Appendix 1 I. -...

App.1 - 1 Appendix 1 I. INTRODUCTION Vegetable farming systems in Indonesia are confronted with a strong duality of traditional low input, subsistence systems to profit oriented, high input systems. Under the traditional system, fertilizer application is often (too) low resulting in poor yield and declining soil fertility. On the other hand, under high input farming systems fertilizers are applied in excessive amounts every planting season. For example, nitrogen application could be as high as 750 kg Urea per ha. Manure application reaches 75 ton ha -1 . Excess nitrate could leach or move laterally and eventually become a major source of water pollution in downstream areas. Excessive nitrogen could also lead to crop susceptibility to pests and diseases and obviously, also affects farm profitability. Under the traditional system, it seems that farmers tend to rely on one kind of fertilizer (usually N) and some amount of manure because of insufficient resources to purchase other fertilizers. It’s fair to say that both under the traditional and high input systems, fertilizer use efficiency (especially of N) is low. Vegetables, as any other plants, require adequate and balanced supply of nutrients to achieve optimum yield and fertilization efficiency. Indigenous sources from soil and organic input such as crop residues must be taken into consideration in determining external input requirements. In Indonesia, agricultural extension services concentrate their activities for the promotion of staple food (mainly lowland rice) production. Fertilizer recommendation for vegetables is inexistent, or scarce at best. Commercial vegetable farmers develop their own fertilizer requirement based on experience and experiments aiming at maximum, rather than optimum yield. As such, extremely high nitrogen and organic fertilizations is common. Therefore, fertilization information system, knowledge, as well as data base on nutrient balances in vegetables system should be developed to improve the current fertilization practices, in particular with respect to nitrogen application. In addition, crop rotation is not well managed so as to cut the life cycle of pests and diseases and utilize nutrients in the soil efficiently. Often, certain crops such as broccoli or carrots are planted in consecutive seasons as monoculture crop, or else the rotation is much too short. This mono- cultural practice or short rotation may lead to the build-up of soil-borne pests and diseases that eventually strongly decrease crop yield. However, in areas where water is not limiting and soil structure is favorable, there are farmers that grow paddy rice every other year or every three years. Regardless of their intention, this rotation practice can curb pests and diseases infestation. Soil fertility aspect may also be an important aspect worth investigating in relation to the paddy rice – vegetable rotation. The general objectives of this collaborative project are to: (1) improve N fertilization recommendation based on N efficiency research, (2) improve crop management/rotation, and (3) build the capacity of Indonesian scientists in conducting research and development to develop N fertilizer recommendation .

Transcript of Appendix 1 I. -...

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Appendix 1


Vegetable farming systems in Indonesia are confronted with a strong duality of traditional low input, subsistence systems to profit oriented, high input systems. Under the traditional system, fertilizer application is often (too) low resulting in poor yield and declining soil fertility. On the other hand, under high input farming systems fertilizers are applied in excessive amounts every planting season. For example, nitrogen application could be as high as 750 kg Urea per ha. Manure application reaches 75 ton ha-1. Excess nitrate could leach or move laterally and eventually become a major source of water pollution in downstream areas. Excessive nitrogen could also lead to crop susceptibility to pests and diseases and obviously, also affects farm profitability.

Under the traditional system, it seems that farmers tend to rely on one kind of fertilizer (usually N) and some amount of manure because of insufficient resources to purchase other fertilizers. It’s fair to say that both under the traditional and high input systems, fertilizer use efficiency (especially of N) is low.

Vegetables, as any other plants, require adequate and balanced supply of nutrients to achieve optimum yield and fertilization efficiency. Indigenous sources from soil and organic input such as crop residues must be taken into consideration in determining external input requirements.

In Indonesia, agricultural extension services concentrate their activities for the promotion of staple food (mainly lowland rice) production. Fertilizer recommendation for vegetables is inexistent, or scarce at best. Commercial vegetable farmers develop their own fertilizer requirement based on experience and experiments aiming at maximum, rather than optimum yield. As such, extremely high nitrogen and organic fertilizations is common. Therefore, fertilization information system, knowledge, as well as data base on nutrient balances in vegetables system should be developed to improve the current fertilization practices, in particular with respect to nitrogen application.

In addition, crop rotation is not well managed so as to cut the life cycle of pests and diseases and utilize nutrients in the soil efficiently. Often, certain crops such as broccoli or carrots are planted in consecutive seasons as monoculture crop, or else the rotation is much too short. This mono-cultural practice or short rotation may lead to the build-up of soil-borne pests and diseases that eventually strongly decrease crop yield. However, in areas where water is not limiting and soil structure is favorable, there are farmers that grow paddy rice every other year or every three years. Regardless of their intention, this rotation practice can curb pests and diseases infestation. Soil fertility aspect may also be an important aspect worth investigating in relation to the paddy rice – vegetable rotation.

The general objectives of this collaborative project are to: (1) improve N fertilization recommendation based on N efficiency research, (2) improve crop management/rotation, and (3) build the capacity of Indonesian scientists in conducting research and development to develop N fertilizer recommendation .

App.1 - 2


Agus Bambang Siswanto, Fahmuddin Agus, Ladiyani Retno, Ibrahim Adamy 2.1. Location

This research is underway at four sites of vegetable-based farming systems areas of Central Java (Figure 2.1) Indonesia. Based on the Datum Geografi Nasional (DGN-1985) and the projection system of Universal Transfers Mercartor (UTM), the area is located in Zone M49. The geographic position of (1) Bumen village, Kec. Sumowono, Kab. Semarang is at the longitude of 424,600 m and latitude of 9,202,950 m, (2) Kopeng village, Kec. Getasan, Kab. Semarang at the longitude of 435,400 m and latitude of 9,182,000 m, (3) Buntu Village, Kec. Kejajar, Kab. Wonosobo at the longitude of 381,884 m and latitude of 9,193,489 m, and (4) Ds. Punthuk Rejo, Kec. Ngargoyoso, Kab. Karang Anyar at the longitude of 507,763 m and latitude of 9,157,899 m.

Figure 2.1. Map of central Java showing the four research sites. 2.2. Soil Genesis and classification

The brief description of the land resources is presented in Table 2.1 The parent material is directly connected with the lithology and geologic formation as shown in the Map of Systemized Indonesian Geology (Thanden wt al., 1975; Condon et al, 1996, and Surono, et al., 1992). In all sites the parent material was pyroclastic volcanic materials originated from the eruption of young volcanoes consisted of volcanic ash, sand and lapilli overlying the ‘breccia’, lava, tuff and lava breccia. The pyroclastic volcanic materials, in general, are intermediary (andesitic-basaltic) materials, that has partially consolidated into tuff.

Ds. BuntuDs. Bumen

Ds. Kopeng

Ds. Punthuk Rejo

Ds. BuntuDs. Bumen

Ds. Kopeng

Ds. Punthuk Rejo

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The sand fraction mineralogical analysis was in agreement with the notion that there is andesitic-basaltic properties as indicated by the dominance of minerals labradorite, augite, and hyperstine. The pyroclastic materials with such mineral composition generate soils with high indigenous fertility.

The topographic condition also influenced the soil formation. The studied sites have elevations ranging from 550 m (Karanganyar) to 1,375 m (Kopeng) above the sea level leading to young volcanic soil (Andisols) formation. In general, the sites are in valley or lower slope of strato volcanic physiography as part of the complex landscape of volcanic mountains: (1) Mt. Ungaran-Gajah Mungkur-Kaligesik complex for Sumowono, (2) Mt. Merbabu-Telomoyo-Gilipetung complex for Kopeng, (3) Mt. Sundoro-Kembang-Bismo complex for Wonosobo, and (4) Mt. Lawu-Pringgodani-Kmukus complex for Karanganyar.

The relief is undulating (8-15% slope), especially for Karanganyar that has been intensively dissected. Wonosobo’s relief is rolling (3-8% slope) on the relatively non dissected area.

Table 2.1. Land characteristics of the research sites.

Characteristics Description Site I: Desa. Bumen, Kecamatan Sumowono, Kabupaten Semarang Landform Upper slope of strato-volcan of Mt. Ungaran Relief Undulating (8-15% slope)

Parent material Intermediary volcanic ash and sand with the base rock of volcanic

breccia, lava, tuff, lava breccia of Mt. Ungaran (Qug) (Thanden et al., 1975)

Soil Classification Thaptic Epiaquands, medial, isohyperthermic Land use Sawah (paddy rice) in rotation with vegetable (in the dry season) Site II: Desa Kopeng, Kecamatan Getasan, Kabupaten Semarang Landform Lower slope, strato volcan of Mt. Merbabu Relief Undulating (8-15% slope)

Parent material Intermediary volcanic ash and sand with the base rock of volcanic

breccia, lava, tuff, and lava breccia of Mt. Merbabu (Qme) (Thanden et al, 1975)

Soil Classification Typic Hapludands, medial, isohyperthermic Land Use Upland agriculture for annual food crops and vegetables. Site III: Desa Punthuk Rejo, Kecamatan Kejajar, Kabupaten Wonosobo Landform Lower slope, strato volcan of Mt. Sindoro Relief Undulating (8-15% slope)

Parent material Intermediary volcanic ash and sand with the base rock of andesitic

hiersten-augit lava and basal olivin-augit, lava breccia, piroclastic breccia, and lava of Mt. Sundoro (Qsu) (Condon et al, 1998)

Soil Classification Typic Hapludands, medial, isohyperthermic. Land Use Upland agriculture for annual food crops and vegetables. Site IV: Desa Argoyoso, Kecamatan Ngargoyoso, Kabupaten Karang Anyar Landform Lower slope, strato volcan of Mt. Lawu Relief Undulating (8-15% slope)

Bahan Induk Intermediary volcanic ash and sand with the base rock of volcanic breccia, lava, and tuff of Mt. Lawu (Qvl) (Surono et al, 1998)

Soil Classification Thaptic Epiaquands, medial, isohyperthermic Land Use Sawah for rice and vegetables

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2.3. Soil Characteristics and Land Use

Andisols are important soils in the high elevation surrounding the volcanoes. Various kind of Latosols (including Alfisols) and Grumosols (Vertisols) and alluvial are other important soils surrounding the research sites (Figure 2.2; Table 2.2)

The main agricultural systems include paddy field (with rice as the rainy season commodity and vegetables as the dry season commodity) and upland (planted to cereal or pulses in rotation with vegetables). The upper catchment also include conservation areas.

High organic C content, high P retention (Table 2.3) and low bulk density (Chapter 4) are in agreement with the Andisols properties. Relatively high P content, despite high P retention seems to have been caused by high fertilizer input. In general, the soils at the four sites have relatively good soil fertility.

Most of Agricultural systems in Kopeng and Wonosobo are intensive farming, with the average of 3 crops per year and high use of fertilizers and pesticides. Most fields are bench terraced. Potato is the main commodity in Wonosobo although carrot, cabbage, and sweet corn are also important. The main commodities in Kopeng include cauliflower, carrot, leek, and sweet corn.

Table 2.2. Approximate equivalent classification of soils in the research area at Sub Group level of Soil Survey Staff (USDA, 1998 and 2000) and Soil Type of Soepraptohardjo (1964).

Sub Group Soil Survey Staff (USDA, 1998; 2000)

“Macam Tanah” (Soil type) (Soepraptohardjo, 1964)

Thaptic Epiaquands Latosol Coklat Kekuningan (yellowish brown Latosol)

Typic Epiaquands Mediteran Coklat (Brown Mediterranian)

Typic Hapludands Latosol Coklat (Brown Latosol)

Figure 2.2. Soil type map around the research site (based on 1:250,000 scale map) of Supraptohardjo


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2.4. Soil profile description of the four research sites Profile no: AB01/CSAR/09-05 Classification: Thaptic Epiaquands, medial, isohyperthermic Location: Desa. Bumen, Kecamatan Sumowono, Kabupaten Semarang, Central-Java. Soil profile was located in a paddy field (sawah) about 50 m East of the road of desa Bumen. Longitude is about 424.600 m, Latitude is 9.202.950 m (UTM zone M49), and altitude is 968 m above sea level. Geomorphic position: Lower slope of volcanic Ungaran mountain with tuffaceous ash and lapilli layers underlain by dacitic materials deposited on basaltic lava. Parent material: Mature andesitic tuff. Topography: Rolling (8-15%) with surrounding landscape is hilly. Drainage: Imperfectly drained. Permeability: Slightly slow. Land Use: Irrigated sawah with paddy, onion, carrot, cabbage, etc. Described by: Agus B Siswanto, September 2005.

Horizons No Symbol Descriptions

1 Ap 0 to 20 cm; dark grayish brown (10YR 4/2) clay loam; weak, fine, sub angular blocky structure; friable, slightly sticky and slightly plastic; many very fine and fine roots; many fine and medium pores, acid; clear smooth boundary.

