APPENDIX A Fauna Species Distribution Across … Fauna App A, B, C.pdfRF Rainforest WSF...

Fauna Species Distribution Across Local Government Areas APPENDIX A

Transcript of APPENDIX A Fauna Species Distribution Across … Fauna App A, B, C.pdfRF Rainforest WSF...

Fauna Species Distribution Across Local Government Areas


RF RainforestWSF Wet Sclerophyll ForestDSF Dry Sclerophyll ForestWo Woodland

Wo(Cp) Cumberland Plain Woodland (Map units 10c, 10d, 9b)Wo(Cs) Castlereagh Woodland (Map units 14a, 14c, 9d, ge)Wo(Ag) Agnes Banks Woodland (Map unit 14b)Wo (Sa) Sandstone Woodland

Preferred Habitats

b breeding recordedes escapeei introduced speciesm migrantn nomadva vagrant

Residential status

V Vulnerable species (TSC Act 1995 Schedule 2)E1 Endangered species (TSC Act 1995 Schedule 1, Part 1)E4 Presumed extinct (TSC Act 1995 Schedule 1, Part 4)R Regionally significant speciesJ Listed on JAMBA international agreementC Listed on CAMBA international agreementIU Listed on IUCN Red Data Book of Threatened Animals (1994)IC Listed on ICBP World Checklist of Threatened Birds (Collar and Andrew 1988)CO CONCOM list of Endangered & Vulnerable Australian Vertebrates

Conservation status

MS Maroota sandmassQAL Quaternary alluviumSa Hawkesbury/Narrabeen SandstoneS/Sa Sandstone/shale Transition zoneWS Wiannamatta Group shalesTAL Tertiary alluvials

Geological Formations

Local Government Areas

Au Auburn Fa FairfieldBa Bankstown Ha HawkesburyBI Blacktown Ho HolroydBH Baulkham Hills u LiverpoolCa Camden Pa ParramattaCb Campbelltown Pe Penrith

Appendix. Faunal Summary Table: Explanation of Symbols

NSW National Parks & Wildlife Service AtlasAustralian Museum RecordsWildlife Information & Rescue Emergency ServiceField Ornithologists Club of NSWCumberland Bird Observers ClubKeith Hindwood Bird Recording Service. Curated by E.S. HoskinDarryl McKay;


Source of Records



Modified Environments

OR Rock OutcropAC Aerial

Special Habitats

OS Stream or RiverOF Freshwater LakeOB Freshwater SwampDA Farm Dam

OM Intertidal MudflatsEWS Estuarine Saltmarsh (Herbland)M Mangrove Forest

Wetland Habitats

H Heath (Open Scrub) (Map units 10ar, 14b)

: I

Herpetofauna,mammals x LGA

Cons Res.Common name Scientific Name Status Status Local Government Area Geological Formation Habitat Source of Records

r- - Cb Fa Ha Ho Li Pa Pe Sa SIS. Ws Tal OalAu Ba BH BI Ca-- r- - -~Amphibia - f--'-- -~-.------ I---~--

T~,6l<edFn;l9 Adeiolus brevIs x? ------ ..... -- -Giani BIJrrowongFrog -. HelelOpc'-r;;;~uSiranacus V 10 rx x x Wo(Sa), H, as NPWS,AM

. - -~.!

Eastern BanJOFrog Ltmnodynastes dumerili complex x as, OB, OA, RI, Wo, H, OG, WSF OSF. NPWS, AM

"Brown-striped Frog Llmnodyn;stes p~ronrl b 'x as, OB, OA,Wo, OG, WSF, os"F--- 1iSBS-:-NPWS":"AM:EIS,OTHER

- Dmnodynastes tasmaniensls OB, OA, as, Wo, OG, H - - UBBS, NPIJVS,AM, EISSpotted Grass Frog b

Om.19 BWfowibg Frog Um"l>dyde-Sl~ omalus REG? 7 x RI, Wo, H,WSF, OSF NPWS, AM ------

8;W.!.d F~' _'-- - Mlxophyes-~'lblJ$ V,IU b? l< x RI, OS.Wo-1-;-;-- -~. .~--~

Greal Barre'dFrog M tesciotetus REG?,IU b? ? Rf, Wo--r:--' -- ----- - ~~~-Haswell's Frog Paracnma hllswel', REG Wo, H, WSF, OSF NPWS

Red~Qwned Tooilio:i( PieUdophrynl1 auslrillis V,IU b x Wo(Sa), OB, as Uses,NP\NS, EIS -

PSl!,udophryf12 btbronn REG,IU Wo, WSF, OSF, as, OB._----,- "FJpws,A~----arown Toadlet b ? ? x x ?

