

Transcript of apotimisi_env._ergasia_kyoto_rev3

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PROJECT ON: Application of Protocol of Kyoto in Greece



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1- Choice of country of member of EU ……………………………………..…….3

2- The energies that made Greece in his frame of application Protocol of Kyoto..4

3- The New Protocol that will replace the Protocol of Kyoto…………………..…7

4- Integration of New Protocol in the European Policy of EU…………...………21

5- The action that applies the country concerning the ` green economy in order to

it strengthens her growth …………………………………………………………23

6- Βibliography……………………………………………………………………..31

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Choice of country of member of EU

H country that is selected is Greece. It is a Country of Europe, which occupies most southern

utmost the Balkan Peninsula and a lot of islands in Ionian and in the Aegean Sea but also in

the Eastern point of Mediterranean.

Greece is mountainous and beach country with exceptionally complicated horizontal division

and bas-relief that is owed in the effect many geological and climatic factors.

The Greek coasts have length of 15.021 km .And they shape a lot of gulves and bights that

constitute good natural and commercial harbours.

The rivers of Greece have usually small length, are mountainous with abrupt fluctuations of

their level in wintry trees.

In Greece exist a lot of underground but also rivers above the ground. The rivers of our

country have big importance for the irrigation and for the production of energy.

Also exist a lot of lakes in Greece that is considered remarkable wetlands.

According to census, agriculture and livestock-farming in 1981 were cultivated roughly the

28% of total extent of country. By them were irrigated the 7,336,720 acres and allocating in

uncultivated agriculture with the 4,268,700 acres.

The last years exist improvements in the cultures and modernisation of means and methods of

production. Therefore, exist margins improvements of rural policy according to the protocol

of Kyoto.

Proportional investments exist in the livestock-farming, fishery, industry and manufacture as

well as in other sectors of economy.

The Independent Greek state was founded in 1827. He is 12 member of European Union from


He is also member of U.N, NATO from 1952, known as also the OECD and other

international delegates.

Greece in the frame of U.N. had ratified his Convention Protocol of Kyoto making the Law of

state in 1994.

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The energies that made Greece in his frame of application Protocol of


The human activity has led to the increase of stockings of certain gases to atmosphere of

planet, known and as gases of greenhouse, which they contribute on one side, under regular

conditions, in the maintenance of temperature of planet in beneficial for the life prices

(phenomenon of greenhouse) and on the other hand in the phenomenon of climatic changes in

the Ground (global warming). In the frames of deterrence of phenomenon of world heating,

the states of planet signed a "hart a", protocol of Kyoto, according to which he should they

limit the emissions of this gases. Greece was the first country worldwide that suffered

sanctions for non agreement with the protocol, while the U.S.A. she signed symbolically,

without him they have ratified.

Greece until 2007 had not taken any essential metre in order to it corresponds in the

engagements opposite in the Protocol of Kyoto, on the reductions of emissions of gases of


According to report of European Organism Environment (European Environment Agency), in

Greece they had between period 1990-2005 recording increase of emissions of dioxide of coal

at 32% and if no metre they were not received up to 2012, this increase it would have touched

upon the 46% while the country to us they was allowed it hardly has increase for same period


Concretely in the domestic and tertiary sector we had increase of emissions at 112% and

194% respectively for the same time period. Simultaneously with the make that the energy

intensity of Greek economy is the villain in all the European Union with Greece it possesses

the second bad place afterwards Finland, abstaining at 21.4% from the mean of energy

intensity of countries of European Union the 15.

Therefore the energy efficiency of Greece they amounted in 66.1% while corresponding

European in 71.3% classifying her Greece in the fourth place from the end, with regard to in

the equitable exploitation of total energy that is sold and is consumed in Greece.

Afterwards the condemnation of Greece in the 21/4/2008 from the Committee of Conformity

of U.N for Climatic Change UNFCCC and the prohibition of attendance of Greece in the

forecasted flexible mechanisms of Protocol of Kyoto.

Be marked that Greece had ratified his Convention Protocol of Kyoto making the Law of state

in 1994.

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The main points of his Convention Protocol of Kyoto are following:

1 the developed states commit to decrease their globally emissions at 50%. the

objective it is reported in 6 gases that contribute the phenomenon of greenhouse and

are: carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), Nitrous oxide (N2O), Hydro

fluorocarbons (HFC), Per fluorocarbons (PFC), Sulphur hexafluoride (SF6).

2 Adoption of policies and metres. The Protocol commits his States-part in application

or adoption of policies and metres so that are achieved the objectives of Kyoto. Also,

is included concrete list of beam of metres that should be adopted for the achievement

of objectives.

3 Evaluation of recipients (katavathres). The Protocol includes katavathres that they fix

how they are included the CO2 from the forests and the cultivated grounds in the

reduction of CO2.

4 Strict arrangement of conformity.

5 did not exist quantitative objectives for developing countries.

6 the Protocol of Kyoto gave the possibility of achievement of part of obligations via 3

mechanisms that include 3 mechanisms ̀of clean growth and marketing of emissions.

Actually Greece even if he approved the Protocol of Kyoto, did not take measures that

concern the following sectors: -

1 the emissions of gases of greenhouse in Greece in 2005 had been increased at 25.4%

concerning the year of base something that meant that we had exceeded the

permissible limits that fixed the Protocol of Kyoto.

2 Objective for Greece of was 20.1% electricity it is produced from GNP. Up to 2005

this percentage they oscillated hardly in the 9-10% (included also hydroelectric power

stations). The Ministry of Growth had acceptable that we do not touch the objectives

of Protocol.

3 the emissions of CO2 for the production of electric energy in Greece were the villain

worldwide. Indicatively Greece emitted 0.777 Kgr CO2 / produced Kwh, while China

emitted 0.771 kilos per KW and Germany 0.499 kilos per KW

4 the total consumption of energy in the country to us increases at 2.7% each year thing

that renders Greece in the bad place in a European level.

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5 Each Greek produces almost 12.4 tons of gases of greenhouse each year that is to say

12% above the medium European.