2 Bg1 20 to 42 cm; Dark brown (10YR 4/2) loam; brown (10YR 4/1) coating on faces of peds, common fine distinct strong brown (7,5YR 5/6) mottles; weak, fine and medium, sub angular blocky structure; friable to firm, slightly sticky and slightly plastic; few fine roots; many fine and medium pores; acid; abrupt smooth boundary.

3 2Bg2 42 to 68 cm; Dark greyish brown (10YR 4/4) silty clay, and dark redish brown (5YR 5/6); moderate, medium, sub angular blocky structure; friable to firm, slightly sticky and slightly plastic, thixotropic; common black (2,5Y 5/1) manganese concretions; few fine roots; many fine, common medium, and few coarse pores; slightly acid; gradual smooth boundary.

4 2Bg3 68 to 92 cm; Dark greyish brown (7,5YR 4/4) silty clay, grey (2,5Y 5/2), and dark redish brown (5YR 3/3); moderate, medium, sub angular blocky structure; firm, slightly sticky and slightly plastic, thixotropic; many fine and medium pores; slightly acid; clear smooth boundary.

5 3BC 92 to 129 cm; Dark greyish brown (7,5YR 4/4) silty clay loam, grey (2,5Y 5/2), and dark redish brown (5YR 3/3); weak, medium to coarse, sub angular blocky structure; firm, slightly sticky and plastic, thixotropic; many fine and medium pores; slightly acid.

Note : 1. Epipedon: Ochric 2. Other properties: - Andic soil properties - Aquic soil conditions

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Profile no: AB02/CSAR/09-05 Classification: Typic Hapludands, medial, isohyperthermic. Location: Desa Kopeng, Kecamatan Getasan, Kabupaten Semarang, Central-Java. Profile is situated in a home garden about 5 m from the road; approx. longitude 435.400 m, latitude 9.182.000 m (UTM zone M49), and altitude 1.375 m above sea level. Geomorphic surface: Lower slope of Lawu volcano overlain deeply dissected tuffaceous ash and lapili. Parent material: Mature andesitic tuff. Topography: Gentle slopping (2-3%) with surrounding landscape is rolling (8-15%). Drainage: Well drained. Permeability: Moderate to slightly rapid. Land Use: Food crop garden with potato, carrot, sweet corn, coli flower, etc. Described by: Agus B Siswanto, September 2005.

Horizons No Symbol Descriptions

1 Ap1 0 to 24 cm; Greyish brown (5Y 4/2-4/1) sandy loam; weak, fine and medium, granular structure; friable, slightly sticky and slightly plastic, thixotropic; many very fine and fine roots; many fine, many medium, and common coarse pores, slightly acid; clear smooth boundary.

2 Ap2 24 to 46 cm; Dark brown (5Y 4/1) sandy clay loam; weak, fine and medim, sub angular blocky structure; friable, slightly sticky and slightly plastic, thixotropic; many very fine and fine, and few medium roots; many fine, many medium, and few coarse pores; slightly acid; clear smooth boundary.

3 2AB1 46 to 65 cm; Dark grayish brown (10YR 4/4) clay; moderate, medium, sub angular blocky structure; friable, slightly sticky and slightly plastic, thixotropic; few fine and medium roots, many fine and medium pores; slightly acid; gradual smooth boundary.

4 2AB2 65 to 89 cm; Dark greyish brown (7,5YR 4/4) clay loam; moderate, medium, sub angular blocky structure; friable to firm, slightly sticky and slightly plastic, thixotropic; few fine roots; many fine and medium pores; slightly acid; gradual smooth boundary.

5 2AB3 89 to 112 cm; Dark grayish brown (7,5YR 4/4) silty clay loam; moderate, medium to coarse, sub angular blocky structure; firm, slightly sticky and slightly plastic, thixotropic; many fine and common medium pores; slightly acid; abrupt smooth boundary.

6 3A 112 to 134 cm; Dark grayish brown (7,5YR 4/2) clay loam; weak, medium, sub angular blocky structure; firm, slightly sticky and slightly plastic, thixotropic; many fine and medium pores; slightly acid.

Note : 1. Epipedon: Mollic 2. Other properties: - Andic soil properties

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Profile no: AB03/CSAR/09-05 Classification: Typic Hapludands, medial, isohyperthermic. Location: Desa Punthuk Rejo, Kecamatan Kejajar, Kabupaten Wonosobo, Central-Java. Profile is situated in a farm land about 200 m from the main road of desa Buntu; approx. longitude 381.884 m, latitude 9.193.489 m (UTM zone M49), and altitude 1.100 m above sea level. Geomorphic surface: Volcanic ash layer deposited on gentle slopping lava of strato volcano landscape. Parent material: Mature andesitic tuff. Topography: Undulating (3-8%) but surrounding landscape is rolling and hilly. Drainage: Well drained. Permeability: Moderate to slightly rapid. Land Use: Food crop garden with potato, carrot, sweet corn, cassava, etc. Described by: Agus B Siswanto, September 2005.

Horizons No Symbol Descriptions

1 Ap1 0 to 18 cm; Dark brown (7,5YR 3/3) sandy loam; weak, very fine and fine, sub granular structure; friable, slightly sticky and slightly plastic, thixotropic; many fine and medium roots; many fine and medium pores, slightly acid; many fine and medium pores.

2 Ap2 18 to34 cm; Dark reddish brown (7,5YR 3/4) sandy loam; brown (10YR 4/3); moderate, fine, sub angular blocky structure; friable, slightly sticky and slightly plastic, thixotropic; common fine, few medium and coarse roots; many fine and medium pores; slightly acid; clear smooth boundary.

3 AB1 34 to 62 cm; Dark grayish brown (7,5YR 3/4) sandy clay loam; moderate, fine, sub angular blocky structure; friable, slightly sticky and slightly plastic, thixotropic; few fine roots; many fine and medium pores; slightly acid; clear smooth boundary.

4 2AB2 62 to 90 cm; Dark grayish brown (7,5YR 3/4) silt loam;; moderate, fine and medium, sub angular blocky structure; friable, slightly sticky and slightly plastic, thixotropic; few fine roots; many fine and medium pores; slightly acid; gradual smooth boundary.

5 2AB3 90 to 124 cm; Dark grayish brown (7,5YR 4/4) loam; moderate, medium, sub angular blocky structure; friable to firm, slightly sticky and slightly plastic, thixotropic; few fine roots; many fine and medium pores; slightly acid; clear smooth boundary.

6 3BC 124 to 145 cm; Dark grayish brown (7,5YR 4/4) sandy clay loam; dark redish brown (5YR 3/3); weak, medium, sub angular blocky structure; firm, slightly sticky and slightly plastic, thixotropic; many fine and common medium pores; slightly acid.

Note : 1. Epipedon: Umbric 2. Other properties: - Andic soil properties

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Profile no: AB04/CSAR/09-05. Classification: Typic Epiaquands, medial, isohyperthermic. Location: Desa Argoyoso, Kecamatan Ngargoyoso, Kabupaten Karang Anyar, Central-Java. Profile is situated in a sawah, about 50 m, front of the mosque; approx. longitude 507.763 m, latitude 9.157.899 m (UTM zone M49), and altitude 550 m above sea level. Geomorphic surface: Lower slope of Lawu volcano overlain deeply dissected tuffaceous ash and lapilli. Parent material: Mature andesitic tuff. Topography: Rolling (8-15%). Drainage: Imperfect drained. Permeability: Slow. Land Use: Irrigated sawah with paddy, onion, carrot, cabbage, coriander, chili, etc. Described by: Agus B Siswanto, September 2005.

Horizons No Symbol Descriptions

1 Ap 0 to 20 cm; Grayish brown (5Y 4/2-4/1) silty clay loam; weak, fine, sub angular blocky structure; friable, slightly sticky and slightly plastic; many very fine and fine roots; many fine and medium pores, slightly acid; clear smooth boundary.

2 AB1 20 to 44 cm; Dark brown (5Y 4/1) silty clay loam, and brown (10YR 4/3); moderate, fine and medium, sub angular blocky structure; friable, slightly sticky and slightly plastic; few black (2,5Y 5/1) manganese concretions; few fine roots; many fine, many medium, few coarse pores; slightly acid; gradual smooth boundary.

3 AB2 44 to 69 cm; Dark grayish brown (10YR 4/4) silt loam, gray (2,5Y 5/2), and dark reddish brown (5YR 3/3); moderate, fine and medium, sub angular blocky structure; friable to firm, slightly sticky and slightly plastic, common black (2,5Y 5/1) manganese concretions; few fine roots; many fine and medium pores; slightly acid; clear smooth boundary.

4 2AB3 69 to 92 cm; Dark grayish brown (7,5YR 4/4) silty clay loam, gray (2,5Y 5/2), and dark redish brown (5YR 3/3); moderate, medium, sub angular blocky structure; friable to firm, slightly sticky and slightly plastic, thixotropic; many fine and medium pores; neutral; gradual smooth boundary.

5 2Bw 92 to 123 cm; Dark grayish brown (7,5YR 4/4) silt loam, gray (2,5Y 5/2), and dark reddish brown (5YR 3/3); moderate, medium, sub angular blocky structure; firm, slightly sticky and slightly plastic, thixotropic; many fine and common medium pores; neutral; clear smooth boundary.

6 3BC 123 to 139 cm; Dark grayish brown (7,5YR 4/2) clay loam, gray (2,5Y 5/2), and dark reddish brown (5YR 3/3); weak, medium and coarse, sub angular blocky structure; firm, slightly sticky and slightly plastic, thixotropic; common fine and medium pores; neutral.

Note : 1. Epipedon: Ochric 2. Other properties: - Andic soil properties - Aquic soil conditions

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Table 2.3. Soil chemical properties of Wonosobo, Sumowono, Kopeng and Karang Anyar sites (samples were taken in September 2005). Sample number Serial Texture (pipette) Ekstract 1:5 Based on dry sample (105 �C)

No. Sand Silt Clay pH Organic matter HCl 25% Olsen Bray 1 Retention No. Code 227 H2O KCl C N C/N P2O5 K2O P2O5 P2O5 P

--------- % -------- ------- % ------ --mg/100 g- ---- ppm ----- % Desa. Bumen, Kecamatan Sumowono, Kabupaten Semarang

1 05.6251 AB/1/1 16 26 44 30 5.4 4.6 2.50 0.25 10 321 58 95.3 44.4 2 6252 AB/1/2 17 26 49 25 5.0 4.1 1.85 0.18 10 148 38 11.8 55.4 3 6253 AB/1/3 18 6 53 41 5.9 5.1 4.46 0.27 17 109 19 40 76.7 4 6254 AB/1/4 19 10 49 41 6.0 5.3 5.10 0.17 30 84 18 29 77.3 5 6255 AB/1/5 20 13 52 35 6.2 5.4 2.47 0.17 15 65 30 36 70.3

Desa Kopeng, Kecamatan Getasan, Kabupaten Semarang 6 6256 AB/2/1 21 55 27 18 6.2 5.4 3.08 0.22 14 460 13 365 56.8 7 6257 AB/2/2 22 51 18 31 6.3 5.6 3.13 0.25 13 433 14 299 58.6 8 6258 AB/2/3 23 40 14 46 6.3 5.8 2.15 0.20 11 80 10 47 84.8 9 6259 AB/2/4 24 35 34 31 6.2 5.8 2.08 0.23 9 95 8 26 92.0 10 6260 AB/2/5 25 19 44 37 6.3 5.9 2.66 0.22 12 90 8 25 92.1 11 6261 AB/2/6 26 24 43 33 6.4 5.8 6.06 0.23 26 62 7 19 93.7

Desa Punthuk Rejo, Kecamatan Kejajar, Kabupaten Wonosobo 12 6262 AB/3/1 27 52 31 17 5.7 5.2 3.98 0.31 13 346 13 177 76.6 13 6263 AB/3/2 28 57 33 10 5.6 5.1 3.47 0.30 12 233 15 68 77.0 14 6264 AB/3/3 29 51 27 22 6.1 5.6 3.09 0.21 15 112 25 21 83.9 15 6265 AB/3/4 30 28 57 15 6.3 5.7 3.93 0.34 12 118 25 23 92.2 16 6266 AB/3/5 31 47 39 14 6.3 5.7 2.79 0.21 13 134 18 23 92.0 17 6267 AB/3/6 32 65 12 23 6.2 5.8 1.56 0.15 10 94 19 27 88.8

Desa Argoyoso, Kecamatan Ngargoyoso, Kabupaten Karang Anyar 18 6268 AB/4/1 33 20 52 28 6.2 5.4 2.27 0.29 8 123 39 141 44.9 19 6269 AB/4/2 34 14 52 34 6.5 5.5 1.82 0.19 10 103 27 106 49.4 20 6270 AB/4/3 35 11 71 18 6.5 5.4 1.36 0.12 11 50 19 48 49.3 21 6271 AB/4/4 36 13 54 33 6.6 5.5 1.18 0.09 13 37 21 45 50.3 22 6272 AB/4/5 37 26 50 24 6.7 5.4 1.08 0.11 10 34 20 40 41.6 23 6273 AB/4/6 38 28 41 31 6.6 5.6 0.68 0.06 11 36 19 42 62.5