Ci:immon Eastern Froglet- Ciilll,a s;gmfera b " x 'X X x OB, as, OA, OG, au, Wo, H UBBS, NPWS, AM, EIS',OTH'ER

Smc'olhl'(ljIdI~ Uper~/ela laeitlga!:a REG b ? ? ? x x x Wo, OB, OA, OG, OSF UBBS, NPWS, AM, EIS.u.tYlen --- REG? OSW, OSF, H, OG --- .-

Tyler'$ TO,i!dJe!Gree!1and Golden Bell Fro' E,IU b OB, OA, as NPWS, AM, EIS

,_-----Litona aurea

Gre,m Tre" FlOg CtQn8 ca~~/ea REG b OB, Wo, au, OG, OP, H, NPWS--;-AM:E!s----- --~_~ r -

.Bl~a Mountains Tree Frog titOrla europe b? Rf, Wo, H, WSF, OSF, OSW-

Bleating Tree Frog Lliona dentate IIJ b x OB, Rf, Wo, OG, au, WSF, OSF NPWS,AM, EIS

Eastern Dwarf Tree Frog LiTo"afai~ b OB, as, OA,WSF UBBS, NPWS, EIS,OTHER

!'r<Oy':in,el'" Frog Lltona freYnn~w DB, H NPWS

J,efVl~Bay Tree Frog LitCj7,a ~M;JeMis b ? x OB, H, WSF AM

8rood;>armed Tree Ir~ Liione lat"pelmB~a b ? ,x X x DB, WO,etc UBBS, NPWS, AM, EISlesueur's Frog - t. ',Iesu~irricomplex IU b ? Rf, Wo, H, as, WSF,--OSF, OG NPWS, EIS

- Liloria liIt/ifjQlii1/ REG ? ? ?,.~P;ro~ii b ? Wo, OB, OA, OG etc UBBS, NPWS, AM, EIS,OTHERPe~on'sTree Frog

LeafGreen Tree Frog ~(ia QhyflocnrQa.cornpi .... b x OS, OSF,WSF NPWSDesert Tree Frog I..1taITfJrubella WSF. OSF. OSW, etcTylilts Tree Frog -- ['Iylen OS, OSF,WSF EIS,OTHERVerrca,UX'$Tree F'rog Ulofla verreau;l7'""ron;ple~ IU b x " X X Wo, H, OB, DA, as, OSF,WSF UBBS, NPWS, EISCane Toad Bufo man;us int X OB,OA, etc NPWSR~ptliia'E."tem tor,g..,~ Torlo Ch'elodmalongicoliis b x x OB, OA, as, OG NPIAi'S.AM, EIS. WIRl;,S,OTHERNapaao River TortOl.-; emydur'i'Jsp - -.- REG(V?) OS ------- EISR1Id..earedSJyder(lNrsduO Amgf1cansp (inl) _ int krllonsite -- ------_ --SI.o.rreGecko Dlplod~c!Ylllii oiltalus )( x ~ OSF,WSF, Wo, H: OR • UB-BS,NPWS,AM, EIS --L"""e~ts' Velvet Gecko Oedura 'es~eurll REG? -- ;;v",O-R--- NPWS, AM, EIS~oTHER-SO'ull1efnLeaf-tailed Gecko Phyllwus platurus Wi) 1-1, OR, WSF:-D~


ThiCk,lailed,Gecko UndelWoodisaurusmi/i! REG? b x Wo, H, OR,WSF, OSF NPWSBurton's Legless Lizard Uails burtonis REG? b x Wo, H, WSF, OSF NPWS€ommon Scaly-foot PyIJOPUS ,ra"Jlj<>ptJ<ills REG? 1- x Wo, H, etc NP\f\IS:AM, EISBearded Dragon Po!l:<>n-. barbala REG .x 'Wo, OG, OSF UBBS,'f>IPWS:AM. El$.WIRES,OTHERMountain Dragon Tympenocryptsediemensis b Wo, H,WSF, OSF NPWSJe~ Lizard Amphlbolurus muricatus b x. Wo, H, OR NPWS, AM, ErS,OTHEReastern Waler D""9cM Ptiysiqnettvus tesueutii b x x ,x as, u,WSF, OB NPWS, AM, EIS, WIRESGould's Goanna Varanus gouldij b Wo, OSF,WSF, H? AMLace Monilor Varanus venus REG b tx x i< Rf?: Wo, OSF, WSF NPWS, AM, EIS, WIRES,OTHERHealh Monitor Varanus rosenbergi V b? OF, Wo, H, OSF,WSF

Swanson's legless skink Anamalopus (Vermiceps)swansoni 'I OSF, H,Southern Rainbow Skink Car/ia tetradactyfa :x Wo, (tussocks), OSF,Wall Lizard Cryptoblepharus virgatus b x I x Wo, H, U,WSF, OSF, NPWS, AM, EIS,Striped Skink elenolus robuslus ib x Ix x x Ix x Wo, H, U1fBS,NPWS, AM, EIS

Page 1.~-

Page 2

COI1M=r-taijed"SkTnk Ctenotus taenialatus i b x x x I [x x x I x x x OR,Wo, H USSS, NPWS,.!1M. EIS.OTHER

