APPENDIX I (See paragraph – 6) FORM

Masonry Stone & Soapstone Mining Lease (M.L. No. 19/2001 area: 4.9893 ha) of M/s Balaji Stone Mines & Minerals Located at Village Hirwas, Tehsil: Dantaramgarh, Sikar (Rajasthan) Form - 1/ Appendix – I 1 APPENDIX I (See paragraph – 6) FORM 1 (I) Basic Information: S. No. Item Details 1. Name of Project Masonry Stone & Soapstone Mining Lease (M.L. No. 19/2001 area: 4.9893 ha) of M/s Balaji Stone Mines & Minerals 2. S. No. in the schedule S.No. ‘1’ (Mining of Minerals) 3. Proposed capacity/ area/ length/ tonnage to be handled/ command area/ lease area/number of wells to be drilled. ML Capacity production : 6,04,660 (TPA) ROM (Masonary Stone 5,40,410 tons per annum & Soap stone 34,220 tons per annum) 4. New/ Expansion/ Modernization New 5. Existing Capacity/Area Etc. Soap stone M.L. Area : 86100 TPA 4.9893 ha 6. Category of Project i.e. ‘A’ or ‘B’ Category B2 7. Does it attract the general condition? If yes, please specify. No, it does not attract the general Condition. 8. Does it attract the specific condition? If yes, please specify. No, it does not attract the Specific Condition. 9. Location: Plot/Survey/Khasra No. M.L. No. 19/2001 Village Heerwas Tehsil Danta Ramgarh District Sikar State Rajasthan 10. Nearest Railway station/ Airport along with distance in Km. Nearest Railway Station : Ranolishishu Railway station at ~21 km. in North East Direction. Sikar Junction at ~30 km in W direction. Nearest : Jaipur International Airport,

Transcript of APPENDIX I (See paragraph – 6) FORM

Masonry Stone & Soapstone Mining Lease (M.L. No. 19/2001 area: 4.9893 ha) of M/s Balaji Stone Mines & Minerals Located at Village Hirwas, Tehsil: Dantaramgarh, Sikar (Rajasthan)

Form - 1/ Appendix – I


APPENDIX I (See paragraph – 6)

FORM 1 (I) Basic Information:

S. No. Item Details

1. Name of Project Masonry Stone & Soapstone Mining Lease (M.L.

No. 19/2001 area: 4.9893 ha) of M/s Balaji Stone

Mines & Minerals

2. S. No. in the schedule S.No. ‘1’ (Mining of Minerals)

3. Proposed capacity/ area/ length/

tonnage to be handled/ command area/

lease area/number of wells to be drilled.

ML Capacity production : 6,04,660

(TPA) ROM (Masonary Stone 5,40,410 tons per

annum & Soap stone 34,220 tons per annum)

4. New/ Expansion/ Modernization New

5. Existing Capacity/Area Etc. Soap stone M.L. Area


86100 TPA 4.9893 ha

6. Category of Project i.e. ‘A’ or ‘B’ Category B2

7. Does it attract the general condition? If

yes, please specify.

No, it does not attract the general Condition.

8. Does it attract the specific condition? If

yes, please specify.

No, it does not attract the Specific Condition.

9. Location:

Plot/Survey/Khasra No. M.L. No. 19/2001

Village Heerwas

Tehsil Danta Ramgarh

District Sikar

State Rajasthan

10. Nearest Railway station/ Airport along with distance in Km.

Nearest Railway Station

: Ranolishishu Railway station at ~21 km. in North East Direction.

Sikar Junction at ~30 km in W direction.

Nearest : Jaipur International Airport,

Masonry Stone & Soapstone Mining Lease (M.L. No. 19/2001 area: 4.9893 ha) of M/s Balaji Stone Mines & Minerals Located at Village Hirwas, Tehsil: Dantaramgarh, Sikar (Rajasthan)

Form - 1/ Appendix – I


Airport Airport Rd Sanganer, Jaipur, Rajasthan 302017 at ~80 Km. in South East Direction.

11. Nearest Town, City, District Headquarters along with distance in Km.

Nearest city & district headquarter

: Sikar at ~31 km. in NW Direction.

District head quarter Sikar

~ 30 Km. in NW Direction.

12. Village Panchayats, Zila Parishad, Municipal Corporation, Local body (complete postal addresses with telephone nos. to be given)

Village Panchayat

: Heerwas

Municipal Council

: Danta Ramgarh, Sikar, Rajasthan 332001

13. Name of the Applicant M/s Balaji Stone Mines & Minerals

14. Registered Address

15. Address for correspondence: Project Proponent

Name M/s Balaji Stone Mines & Minerals Designation (Owner/Partner/CEO) Lessee Address Ward No 12, Asthalok Colony, RIICO, Jhunjhunu,


Pin Code 333001

E-mail [email protected]: [email protected]

Telephone No. 9166660050

Fax No. 01412751990


Details of Alternative Sites Examined, if

any. Location of these sites should be

shown on a toposheet.

No alternative site has been examined since it is a

site specific mining project based on availability of

mineral potentiality in the area.

17. Interlinked Projects No Interlinked Projects

18. Whether separate application of

interlinked project has been submitted?

Not Applicable

19. If yes, date of submission Not Applicable

20. If no, reason Not Applicable

21. Whether the proposal involves

approval/clearance under: If yes, details

of the same and their status to be given.

(a) This project does not attract any provision of

the forest (Conservation) Act, 1980 as there

is no forest land within ML area

Masonry Stone & Soapstone Mining Lease (M.L. No. 19/2001 area: 4.9893 ha) of M/s Balaji Stone Mines & Minerals Located at Village Hirwas, Tehsil: Dantaramgarh, Sikar (Rajasthan)

Form - 1/ Appendix – I


(a) The forest (Conservation) Act, 1980?

(b) The Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972?

(c) The C.R.Z Notification, 1991?

(b) No Wildlife Sanctuary is located at about 10

km from Mining lease boundary.

(c) C.R.Z Notification is not applicable for this

project as it is located in Rajasthan.

22. Whether there is any Government order/

Policy relevant/ relating to this site?


23. Forest Land involved (Hectares) Nil. Total lease area is government land

24. Whether there is any litigation pending

against the project and/or land in which

the project is proposed to be set up?

(a) Name of the court

(b) Case No.

(c) Orders/ Directions of the court, if

any and its relevance with the

proposed project.


There is no litigation pending against the project

and/or land in which the project is proposed to be

set up.

(II) Activity

1. Construction, operation or decommissioning of the Project involving actions, which

will cause physical changes in the locality (topography, land use, changes in water

bodies, etc.)

Masonry Stone & Soapstone Mining Lease (M.L. No. 19/2001 area: 4.9893 ha) of M/s Balaji Stone Mines & Minerals Located at Village Hirwas, Tehsil: Dantaramgarh, Sikar (Rajasthan)

Form - 1/ Appendix – I


S. No. Information/ Checklist




Details thereof (with approximate quantities /rates,

wherever possible) with source of information data

1.1 Permanent or temporary change in land use, land cover or topography including increase in intensity of land use (with respect to local land use plan).

Yes The relief of the lease area is dominated by undulating topography. The mining lease area is 4.9893 ha which government land At the end of life of mine, total excavated area will be converted into water reservoir. Mine’s office will be constructed in 0.05 ha. Plantation/ greenbelt will be developed in 33% area within/ outside the mining lease. The top soil will be stacked separately and ultimately used for plantation proposes. No dumps will remain at the end of life of mine. Therefore, permanent change in land use will be there and intensity of land use will be increased.

1.2 Clearance of existing land, vegetation and buildings?

No This is a existing mining lease. There is no building & structure which need to be demolished/ removed from mining lease area. Total lease area is Government land.

1.3 Creation of new land uses?

Yes At the end of life of mine, total excavated area will be converted into water reservoir. Mine’s office will be constructed in 0.05 ha. Plantation/ greenbelt will be developed in 33% area within/ outside the mining lease. The top soil will be stacked separately and ultimately used for plantation proposes.

1.4 Pre-construction investigations e.g. bore houses, soil testing?

No No pre-construction investigation is required since the existence of mineral has already been assessed on the basis of mineral outcrops in the adjoining leases.

1.5 Construction works? No An office and other necessary infrastructure is exist. (i.e. Rest Shelter, First Aid,Toilets etc.).

1.6 Demolition works? No There will be no demolition work.

1.7 Temporary sites used for construction works or housing of construction workers?

No No temporary sites are required for construction work.

1.8 Above ground buildings, structures or earthworks including linear structures, cut and fill or excavations

No Only excavations related to mining operations is being carried out.

1.9 Underground works including mining or tunneling?

No No underground work will be done.

1.10 Reclamation works? Yes At the end of life of mine, total excavated area will be converted into water reservoir. Mine’s office will be constructed in 0.05 ha. Plantation/ greenbelt will be

Masonry Stone & Soapstone Mining Lease (M.L. No. 19/2001 area: 4.9893 ha) of M/s Balaji Stone Mines & Minerals Located at Village Hirwas, Tehsil: Dantaramgarh, Sikar (Rajasthan)

Form - 1/ Appendix – I


developed in 33% area within/ outside the mining lease. The top soil will be stacked separately and ultimately used for plantation proposes.

1.11 Dredging? No No Dredging work is proposed.

1.12 Offshore structures? No No offshore structures.

1.13 Production and manufacturing processes?

Yes The mining operations will be by semi-mechanized opencast method which includes excavation, blasting, mineral beneficiation & transportation by trucks. The mined out mineral is used as captive. The overburden will also be loaded into tippers and stacked at earmarked places and reclaimed as per mining plan.