Organic C by Walkley and Black, Total N by Kjeldahl digestion

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Table 2.3. (Continued) Number Based on dry sample (105 �C) Serial Exchangeable cation (NH4-Acetat 1N, pH7) KCl 1N pH NaF Dithionit Pyrophosfat Oksalat Order No. 227 Ca Mg K Na Sum CEC BS* Al 3+ H + 1' 60' Fe Al Fe Al Fe Al ----------------------- cmolc/kg ----------------------- % cmolc/kg --------------------- % ------------------- Desa. Bumen, Kecamatan Sumowono, Kabupaten Semarang

1 16 8.67 1.81 0.60 0.15 11.23 31.25 36 0.11 0.21 9.59 10.42 3.32 0.74 0.37 0.45 1.96 2.44 2 17 5.20 0.96 0.25 0.18 6.59 28.21 23 1.57 0.37 9.50 10.30 3.82 0.77 0.22 0.29 2.50 2.65 3 18 13.99 1.96 0.19 0.21 16.35 49.92 33 0.00 0.10 10.10 10.93 4.71 2.12 0.39 0.49 2.34 4.81 4 19 14.83 1.79 0.15 0.13 16.90 51.93 33 0.00 0.05 10.24 11.07 4.72 2.30 0.43 0.47 1.41 4.98 5 20 10.18 1.34 0.10 0.04 11.66 36.46 32 0.00 0.18 10.09 10.90 5.25 2.65 0.15 0.29 1.41 4.05

Desa Kopeng, Kecamatan Getasan, Kabupaten Semarang 6 21 8.77 3.12 0.13 0.07 12.09 23.09 52 0.00 0.14 10.21 11.11 1.90 0.82 0.11 0.47 1.03 4.56 7 22 11.37 2.31 0.12 0.14 13.94 25.69 54 0.00 0.04 10.31 11.14 2.05 0.90 0.12 0.48 1.02 4.66 8 23 5.67 2.09 0.09 0.08 7.93 32.98 24 0.00 0.07 10.66 11.27 2.25 1.24 0.06 0.33 1.11 5.53 9 24 6.39 2.14 0.04 0.11 8.68 39.13 22 0.00 0.05 10.72 11.33 2.83 1.84 0.05 0.39 1.10 5.94

10 25 7.61 2.84 0.05 0.13 10.63 46.13 23 0.00 0.05 10.73 11.34 3.00 1.55 0.07 0.39 1.18 5.86 11 26 12.58 3.71 0.10 0.13 16.52 55.82 30 0.00 0.03 10.95 11.41 2.79 2.29 0.15 0.62 1.34 5.84

Desa Punthuk Rejo, Kecamatan Kejajar, Kabupaten Wonosobo 12 27 6.59 0.79 0.17 0.11 7.66 29.30 26 0.11 0.13 10.61 11.31 2.65 1.27 0.17 0.60 1.63 4.77 13 28 3.56 0.74 0.21 0.11 4.62 23.22 20 0.00 0.14 10.75 11.37 2.42 1.26 0.18 0.60 1.46 4.11 14 29 5.06 1.02 0.41 0.12 6.61 31.34 21 0.00 0.07 10.77 11.36 2.97 1.51 0.08 0.43 1.50 5.70 15 30 6.29 1.21 0.38 0.08 7.96 36.25 22 0.00 0.12 10.83 11.38 3.60 1.71 0.10 0.47 1.46 5.72 16 31 6.30 1.25 0.22 0.11 7.88 36.84 21 0.00 0.07 10.64 11.28 3.54 1.53 0.06 0.40 1.27 5.70 17 32 5.47 1.19 0.23 0.21 7.10 28.80 25 0.05 0.15 10.56 11.27 2.67 1.13 0.05 0.32 0.99 5.65

Desa Argoyoso, Kecamatan Ngargoyoso, Kabupaten Karang Anyar 18 33 14.21 4.46 0.68 0.30 19.65 28.69 68 0.00 0.05 9.59 10.45 2.70 0.40 0.17 0.32 1.10 2.35 19 34 13.05 4.23 0.46 0.44 18.18 25.65 71 0.00 0.07 9.75 10.53 2.76 0.51 0.18 0.36 0.88 2.33 20 35 12.97 3.82 0.29 0.59 17.67 30.16 59 0.00 0.14 9.80 10.53 2.89 0.47 0.09 0.17 0.84 2.15 21 36 13.33 3.87 0.37 0.65 18.22 26.66 68 0.00 0.07 9.79 10.48 2.76 0.32 0.10 0.23 1.18 2.05 22 37 12.41 3.82 0.34 0.63 17.20 20.91 82 0.00 0.07 9.67 10.39 1.85 0.24 0.07 0.16 0.65 3.09 23 38 11.70 3.45 0.25 0.45 15.85 26.79 59 0.00 0.05 9.88 10.64 5.57 1.01 0.10 0.15 0.82 0.47

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2.5. Detailed description of the four experimental sites. Site I: Desa (Village) Kopeng, Kecamatan (Sub District) Getasan, Kabupaten (District) Semarang Village’s boundaries : North : Desa Tolokan, Desa Wates South : Desa Genikan, Desa Kenalan (Kab. Magelang) West : Desa Jagonayan, Desa Ngablak dan Pandean (Kab. Magelang) East : Desa Batur Sub district boundaries: North : Kec. Banyu Biru dan Kec. Tuntang South : Kabupaten Boyolali West : Kec. Ngablak (Kab. Magelang) East : Kota Salatiga dan Kec. Tengaran Site coordinate : 07°23’55” - 07°24’30” S, 110°24’40” - 110°25’10”E Population : 6,479 people (Kopeng village) Occupation : 60.2% farmer’s, 2.2 % traders, 3.05 % labor. Area : 801 ha (upland 800.00 ha and housing 0.6 ha ) Elevation : 1500 m asl Soil classification : Andisol Parent materials : Intermediary volcanic tuff/ash Phisiography : Volcanic Rainfall : 2110 mm yr-1 Distance from sub district (kecamatan) : 3 km Distance from district (kabupaten) : 32 km Distance from capital of province : 60 km Prospective commodities : Vegetables (Brocoli, Leek (leek), lettuce) Cropping pattern : a. Brocoli-brocoli-leek (Bapak Lukas) b. Brocoli-Brocoli-Brocoli (Bapak Nano) c. Brocoli-cabagge –chinese cabagge (Bapak Ngatemin) Fertilizer : Chicken and cow manure (1:1) 20 – 40 ton//ha combined with

compound fertilizer (NPK 16:16:16) Mutiara 50 – 75 kg/ha at 20 and 40 DAP.

Yield : Broccoli : 0.8 – 1 kg/hill (14 – 18 t/ha) Cabbage; 9 – 19 t/ha

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Site II: Desa Bumen, Kecamatan Sumowono, Kabupaten Semarang The Bumen village is located at the foot hill of Mount Ungaran.

Village boundaries : North : Desa Kemawi South : Desa Sumowono West : Desa Losari dan desa Mendongan

East : Desa Jubelan District boundaries : North : Kec. Limbangan (Kab.Kendal) South : Kec. Jambu (Kab.Temanggung) West : Kab. Temanngung

East : Kec.Ambarawa Site coordinate : 07o12’30’’- 07o12’45’’ LS, 110o18’30’’ - 110o19’15’’ BT. Population : 844 people Occupation : 54.40 % farmers, 31.87 % traders, others 13.73 % Village area : 242 ha (Lowland 40 ha, upland 187 ha) Elevation : 950 m asl Soil : Andisol Parent material : Intermediary volcanic tuff Phisiography : Volcanic Rainfall : ....... mm/yr Temperature (average) : ........ oC Humidity (average) : ......... % Solar radiation : ......... Distance from sub district : 1 km Distance from district(kab) : 23 km Distance from capital province : 53 km Major commodities: Vegetables: cabbage, Garden bean (kacang kapri (green peas), kacang ercis,

Pisum sativum L.), and leek Cropping pattern : a. Paddy – cabbage – common bean (buncis, Phaseolus vulgaris L. Syn P.

esculentus) or Garden bean (Pisum sativum L.) (Bapak Nasrodin) b. Paddy – cabbage – leek (Bapak Sugeng Dono) c. Paddy – cabbage - carrot (Bapak Sumarno)

Fertilizer : Chicken and cattle manure 6 – 7 Ton/ha + Urea 100 – 200 kg/ha at 10 and 45 DAP

Problem : Price very fluctuating and root disease (Bendol akar) of cabbage. Yield : Rice 2 - 3 ton/ha (Kiha Mandili Variety) Cabbage (fluctuating)

Green peas (Kapri) (3 kg/2 ounces seed) Plant season : Rice (February – September or March – October)

Cabbage and other vegetables (November – January)

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Site III. Desa Buntu, Kecamatan Kejajar, Kabupaten Wonosobo This village is located near Mount Sundoro and Mount Sumbing. The main commodities are potato, leek, cabbage, and carrot. Village boundaries: North : Desa Tambi South : Desa Jengkol (Kec.Garung) West : Desa Kreb dan Desa Jengkol

East : Desa Sigedang District boundaries : North : Kabupaten Kendal South : Kecamatan Garung West : Kabupaten Batang

East : Kabupaten Temanggung Site coordinate : 07o15’00’’- 07o16’45’’ LS, 109o55’00’’ - 109o58’15’’ BT. Population : 2249 people Occupation : 83.5 % farmers Area : 334 ha (Lahan sawah 0 ha, Lahan kering 334 ha) Elevation : 1375 m asl Soil : Andisol Parent material : Intermediary volcanic tuff Fisiografi : Volcanic Rainfall : 3801 mm (average of the last five years) Temperatur (average) : 14.3 oC - 26.5 oC Distance from sub district : 4 km Distance from district (kabupaten) : 16 km Distance from capital province : 136 km Major commodities : - Vegetables (potato, cabbage, leek)

- Tobacco Cropping pattern : a. Potato – cabbage - potato (Bapak Sudarto) b. Potato – cabbage – leek (Bapak Triyono) c. Carrot – potato – leek (Bapak Nur Hakim) Fertilizer Chicken and cow manure 15 – 20 t/ha and SP-36: 300–400 kg/ha +

Urea 200kg/ha, NPK 15:15:15 100//ha. + organic liquid fertilizer. (Gemari) Disolve (mixed) with pesticide and fungicide (800 l/ha), applied every 10 days.

Yield : Potato Atlantic variety; 25 t/ha Cabbage Migado and Grand 11 varieties =1 kg/plant (24 ton/ha) Leek (Leek) 7.23 ton/ha, Carrot 6 –25 ton/ha

Cropping season : Cabbage (February – May), Potato (May – September) Other vegetables (October – January)

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Site IV. Desa Punthuk Rejo, Kecamatan Ngargoyoso, Kabupaten Karang Anyar Desa Puntuk Rejo is located west of Mt. Lawu. It’s one of the main vegetable (carrot, cerely,

leek) suppliers for Central Java. Village boundaries: North : Desa Jatirejo and Desa Nglegok South : Desa Karang and Desa Salam West : Desa Harjosari

East : Desa Girimulyo and Desa Berjo Sub District boundaries:

North : Kecamatan Jenawi and Kecamatan Kerjo South : Kecamatan Tawang mangu and Kec.Karang Pandan West : Kecamatan karang Pandan and Kecamatan Mojo Gedang

East : Propinsi Jawa Timur Site coordinate : 07o36’25’’- 07o37’30’’ S, 111o05’10’’ - 111o06’45’’ E. Population : 3770 jiwa

Occupation : 68 % farmers Luas Wilayah : 801 (all upland) Elevation : 750 m asl Soil classification : Inceptisol Plant material : Intermediary volcanic tuff Phisiography : Volcanic Rainfall : 4000 mm/tahun Temperature (average) : 20oC Distance from sub district : 4 km Distance from district. : 18 km Distance from capital province : 134 km Main commodities : Carrot, celery, chinese mustard (Caisim, Brassica rugosa Prain) and

leek Cropping pattern : Carrot – carrot -carrot (Bapak Hartono) Carrot – leek – Caisim (Bapak Hartono) Carrot – celery – leek (Ibu Hartati) Leek – carrot – cabbage (Bapak Sumardjo)

Fertilizer : Cow dung 12 – 17 t/ha Urea, SP-36, KCl and ZA (1 : 3 : 2 : 2) total 200 kg, applied 3 times: 10, 20 and 40 DAP.

Yield : Carrot 12 – 16 t/ha, Sawi; 3000-4000 bunches /ha.

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Simkin, T., and Siebert, L., 1994, Volcanoes of the World: Geoscience Press, Tucson, Arizona, 349 p. Thanden RE, Sumadirdja H, Richards PW.1975. Peta Geologi Bersistem Indonesia, skala 1: 100.000,

Lembar Magelang dan Semarang. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Geologi, Departeman Pertambangan dan Energi Republik Indonesia.