And more,

1 We had the bigger dependence than oil between in 27 Europe, one and until 2004 the

energy dependence of Greece in oil they amounted in the 65%.

2 our buildings it is less efficiency one and until 2007 we had not incorporated

Directive 2002/1991 on the energy efficiency of buildings and were led to the

European Court.

3 the government exempted the lignite and the coal mine from each tax that was error

one and the 2 this mining is considered most pollutant worldwide.

4 Motives for saving of energy had not been given.

5 Motives for the import and use GNP in the domestic sector had not been applied.

6 Completing we possessed the 41st place worldwide from the total of 53 countries in

regard to the countries that did not take drastic measures has the confrontation of

Climatic Change according to the Protocol of Kyoto and the UNFCCC.

Consequently it is necessarily is found the political will in Greece in order to are observed the

objectives that place the European Union and the UNFCCC. In this point should the

government and the citizens be also sensitised with courage to stand in the height of

circumstances and with an ambitious program to take and to accept those metres that will

contribute in the reduction of emissions of pollutants.

It is explicit that these metres will not be supposed to be rendered starting line of social

agitations but to contribute in the reconstruction of Greek society for a viable growth.

Removing from our country the dirty habits we help in the fighting of illnesses that is caused

by thoughtless and without concern use of chemical substances, we fight the poverty and the

social exclusion, is limited the wastefulness in vital and natural resources known’s all we

recycle, we support bio-diversity and generally each one us it contributes so that become the

bases for the growth and the prosperity of these but also next generations.

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The new Protocol

Phenomenon of greenhouse is named the natural atmospheric process charm in which are

shaped the suitable conditions that render our planet hospitable for the life. For the precision,

the phenomenon of greenhouse and the atmospheric gases that him determine they maintain

the temperature of planet Ground in bearable levels for the survival and the growth of person,

as well as remainder live beings. In physiologic conditions, the medium temperature of

Ground oscillates roughly in their 15°C, while without the phenomenon of greenhouse she

would be at 30 and more degrees lower. The gases that determine the phenomenon of

greenhouse are named Greenhouse gases or simple gases of greenhouse. Most important than

these are the water vapours (gas HO), the dioxide of coal (CO2), methane (CH4), the ozone

(O3) that is found in the troposphere, (NO) and (CFC's). Globally it is roughly 20 and has

volume of smaller than 1% of total volume of atmosphere. This gases shape a layer which

allows the passage of solar radiation to the Ground, but at the same time enclaves the emitted

from the soil and the surface materials radiation. Known this process presents important

resemblance with the operation of greenhouse, to her was attributed also the name

phenomenon of greenhouse. The phenomenon is observed in all the planets that allocate

atmosphere (with impressive that of Venus), but for reasons of simplicity would be reported

exclusively in the case of Ground.

Each change in the stockings of gases of greenhouse disturbs the energy balance, causes

change of temperature and consequently climatic changes. The water vapours, even if they

absorb the 65% of infra red radiation, do not appear to be influenced immediately from the

human activity. On the contrary, the stockings of remainder gases have been altered

considerably with more important the change of dioxide of coal CO2, known’s it constitutes

gas that slips in atmosphere with the combustion of oil, coal and other mining fuels. The

human activities not only emit high concentrations CO2 in atmosphere, but harm also the

faculty of ground to absorb CO2 and him to incorporate in the natural circles of flow of

energy and matter, with the destruction of forests and his phytoplankton of oceans. The

plankton constitutes gentleman "absorption'" CO2 of planet, known's it is plant organisms that

use CO2 at the photosynthesis.

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The concentrations in dioxide of coal and methane have been increased from 1750 at 31% and

149% respectively, while they are found in the higher levels of last 650.000 years. It is

appreciated that the three fourth anthropogenic production of dioxide of coal, it is owed in use

of mining fuels, while the remainder part emanates from changes that take place in the soil,

mainly via the deforestation. The anthropogenic activities contribute with 450 millions tones

of methane each year, while methane is also produced by the animals.

According to scientific researches of IPCC, the temperature of Ground is probably increased

at 1.4 - 5.8 °C inside time period 1990 and 2100, because the elation of phenomenon.

Complicated mathematic models, known as GCM (General Circulation Models), which

process all the available information in order to be forecasted the future climatic changes,

show that the middle of temperature of Ground will be increased on average roughly 0,3°C

per decade for the next 100 years. If happens however an increase, that ostensibly is small, it

can lead to important climatic changes with unanticipated consequences.

An important subject is the effect that will have the increase of temperature in the level of sea.

Is expected rise of surface that it will be owed in the thermal dilation of oceans and in melt of

the ices of mountain ranges and in smaller percentage in melt of the ices of Greenland? At the

same time the distribution and the frequency of rainfalls will be altered. Will be increased the

floods, the storms and generally extreme meteorological will be more frequent and more

intense. It is expected are caused also hurricanes or even disappearance of biological types.

Even if the phenomenon of world heating is expected to increase the intensity and the

frequency of such changes, it is considered difficult is connected each individual make as her

direct result.

In order to we are however precise, with regard to the climatic changes that are expected in

future, prevails a important rate of uncertainty in level of scientific forecasts, while the subject

constitutes moreover a controversial political question, that is related with the need of taking

of political metres of confrontation of problem of world heating, on behalf of the


In the current season the phenomenon of greenhouse constitutes a misjudge significance,

known’s most him connect with the increase of medium temperature and the climatic change.

Actually, it is a beneficial natural process. Person in charge for the world heating is the human

activity, because of are increased the stockings of greenhouse gases and particularly the

dioxide of coal, strengthening at extension considerably the phenomenon of greenhouse. The


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The phenomenon of greenhouse from the person is named anthropogenic phenomenon of


The reject of phenomenon of greenhouse with restriction of increase of temperature under

their 2°C is considered the critical point that should not simply it is exceeded but in the

current chronicles it should it is applied effectively. All almost the states of world have

accepted that it should is decided a common agreement on the climate however the

achievement of this agreement remains not-satisfactory.