CI),suan"na Sk,l~~ C~marphvs,casuarinae I, b X Wo, MI,EIS

Cunni/ijlIt$1',$ Skink "6if;m;a--;u;,~inghami ~ X X x GR.Wo NPWS, AM, EIS

• Eget'nt8 whiM b x OR,Wo uses, NPWS. AM -While'S S~Jnk X x X-- p;'';domllfa plalynola .b Wo.OR NPWS. AM, EIS ----- --- -Red-ihmate.:! SkTnk x x. Heniiarii/s dec;;';;ensis b Wo.OR

------ NPws~AM.OTHER --- ..- -~-Three-Ioed Skinl< x x x --- ------1=---'--'" -- --- -Pink·longued Skink Hem,spha,;ir~n gerrardii, REG? b x Rf, NPWS7

La;';prophOhsiieiicala Ib [x RI, Wo, H, OG, OU, OS, OB-- -w ____ -- ._ --

Grass Ski~k x x x )( x x x x x X x x UBBS. NPWS, AM, EIS

LamprophOiJSgi,lciienoll b x Wo, H, OG, OU, F, OS, -OB- NPWS:'AM:Eis,'on=iER- - -Garden Skink x x x J( x x x x x x X x

Lygis~urus foiiorum. .--.--~-~-~.---.--_- . --

Rainbow Litter Skink REG? b ? x X Woo AM 'EIS,- Saproscincus ;;Ustelinus b RI. NPWS. EIS.OTHER - -.

Weasel Skink x x xSarphos eq~al;s Rf, .-- ----~-~,A~·--··=· . ' ,

Three-Iced Skink x x xEuFamprus q~;Yii b OS, ++, DB, DA

-_- -- ._---Eastern Water Skink X x x x x x x x x x x x USBS. NPWS, AM, EIS,

Heatwole's Waler Sr.nk Eheat"::oler • ?-.-~- ~-----.--- -

Barred·sloe S1<ink • Eten~/s ..b Rf,H?

. NPWS, AM, Els,on-i'{R _.- •x x x x x xEastern 'Bll,Ie-lcnglJ,ejl'Llzar !rr,q~aSo~'iif~ b ? Rf,Wo,OLl

,,_------UBBS, NPWS, MI, Ei5;-WiRES.0THER· -x x X X x x x x x X x x J(

Blotched Blue-longue !~,~,,-anrp_rD!:'!:':. lnt, to area_._ ----

~RES " .. ~:.r-..-.--+ --A Blind Snake Ramph"jj,pIJIopS nigrescens b X x x x x x RI. Wo, OR, DSF. WS,F NPWS, AM. EIS.WIRES.OTHER


R';mphalyphlaps proximus REG? b? H.Wo -W~'. . -_. r'A Blind Snake x x.Ra'(;,photyphlop'swredii REG? Wo .--- - _.- NPWS--'--- •• - -. - ..

A Bfind Snake X..Moreirasprlotaspriora REG? b ? R(,Wo, OR. WSF. DSF. AM, SIS, WIREiOTHER" ..--o IIImOM Python x x x x x x

Blown Trail; Snake Boiga trfe9"-laiiS REG b x x x >< x RI, Wo, DB, OR;WSF, DSF wiRES-_' - ... _ ... - .Gte"n TmeSrwk. Oe,,(jrel~-i:h/SptJl)ctulala b x x .x x x x RI, Mf, H,WSF, DSF, M NI"WS.AM, EIS, WIRES,OTHER • - .-x - . -- -De"th A;qi:!et Aeamhp,oh/,santarcticus REG b ? x X x x x RI, Wo, H, WSF, DSF NPWS? AM, EISKrafft's OV/art Snake· - C~cophrsI<tefftli REG b RF,WSF, - --~--Golden Crowned Snake C- squamulosus b ~ RF. WSF - NPWS,OTHER

_.x x x

Yellow-faced Whip Snake- Demansfa psammophls b ? X X X X Wo, H, WSF, DSF, OG UBBS, NPWS, AM, EIS,OTHER ----WIliI,e·llpped,.n.eke Drysdafia corono/des REG? Wo, H, WSF, DSF

• Q;hodagnler REG? b? x Wo, H,WSF, DSFRe.d-l111,pedSri<lRe . FrinniJ dlijd_ema REG? b ? x X X X X X x x x x x x x? x J( OSF, Wo, H. Rf, WSF. DSF NPWS, AM, EISM$roh S()a)<e H,,;,niasi!issignata REG? b x x RI, H NPWSBroar;l·j;eWed Sn~ke HofJlurep;,afusbungarord"5 E,IU b x x x x OR. Wo, NPWS;AMEastern TIge(Shal<e' Notechrs scutatus REG b ? x X X x DB, RI, Wo, RI, WSF, DSF EIS '._-- -.- ----81,.....beUledBlack Snake Pseudechis gu~atus ? x DSF,WSF. Atlas?Volgt pers, comm~!!!d-bBilled Black Snake PseudechrspO(phyria(:,,~ b x X x x x x x x x X x x DB, OS, OF, Wo, H, OG UBBS. NPWS. AM, EIS, WIRES,OTHEREastem..BrownSnake Pseudonajatextrlrs b x J( x x X x X X x x X We, H,OG. WSF, F UBBS. NPWS, AM, EIS,WlRES.OTHERSrriall'eyed Snake Rhrnalocep~al-:isnr~~ b ~ x Rf, H, AM, EIS L___--- -_.Black-nape<!Snak:.. Suta spectabrIiS(aka,S_:dw1:''i_ REG? b ._ - X Wo, WSF NPWS, AM, EIS

b - -- -~ _Bandy ea'ldy Vermlce/{aannlliata x x x x x x x x RI, Wo, H, WSF DSF NPWS, AM, EIS, WIRES-~--~ - ,_ -- - - ~-- _ --M.amm•.Iia -- - - -- .- .- -~- -PliI[ypus Ornrthorhynchus anatinus REG end x QS