Condon WH, Pardyanto L, Ketner KB, Amin TC, Gafoer S, Samodra H. 1996. Peta Geologi

Bersistem Indonesia, skala 1: 100.000, Lembar Banjarnegara dan Pekalongan. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Geologi, Departeman Pertambangan dan Energi Republik Indonesia.

Surono B, Toha and Sudarno I. 1992. Peta Geologi Bersistem Indonesia, skala 1: 100.000, Lembar

Surakarta and Giritontro. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Geologi, Departeman Pertambangan dan Energi Republik Indonesia.

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Djoko Santoso, Ladiyani Retno W, Ibrahim Adamy, and Didik Suhastomo

3.1. Introduction

This chapter reports the results of selection of farmers and their fields where nitrogen fertilization experiments will be conducted. The target area of this project is the Province of Central Java, Indonesia. Originally it was intended to conduct the research only on farmers’ fields in Semarang District. However, during the formulation mission a decision was made that the research will be conducted also outside Semarang District.

The criteria for selecting the sites were: enough variation in soil types (especially soil texture which is important with respect to N dynamics), variation in crop rotations (at least one farmer with and one without rice in the rotation), and finally the attitude of the farmer towards the project. Based on these criteria, three sites (farmers fields) were selected, namely the villages of Buntu Kejajar (Wonosobo District), Kopeng/Getasan (Semarang District) and Argoyoso (Karanganyar District). After the formulation mission, one more village was added, namely Village of Bumen (Semarang District), because the cropping rotations in Bumen is more intensive than those in Kopeng, and it included lowland rice which offers interesting aspects on the effects of flooding (reduction – oxidation conditions) on nitrogen dynamics in the soils.

3.2. Materials and Methods

Following the preliminary assessment conducted in March 2005 at Ungaran (Semarang), which resulted in a problem tree of vegetable growing in this region, the selection of farmers and their fields in four villages in Central Java were carried out on 25 – 30 July 2005. Participatory rural appraisal (PRA) as an approach to participatory assessment of village conditions was used in selecting prospective farmers and their farmlands for conducting field experiments.

The focus this PRA was to understanding about fertilization, particularly about nitrogen fertilization at farmer level. The target villages and research sites were explored using a semi-structured interview and direct fields observation with the local villagers.

(a) Semi-structured interview

Selection of farmers was based on the following criteria: his/her general knowledge, adoption of technology, has potential to lead other farmers, and willingness to collaborate in research activities for the next five years, and has a farmland representing the region that is wide enough to accommodate a field experiment. The semi-structured interview with the farmers on vegetable farming covered the topics of crop rotation, fertilization, use of plastic mulch, and selection of experimentation field with its crop rotation.

(b) Field observation

After the interview, a field visit was conducted with the farmers in each village, especially with those farmers who agreed to conduct field experiments. The objective of this visit was to select appropriate fields that can accommodate field experiments and to reconfirm with the farmers about the cropping patterns to be applied. The field experiments would be consisted of two plots of 100 m2

each plot. Three farmers’ lands in each village was selected as replications.

3.3. Results and Discussion

3.3.1. Results

a) Buntu Kejajar Village, Kejajar Sub-District, Wonosobo District

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The PRA in this village was conducted on 26 and 27 July 2005. The meeting was attended by 16 people consisting of farmers, extension worker, and village leaders.

Buntu Kejajar village is situated in Kejajar Sub-district, Wonosobo District. This village is located near Sundoro and Sumbing mountains. The village is neighboring with the following villages: Tambi (in the north), Jengkol (south), Kreb and Jengkol (west) and Sigedang (east). It has an area of 334 ha, with 4010 ha vegetable cropland. The total village dweller in 2004 were 2,249 people, where 83% of their work force were farmers with potato, leek, cabbage, carrot, and tobacco as the main crops.

The soil is Andisols developed from sand and intermediary volcanic tuff. The annual rainfall is 3800 mm with an average temperature of 14.3 – 26.5oC. The major crop in this village is potato, owing to suitable climate for this crop with its altitude of >1375 m asl (above sea level).

In general, farmers apply chicken manure 15-20 t/ha plus: 300 – 400 kg SP-36, 200 kg urea and 100 kg Phonska (15:15:15 % N:P2O5:K2O) per ha. In addition, foliar fertilizers such as Gemari is used by dissolving together with pesticide and/or fungicide into 1 drum (200 liters) of water. Around 4 drums of this mixture is for a hectare. Spraying is done every 10 days starting the early stage of crop growth.

The growing season is February – May for cabbage, May – September for potato, and October – January for vegetable crops such as leek and carrot. Crop yields vary; potato (Atlantic variety) yields about 25t/ha (consisting of 22t/ha of large size and 3 t/ha of small size). Kanebec and Panda varieties were not preferred by the farmers. The total production in 2003 was 1,737 tones.

Cabbage varieties Migado and Grand 11 produced 1 kg/plant or about 24 t/ha. The total production in 2003 was 3,605 tones.

About 723 tones of leek was produced in 2003, and carrot produced between 6 - 25 t/ha. The farmers strongly emphasized that the main problems in farming in this village were low price of the vegetable products (only Rp 1,500 – Rp 4,000 or about US $ 0.15 – 0.40 per kg), decreasing crop yield despite increasing fertilization rate, and pest attack.

Three farmers, Mr. Sujoko, Sudarto and Budi, had proactively agreed and proposed themselves to participate in the N balance study. However, during field visit it was found that their fields didn’t meet the requirements for conducting experiments, because they were either too narrow or too remote to have a good dissemination impacts. Consequently other farmers’ fields were visited and finally decisions were made on selected farmers’ fields with their agreed crop rotations as presented in Table 3.1.

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Table 3.1. Farmer name, field location and the agreed crop rotation for conducting field experimentation in Buntu Kejajar village, Wonosobo

Farmer name Field location Crop rotation

Mr. Sudarto Block Prapatan Potato – cabbage – potato

Mr. Triyono, Village Head Block Bengkok Potato – cabbage – leek

Mr. Nurhakim, Village Treasurer Block Klakah, Bengkok Carrot – potato – leek

Photo 3.1. PRA session in Buntu Kejajar village (Wonosobo District) and the farmers’ lands to be

used in the N-balance studies.

b) Bumen Village, Sumowono Sub-district, Semarang District

The PRA at Bumen Village on 27 and 28 July 2005 was attended by 16 persons consisted of farmers, extension workers, and village leaders. This village is located at 950 m asl at the foot of Ungaran hill, and surrounded by the following villages: Kemawi (north), Sumowono (south), Losari and Mendongan (west) and Jubelan (east).

Bumen Village has a total area of 242 ha land area with the following land use: lowland rice 40 ha, perennial crops 34 ha, housing/home garden 15 ha, and other uses 153 ha. Total village inhabitants in 2004 were 844 people consisting of 211 households. The work force consisted of 54.4% farmers, 31.9 % traders, and 13.7% other occupations.

The soil in this village is Andisols. However, it is interesting to note that farmers differentiate the soils in the village into three groups, i.e.: liat, krokos and gembur. This differentiation presumably

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based on the texture and or structure (consistency) of the soils, because literally these soils groups are equal to clay, concretion and friable, respectively.

Another interesting farmers’ tradition is their method in conserving their rice straw. Once they finish harvesting rice crop, bamboo sticks of about 2 m long are put up at many places in the middle of their farmlands. On top of each stick a bundle (hand full) of rice straw are tied up. The placement of these bamboo sticks that are called “gawar” or “awer-awer” on a farm indicates that rice straw at the particular farm may not be taken by other farmers, because it will be used by the owner. This tradition is still strongly observed by the villagers. This local practice has a potential adaptation for other crop residues that is very important for maintaining soil productivity.

The main crops in Bumen were cabbage, French bean and leek. These crops are suitable in this region because of its high altitude of 950 m ASL. The common sources and fertilization rate were chicken or cow manure at 6–7 t/ha plus urea 100 – 200 kg/ha applied at 10 and 45 DAP (days after planting). The cropping seasons are February – September or March – October for rice, and November – January for vegetable crops. The yield of rice was around 2-3 t/ha and French bean 3 kg/200 g seed.

The main problems faced by farmers are low price of their products (Rp 750 – 1200 or about US $ 0.075 – 0.12/kg of cabbage), decreasing crop productivity despite increasing rate of fertilizers, and pest and diseases attack (swollen roots or locally called as “bendol”). This bendol disease is reported as a serious problem and farmers did not know how to overcome it. They were not sure whether it is a soil borne disease or transmitted through planting materials. Their experiences show that cabbage planted after lowland rice was free from this disease. Also if the diseased plant is irrigated it could recovered, at least partially.

During the field visit it was reemphasized that selection criteria for farmers to participate were not only based on their general knowledge, adoption of technology, leadership, and their willingness to participate in the 5 year research, but also on secure land tenure to ensure continuity of the field experiment. The field visit and the accompanying dialogue resulted in selection of three candidate farmers as shown in Table 3.2.

Table 3.2. Farmer name, field location and the agreed crop rotation for conducting field experimentation in Bumen Village, Sumowono, Semarang District

Farmer name Field location Crop rotation

Mr. Nasrodin Block Bengkok, lowland rice

Lowland rice – cabbage – French bean / peas

Mr. Sugeng - Dono Block Soko Lowland rice – cabbage – leek

Mr. Sumarno Block lowland rice, middle Lowland rice – cabbage – carrot

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Figure 3.2. A farmers’ meeting during PRA at Bumen Village, Sumowono, and the fields that

will be used in the N-Balance studies.

c) Kopeng Village, Getasan Sub-District, Semarang District

The PRA at Kopeng Village was carried out on 28 and 29 July 2005, and attended by 22 participants consisted of farmers, extension worker and village committees. The response of the farmers to participate in the N-balance research was very good; but we could accommodate only three farmers to represent 2 sub-village (dusun), namely Kopeng and Sidomukti sub-villages.

The Kopeng village is surrounded by the following villages: Tolokan and Wates (north), Genikan and Kenalan (south), Jagonayan, Ngablak and Pandean (west) and Batur (east). The land area was about 800 ha (all upland) with the total inhabitants of 6,479 people, among which 3,898 persons (60.2%) are farmers. Other occupations included traders (2.2%) and laborer (3.1%).

The major crops are broccoli and lettuce, which grew well in this village with the altitude of 1200 m ASL. Crop rotations vary considerably depending on price of the farm products. The farmers were hoping that a new vegetable crop will be introduced, because they are having serious insect attack when broccoli is grown continuously.

The farmers have not managed organic fertilizer or manure properly. They apply combinations of chicken and cow manures with 1 : 1 ratio amounting 20-40 t/ha plus 50 – 75 kg NPK/ha which were at 20 and 40 DAP. The yield of broccoli was about 8 – 14 t/ha and cabbage was 7 -9 t/ha.

As in other villages, the selection criteria for participating farmers are: background knowledge, adoption of technology, leadership, willingness to collaborate in the 5-year research, and have

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adequate and representative field. The main difficulty in selecting representative was the fact that the farmlands generally situated too close to houses or other buildings. At the end of the meeting and field visit it was agreed that three farmers with their crop rotations were selected (Table 3.3).

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Table 3.3. Farmer name and the agreed crop rotation for conducting field experimentation in Kopeng Village, Getasan, Semarang District

Farmer name Crop rotation

Mr. Lukas Broccoli – broccoli - leek

Mr. Nano Broccoli – broccoli - broccoli

Mr. Ngatemin Broccoli – cabbage – Chinese cabbage

Figure 3.3. The conduct of PRA at Kopeng village, Semarang District and farmers with their farmlands that will participate in the research of N-balance.

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d) Punthuk Rejo Village, Argoyoso Sub-District, Karanganyar District

PRA at Puntuk Rejo village was conducted on 29 and 30 July 2005 and attended by 14 people consisted of farmers, extension workers, and village committees. All farmers who attended the PRA meeting want to participate in the research; however most of the fields are small and many of farmers are either renters or share holders (maro).

Puntuk Rejo Village is located at the west of Lawu Mountain at an altitude of 750 m ASL. It borders with villages of Jatirejo and Nglegok in the north, Karang and Salam (south), Harjosari (west) and Girimulyo and Berjo (east). The village inhabitants are 3,770 people, out of which 603 people are farmers. The land area of Puntuk Rejo Village is 269 ha consisted of 124 ha lowland rice, 89 ha upland, and government estate, housing and other public facilities 14,284 ha.

Farmers in this village generally grow carrot, celery and leek as the main crops in rotation with other depending on the highest market prices of the commodities. Village committee wanted to change the crop rotation and farm management because of uncertainty of the price of farm products (Rp 200 – 2,000/kg or about US$ 0.02 – 0.20/kg of carrot) and decreasing crop productivity.