Afterwards the expiry of protocol of Kyoto in 2012 emerges always more imperative the need

in International level is achieved a new Protocol that him will replace but at the same time

will put new solid bases for good the environment, the humanity and economy of countries.

This treaty that we will propose will come it contributes in the protection of environment. The

new protocol will be supposed to commit all the countries in concrete objectives and metres

of reduction of joint emissions of pollutants for the confrontation of climatic change and the

phenomenon of greenhouse.

The new Protocol will be supposed to exist for certain from the following reasons: -

1. An increasing number of observations confirm a world heating as well as other

changes in the climate. The medium surface temperature has been increased roughly

at 0.6°C in the 20th century; the cover of ices has been decreased, while the medium

level of sea has been increased. Certain important climatic factors, as the frequency

tornado and hurricanes or downfall and the temperature of regions of her northern

hemisphere and, have not shown remarkable changes.

2. The emission of gases of greenhouse from anthropogenic activities alters atmosphere

of Ground, in such a way that are expected changes in the climate.

3. The reliability of climatic models and their forecasts has been increased.

4. Exist continuously more powerful clues that the world heating of last fifty years is

owed in anthropogenic activities.

5. the human intervention will continue altering the composition of atmosphere during

the 21st century.

6. The world medium temperature and level of sea are expected to increase it in the

future. This forecast is common for different versions that were examined in regard

to the future economic and social growth of countries.

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7. 4 billions persons live in conditions of exceptional poverty (with the 51% in Africa

under the Sahara) and one of sixth world population are not nourished sufficiently.

8. Continuous increase of use of mining sources of energy and always more ground

contribute in the continuous increase of emissions of gases that produces climatic


9. The consumption of energy also is increased continuously worldwide, par' all that 1.4

billions of world do not have electricity. The rapid increase of production of energy

from renewable sources does not accomplish still balanced the general increase in the

energy consumption.

10. The tropical forests continue be lost with fast rhythm moreover Brazil has decreased

at 75% roughly rhythm estimation in the forest of Amazon.

11. A quarter of world available ground is destroyed by not suitable agricultural

practices, lack of water and excessive pasturage.

12. In a lot of parts the excessive use of aquatic resources has exceeded the point of


13. Parallel the progress that has become in a lot of countries, the report in dangerous

chemical, as agricultural medicines, lead and mercury, is continued unverifiable.

14. 80% of world available quantities of fishes or has been fished or have been fished


15. Small islander countries of Pacific Ocean as well as other Indian and Atlantic Ocean

they can they are disappeared by the likely rise of temperature.

16. Result of phenomenon of greenhouse is the increase of natural destructions as

earthquakes, volcanic explosions, tsunami, heat wave, drought, floods, tropical but

devastating cyclones, other storms small or big breadth that is caused from all nature

possible winds and in their passage drifts entire pieces of ground or deforestation, or

rural extents, rivers that flood also in their passage destroy the life of millions of

persons sending in the obscurity and in destruction enterprise and entire societies of

persons in all the ground. A newer example of such extent of destruction is tsunami

that affected the Foykosjma of Japan and through this accident cost not only in human

lives but also in the economy of Japan knowns existed the fears of nuclear holocaust.

For example is the known cyclone that threatened the city of New York and the Grant

of values closed trying are protected the persons leaving enormous damage material

and human in the economy the U.S.A

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The environment and the persons are those that suffer more from the result of natural

destructions. Large part of population of affected regions immigrations in sure countries

creating intense demographic problems when we speak exterior immigration. It is sure that

the ground changes and changes fast because the inexhaustible effects and exploitations from

the human factor.

Comparing the last 2 decades in America the number of persons that was killed only by

natural destructions was 1980's, 86,328 persons/annually oppos ite afterwards the signature of

protocol of Kyoto in 75,252 persons/annually in the dues of decade 1990.

In national level of countries in February-March 2000 in Mozambique the persons that were

killed by the floods touched upon roughly so much 700,000 and other remained homeless

villages roof and water (source from UNDHA of 2001 United Nations). The same sources

report that the losses in level of countries from natural destructions at period 1989-1996 it is

calculated the 3-6% GNP of China with losses of places of work, shrinkage of workforce of

and hence GNP, with hurt in the growth.

Therefore with base all of this, more becomes always more imperative the need for the

application of agreement that will commit all the countries of Ground but also a common

effort in order to are placed joint objectives that will head together in order to is even ensured

common economic and technological help in the feeblest poor countries of Ground if they do

not have the means and the possibility if they want also they contribute. Be marked that these

poor countries do not have no attendance in the world emissions but also economic and

technical possibility of reacting, hence be moral obligation of the most developed also rich

countries that has the responsibility of bigger part of emissions of gases of greenhouse for

contributing so much economically what technically in the confrontation of repercussions of

Climatic Change in this states.

We comprehend that the achievement of agreement is not simple and easy affair but is

imperative duty but also obligation of all of us; in order to we deliver a Ground as him we

took also in our children. Because also these have the right in the life.

This agreement should be ratified as much as possible more fast in order to exists time to be

ratified from the local and national parliaments so that does not exist enormous void from the

expiry of protocol of Kyoto.

World scientific studies proved that in order to it is avoided the devastating change of climate

should are checked the emissions of pollutants that cause the greenhouse and then with

common decisions to decrease itself at 85-90% until 2050.

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Can simple economists they believe that the confrontation and resolution of such problem are

a enormous cost but however the elements that result daily from the universities and the

environmental organisations but also from us as simple citizens prove that not resolution of

this problem can involve shrinkage of GNP of countries until the 20% as reported indicatively

the Stern.

The individual objectives for the mitigation of emissions and the adaptation in the climatic

change, the height, the resources but also the means in necessary financing, the criteria of

comparison of efforts of reduction of emissions, the economic sectors where will be included

the ways of calculation and follow-up of applications, are only certain from the differences

between the states that afterwards the conference of Copenhagen have only been received and

remained is exceeded the political problem. We hope exist the essentially political will and

responsibility so that they are bent any differences and reserves remain so that becomes

possible in the next months the contracting of protocol with world, cohesive, ambitious and

binding agreement on the salvation of planet.

