Appendix-II(A) Environmental Clearance

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  • 8/6/2019 Appendix-II(A) Environmental Clearance


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    Par:.eyaran BhavarLC-G.O. Comr erq Lodi Road,Ne. .Delhi-I10003Dated the ii6 Marc[ 2007

    'Sub: , Environmental,CJeaianee:,fof 416 t4aing from MPIMH Border to Dhule (Total tenEn-,97.5 Kqs.) on NH-3 in the State of Maharashtra under NHDP IIIA br IWs NationalIlighway Authqrity of India, Environmental Clearance - regarding. iReference is invited from, Nation:rl Highway Authority of Indi:: vide letters

    No.1 ldl3/l/2klGM(Entt))1323, d2td,2.2.2007 have Urei tateo i"t" .""""'"t - - 'The project road slarts from Km. 168.500 near MP-M"ft".rnt- Border and ends at Km.265.00 at Dhuie, covering a toiai length of 96.5 km as,pqr old chain4ge rvhile E9 ! m as per nc.r,,project chaninage. The r:oad ialls in Dhule district in the State of lv{aharashtra. The tanrl use pattern oftheprcject area is mostly agricultural (587o), forest (2C?'.,) ard friiuw (i2nL'1.l-iic;:.isiing Right ofWay varies from 22m t.o 45mand the proposed ROW is 60 m. Approximately 321.i I ha of land isbeing acquirtd. The project road passes through several patches of Reserved Forest No rvildlife isreported in the forest zrnea. About 64.46 tn of forest area is propgsed to be acquired for the projectroad.The length of new atignment is2l.7 kms wirh 6 m width.'The length of the existing alignment

    of 67.25 knr r'vith *idth of 22 to 45 m rvill be strengthened and widened- The total new alignment forthe prcject will be 89 kms. Theie'are'3 major bridles, 38 minor bridges, I ROt, rgO cui;erb ;J tundqrpasses in the project area. Service roads of length 27.25 l

  • 8/6/2019 Appendix-II(A) Environmental Clearance


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    z3q9c) -,,I il; a*"*r;;t iroporr' * ;r" 6!,[email protected] daq due to whichaxisfing'llH:3 will be under submergence' - -- .-.F : B19ass,o;'i;#-; N"s*,,'lil6"={K; zsz.+ggt ,,253.300J1'Tornb and burial'groundis ided. i: " 'j',>, ,Minor.,,rlxlignments for geometrical improrrements at.5's'tretches on project lengtlr for a-,'i&E-iuii65fi:ei m'- '' ** due to:the rproject About 54ooAbout,'4055'people of 744 famities are going t" !: ftrees are .felled for the project.:Thidtitit* will be planted ofthat number of trees to befelled. The:b,udget for Cnvironmental ***9-Tt-{ ;orl

  • 8/6/2019 Appendix-II(A) Environmental Clearance


    (xiv) isuitable,:under passes should be proVidedlfor aniinal crossings along the alignment close toReserve Forest.(xv) The number of cross drainage *o.ks may be increaseci for free flow of water during floods asthe alignment passes through micro drainage areas and flood passage :ueas.(ivili 'l'G*o Urt development may be undertaken; orgg"rt d in EM!.(*"il The prqlec! proponeut should obtain necssary permission from the State lrrigation:"'',Dgpattme11.,befo,1e,.,-{iq1yj99,,.Ip|g'fi:om.the.'riyer,sonrces for the purpreise of tfu proposedso-lqtruchon activrty- No "groutd tr;r ,should''ber,drawn,,for th" proje"q if this t lxsinti+, rpqrmission &'orn,qtg concerned Authorrty should be taken in this regard. .(xviii) Longitudinal drains shoui

  • 8/6/2019 Appendix-II(A) Environmental Clearance


    xtTffiJi:T'Hf:llf;*"t.'$;T$l"l;,:Hl"*11ff$'1?ia$= ' , ';v\ The constructionornaw"r?r" "pptoouts ftom lIlE w'-'riv) t ttc t'"o" o" op"n"tn of the oonstruc.non

    material so that it,"gutq' ,. ,,

    ", t*:::f#f*:":;"tffi#::;;; " .;;;in;*',n,opotv rwartedandd other scars created during

    the road corlsttuv"-" --. the df*ails in thisvi) Borrow pitt s ^r., ""habilitafid and'-' treated"

    T:"ni..*ntJl;f;uTiio* "' : *re proid * i,,,p,*"* G uro'"*a t,,''D:;Jt:'ff':il - r must be nade inviii) ^1131"" financial provisionfilust "-