1.14 Facilities for storage of goods or materials?

Yes Facilities have already been provided for storage of goods and materials as per mining plan.

1.15 Facilities for treatment or disposal of solid waste or liquid effluents?

Yes The mineral waste will be partly used in refilling/ reclamation of mined out area.

Domestic effluent generated from mining lease will be disposed off via soak pit and septic tank.

1.16 Facilities for long term housing of operational workers?

No Permanent workers and staff members are mostly residents of nearby villages. Thus, no land will be used for residential purposes within mining area.

1.17 New road, rail or sea traffic during construction or operation?

No No new road, rail or sea traffic during construction or operation proposed.

1.18 New road, rail, air waterborne or other transport infrastructure including new or altered routes and stations, ports, airports etc?

No No New road, rail, air waterborne or other transport infrastructure including new or altered routes and stations, ports, airports etc are proposed.

1.19 Closure or diversion of existing transport routes or infrastructure leading to changes in traffic movements?

No There is no proposal for closure or diversion of existing transport route etc.

1.20 New or diverted transmission lines or pipelines?

No No new or diverted transmission lines or pipelines are proposed.

1.21 Impoundment, damming, culverting, realignment or other changes to the hydrology of watercourses or aquifers?

No There are no impoundment, damming, culverting, realignment or other changes to the hydrology of watercourses or aquifers.

1.22 Stream crossings? No No stream is passing through the mine site.

Masonry Stone & Soapstone Mining Lease (M.L. No. 19/2001 area: 4.9893 ha) of M/s Balaji Stone Mines & Minerals Located at Village Hirwas, Tehsil: Dantaramgarh, Sikar (Rajasthan)

Form - 1/ Appendix – I


1.23 Abstraction or transfers of water form ground or surface waters?

No Total Water requirement estimated is about 5 KLD. For Dust suppression/ water sprinkling (2 KLD), green belt development (1 KLD), drinking & sanitation (2 KLD). Water will be sourced from nearby villages and mine sump as and when developed.

1.24 Changes in water bodies or the land surface affecting drainage or run-off?

No No change in the drainage pattern is proposed due to the mining project.

1.25 Transport of personnel or materials for construction, operation or decommissioning?

No Mine workers are residing in nearby area hence does not require any transport. Materials will be transported by hired trucks.

1.26 Long-term dismantling or decommissioning or restoration works?

No There will not be any long-term dismantling or decommissioning or restoration works in the area.

1.27 Ongoing activity during de-commissioning which could have an impact on the environment?

No Not applicable, as no such activities are involved.

1.28 Influx of people to an area in either temporarily or permanently?

No Manpower required will be engaged from nearby areas, thus influx of people is anticipated in the area.

1.29 Introduction of alien species?

No The local/ indigenous species will be planted within the lease area.

1.30 Loss of native species or genetic diversity?

No Not envisaged, except small bushes, no major vegetation cover/valuable flora is found within the mining lease area.

1.31 Any other actions? No Nil

2. Use of Natural resources for construction or operation of the Project (such as land, water,

materials or energy, especially any resources which are non-renewable or in short supply):







Details thereof (with approximate quantities /rates,

wherever possible) with source of information data

2.1 Land especially undeveloped

or agricultural land (ha)

Yes At the end of life of mine, total excavated area will be converted into water reservoir. Mine’s office will be constructed in 0.05 ha. Plantation/ greenbelt will be developed in 33% area within/ outside the mining lease. The top soil will be stacked separately and ultimately used for plantation proposes.

2.2 Water (expected source &

competing users) unit: KLD

Yes S. No Particular Total Water Requirement

(in KLD)

Masonry Stone & Soapstone Mining Lease (M.L. No. 19/2001 area: 4.9893 ha) of M/s Balaji Stone Mines & Minerals Located at Village Hirwas, Tehsil: Dantaramgarh, Sikar (Rajasthan)

Form - 1/ Appendix – I


1 Green Belt / Plantation 1

2 Drinking & Sanitation 2

3 Dust Suppression & Water Sprinkling


Total Water Requirement 5

Source: Water will be purchased from nearby villages

and will also be taken from mine sump.

2.3 Minerals (MT) No Masonry Stone will be either sold to the customers or

the lessee may use in captive Stone Crusher unit in

the Mining Lease or outside the mining lease as per

the cust0mer requirement.

2.4 Construction material – stone,

aggregates, sand / soil

(expected source – MT)

No Not required as this is mining lease.

2.5 Forests and timber (source –


No Not required

2.6 Energy including electricity and

fuels (source, competing

users) Unit: fuel (MT), energy



Fuel : Mainly diesel operated equipment

(Dumper, JCB, Tractor, Pump etc.)

will be used. The mine will be

operated in one shift only.

Mine will be operated in one shift only (Day time).

2.7 Any other natural resources

(Use appropriate standard


No No use of any other natural resource except that

mentioned above.

3. Use, storage, transport, handling or production of substances or materials, which could be

harmful to human health or the environment or raise concerns about actual or perceived risks

to human health.

S. Information/Checklist Yes/ Details thereof (with approximate quantities/ rates,

Masonry Stone & Soapstone Mining Lease (M.L. No. 19/2001 area: 4.9893 ha) of M/s Balaji Stone Mines & Minerals Located at Village Hirwas, Tehsil: Dantaramgarh, Sikar (Rajasthan)

Form - 1/ Appendix – I


No. confirmation No wherever possible) with source of information data

3.1 Use of substances or materials,

which are hazardous (as per

MSIHC rules) to human health

or the environment (flora,

fauna, and

water supplies)

No Use of substances or materials, which are hazardous.

Only mining of Masonry stone.

3.2 Changes in occurrence of

disease or affect disease

vectors (e.g. insect or water

borne diseases)

No No disease has been noticed & there is no affect on

disease vectors in the area.

3.3 Affect the welfare of people

e.g. by changing living


Yes The project has improved living conditions due to

increased employment opportunities, both direct and

indirect, communication, and transport facilities.

3.4 Vulnerable groups of people

who could be affected by the

project e.g. hospital patients,

children, the elderly etc.,


No effect envisaged.

3.5 Any other causes No No any other causes except that mentioned above.

4. Production of solid wastes during construction or operation or decommissioning








Details thereof (with approximate quantities/ rates,

wherever possible) with source of information data

4.1 Spoil, overburden or mine Yes Total OB/ Mine waste up to conceptual stage.

Masonry Stone & Soapstone Mining Lease (M.L. No. 19/2001 area: 4.9893 ha) of M/s Balaji Stone Mines & Minerals Located at Village Hirwas, Tehsil: Dantaramgarh, Sikar (Rajasthan)

Form - 1/ Appendix – I



4.2 Municipal waste (domestic and

or commercial wastes)

No Only domestic wastewater in small quantities will be

generated from the mine office toilets, which will be

disposed in soak pit and septic tank.

4.3 Hazardous wastes (as per

Hazardous Waste Management


No No Hazardous wastes

4.4 Other industrial process wastes No No industrial process waste will be generated.

4.5 Surplus product No There will be no surplus product generated during

mining operations.

4.6 Sewage sludge or other sludge

from effluent treatment

No None. There will not be any effluent generation, thus

Sewage sludge or other sludge generation from the

project is nil.

4.7 Construction or demolition


No No construction or demolition waste is envisaged.

4.8 Redundant machinery or


No There will be no redundant machinery or equipment.

4.9 Contaminated soils or other


No There will not be any contamination of soils or other


4.10 Agricultural wastes No Not applicable as this is a mining project

4.11 Other solid wastes No None.

5. Release of pollutants or any hazardous, toxic or noxious substances to air (Kg/hr)

S. No.

Information/ Checklist confirmation

Yes/ No Details thereof (with approximate quantities/ rates, wherever possible) with source of information data

5.1 Emissions from combustion of fossil fuels from stationary or mobile sources

Yes Emission of SO2 & NO2 is there due to use of diesel operated machinery.

Vehicular emission is kept under control by proper

Masonry Stone & Soapstone Mining Lease (M.L. No. 19/2001 area: 4.9893 ha) of M/s Balaji Stone Mines & Minerals Located at Village Hirwas, Tehsil: Dantaramgarh, Sikar (Rajasthan)

Form - 1/ Appendix – I


maintenance. Every effort will be made to minimize these emissions.

5.2 Emissions from production processes

Yes Particulate Matter is generated during mining operation, but will be kept below the prescribed limits by adopting mitigation measures.

Proper mitigation measures will be adopted like proper haul road maintenance by regular water spraying for dust suppression and proper maintenance of machineries to control these emissions within prescribed limits.

5.3 Emissions from materials handling including storage or transport

Yes The handling & transport of the mineral and siliceous waste will emit fugitive dust, which will be controlled by water sprinkling on haul roads, maintenance of haul roads etc.

5.4 Emissions from construction activities including plant and equipment

No There will be no construction activities.

5.5 Dust or odor from handling of materials including construction materials, sewage and waste.

Yes Blasting operation in mining operations will generate dust. Dust will be generated in insignificant quantity during mining operations. This will be minimized by taking precautionary measures like controlled blasting and water sprinkling before/ after blasting.

5.6 Emissions from incineration of waste.

No Not applicable, as no incineration will be involved.

5.7 Emissions from burning of waste in open air (e.g. slash materials, construction debris)

No Not applicable, as there will be no burning of waste in open air.

5.8 Emissions from any other sources

No There will be no other source of emission except the mentioned above.