The important points of this Protocol that will be supposed it is ratified and signed by all

the developed but also developing countries of world are following: -

1- In no case it will not from now on be supposed is increased the temperature in the entire

planet above the 2% but also neither it grows ozone in the Arctic or stops the further

fusion of ices.

2- Are as soon as possible decreased in world level the emissions of pollutants from all the

countries above 80% until 2050 with simultaneous development of drawings for

economic growth for low emissions of dioxide of coal, they take measures for the

reduction of emissions that is caused by the deforestation and revalorisation of forests and

they consolidate a world cooperation for the promotion of re-shape and transformation

from technologies with low emotion of dioxide of coal and without negative

repercussions for the climate.

3- Concretely the developed countries will be supposed to decrease until 40% until 2020 the

emissions of pollutants of greenhouse and above 80% until 2050, while the developing

countries should deviate perceptibly and move it her orders the 30% until 2020.

4- Tax metres, subsidies in the sectors of management of waters, waste, air, climatic change,

biodiversity for the promotion of most viable production and consumption in world level

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5- Adoption in national level of selling rights of emission of dioxide of coal at the prospect

to become this and in world level in the future. We propose that is to say is generalised

what functions already in the European Union.

6- Suppression of subsidies environmental detrimental, as them in the production of coal

7- Incorporation in the world economic help for the growth, that amounts in roughly 100

billion dollars by years, the new ideas and models for green growth.

8- It is taken into consideration in the measurement of progress for economic growth by

traditional Crude Domestic Product (GDP) and other indicators that would measure better

social and environmental costs and utilities. Such indicators are the Indicator for the

human growth of UN or the Indicator of OECD for the measurement of social progress as

well as efforts that become for the measurement of ecological imprint of our societies

above in the ground (ecological footprint).

9- And no of course only his measurement of human ecological imprint but the undertaking

of action in world level for his reduction. The promotion of that is to say policies and

metres for the reduction of world consumption.

10- And no of course only his measurement of human ecological imprint but the undertaking

of action in world level for his reduction. The promotion of that is to say policies and

metres for the reduction of world consumption.

11- Beginning of negotiation process for an international convention of ecological

management of all produced dangerous substances in the planet, as chemical, particularly

dangerous inorganic substances, chemists that affect drastically dangerously above in the

endocrines human system, as well as the new materials that are produced by the new


12- It needs also we undertake investments in the education, technical training and the

research of young persons in the developing countries, creating thus the personnel that

might develop and handle the green growth in these countries.

13- Initiatives can also be agreed for the management of permanently decreased aquatic

resources of planet, particularly in the agriculture, continuing a delivery in such help that

began the European Union voluntarily from the Conference of Johannesburg in 2002.

14- Also it should is developed the faculty of payment for the reductions of domestic

emissions and purchase of credit molecules from reductions of emissions by the

developing countries.

15- Domestic and convenient action for the reduction of emissions of greenhouse

16- And no of course only his measurement of human ecological imprint but the

undertaking of action in world level for his reduction. The promotion of that is to say

policies and metres for the reduction of world consumption.

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17- Demographic tendencies and total emissions of gases of greenhouse

18- Is stressed the need is continued the collaboration for the improvement of research and

systematic follow-up and the aid of faculties in the corruptible developing countries as

well as for the growth and the transport of know-how as for the adaptation in any

countries him they ask.

19- Reduction of emissions by the deforestation and the revalorisation of forests

20- Promotion of maintenance of forests and increase of green generally

21- Sustainable management of forests and aid stored in the forests of quantities of dioxide

of coal.

22- Exploitation and systematic use of Ground

23- Change in the use of Ground and in other forestry activities.

24- All the countries will be supposed to commit themselves that they will work out

ambitious, reliable and national developmental strategies for low emissions of dioxide

of coal as well as drawing economic and green growth known until LCDS / LCGP

(Low Carbon Development Strategies/Growth Plans)

25- The role of LCDS of / LCGP of is vital importance because they provide the base for

the support of action with effective and efficient way from the developing countries

with financing support and technological training. Also it will be supposed they are in

place they provide information in the U.N when him it asks for the financing needs

and the technological support that they provide and who developing country him asked

and the part of objectives of protocol has materialised.

26- It should are ensured the transparency, the responsibility, the account and is

strengthened the public and private confidence for the achievement the world and

national objectives.

27- The governing lines that will be given by the LCDS should provide flexibility in the

developing countries inside the objectives of protocol.

28- Is stressed the need of creation of infrastructures in the developing countries that him

it will help in the development of reports from the LCDS / LCGP of national


29 - The market of dioxide of coal. The pricing of emissions of dioxide of coal via

systems with ̀maximum limits and rights of marketing and other mechanisms

that are based on the market of are fundamental importance for the investments in

technologies of low emotion of dioxide of coal

30- The governing lines that will be given by the LCDS should provide flexibility in the

developing countries inside the objectives of protocol.

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16- Is stressed the need of creation of infrastructures in the developing countries that him

it will help in the development of reports from the LCDS / LCGP of national


17- The market of dioxide of coal. The pricing of emissions of dioxide of coal via systems

with ̀maximum limits and rights of marketing and other mechanisms that are based

on the market of are fundamental importance for the investments in technologies of

low emotion of dioxide of coal and for the achievement of world objectives of

mitigation at way efficient from opinion of cost.

18- It reminds the maintenance of exchange powerful role for the mechanisms of clean

growth that are based on drawings, for the enlargement of markets of dioxide of coal

and for the maintenance of confidence of investors of market of dioxide of coal.

19- In the developed countries offices familiar to the LCDS / LCGP should maintain

ambitious minimum limits and objectives for concrete sectors, based on agreed

processes of international management, so that they participate in mechanisms of

benefit of credits and marketing of rights of emission per sector, they are financed and

they promote wide scale reduction of emissions, as well as they facilitate their

progressive attendance in internationally connected markets of dioxide of coal that are

based on systems of maximum limits and rights of marketing until 2020.