..~~ -_. ,..,,------ _.- - --x x x UBBS, NPWS, AM.Short·b..~",d Echidna

..TachygloS"sUSiculealll,S R'EG?

.NPWS,AM'. EJS,WlR§,:-v x x x x x 'tIo.

Spolf"dCtaii Quoll - O,iiyVll;Smacula/us V end x x x x xe"'!emQuoll 6.Vlvemrws E1 ex IBrush-tailild Phascogals . Fiiiasroqaletapoatafa V endYellow·fQdle'dA1'\tecl1inus' ~~m". flavipes REG v/end x x PI1I1Burrel8rov<nAi11i!d)r~us Anlechrnus stuartii REG v x x x x UBBS,Dusky Anlechinus Anlechi71Us swainsoni REG vlendUnidenlified Antechinus Antechrnus sp. xCommon Dunnart $mril(llrpS/l;;rTlvrlna REG end/vCammonJ'laniga!e P//3fIigaiemaculata V end/vSoLltl'lem'$hort·rtOsedBan IsoodiJlI abesulus REG endlvNorthern Short-nosed Band I.macrourus REG end/v ILong·nosed Bandicool ?erame!es "asule REG v/end x x Ix x -Koala Pbascoi"rClos c1nereus V end/v x x x I UBBS,

He'lJ"IVfauna,'"alillnais X ...."'''

Herpetofauna,mammals x LGA

~~CernmonWOOlba1 Vombatus ursmus iREG v/end x x UBBS,

CQmmbnRlnSl.ail'Possu£:: t;;;;Udi:hei'rus p~"'9rimi' ~ x IX X uaas,,",,- ,.-~ ..

REG v/end x? UBBS,G'ea'le( Glider Petsuroices vofansygll6w-Mllied Gilder P-"ta~ru-;"<JSIr"nS v endlv uass.

I --1-=--,-SugarGlide< Pelll"'US breviceps -x x x UBBS,

Sq~in:elG.Hilet -- Pi;.a~·rusnorfofcensis V end x 'x

Common Brushtarl Poss~m T;ich"osu~us-~ulpecula "x x x UBBS~

MOi,mlaUi Brushtail'Possum Tm:.n,,${;wicaninus REG? Iv?-----. 1----..-

EasternPI9rqy.·~Llm ci!re.:lrf..lusnallus REG endlv-.-.----~-1------- - --_ - -~- -~- - t------.


F""the$jt Glider.

ACfoO-Cle;,pygmarws REG? vlend-- ----- -. _,_"--Long,-nosedPotoroo Potorous Inda"rytvs V end/ex

Rufous BetlO<\jl' -=- ~P_Y!'r!rn!1:!!rufescens V "ex~~-~

nm:nanfa~. B~llcng BettongJ8galmardl E4 exBrush-tailed RockWal~;: Perrog'"iJ8p""emclllata V,IU ex/end ?carcass -- ...... -- .Red-necked Pademelo;- Thyl,.,gahi thetis REG ex/end

-- ~---Parnia Wallaby Ma~ropiis:O~'m~ V,IU exRe.::.,necl<e.d Wallaby

-- M-;Cf;;;;~Srul()fJriseus REG UBBS-.--------xES!item.G'reyKangaroo ~. Macropus' REG end X x x UBBS,

" __ ~a~.~

Common Wallaroo ' - 'iv-;;;Olpus rObus/us REG(int) end/ex,Swl'ri1PWallaby .-- Wallabla tncotor REG? x x ).( Wo UBBS,

Grey-headed FIYln~.r";; PieroPus poliocephalus UBBS,

Little Red Flyl"ll-Io>< pteroP~sscapulatus xFlying-fox Pi~mpUS$p xEastern Horseshoe-bat .... RiiiiioiOpnu$ m~I2~p/lYllus'{QII",;'-be.1IIedShealh.te~! Sa·ccOiaimuS' tteviventtis V'Nn~e-strip-edMastiff-bat Nydinomuli australis XLitUB Mastiff-bat _~ Mormpierusp("1"ja.;,p~lillie Freetail Bat Mormopterus /oriae x