6. Generation of Noise and Vibration, and Emissions of Light and Heat:





Yes/ No Details thereof (with approximate quantities/ rates,

wherever possible) with source of information data

6.1 From operation of equipment

e.g. engines, ventilation plant,

Yes Noise will be generated due to blasting, excavation,

crushing, screening, transportation activities. Proper

Masonry Stone & Soapstone Mining Lease (M.L. No. 19/2001 area: 4.9893 ha) of M/s Balaji Stone Mines & Minerals Located at Village Hirwas, Tehsil: Dantaramgarh, Sikar (Rajasthan)

Form - 1/ Appendix – I


crushers selection of machines and their maintenance leads to

less noise generation.

6.2 From industrial or similar


No Not applicable, as no other industrial process like

crushing etc. is involved in this mining project.

6.3 From construction or


No Not applicable, as no construction or demolition is


6.4 From blasting or piling Yes Generation of Noise and Vibration will be there due to

drilling & blasting, crushing and screening. This will be

minimized by taking precautionary measures such as

proper blasting method, selection of explosive and

quantity of explosive etc.

6.5 From construction or

operational traffic

Yes Noise is anticipated due to transport of mineral by

trucks and dumping of waste/ O. B. by tractor trolleys

and tippers. This will be minimized by proper

maintenance of tractor trolleys & trucks/ tippers.

Regular monitoring will be done. All mitigative

measures will be adopted to reduce noise generation

during transportation.

6.6 From lighting or cooling


No No lighting or cooling system will be involved in mining.

The mining operation will be carried out during day

time only.

6.7 From any other sources No There will be no other source except mentioned above.

7. Risks of contamination of land or water from releases of pollutants into the ground

or into sewers, surface waters, groundwater, coastal waters or the sea:





Yes/ No Details thereof (with approximate quantities/ rates,

wherever possible) with source of information data

Masonry Stone & Soapstone Mining Lease (M.L. No. 19/2001 area: 4.9893 ha) of M/s Balaji Stone Mines & Minerals Located at Village Hirwas, Tehsil: Dantaramgarh, Sikar (Rajasthan)

Form - 1/ Appendix – I


7.1 From handling, storage, use or

spillage of hazardous materials

No Explosive and diesel will be handled, stored and used

with care by the competent persons as per rules to

avoid any risks.

7.2 From discharge of sewage or

other effluents to water or the

land (expected mode and place

of discharge)

No There will be no discharge of sewage or other effluents

from the mining lease. Only waste water generated

from office toilets will be disposed in soak pit and Septic


7.3 By deposition of pollutants

emitted to air into the land or

into water

No No deposition of pollutants emitted to air, into the land

or into water as the emissions will be kept limited below

the prescribed standard.

However, periodical monitoring will be carried out and

results would be analyzed to minimize the impact.

7.4 From any other sources No Not applicable, as no other sources are involved except

the mentioned above.

7.5 Is there a risk of long term build

up of pollutants in the

environment from these


No There is no risk of long term build up of pollutants in the

environment from these sources as proper mitigation

measures will be taken regularly.

8. Risk of accidents during construction or operation of the Project, which could affect

human health or the environment



Information/ Checklist


Yes/ No Details thereof (with approximate quantities/ rates,

wherever possible) with source of information data

8.1 From explosions, spillages, fires

etc from storage, handling, use

or production of hazardous


No Hazardous substance i.e. explosives & diesel oil etc are

stored, handled and used with due care to avoid

spillages, fires & explosions.

No hazardous substance will be produced during mining

operations, thus there is no question of any explosion


8.2 From any other causes No Not applicable, as no any other causes are involved.

8.3 Could the project be affected by

natural disasters causing

No No likely hood.

Masonry Stone & Soapstone Mining Lease (M.L. No. 19/2001 area: 4.9893 ha) of M/s Balaji Stone Mines & Minerals Located at Village Hirwas, Tehsil: Dantaramgarh, Sikar (Rajasthan)

Form - 1/ Appendix – I


environmental damage (e.g.

floods, earthquakes, landslides,

cloudburst etc)?

9. Factors which should be considered (such as consequential development) which

could lead to environmental effects or the potential for cumulative impacts with

other existing or planned activities in the locality S.


Information/ Checklist


Yes/ No Details thereof (with approximate quantities/ rates,

wherever possible) with source of information data

9.1 Lead to development of

supporting, facilities, ancillary

development or development

stimulated by the project which

could have impact on the

environment e.g.:

No It is not anticipated to develop the supporting facilities

or ancillary development of such extent to impart any

adverse effect/ impact on the environment.

Supporting infrastructure

(roads, power supply, waste

or waste water treatment,



Housing development No

Extractive industries No

Supply industries No

Other No

9.2 Lead to after-use of the site,

which could have an impact on

the environment

Yes The after use of mine site planned would be helpful to

the society, owing to better greenery and development

of water reservoir supporting the surrounding localities.

9.3 Set a precedent for later


Yes A better after use scenario, which is likely to increase

aesthetic beauty of the area in addition to benefit of

greenery and water reservoir, would set precedence for

subsequent entrepreneurs who venture such projects.

Proper Environmental Management plan has been laid

down and will be effectively implemented.

9.4 Have cumulative effects due to No No cumulative effects as there is no other existing or

Masonry Stone & Soapstone Mining Lease (M.L. No. 19/2001 area: 4.9893 ha) of M/s Balaji Stone Mines & Minerals Located at Village Hirwas, Tehsil: Dantaramgarh, Sikar (Rajasthan)

Form - 1/ Appendix – I


proximity to other existing or

planned projects with similar


planned projects.

(III) Environmental Sensitivity:



Areas Name/Identity Aerial distance (within 15 km.) project location


1. Areas protected under

international conventions,

national or local legislation for

their ecological, landscape,

cultural or other related value.

None No Areas protected under international conventions,

national or local legislation for their ecological,

landscape, cultural or other related value located

within the 15 km radius of the mining lease area.

2. Areas which are important

or sensitive for ecological

reasons - Wetlands,

watercourses or other water

bodies, coastal zone,

biospheres, mountains,


S.No Water Body Distance from

mine boundary (in Km)





Distance from mine boundary

(in Km)


1. Nimawas Block PF

~1.0 Km. South West

2. Kantiya Dantla PF

~2.0 Km. North East

3. Rupgarh PF ~5.0 Km. North West

4. Khatiwas PF ~6.0 Km. North West

5. Rewasa jinmata Block PF

~6.5 Km. North West

6. PF ~7.0 km SW

7. PF ~8.0 km SW

8. Adha Dungar Block PF

~9.0 km. SW

9. PF Near Bubane ~12.0 km SW

10. PF Near Chimmanpura

~13.0 km SW

11. Sarvelion ki Dungri PF

~14 km. NW

12. PF Near Bhartja ~14.0 km. SW

Masonry Stone & Soapstone Mining Lease (M.L. No. 19/2001 area: 4.9893 ha) of M/s Balaji Stone Mines & Minerals Located at Village Hirwas, Tehsil: Dantaramgarh, Sikar (Rajasthan)

Form - 1/ Appendix – I


3. Areas used by protected,

important or sensitive

species of flora or fauna for

breeding, nesting, foraging,

resting, over wintering,


None No area located within the 15 km radius of the

mining lease area.

4. Inland, coastal, marine or

underground waters


S.No Water Body

Distance from mine boundary

(in Km)



5. State, National boundaries None No State, National boundaries are located within the

15 km radius of the mining lease area.

6. Routes or facilities used by

the public for access to

recreation or other tourist,

pilgrim areas

None No such routes or facilities is located within the 15

km radius of the mining lease area that is used by

the public for access to recreation or other tourist,

pilgrim areas

7. Defence installations None None

8. Densely populated or built-

up area

Danta Ramgarh At 20 km from mine site

9. Areas occupied by sensitive

man-made land uses

(hospitals, schools, places of

worship, community


Hospitals • Govt.mahatma Gandhi Praimari Hospital –Hospital Roopgarh, Rajasthan 332406 at ~ 6.0 km. in NW Direction.

• Government Hospital (DANTA CHC) – Hospital Danta, Rajasthan 332702 at ~ 6.80 km. in SW Direction.

• Govt.ayurved Hospital Gogawas – Hospital Gogawas, Rajasthan 332702 at ~ 6.50 km in SE Direction.

• Shri Jagannath Upadhyay govt primary hospital - Government hospital Sikar, Rajasthan 332601 at ~ 7.70 km. in SE Direction.

• Govt. Hospital – Hospital Sikar, Rajasthan 332404 at ~24.0 km. in

Masonry Stone & Soapstone Mining Lease (M.L. No. 19/2001 area: 4.9893 ha) of M/s Balaji Stone Mines & Minerals Located at Village Hirwas, Tehsil: Dantaramgarh, Sikar (Rajasthan)

Form - 1/ Appendix – I


East Direction

Schools • Govt. Upper Primary School, Heerwas, Sikar 332601 at ~2 Km. in SE Direction.

• Govt. Primary School Bher Talai Thehat, Tehat, Rajasthan 332702 at ~3.0 Km. in NW Direction.

• Govt. primary school neemali talai , Sikar, Rajasthan 332702 at ~2.0 km. in SW Direction.

• Govt. Adarsh Secondary School,Khora (Sikar), Khora Rajasthan 332601 at ~5.5 km in East Direction.

• Adarsh govt. sen. secondary school, Baay (Sikar) , ~6.5 km. in SE Direction.

Places of


• Shri Pabuji Maharaj, Mandir, Heerwas - Hindu temple Heerwas, Rajasthan 332702 at ~1.80 Km. in SE Direction.