28- Essential stage in order to is applied the new Protocol is each country per sector it

creates those mechanisms of benefit of credits and marketing of rights of emission so

that is clarified the situation for the investors and is ensured the permanent stability of

market. Will is the collaboration of all countries.

28a- It considers that it will not be supposed they exist but CDM (Clean Development

Mechanisms) that they concern reductions of emissions of (HFC), of (PFC), and of

(SF6), while it should is observed existing work CDM.

29- The problem of climatic change is faced with right financing right management and


30- It should are developed the experiences, researches and beginnings of development co-

operation and the prosperity that they fix all the institutional bodies and channels

inside and except the UNFCCC.

31- More specifically it should in all the countries exists a coordinative body which will

include inter alia registration of action of developmental strategy of low emissions

(LCDS), drawing of economic growth with low anthracites emissions (LCGP), action

of mitigation (NAMA), so that are ensured the transparency and the support of efforts

of mitigation and is facilitated the corresponding financing of also needs as are

determined in the NAMA, LCDS and LCGP of developing countries.

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32- Creation of fund of investments for the climate managed from the World Bank, which

contributes in the financing of rapid departure.

33- Also is stressed the need of find out of additional resources from various financing

sources more specifically for the support of adaptation.

34- Aid of economic growth and exploitation of technology and reconstitution of existing


35- The support of European Committee to this direction.

36- They are raised whoever legally questions results from the national and local

parliaments for faster concretisation of objectives.

37- This protocol should incorporate also the protocol of Kyoto with all the basic


38- Need a powerful and effective arrangement of conformity, based on the

rapprochement of protocol of Kyoto.

39- Reduction at 20% until 2020 the consumption of medium programs of saving of

energy and improvement of energy efficiency.

40- the 20% of consumed energy up to 2020 comparatively with the levels of emissions

2005, need it is provided by renewable sources energies as Aeolian, solar, geothermic,

hydroelectric, and use of biomass.

41- The fuels of transports should include bio-fuel in percentage 10%.

42- The car industries should provide friendlier and clean to the environment vehicles with

the use solar, hybrid cars, electric cars and bio-diesel. Thus will be created also new

places work with the new mass use of new technologies. Known’s the new green

vehicles are the more efficiently with old less polluted cars as for their records in


43- Also in all the railway and air transports use bio-fuel.

44- Similarly and in the Means of mass transport use bio-fuel.

45- Common use of car between persons that have common destination in their da ily


46- Bicycles or two-wheeled where the halves will have passed and will be checked

systematically for emission of pollutants and noise from permitted garages KTEO.

47- Protection of agricultural

48- Extension and modernisation of network of trains can create and no involve loss in the

places of work.

49- Use in the shipping bio-fuel.

50- Sensitization of citizens they consume less electric energy as when they can re-

installed the common lamps with lamps of LED economising until 20% in the


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51- Closure of nuclear factories and turn of economies to friendly with environment GNP

or for the adversaries of nuclear energy the ideal solution are the nuclear fusion which

produces nuclear energy under the sure conditions while simultaneously it should are

found solutions for the split and management of nuclear waste so that they are

removed also in-depth time to be digested from the environment without they more

generally place in danger the human lives and the nature.

52- The oil and natural gas are not inexhaustible and it should we invest in intelligent

sources of energy as GNP in order to we support the economies and our societies.

53- Projection, disposal and packing that are recycled and life-split easily.

54- the constructional building sector is accountable for the 40% of consumption of energy

in the OJ Planning, manufacture of new buildings least efficiency that will be

supported in the building planning, Eurocodes, KENAK and will provide certificates

of energy output that is to say buildings with null emissions of pollutants.

55- Recycling of materials from the daily life until recycling of materials in the worksites,

building materials and in the heavy industry.

56- Co-production of heat and electricity

57- Biological cleaning of waste

58- Recycling of solid waste

59- Collection and burial in improved XYTA.

60- Aid and turn of agriculture in friendlier to the environment of methods of culture of

foods but also methods of irrigation.

61- Manufacture of work of infrastructure, irrigation and water feeder or improvement of

existing installations.

62- Generation’s interventions in the industry in the transformation, production, packing

and transport of products.

63- Reforestation of burned regions and maintenance of existing green areas in the cities.

64- Upgrade of natural environment but also protection of urban structured landscape with

the improvement of conditions of life.

65- Import of natural gas in the daily life and the subsidy of industry in the consumption of

current in order to it can contribute in the application of new Protocol.

66- Concrete strategic drawing for the fishery.

67- Upgrade the coastal and islander regions for further growth and production of wealth

that will stimulate and strengthens the local societies.

68- Reduction of marine pollution

69- Completion of National Cadastre in all countries it does not have was recorded the

national ground for her further exploitation via investment program that objective they

have they upgrade the quality of life and they bring more economic growth.

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70- Development of studies of environmental repercussions - in European Community

level, for excavation of mining and inactive of materials of layout.

71- Exploitation and use of all unexploited ground.

72- Manufacture of irrigator channels and right upgrade of countryside with flood-

preventing work without interventions of reduction of watercourse of rivers and


73- Support of culture life-food.

74- Sustainable tourist growth.

75- Promotion of green business dexterity.

76- Big Hydroelectric work.

77- Completed management of rivers.

78- Confrontation of pollution of water carrier horizon.

79- Programs of desalination in the islands or in any regions the water of is bad quality.

80- Sustainable management of forests and national Oak.

81- Management and maintenance of forestall ecosystems

82- Improvement, organisation and exploitation of forestall wealth so that is improved the

way of life of cities and is harmonised the person from the children's age with the


83- Management and exploitation of lakes with simultaneous support of ecosystem.

84- Exploitation of humid industrial waste in the frames of green growth.

85- The 80% of active population it has worked.