Ea'.I""" Little Mastiff Bat-- M. nottotkensis VGould's Long-eared Bat N~,;pll,!u$ gQI/(dJ x x UBBS,Lesser Long-eared Bat N:.dophllW; 9~r;>lfroyi I<Common Bent-winq Ba~ .• Mimopterus schreibersii VGould's Wattled Bat 'Challnolobusgouldii x xChocolate Wattled Bat Chailnofobusmono .xLarge Pied Bat - Charmolobus t1-&Wfi v xLarge-footed Mouse-eared MJ'(I~t;ad".,(!)US VGreater Broad-nosed Bat ~e;oll"" IlJepJW1/lJ VEastern Broad-nosed Bat Scotorepens orionWestern Broad-nosed Bal S balston'j - _•• ------_. ---- ------Golden-tipped Bat /(fffivouia papusnSis v ----- ---- - --Eastern Falsistrelle

- - F"51sislieiliS·ta~ma;"ensis___ .6 __ - -V ~-~...---,

the Pumilus Vespadelus-pumr1us --- -- f---Southern Forest Bat Viet,;:.d9l!~S'eyulU$ xEastern Cave Bat V, Irougl)lanl, VLittle Forest Eptesicus Vespadelus vulturnus xWhite·footed Rabbit Rat Comtutus albipes E4 exWater Rat Hydramys chrysogasterEastern Chestnut Mouse PseuWmys-,g{facl/i~audttlil vNew Holland Mouse Pseudomys novaehollandiae REG end x

PS.oralis? E1 exPs,tumeus? E1 ex

Bush Rat Rattus tuscioes [x x ~ x UBBS,Swamp Rat Rattus lutreolus x xDingo Canis familiaris dingo ex

I IRed Kangaroo M. rufa lint , -I WIRESBlack Rat Rattus rsttus lint x [x Ix x x ,UBBS,

Page 3

Page 4



x X X

x x i"--" .-UBBS,- - ------ UBBS,x x x x • 11\:0 __ , __ ,_

x x x uses,x x w'O-- - - uaas,

x x x x U,F;Wo,DSF '08 uses,x x x x uses,--_._-- y~~--

x UBBS,x usas,,-1--

x --.- Ws-ji.:F,Wo .--x uses,x 1------- - Phil Burrelt------- uees

Herpetofauna,mammals x LGA

8;owll Rat Rallus nON!!glcus intHot;l$e. MO<ls..

- "...- -"intMusmuSculus

RabbI! O';yctO/agus cuniculus intBrowrlH&re LepfJs c.apensts·- intCog Canis familians intFQX Vulpes vulpes intCat Feb.catus IntHcrse EquU$ cabal/us' intPig SUS scrofa intR,;dDe", Cervus elaphus' intCallie eos taurus . intGj)al C~pr81l'rr:"s inlSheep Ovisane. int

Sample Field Record Proformas


Plot Sp. code Species name Obs. NotesNo. type

Plot Easting Northing Veget. Veget. Dominant Dominant U'storeyNo. comm. structure canopy species understorey spp. density123456

Northing:EastingZone:Map No.Transect Finish:

Northing:EastingZone:Map No.Transect Start:

Telephone: _Name: __

LGA:Remnant: _

Date: --/--/--


Appendix 2. Samples of Proformas used for recording field datafrom surveys

UBBS Fauna Technical Report

UBBS Fauna Technical Report

..•••.••••_.••~'__~_•. ••_.~.~ ~.'.'.••n ·.~._~ '_ ~U

........................................ LL~~ ~••••••• ~.~.~ _•••••• ~ •••

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Sp. codeSpecies name


Species nameSp. codeTubeNo .


UBBS Fauna Technical Report

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Remnant NorthEastingZoneMap










UBBS Fauna Technical Report

::. i(\\ver semi-permanent branches no longer quickly and cteanlx shed

d. serni-pennuncnt branches gum like modified saplings from the main stern

:1. .ipic \: i: dormnuted (pointed) crown. \\ ith the rnajorit: ,~)!'branches lying at an acute;,iilt~k10t1l\: main stem·

Young r'igor, IUS

Definitions "f .he :St:t:?-es used in describing Age Structure



Ground cover HabitatThis should be assessed using the "lOO - step" method. Arter each step. note whether the'1oser',',:':"s tee 1~: 1,~1l'! litter. grass ..... other. Tally the totals for each habitat category and assign thei);~rcer.l(1gl.:'over to n\",(:of the six covet abundance categories listed or, (1]('Extra HabitatDescription forms

HollowsSet out J [no x .50m quadrat along the edge of the spotlighting transect. If there are a range ofhabitats in the remnant - eg creek (eg Riverflat forest) and ridge top 2 or 3 quadrats will need to bepositioned to characterise the range of habitats present. Place the qaudrat parallel to theenvirorunerual t!-radient such as along the creek line

[stimak the ;l~C structure category for the majority of trees on the site. Generally, a range of ageswill occur. After clearance dense stands of young trees might be expected, At the other extreme(Old Growth) many of the trees will be mature or old growth with relatively few young vigorousindividuals,


___.J_ " ,__-------------- -----

Summary of characteristics associated with the forest growth stagesTable

Gro\',111 stages in Eucalyptus and Angophora species is estimated from a distinct set ofMorphological features and has been described by various authors as shown in Table 1