Farmers apply cow manure as much as 12–17 t/ha in addition to 200 kg of a mixture of urea, SP-36, KCl and AS (ammonium sulphate) with the weight ratio of 1 : 3 : 2 : 2, applied at 10, 20 and 40 DAP. The yield of carrot was 12-16 t/ha and Chinese cabbage 3000-4000 bunches/ha.

The agreed farmer participants and their crop rotations are shown in Table 4.

Table 4. Farmer name and the agreed crop rotation for conducting field experimentation in Putuk Rejo, Karanganyar District

Farmer name Crop rotation

Mr. Sumardjo Leek – carrot – cabbage or carrot – carrot – leek

Mrs. Tati Carrot – celery – leek

Mr. Hartono Carrot – leek – caisim or carrot – carrot – carrot

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Figure 3.4. The implementation of PRA at the Puntuk Rejo Village, Argoyoso (Karanganyar District), and the farmlands for the research on N-balance.

3.3.2. Discussion

The results of the semi-structured interviews and field visits in the four target villages have been presented in the above section. During all of the interviews, most farmers showed their enthusiasms, but clearly their interests were not only on nitrogen balance research, but also on input subsidies that the project might be providing, to boost their crops’ production and hence their incomes. This is understandable, and in fact increase production and income are the very goal of the project. Therefore, during the PRA, the objectives of the meeting were explained quite lengthily although it may have not fully understood by all of the farmers.

It is expected that, with time, farmers’ understanding on the project activities and objectives will improve, especially through the planned three-monthly meetings. As a project with one of the objectives of participatory development of agricultural technology, these meetings or dialogues with farmers on agricultural innovation is essential (Werner, 2003). Furthermore, to assess the villages and their inhabitants more comprehensively, the PRA

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needs to be continued to cover, for instance, the history of farming and evolution of cultural practices (Bechstedt, 1997).

3.4. Conclusions

The selection of farmers and farmers’ fields for conducting field experimentations at four villages in Central Java has been completed successfully. In general, the farmers are willing to participate in the project activities. However, they also expected that the project to provide selected agricultural inputs such as planting materials, fertilizers and pesticides for the selected experimental plots. To improve farmers understanding about the project objectives and goal, and hence to enhance adoption of the technology that will be generated, dialogues with the farmers on the innovation should be intensified. The PRA needs to be continued for more complete assessment of the target villages.

3.5. References

Bechstedt, H. D. 1997. Training Manual on Participatory Resaerch and Technology Development for Sustainable Land management. Bangkok. IBSRAM/ASIALAND Network. 200 pp.

Werner, J. 1993. Participatory Development of Agricultural Innovations. Procedures and Methods of On-Farm Research. Deutsche Geselshaft fur Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) GmbH. Technical Cooperation – Federal Republic of Germany. Eschborn. 251 pp.

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Ladiyani R. Widowati, Stefaan de Neve, Diah Setyorini, A. Kasno

4.1 Introduction

The main objective of this project is to increase the N use efficiency and reduce the N losses in vegetable production in Central-Java. In order to reach this objective, an in-depth charachterization of the N cycle in soils used for vegetable growing is required. To date, very little data is available on organic matter and N dynamics in these soils. The detailed study of N dynamics in these soils should allow us to determine on which processes one should act to increase the N use efficiency and reduce N losses. This part of the project is therefore crucial to the success of the project and will receive a lot of attention. The components of N dynamics in these soils that will be studied in the course of this project include the N mineralization from soil organic matter and from different kinds of organic residues under controlled environment conditions, the N uptake by the crop, the N loss by leaching of mineral N beneath the rooting zone, and the denitrification losses.

4.2. Incubation Experiment for Nitrogen Mineralization

Nitrogen mineralization experiment with incubation method is progressing at the ISRI research laboratory at Laladon-Bogor. There are two sets of experiments being conducted: 1) Unamended soil (soil without addition of organic matter; control soil) and 2) Amended soil (soil with addition of organic matter such as manure).

4.2.1. Materials and Method

a. Unamended soil (soil without addition of organic matter or control soil)

The purpose of this activity is to assess N mineralization potential from native soil organic matter for representative fields used for vegetable production. N mineralization potential of organic matter from different soils, different histories of rotation, and different fertilizer strategies will be compared in an incubation experiment. Samples are originated from three farmers’ fields from each of the four locations, and three points of observations from each field (4 locations x 3 farmer fields x 3 replications).

Soil samples are to be taken at predetermined time intervals of four months with 8 sampling occasions at 7, 18, 32, 46, 60, 81, 102, 123 days since the beginning of the incubation (of the Amended soil), or the interval may be distributed equally over the four month period.

b. Amended soil (soil with addition of organic matter, e.g. manure, crop residue).

These samples are set up in the same way as described previously, but organic matter (OM) from different sources is added to the soil. The amount of organic material should be realistic, i.e. more or less correspond to what the farmers use in the field (30 t/ha). The number of research units will be: 2 different soil texture x 7 OM sources x 3 replications.

Like the unamended treatment, soil samples will be taken in 8 sampling occasions at predetermined time intervals during 4 months experiment: 7, 18, 32, 46, 60, 81, 102, 123

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days after the addition of organic matter, or the interval may also be distributed equally over the four month period.

Samples of 0 to 25 cm depth from amended and unamended treatments are to be taken in triplicate (3 augering tubes per sampling occasion per treatment). The soil is completely removed from the tube, mixed well and then a sub-sample is taken for mineral N (NH4

+ + NO3

-) analyses using 1 N KCl extraction.

4.2.2. Results :

No results can be presented yet from this on-going research

4.3. N-balance field experiment 4.3.1. Material and Methods

The long term (five year) experiment has been initiated in four locations in three Kabupaten in Central Java. The criteria for selecting farmers, as explained in Chapter III, were based on farmer’s willingness to participate for the whole duration of the research, secure tenure of the land, as well as the existence of variation in cropping patterns and soil properties to capture major patterns in the area.

Soil characterization and classification of each location were conducted at the beginning of the research in September 2005, before field experiment was set up, and the results are presented in Chapter II. Composite and undisturbed soil samples were also taken from each field in September 2005 from 0-25 cm, 25-50 cm, 50-75 cm, and 75-100 cm soil depths for chemical and physical properties determination.

Treatment Setup

In the first year of the experiment, no new treatment was introduced, rather, the farmers’ pattern was followed as the based treatment. From the second until the fifth year, the N-balance experiment will include the treatments of farmers’ practices and improved technology (reassessed N rates and alternative cropping pattern). The actual lay-out will be in accordance with the field situation such as orientation of field borders and terraces and placement of cropping patterns as agreed with farmers. Cropping pattern for each collaborator is given in Table 4.1. The types of measurement, frequency of sampling, and location of analyses is given in Table 4.2.

Soil and Plant Analysis

Soil and plant sampling and method of N-NO3 and N-NH4 analyses are given in Appendices 1 and 2. Plant harvest per plot is taken from 10 randomized squares of 1 m x 1m. Fresh and dry weight biomass was determined from each square. About 250 g of each plant sample is stored in a plastic bag for chemical contents. Soil samples was also taken from the harvest square for chemical analyses.

App.1 - 28

Figure 4.1. Basic plot design for the second and subsequent years of N-balance experiment in each

location. Table 4.1. Location, cropping pattern, and planting date at the four sites of N balance experiment.

No. Location Cropping pattern Date of planting of first season crop

1 Desa Bumen, Kec. Sumowono, Kab. Semarang (950 m asl) 3 March 2006

Sugeng Dono Rice-Cabbage Leek Nasrudin Rice-Cabbage-Carrot Sumarno Rice-Cabbage-Peas 2 Desa Buntu, Kec. Kejajar, Kab. Wonosobo (1375 m asl) 5 February 2006 Sudarto Cabbage-Potato-Leek Triono (Lurah) Leek-Potato-Cabbage Nurhakim Carrot-Potato-Leek 3 Desa Kopeng, Kec. Getasan, Kab. Semarang* (1500 asl) 25-26 January Nano Broccoli-Broccoli-Broccoli 2006 Lukas Broccoli-Broccoli-Leek Ngatemin Broccoli-Cabbage-Chinese cabbage 4 Desa Phuntuk Rejo, Karang Anyar (750 asl) 22 January 2006 Hartatik Celery-Leek-Carrot Sumardjo Cabbage-Leek-Carrot Hartono Carrot-Carrot-Carrot

* Non intensive management Table 4.2. Matrix of soil, plant and climate parameters measurement Items Location Frequency Laboratory 1. Basic soil parameter (chemical,

physical, and biological) All 2 times/5 yr Bogor

2. N mineralization in crop residue and organic matter


In the first year Bogor

3. Soil mineral N (NH4+, NO3

-) All Except Kopeng (less intensive)

Every 3 weeks Salatiga

4. N uptake by plant All After harvest Bogor 5. Enzymatic activities and PLFA

Selected Any time during project, MSc student

Bogor/ UGent

6. Rainfall amount All Everyday -

Cropping pattern 1 (Farmer 1)

Cropping pattern 2 (Farmer 2)

Cropping pattern 3 (Farmer 3)

Farmer practices Improved technologies

10 m 10 m

Raise bed with no plastic mulch

Raise bed with no plastic mulch

App.1 - 29

The conceptual framework of N balance study is described in Figure 4.2. • External N-Balance = Σ (N inputs) - Σ (N outputs) • N inputs:

- N deposition (estimated) - N fixation (estimated) - N from mineral fertilizer application (measured/calculated) - N from organic matter application (measured/calculated)

• N outputs: - N-in marketable yield (calculated) - N-loss through volatilization (estimated; minimal under low pH) - N2, N2O losses (depends on availability of student, or otherwise to be

estimated) - N-loss through leaching (estimated) - N-loss through crop residues transport (measured/calculated - N-loss through erosion/runoff (estimated)

• Internal N-balance:

o Considers not only inputs/outputs entering/leaving the soil, but also internal recycling.

o Allow one to calculate N balance/fertilizer application rates/organic matter management over short period (single cropping season)

o Valuable info on important soil N processes

Figure 4.2. N-balance simplified conceptual model used in the study


a. Initial soil Properties

Soil reaction was slightly acid to neutral (pH between 5.4 - 6.2). Soil organic-C on the top 0-25 cm was medium to high (>2% C). Potential soil phosphorus (25% HCl extractable) at four sites was very high (>123 mg/100g) due to high P, but the available (Bray

N-Deposition N-Mineral fertilizer application

N-Fixation N-Organic matter application

N-loss through leaching

N loss through erosion/runoff

N-in marketable yield

N-loss through volatilization N-loss through crop residues transport

App.1 - 30

1 and Olsen extraction) phosphorus was low. P retention in general was >44 %. The concentration of exchangeable K, Ca, and Mg was high.

Because of the andic properties, soil bulk density in general was below 1. The soils at all sites are also very porous, especially in Desa Kopeng with the total porosity ranging from 74 to 84%. At all sites the proportion of fast drainage pores (the difference in pore space between total pores and that at pF 2) was several times higher that the slow drainage pores (difference in pore space between pF 2 and pF 2.54). Likewise, soil permeability was high at all sites.

Soil in Desa Punthok Rejo is somewhat more compacted than in the other three sites, especially at depths >25 cm as indicated by bulk density from 0.9 to 1.2. The soil texture in Desa Bumen (Semarang) was clay loam with clay content of more than 30%. In Kopeng (Semarang) and Punthuk Rejo (Wonosobo), the soil texture was somewhat coarse (sandy loam) and in Argoyoso (Karang Anyar) the texture was silty clay loam (Table 4.4.). The difference in soil texture may give implication to leaching of nitrate.

The soil physical and chemical properties in general are good for supporting plant growth.

