Appendix Boundary Curvatures and the Distance Function978-3-642-96379-7/1.pdfAppendix Boundary...

Appendix Boundary Curvatures and the Distance Function Let Q be a domain in !Rn having non-empty boundary t3Q. The distance function d is defined by (A 1) d(x)=dist (x, oQ). It is readily shown that dis uniformly Lipschitz continuous. For let x, y E !Rn and choose z E oQ such that I y- zl = d(y). Then +d(y) so that by interchanging x andy we have (A 2) ld(x)-d(y)l Yl· Now let oQ E C 2 . For y E oQ, let v(y), and T(y) denote respectively the unit inner normal to oQ at y and the tangent hyperplane to oQ at y. The curvatures of oQ at a fixed point Yo E oQ are determined as follows. By a rotation of coordinates we can assume that the xn coordinate axis lies in the direction v(y 0 ). In some neighborhood %=%(yo) of Yo, oQ is then given by Xn=<p(x') where x'= (x 1 , ... , xn_ 1 ), <p E C 2 (T(y 0 ) n %) and =0. The curvature of oQ at Yo is then described by the orthogonal invariants of the Hessian matrix [D 2 <p] evaluated K 1 , ... , Kn_ 1 , are called the principal curvatures of oQ at y 0 and the corresponding eigenvectors are called the principal directions of oQ at Yo· The mean curvature of oQ at Yo is given by (A 3) By a further rotation of coordinates we can assume that the x 1 , ... , xn_ 1 axes lie along principal directions corresponding to Kp . .. , "n- 1 at y 0 . Let us call such a coordinate system a principal coordinate system at y 0 The Hessian matrix with respect to the principal coordinate system at y 0 described above is given by

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Boundary Curvatures and the Distance Function

Let Q be a domain in !Rn having non-empty boundary t3Q. The distance function d is defined by

(A 1) d(x)=dist (x, oQ).

It is readily shown that dis uniformly Lipschitz continuous. For let x, y E !Rn and choose z E oQ such that I y- zl = d(y). Then

d(x)~lx-zl ~lx-yl +d(y)

so that by interchanging x andy we have

(A 2) ld(x)-d(y)l ~lx-Yl·

Now let oQ E C2 . For y E oQ, let v(y), and T(y) denote respectively the unit inner normal to oQ at y and the tangent hyperplane to oQ at y. The curvatures of oQ at a fixed point Yo E oQ are determined as follows. By a rotation of coordinates we can assume that the xn coordinate axis lies in the direction v(y0). In some neighborhood %=%(yo) of Yo, oQ is then given by Xn=<p(x') where x'= (x 1, ... , xn_ 1), <p E C 2(T(y0 ) n %) and D<p(y~) =0. The curvature of oQ at Yo is then described by the orthogonal invariants of the Hessian matrix [D2 <p] evaluated aty~. Theeigenvaluesof[D2<p(y~)], K 1, ... , Kn_ 1, are called the principal curvatures of oQ at y 0 and the corresponding eigenvectors are called the principal directions of oQ at Yo· The mean curvature of oQ at Yo is given by

(A 3)

By a further rotation of coordinates we can assume that the x 1, ... , xn_ 1 axes lie along principal directions corresponding to Kp . .. , "n- 1 at y0 . Let us call such a coordinate system a principal coordinate system at y 0 • The Hessian matrix [D2<p(y~)] with respect to the principal coordinate system at y 0 described above is given by

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382 Appendix: Boundary Curvatures and the Distance Function

The unit inner normal vector v(y')=v(y) at the point y=(y', <p(y')) E JV n oQ is given by

(A 5) -D;<p(y') 1

v;(y) , i=1, ... ,n-1, vnCy) J1 +ID<p(y')l 2 ~1 + ID<p(y')l 2

Hence with respect to the principal coordinate system at y 0 , we have

For 11>0, let us set T 11 = {x E Q I d(x)<f.l}. The following lemma relates the smoothness ofthe distance function din rJl to that ofthe boundary oQ.

Lemma 1. Let Q be bounded and oQ E Ck for k~2. Then there exists a positive constant f.1 depending on Q such that dE Ck(T 11 ).