• Shri Goga ji Maharaj Temple -Hindu temple Heerwas, Rajasthan 332702 at ~2.0 km. in SE Direction.

• Kalika Mata Mandir bajyawas - Hindu temple Sikar, Rajasthan 332702 at ~ 4.30 km in SE Direction.

• Bhairu ji maharaj mandir -Hindu temple Sikar, Rajasthan 332601at ~ 7.90 km. in East Direction.

• Shri Amara Shakti Peeth, Danta - Hindu temple Sikar, Rajasthan 332702 at ~ 7.20 km in SW Direction.

10. Areas containing important,

high quality or scarce

resources (ground water

resources, surface

resources, forestry,

agriculture, fisheries,

tourism, minerals)



Forest Resources

such as

Protected &




: Availability of masonry




: Protected Forests.

Masonry Stone & Soapstone Mining Lease (M.L. No. 19/2001 area: 4.9893 ha) of M/s Balaji Stone Mines & Minerals Located at Village Hirwas, Tehsil: Dantaramgarh, Sikar (Rajasthan)

Form - 1/ Appendix – I





Surface water

bodies & ground






: Mostly Surface water bodies

(seasonal) & ground water

is the major source of water

in this region.



: Due to rocky and undulating

territory with low soil cover

agriculture has limited


11. Areas already subjected to

pollution or

environmental damage.

(those where existing legal

environmental standards

are exceeded)

No The area is not subjected to the pollution or

environmental damage.

12. Areas susceptible to natural

hazard which could cause

the project to present

environmental problems

(earthquakes, subsidence,

landslides, erosion, flooding

or extreme or adverse

climatic conditions)

No No likelihood.

IV Proposed Terms of reference

EC has been granted by DEIAA and only Inclusion of Masonry Stone in Soapstone Mining Lease (M.L. No. 19/2001 area: 4.9893ha) and transfer of EC in favor of M/s Balaji Stone Mines & Minerals.

Masonry Stone & Soapstone Mining Lease (M.L. No. 19/2001 area: 4.9893 ha) of M/s Balaji Stone Mines & Minerals Located at Village Hirwas, Tehsil: Dantaramgarh, Sikar (Rajasthan)

Form - 1/ Appendix – I


"I hereby give undertaking that the data and information given in the application and enclosures are true to the best of my knowledge and belief and I am aware that if any part of the data and information submitted is found to be false or misleading at any stage, the project will be rejected and clearance give, if any to the project will be revoked at our risk and cost.

Date: ………………….

Place: Sikar

Signature of the applicant

(Authorized Signatory)


1. The projects involving clearance under Coastal Regulation Zone Notification, 1991 shall submit with the application a C.R.Z map duly demarcated by one of the authorized agencies, showing the project activities, w.r.t. C.R.Z (at the stage of TOR) and the recommendations of the State Coastal Zone Management Authority (at the stage of EC). Simultaneous action shall also be taken to obtain the requisite clearance under the provisions of the C.R.Z Notification, 1991 for the activities to be located in the CRZ.

2. The projects to be located within 10 km of the National Parks, Sanctuaries, Biosphere Reserves, Migratory Corridors of Wild Animals, the project proponent shall submit the map duly authenticated by Chief Wildlife Warden showing these features vis-a-vis the project location and the recommendations or comments of the Chief Wildlife Warden "thereon (at the stage of EC)."

3. All correspondence with the Ministry of Environment & Forests including submission "of application for TOR/Environmental Clearance, subsequent clarifications, as may be required from time to time, participation in the EAC Meeting on behalf of the project proponent shall be made by the authorized signatory only. The authorized signatory should also submit a document in support of his claim of being an authorized signatory for the specifics project".

Masonry Stone & Soapstone Mining Lease (M.L. No. 19/2001 area: 4.9893 ha) of M/s Balaji Stone Mines & Minerals Located at Village Hirwas, Tehsil: Dantaramgarh, Sikar (Rajasthan)

Pre-Feasibility Report

M/s Balaji Stone Mines & Minerals



Inclusion of Masonry Stone in Soapstone Mining Lease (M.L. No. 19/2001

area: 4.9893 ha) and transfer of EC in favor of M/s Balaji Stone Mines &

Minerals According to the LOI the environmental clearance is required to

be submitted within 18 months.

Mining plan along with Progressive mine closure plan has been approved. Copy enclosed.

Masonry Stone & Soapstone Mining Lease (M.L. No. 19/2001 area: 4.9893 ha) of M/s Balaji Stone Mines & Minerals Located at Village Hirwas, Tehsil: Dantaramgarh, Sikar (Rajasthan)

Pre-Feasibility Report

M/s Balaji Stone Mines & Minerals


Salient features of the Project

S. No. Particulars Details A. Mining Lease Details

1. Name of the Project Soap Stone & Masonry Stone Mining Lease (M.L. No. 19/2001 area: 4.9893ha), at/near village- Hirawas, Tehsil- Danta Ramgarh District- Sikar (Rajasthan)

2. Mineral Soap Stone & Masonry Stone 3. Elevation Range in the

area 476 mRL to 530 mRL

4. General ground level 460mRL 5. Ground Water table Pre monsoon : 70 m

Post Monsoon: 75 m 6. Ultimate Working

Depth 15 m below ground level

Mining will not intersect ground water table level. 7. District Sikar 8. State Rajasthan 9. Latitude & Longitude Co-

ordinate Longitude Latitude

A 75°13’46.91’’E 27°20’24.15’’N B 75°13’52.47’’E 27°20’25.01’’N C 75°13’51.39’’E 27°20’14.22’’N D 75°13’45.83’’E 27°20’13.36’’N

10. Toposheet No. 45M/4 , 45M/3 45M/7 and 45M/8 C. Other details

11. Total Cost of the project

Rs 50 lacs

12. Cost for Environmental Protection Measures

Rs 80,000/- per annum

13. Cost for CSR Activities Rs 85,000/- lakhs per annum 14. Average Annual

Rainfall 463 mm

15. Seismic Zone II

Masonry Stone & Soapstone Mining Lease (M.L. No. 19/2001 area: 4.9893 ha) of M/s Balaji Stone Mines & Minerals Located at Village Hirwas, Tehsil: Dantaramgarh, Sikar (Rajasthan)

Pre-Feasibility Report

M/s Balaji Stone Mines & Minerals

S.No. Particulars Details/Information 1. Cat./ Item no. (in schedule): 1 (a)-B2 2. Project Details M.L No./

Production Capacity Inclusion of Masonry Stone in Soapstone Mining Lease (M.L. No. 19/2001 area: 4.9893 ha) and transfer of EC in favor of M/s Balaji Stone Mines & Minerals Located at Village Hirwas, Tehsil: Dantaramgarh, Sikar (Rajasthan)

3. Project Cost Project Cost: Rs 50 lacs/- The detail is mentioned at Cover page of application, Pre- feasibility Report, Statement of commitments and PowerPoint Presentation.

4. Water requirement & Source

5.0 KLD (Source : Water will be sourced from nearby villages) There is no source of Groundwater within the lease area and groundwater will not be used for any purpose.

5. Fuel & Energy The electric power lines of 220 volts and 440 volts are available near the applied lease area in village Danta Ramgarh (around 1km) and along the tar roads.

6. Information about Aravalli certificate

Aravalli NOC issued vide letter no. ME/SIKAR/DRW/183 dated 01/09/2015. Copy enclosed.

7. Information about Topo sheet map

Toposheet no. 45M/4, 45M/3 45M/7 and 45M/8 Toposheet map enclosed.

8. Environment Management Plan

EMP Cost Rs 80,000/-

Sr. No.

Particulars Cost (in Rupees per annum )

1. Pollution monitoring – Air, Water, Noise and Soil

Rs 10,000

2. Dust Suppression Rs 10,000

3. Wire fencing at plantation sites

Rs 15,000

4. Plantation including maintenance

Rs 20,000

5. Rainwater harvesting Rs 10,000

6. Haul road and other roads repair and maintenance

Rs 15,000

Total Rs 80,000/-

1. CSR/ ESR Activities Entrepreneur Social Responsibility Activities And Budgetary Allocation (Rs 85,000/- Per Annum)

2. Greenbelt & Plantation Greenbelt/ Plantation development cost : Rs 20,000 /-

Plantation Maintenance -Watering per plant,-Weeding and bowing, Plant saplings purchase, digging of pits, Wire fencing at plantation sites


Lessee is committed to carry out plantation in an area of 33% of

Masonry Stone & Soapstone Mining Lease (M.L. No. 19/2001 area: 4.9893 ha) of M/s Balaji Stone Mines & Minerals Located at Village Hirwas, Tehsil: Dantaramgarh, Sikar (Rajasthan)

Pre-Feasibility Report

M/s Balaji Stone Mines & Minerals



Sharp drill bits will be used for drilling to reduce generation of dust.

Drilling machines will be equipped with water spraying system to prevent dust to get air borne.

Blasting will be done in scientific manner, use of non electric ignition system, use of to control & prevent the dust to get air borne and to control the fly rock.

Green Belt will be developed around the lease boundary, haul roads, office; plantation will be done on undisturbed area, reclaimed area & mine office etc.

Periodical water spraying on the haul roads will be done.

total lease area.

Details are provided in environment management plan, Pre- feasibility Report, Statement of commitments and PowerPoint Presentation.