Morphological features

overb. 40-7U years old - a tew posts of durable species rorung through at ground level and felling

<1. >70 years old _most posts of durable species (ironhark. grev ~um. turpentine) completelyrotted through at ground level and fallen over

Estimate the earliest possible date of grazing by aging the eldest renee in the vicmitv or ihe plot.Criteria for aging fenceposts:

o =, Nil = no evidence of grazingj "C~ Light = some stock. dung &ior trails evident3 = H_,Cl\-:: = dung &itrai!s evident and tences rnaintaiuec. ,,'w;:!nlL .ind compaction pl'~:<:entespecial! y; around water

Record the grJ.zing severity of introduced animals according to the t'oiil1\\ing index and criteria:



A mixture ofyoung vigorous and early - mature stages combined witl: tree'S in later stages ofmaturity (late-mature). Typically, this would be a woodland composed mainly of young trees butcontaining scattered later-mature or old growth individuals

Multi· Age

e. tile overali vigour at the tree is largelv interpreted fiorn the number of leaf beJring units onthe trec

d trunk often covered in large burls and bumps

c. the number ofepicorrnic branches increases with a corresponding reduction ofcrownshaping branches. These branches usually fail first due to their horizontal and thusI" ulnerable position, accompanied by an overall reduction in crown kat' area

b. overall retraction of the leaf bundles from the previous extent of the crown

(1, iricr\~dSt: in the death or the upper branches and a . stag headed' crown may dew lop, as thetop or' the tree decays and breaks off as a result of fungal and / or termite attack

Old Growth

U. evidence of charring on coarse woody debris relative to estimated maximum :::'..geof charredmaterial on degree of decay. For example. if there is evidence of charring on materialwhich ;5 seasoned but with little surface decay. but decayed material bas been charred. atire age (If 10-30 ) cars is suggested

c noting that a coppice may achieve maximum growth rates exceeding those of Seedlings forseveral years following a tire

h. gIven annual growth rates as described for the soil disturbance estimates

a estimated age based Oil the size of trees and shrubs which originated immediately post-firei'~'the size of the coppice from obviously fire killt'd stems, or the size of seedlings ofobligate seeders such as Acacia spp. and other leguminous species

Record a best estimate of the dak <..,1111("most recent fire. based on the following

Record the proportion eli"the j)[l)l winch was affected by the [ire

low = ground layer only burntmoderate = shrub laver burnthot = mid stratum burn:severe = tree ov-rstorev burntunknown -; insufficient ~'\"idc:n('e fer jete: rninauon

Record fire scveritx ; following index:

Estimate fire severitx based en ~he following criteria'

, .t·/.II. ....

Record the latest possible date tor grazing based on an estimation of the dale of cessation ofgrazing if applicable. Look for evidence such as the age of regrowth along trails.

c. '·AO ye3l"~ ol.l - posts (if j'.lf?bk species intact: posts of less durable species 10 variousstates of decay

size ()j-' branches. and extent of crown recoveryevidence from the extent of tire induced death of crown branches relative to size of trees.d.

evidence from diameter growth surrounding basal tire scars

n evidence of charring on coarse woody stems and debris relative to estimated maximum age(17' charred material based ("_111degree of decay

.i. :;;z(: or' post-fire regeneration

RCC.,1[,,\ !_hcbest estimate (If the date of the previous ma.or tire based on [lk i~.)!lo\ving criteria:

Designate fire severity as either hot or severe

Estimate the earl iest and latest possible dotes of the tire by reviewing the evidence used and theassumptions made in aging the fire event.

\~. evidence of diameter growth surrounding basal tire scars. Growth rates probably vary fromO.l cm per \ ear \1, less for slow species or harsh conditions, to lcm !JCf year for fast growersunder good (higil moisture and fertility) conditions

C. warts and hurls begin to form on the trunk

b. a healthy crown still remains, containing most of the shaping branches with large numbersof bayonets, but there is also a general increase in the occurrence of dead 100\'er orderbranches

a. presence of a stable crown with fluctuation of the CrO\ATl as branches llit_: and art: replacedby 1l'.:W leaf units

C tree \'.'ill remain in this stage for 3 long time

h. overall height and crown spread remains fairly c011s1afil as extremities djt~::lnd..11"<;' l t:pi::d.'db~' new CLOwn units

a. enlargement and stiffening of branches, with further extension of the CfU'.\!! Lhzoughepicorrnic development and reiteration, resulting in the tree reaching ;]' ~ 111:::..\)n,U!1,

distance in lateral crown extension

1. c:0\"- n su ll :,ubstantiall y prjmary or 'with first order branches

c. nearly (ill lenl units ,11 the end of shaping branche ..;

c .-;;":;i·-rni~L~nC:!ltbranches continue to grow from the ma:n Slel~J :,S \\dl as from .helarge' persistent forming branches and epiconnic growth appears \\ hen these formingbranches reach their maximum stable distance from the main ~tern

b. large. stronger. permanent shaping branches develop laterally and form the frameworkof the ,-~fi:\\ u. which continues to undergo change

a. loss of apical dominance

Early Mature


:>hislorica! record:2 :--=:nodera teo 3==severe

DistlJ.Illiilli--~~D-'1 .v ~ --. --[ So"ritC_ _I Time sinc;;L'vrs;+,,:_ccuracy("i-X v,-) Igbs,-_T~P'--__-::J~~'~::_.;-.-.~-~-..-~- --'-T---"---"'--'-- +~'---" ~ .-.----- ....------ ...---r-.---- ..-__;.----..-----I (·r',:z' 1',) I Il ~'.L!. ... t I::; I _.,.,...... . [ .

