Appendix G - Department of City ·...

Appendix G Utility Technical Report

Transcript of Appendix G - Department of City ·...

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Appendix G  

Utility Technical Report

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McCadden Project Utility Technical Report: Water and Energy

January 29, 2016


KPFF Consulting Engineers

6080 Center Drive, Suite 750

Los Angeles, CA 90045

(310) 665-2800

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McCadden Project Utility Technical Report

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Table of Contents

1. INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................... 1

1.1. PROJECT DESCRIPTION ......................................................................................................... 1

1.2. SCOPE OF WORK.................................................................................................................. 2

2. EXISTING CONDITIONS .......................................................................................................... 2

2.1. WATER SERVICE .................................................................................................................. 2

2.1.1. DOMESTIC ................................................................................................................... 2

2.1.2. FIRE ............................................................................................................................ 2

2.2. ENERGY .............................................................................................................................. 2

3. METHODOLOGY ..................................................................................................................... 2

3.1. WATER ............................................................................................................................... 2

3.2. ENERGY .............................................................................................................................. 3

4. INFRASTRUCTURE CAPACITY ................................................................................................ 3

4.1. CONSTRUCTION ................................................................................................................... 3

4.1.1. WATER ........................................................................................................................ 3

4.1.2. ENERGY ....................................................................................................................... 4

4.2. OPERATION ......................................................................................................................... 5

4.2.1. WATER ........................................................................................................................ 5 WATER CONSUMPTION ............................................................................................. 5 FIRE WATER DEMAND ............................................................................................... 5 DOMESTIC WATER DEMAND ...................................................................................... 6

4.2.2. ENERGY ....................................................................................................................... 6


Exhibit 1- SAR Reports (3)

Exhibit 2- Los Angeles Department of Water and Power Will Serve Letter

Exhibit 3- Southern California Gas Will Serve Letter

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McCadden Project Utility Technical Report

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The proposed McCadden Project (Project) consists of the construction of three new

buildings and a new two-level, below-grade parking structure on a project site located at

1118-1139 N. McCadden Place and 6719-6733 Santa Monica Boulevard (the Project Site)

in the Hollywood community of the City of Los Angeles (City). The Project Site includes

approximately 2.67 acres of land bisected by N. McCadden Place. The portion of the

Project Site on the west side of N. McCadden Place is located at 1119-1139 N.

McCadden Place (the West Site) and the portion of the Project Site on the east side of N.

McCadden Place is located at 1118-1136 N. McCadden Place and 6719–6733 Santa

Monica Boulevard (the East Site).

The proposed Project includes a six-story senior housing building, a five-story youth

housing building and a 1-4-story LGBT facility that includes a senior center, the youth

center, administrative offices, accessory recreational space, and transitional living and

emergency guestrooms. The senior housing building, the LGBT facility and the below-

grade parking would be developed on the East Site, while the youth housing building

would be developed on the southern portion of the West Site located at 1119 N.

McCadden Place (the Youth Housing Parcel), just south of the existing Village at Ed

Gould Plaza (the Village), which is located on the northern portion of the West Site.

The East Site is bound to the north by parking lots with commercial property beyond; to

the east by N. Las Palmas Ave with commercial property (film/camera shops,

laundromat, 7-11) beyond; to the south by Santa Monica Boulevard with commercial

property beyond; and to the west by N. McCadden Place with commercial property

beyond. The West Site is bound to the north by commercial property; to the east by

N. McCadden Place; to the south by commercial property; and to the west by

commercial property.

The southern portion of the East Site is currently developed with one-story, brick office

building that was constructed around 1952 and is currently utilized as office space by

the Los Angeles LGBT Center. The Youth Housing Parcel is currently an asphalt-paved

parking lot utilized by the LGBT Center. The north portion of the East Site is developed

with asphalt-paved parking that extends from N. Las Palmas Ave to the east to

N. McCadden Place to the west. Access to the East Site is via Santa Monica Boulevard to

the south, N. Las Palmas Avenue to the east, and N. McCadden Place to the west. Access

to the Youth Housing Parcel on the West Site is via N. McCadden Place to the east.