Proof The conditions on Q imply that oQ satisfies a uniform interior sphere condition; that is, at each point y 0 E oQ there exists a ball B depending on y 0 such that B n {!ffi"-Q)= y 0 and the radii of the balls Bare bounded from below by a positive constant, which we take to be f.l· It is easy to show that f.l- 1 bounds the principal curvatures of oQ. Also, for each point X E rJl, there will exist a unique pointy= y(x) E oQ such that lx-yl =d(x). The points x andy are related by

(A7) x=y+v(y)d.

We show that the equation (A 7) determines y and d as ck- 1 functions of X. For a fixed point x 0 E r 11 , let y 0 = y(x0 ) and choose a principal coordinate system at y 0 •

We define a mapping g={g 1 , .•• , g") from Olt=(T(y0 ) n .JV(y0 )) x lffi into lffi" by

g(y', d)=y+v(y)d, y=(y', <p(y')).

Clearly g E ck- 1(0U), and the Jacobian matrix of gat (y~, d(x)) is given by

(A8) [Dg]=diag[1-KA ... , 1-Kn-A 1].

Since the Jacobian of gat (y~, d(x 0)) is given by

it follows from the inverse mapping theorem that for some neighborhood "'tft = ~(x0), the mapping y' is contained in ck- 1(~). From (A 7) we have Dd(x)= v(y(x))=v(y'(x)) E ck- 1 (~)for X E ~. Henced E Ck(Jt),and thusd E Ck(TJl). 0

An expression for the Hessian matrix of d at points close to oQ is an immediate consequence of the proof of Lemma 1.

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Appendix: Boundary Curvatures and the Distance Function 383

Lemma 2. Let Q and Jl satisfy the conditions of Lemma I and let Xo E r I'' Yo E oQ be such that lx0 - y01 = d(x0). Then, in terms of a principal coordinate system at y 0 , we have

[D2-l( J d. [ -Kl -Kn-l 0~ (A 10) w Xo) = mg 1-Kld' .. . , 1-Kn-ld' J

Proof Since

Dd(x0)=v(y0)=(0, 0, ... , 1)

we have D;n(x0)=0, i= I, ... , n. To obtain the other derivatives we write, for i,j= I, ... , n-1,

by (A 6) and (A 8). D

Note that the result of Lemma 2 is equivalent to the geometrically evident statement that the circles of principal curvature to oQ at y 0 and to the parallel surface through x 0 at x 0 are concentric.

Mean Curvature

Let us derive now a formula for the mean curvature of a C 2 hypersurface 6 in terms of its given representation. Let y 0 E 6 and suppose that in a neighborhood .AI' of y 0 , 6 is given by lj;(x)=O where ljJ E C 2(JV) and IDl/11 >0 in .AI. The unit normal to 6 at a pointy E 6 n .AI (directed towards positive lj;) is given by

(A II)

Let Kp ... , Kn-l be the principal curvatures of 6 at Yo- Then with respect to a corresponding principal coordinate system at y 0 , one can show that

(A 12) i= I, ... , n.

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384 Appendix: Boundary Curvatures and the Distance Function

Consequently the eigenvalues of the matrix [D/D;!/1/ID!/11)] at y 0 with respect to the original coordinates are - Kp . •. , - Kn-1' 0 and hence the mean curvature of 6 at Yo is given by


In particular if 6 is the graph in IRin+ 1 of a function of n variables u E C2(Q), that is, 6 is defined by xn + 1 = u(x 1' ... , xn ), the mean curvature of 6 at x 0 E Q is given by

(A 14) 10 [ D.u ]) H(x 0 ) =- D; ' . n j1 +IDul 2 x=xa

6 is called a minimal surface if H(x 0 ) = 0 for all x 0 for all x 0 E Q. Note that we also obtain from (A 12) the following formula for the sum of the

squares of the principal curvatures K 1 , ... , Kn at x 0 ,

n n

(A 15) rc 2 = I K~(xo)= I DivjDjv;(xo), i=1 i,j=1


i= 1, ... , n.

