Apostles’ Creed Lesson One

Apostles’ Creed Lesson One 1.. Read Mahew 3:13-17. What did John say to Jesus when Jesus came to be bapzed? Why do you think John felt that way? 2. What happened when Jesus was bapzed? 3. The word trinityor triunemeans three (tri-) in one (-une). In the story of Jesusbapsm, we have a clear picture of the Trinity, the three persons of one God. Name the three persons of God and what they did in the bapsm. 4. Read the First Arcle of the ApostlesCreed. It is found on page 15 of the Catechism. Then Read Quesons/ Answers #86-92 beginning on pg. 102* in your Catechism. Define the word Creed, and explain why we call it, The ApostlesCreed.Creed: ApostlesCreed: 5. Read Queson/Answer 93 in your Catechism. From the descripons listed, name one of your favorite aributes of God: Name a song that talks about this aribute: 6. Read Quesons/Answers 94-113 in your Catechism. Why do we refer to God as a Father, and as the Maker of Heaven and Earth? 7. Fill in the blank. God created all _____________ things, both plant and animal, by ______ ________ alone, from nothing. He created ___________ specially, from dust, then gave us _________ _________ ___________ as life. Name:_______________________ 1 *If you have an older publication of the catechism, refer to the back of your catechism under An Explanation of the Small Catechism in The ApostlesCreed beginning with question #86, What is a creed?

Transcript of Apostles’ Creed Lesson One

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Apostles’ Creed Lesson One

1.. Read Matthew 3:13-17. What did John say to Jesus when Jesus came to be baptized? Why do you think John felt that way? 2. What happened when Jesus was baptized? 3. The word “trinity” or “triune” means three (tri-) in one (-une). In the story of Jesus’ baptism, we have a clear picture of the Trinity, the three persons of one God. Name the three persons of God and what they did in the baptism. 4. Read the First Article of the Apostles’ Creed. It is found on page 15 of the Catechism. Then Read Questions/Answers #86-92 beginning on pg. 102* in your Catechism. Define the word Creed, and explain why we call it, “The Apostles’ Creed.”

Creed: Apostles’ Creed: 5. Read Question/Answer 93 in your Catechism. From the descriptions listed, name one of your favorite attributes of God:

Name a song that talks about this attribute:

6. Read Questions/Answers 94-113 in your Catechism. Why do we refer to God as a Father, and as the Maker of Heaven and Earth?

7. Fill in the blank. God created all _____________ things, both plant and animal, by ______ ________ alone, from nothing. He created ___________ specially, from dust, then gave us _________ _________ ___________ as life.



*If you have an older publication of the catechism, refer to the back of your catechism under An Explanation of the Small Catechism in The Apostles’ Creed beginning with question #86, “What is a creed?”

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Faith Journaling Google search “symbols for the Trinity” and examine several of them.

Which one is your favorite and why? Draw a sketch of it below.

Write one or two summary sentences here about what you learned today. Specifically think about God as creator, as well as the mystery of the trinity, and how those things affect your life.

Read the First Article of the Apostle’s Creed and Bible verse listed. In the space below, re-write them in your own words.

“I believe in God the Father, Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth.” For by Him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things were created by Him and for Him. – Colossians 1:16

The Bible teaches us that God created all things: invisible and visible. Give examples of visible and invisible things created by God.


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Apostles’ Creed Lesson Two

1. Complete the family activity for Lesson 2. What is something that helps us see that Jesus is God? 2. Read Mark 4:35-41. Which part of the story shows that Jesus was human? Which part shows He was divine?

3. How do you think the disciples felt during the storm? Describe a time you felt the same way. 4. Read the Second Article of the Apostles’ Creed and meaning, found on pages 16-17 of the catechism. Which person of the Trinity does the article focus on? 5. Read Questions/Answers 114-124 beginning on pg. 119* in your Catechism. The two natures of Jesus are divine and human, which means that Jesus was truly God and truly human. In your catechism, find two reasons each that we know Jesus is truly God and truly man: 6. Why was it necessary for Christ to be true God and true man? 7. Read Question/Answer 125 in your Catechism. Jesus Christ can mean “Jesus the Anointed One.” What three roles (or offices, as the Catechism calls them) was Jesus anointed to be? After each role, list a Bible verse that supports it. A) B) C)



*If you have an older publication of the catechism, refer to the back of your catechism under An Explanation of the Small Catechism in The Apostles’ Creed beginning with the section titled The Names Jesus and Christ..

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Faith Journaling Have your parent or an adult Christian in your life describe how they first learned about Jesus and how their understanding has changed over time.

