APPEKDOX g Rets ter of officers wlio served with tlie ... › historic › reghist › wwi ›...

APPEKDOX g Retster of officers wlio served with tlie 106th Infantry.* AJS.F.

Transcript of APPEKDOX g Rets ter of officers wlio served with tlie ... › historic › reghist › wwi ›...

Page 1: APPEKDOX g Rets ter of officers wlio served with tlie ... › historic › reghist › wwi › infantry › ...Rets ter of officers wlio served with tlie 106th Infantry.* AJS.F. APPENDIX

APPEKDOX g Rets ter of officers wlio served with tlie 106th Infantry.* AJS.F.

Page 2: APPEKDOX g Rets ter of officers wlio served with tlie ... › historic › reghist › wwi › infantry › ...Rets ter of officers wlio served with tlie 106th Infantry.* AJS.F. APPENDIX

APPENDIX PRoster of officers who served with the 106th Infantry

A.E.F., "between October 1st, 1917 and April 2nd, 1919.Name: Promt Tot

Rank:Adams,Joseph E.Adamson,David R.Addison,Matthew D. Anderson,Lane S. Archer,GeorgeArmstrong,Wm.G. Bangs,BleeckerBehen, William C.

1st Lt.IC/C 8/1/18 4/2/19 Attached 2nd Lt.

or 2nd Lt. 2nd Lt.1st Lt. Capt.

10/1/17 10/1/178/s/lB 9/27/184/19/18 IO/9/I8

1/21/19 4/2/1910/1/17 3/5/I8

Behrens, William B. 2nd Lt. Be ned i ct,Che s ter Berry,Charles W.

1st Lt.M/C 12/6/18 4/2/19 Attached 10/1/17 9/27/18


14/0 & H/D:Pro.Capt. 12/2/181W O & H/BtPro.1st Lt sTr. to 52nd Pio.Inft Killed in actiont Dropped;Gas sed 9/l9 18:M/O & H/D:Bis.for physical dis frility:m/q & h/d:

Blair,SamBlaisde11, Wm .E. Bonney,Edward J.

Lt.or2nd Lt.Capt. 2nd Lt.

Boullee, William H. 2nd Lt.BousfieId,Harold W)Capt, Brandt,Erdman S. 2nd Lt.

Brennan,Lennox C. 1st Lt.

Brennan,York W. 2nd Lt.

Brill,William F. 2nd Lt.Broughton,Leaman Sjlst Lt.Brown,Ames T. 1st Lt.

Bryant,George E. Capt.Bus ing,Waldemar 2nd Lt.Butt on,J.Scott MajorCabot,Samuel Ma j or

8/2I/18 4/2/1910/1/17 9/29/18 lO/l/l? 9/I3/I8

. . . Killed in action:10/1/17 ll/15/l? H/B: lO/l/l? 8/9/18 105th Inf.,A.E.F:M/0 & H/D; 'founded 9/1/18:Killed in action: Dropped: Wounded 18:Re-assg*d to 106t Inf., I2/ 3/I8: M/0 & h/d 4/2/19:Dropped: Wounded 27/lS:M/O & H/D:10/3/18 Dropped: Wounded 9/2?/l8t Re-assgrd to 106th Inf., 11/30/18 Pro.1st Lt.12/5/18: M/O & H/D 4/2/19:

lo/s/is Dropped: Wounded 9/ 2?/l8tRe~assgtd to T 106th Inf., 1/20/19t Pro.Capt: M/0 & H/D

I2/I8/I8 4/2/19 lO/l/l?


10/1/17 10/8/18

lO/l/l? 4/2/19

Bropped: Wounded 2?/l8tRe-assgfd to 106th Inf., 11/18/18i Pro.1st Lt. l/0 & H/l 4/2/19:M/0 & H/D; Pro.1st Lt. lO/12/l8:M/0 & H/D:1/® & h/D; Wounded 10/18/18: Pro.Capt. 11/9/18:

9/27/18 Killed in action: 4/2/19 M/O & H/D: Pro. 1st

Lt t 4/2?/lSt 11/18/18 4/2/19 M/O & H/B:11/27/18 4/2/19 M/o & H/D:





Page 3: APPEKDOX g Rets ter of officers wlio served with tlie ... › historic › reghist › wwi › infantry › ...Rets ter of officers wlio served with tlie 106th Infantry.* AJS.F. APPENDIX

Callahan, John F* Camborde,Peter L. Campbell,Peter J. Caruthers,Glenn 1. Carson,Allen G.