3. Budgetary breakup for labour

Total cost allocated for labour is Rs 60,000/- S. No. Facilities provided forlabour Cost(Rs)

1. Rest Shelter at mine site 8,000 2. Health Facility, First Aid 7,000 3. Drinking water facility at

mine site 5,000

4. Sanitation Facility at mine site


5. Fuel for cooking at mine site


6. Education for Children of Labour


7. Personal protective equipment


8. Medical check-up 5,000 9. Others 5,000 Total cost for labour facilities 60,000

4. Present Status This is a new mining lease of Proposed Masonry stone (M.L. No. 19/2001, Area: 4.9893 ha), Lease period is 50 years after grant of mining lease. (LOI issued)

Masonry Stone & Soapstone Mining Lease (M.L. No. 19/2001 area: 4.9893 ha) of M/s Balaji Stone Mines & Minerals Located at Village Hirwas, Tehsil: Dantaramgarh, Sikar (Rajasthan)

Pre-Feasibility Report

M/s Balaji Stone Mines & Minerals


There is no surface water body within the mining lease area. Thus, there is no localized / concentrated contamination of water from the mining in area.

Garland drains will be provided around the working pits. Rainwater will not be diverted into any natural water channel.

The rain water collected in mining pit will be used for plantation, dust suppression requirements.

Domestic sewage water generated from office toilet will be disposed in soak pits and septic tank.


Proper maintenance of all machines will be carried out which will help

in reducing generation of noise during operations.

Workers exposed to high noise levels will be provided with ear


Adequate silencers will be provided in all the diesel engines.

Green belt area has been developed to minimize the noise generation.

Periodic monitoring shall be done.


The total excavated area will be converted into water reservoir. Around

33 % of lease area will be covered under plantation during life of mine.

Non-backfilled excavated area will act as pit sump for rainwater

harvesting & water from pit sump will be used for plantation & dust



The overburden/waste generated from mine at the end of mine plan

period will be 30,030 tons/annum which will be used for within site for

construction of haul roads.

Masonry Stone & Soapstone Mining Lease (M.L. No. 19/2001 area: 4.9893 ha) of M/s Balaji Stone Mines & Minerals Located at Village Hirwas, Tehsil: Dantaramgarh, Sikar (Rajasthan)

Pre-Feasibility Report

M/s Balaji Stone Mines & Minerals

The topsoil removed will be spread over the reclaimed area and will be

used for plantation.


At the end of life of mine, total excavated area will be converted into water reservoir. Mine’s office will be constructed in 0.05 ha. Plantation/ greenbelt will be developed in 33% area within/ outside the mining lease. The top soil will be stacked separately and ultimately used for plantation proposes.

Green Belt will be developed around the lease boundary, haul roads,

office, plantation will be done on undisturbed area, reclaimed area &

mine office etc.

The plant species will be selected in consultation with forest


Plant species already planted and to be planted are as follows -

Azadirachta indica (Neem), Millingtonia hortensis (Indian Cork Tree/

Neem Chameli), Ziziphus mauritiana (Ber), Ailanthus excelsa (Ardu),

Acacia senegal (Kumtha), Acacia catechu (Ker), Emblica officinalis

(Amla), Ficus bengalensis (Bargad), Bauhinia variegata (Kachnar),

Holoptlia integrifolia (Churel), etc.

The dead plants will be replaced by fresh plants.


As the mining activities will increase, better employment opportunity.

The management will recruit the semi skilled & unskilled workers from

the nearby villages thus increasing the social status of the villagers.

Environmental awareness will be created by organizing awareness

camps, and rallies by school children.

Adult Education programme are proposed for up-gradation of literacy


Masonry Stone & Soapstone Mining Lease (M.L. No. 19/2001 area: 4.9893 ha) of M/s Balaji Stone Mines & Minerals Located at Village Hirwas, Tehsil: Dantaramgarh, Sikar (Rajasthan)

Pre-Feasibility Report

M/s Balaji Stone Mines & Minerals


S. NO Particulars Activities to be done by Project Proponent


PER YEAR (Amount in Rs.)

1. EDUCATION Distribution of school bags & stationery item to school children


Distribution of books in school Distribution of sports good among school children.


General health camps for nearby villagers 20,000 Eye check up camp Organization of dental check up camp Distribution of medicines free of cost


Renovation of nearby community hall 20,000 Renovation of nearby school building Repair/renovation of Anganbari centre Repair of school terrace

4. SOCIAL WELFARE Support for supply of drinking water 20,000 Financial assistance to rural cultural programmes Social forestry Awareness programmes for villagers (Rainwater Harvesting, Adult Education / Health)

Total 85,000


Protective respiratory devices will be provided to personnel working in

dusty areas with adequate training.

Masonry Stone & Soapstone Mining Lease (M.L. No. 19/2001 area: 4.9893 ha) of M/s Balaji Stone Mines & Minerals Located at Village Hirwas, Tehsil: Dantaramgarh, Sikar (Rajasthan)

Pre-Feasibility Report

M/s Balaji Stone Mines & Minerals

The mine authorities will arrange family planning camps, eye operation

camps and other specific disease health camps etc. in nearby villages.


Inclusion of Masonry Stone in Soapstone Mining Lease (M.L. No. 19/2001

area: 4.9893 ha) and transfer of EC in favor of M/s Balaji Stone Mines &



(i) Identification of Project and Project Proponent

M/s Balaji Stone Mines & Minerals is a lease holder of the mining lease M.L. No. 19/2001. This is a Proprietorship Firm. The Project Proponent is engaged in business of mining & trading. The project proponent has production capacity of 6, 04,660 (TPA) ROM (Masonary Stone 5, 40,410 tons per annum & Soap stone 34,220 tons per annum) (ii) Brief Description of the Nature of Project

It is a existing project. Mining lease will be granted after the mining

plan with closure plan is duly approved by Superintending Mining

Engineer, Jaipur and Environmental Clearance is acquired from the

State Environmental Impact Assessment Authority (SEIAA).

Mining operation will be undertaken by semi-mechanized opencast

method. It is a site specific in nature because viability of the project

depends on the existence and availability of mineral deposit.

(iii) Need for the Project & Its Importance to the Country/ Region

The minerals Soap Stone & Masonry Stone will be either sold to the

customers or the lessee may use in captive Stone Crusher unit in the Mining

Lease or outside the mining lease as per the cust0mer requirement.

The mining activities will increase better employment opportunities.

Average income level which is the indicator of socio-economic status of

house hold is expected that it will uplift the economic standard. Thus, to

improve quantity of life and prosperity.

Masonry Stone & Soapstone Mining Lease (M.L. No. 19/2001 area: 4.9893 ha) of M/s Balaji Stone Mines & Minerals Located at Village Hirwas, Tehsil: Dantaramgarh, Sikar (Rajasthan)

Pre-Feasibility Report

M/s Balaji Stone Mines & Minerals

(iv) Demand – Supply Gap

Considering the demand of Masonry Stone and sufficient availability of

the mineral in the area, it is essential to have Masonry Stone mine to

sustain the supply of raw material and other ceramic and other

manufacturing industries in nearby areas & also to provide employment

opportunities to the locals.

(v) Imports vs. Indigenous Production

As the mineral is availability from found indigenous sources, thus, so the

import of the same is not required.

(vi) Export Possibility

There is no export possibility as these minerals are quite cheap and

locally available in abundance.

(vii) Domestic/Export Markets

These minerals have only domestic market. It is not of export quality as

such will be consumed in local or nearby industries.

(viii) Employment Generation (Direct and Indirect) due to the Project

The total manpower needed to run the mine has been assessed as

20persons. Summary of the assessed manpower is detailed in Table


Table – 2

Summary of Manpower Assessment

S. No. Category No. of persons

1. Skilled 5

2. Unskilled Worker 15

Total 20

Masonry Stone & Soapstone Mining Lease (M.L. No. 19/2001 area: 4.9893 ha) of M/s Balaji Stone Mines & Minerals Located at Village Hirwas, Tehsil: Dantaramgarh, Sikar (Rajasthan)

Pre-Feasibility Report

M/s Balaji Stone Mines & Minerals


(i) Type of Project Including Interlinked And Independent Projects, If


There is no interlinked or interdependent project based on mineral

produced. Masonry Stone after sorting and sizing will be sold directly to

industries in open market.

(ii) Location (map showing general location, specific location, and

project boundary & project site layout) with coordinates

Figure1: Location Map

Inclusion of Masonry Stone in Soapstone Mining Lease (M.L. No. 19/2001 area: 4.9893 ha) and transfer of EC in favor of M/s Balaji Stone Mines & Minerals Located at Village Hirwas, Tehsil: Dantaramgarh, Sikar (Rajasthan)

Pre-Feasibility Report

M/s Balaji Stone Mines & Minerals

Inclusion of Masonry Stone in Soapstone Mining Lease (M.L. No. 19/2001 area: 4.9893 ha) and transfer of EC in favor of M/s Balaji Stone Mines & Minerals Located at Village Hirwas, Tehsil: Dantaramgarh, Sikar (Rajasthan)

Pre-Feasibility Report

M/s Balaji Stone Mines & Minerals

(iii) Details of Alternate Sites Considered

No alternative site has been taken into consideration due to availability of

mineral resources in the area in question.

(iv) Size or Magnitude of Operation

Mining lease area is estimated production of 6, 04,660 (TPA) ROM (Masonary

Stone 5, 40,410 tons per annum & Soap stone 34,220 tons per annum) .