86- The 3% of GNP it goes to the research.

87- Suppression and closure of units of lignite and coal mining for the production of

electric energy.

88- Reduction of atmospheric pollution of air that we breathe.

89- Clause of conformity those who they do not correspond in the reductions of emissions

of gases of greenhouse without is influenced the consumer.

90- Sustainable growth in the manufactures of residences: with reduction of cost of

production of structural materials, guarantee of conditions of production of disposal

and manufacture friendly with the environment, energy planning and greener houses.

91- Viable growth round the rivers and the lakes and support of biodiversity of these.

92- Indicatively the Bank of Greece appreciates that if the climatic change develops with

the intensity that is expected thus until 2050 and 2100 without simultaneous reduction

of emissions of greenhouse the total damage for the Greek economy will exceed the

701 billions of Euros, while if they are applied metres of reduction of emissions until

2050 this will cost in the Greek economy only 113 billions of Euros. And the profit for

Greece is a lot of multiple.

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93- The protection of environment shields the public health and will be spent less from the

Ministry of Health in medical-pharmaceutical care.

94- Saving of water, guarantee of quality and re-use.

95- Saving of water in the farmers with the help of systems of electronic management and

distribution for the irrigation of cultures.

96- Also the report of Stern points out that with the rise of temperature the additional cost

of adaptation of infrastructures and buildings will amount in the 10% of total sum that

will be invested in the constructional sector in the countries of OECD. As long as it is

increased the temperature of planet so much vertically is increased also the

maintenance and maintenance of old buildings.

97- As long as it is increased the increase of temperature of planet so much within targets

and limits trade of foods with the speculators they acquire profits billion dollars

playing with the Stock Exchange prices of foods and threatening a lot of economies in


98- Reformation of urban regions

99- Protection of the ecosystem

100- Clean technologies

101- Innovative ways of benefit of services.

102- Growth of methods and models for the estimate and forecast of dangers

103- Estimate of repercussions in the health, environment, economy and society.

104- Mapping of corruptible regions with criterion the types of repercussions.

105- Satellite and land observation.

106- Preventing flood- work and protection of regions.

107- The culture bio-fuel and the use photovoltaic systems should become under terms of

environmental compatibility and dissuasion of repercussions in the production of


108- Growth of forestall species and forestry practical more corruptible in the changes of


109- Saving of energy, water and mining wealth in the heavy industry.

110- Dissertation and water shortage threaten the regions of Mediterranean with that this

involves in human economies but also ecosystems.

111- Reject of thoughtless use of pesticides.

112- Segregation of rain waters from the sewage network for the easy return of rainfall

water in the water carrier horizon.

113- Use in the public sector of natural gas or GNP so that is economised money from the

government owned budget.

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114- Withdrawal of vehicles public or private sector that belongs in the old pollutes

technology with new technology and with motives to the private individuals.

115- Improvement of the agricultural methods of the ground and support the bio-


For all these stages can be created a list of quantitative units and concrete periods of

engagement of concretisations.

The upgrade of life with simultaneous protection of planet constitutes the future in order to

healthy and more human environment that will guarantee in the future generations the growth,

the life and the ̀ey zin or well-being'.

Mentioning all these nodal points we hope that they will constitute the bases of new Protocol

that will replace the protocol of Kyoto.

All almost the states should admit that whoever frivolous interventions above in the planet

influence impermissible the economies. Imperative duty of all is to find itself that the possible

shorter and right solution for the salvation of all of us because the Ground is in the hands of

all of us and should him we save and we are saved.

The more important perhaps, however, conclusion, is that the protection of environment with

regard to the climatic change it is not only in the hand of governments of but also all of us, in

the hand of simple citizens, where with the prudent and economic use of energy, the

ecological control, the placement of suitable lamps and friendly to the environment of electric

appliances, we can contribute in the reduction of emissions of gases of greenhouse and help

our planet lived.

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Integration of new Protocol in the wider Environmental Policy of EU.

At the Conference of UNFCCC in Copenhagen in 2013 on the subject the Climatic Change

between the assisting countries of planet she was also the European Committee with her

representatives. Who agrees that it should is found a solution for the climatic change.

I consider that provided that the proposed protocol touches upon the UNFCCC for the

climatic change it should later it is also applied by the countries OJ. Therefore the European

Council it should it ratifies with his line one completed approach of energy policy that will

follow and will be voted by all the members states, which however policy will strengthen at

the same time the competitiveness and her transformation in particular efficient from energy

opinion economy with low emissions of coal.

Historical the OJ is pioneer in the viable reductions of emissions.

The collective all states-member decided in 2008 they decrease until 2020 their own

emissions of gases at 20% under the levels 1990, with cover their 20% energy in the sectors

of energy safety of OJ, strengthening at the same time her competitiveness and their

transformation in particular efficient from energy opinion, economy with low emission of


Thus the European committee should call heads of 27 countries to sign and to adopt the basic

parameters of new Protocol that concisely say the following: -

1 Reduction of emissions of pollutants until the 40% up to 2020 and above 80% until


2 the 40% of consumption of energy of OJ to emanate from GNP

3 Reduction at 20% in the use of primary energy compared to the forecasted levels via

the improvement of energy output.

More they can become known until objectives 40-40-20 and the European Committee can

propose binding legislation on the concretisation of this objective.

The European Committee should propose following: -

1 It is proposed it modifies Directive 2003/87/EC aiming at the improvement and

extension of system of marketing of rights of emission of gases of greenhouse of


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2 the EU it places a binding frame of energy policy that will be applied in the total and

will ensure the realisation of most important objectives.

3 Concretisation of purgation of drug-addiction of coal from the energy and the

transports will decrease the dependence of EU from the imports of oil and natural gas,

increasing her resistance in the changeable world level of prices.