. O=no' eviclence.l=iight, ---- -"---'-i = estimate



y ~_·c,-'.:e\ .'-\bundance t_·ale-~::dri~s.:'";r/ar"e .-:5C1,u

Any no. <j') u

-----1---.---.---.~--I HgJ_l_rJw:L(IOOX50m quadrat)

II' >r(j.I;lr~~dead trees ,.. . , .

~'j(). trees with large h(J!I()\\~ \ > IOCI1\) .

11 \io trees with small hollow s «IOcm). .I (Trees with both large and small hollows are scored for both),-.--------~- ----- ----_. --.---.-----.----~-._---"--------"

I.~~StructureI ;'oung Vigorous I Yl [.J Early - mature (E) 0 Mid rnaturc : '\i) 0I Late (L} 0 Old Growth (0) .0 Multi-age. 0I Y -= saplings WIth undeveloped lateral branches & Apical crown; E = straight young trees (loss of

Iapi~al dominance) ;v1= so~id I~ature trees a~.max heigl~t ; L= healthy crowu. hollows & burls brokenmajor branches & decay. U =--= over-mature old trees likely to have hollo« holes

l. .._.... .. -~--. __,__--__ -____,

SlTf CODE: ......

RECOf{.DCR .D.'\TE.._. _ ...Rf-:\ l"NAt\;T .....




I \\'e Ephemeral H20I '1 Term irariaI ',' .. 'L."',nr:r

\\'p Permanent H20,_'( Cliffs/Embankments

Special Components




lC Creek

Vi Wetland

G GullyRF River-Flu!.

Lower Slope

Upper Slope


.!M"I~rt:d C;,::,)log) -~--IlII i \)!\~, I ,)U2.rclllary Alluvium ! I! ! 'rAL Tertiary Ali.iviur» II t:s

I, SHA S!lales P

HSA fi:!"." kesoury S'lildst0!1L' LS

I SiS" 5ha!eiSandstol1~ 'I R Ridge/PlateauPsa !)O!1S Hi!! S:l!lJ3IOne I »rs Middle Slope

L .J !_. _

Please circle Relevant Codes Below

Soil Landscape._.. .. .. .

[ ·7'~~~lCAL DEHILS and S~E~;·~;: COMPONENTS


ITI=r_[~I 1

D._] IT.._.T _ _._I___._..........____,

Flora ReserveState Forest .Private Property I

I.-~ .J

CodeNP National Park FRNR Nature Reserve SFCL Crown Leasehold ppVC Vacant Crown Land

Land Tenure Inforrntaion


1:25 \/00 Map Name .......


1),<\TE ' .

SIZE OF REMl'IANT.(ha) , ..



IL._. _

Lllng Ei.a: S

:\ IyjLi

(I' 2.5000 Map Code)

1 :25000 i\!Jp COde


Catchment.. .. ...... ...... ... ...... .•

LGA "'"

Locahty Description ..

Tel: (02) 58 56902Fax: (02) 58 56442SITE SURVEY FORlYl

Sydney Zone43 Bridge StPO Box 1967Hursrville 2220

Project Title .. ,..UBBS .

I !f--'

I- ]_._.--_._- -- I.-j. .----~

-- ---

- I,I





I ---I -i

SPECIES LIST (Please include ail "significant species" & annotate with Sor R for resource species)




Stratum Height (m) Dominant sppCanopy

---,Smaller Tree

.-Sbnlb ,_Grass

I_!!~rb_~ I-, --


(S,~( back P31;C lor Benson ami Specht codes)

Structural r'nrnl (,..\..I1:('rSpech: . !----~-------

Community Type (Benson Code)


! 0 .I U Recreation

~oad .' Felice ~:stru('.tio.I~ __ ._

C!earing at back or housesoo

Mining i Quarrying

Garden RefuseuGrazing

Urban / Industrial Expansionooo

THREATSo Crop Including clearing Competition from weedso



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'---1~----~ _. J !1..••

COil tin ued - SPECIES LIST (Please include all "significant species" & annotate with S)

l. Tree. A woody plant more than 5m tall, usually with a single stem2 Shrub: A woody plant less than 8m tall, frequently with many stems arising from near the base.3. Projective Foliage Cover: Equivalent to the percentage of shadow (compared with light), assuming sunis straight overhead.