App.1 - 31

Table 4.3. Selected initial chemical soil properties from four different depths of the field experiments, taken on September 2005. Values are based on oven dry weight (105 oC; 24 hr)

Site/Farmer’s name

Soil Depth pH (1:5) Organic matter HCl 25% Phosphate (P2O5) Exchangeable bases (NH4-Acetat 1N, pH 7.0) BS

H2O KCl C N C/N P2O5 K2O Olsen Bray1 Ca Mg K Na Total CEC Cm ----- % ----- mg/100g ----- ppm ----- ---------------------- cmol(+)/kg --------------------- % Desa Kopeng, Kec. Getasan, Kab. Semarang, 1500 m asl. Nano 0-25 6.0 5.4 3.29 0.32 10 250 19 115 8.8 7.91 1.62 0.32 0.07 9.92 30.05 33 25-50 6.0 5.4 3.63 0.32 11 271 20 122 10.2 7.88 1.65 0.34 0.08 9.95 30.54 33 50-75 5.9 5.3 3.42 0.31 11 75-100 6.1 5.4 2.86 0.23 12 Lukas 0-25 6.0 5.2 2.85 0.24 12 427 14 301 77.5 6.98 2.56 0.24 0.04 9.82 24.10 41 25-50 6.0 5.3 3.08 0.23 13 442 18 325 70.9 8.46 2.35 0.36 0.04 11.21 25.16 45 50-75 6.0 5.2 2.85 0.20 14 75-100 6.1 5.3 2.77 0.21 13 Ngatemin 0-25 5.9 5.3 2.89 0.26 11 270 16 143 14.3 7.07 1.70 0.28 0.04 9.09 31.91 28 25-50 5.9 5.3 3.21 0.25 13 252 18 130 13.4 7.50 1.73 0.34 0.04 9.61 31.74 30 50-75 6.0 5.4 2.89 0.21 14 75-100 6.1 5.5 3.05 0.21 15 Desa Bumen, Kec. Sumowono, Kab. Semarang (950 m asl) Sugeng Dono 0-25 5.5 4.5 1.77 0.15 12 250 71 205 56.5 10.76 3.41 0.08 0.26 14.51 30.37 48 25-50 5.5 4.5 2.00 0.13 15 247 54 177 49.8 10.65 3.38 0.08 0.29 14.40 28.60 50 50-75 6.4 5.2 1.10 0.08 14 75-100 6.5 5.4 1.38 0.09 15 Nasrodin 0-25 5.4 4.6 2.59 0.23 11 346 55 366 160.2 8.65 1.94 0.62 0.12 11.33 29.00 39 25-50 5.3 4.5 2.34 0.19 12 296 49 239 74.0 8.14 1.81 0.64 0.11 10.70 30.28 35 50-75 5.2 4.4 2.94 0.19 15 75-100 5.6 4.9 3.79 0.25 15 Sumarno 0-25 5.2 4.2 1.99 0.14 14 192 28 85 5.7 9.86 3.12 0.47 0.18 13.63 29.76 46 25-50 5.9 5.0 1.97 0.15 13 174 31 78 5.6 12.20 3.87 0.34 0.23 16.64 32.91 51 50-75 6.6 5.7 2.47 0.17 15 75-100 6.6 5.7 1.92 0.13 15 Desa Buntu, Kec. Kejajar, Kab. Wonosobo (1375 m asl) Sudarto 0-25 6.6 5.9 3.61 0.27 13 564 22 365 36.7 12.81 3.06 0.39 0.12 16.38 30.90 53

App.1 - 32

Site/Farmer’s name

Soil Depth pH (1:5) Organic matter HCl 25% Phosphate (P2O5) Exchangeable bases (NH4-Acetat 1N, pH 7.0) BS

H2O KCl C N C/N P2O5 K2O Olsen Bray1 Ca Mg K Na Total CEC Cm ----- % ----- mg/100g ----- ppm ----- ---------------------- cmol(+)/kg --------------------- % 25-50 6.1 5.5 3.67 0.25 15 372 23 99 14.2 7.78 1.55 0.42 0.08 9.83 31.83 31 50-75 6.0 5.4 3.62 0.25 14 75-100 6.1 5.6 3.26 0.23 14 Triyono/lurah 0-25 5.8 5.2 3.38 0.29 12 441 17 285 42.1 8.86 1.48 0.34 0.08 10.76 35.58 30 25-50 5.9 5.3 3.40 0.23 15 374 14 189 24.2 8.51 1.45 0.26 0.10 10.32 35.09 29 50-75 5.8 5.2 3.43 0.24 14 75-100 6.0 5.4 3.15 0.24 13 Nurhakim 0-25 6.2 5.5 3.55 0.28 13 486 19 399 96.7 12.45 1.56 0.29 0.09 14.39 29.11 49 25-50 6.2 5.5 3.32 0.33 10 394 16 305 57.1 10.84 1.66 0.30 0.04 12.84 27.94 46 50-75 6.1 5.5 3.60 0.31 12 75-100 6.2 5.6 3.77 0.25 15 Desa Phuntuk Rejo, Karang Anyar (750 asl) Sumardjo 0-25 6.2 5.3 2.08 0.14 15 123 35 118 52.5 11.04 4.07 0.67 0.34 16.12 32.91 49 25-50 6.4 5.4 1.67 0.13 13 90 32 79 35.8 9.73 3.86 0.60 0.37 14.56 27.94 52 50-75 6.5 5.4 1.25 0.09 14 75-100 6.5 5.5 0.91 0.09 10 Hartono 0-25 5.3 4.5 1.65 0.17 10 116 13 159 39.1 7.01 2.54 0.24 0.16 9.95 24.50 41 25-50 5.8 4.8 1.51 0.11 14 122 10 111 45.7 8.38 3.14 0.17 0.11 11.80 25.02 47 50-75 6.2 5.1 1.11 0.09 12 75-100 6.2 5.2 0.82 0.07 12 Tati/Hartatik 0-25 6.2 5.4 2.09 0.14 15 258 54 400 227.5 11.54 3.53 1.00 0.23 16.30 31.39 52 25-50 6.0 5.1 1.71 0.13 13 162 32 229 93.6 9.29 2.94 0.63 0.32 13.18 32.40 41 50-75 6.3 5.2 1.29 0.09 14 75-100 6.3 5.2 0.93 0.07 13

App.1 - 33

Table 4.4. Selected soil physical properties from four different depths of the field experiments, taken on September 2005. Water content ( % vol.) at Drnage Pore Texture

No Site/

Farmer Depth Water content

Bulk density

Total pore pF 1 pF 2

pF 2.54

pF 4.2 Fast Slow

Avail. water

Perm bility Sand Silt Clay


cm % vol g cm-3 % vol cm hr-1 % %



Ds. Kopeng, Kec. Getasan, Kab. Semarang 1 Nano 0 - 25 21.6 0.8 70.4 31.7 27.7 23.9 15.8 42.7 3.8 8.1 6.78 44.5 44.8 10.0 td td2 25 - 50 21.9 0.7 75.2 70.4 63.2 58.1 16.6 12.0 5.1 41.5 7.63 35.1 52.8 12.0 20.4 19.13 50 - 75 48.0 0.4 83.8 67.9 60.4 54.6 17.0 23.4 5.8 37.6 16.44 35.2 54.1 10.7 50.0 88.94 75 - 100 51.8 0.5 80.0 67.8 61.1 55.5 22.3 18.9 5.6 33.2 2.01 32.8 61.8 5.4 49.5 105.05 Lukas 0 - 25 21.4 0.9 67.9 37.1 32.2 28.6 18.8 35.7 3.6 9.8 8.13 44.6 50.2 5.2 17.4 17.36 25 - 50 30.3 0.8 69.3 40.7 35.9 31.8 20.9 33.4 4.1 10.9 11.03 45.0 51.6 2.6 35.7 75.47 50 - 75 44.3 0.5 79.5 50.7 46.1 41.6 15.6 33.4 4.5 26.0 10.33 58.0 36.0 5.9 39.7 109.68 75 - 100 46.4 0.5 82.3 71.7 63.8 58.6 14.9 18.5 5.2 43.7 3.67 31.0 57.5 11.5 53.5 77.49 Ngatemin 0 - 25 28.4 0.8 69.1 44.9 39.6 34.3 18.5 29.5 5.3 15.8 6.35 45.8 46.4 7.8 td td

10 25 - 50 30.3 0.7 73.8 44.3 39.2 35.2 25.6 34.6 4.0 9.6 15.65 47.1 47.0 5.9 td td11 50 - 75 42.8 0.5 79.3 46.1 41.1 36.6 23.9 38.2 4.5 12.7 13.67 36.6 57.7 5.0 52.4 70.512 75 - 100 49.3 0.5 81.3 72.7 64.8 59.8 22.8 16.5 5.0 37.0 11.68 36.0 58.8 5.2 46.0 77.1

Ds. Bumen, Kec. Sumowono, Kab. Semarang

13 S.Dono 0 - 25 29.4 0.9 67.8 36.9 33.0 29.1 20.0 34.8 3.9 9.1 4.34 9.9 57.4 32.7 62.8 60.214 25 - 50 55.2 0.8 70.1 64.7 57.8 52.5 31.4 12.3 5.3 21.1 0.56 7.0 57.4 35.6 64.7 31.515 50 - 75 59.1 0.7 75.1 67.1 60.5 55.1 23.7 14.6 5.4 31.4 3.36 11.9 63.2 24.9 67.9 35.416 75 - 100 59.2 0.7 75.1 69.2 62.4 57.8 19.7 12.7 4.6 38.1 0.67 13.0 64.9 22.2 65.1 55.417 Nasrodin 0 - 25 33.4 0.8 68.4 48.8 42.2 37.1 27.2 26.2 5.1 9.9 9.58 17.6 54.9 27.5 52.0 132.218 25 - 50 37.1 0.8 69.7 60.3 53.6 47.7 31.8 16.1 5.9 15.9 6.25 28.6 61.4 10.0 37.2 52.919 50 - 75 55.3 0.5 80.7 72.0 64.3 59.4 19.5 16.4 4.9 39.9 4.04 35.3 49.4 16.0 37.9 18.320 75 - 100 54.0 0.4 83.3 69.4 63.8 59.3 15.8 19.5 4.5 43.5 7.91 31.7 53.4 14.9 33.5 20.421 Sumarmo 0 - 25 44.0 0.6 79.1 64.2 57.9 53.2 19.7 21.2 4.7 33.5 4.07 26.6 52.3 21.1 56.3 36.022 25 - 50 60.0 0.6 76.0 69.0 62.2 56.5 21.7 13.8 5.7 34.8 6.94 28.7 53.0 18.2 56.8 62.323 50 - 75 63.7 0.7 74.6 67.9 61.9 56.9 25.0 12.7 5.0 31.9 0.64 26.9 59.4 13.7 57.0 54.324 75 - 100 48.1 0.6 76.6 56.3 50.3 45.5 18.3 26.3 4.8 27.1 8.48 27.9 61.0 11.1 51.6 62.6

Ds. Buntu, Kec. Kejajar, Kab. Wonosobo 25 Sudarto 0 - 25 32.5 0.7 75.3 33.0 29.4 25.7 17.2 45.9 3.7 8.5 11.62 43.9 40.7 15.4 td td

App.1 - 34

Water content ( % vol.) at Drnage Pore Texture

No Site/

Farmer Depth Water content

Bulk density

Total pore pF 1 pF 2

pF 2.54

pF 4.2 Fast Slow

Avail. water

Perm bility Sand Silt Clay


cm % vol g cm-3 % vol cm hr-1 % %



26 25 - 50 43.1 0.8 68.7 40.8 35.5 30.8 19.2 33.2 4.7 11.6 10.96 40.0 45.4 15.3 20.8 49.227 50 - 75 32.0 0.7 74.9 52.6 47.6 42.4 18.7 27.3 5.2 23.7 5.64 37.6 53.0 9.4 29.6 35.228 75 - 100 55.1 0.6 77.4 59.9 53.6 48.6 23.1 23.8 5.0 25.5 3.83 28.7 60.2 11.1 31.3 33.829 Nurhakim 0 - 25 39.1 0.9 66.1 48.2 42.3 37.5 22.5 23.8 4.8 15.0 4.98 45.9 45.8 8.3 24.8 21.730 25 - 50 56.5 0.4 85.6 63.9 57.8 52.3 12.5 27.8 5.5 39.8 2.39 40.0 42.8 16.6 32.2 19.931 50 - 75 28.0 0.6 78.4 58.3 52.3 47.3 13.2 26.1 5.0 34.1 11.84 43.3 37.8 18.9 48.2 75.232 75 - 100 42.9 0.9 65.8 59.5 52.8 48.2 24.8 13.0 4.6 23.4 3.92 44.5 36.2 20.0 49.3 70.233 Triyono/Lr 0 - 25 29.6 0.8 69.4 47.1 41.7 37.1 20.2 27.7 4.6 16.9 15.68 47.8 38.3 13.9 20.6 22.734 25 - 50 32.1 0.8 71.5 56.1 50.0 45.3 31.8 21.5 4.7 13.5 18.04 51.2 37.8 11.0 td td35 50 - 75 36.1 0.6 76.2 56.9 51.2 46.6 20.5 25.0 4.6 26.1 8.95 47.5 40.0 11.5 53.0 82.836 75 - 100 40.1 0.7 72.1 62.0 55.3 50.5 32.3 16.8 4.8 18.2 27.12 48.7 40.9 10.4 46.8 106.2

Ds. Punthuk Rejo. Kec. Ngargoyoso. Kab. Karang Anyar 37 Sumardjo 0 - 25 30.8 0.8 71.0 44.2 39.1 34.7 23.4 31.9 4.4 11.3 4.78 19.5 48.0 32.0 65.2 38 25 - 50 42.4 1.1 59.0 57.0 50.4 46.7 33.7 8.6 3.7 13.0 0.30 15.8 63.8 20.5 57.7 55.439 50 - 75 43.9 1.0 60.4 56.0 50.1 45.4 32.4 10.3 4.7 13.0 0.41 22.1 62.3 15.6 58.4 62.040 75 - 100 45.7 1.0 62.1 54.0 47.4 43.0 29.6 14.7 4.4 13.4 0.52 23.3 55.1 21.7 63.1 54.641 Hartono 0 - 25 32.3 0.9 65.4 43.9 38.9 34.7 22.0 26.5 4.2 12.7 3.08 19.4 54.5 26.1 54.1 57.142 25 - 50 42.8 1.2 56.3 50.3 43.9 38.8 29.0 12.4 5.1 9.8 0.68 17.8 58.9 23.3 62.9 162.643 50 - 75 44.4 1.2 54.9 52.3 46.2 40.9 23.6 8.7 5.3 17.3 0.67 22.3 52.5 26.0 62.4 97.744 75 - 100 36.3 1.0 62.6 60.3 53.4 48.4 28.2 9.2 5.0 20.2 3.28 27.9 57.6 14.0 42.1 106.745 Hartatik 0 - 25 34.4 0.8 71.6 46.6 41.4 37.4 28.0 30.2 4.0 9.4 2.78 22.4 45.8 31.8 67.4 134.046 25 - 50 54.3 0.9 64.8 57.9 51.8 46.0 31.4 13.0 5.8 14.6 1.32 26.0 49.5 24.5 60.2 118.247 50 - 75 40.5 1.0 62.1 56.5 50.2 45.6 29.0 11.9 4.6 16.6 0.98 25.0 60.6 13.7 58.0 127.048 75 - 100 41.3 0.9 66.4 49.7 43.9 39.6 27.2 22.5 4.3 12.4 10.34 26.8 59.7 13.0 51.2 157.4

App.1 - 35

b. Plant growth and crop yield

Desa Puntuk Rejo. Kec. Ngargoyoso. Karanganyar

The plant growth (celery, cabbage and carrot) in three sites was not optimum because of high rainfall frequency and intensity. High rainfall have also caused serious root disease (club root) and Plutella on cabbage (Figure 4.1).