For this reasons in the Summit that it will call the European Committee with subjects energy,

present the Ministers of Environment will be supposed the new Protocol to constitute

department of Energy Policy of EU and it is focused in the following sectors of economy: -

1 car industry

2 transports and railways

3 manufactures

4 air transportations

5 harbour

6 tourism

7 minerals

8 reductions of atmospheric pollution and noise

9 industries, reduction of F-gases

10- Forests and agriculture

11- Means of mass transport

12- And it will be supposed it invests in the research, the innovation, and the new

technologies and in the creation of new places of work that he has to so much big

need the European Community.

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Green Economy and Growth in Greece

The sustainable growth or green growth is reported in the economic growth that is drawn and

is materialised taking into consideration the protection of environment and the viability.

Aim of viability of it is biggest possible wealth goods from the environment, without however

is interrupted the natural production of these products in satisfactory quantity and in the


The viable growth presupposes growth:

1- The productive structures of economy at the same time with the creation of infrastructures

friendly to the environment

2- And in the ecological problems.

The viability implies that the natural resources suffer exploitation with rhythm smaller than

the one with which they are renewed with simultaneous devalorisation of environment.

In the long run when they are not received metres the result of environmental devalorisation

are the disability of the ecosystem to support the human life and is named ecological crisis.

Relevant terms with identical significance are the green growth and green economy.

The green growth respects the person and the environment together. For example for Greece

green growth is the protection of park of Zakynthos from arbitrary layout, simultaneously

protection of turtle and model of tourist destination ensuring high income in the residents.

This green growth that respects the environment and him faces as developmental reserve is

the alone feasible and viable solution for the environment. In our days because the crisis the

viable growth can give solutions in vital problems of Greek Economy and give exit in the

socio-economic crisis.

The green growth constitutes a new strategy for the exit from the crisis seeking reconstruction

of productive base of country is realised with simultaneous investments in the education,

research, technology, knowledge and innovation. The appointment of this new developmental

way reduces also new possibilities in other sectors of economy as tourism, transformation,

constructional sector, rural and sector of energy.

Priorities of this new developmental model constitute the climate, the energy, the reformation

in the productive sectors and the saving of natural resources.

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Today, however based the new conditions that are shaped in world level enough countries are

turned to the green action as the better means of reformation of economy.

If Greece ignores the protocol of Kyoto and her green engagements it will lose the occasion to

undertake a new course of environmental viable growth and the possibility of developing new

green innovations, services, industries and products.

Certain the green growth is not limited only in the reduction of emissions of pollutants. It

concerns radical sections in the governing, appointment of natural environment, horizontal

and new strategies for water, the agriculture, the fishery, the tourism, the creation of

innovative products and processes.

With the green growth Greece not only can decrease the emissions of pollutants, but improve

her environmental strategy, maximize the profits for the environment, the society and the

economy more generally.

With the green growth we can achieve the objectives of protocol on reduction of emissions of

pollutants-sto frame of Intergovernmental Committee of U.N for the Climatic Change.

In a country as Greece the saving of energy is feasible. Because our country is dowered with

the GNP. Consequently it should we return in a model that will be based on the GNP, on the

saving of energy and on the management of energy demand. The saving and equitable

management of energy constitute the most important, ecological most optimal domestic ' layer

of ' energy for our country. However in order to she is feasible and effective this energy

policy should is accompanied by parallel growth of know-how and technology and with

condition the increase of employment and added value in the economy.

Specifically for the sector of generation of electricity become efforts for the restriction of

demand, saving of energy and the promotion of GNP. Concretely the demand of electric

energy in Greece 2050 could be up to 73,000Gwh, covered from GNP at 58%, natural gas at

23% while the production of electric energy from lignite is limited in 16% hardly. Thus

concerning 1990 if we put the objective for year 2050 the reduction of emissions of pollutants

from the production of electric energy they will be decreased at 93%.

The big advantage from the application of GNP and the saving of energy concerns mainly in

the new places of work that is to be created. Thus the promotion of action of saving in the

buildings is expected to bring 215,000 new places of work. While the infiltration of GNP at

35% in the energy mix adds moreover 30,000 new places of work. Basic condition for the

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GNP will constitute the creation of domestic industry of production of equipment as wind

generators and photovoltaic frames.

Are required rational planning for the GNP and the saving of energy, transparency and respect

in the citizens and the environment, reliable controlling mechanism that will deter speculators

to gain money to weight of citizens known as they look at to exploit this step of Greek society

to the green growth.

The scientific report that was drawn up by the Economic University Athens and on behalf of

the WWF Greece shows the saving of energy with the infiltration of GNP.

Sources Production of Electrical Power in 2020

Installation force


Production of electrical power


Gas 5.600 22.410

Lignite 3.000 19.640

Diesel 700 2.920

Bio-mass 300 1.200

hydroelectric 3.500 5.250

geothermics 300 1.800

CSP 300 600

Aeolianly 7.300 13.140

photovoltaic 900 1.800

Total 12.800 68.800

Table 1. The analysis examined the profits and cost from the infiltration of GNP.

The same research of university shows the profits from the saving of energy in the

buildings and in the transports.

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1. Heat insulation of exterior walls 2. Heat insulation of roof

3. 3. Replacement of old central heating’s with new oil or natural


4.System of management of

energy in buildings (BMS)

5. Thermostats of compensation 6. Thermostats of spaces

7. Fans of roof 8. Lamps of high energy


Table 2. The metres of saving of energy in the buildings that were examined by the present study

1. Motives of replacement old,

intermediate and heavy vehicles

2. 2. Motives of replacement J.H. of vehicles and promotion of energy

efficient vehicles

3. Promotion economic,

ecological and sure control 4. Increase of share the MMM at 10%

Table 3. The metres of saving of energy in the transports that were examined by the present study












on of new





Estimate for

the total of


Aeolianly 7.300 6.143 9.030 1.971 11.001

Hydroelectric 3.500 330 450 1.449 1.899

photovoltaic 900 858 5.135 2.700 7.835

Biomass 300 260 104 423 527

Geothermic 300 300


CSP 300 300


Total 12.600 8.191


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Comparison with the Employment that would result from Mining Fuels

if it did not become use GNP

Coal 12.600 8.191 2.212 9.324 11.536

Gas 12.600 8.191 2.048 8.820 10.868

Table 4. Estimates for the employment in the GNP in 2020

Direct Posts from GNP 23.692

Indirect Posts from GNP 5.212

Secondary (Induced) Posts from GNP 474

Total 29.379

Table 5. Total employment in the GNP of included also indirect places of


According to table 5 it results that by the research that became from the British Association

and on behalf of Greece for each 1 million of Euros that is invested in the GNP is created 11-

13.5 places of work of complete employment. This places concern mainly installation and

transport of new efficient materials and appliances, places of administration, known’s

research and growth. The total cost of investment with the metres to saving in the buildings

amounts in 15,970,886.504 million of Euros that means that will be created 180.471-215.606

new places of work. This is very good news mainly on the constructional sector which the last

years has fallen in recession.