As per geological and mineral atlas of India sheet no 14, miscellaneous bulletin no-30 and Mineral resource map of district the rocks of the area belong to intrusive. The stratigraphic succession of rocks is as follows



Inclusion of Masonry Stone in Soapstone Mining Lease (M.L. No. 19/2001 area: 4.9893 ha) and transfer of EC in favor of M/s Balaji Stone Mines & Minerals Located at Village Hirwas, Tehsil: Dantaramgarh, Sikar (Rajasthan)

Pre-Feasibility Report

M/s Balaji Stone Mines & Minerals


Method of Mining

The mining operations will be done by semi-mechanized opencast method which include drilling, blasting, excavation, sorting of mineral & transportation by trucks/dumpers. The production involves removal of overburden & mineral by using Excavator/Loader. Blasting is proposed for the extraction or removal of mineral and small O/B. Blasting will be done in scientific manner with use of non electric ignition system, to control & prevent the dust to get air borne and to control the fly rock as well as vibration.

The top alluvium will be kept separately and will be used for plantation purpose.

Subsequently, small overburden and mineral reject or inter burden below the top soil will be

mined out and stacked at the prescribed place which will be ultimately used for backfilling of

the voids created as a result of mining.


The machineries required for mining will be as follows:-


2.Tractor etc.

Table – 4 List of machinery

Inclusion of Masonry Stone in Soapstone Mining Lease (M.L. No. 19/2001 area: 4.9893 ha) and transfer of EC in favor of M/s Balaji Stone Mines & Minerals Located at Village Hirwas, Tehsil: Dantaramgarh, Sikar (Rajasthan)

Pre-Feasibility Report

M/s Balaji Stone Mines & Minerals

Source: Mining Plan along with Progressive Mine Closure Plan

* Machinery will be deployed on hire basis except water tanker with tractor &

diesel engine operated pump.



The proposed Year-wise production plan for next five years is mentioned in

the table given below:

Table – 5

Year Wise Production for Next Five Years

Inclusion of Masonry Stone in Soapstone Mining Lease (M.L. No. 19/2001 area: 4.9893 ha) and transfer of EC in favor of M/s Balaji Stone Mines & Minerals Located at Village Hirwas, Tehsil: Dantaramgarh, Sikar (Rajasthan)

Pre-Feasibility Report

M/s Balaji Stone Mines & Minerals

Source: Mining Plan along with Progressive Mine Closure Plan


The excavated mineral will be loaded into tractors / dumper / tipper. The

waste rocks will be loaded by excavator then transported to the Dump yard

and mineral loaded into trucks & dumper for its transportation to various



The soil layer is scrapped and stacked separately. The overburden /

interburden /excavated material will be removed and dumped to excavated

pits by dumpers/tipping /tractor loaded by excavators/loaders.


Production: 6, 04,660 (TPA) ROM (Masonary Stone 5, 40,410 tons per

annum & Soap stone 34,220 tons per annum) .

Conceptual Mining plan is the ultimate limit of the pit (UPL) which is

assumed at the end of life of mine.

(vi) Raw Material Required Along With Estimated Quantity, Likely

Source, Marketing Area of Final Products, Mode of Transport of

Raw Material and Finished Product

This is Masonry Stone Mining Lease. Masonry Stone will be either sold to

the customers or the lessee may use in captive Stone Crusher unit in the

Mining Lease or outside the mining lease as per the cust0mer requirement.

Inclusion of Masonry Stone in Soapstone Mining Lease (M.L. No. 19/2001 area: 4.9893 ha) and transfer of EC in favor of M/s Balaji Stone Mines & Minerals Located at Village Hirwas, Tehsil: Dantaramgarh, Sikar (Rajasthan)

Pre-Feasibility Report

M/s Balaji Stone Mines & Minerals

(vii) Resources Optimization/ Recycling and Reuse Envisaged in the

Project, if any, should be briefly Outlined

No waste water will be generated from mining operation

Domestic sewage water generated from office toilet will be

disposed in soak pits via septic tank.

Top soil will be utilized for greenbelt/plantation within the lease


Overburden will be used for backfilling the part of excavated

area & will be reclaimed by plantation.

(viii) Availability of Water Its Source, Energy /Power Requirement

and Source

A. Water requirement:

Total water requirement for the proposed project will be 5 KLD

which will be sourced from nearby villages and mine sump.

B. Power requirement:

There is no electric line passing near the mine area, however, the

electricity is available along tar rod in the village Heerwas which is

about 1.0 Km away from Mine Site.

(ix) Quantity of Waste to Be Generated (Liquid and Solid) And Scheme

for Their Management/Disposal:

The OB reject removed will be backfilled in the excavated part of the pit.

The topsoil removed shall then be spread over it and plantation done on


There will not be any mine discharge. Domestic sewage water generated

from office toilet will be disposed in soak pits via septic tank.


(i) Connectivity

Inclusion of Masonry Stone in Soapstone Mining Lease (M.L. No. 19/2001 area: 4.9893 ha) and transfer of EC in favor of M/s Balaji Stone Mines & Minerals Located at Village Hirwas, Tehsil: Dantaramgarh, Sikar (Rajasthan)

Pre-Feasibility Report

M/s Balaji Stone Mines & Minerals

The lease area is well connected with roads & Post and Telegraph, Hospital,

Bank, Education and all market facilities are available at these places. Jaipur

International Airport, Airport Rd Sanganer, Jaipur, Rajasthan 302017 at ~80 Km. in

South East Direction. Ranolishishu Railway station at ~21 km. in North East


(ii) Land Form, Land Use and Land Ownership

Existing Land Use Pattern

The total ML area of 4.9893 ha comprises of Government waste land.

(iii) Topography

The relief of the applied lease area is dominated by undulating topography.

Rainfall in this area is average.

The altitude of the area varies from 476 m RL to 530 m RL. The general slope

of the area is Eastern Side of the lease area.

No railway line and canal passing through the lease area. There is no forest

land in the lease area. The lease area is govt. waste land. No electric line is

passing through the lease area.

(iv) Existing Land Use Pattern {Agriculture, Non-Agriculture, Forest, Water

Bodies (Including Area Under CRZ)}, Shortest Distances From The

Periphery Of The Project To Periphery Of The Forests, National Park,

Wild Life Sanctuary, Eco Sensitive Areas, Water Bodies (Distance From

The HFL Of The River), CRZ. In Case Of Notified Industrial Area, A Copy

Of The Gazette Notification

Table – 7 Environmental Settings

S. No. Particular Details


Nearest Village Danta ~5 km SW Danta Ramgarh ~9 km SW Ghatwa ~9 km SW Sajjanpura ~4 km SE Rupgarh ~6 km NW Mohanpura ~8 km NW

Inclusion of Masonry Stone in Soapstone Mining Lease (M.L. No. 19/2001 area: 4.9893 ha) and transfer of EC in favor of M/s Balaji Stone Mines & Minerals Located at Village Hirwas, Tehsil: Dantaramgarh, Sikar (Rajasthan)

Pre-Feasibility Report

M/s Balaji Stone Mines & Minerals

Suliyawas ~6 km West

2. Nearest city/ town Sikar at ~31 km. in NW Direction. & District head

quarter sikar ~ 30 Km. in NW Direction.

3. Highway NH -11 is at a distance of ~22 km in NE direction.

4. Nearest Railway Station Ranolishishu Railway station at ~21 km. in North East Direction.


Nearest Airport Jaipur International Airport, Airport Rd Sanganer,

Jaipur, Rajasthan 302017 at ~80 Km. in South

East Direction.

6. Archaeological Important


None, within 10 km radius area of mine site.

7. Ecological Sensitive Areas

(National Park, Wildlife

Sanctuary, Biosphere

Reserve etc.)

There is no National Park, Wild Life Sanctuaries,

Biosphere Reserves, Tiger Reserves, Wildlife

Corridors, etc. within 10 km radius

9. Reserved/Protected Forest

within 10 km radius S.

No. Particulars


from Mine


(in km)





Protected Forest

1. Nimawas Block PF

~1.0 Km. South


2. Kantiya Dantla PF ~2.0 Km. North


3. Rupgarh PF ~5.0 Km. North


4. Khatiwas PF ~6.0 Km. North


5. Rewasa jinmata Block PF

~6.5 Km. North

Inclusion of Masonry Stone in Soapstone Mining Lease (M.L. No. 19/2001 area: 4.9893 ha) and transfer of EC in favor of M/s Balaji Stone Mines & Minerals Located at Village Hirwas, Tehsil: Dantaramgarh, Sikar (Rajasthan)

Pre-Feasibility Report

M/s Balaji Stone Mines & Minerals


6. PF ~7.0 km SW

7. PF ~8.0 km SW

8. Adha Dungar Block PF

~9.0 km. SW

9. PF Near Bubane ~12.0 km SW

10 PF Near Chimmanpura

~13.0 km SW

11. Sarvelion ki Dungri PF

~14 km. NW

12 PF Near Bhartja ~14.0 km. SW

10. Nearest River / water body


No. Particulars





(in km)


from Mine



Source : SOI Topo sheet

Inclusion of Masonry Stone in Soapstone Mining Lease (M.L. No. 19/2001 area: 4.9893 ha) and transfer of EC in favor of M/s Balaji Stone Mines & Minerals Located at Village Hirwas, Tehsil: Dantaramgarh, Sikar (Rajasthan)

Pre-Feasibility Report

M/s Balaji Stone Mines & Minerals

Inclusion of Masonry Stone in Soapstone Mining Lease (M.L. No. 19/2001 area: 4.9893 ha) and transfer of EC in favor of M/s Balaji Stone Mines & Minerals Located at Village Hirwas, Tehsil: Dantaramgarh, Sikar (Rajasthan)

Pre-Feasibility Report

M/s Balaji Stone Mines & Minerals

(v) Existing Infrastructure:

There is no building & structure within mining lease area except some

vegetations existing on the lease area which will be cleared when required. Total

lease area is Government waste land.