Record these memories here:

After Jesus Christ’s Death and Burial, he was Resurrected! That is what we celebrate on Easter, Christ’s Resur-rection. The Catechism refers to this as Jesus Christ’s “State of Exaltation.” Read Questions/Answers 141-152 in your Catechism. Why is Christ’s resurrection important and comforting?

After his resurrection, Jesus ascended to Heaven to the right hand of God (which means that Jesus has been given authority over the whole universe) Why is it exciting for Christians that Jesus ascended to the right hand of God?

Jesus, a person of the triune God, humbled himself by becoming human. In your Catechism, read Questions/Answers 126-140. How and Why did Christ choose to “humble” himself? The Catechism also refers to this as Jesus Christ’s “State of Humiliation.” In your own words, write how Jesus has saved you, personally:


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Apostles’ Creed Lesson Three

1. Read Acts 2:36-47. What does Peter declare that Israel can be assured of? 2. What does Peter encourage the people to do in response to his message? What gift is promised to them? 3. Read the Third Article of the Apostles’ Creed. It is found on page 17 of the Catechism. Then read Questions/Answers 153-168 beginning on pg. 147* in your Catechism. The Holy Spirit is a person of the triune God, and does a special work of Sanctification. Define the “wide” and “narrow” sense of the word Sanctification: Wide: Narrow: 4. Why do you need the Holy Spirit to begin and sustain faith in Jesus? 5. It is God’s desire that all people would know him and believe in him. If the Holy Spirit is working to make that happen, then why isn’t everyone a Christian/receive salvation? 6. Read Questions/Answers 169-179. The holy Christian church is both invisible and visible. How is the church invisible? How is the church visible? 7. Why do we say, “I believe in the forgiveness of sins?” and why is the forgiveness of sins so important?



*If you have an older publication of the catechism, refer to the back of your catechism under An Explanation of the Small Catechism in The Apostles’ Creed beginning with question #153.

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Faith Journaling What has been the most confusing part of the Apostles’ Creed for you to

understand? Do you still have questions? Write them below:

Read Questions/Answers 190-192 in your Catechism. To whom does God give eternal life? In other words, who gets to go to heaven with God forever?

Read the Bible verse listed. In the space below, re-write it in your own words. You, however, are not controlled by the sinful nature but by the Spirit, if the Spirit of God lives in you. And if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he does not belong to Christ.– Romans 8:9 Get on Youtube, and look up the song “We Believe” by Hillsong. Record your favorite lyrics below:

Read Questions/Answers 187-189 in your Catechism. What is the “Resurrection of the body?” When will this happen?

What difference will there be between Christians and non-Christians in the resurrection?


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Apostles’ Creed Fun with the Family

Lesson Three Activity Materials needed: Freshly popped corn (or other strong smelling favorite snack)

Pop some popcorn to draw your child’s attention. Bring the hot popcorn into the room where you’re child is if they haven’t noticed yet. Let the air in the room fill with the aroma of popcorn. Listen to your child’s comments as they encounter the yummy smell. Parents say: What do you smell? They should know what you’re cooking How is the smell making you feel? Give your child the opportunity to answer. Would you like to taste some of what making the room smell so good? Again let your child respond to the question. What makes you think this popcorn is going to taste good? Let your child respond. They will more than likely say that the good smell makes them think the popcorn will also taste good. Parents say: Before we taste this popcorn, let’s talk about how the smell of the popcorn calls us to eat it. The smell draws our attention to the popcorn. The smell makes us want to eat the freshly popped popcorn. The sense of smell is powerful. It draws us to things that smell good and makes us want to run from things that smell bad. God has an even stronger way of drawing us to Himself. God sends the Holy Spirit working through the Gospel of Jesus Christ to draw us to Him. This part of the Apostles’ Creed teaches us about the Spirit’s work.

Lesson Two Activity Materials needed: An iron and a squirt bottle filled with water

Parents say: What’s an iron made of? (Iron!) Now turn on the iron and say: When I turn on this iron, what happens to the metal it’s made of? (It heats up.) Is it still metal? (Yes. The heat changes the iron, but it’s still metal.) How can we tell the iron isn’t just metal but also has heat? Your child may note the spray bottle, or you can bring it to their attention. Allow your child to spray some water on the iron. Say: If you just look at an iron, you can’t really tell if it’s just metal or if it’s heated metal. Parents say: There may be something present that you can’t see. These facts about an iron can help us under-stand Jesus. When people looked at Jesus, what do you think they saw? (A man.) Could they tell whether Jesus was also God just by looking at Him? (No. But Jesus’ actions, His miracles, showed that He was different from an ordinary man.) This part of the Apostles’ Creed teaches us that Jesus was more than an ordinary man. He was God and man in one person.