Clark,Douglas Clark,John R.

Slayton,William B.

Clearer,Grover C.Cleaver,Robert S.Clements,AlbertClifford,Orville E.Cochrane,Francis A. Cornstook,Robert K.Conroy,James G. Cook,Millard F.Cooke,James P.

Cowan,Howard W. Cronan,Thomas B.L.


Curtis,James F. Davie s,Samue1 B .

BeKay,Sidney G,

APPEKBIZ F » (Continued)

Original Ranks

To: Remarks s

1st Lt.Interpre­ter, At t. 2nd Lt.2nd Lt.2nd Lt.

1st Lt. 2nd Lt.



1st Lt.

2nd Lt.1st Lt.l/C Attached Is t Lt.2nd Lt.1st Lt.1st Lt.Capt.1st Lt.Capt.

1st Lt. 1st Lt.

2nd Lt. 2nd Lt.

I cat

1 0/ 1 / 1 7

10/1/17 10/1/17 10/9/18





9/25/18 I/I4/I9—

8/2 O/I8-11/17/18

10/4/18 ll/l l/l 8-:



10/1/1? 8/20/184/2/1910/l5/l?

10/1/1? 4/2/19



-Killed In actions Pro.Capt.7/2 8 / 1 8 s ■Relieved from duty with 106th Infs Bropped sWounded & / 31/18 sBroppedsSick to own request tc A of 0, Germanys Ass g*d to 42nd Bivs Prc 1st Lt. 11/11/18s •BroppedsRe t r d to the U.S. as Instructors Broppe d:Wounded 10/ 18/l8sBre»assg,,d to 106th Inf.I2/ 4/I8 S Pro. 1st Lt. 11/2/18$ /) & h/d 4/2 / 1 9 s BroppedsGassed 10/20 18iRe-assg*d to 106t Inf. 11/24/18 sM/O & H/B 4/2 / 1 9 s W O & H/b 4/2 / 1 9 sPro 1st Lt. 8/28/18:M/0 & H/B;BroppedsWounded 7/17 18sM /0 8c B/Bs Pro. 1st L 11/11/18 sBata not available: Broppeds ®et*d to th< U.S. as Instructors M/0 & H/D:-Bis.for physical dias bilitysM /0 & H/Ds Pers *1 Ad, 5/lO/ias Adj. 10/8/ 18s Pro.Majors M/0 & H/ 107th Infs In­telligence officer* 10/12/18 s Pr o.Capt. 11/20/18S Killed in actions Bropped s Wounded 9/6/ 18s Re-assg*d to A.P. M. ,H.Q. London, Eng. , Il/l4/l8s

!—DroppedJWounded g/g5 18s Re-assg *§■ to Gen*l Staff College. A.E.Fs


Page 4: APPEKDOX g Rets ter of officers wlio served with tlie ... › historic › reghist › wwi › infantry › ...Rets ter of officers wlio served with tlie 106th Infantry.* AJS.F. APPENDIX

DeBe voise,Charles I DeLamater, Walter A.


Be Loiselie,Barold C

Dashiell,Robert M.Davis,B.R.Davis,Irving G.Davis,Hubert T. Davis,John E. Denier,Herbert P.

Devine,Lawrence T.■mm

Doty, LuciusDoyle,James H.Dunspaugh,George R.Idaiunds ton."]?.Egleston,Nath*l H.

Eilers,George C.Elliman,Ar thur B.

Evans,William J. Farwe11,Frank F.Fenty,Ivan Flanagan,T.G.Flood,Harry J.Frevert,Edward H. Gillet,Ransom H.

APPBHDIX F(Continued)

From; TosRank:ColonelMajor

4/ /18 HO/l/l? 6/6/18

2nd Lt . IQ/l/l? 10/6/lS

Capt. 10/10/18 11/9/ia2nd Lt. 2nd Lt. lO/lO/lSIO/IO/I8


1st Lt. 2nd Lt. 2nd Lt.12/8/1812/10/187/23/18


1st Lt.D/C>12/15/1? Attached:1st Lt. lO/l/l?4/2/1910/3/18

2nd Lt. 1st Lt.10/1/17lO/l/l?

4/2/19ll/l5/iaCapt. 10/1/17 10/31/18Capt. 10/2 8/l 3—12/l/l8

1st Lt. Chaplain 2nd Lt.