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Subject Index

adjoint 74, 79 formal- 172

apriori estimates 3 see gradient estimates, Holder estimates,

linear elliptic equations, maximum prin­ciples, quasilinear elliptic equations, Schauder estimates

area magnification factor 354

Banach space 68 barrier

for Laplace's equation 25 for linear equations 98 local- 25, 100 for non-uniformly elliptic equations 113 for quasilinear equations 278ff., 289 upper-(lower-) 98, 279

Bernstein's theorem for equations of mean curvature type 352 for minimal surface equation 378

bilinear form bounded- 78 coercive- 78

boundary manifold 225 boundary point lemma 33, 46 bounded linear mapping 69 bounded slope condition 225, 254, 259, 262 Brouwer fixed point theorem 238

Cauchy's inequality 138 co-area formula 356 compact imbedding of Banach spaces 160 compact mapping 70, 222

spectrum of- 73 comparison principles 207, 210, 292 completely continuous mapping

see compact mapping cone condition

exterior- 28, 193 uniform exterior- 195 uniform interior- 151

constant mean curvature equation Dirichlet problem, solvability 349 see also quasilinear elliptic equations

continuous imbedding 151 contraction mapping 69

difference quotient 1 04, 161 Dini continuity 66 Dirichlet integral 240, 358 Dirichlet problem

see constant mean curvature equation, Euler­Lagrange equation, Laplace's equation, linear elliptic equations, equations of mean curvature type, minimal surface equation, Poisson's equation, prescribed mean curvature equation, quasilinear el­liptic equations

distance function 381 divergence theorem 13 domain

with Ck· • boundary portion 89 of class Ck· • 88

dual space 74

eigenvalue 73 multiplicity 73

eigenvector 73 elliptic equations (operators),

see linear elliptic equations (operators), quasi-linear elliptic equations (operators)

elliptic parametric functional 375 extension of a function 130f. exterior boundary value problem 134 Euler-Lagrange equation 230

Dirichlet problem 23lff. global gradient estimate 309

see also quasilinear elliptic equations

Fredholm alternative 71, 79 fundamental solution 17

Gauss curvature 364 Gauss map 363

Holder estimates 369

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Subject Index

generalized Dirichlet problem 4, 167 solvability 137 uniqueness 170 see also Dirichlet problem

generalized solution 3, 137, 166 see also weak solution

gradient estimates for equations of mean curvature type 371 for Euler-Lagrange equation 309 for harmonic functions 23, 29 for linear equations 48 for minimal surface equation 284, 286, 346 for Poisson's equation 40 for prescribed mean curvature equation 285,

287,290,308, 346f. for quasilinear equations

in divergence form 265, 268, 315, 320, 327 in general form 273, 276, 282, 283ff., 289ff.,

299, 308, 313, 327 in two variables 247, 268f.

Green's function for a ball 19 Dirichlet- 19 for oblique derivative problem 115

Green's identities 17 Green's operator 173 Green's representation formula 18

harmonic function 13 convergence theorems 2lf. derivative estimates 23, 29 on hypersurface 333 mean value property 14, 21 weakly- 28

harmonic lifting 24 Harnack's convergence theorem 22 Harnack inequality

for equations in two variables 40 for harmonic functions 16, 28 for linear equations 189 weak- 184, 200

Hessian matrix 381 Hilbert space 7 5 Holder coefficient 51 Holder conjugate 140 Holder continuity 51

De Giorgi estimate 190 for weak solutions 190

Holder estimates for equations in two variables 247ff. for Gauss map 369 for Newtonian potential 56 for Poisson's equation 59, 61, 117ff., 119 for quasiconformal maps 244f.

on hypersurface 362 for quasilinear equations 223, 229, 265, 268,

273, 276, 319 see also gradient estimates, Schauder estimates

Holder's inequality 138 generalized 139

Holder spaces 51 norms and seminorms 52, 60, 65, 84, 90

hypersurface 328

inner product 75 inner product space 75 interpolation inequalities

in Holder spaces 84, 89, 124ff., 136 in U spaces 139

John-Nirenberg inequality !59

Kellogg's theorem 65 Kelvin transform 66 Kondrachov compactness theorem 160

L" spaces 138 imbedding theorem !52 norm 138

Laplace-Beltrami operator 331 Laplace's equation I, 13ff.