The lease area is well connected with roads & Post and Telegraph, Hospital,

Bank, Education and all market facilities are available at these places. Jaipur

International Airport, Airport Rd Sanganer, Jaipur, Rajasthan 302017 at ~80 Km. in South

East Direction. Ranolishishu Railway station at ~21 km. in North East Direction.

(vi) Soil Classification

The lease area is having well drained, calcareous, clayey soils on with moderate


(vii) Climatic Data from Secondary Sources

The area is characterized by semi-arid type with an average annual rainfall of

about 463 mm. which is mainly received during July to September.

The minimum temp recorded as 1.4 º during winter whereas maximum temp.

recorded during summer is 47 º C. General wind direction is south west to north


Social Infrastructure Available

The site is well connected with social infrastructure facilities like medical, post

office, schools, police stations etc. and as such, no constraints are envisaged in

this aspect as the tehsil and district headquarter is near to the mine site.


(i) Planning Concept (Type of Industries, Facilities, and Transportation etc.)

Town and Country Planning/Development Authority Classification


Inclusion of Masonry Stone in Soapstone Mining Lease (M.L. No. 19/2001 area: 4.9893 ha) and transfer of EC in favor of M/s Balaji Stone Mines & Minerals Located at Village Hirwas, Tehsil: Dantaramgarh, Sikar (Rajasthan)

Pre-Feasibility Report

M/s Balaji Stone Mines & Minerals

(ii) Population Projection

Manpower required will be engaged from nearby areas. No significant influx of people is anticipated in the area.

(iii) Assessment of Infrastructure Demand (Physical & Social)

Mining Management will assess the demand of infrastructure (Physical & Social) in nearby area of the proposed mine site and same will be developed under corporate social responsibilities programs.

(iv) Amenities/Facilities

Mining Management will develop the Amenities/Facilities in the nearby area of the proposed mine site as per requirement of local people of the nearby area under corporate social responsibility programs.


(i) Industrial Area (Processing Area)

Soap Stone & Masonry Stone mining lease area is 4.9893 ha and required infrastructure for Soap Stone & Masonry Stone mining activities will be provided.

(ii) Residential Area (Non Processing Area)

This is not required as mine workers comes from nearby villages.

(iii) Green Belt

Approximately 33 % area of the mining lease will be covered under plantation.

At the end of life of mine, total excavated area will be converted into water reservoir. Mine’s office will be constructed in 0.05 ha. Plantation/ greenbelt will be developed in 33% area within/ outside the mining lease. The top soil will be stacked separately and ultimately used for plantation proposes.

Area proposed to be covered with trees @ 1000 per hectare. Green belt will be developed around the lease boundary, haul roads, office,

plantation will be done on undisturbed area, reclaimed area & mine office etc. Plant species already planted and to be planted are as follows - Azadirachta

indica (Neem), Millingtonia hortensis (Indian Cork Tree/ Neem Chameli), Ziziphus mauritiana (Ber), Ailanthus excelsa (Ardu), Acacia senegal (Kumtha),

Inclusion of Masonry Stone in Soapstone Mining Lease (M.L. No. 19/2001 area: 4.9893 ha) and transfer of EC in favor of M/s Balaji Stone Mines & Minerals Located at Village Hirwas, Tehsil: Dantaramgarh, Sikar (Rajasthan)

Pre-Feasibility Report

M/s Balaji Stone Mines & Minerals

Acacia catechu (Ker), Emblica officinalis (Amla), Ficus bengalensis (Bargad), Bauhinia variegata (Kachnar), Holoptlia integrifolia (Churel), etc.

The dead plants will be replaced by fresh plants. (iv) Social Infrastructure

Proposed Masonry Stone mining lease will result in growth of the surrounding areas by increased direct and indirect employment opportunities in the region including ancillary development and supporting infrastructure.

(v) Connectivity

The lease area is well connected with roads & Post and Telegraph, Hospital, Bank,

Education and all market facilities are available at these places. Jaipur International

Airport, Airport Rd Sanganer, Jaipur, Rajasthan 302017 at ~80 Km. in South East Direction.

Ranolishishu Railway station at ~21 km. in North East Direction.

Water Management (Source & Supply of water)

Total water requirement for the project will be 5 KLD.

Table – 11

Water Requirement

S. No Particular Total Water Requirement

(in KLD)

1 Green Belt / Plantation 1

2 Drinking & Sanitation 2

3 Dust Suppression & Water Sprinkling


Total Water Requirement 5

Source: Mining Plan along with progressive mine closure plan

Water will be purchased from nearby villages and mine sump as and when developed.

There is no source of Groundwater within the lease area and groundwater will not be used for any purpose.

Inclusion of Masonry Stone in Soapstone Mining Lease (M.L. No. 19/2001 area: 4.9893 ha) and transfer of EC in favor of M/s Balaji Stone Mines & Minerals Located at Village Hirwas, Tehsil: Dantaramgarh, Sikar (Rajasthan)

Pre-Feasibility Report

M/s Balaji Stone Mines & Minerals

There is no surface water body within the mining lease area. Thus, there is no localized / concentrated contamination of water from the mining in area.

Garland drains will be provided around the working pits. Rainwater will not be diverted into any natural water channel.

The rain water collected in mining pit will be used for plantation, dust suppression requirements.

Domestic sewage water generated from office toilet will be disposed in soak pits via septic tank.

(vi) Sewerage System

Domestic sewage water generated from office toilet will be disposed in soak pits via septic tank. Outside discharge is not envisaged.

(vii) Industrial Waste Management

No industrial waste water will be generated from Masonry mining operation.

(viii) Solid Waste Management

The OB reject generated from mine will be used for backfilling part of the excavated pit.

The topsoil removed will be spread over the reclaimed area and will be used for plantation.

(ix) Power Requirement & Supply/Source

Electric power will not be required in mining operations.

Inclusion of Masonry Stone in Soapstone Mining Lease (M.L. No. 19/2001 area: 4.9893 ha) and transfer of EC in favor of M/s Balaji Stone Mines & Minerals Located at Village Hirwas, Tehsil: Dantaramgarh, Sikar (Rajasthan)

Pre-Feasibility Report

M/s Balaji Stone Mines & Minerals


(i) Policy To Be Adopted (Central/State) In Respect Of The Project Affected Persons Including Home Oustees, Land Oustees And Landless Laborers (Brief Outline To Be Given)

Not Applicable as there is no existence population, home Oustees, Land Oustees etc. within the proposed mining lease area.


(i) Likely Date Of Start Of Construction And Likely Date Of Completion (Time

Schedule For The Project To Be Given)

The mining activity will be started after obtaining Environmental Clearance from

SEIAA, Rajasthan and acquiring the valid mining lease from Mines and Geology

Department of the State Government.

(ii) Estimated Project Cost Along With Analysis In Terms Of Economic Viability

of the Project

Cost of the project : 50 Lacs

Cost for Environmental Protection Measures

: 80,000/- per annum

Cost for CSR Activities : 85,000/- per annum


Proposed Masonry Stone Mining Lease will result in growth of the surrounding

areas by increasing direct and indirect employment opportunities in the region

including ancillary development and supporting infrastructure. Special emphasis

on Financial and Social benefits will be given to the local people including tribal

population, if any, in the area.

Development of social amenities will be in the form of medical facilities,

education to underprivileged and creation of self help groups.

No major adverse effect on environment is envisaged as the required mitigation

measures are inbuilt in the project.

Inclusion of Masonry Stone in Soapstone Mining Lease (M.L. No. 19/2001 area: 4.9893 ha) and transfer of EC in favor of M/s Balaji Stone Mines & Minerals Located at Village Hirwas, Tehsil: Dantaramgarh, Sikar (Rajasthan)

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The environmental management plan consists of a set of mitigation, management, monitoring and institutional measures to be taken during implementation and operation of the project, to eliminate adverse environmental impacts or reduce them to acceptable levels. The environmental management plan addresses, the components of environment, which are likely to be affected by the different operations in a mine.

The Objectives of EMP are:

Overall conservation of environment.

Minimization of waste generation and its proper use.

Judicious use of natural resources and water.

Safety, welfare and good health of the work force and others.

Ensure effective operation of all control measures.

Vigilance against probable hazards and risk assessment.

Monitoring of cumulative and long term impacts.

Ensure effective operation of all control measures.

Environmental Management Plan, which is to be implemented in the project, is detailed under the following heads:

Air Pollution Control

Noise Mitigation

Water Management

Land Reclamation

Greenbelt Development


In order to minimize impacts of mining on different environmental parameters and to keep air and water quality within prescribed limits of CPCB, an Environmental Management Plan (EMP) has been prepared. This will be help in resolving all environmental and ecological issues due to mining in the area.

The environmental management plan will be include all preventive as well as mitigation measures to minimize impact on environment along-with reclamation and rehabilitation measures for mined out land.

The individual operations which will be generate particulate matter drilling, blasting, excavation, loading, unloading and transportation etc. The general air pollution in case of mining operation includes dust, smoke, Sulphur dioxide, nitrates etc. Gaseous emission due to blasting and exhaust from diesel engines of the machinery deployed

Inclusion of Masonry Stone in Soapstone Mining Lease (M.L. No. 19/2001 area: 4.9893 ha) and transfer of EC in favor of M/s Balaji Stone Mines & Minerals Located at Village Hirwas, Tehsil: Dantaramgarh, Sikar (Rajasthan)

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also pollute the atmosphere marginally. These can have adverse effects on the human health conditions, depending upon the concentration, particle size and duration of exposure with the above pollutants.