Harvest was conducted 5 times rather than 12 times as usual. The crop yield was relatively low than the normal yield of 5 t/ha. The yield of cabbage was only 6.4 t/ha, much lower than the average yield of Central Jawa of 19 t/ha. Carrot yield at Mr. Hartono’s farm was 19 t/ha, slightly higher than the average yield of 17 t/ha (Table 4.5).

There was a clear indication that without plastic mulch application, the soil in raised bed was severely eroded.

Table 4.5. Yield harvested for different crop under farmer’s practiced in three location of N-balance experiments during first season

Location/farmer’s Crop Yield (t/ha) Karang Anyar Hartatik Celery 2.05 Sumardjo Cabbage 6.37 Hartono Carrot 19.67 Kopeng Ngatemin Broccoli 17.80 Nano Broccoli 4.02 Lukas Broccoli 9.40 Wonosobo Cipto Leek 20.30 Nurhakim Leek 26.81 Sudarto Cabbage 34.85

Desa Bumen. Kec. Sumowono. Semarang

Lowland rice was planted in early March and will be harvest at the end of July 2006. The growth of plant is good, without any symptom of pest and disease problems.

Desa Buntu. Kec. Kejajar. Wonosobo

Cabbage and leek yields were very high (34 and 20 t/ha, respectively). These high yield may be because of the 20% higher planting density in our experiment.

App.1 - 36

Figure 4.3. Broccoli performance under farmer’s practiced at Kopeng (left). Club root (bengkak akar/akar

gada) attacked most of the farmer’s field during wet season 2005/2006

Figure 4.4. Installing ombrometer (left) and position of ombrometer at the centre of the field (right)

App.1 - 37

Table 4.6.a. Schedule for soil and plant sampling during first season N-balance experiments (Jan-May. 2006) No. Location Planting Cropping pattern Regular soil sampling (every 3 weeks) Date I II III IV V VI VII

1 Karang Anyar Harvest Hartatik 22-Jan-06 Celery-leek -carrotl 22-Jan-06 15-Feb-06 7-Mar-06 28-Mar-06 18-Apr-06 22-Apr-06 - Sumardjo 22-Jan-06 Cabbage- leek –carrot 22-Jan-06 15-Feb-06 7-Mar-06 28-Mar-06 18-Apr-06 22-Apr-06 - Hartono 22-Jan-06 Carrot - Carrot - Carrot 22-Jan-06 15-Feb-06 7-Mar-06 28-Mar-06 18-Apr-06 - 16-May-06 2 Kopeng Harvest Lukas 30-Jan-06 Brocoli – Leek - Brocoli 30-Jan-06 - - - - - 30-Apr-06 Nano 30-Jan-06 Brocoli-Brocoli-Brocoli 30-Jan-06 - - - - - 30-Apr-06 Ngatemin 30-Jan-06 Brocoli-Cabbage- carrot 30-Jan-06 - - - - - 30-Apr-06 3 Wonosobo Harvest Cipto 16-Feb-06 Leek – Potato –Cabbage 6-Feb-06 27-Feb-06 20-Mar-06 8-Apr-06 3-May-06 Nurhakim 15-Feb-06 Leek –potato –carrot 6-Feb-06 27-Feb-06 20-Mar-06 8-Apr-06 3-May-06 Sudarto 15-Feb-06 Cabbage-potato – Leek 6-Feb-06 27-Feb-06 20-Mar-06 8-Apr-06 3-May-06 4 Sumowono Harvest Nasrodin 6-Mar-06 Rice – Cabbage –common bean 6-Mar-06 27-Mar-06 21-Apr-06 8-May-06 1-Jun-06 19-Jun-06 15-Jul-06 Sumarno 4-Mar-06 Rice – cabbage – carrot 6-Mar-06 27-Mar-06 21-Apr-06 8-May-06 1-Jun-06 19-Jun-06 15-Jul-06 Sugeng Dono 2-Mar-06 Rice – cabbage – Leek 6-Mar-06 27-Mar-06 21-Apr-06 8-May-06 1-Jun-06 19-Jun-06 15-Jul-06

App.1 - 38

Table 4.6.b. Tentative schedule for soil and plant sampling during second season N-balance experiments (June-Sep. 2006) No. Location Planting date Cropping pattern Regular soil sampling (every 3 weeks) I II III IV V VI 1 Karang Anyar Harvest Harvest Hartatik 4-May-06 Celery –Leek -Cabbage 9-May-06 2-Jun-06 20-Jun-06 11-Jul-06 - - Sumardjo 24-Apr-06 Cabbage-Leek-Carrot 9-May-06 2-Jun-06 20-Jun-06 11-Jul-06 - - Hartono 26-Mei-06 Carrot - Carrot - Carrot 2-Jun-06 20-Jun-06 11-Jul-06 1-Agt-06 22-Agt-06 12-Sep-06 2 Kopeng Lukas 18-Mei-06 Brocoli-Leek-Brocoli 18-May-06 - - - - 31-Agt-06 Nano 18-Mei-06 Brocoli-Brocoli-Brocoli 18-May-06 - - - - 31-Agt-06 Ngatemin 24-Mei-06 Brocoli-Kol-Carrot 18-May-06 - - - - 31-Agt-06 3 Wonosobo Harvest Cipto 15-Jun-06 Leek-Potato-Cabbage 22-May-06 19-Jun-06 10-Jul-06 31-Jul-06 22-Agt-06 11-Sep-06 Nurhakim 20-Jun-06 Leek-Potato-Carrot 22-May-06 19-Jun-06 10-Jul-06 31-Jul-06 22-Agt-06 11-Sep-06 Sudarto 15-Jun-06 Cabbage -Potato-Leek 22-May-06 19-Jun-06 10-Jul-06 31-Jul-06 22-Agt-06 11-Sep-06 4 Sumowono Harvest Nasrodin 18 Juli'06 Rice-Cabbage -Kapri/Buncis 18-Jul-06 8-Agt-06 29-Agt-06 19-Sep-06 10-Oct-06 - Sumarno 18 Juli'06 Rice-Cabbage -Carrot 18-Jul-06 8-Agt-06 29-Agt-06 19-Sep-06 10-Oct-06 - Sugeng Dono 18 Juli'06 Rice-Cabbage -Leek 18 Jul-06 8-Agt-06 29-Agt-06 19-Sep-06 10-Oct-06 -


Desa Kopeng. Kec. Getasan. Semarang

The growth of broccoli was reasonably good, although there was cases of club root diseases and pest (trips. caterpillar) incidence. Harvest was conducted several times depending on the development of heads (knol). The broccoli yield at three farmers fields vary widely between 4 and 17 t/ha (Table 4.6).

c. Result of N-NO3 and N-NH4 measurement Karang Anyar

N-NO3 soil content differ among farmers (Table 3). The highest nitrate content is

from Sumarjo’s soil, followed by Hartatik’s and Hartono’s soil. At the 3rd WAP (week after

planting), N-NO3 content of Hartatik’s and Hartono’s soils increased very fast. This

happened because Sumardjo’s soil was fertilized with 50 t/ha of cattle manure 2 weeks earlier

than that of other farmers. Therefore at the first sampling (0 DAP), N-NO3 content from

Sumadjo’s field was already high. Presumably the manure applied has already mineralized

before the sampling time. With the time, 3 WAP, N-NO3 content in the soils increased

simultaneously. There was a trend that N-NO3 content decreased with soil depth.

The highest N-NH4 content was found in Hartono’s field. This seems to be related

with fertilizer application. The N-NH4 distribution in the soil was similar to that of N-NO3;

both decreased with soil depth.


The time of fertilizer application differs from one farmer to the other, resulting in

varying N-NO3 and N-NH4 concentration. The highest N-NO3 content is from Sudarto’s soil

for all soil depth. Sudarto incorporated chicken manure with soil in the raised bed, compare

to two other farmer which applied manure in a hole between 3 leek plants. There was a trend

that N-NO3 content increased with soil depth.

N-NH4 content before planting (0 WAP) was lower than in the following observation.

The highest value was reached at 6 WAP. Among the thee farmers the average N-NH4

content was similar. Generally with the lower soil depth N-NH4 content also decrease.


Somowono has specific system, in which paddy rice, planted one season per year, in a

rice-vegetable-vegetable rotation, was part of the system. In the first planting season the soil

in Sumowono was only sampled at two layers, i.e. 0-25 and 25-50 cm. There was a problem

to dig the lower layer since this soil is sandy and was saturated and deeper than 50 cm the the


soil was gravely such that the auger only reached 50 cm depth. However, for the following

vegetable season, soil samples will be taken from four depths.

N-NO3 content before planting was much higher compared to N-NH4 content. With

the time, starting 3 WAP, the trend reversed. This might be attributed to the reduced

condition in the soil.


Among the four locations Kopeng was less intensively monitored for N-NO3 and N-

NH4 contents. The sampling was conducted 2 times per season; before planting and after

harvest. Other locations was monitored periodically every 3 week. At the first soil sampling.

N-NO3 content was less than 10 mg/kg from three farmers’ field (Table 4.8). This location

was different from other locations, where the trend of N-NO3 content increase with soil

depth. It occurred possibly, because of the plots received high amount of manure in the

previous planting season and also chemical fertilizers for broccoli. As a result the residual

manure was continuing mineralization and formed N-NO3. With time N-NO3 moved

downward and accumulated in the deeper layer.

N-NH4 content at this location was very low (<2 mg N/kg) compare to other 3

locations and there was no difference in N-NH4 among farmer. N-NH4 content decreased

with deeper soil depth.