7 /1 ? / m 10/11/1?


Capt • 10/1/1? lO/l/l?1st Lt. 10/1/17 4/2/192nd Lt. 2nd Lt. 2nd Lt. 2nd Lt. Maj or

lo/io/ia10/ 9 /1 34/19/18

4/2A 94/2/1910/4/19


Remarks s 107th Inf .AEJ Assg'd to General Staff College,A.B.,3 Pro.Lt.Col.106th Ir 8/3l/lS:Ass *tC.OF5, 79th Div.A.E.F.9/ IQtM/O & H/Dj3/31/ 19:Dropped:Wounded 9/ 29/l8;Re~assg*d to 106th Inf. 11/17/la appt*d Intelligenc officers ll/0 & H/D 4/2/19 302nd Tank Center, A.E.Fs M/0 & H/Ds Dropped: Gassed 10, 18/18 s W 0 & H/D:M/0 & %/D:Dropped: Gassed fi|/ 26/18:; Re-assg’d t 106th Inf.ll/l4/l8 Pro.1st Lt. 11/16/ 18: M/0 & H/D 4/2 29*

* & H/D: Pro. CaptDropped: 'Founded 9 29/18:M/0 & H/D:Dropped: founded 10/18/18; Pro.Capt Dropped; Wounded 10/13/18: * 106th M/G Battn: Pro.Ma$or 11/2/18:W O & H/D:Dropped;Wounded 9/ 2&/l8:Re-assg*d to 106th inf. 12/16/18 Pro.1st Lts^/O & H, D 4/2/19 ;Tr. to 54th Pionee: Inf.A.E.F:M/0 & E/D:Pro.Capt 8/24/la:

W O & H/D:W O & H/D:29/l8 ;lLe—as sg1 106th Inf.IS/>Y q tt A-x A

Page 5: APPEKDOX g Rets ter of officers wlio served with tlie ... › historic › reghist › wwi › infantry › ...Rets ter of officers wlio served with tlie 106th Infantry.* AJS.F. APPENDIX


Giliman,Joseph 1*.Gilmore,John C. Graham,Ernes t Grayhill,G.E. Griffith,Lindsey Jr Gr oe she ck,ElwoodGuttzeit,Arthur P.Hadley,Lee A.Hamseom,Prank I.Hanson,Iver M.Hardy,John C.Heath,MonroeHenderson,Prank G.Henrici,Arthur J.

Hermanee,George W.He tzel,Poster G.Hildreth,Henry S.Hi 11,Arthur D. Hodes,Ir&Ho 1lbrook,Ro s s i ter Hollander,Gabriel G.Hook,Alfred J.Hooker,Albert S.Jr.

Howell,Hed S. Hudson,Sorman E.Hunter,William H.Jr.

APPEHDIX P.CContinued)

OriginalRanksProms To s Remarks s

1st Lt. lO/l/l? 10/31/18 Droppeds Wounded2nd Lt . 2nd Lt. 2nd Lt. 2nd Lt . 1st Lt.1st Lt.1st Lt, Attached: 1st Lt. Chaplain Capt.

2nd Lt. 1st Lt. 2nd Lt.

2nd Lt.Capt.Major Major 1st Lt. Capt. Major1st Lt. 2nd Lt.

2nd Lt. 2nd Lt.

IO/9 /13 ll/l 1/18 11/13/18 ll/l/l8 10/11/1710/1/174/16/1810/1/1710/27/18lO/l/l?6/20/18lO/l/l?6/20/18


10/1/17loA/1710/2^/18lO/l/l 7 10/l/l? lO/l/l?10/1/179/13/18












4/2/19H / 12/I8

& H/Ds & B/D M/0 & H/D W O & H/D Dropped: Wounded 6/2l/l8:Dropped: Wounded 10/18/18:M/O & H/D:i&Q

Tr. to Embarkation Center, A.E.P:Killed in action: Dropped: Sick to hospital:Tr. to 102nd Supply Train, A.E.P: Dropped: Wounded 10/ 18/lSs Pro. 1st Lt. 10/10/18:Dis. for physical dis bility:Tr. to 2nd Corps H.Q. A.E.P:Tr. to 7th Dir.,A.EiPM/O :8c H/D s 1. ■ J d v ■' 1/ DroppedsWounded 9/l/l Resigned: H/Ds Tr. to 2nd Pioneer Inf., A.E.S:Killed in action:Tr. to &.Q. 2?th Div. A.E.P., as Dir.Gas officer: Pro.1st Lt. 11

