Apologetics Session 4: Questions of Morality. “Apologetics”???? “…but in your hearts...

Apologetics Session 4: Questions of Morality

Transcript of Apologetics Session 4: Questions of Morality. “Apologetics”???? “…but in your hearts...


Session 4:

Questions of Morality

“Apologetics”???? “…but in your hearts sanctify Christ as

Lord. Always be ready to make your defence to anyone who demands from you an accounting for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and reverence…” 1 Peter 3:15-16a NRSV

defence/answer/case = apologia


Conflict with science Religious wars

Terrorism “There’s so many religions – which is

right?” “It’s all about power” “It’s all about money” Problem of Suffering

What keeps people from believing?


From last time…DenominationsThe supernatural








C.S. Lewis:

“There are two equal and opposite errors into which our race can fall about the devils. One is to disbelieve in their existence. The other is to believe, and to feel an excessive and unhealthy interest in them.”


Christian unity vs. doctrine

Does doctrine – what we believe -have to be sacrificed for the sake of unity?

Why has this not been the case?Is there ever an excuse for

starting a new church?


What interests us?

How many angels can dance on the head of a pin?

How many aliens can live on the planets of our galaxy?

Which is more important?


In the news this week:Stephen Hawking and Yuri Milner take out

ad in FT to promote alien quest


God outside of Time


Sees the whole spacetime block universe Past, Present, Future are the same thing Can change the universe in answer to prayer

at the time of its creation


Some different approaches:1. Preterism

1. it has no meaning beyond the time in which it was written

2. Futurist1. it’s all about the end-times

3. Historicist1. It’s about the whole of history

4. Idealist/Poetic1. Expresses key theology not details


Some different approaches:

1. Pre-millenialism1. 1st coming2. church age3. 2nd coming4. 1000 years (the millennium)5. eternity

Popular when things are getting worse


Some different approaches:

1. Post-millenialism1. 1st coming2. church age3. 1000 years (the millennium)4. 2nd coming5. eternity

Popular when things are getting better


Some different approaches:

1. A-millenialism1. 1st coming2. church age=1000 years (the

millennium)3. 2nd coming4. eternity

Popular at various times!


video Biola University promo

(American apologetics college) Ravi Zacharias (of RZM)


1. Are society’s moral values in decline? What evidence would you give for this?

2. Has the perpetrator become innocent and the victim guilty?

3. Are we ruled too much by “our hearts”? If so, then what about asking God to write all His laws in our hearts?


4. Do you agree with this statement from the video?“Ours is an age where ethics has become obsolete. It is superseded by science, deleted by psychology, dismissed as emotive by philosophy, it is drowned in compassion, evaporates into aesthetics, and retreats before relativism.”


5. What is the basis for your morality? How would you defend that against someone who says “that’s OK for you, but not for me”.6. Is there really an absolute right and wrong or does it always depend on other factors? 7. People can have great knowledge without knowing God: but can they have great wisdom?


8. Anything else?