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This report evaluates the capacity of the existing water and energy (electricity and

natural gas) infrastructure serving the Project Site and determines whether the existing

infrastructure can accommodate the Project.




Based on available record data provided by the City, there is a 12-inch water main in

Santa Monica Boulevard, an 8-inch water main in Las Palmas Avenue, and a 4-inch water

main in N. McCadden Place. Based on conversations with Los Angeles Department of

Water and Power (LADWP), the domestic water for the existing office building on the

East Site and the Village on the West Site are served off N. McCadden Place.

2.1.2. FIRE

Fire sprinklers for the existing office building on the East Site are served off of Santa

Monica Boulevard, while fire sprinklers for the Village are served off of N. McCadden

Place. There are also existing fire hydrants in front of the property on Las Palmas

Avenue, on the southwest corner of N. McCadden Place and Santa Monica Boulevard

and the northwest corner of Las Palmas Avenue and Santa Monica Boulevard.


Electrical service to the Project Site is provided by the LADWP. Based on conversations

with the LADWP, the site receives power from power poles in Santa Monica Boulevard.

Gas service to the Project Site is provided by Southern California Gas Company. Based

on available record drawings, the gas company operates gas lines in N. McCadden Place

and Santa Monica Boulevard.


3.1. WATER

To determine the capacity of the existing water infrastructure to serve the Project, this

report compares the estimated Project water demand with the calculated available

capacity of the existing water infrastructure.

LADWP was also consulted in preparation of this report. Specifically, LADWP performed

a flow test to determine if available water conveyance exists for future development.

LADWP's approach consists of data ranging from available static pressure (meaning how

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much pressure is available at the source before applying a project's demand), to the

available pressure at the maximum demand needed for a project. Based on the results

of the flow test, LADWP then determines whether or not it can meet the project's need

based on the existing water infrastructure.

The following has been considered as part of this analysis:

Environmental Setting

• Description of major water infrastructure serving the Project Site, including

the type of facilities, location and sizes, and any planned improvements

• Description of the water conditions for the project area and known

improvement plans

Project Infrastructure Impacts

• Review the project description and the information obtained from a review

of the Environmental Setting (above) and Evaluation of Screening Criteria.

• Determine what improvements would be needed, if any, to adequately

serve the Project.

• Describe the degree to which presently scheduled off-site improvements

offset infrastructure needs.


The Project Site will require an upgrade in the electrical service. The Project demands

include the number of feeds, the overall estimated connected load, the need for a

transformer, and placement of the transformer. The electrical engineer in coordination

with the will serve letters from the gas company and LADWP will determine if sufficient

capacity is available to serve the Project.



4.1.1. WATER

A water supply would be required during the construction of the Project for dust

control, cleaning of equipment, excavation/export, removal and re-compaction, etc.

However, this water use during construction would be limited and temporary. The

water demand during construction of the Project would also be offset from removal of

the existing office building on the East Site, which is currently operational and has

associated water consumption. Therefore, it is anticipated that the existing water

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infrastructure would meet the limited and temporary water demand associated with

construction of the Project.

The Project will require construction of new, onsite water distribution lines that would

connect to the public main lines to serve the new buildings. Construction activities

associated with the installation of water distribution lines would primarily involve

trenching in order to place the water distribution lines below the surface and would be

limited to onsite water distribution, together with minor offsite work associated with

connections to the public main. No upgrades to public water mains are anticipated.

Prior to ground disturbance, The project contractor would coordinate with LADWP to

identify the locations and depth of all lines. Further, LADWP would be notified in

advance of proposed ground disturbance activities to avoid water lines and disruption of

water service.

4.1.2. ENERGY

Electrical power would be consumed to construct the new buildings and facilities that

comprise the Project. Electrical power would be supplied from existing electrical

services within the Project Site or from a power pole in the adjacent streets and would

not affect other services. Overall, demolition and construction activities would require

minimal electricity consumption and it is anticipated that available electricity supplies

and infrastructure, whether onsite or offsite, would meet the limited electricity

consumption associated with construction of the Project.