Table 4.7. Ammonium (NH4+-N) and nitrate (NO3

- - N) data from field experiments with regular sampling time. No Farmer NH4 –N (mg N/kg soil) content at 0 WAP 3 WAP 6 WAP 9 WAp 0-25 25-50 50-75 75-100 0-25 25-50 50-75 75-100 0-25 25-50 50-75 75-100 0-25 25-50 50-75 75-100 Karang Anyar Hartati 0.8 1.5 0.7 0.8 10 4.6 2.2 0.6 2.5 2.0 2.0 2.6 23.7 9.7 2.0 1.3 Hartono 26.1 11.4 6.5 2.5 3.5 1.6 1.1 0.6 6.3 4.6 4.5 3.5 1.7 7.8 0.5 0.8 Sumardjo 3.5 2 1.1 0.8 23.8 2.6 1.1 0.5 15.9 1.7 1.2 2.3 0.3 3.3 1.0 0.8 Kopeng Lukas 1.8 1.1 0.5 0.6 NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO 2.7 0.0 0.7 0.8 Nano 2 0.6 0.7 0.3 NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO 0.2 0.8 0.0 0.3 Ngatemin 1.3 0.5 0.6 0.3 NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO 3.1 1.4 1.8 1.1 Wonosobo Nurhakim 1.5 0.3 0.3 0.4 4 1.1 1.4 1.5 7.7 7.5 5.9 4 1.4 0.9 1.2 1 Sudarto 1.4 1 0.3 0.3 1 1 1 0.6 3.3 7.2 5.3 15.3 2.1 2.7 0.8 1.9 Herman 0.8 0.3 0 0 1 0 0 0 3.3 4.1 3.2 11.7 3.5 0.6 1.4 0.8 Sumowono Sumarsono 2.3 0.9 NO NO 3.9 3.3 NO NO Nasrudin 0.5 0.3 NO NO 26.5 16.6 NO NO Sugeng Dono 2.6 0.5 NO NO 16.8 16.8 NO NO NO3

- -N Karang Anyar Hartati 10.8 17.9 2.9 7.5 84.2 90.4 94.3 48.2 57.2 48.9 45.2 41.4 59.0 37.3 34.9 33.9 Hartono 3 1.4 3.2 4.4 59.7 25 9.1 8.1 70.4 90.5 84.5 80.0 11.7 4.4 3.8 2.4 Sumardjo 42.1 30.4 21.5 11.8 61.5 27.9 24.8 23.9 75.1 65.2 63.5 58.0 11.9 12.3 36.7 35.6 Kopeng Lukas 3.3 5.3 7.5 10.2 NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO 10.4 10.0 7.3 0.0 Nano 5.9 14.8 8.3 9.7 NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO 6.7 9.1 35.8 82.4 Ngatemin 2.8 3.5 5.2 22.6 NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO 29.9 45.4 60.4 165.6


Wonosobo Nurhakim 3.7 6.1 9.9 16.6 17.5 9.1 5.8 5.3 34.1 9.1 6.4 1.7 9.2 38.8 34.3 5.7 Sudarto 7.5 13.7 80.2 94.9 85.6 57.2 43.8 5 19.7 31.7 50.8 94.7 19 14.7 9.3 17.4 Herman 7.5 11 12.9 0 7.3 8.8 9.4 8.3 5.6 11.4 8.4 3.5 15.4 26.5 40.9 23.1 Sumowono Sumarsono 17.4 5.1 NO NO 2.8 1.4 NO NO Nasrudin 3.1 1.6 NO NO 1.7 0.8 NO NO Sugeng Dono 18.5 4.7 NO NO 34.5 8.3 NO NO

WAP = Week After Planting; NO = No Observation



Diah Setyorini and Ladiyani R. Widowati

There were several forms of capacity building activities in this first project year:

a. Recycling Scholarship (Appendix 3)

The recycling scholarship was a one month visit of an ISRI middle class scientist to learn about the principles of N balance experiment and method of analysis. This program broadens knowledge on N balance that could be applied for handling the research in Indonesia after finishing the training.

The recycling program provided opportunity to the scholar to meet people who are experts in nutrient management. New insights on nutrient management, nutrient balance, as well as new research methods were studied during this program. Exposure to the laboratory facilities of the department of Soil Management and Soil Care provided the scholar information about important laboratory equipment for soil and tissue analysis.

b. MSc scholarship for ISRI researcher at University of Ghent

One research student from ISRI, Ms. Linca Angria has started her master degree in October 2005 at Gent University. This program will last for 24 month. As part of the study programme, she prepared a seminar on ”Nitrogen Balances in Vegetable Production in tropical Highland”.

c. PhD mini sandwich program at Bogor Agricultural University (IPB) and University of Gent.

With the purpose of increasing capacity building of SRI staff, currently a SRI staff member, namely Ir. Ladiyani Retno Widowati MSc, registered at the Soil Science Department of Bogor Agricultural University (IPB) for following a PhD (S-3) mini sandwich program with U-Gent starting from February 2006 (academic year 2005/2006). Her promoter from IPB is Prof. Supiandi Sabiham and from UGent Prof. Stefaan de Neve. She will take 2 semester courses at IPB the course at the first semester is: 1). The movement of nutrient in the system of soil and plant (by Dr Komaruddin Idris; 3 credit); and 2). Relationship of soil physic and plant (by Dr Oteng Haridjaja; 3 credit). At the second semester will be taking 3 courses namely: 1. Advanced Soil Fertility; 2) Advanced Soil and Water Conservation; and 3) Soil Ecology.

- d. Expert visit from University of Gent for help in setting up field and laboratory protocols

and experiments (Appendix 5)


II. Improved facilities for measuring nutrient balance parameters in Salatiga

a. Install laboratory in Salatiga for measuring N balance parameter

A mini laboratory has been set-up at Salatiga-Central Java. The selection of Salatiga as mini laboratory place was due to its location centrally between the four field experimental sites. This laboratory is purposed for measure N-NO3 and N-NH4 content in the soil and water. The soil samples from different depth will be collected before planting and periodically every 3 weeks until harvest in 3 locations (Wonosobo. Sumowono dan Karang Anyar). meanwhile at another location (Kopeng) monitoring is less intensive. In this location the soil sampling will take place only at planting time and after harvest.

The equipments that has been installed in Salatiga is:

1. UV-Vis Spectrophotometer (Spectronic Genesys 10)

2. pH meter

3. Reciprocating Shaker (NB-101 MTS)

4. Precision Balance (0.001 g) 4 and 2 digit

5. Equipment for production of demineralized water

The glassware. chemicals and laboratory equipment (air conditioning. refrigerator. oven. table. racks. and sink) needed for water and soil nitrogen analysis was completed (Figure 1).

b. Calibration of N concentration Measurement The measurements of NO3

- and NH4+ with spectrophotometer in Salatiga mini-

laboratory (ML) was calibrated with those of ISRI Reseach-Lab (RL) and Service-Lab (SL) in Bogor. Table 5.1 the values obtained using equipments in the three labs were not very closely related. The closeness in the measured values between the minilab and the service lab was closer than that of the service lab. Data also shows that soil extract of 10:50 gave better correlation between the three labs than that of 5:25 solution.

Table 5.1. Calibration of N-NO3 and N-NH4 measurement using spectrofotometer in Salatiga

Mini Lab (ML) SRI Research Lab (RL) and CSAR Service Lab (SL) with soil:extract ratio 5:25.

N-NH4 0-25 cm 25-50 cm 50-75 cm 75-100 cm Farmer


Hartatik Sumarjo Hartono Wonosobo Nurhakim

Sudarto Cipto

Sumowono Sumarno Nasrudin S.Dono

3.90 1.90 2.90

0.50 2.30 2.70

7.00 9.20 2.70

3.90 2.10 2.90

3.20 2.30 2.20

2.00 2.80 1.60

6.57 9.32 7.30

7.46 7.80 7.07


10.34 8.52

2.90 1.90 1.50

2.10 1.70 1.60

1.90 4.10 3.50

1.90 1.90 2.50 2.40 2.40 2.10 1.60 3.00 2.20

7.14 6.60 7.26

9.35 8.60 7.37


10.00 5.35

2.40 0.70 1.00

5.80 1.80 1.50



1.90 1.50 1.50

2.40 2.10 2.10



7.83 7.34 7.35

10.41 7.68 8.30



1.20 0.50 0.70

4.30 1.50 1.20


0.50 1.00 1.50

2.70 1.50 2.10



7.56 7.83 7.09

22.79 7.25 7.46



*NO : No Observation; ML : Mini-Lab; RL: Research-Lab; SL: Service-Lab N-NO3

0-25 cm 25-50 cm 50-75 cm 75-100 cm Farmer ML RL SL ML RL SL ML RL SL ML RL SL

Kr. Anyar Hartatik

Sumarjo Hartono Wonosobo Nurhakim

Sudarto Cipto

Sumowono Sumarno Nasrudin S.Dono

138.40 124.20 48.80

23.70 7.40


3.10 2.80 1.70

149.60 132.70 64.80

53.30 11.50 103.3

12.2 6.90 3.01

221.73 165.89 37.03

27.16 17.59


2.88 6.53 5.33

114.50 123.20 20.30

74.80 9.60


1.20 0.60 0.80

106.80 97.70 33.00

92.00 12.90 78.4

4.70 2.40 6.85

55.64 31.35 15.41

59.59 7.73


8.24 2.84 3.13

85.00 40.70 18.60

189.70 17.50



76.80 64.80 21.90

111.00 37.20 64.80



37.62 15.13 12.30

509.55 20.16 73.62



57.00 19.30 14.70

228.90 36.90



53.80 38.60 19.10

163.20 68.80 60.00



15.85 18.98


247.64 38.33 48.87


*NO : No Observation; ML : Mini-Lab; RL: Research-Lab; SL: Service-Lab

Table 5.2. Calibration of N-NO3 and N-NH4 measurement using spectrofotometer in Salatiga Mini Lab (ML). SRI Research Lab (RL). and CSAR Service Lab (SL) with soil:Extract ratio 10:50

N-NH4 0-25 cm 25-50 cm 50-75 cm 75-100 cm Farmer


Hartatik Sumarjo Hartono Wonosobo Nurhakim

Sudarto Cipto

Sumowono Sumarno Nasrudin S.Dono

0.37 2.10 2.90

3.00 2.30 2.50

6.00 5.90 3.20

2.50 1.40 2.90

2.80 1.60 2.00

5.00 4.60 2.70

10.55 7.60 9.34

8.55 7.81 8.79

8.43 9.14 7.76

1.70 2.10 2.70

2.40 2.40 1.90

1.90 2.80 4.00

1.70 1.20 2.20 2.40 1.70 2.10 1.60 2.80 4.00

7.69 8.28 7.86

9.15 7.35 8.42

7.28 7.13 5.42

1.20 1.70 1.70

2.70 1.80 1.80



1.00 1.00 1.50

2.70 1.30 1.50



6.91 7.75 7.23

11.22 8.37 9.57



0.70 1.80 2.00

3.10 1.50 1.80


0.50 0.50 1.50

2.70 1.50 1.50



7.08 7.96 7.60

11.94 7.10 6.99


*NO : No Observation; ML : Mini-Lab; RL: Research-Lab; SL: Service-Lab


N-NO3 0-25 cm 25-50 cm 50-75 cm 75-100 cm Farmer


Hartatik Sumarjo Hartono Wonosobo Nurhakim

Sudarto Cipto

Sumowono Sumarno Nasrudin S.Dono

163.70 130.10 78.80

42.60 7.30


6.00 5.80 3.00

136.00 124.20 54.30

45.90 8.50


5.60 5.80 4.00

168.36 170.40 17.72

56.82 2.91


1.13 2.03 0.29

128.00 103.00 16.10

93.80 7.90


1.70 2.80 0.90

100.10 90.20 40.30


9.50 86.30

2.30 2.40 1.10

153.51 119.48


117.89 26.80 74.85

0.41 0.36 0.28

86.10 72.30 9.80

153.20 18.60 206.60



77.80 37.40 14.90

135.60 22.00



92.20 11.48 3.74

434.38 27.43



58.30 29.90 10.70

227.40 61.70



36.10 30.10 17.90

223.00 65.20



21.64 25.14


394.54 64.04



*NO : No Observation; ML : Mini-Lab; RL: Research-Lab; SL: Service-Lab.

Figure 5.1. Shaker, Analytical Balance, and Spectrophotometer (upper), and the project’s van for operational

field sampling.



Within the first year of this research, this N balance research has succeeded in selecting representative sites of vegetable farming areas in the highland of Central Java Province of Indonesia. The Bumen and Argoyoso villages are represented by Epiaquands (the aquic moisture regime is attributed to land use rotation with lowland rice) while Kopeng and Punthuk Rejo villages are represented by Hapludands.

These soils in general have moderate to high soil fertility as indicated by high organic matter and N contents, high exchangeable Mg and Ca, and moderate to high exchangeable K. Although with a relatively high P retention, these Andisols have moderate to high Olsen- extractable P2O5, especially in the upper layer, presumably due to high P inputs. The soil physical properties, in agreement with typical Andisols, have a low bulk density and a high total pore space and drainage pores.

Manure and fertilizers application vary widely and thus this project was design to develop appropriate N application to improve efficiency.

For the intensive analyses of NO3- and NH4

+, a mini laboratory, with a colorimeter as the main instrument, has been developed in Salatiga; a town about the center to the four research sites. Calibration of this laboratory with research and service laboratories of the Indonesian Soil Research Institute (ISRI) in Bogor is underway. While this calibration continues, extracts of soil samples are transported to Bogor for colorimetric readings.

Capacity building, in the form of degree and non degree trainings is an integral part of this research. Sandwich PhD program between Gent University and Bogor Agricultural University (IPB) of an ISRI researcher and an MSc program of ISRI’s researcher at Gent University have been started. One of “recycling scholarship” for short term training of ISRI researcher on soil analysis have been conducted . These training programs are expected to be able to improve the capability of ISRI to conduct more advance independent research in soil fertility, particularly in N balance.

The second year research program will continue with NO3- and NH4

+,input and output, as well as vertical transport. Upon the completion of mineralization study on the release of N from organic matter, recommendation of improved N fertilization will be developed and implemented as one of the treatments.

Exchange of researchers from Vegetable Research Institute in Lembang West Java to the site, especially to provide inputs on plant pests and diseases as well as crop rotation will be conducted. Meanwhile, regular visit of the fields for monitoring and interaction with farmers will be continued and practical extension materials (leaflets) will be made. In addition, a section of N-Balance research news and progress will be attached to either University of Gent or ISRI website.