1st Lt. 10/1/17 4/2/19

/) & H/B:Dropped: Wounded 10/ 2l/l8sM/0 & H/Dj Personnel Adj., lO/s/18: Pro. Capt. 10/26/18:


Page 6: APPEKDOX g Rets ter of officers wlio served with tlie ... › historic › reghist › wwi › infantry › ...Rets ter of officers wlio served with tlie 106th Infantry.* AJS.F. APPENDIX

Name t

Ir e land, Rutherford

Isherwood,James E. Jackson,Franklyn J.Jaekel,Hugo F.Jr. Jewett,Everett B.Johnson,George A.Jones,Chester F»Kayser,Charles D.Eeese,George M.Keller,falter D.Jr.Kennedy,John J. Kerrigan,Joseph A.A.

Klinge »Sophus Knowles,Frank k , Langer,Jerome F.

I»ar son, Hi Is P.Li ehmann, Mor r i s H.Light,Wesley E.

Long,Frederic K. Long, J. A.Longfellow,Harold B,

APPEKDIX F.(Continued |

From* lotRanks

10/1/1? 10/1/1?

2nd Lt. 2nd Lt. ?/a/l810/1/17.


1st Lt.


1st Lt.1^3 IG/l/l? Attached %Capt.2nd Lt.2nd Lt. 1st Lt.

2nd Lt. 11/10/18 2nd Lt. 7/16/18 Capt. 10/l/l7

Capt. W Q Attached:Lt.Colonel-lQ/l/17

10/1/177/2 3/18H/lO/18lO/l/l?



1st Lt, 12/20/1810/1/171/14/19

1st Lt. 10/1/17 4/2/192nd Lt . I2/20/I8 4/2 /19 2nd Lt. 10/9/18 10

Remarks: 54th Pioneer Inf., A.E.FtTr ."back to 106th Inf.11/15/ 1? tWounded IO/lS/18 Tr .at own request ti A of 0,Germany, 1/20/ 19sAssgfd to 89th Div.,A of 0, A.E.Fs own request t( 2nd Biv.,A.E.F,5/l/ 19: M/0 & H/D 8/4/19! M/0 & H/D:-Killed in actions Pro.lst. 4/19/I6 M/0 & H/Bs Casual Camp for replacements 54th Pioneer Inf., A.E.Fs U/O & H/B: Wounded 9/29/18 s Pro. Capt: 105th M/G Batt * 54th Pioneer Inf., A.E.F;M/O & H/B: Pro.lst Lt. 10/28/l8s M.O & H/BsBropped:Gas sed 8/26/ 18tRe-assg*d to 106t Inf., la fi/lSt W*0- & H/B 4/2/l9s I/O & E/Ds Killed in actions Br opp e d s Wound ed/l8sRe-assg*d to 106th Inf., 12/8/18$ Hon.Bis. 4/6/20s M/0 & H/BsTr,t© 105th Inf., A. own request to A of 0,Germany,Assg r( to 42nd Biv., A of 0 A.E.F;T&o?‘*b M b :Pro. 10/26/l8s nyo & H/B:Bied of wounds re­ceived 1Q/18/18s



Page 7: APPEKDOX g Rets ter of officers wlio served with tlie ... › historic › reghist › wwi › infantry › ...Rets ter of officers wlio served with tlie 106th Infantry.* AJS.F. APPENDIX

Hame J

Lo s s i ng,Harry 1. Love,Frank Iff.

Lowry,Fred Iff.Ludtke,William E. Malloy,James L. Hasten,Edward L.Marquard,Otto W.G.Marshall,Herbert 1

Me Carthy,Thomas J. ffieCorkle,Guy A.McDermott,Arthur VMcMullen,Wm.H.Jr.McMurrsy,Raymond A Malay,James Mayor,Fred E. Mecklen,WaynetMoore,Robert S.

Motley, James G.

Moran,John W. Moylan ,Edward R. Mullarky,George A.

JgEElDIX F .(Continued)

From;Rank: To: Remarks:

2nd Lt. 2nd Lt.