Tall slu ublandLow shrubland

Shrubs 2-8mShrubs <2m

Tall open shrub landLow open shrubiand



Tall woodland Tall open-woodlandWoodland Open-woodland

Low woodland Low open-woodland

Tall open-forestOpen-forestLow open-forest

Tali closed-forestClosed-forestLow closed-forest

Trees> 30mTrees 10-30mTrees 5-1 Om

Oense(70-IOO%) Mid-dense (30-'W%) Sparse (10- 0%) Very sparse «10%)Life Form and Heightof Tallest Stratum

Projectiv e foliage cover oftallest stratum


, l Ud14a


l OarIOc

l Oag Sydnev Salld~; -r.e (. :ll:;PJ.::·\"Sydney Sandstone Gllil~ ForestSydney Sandstone Ridge top WoodlandGrey Box Woodland E.lTloluccana. E.krC'lcc':Jm;sGrey Box I ron bari, WooJ land E. 11l0Iu(:caIl3, E. reretccorn is. E.creba :Castlereagh Scrubby Gum Woodland E.sclerophylla. A.hal-..cri I,

Agnes Banks Woodland b~.sclerophylla, ..\.bah'r!. B,serrata JSwamp Woodland E.parramattensisFreshwater Reed Swamps

.~------------ ------------------------------------------------------------

Turpenti ne - Iron bark r oresr

E.benthamijE.paniculata, E.notabilisEunaculata, E.nloluCC2flJE.crebra, E.fibrosaE.fibrosa, E.l11oluccafl~lE.fibrosaCas.glauca, A.subvelullililE.amplifolia, EjeretecorrusSyn.glorn III i fera. E.;J:; nrculata

Casilcreagh ]ronbark ForestRiver - flat Forest



Estuarine ComplexCamden White GUll ForestShale Cap ForestSpotted Gum ForestIronbark ForestShale/Gravel Transitional Forest


Cornrnun ity Types (A ftcr Benson 199:2)------,-----------


UBBS Conceptual Data Model

Significance_ROTAPSignificance_ReginalSignificance_ VulnerableSignificance_NewRecForLGARelaliveAbundaneeGrowlhFromSpeciePopulalionAreaSpeciePopulationEstimaleBreedingTypeAge_SeedlingAge_ImmatureAge_MatureAge_SeneseantThreat_BURNThreal_CropThreal_DrainThreal_GrazThroat MineThreat:RoadThreal_WoedThreat_PollThreat_LowThreat_RecrThreat UrbindThreat-RubThreaCClearLocalityOpp_ZoneOpp_EaslingOpp_Northing

Ifl,?",Sig!:lIlng _Sighlingld (FK)~-- - - -

p ",-----,------,

__I .....§pecLe~ COd(!ClnssOrderFarnilyCommon nameScientific nameLen,,1 sin Ius


Note:P = One to One or moreZ '= One to Zero or One OnlyNothing = One to Many

Author Vida ZnouVersion: 1.1Lasl Update: 14/6/96



Methodld (FK)Siteld (FK)SightingSpCodcSighlingType

• SighlingSpSexNoOflndividualRecorderDateTimeComment



Data Model

Site Method _Siteld (FK) ')Melhodld (FK) I.



------,-I..J.......JIII l lr-'--'---I-Ti]lp 0__ • BirdP.olntCensus Spotlighting

[ .

Melhodld (FK) ~ethodld (FK) lli'hOd'd (FK)TrapType oonPhase

a.nsectLengthNoDeployed anHour

- - .


Si~Il' _


SileCodeRemnanUd (FK)SiteDescriptionTransecUndSileRecorderDateEnteredCatchmenlLGANameMapNoMarNamcZoneFastingNorthingLandConservationSlatu5LandTenureCodeAltitudeTopographyCodeMappedGeologyCodeSoilLandScapeCodeThreat CROPThreat- DRAINThreat- GRAZThreat::MINEThreat_RECRThreat_ROADThroat WEEDThreat- URBINDThreat-GARDENThreaCCLEARThreaLOTHERVegatatlonCommunityTypeVegatationSlructuralFormNotes

UBBS Conceptual

S~!ExtciHa~~~I~ ~Siteld (FK)

SiteAgeStructureNoOfLargeDeadTreeNoOfTreeWithLargeHoliowNoOfTreeWithSmaliHollowCoverAbundance litlerCoverAbundance _GrassCoverAbundance::SedgeCoverAbundanco_FernCoverAbundance OtherVegCoverAbundance::Log>30cmx1mCoverAbundance BareSoilCoverAbundance _Rock>20cmCoverAbundance _OtherFireDisturb_Severity iZFireDisturb _TlmeSineeFireDislurb -AccuracyFireDistrub:: ObsTypeLoggingDlslurb_SeverilyLoggingDislurb_ TmeSineeLoggingDislurb_AccuracyLoggingDisturb_ObsTypoGrazingDisturb _SeverityGrazingDisturb_ TimeSinceGrazingDisturb_AccuracyGrazingDisturb_ObsType


SurveySite __Surveyld (FK)")Siteld (FK) I