In other sectors where it can become reduction of emissions of pollutants they are the

buildings and the transports. And in these sectors from 1990 until 2050 for the men

buildings becomes the reduction of emissions of pollutants at 93% while for the transports

55%. It should however it is marked that also the 3 more sectors of economy are considered

as polluted and overload enough our societies and the environment.

The cost of concretisation of proposed interventions is appreciated in the 0.7% GNP of

country until 2050. And which is not prohibitory for our economy if counter plates no one

that the inaction and indifference us cost more.

In the report of WWF are pointed out the emissions of pollutants per sector of economy and

provided within the following table.

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Sector Emission


tonnes of


Year 1990



tonnes of


Year 2050


onto 2050



of the year


Example of metres

needed to be taken.

Industry 23 13 -41% - co-production of heat and electricity -use of biomass and solar energy for the cover of thermal elements

Transportation 16 7 -55% -reduction of road transports -biofuel for the use of the 10% of use up to 2050

Buildings 6 0.4 -93% -improved heat insulation and designing of buildings -buildings with null emissions of coal

Agriculture 17 12 -30% -improvement of energy output-efficient equipment -anaerobic tolerate of manure



43 3 -93% -measure energy output in buildings and industries -increased use of renewable sources of energy

Waste 5 1 -82% -reduction of countries of sanitary burial without management

-increased recycling

Total 109 36 -67%

Table 6. Emissions of pollutants per sector of economy.

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In the building sector are required investments 15 billions of Euros but the profits will

exceed the 17 billions of Euros. The improvement of attribution of transports would have

multiple profits. The increase of share of means of mass transport at 10% will give profit

1billions Euro, while the suitable promotion of ecological control is expected to cause profit 1

billion of Euros the moment where the cost for the state is least.

For her part the State participates more intensely through the allocation of cost of action same

for the saving of energy in the buildings and the transports, via benefit of motives and

subsidies. For this aim and for finding of capital, developed new were ways which were

included in the new developmental law and which does forecast?

1 Increase of contribution of NATIONAL ELECTRICAL COMPANY from 0.4% in the 4%

2 Increase of retributive end GNP from 3% in the 4%

3-reformationof tax system

4-and reception of resources from the green treasury (when will be established)

In the sector of management of natural resources priority is given in the protection of

natural environment and in the management of aquatic resources. The policies for the forests

concern in their safeguarding and in the growth. Is required forestry law' drawing for each

forestall cluster, completion of program of training of forestall maps and syntax forestry in the

country in order that all the regions of Greece even very geographically excluded constitute

pole of attraction not only for the local societies but also other regions. Thus we create a

growth compatible with the environment and stimulate our local societies.

The review of water policy the equitable application of National Program of protection and

management of waters, the confrontation of problems of water shortage, the drought or the

pollution of water carrier horizon from private individuals is elected as most important.

The saving of potable water and the application of programs for the rivers and the lakes

ejection (eviction) same in a period with limited rainfalls and intense drought.

They are required as long as never previously political and techniques of saving of water so

much in the rural what in industrial and tourist sector.

In a other sector of solid waste , the reduction of their production, the recycling and re-use

that can be recycled create a market and qualitative places of work in the research and the

growth of technology, in the benefit of advisory services, in the programs of recycling, in the

manufacture and the operation of units of treatment and installation and disposal of waste.

The upgrade of quality of life in the city through urban reformation and the creation of free

spaces of green aim they change the cities in sure, healthy and viable societies.

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The green growth touches upon as a new model all the sectors of our society. With been

careful steps the turn in the green growth it can improve the quality of life of person and

simultaneously have a viable developmental course.

Similarly big possibilities of saving of energy exist also in the sector of industry. There the

measures that have been taken have been few, perhaps because the enterprises do not say still

they realise that the saving of energy means saving of resources and money.

And in the saving of energy important role we were naturally called to play also us the

citizens. With small changes in our everyday routine and with action null or minimal cost we

can economise important sums of energy and a lot of economic profits for us. Thus relatively


1. Reduction at °Ç the thermostat of central heating and it does not exceed their 19°C -

20°C then you gain 100 Euros.

2. Reduction of use of air-conditioner at 2 hours the day you economise 30 Euros by


3. You do not leave electric appliances in stand-by if they are not used you economise

15 Euros by year's

4. If it is cooked in the big eye of cooker you use pot of speed because it is economised

80% energy and you gain 75 Euros by years.

5. You often make defrosting your refrigerator. Gain 10 Euros by each year’s.

6. If you buy new electric appliances you prefer those of that are energy age-group A.

You gain minimal 15 Euros by years.

7. You replace common electric lamps with fuses LED. Are economised energy and


8. You attend the rubbers of your car they have right pressure because it is economised

fuels up to 50 Euros if by years it is given 1000 Euros for petrol.

All show that the Greeks when they are sensitised have the will and courage to stand in the

height of circumstances and with a ambitious program for the reduction of emissions of

pollutants contribute all together in the reconstruction of Greek society through the viable

growth. Thus we will accomplish to clean the energy landscape of country from all the dirty

sources of energy that up to now we used and at the same time to protect the environment and

our society, with final recipient finally himself our economy known's are created also new

places of work.

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