10/S/18 4/2/19 .1 0 & E/Bi8/29/18 10/?/l8 Dropped: Wounded99/2<(18: Re-assg *d to 1061 Inf., 12/6/18: Ji/O & H/D 4/2/l9t

2nd Lt. 10/9/l8 Il/l2/l8— Dropped: Sick to2nd Lt. 10/9/18 4/2/19 2nd Lt. 4/19/18 9/27/lS 1st Lt .M/C) l/lg/19 4/2/19 Attached:2nd Lt. 10/l0/l8

' & H/D:Killed in action:

,Jr)lst Lt. 10/1/17 1/17/19


2nd Lt.2nd Lt.Capt.1st Lt.2nd Lt.2nd Lt.1st Lt.1st Lt M /6-li/5/l8 Attached*2nd Lt. 10/9/18

Il/l2/l8 Dropped: Sick to hospital:Dropped: Claimed gass ed 10/17/18: To duty 11/11/18* A.W.G.L: 11/20/18* To duty 11/ 22/18* In arrest 1/14 19, S.0.Ho. 12 Com­mandant 111 Corps School; Dropped and discharged from the Army S.0.Ho.17, Gener al Headquarters, A.E. F., 1/17/19:M/0 & H/D:M/0 & B/D: Pro. 1st Lt 11/9/18:Dropped; Wounded 9/s^ 18*Tr. to 33rd Div., A. E.F:I/O & S/D:Killed in action:1/0 & H/D:M/0 & H/D:



Signal off. Attached: 2nd Lt.2nd Lt.1st Lt.

Dropped: Wounded 10/ 18/18: Re-assg*d to 106th Inf., 12/14/18: M/0 & H/D* 4/2/19:10/8/l8-ll/20/l8-Re lieved from dutywith 106th Inf *ia/9/18-4/2/1911/10/18-4/2/19H/1A7— 4/2 /1 2

M/0 & H/D: ll/O & H/D: l| /0> & H/D:

Page 8: APPEKDOX g Rets ter of officers wlio served with tlie ... › historic › reghist › wwi › infantry › ...Rets ter of officers wlio served with tlie 106th Infantry.* AJS.F. APPENDIX


Mondy,Joseph A.S.

Kelson,John A. Rewman,John

Hi co1,Charles 1.Horten,Thomas J. Horton,Frank H.®*Hara,Charles J.0*Heill,Charles !.

Ostberg,Charles G. &tis,William K. Paris,Frank S. Pearson,H.G. Peterson,Lou i s Phi Hips, Stanley Pierce, Stanley If. Platt,Harold B. Polka,James S.Post,James B. 3rd

Potts,John H, Powell,Warren T.Power s, Edwin; A.Prehtice,Medray A.Reed,John L. Reinert,Albert F. Rice,Charles A.Rice,Harry 1.Richard son, Frank H.

APPEHDIX F.(Continued)

From* TotRanks

1st Lt. Cap t.

1st Lt. Attacheds 2nd Lt. Colonel2nd Lt.2nd Lt.

10/1/1? 11/5/18

ll/l 0/18 12/14/18

-10/1/1? 10/1/1?

10/1/1?10/9/18 ii/ii/is10/1/1? 9/13/18

10/1/1? 9/2S/I8

4/13/18 9/27/1811/ 23/ 18-4/2/195/19/18 9/26/189/12/18 4/2/19lO/l/l? 4/5/1810/l/l? 4/2/19IO/9/I? II/I2/I8

2nd Lt. 5/19/lS I2/23/I8

1st Lt. 1st Lt. 2nd Lt. Capt. 1st Lt. 2nd Lt. Capt.1s t Lt. 2nd Lt.

2nd Lt. 1st Lt. Chaplain: 1st Lt.2nd Lt.2nd Lt. 1st Lt. 2nd Lt.

10/9/18 4/2/19IO/IO/I8-4/2/I9

lO/l/l? 3/5/18 10/9/18 4/2/19

10/1/17 4/2/19 10/9/18. H / 12/I8

1st Lt.B/C—lO/l/l? 4/2/19 Attached:Capt. l^C Attached:


lO/l/l? 12/lO/ia Assigned to H.Q.2?t Biv»,A.E.F,as Ass*t Adjts Adit., 106th Inf., lO/l/l?sTo* Army Staff School,9/ 2l/l8sTo Command of Co.»B"106th Inf., 1GTr. to II Corps, Re­placement areas own request to A of 0, Germany sAss^ to 89th Div., A of 0 A.E.FsTr. to 104th M/Q Batt *n., A.E M/O & h/B:Bis. for p&ysical ‘diaaMli^ys Dropped: Gassed I©/ 18/18:Bropped: Gassed 8/26 IBs Pro. 1st Lt., 4/ 24/18$Killed in actions Bata not availables Killed in actions m/o & S/D:Killed in actions M/O & H/BS Resigned: H/Bs M/O & H/B:Dropped: Wounded 10/ 17/18:Bropped: Sick to hospitals Pro. 1st Lt:m/p & H/Bs & H/B:Bis. far physical disability:'M/O & H/B; Pro. 1st Lt., 11/11/18: l$/0 & l^&s M/O & H/B sBropped: Wounded 10/ l?/l8sis/o & H/B: Pro. Capt 1Bropped: Sick to hospitals


Page 9: APPEKDOX g Rets ter of officers wlio served with tlie ... › historic › reghist › wwi › infantry › ...Rets ter of officers wlio served with tlie 106th Infantry.* AJS.F. APPENDIX

Roane,Sexton 6 .Ronalds,William A.Rosboro,Herbert G.Roseck,Frederick Rowan,Watson S.Rubish,Joseph W. Rtidkin, Gilbert P. Rule,Clifford M. Ryan,Edward L.Salisbury,Lucius A

Sawyer,John R.Scanlon,Horace Seale,Leo W.Schieffelin,GeorgeSheehan,John T.Sherman,Riehard J. Shuford,Martin H.Sibley,Grant H. Slack,Roy B.Simonson,William F.Smith, Ivan L,Smith,Charles B.

Spencer* Thomas

Starret,Harry C. Stephenson,Frank L. St evens, Harry C. Jr. Stoffregen,Lester 1


if.(Continued)OriginalRanks1st Lt.M/cAttached:Capt.2nd Lt.2nd Lt.1st Lt.i//C Attached: 1st Lt.1st Lt.2nd Lt.1st Lt.Major M/Q Attached:


From: Tos Remarks s


11/15/is 10/l/l7 ll/l 5/18 lO/lO/l?


10/1/17 H/ll/18-

10/1/17 10/l/l72nd Lt.2nd Lt.R)lst Lt.1st Lt.2nd Lt.2nd Lt.2nd Lt.


lO/lO/l? 4/2/1911/15/18 4/2/19 10/9/18 4/2/19.10/9/18 4/2/19

1st Lt.B/C 12/5/18 4/2/19 Attached:Capt.1st Lt.2nd Lt.

Broppeds She 11 shock­ed, 8/28/ 54th PioneerInf., A.E.Fs M/O & H/B: Pro.1st Lt., 5/5/lSs Killed in actions M/0 & B/Ht

M/0 & H/Bs Killed in action:M/0 & H/B:Broppeds Wounded 9/ 29/18$Tr. to 27th Biv., Surgeon's Offices Wounded 9/l/l8s Tr. to 52nd Pioneer Inf., A.E.Fs Killed in action: l /O & H/B:Tr«tto 52nd PioneerInf., A.E.FsM/0 & H/D: Pro. Capt4/l0/l8sW O & H/B:m/o & H/Bj Pro. 1stLt., 11/11/18:M/O & H/D:M/O & H/B:

2nd Lt.

Capt. 2nd Lt. 2nd Lt.

). 1st Lt.

lO/l/l 7 10/l/l7 Tr. to 54th PioneerInf., A.E.Fs lO/l/l? 4/2/19 M/O & H/B:10/9/17 ll/l2/l8-Broppeds Wounded 10/17/l8s Re-assgfd to 106th Inf., 12/15/18 1' / ■ i.8 V/0 & H/D 4/2/19:lo/io/is ll/12/18-Broppeds Gassed 10/l§/lSs Re-assg*dtfco 106th Inf., 11/18/18 M /o & H/D 4/2 /1 9 s lO/l/l7 I0/29/l8~Bied of disease inline of dutys lO/l/l? 9/11/18 Bropped; Sick tohospitalslO/l/l? 4/2/19 M/0 & H/Bs Pro, 1stLt., 4/9/l8s lO/l/l? 4/5/18 Resigned & H/Bs


Page 10: APPEKDOX g Rets ter of officers wlio served with tlie ... › historic › reghist › wwi › infantry › ...Rets ter of officers wlio served with tlie 106th Infantry.* AJS.F. APPENDIX

St r a cha n,DonaId C., SuAli'Fan, Harry f.