    ^-.,irr :r#,llr*tjT:r"";: "'r",u1"ruaris LX T:,TT ;ilJ,:S":*,,ffi:tr"1 ,,$ H;*T?"?lr,{"li:#**:,,:: - irHr?,"*:ffij"rl"*i""" *'g*{u'**:rutnt*m*;" -""ff#{i,il^llflllH*iu1 : ,"a;;.Regional or,"" ortr,i, *rnrstry at-s) Fuii suppo' Proiect P'1t' fuli detattotrrer snvi^--. -"TffH:tf'ff;f;'Hlff*-noi'ion'sr) r six-f;;g;$iil::#J: f;*J,,Tllillff,r$i.;:!:: orBhopal r - ['"Tsff# #].] re conditions stipulated arexii) rhe. YH:|,T .*"#h::[ crearance ir any or tr''""*fiitl*'*-""*':S:#i:;'{*'f il.;*p***":::,--^.J;-***1""ffiJ'rffi***i ,-. *,..*.*t*, HH:"rerere' f*1,$t*H: ny, frov)Te l,fi:T',J.,:.;*Hfr*r* r##,:,-T':"inu:1ur ;futru;t*:t'ttttffiS;q11)Acopror:l#:m::r',Xm::"::::"':";T:ffi ,SlJ::ffilh,.H;ill:,1vh

    r:'"l'il "l,l:l fi ; ;il::: Jl3$;ill'Jilllx."' fl$t"klJ,ti'l'*?:;tt ' ' ' ,*ffin:"'::ir at the Regca.',:;':;:;;::':,"J:$:"'?:'LTsfi"ilT'15to::l+;:'lH rra'ledI iileili*# $*** : Fi '"':$ l?:*'H i-\?-ir)

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    Website of the Ministv of .Tln1oTY:^*.:":1|]l ^# bfto'l//www'envfoi'iric'in Theadverrisemen, ,rro.rrJ'ilili"o""**r1td;-il the daf,e ot i.s*iloE" "rttt"att"" letter and acopy of se *-" rnoJii" t".*Jro,"al nt*t"J-ofnce ofthis Miuistry atBhopal', . - - ---^l :- oL^ araiant itcetltior) The solid rvaste generated should be safelv T*" ":::* in the prqiect itself'..Thesestrprulationswglldbeenforcedamong:th"ounderthepro$sionsofWater

    (prevention *a c.nffiiirr;ii*r"ge".ibl+, c err pr"*'unrion and control of Pollution) Act'1 e8 1, the Environrnent .lProt3ctionl-*i:it #:*i"t#g-l*' Act' I ee I ff "^iijifJjil:{iix*tr&Ht *li;li#ffi"}rurdr*v"*" '-,\

    tDr. A. fdthil vel)Additional DirectorTo The Chairman,' LN;,tonal Highways Authority of India

    G-5&6' Se'ctor 10, Dwarka'Ner+ Delhi-ll0 C45'

    Copy fn, oecessary action to:-:.t. Chiet' Conser'roatoi'of Forests' Ministry" nag;;"''Kendril'a Paryataran Bhavan"of Environmentand Forests' negioryl gffio' Western

    " il; il;-Nc-:' nu"itttutit"t nota' Bhopal -a62016(M.P.). int, 3d and 4b Floor, $ioa Matungaz \lil*1;;1: ;"il;1ll*l"Jill',,?;5u.[11T5#H; c;;L sion GaJj, r"r"*uui4A0072.3. The Secretary'' Ministry of Roarl Transport & Highrvays' TXJ3ffi*133,1or, n"tution control Boar* parivesh Bhavan, cBD-c'm- office comple:r"g"tt etj"" l{agar' Dslhi -110032';t;t-Glt), foioittty of Environment & Forests'frreRegilnJ0ffi""Cell,MoEF' l\H


    Guard File :Monitoring,File1nr. e.a6thil Vel)Additional Director

  • 8/6/2019 Appendix-II(A) Environmental Clearance


    ii. jlJo. 3-'/ :VZ\}B- I: C(iovr:r'n rLrent of inclia

    ). 1.::..;l:". :; l !iil..:::;;-.:;.::-,'J -:i1,.1 I,l}'i::;,.:(Jr.C. Division)Iralyavaran Bh.rrvan,CGO Cornplex, I-ciclhi i{oaci,New Delhi - 110 003.

    .-Dated: 1?-tl. Janualv, 2009.I't I

    'I'he Plincipal Secletary (Irorests),Govelnment o{ MahalashUa,I(ervt,r nue ancj ts Deuar.[rnent, .Nlantlalaya, Mumbai - 400032.

    Sttlr: t)ivet'siotr o{ 63.761.8 ha of {olest land for construction & expansicrn ofe.

  • 8/6/2019 Appendix-II(A) Environmental Clearance


    5. Nlonitolinll Cell, lvlinistry of Envilonment and Folests6. Grralcl File.

    Yours faithfully..., 1',!j-':;-'-'',(B.I( singir)

    Sr. Assistant Inspectcrr General of Folests

    UV{-)! ., --.(n. Ri Singh)Sr. Assistant hlspector General of Forests

    (iii) Copy ol lhe Iligh Corrr'f's orclel ancl state govcl'nnlelllis opiuion on iheolcler for implernenLa tj.on.

    Copy io:1. 'l'he [''i'in,,:ipa1 Chief Conservatoi cf Forcsts, Covelniiient of ],'{;iii-.,_ lNagpur.v?,, 't'he Norlal Officer, Iolest Depalhnent,,'Government of Maharashh'a, Nagptrr.3. ']'he Chief Conservator of ljorest, Itegional Office, I3hopal4, User Agency ,#