

2. Hold progressively more responsible positions in construction related fields.

3. Engage in life-long learning.

4. Communicate effectively as a construction management professional with project team members and management.

5. Work effectively as a team player and provide leadership where needed.

6. Demonstrate ethical behavior as a professional with sensitivity to the impact of construction tasks on the environment

and the society.

7. Pursue and successfully complete an advanced degree where applicable.

8. Serve the changing needs of industry.

Please consider the above stated objectives while filling out the survey and thank you for making time to complete the


Page 3: Appendix N Undergraduate Degree Program Graduating Student ... · Undergraduate Degree Program Graduating Student Exit Survey Form. KSU BS CM Exit Survey Fall 2013 1. A. General Information

s ima e projec cos s and


Hold progressively more

responsible posi ions in

cons ruc ion rela ed ields

ngage in li e long


Communica e e ec ively as

a cons ruc ion managemen

pro essional wi h projec

eam members and


Work e ec ively as eam

player and provide

leadership where needed

Demons ra e e hical

behavior as s pro essional

wi h sensi ivi y o he impac

o cons ruc ion asks on he

environmen and socie y

ursue and success ully

comple e an advanced

degree where applicable

erve he changing needs

o indus ry

Marke ing

usiness Law

Risk Managemen

roblem olving

e ing Up Opera ing a


Revioewing ubmi als

hop Drawings

Financial lanning

Leadership Managemen

Marke ing kills

Risk Managemen

usiness kills

x v y

1 2 3 4 5 N

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Page 4: Appendix N Undergraduate Degree Program Graduating Student ... · Undergraduate Degree Program Graduating Student Exit Survey Form. KSU BS CM Exit Survey Fall 2013 1. A. General Information

x v y




lease provide a commen below i yes

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x v y

rchi ec ure

Cons ruc ion


O her

Wha is your curren posi ion?



no please provide commen s

ersonal Friend

Guidance Counselor


Websi e

Linked n


O her (please speci y)

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Page 6: Appendix N Undergraduate Degree Program Graduating Student ... · Undergraduate Degree Program Graduating Student Exit Survey Form. KSU BS CM Exit Survey Fall 2013 1. A. General Information

x v y



yes which ones?

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Page 7: Appendix N Undergraduate Degree Program Graduating Student ... · Undergraduate Degree Program Graduating Student Exit Survey Form. KSU BS CM Exit Survey Fall 2013 1. A. General Information

s ima ing



Managemen Leadership

ccoun ing Finance

a e y

Compu er pplica ions

lueprin pec Reading

Ma erials Me hods

ruc ures

Real s a e Developmen

rogram classes

uilding Codes

pecial y Concen ra ion

rogram classes

Wri en skills

Oral resen a ion skills



lec rical

Finance planning

x v y


1 2 3 4 5 N

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Page 8: Appendix N Undergraduate Degree Program Graduating Student ... · Undergraduate Degree Program Graduating Student Exit Survey Form. KSU BS CM Exit Survey Fall 2013 1. A. General Information

Wri ing kills

Oral resen a ion kills

Compu er based projec

managemen applica ions

Design uild ( M)

modeling applica ions

Compu er based es ima ing

Compu er based scheduling

Unders anding applying

L D principles

Financial lanning

Leadership Managemen

Marke ing kills

Risk Managemen

usiness kills

x v y

1 2 3 4 5 N



no why no ? yes did you ind hem help ul?




no in wha areas could more assis ance been provided?

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Page 9: Appendix N Undergraduate Degree Program Graduating Student ... · Undergraduate Degree Program Graduating Student Exit Survey Form. KSU BS CM Exit Survey Fall 2013 1. A. General Information

CM Facili ies

CM Labs

CM Classrooms

x v y


1 2 3 4 5

lease ell us how we may improve



lease speci y i yes

current persona ema address and phone number

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