Construction of the Project would not involve the consumption of natural gas. Natural

gas would not be supplied to support project construction activities, so there would be

no demand for natural gas generated by construction.

The Project would require construction of new onsite electrical and gas distribution

facilities that would connect to existing main lines to serve the new buildings.

Construction activities associated with the installation of the electrical and gas

distribution facilities would primarily be confined to trenching and would be limited to

onsite electrical and natural gas distribution, together with minor offsite work

associated with connections to the main lines. No upgrades to the existing electrical and

natural gas mains are anticipated. Prior to ground disturbance, the project contractor

would coordinate with LADWP and the Southern California Gas Company to identify the

locations and depth of all lines. LADWP and the Southern California Gas Company would

also be notified in advance of proposed ground disturbance activities to avoid disruption

of electrical and natural gas service.

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When analyzing the Project for infrastructure capacity, the projected demands for both

fire suppression and domestic water are considered. Although domestic water demand

is the Project’s main contributor to water consumption, fire flow demands have a much

greater instantaneous impact on infrastructure, and therefore are the primary means

for analyzing infrastructure capacity. Nevertheless, conservative analysis for both fire

suppression and domestic water flows has been completed by LADWP for the Project.

See Exhibit 1 of this report for the results of the service advisory request (SAR) with

respect to fire service pressure flow. FIRE WATER DEMAND

Based on fire flow standards set forth in Section 57.507.3.1 of the LAMC for High

Density Residential and Neighborhood Commercial, the Project would require fire flow

of 4,000 gallons per minute (gpm) for four hydrants flowing simultaneously with a

residual pressure of 20 pounds per square inch. This translates to a required flow of

1,000 gpm for each hydrant. A Service Advisory Request (SAR) was submitted to LADWP

in order to determine if the existing public infrastructure could meet the demands of

the Project. Exhibit 1 shows a static pressure of 129-130 pounds per square inch in the

area and that flows up to 1,400 gpm can be delivered to the Project Site with a residual

pressure of up to 89 pounds per square inch, which far exceeds the 20 pounds per

square inch requirement for the surrounding public hydrants.

Furthermore, Section 57.513.1 of the LAMC permits the use of supplemental fire

protection equipment or systems, including the installation of an automatic fire

extinguishing system, in lieu of the requirements of the Fire Code, in which case the

project developer shall either conform to the requirements of the Fire Code or install

such supplemental equipment or systems. In accordance with these provisions, the

Project will incorporate seperate fire sprinkler suppression systems for each site to

reduce or eliminate the public hydrant demands, which will be subject to fire

department review and approval during the design and permitting of the Project. The

plumbing engineer has estimated the fire sprinkler demand to be approximately 1,000

gpm for the East Site and 750 gpm for the West Site. Based on pressure flow reports

obtained from LADWP (see Exhibit 1), the existing public infrastructure can deliver flows

up to 1,400 gpm with a residual pressure of up to 89 psi. Therefore, LADWP would be

able to supply sufficient flow and pressure to satisfy the needs of the fire suppression

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for the Project. As stated above, Exhibit 1 shows that LADWP can supply sufficient flow

and pressure to satisfy that demand. DOMESTIC WATER DEMAND

Based on fixture units and type of use, the domestic demand for the Project has been

estimated by the plumbing engineer to be a total of 320 gpm spread for all of the

buildings. The approved SARs for the three adjacent streets confirm that sufficient

capacity is available for the Project, regardless of where the connections are made. The

Project includes a 3” domestic water connection to the existing water main in N.

McCadden Place, a 4” domestic water connection to the existing water main in Santa

Monica Boulevard and a 3” domestic water connection to the existing water min in N.

Las Palmas Avenue. The service laterals will be adequately sized to accommodate the

fire demand and domestic demand flowing simultaneously. In addition, the services will

include backflows and be metered separately per City requirements.

4.2.2. ENERGY

The Project would result in an increase in electrical demand in comparison with existing

conditions on the Project Site. Will serve request letter were sent to LADWP to

determine if there is sufficient capacity to serve the Project. The responses from LADWP

(see Exhibit 2) state that electric service will be available for the Project and that the

estimated power requirement for the Project is part of the total load growth forecast of

the City and has been taken into account in the planned growth of the power system.