Dirichlet problem solvability 20, 26 uniqueness 15

fundamental solution 17 maximum principle 15 see also harmonic functions

Laplacian 13, 331 Lax-Milgram theorem 78


Leray-Schauder fixed point theorem 222, 228 linear elliptic equations (operators) I, 30f., 82 ff.,

!66ff. classical solutions

boundary regularity 105, 133 Dirichlet problem

Fredholm alternative 102 solvability 95ff., 101, 109f., 112,135,177 uniqueness 32, 36

global bound 35 global regularity 106 interior regularity 103f. maximum principles 3lff., 136 Neumann problem 34 oblique derivative problem 120ff. Schauder estimates 85, 88, 90ff., 107, 134f.

in divergence form 3, 45f., 166ff. see below weak solutions

in two variables Holder estimates 247f.

weak solutions 3, 166, 178 boundary estimates 192ff. Dirichlet problem

Fredholm alternative 172 solvability 170, 196 uniqueness 170

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linear elliptic equations-contd. weak solutions-contd.

global bound 179, 181 global regularity 176f. Holder continuity 190, 192 interior regularity 173ff. local bound 184 maximum principles 45, 168, 188, 199

linear mapping, bounded 69 Lipschitz continuity 51 Liouville's theorem 29, 43

MP spaces 157 maximum principles

for Laplace's equation 15 for linear equations

classical solutions 3lff., 136 weak solutions 45, 168, 188, 199

for quasilinear equations 206, 208, 213ff., 219f.

gradient- 303 mean curvature 330, 381, 384

generalized- 287 mean curvature type, equations of 350, 369ff.

curvature estimate 370 gradient estimate 371

mean value inequality 14, 28, 67 on hypersurface 333, 336, 379

mean value theorem 14 method of continuity 70 minimal surface 384 minimal surface equation (operator)

curvature estimate 377 Dirichlet problem 297, 347 gradient estimates 284, 286, 346 see also quasilinear elliptic equations (operators)

minimal surface type, equations of 3 77 see also mean curvature type, equations of

mixed boundary condition 47 mixed boundary value problem 198 mollifier 140 Morrey's lemma 243 Moser iteration technique 180, 185

Newtonian potential 18, 50ff. differentiability properties 53 f. Holder estimates 56, 63

non-uniformly elliptic equations (operators) Iliff.

see also linear elliptic equations (operators) norm 68

boundary- 89 on HOlder spaces 52, 60, 65, 84, 90 on LP spaces 138

normed linear space 68

oblique derivative problem 115ff. for linear equations

Schauder estimates 120f.

solvability 122 non-regular- 134 for Poisson's equation 115ff.

Holder estimates 117, 119 regular- 115

Subject Index

oblique derivative boundary condition 115, 120 regular- 47, 115, 120

orthogonality 7 6 orthogonal projection 77

parallelogram law 75 parametric functional 375

elliptic- 375 partition of unity 130 perpendicular elements 76 Perron method 24, 97 Perron solution 25 Poincare inequalities 157 Poisson's equation 50ff.

boundary Holder estimates 63ff. compactness of solutions 60 Dirichlet problem 15, 55, 61, 66, 67 gradient estimates 40 interior Holder estimates 59, 61 oblique derivative problem 115ff.

Poisson integral 20 Poisson integral formula 20 Poisson kernel 20 prescribed mean curvature equation 205, 328ff.

boundary gradient estimate 285, 290 gradient estimate 308 maximum principle 218f. Dirichlet problem

non-solvability 297 solvability 347, 380 uniqueness 347

see also quasilinear elliptic equations principal coordinate system 381 principal curvature 381 principal directions 381

quasiconformal mapping 239ff. Holder estimates 244 on hypersurface 356

Holder estimates 362 quasilinear elliptic equations (operators) 1,

201 ff. comparison principles 207, 210, 292 in divergence form 5, 204

Dirichlet problem, solvability 225, 276, 326 global gradient estimates 268, 315, 320 interior gradient estimates 265, 320, 327 regularity 319

equivalent- 203 in general form

boundary gradient estimates 282, 283ff., 289ff., 299

continuity estimate 298

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Subject Index

Dirichlet problem non-solvability 295, 297 non-uniqueness 209 solvability 223, 229, 276, 32lff., 326 uniqueness 208

global gradient estimates 276, 308 interior gradient estimates 273, 313 regularity 223, 229

maximum principles 206, 208, 213ff., 219ff. for gradient 303

in two variables Dirichlet problem, solvability 225, 250,

257,276 gradient estimates 256, 268f.

quasisolution 233

reflexive space 74 regular boundary point 25, 133, 196 regular functional 231 regular oblique derivative problem

see oblique derivative problem regularity

of classical solutions l03ff., 133 of weak solutions l73ff. for quasilinear equations 223, 229, 319 see also gradient estimates, Holder estimates,

Schauder estimates regularization of a function 140 resolvent operator 73 Riesz representation theorem 77

scalar product 75 Schauder estimates

boundary 90ff., 94 global 93, 135 interior 85, 88, Hi7, 134 for oblique derivative problem l20f.