Taylor, william A. fenny, H.H.. lew,Jofen C.Tiffany,Stewart D. Tilden,Walter C.Ti 11 ion,Clemeitt V.Trask,RobeH,

True,John M.Tuck,John B.Turner,George V.

Ulrichs,Frank P.

Underwood,Kennard Vincent,Frank C.



Ward,Pranklin W. fard, Charles M.Ward,Thoms I1.Jr. Ward,Walter J.


APPENDIX F.(Continued) :'OV .

1st Lt. Capt.

1st Lt.

Colonel 2nd Lt. 2nd Lt.

1st Lt.l Attached: 2nd Lt. • 2nd Lt.

5/3/I8IG/IO/I8lO/l/l?lO/s/1 83/25/I8


Lt.Colonel IO/2/I8

Lt.Colonel lO/l/l? 2nd Lt. 5/10/18

2nd Lt.

1st Lt. 1st Lt.10/5/18lO/l/l?

2nd Lt.


1st Lt.2nd Lt *





11/2 /1 7 4/2/19

Remarkssyr& *

Tr. to H.Q., 2nd as G-2:

Xo/8/18V2/l98 ^ 1 84/2/1911/7/184/2/194/2/19


I2/8/I8 4/2/19

DroppedsWounded & taken prisoner 9/21 ISsRe-assg'd to 1G€ th Inf., 1/24/19: J'i/O & H/D 4/2/19: M/O & H/D:Fro.Capt. 7/28/I8: Appt *d P i 0, Officer, 10/g|/l8: 102nd MJP.& 3 M/O & H/D:Tr. to the U.S. as Instructor:M/O & 5/D:Dropped t Gass ed 10/ 18/18:H/O & H/D:I /O & H/Bj Pro. 1st Lt., 4/24/18: Pro. Capt. 11/11/18:M/O & H/D: Returned to the Regular Army Tr. to Army Staff College*IQ/30/18-Dropped: Wounded 9/ 2?/l8: Re-assg*d to 106th Inf., 11/10/ 18 : l/O & H/D 4/2/19( Dropped: Wounded 8/ 14/l8: Re-assg*d to 106th Inf., 12/14/ 18:1^0 & H/D 4/2/19 K/O & B/D:

Il/l5/l8—Dropped: Wounded 10/ 20^x8: Pro. Capt. 11* 13/l8: Re~assg*d to 106th Inf., 12/4/18 108th Inf., A E.F. I2/I5/I8: To M/P Training Depot, Autun, France. 2/11/ 191 Assg fd to 211 th Co., M/P Harps,BancT France. 3/ll/l9: H/l at Camp Upton, L.I. 7/28/19:

11/12/ia-Drcrpped: Gassed 10/ la/lSt Re-assg*d to 106th Inf., 1 /13/11 M/O & H/Ds 4/2/19: 1^0 & H/bt Tr. to 54th Pioneer Inf., A.E.Fs 10/2l/l8—Dropped: Wounded 9/ 27/18:M/O' &‘E/Hs




Page 11: APPEKDOX g Rets ter of officers wlio served with tlie ... › historic › reghist › wwi › infantry › ...Rets ter of officers wlio served with tlie 106th Infantry.* AJS.F. APPENDIX


Watkins,Charles M.Watson,Winslow B.Webs t er, Wi llard M.Welch,Vincent C. Whitmore,Floyd P. Wilson,Matthew J.A.

WfloJw<Xrd,3rannin S,Worthing,Harry D.


BanksIroms Tot

2nd Lt.1st Lt.1st Lt.2nd Lt• 1st Lt* 1s t Lt.

1st Lt. i 12/s/ia 4/2/19 1st LU1&/C 10/l/l 7 /IS Attached?

Remarks i

Tr. to III Corps Schools Droppedrll/so/l? 4/2/1910/1/17 10/2/1812/8/lS 4/2/19 12/8/18 4/2/19 10/1/1? 10/?/l8

& E/Bi Pro. ll/ll/lSs Died of wounds re#ei ceived 9/2?/lSt M/0 & W&t M/0 & h/d:Dropped? Wounded 9/ 27/18 s Pro. Capt. 9/ l?/l8t Re-assg*d to 106th Inf.* 12/lO/lS: M/0 & H/D 4/2/191m/q & WStTr. to K.Q. 2?th Div, A.E.F.P '& Appt*d Div, Payehiatris: Pro.CapI

Hote: M/0---H/i>— •

--Mustered out.- — Honorably DI s charged.