However, proper precautions will be help in minimizing the adverse impact due to air pollution.

10.2.1 Prevention and Control of Air Pollution

A. Dust Pollution

One of the main pollutants in air will be particulate matter (PM), which will be generated during various activities of mining such as removal of overburden, extraction of mineral, movement of mining machinery and vehicles. Following measures will be adopted to minimize air pollution:-

Wet Drilling will be done with sharp drill bits.

Blasting will be done for breaking the hard strata & it will be proposed in small scale with low charge.

Green belt development will be done periphery of the lease area to control dust pollution.

Periodic air quality monitoring will be carried out to ensure that the concentration of pollutants is within prescribed limits.

B. Prevention and Control of Gaseous Pollution

Proper maintenance of machine will be done, which minimizes the pollutants.


10.3.1 Noise Abatement and Control

Proper maintenance of all machineries carried out which will be help in reducing generation of noise during operations.

Workers exposed to high noise levels provided with ear muffs/plugs & will be persuaded to use the same.

Adequate silencers will be provided in all the diesel engines.

Green belt will be developed around the lease boundary to minimize noise propagation.

Periodic noise level monitoring will be done.


10.4.1 Surface Water Management

There is no water body exists within the lease area. Garland drains will be provided around the working pits. At the end of life of mine excavated pits will be converted into water reservoir. There will be any impact on surface water.

Inclusion of Masonry Stone in Soapstone Mining Lease (M.L. No. 19/2001 area: 4.9893 ha) and transfer of EC in favor of M/s Balaji Stone Mines & Minerals Located at Village Hirwas, Tehsil: Dantaramgarh, Sikar (Rajasthan)

Page 3

10.4.2 Ground Water Management

Mining in the area will be above ground water table. Ultimate working depth is well above ground water table.

There will be no toxic element in the mined out material, which may contaminate ground/ surface water.

There will be no significant impact on groundwater resources of buffer zone envisaged due to mining activity, as it is confined to a proposed mining area and above water table.

10.4.3 Waste Water Management

No waste water will be generated during the mining activities.

Domestic sewage water generated from rest shelter disposed in soak pits. Water Conservation Measures

Optimum utilization of ground water

Initially, Water for drinking purpose, mining work, spraying and for plantation will be purchased from nearby villages. But later on, when the mine sump will be developed, rain water accumulated in sump is being used for dust suppression, plantation etc.

Water Recycling – In this mine, recycling of water will not be possible, as no waste water treatment is proposed.

10.5 Solid Waste Management

If top soil generated during mining operation it will be simultaneously used for plantation purpose.

Maximum quantity of waste will be sold in the nearby area after taking requisite permission from concern authority. Rest waste will be dumped on 0.30 ha inside the lease area. The height of is proposed 10 meters in two stages of 5 meters height each.

All safety measures are being taken to stabilize waste dumps. Retaining wall are being made at the towards lower side


Green belt development programme will be designed within the natural constraints of the site and in particular species selection reflects flora known to be resistant to the local conditions. A Greenbelt development is necessary for:

1. Landscaping and providing shelter.

2. Surface air purification by providing oxygen and letting SPM to settle on the leaves.

3. To attenuate noise generation by movement of vehicles and other machinery.

4. To check soil erosion.

Inclusion of Masonry Stone in Soapstone Mining Lease (M.L. No. 19/2001 area: 4.9893 ha) and transfer of EC in favor of M/s Balaji Stone Mines & Minerals Located at Village Hirwas, Tehsil: Dantaramgarh, Sikar (Rajasthan)

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The plant species will be selected in consultation with forest department.

The following characteristics will be taken into consideration while selecting plant species for green belt development and tree plantation.

I. They should be local indigenous and drought resistant species.

II. They should be fast growing and tall trees.

Post Mining Plan (Conceptual) Land Pattern of ML Area (Ha.)

10.8.1 Plantation Programme


Year Unworked Area

Waste Dump (Outside)

Inside Dump (Reclaimed Area)

Top Soil Dumps Total

Area (Ha.)

No. of Trees

Area (Ha.)

No. of Trees

Area (Ha.)

No. of Trees

Area (Ha.)

No. of Trees

Area (Ha.)

No. of Trees

Existing Nil Nil - - - - - - Nil Nil I 0.80 800 - - - - - - 0.80 800 II 0.64 640 - - - - - - 0.64 640 III 0.20 200 - - - - - - 0.20 200

Total 1.64 1640 - - - - - - 1.64 1640

10.8.2 General Guidelines for Green Belt Development

i. Trees growing up to 5 m. or more in height will be planted around the installation.

ii. Plantation of trees will be done outside the lease periphery.

iii. Trees will be planted along roadsides, to arrest auto-exhaust and noise pollution, and in such a way that there is no direct line of sight to the mine when viewed from a point outside the foliage perimeter.

In order to facilitate the proper growth of vegetation, limited measures involving preparation of seedbed with suitable amount of fertilizers and treatment with mulches will be taken. The topsoil will be used for green belt development / plantation.

Proposed trees Sitafal, Peepal, Shesham, Jungle Jalebi, Amaltas, Palas, Dhak, Neem, PeeliKaner, Sahajan, Amaltas, Dhak, Anthocephalus chinesis (Kadamba), Lawsonia inermis (mehandi),

Vegetation covers in and around the mine workings generally helps in:

Stabilizing erodible slopes to minimize pollution.

Control of dust.

Enhancement of aesthetic value.

Maximizing evapo-transpiration, which helps minimizing run off.

Reducing noise.

Inclusion of Masonry Stone in Soapstone Mining Lease (M.L. No. 19/2001 area: 4.9893 ha) and transfer of EC in favor of M/s Balaji Stone Mines & Minerals Located at Village Hirwas, Tehsil: Dantaramgarh, Sikar (Rajasthan)

Page 5

For revegetation, the plants and saplings suitable for the existing soils and site conditions may be considered. It is recommended to plant fast growing local species, which can adapt to the local climate.

This will be done in consultation with local government horticulturist.



Better education facilities, proper health care, road infrastructure and drinking water facilities will be basic social amenities for standard of living for any human being project proponent will provide basic facilities in the area.


The working conditions in the mines are governed by the enactments of the Director General of Mines Safety (DGMS). As per the guidelines of the Mines Act, the management will take all necessary precautions. Normal sanitary facilities are being provided within the lease area. The management carry out periodic health check up of workers.

All necessary first aid and medical facilities are being provided to the workers. The mine will be well equipped with proper fire protection and firefighting equipment. All operators and mechanics are trained to handle fire-fighting equipments. Further all the necessary protective equipments such as helmets, shoes, safety belts, safety

S. No. Particulars Activities to be done by Project Proponent

Total Expenditure

Per Year (Amount in Rs.)

1. EDUCATION Distribution of school bags & stationery item to school children


Distribution of books in school Distribution of sports good among school children.


General health camps for nearby villagers 20,000/- Eye check-up camp Organization of dental check-up camp Distribution of medicines free of cost


Renovation of nearby community hall 20,000/- Renovation of nearby school building Repair/renovation of Anganbari centre Repair of school terrace

4. SOCIAL WELFARE Support for supply of drinking water 20,000/- Financial assistance to rural cultural programmes Social forestry Awareness programmes for villagers (Rainwater Harvesting, Adult Education / Health)

Total 80,000/-

Inclusion of Masonry Stone in Soapstone Mining Lease (M.L. No. 19/2001 area: 4.9893 ha) and transfer of EC in favor of M/s Balaji Stone Mines & Minerals Located at Village Hirwas, Tehsil: Dantaramgarh, Sikar (Rajasthan)

Page 6

goggles, earplugs, earmuffs, etc. are provided to persons working in mines as per Mines Rules, 1955.

10.10.1 Occupational Health

A. Pre Placement and Periodical Health Status

Pre /post-employment checkup are being carried out and following tests conducted.

Periodical medical checkup of employed persons are got done ones in a year.

B. Personal Protective Devices and Measures

Face Mask for prevention of dust

Ear Muff

Safety Helmets

Welder equipment for eye and face protection

Leather Hand Gloves

Safety Shoes

C. Anticipated Occupational & Safety Hazards

Heat Stress and Heat Stroke


Cardiac Disease

Dust Exposure



Sr. No. Facilities Provided for labours Cost (Rs.)

1. Shelter 15,000/-

2. Health Facility 15,000/-

3. Drinking Water and Sanitation Facility 15,000/-

4. Education facility for children 15,000/-

Total 60,000/-

Inclusion of Masonry Stone in Soapstone Mining Lease (M.L. No. 19/2001 area: 4.9893 ha) and transfer of EC in favor of M/s Balaji Stone Mines & Minerals Located at Village Hirwas, Tehsil: Dantaramgarh, Sikar (Rajasthan)

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As discussed, it is safe to say that the project not be likely to cause any significant impact on the ecology of the area, as adequate preventive measures will be adopted to contain the various pollutants within permissible limits. The project proponent commits that he bound to comply with stipulation as will be imposed by according in EC by SEIAA Rajasthan.

The compliance report of the stipulation of EC will be submitted to Regional office MoEFCC and Quarterly report to the RSPCB Rajasthan as per the guidelines of the respective authorities.

Green belt development around the area will also be developed as an effective pollution control technique, as well as to control the pollutants released due to mining.