The Project will also increase the demand for natural gas in comparison with existing

conditions on the Project Site. A will serve request letter was sent to the Southern

California Gas Company (SGC)to determine if there is sufficient capacity to serve the

Project. The response from SCG (see Exhibit 3) states that there are currently gas

facilities in the area available for the Project.

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Residual Flow/Pressure Table for water system street mainat this location







0 75 885 5793 610

130 74 900 5692 630

185 73 915 5591 645

230 72 925 5490 665

270 71 940 5389 680

305 70 950 5288 695

335 69 965 5187 710

365 68 975 5086 730

395 67 990 4985 745

420 66 1000 4884 760

445 6583 775

465 6482 790

490 6381 805

510 6280 820

530 6179 830

555 6078 845

570 5977 860

590 5876 875

Meter AssemblyCapacities

Domestic Meters

=1 inch 56 gpm

=1-1/2 inch 96 gpm

=2 inch 160 gpm

=3 inch 220 gpm

=4 inch 400 gpm

=6 inch 700 gpm

=8 inch 1500 gpm

=10 inch 2500 gpm

Fire Service

=2 inch 250 gpm

=4 inch 600 gpm

=6 inch 1400 gpm

=8 inch 2500 gpm

=10 inch 5000 gpm

FM Services

=8 inch 2500 gpm

=10 inch 5000 gpm


System maximum pressure should be used only for determining class of piping and fittings.

These values are subject to change due to changes in system facilities or demands.

This information will be sent to the Department of Building and Safety for plan checking.

Notes: It is approved up to 1000 gpm which is the maximum available flow.

This SAR is valid for one year from 11-02-15. Once the SAR expires, the applicant needs to re-apply and pay applicable processing fee.

WESTERN (213) 367-1225For additional information contact the Water Distribution Services Section

Prepared by Water Service Map


Approved by


130 302

Approved Date:

psi based on street curb elevation of feet above sea level at this location.

off of the 6 INCH

The distance from the DWP street main to the property line is feet

4 inch main in MCCADDEN PL on the WEST side approximately

231 feet NORTH of NORTH of SANTA MONICA BLVD The System maximum pressure is


52533SAR NUMBER 618198SERVICE NUMBERFire Service Pressure Flow Report


Los Angeles Department of Water and Power - Water SystemCity of Los Angeles

Proposed Service

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November 20, 2015

Attn: Dustin James

KPFF Consulting Engineers

6080 Center Dr., Suite 700

Los Angeles, CA. 90045

RE: Will Serve Letter Request for – Job ID# 43-2015-06-00062: 1119 McCadden Pl.

Los Angeles, CA. 90038

Dear Sir/Madam:

Thank you for inquiring about the availability of natural gas service for your project. We are pleased to

inform you that Southern California Gas Company (SoCalGas) has facilities in the area where the above

named project is being proposed. The service would be in accordance with SoCalGas’ policies and

extension rules on file with the California Public Utilities Commission (Commission) at the time

contractual arrangements are made.

This letter should not be considered a contractual commitment to serve the proposed project, and is only

provided for informational purposes only. The availability of natural gas service is based upon natural

gas supply conditions and is subject to changes in law or regulation. As a public utility, SoCalGas is

under the jurisdiction of the Commission and certain federal regulatory agencies, and gas service will be

provided in accordance with the rules and regulations in effect at the time service is provided. Natural

gas service is also subject to environmental regulations, which could affect the construction of a main or

service line extension (for example, if hazardous wastes were encountered in the process of installing the

line). Applicable regulations will be determined once a contract with SoCalGas is executed.

If you need assistance choosing the appropriate gas equipment for your project, or would like to discuss

the most effective applications of energy efficiency techniques, please contact our area Service Center at


Thank you again for choosing clean, reliable, and safe natural gas, your best energy value.


Pedro Reyes

Pipeline Planning Associate

Compton Headquarters