Schauder fixed point theorem 221 Schwarz inequality 75, 139 Schwarz reflection principle 28 segment condition 148 Sobolev inequalities 148, 151, 157, 379

best constant 151 Sobolev spaces 146, l83ff.

density theorems 147 imbedding theorems 148, 151, 155, 160 norm 146 scalar product 147

sphere condition enclosing- 284 exterior- 27 interior- 32

Stokes' theorem 353

straightening the boundary 89 strict exterior plane condition 112


strictly elliptic equations (operators) 30, 82 see also linear elliptic equations (operators),

quasilinear elliptic equations (operators) strong derivative 143 strong maximum principle

see maximum principles structure conditions 178, 184, 213, 250, 280ff.,

307ff. natural- 308, 315

structural inequalities see structure conditions

subfunction 24,97 subharmonic function 13, 23

on hypersurface 333 weakly- 28

subsolution 32, 45, 97 weak- 178

superfunction 24, 97 superharmonic function 13, 23

weakly- 28 supersolution 32, 45, 97

weak- 178

tangential gradient 329 test function 16 7 three-point condition 255, 259 total variation 164 triangle inequality 75

uniformly convex domain 225, 284 uniformly elliptic equations (operators) l, 30,

203 see also linear elliptic equations (operators),

quasilinear elliptic equations (operators)

variational problems 230ff.

weak convergence 80 weak derivative 142

chain rule 144 product rule 143

weak maximum principle see maximum principles

weak solution 3, 166 see also linear elliptic equations

Wirtinger's inequality 242

Young's inequality 138

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Notation Index

Spaces and their norms and seminorms ll·[[wk. P(Q) 146

BV(Q) 165 Other notation (see also page 8) C\Q), Ck(Q), C~(.Q) 9 ca(Q), ca(Q), Ck·a(Q), Ck·a(Q) 51 A(6R) 333 Ck·a(oQ), Ck·a(T)(TcoQ) 89 a~, a:!, 287 C!•a(Q) 81, 127 a~ 300,305,370 Hk(Q), H~(Q) 147 b0 , boo 287 U(Q) 138 b* 370 Lfoc(Q) 140 C; 300, 305 MP(Q) 157 Tl (r, z), Tl (r) 240 Wk(Q) 143 Tl (p, Z) 358 Wk·P(Q) 146 L1 13, 331 W~·P(Q) 147 L1h, L1? 104 w~~/(Q) 147 dx, dx,y 60 l·lk; ,Q ' l·lk, a; ,Q 52 ax, ax,y 65 1·1~; ,Q ' 1·1~, a; ,Q 52 d(x) 381 l·lt; a, I·IL; a 60 b 302, 329 l·lt, !JuT' l·lt a; .QuT 65, 90 bk 264 l·ltb, l·lk~~;Q 84 () 304

1·1~! a; ,Q 60 b;b; 331 l·l~!a;!JuT 65 0; 310 [· ]a;xo 51 Iff 203 [·Ja;D 51 Iff* 292 [ · ]k;.Q' [ · Jk,a;.Q 52 e1 104 [·Jt;a, [·Jt,a;!J 60 ff 279 [·JtauT,[·Jt,a;!JuT 65,90 [ ·](G) [·](G) 84

k;!J' k,o:;,Q

G(x, y) 19, 115 G 363

Hlck(n)' Hlck."<i1l 52 11·11 ~k(Q)' 11·11 ~k, "(Ql 52 11·11 68, 69

r(x-y) 17 H 341, 381 J(q>) 354

HIBV(.Q) 165 .%~ .%- 287

Hlp, HILP(.Q) 138 HIMP(,Q) 157

k, k(R) 184 k, k(R) 190

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Notation Index

K; 381 E(u, v) 166 m 284 v 13, 381 6R, 6R(y) 334 f7 284

ff * u+,u-


uif, uM uh 140 v,.. 152

32, 145 193

(oQ, cp) 225


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