Apologetics Chapter 7 Apologetics Be ready to give an answer I. Truth Absolute Truth

Apologetics Chapter 7 Apologetics Be ready to give an answer I. Truth Absolute Truth The Rock- God’s Word Truth that is true for everyone all the time. II. Relative Truth The Sand- Make your own truth Truth changes with feelings, environment and culture. Why Evolution does not work III. Biology Peptide bonds IV. Geology Flood caused layers and fossils V. Astronomy The moon is moving away 4cm a year Response to Richard Dawkins


Apologetics Chapter 7 Apologetics Be ready to give an answer I. Truth Absolute Truth The Rock- God’s Word Truth that is true for everyone all the time. II. Relative Truth The Sand- Make your own truth Truth changes with feelings, environment and culture. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Apologetics Chapter 7 Apologetics Be ready to give an answer I. Truth Absolute Truth

Apologetics Chapter 7

Apologetics Be ready to give an answer

I. Truth Absolute Truth The Rock- God’s Word Truth that is true for everyone all the time.

II. Relative Truth The Sand- Make your own truth Truth changes with feelings, environment and culture.

Why Evolution does not workIII. Biology Peptide bonds

IV. Geology Flood caused layers and fossils

V. Astronomy The moon is moving away 4cm a year

Response to Richard Dawkins

What is Truth?Truth is telling it like it is. The statement that matchesit’s object, reference or reality.

Does Truth ChangeWhat is Truth? Absolute Truth: Relative Truth: How do you determine what is truth?

“The Bible is an outdated book that’s just full of a bunch of stories.” “It doesn’t really apply to me. It has no authority over my life.”

Where do we get the info we believe?

3 Books claim to be the word of God: I Peter 1:25-

Word of the Lord endures forever

Bible, Book of Mormon, Quran

Truth that is always subject to change. It is subject to the perspective of people

Evolution vs. CreationIf the Bible is source of Truth, how does it compare to the world’s beliefs?

Origin of Life

Days of Creation

24 hour Days-

Evidence of 24 Day

Theistic Evolution-

Chance + Time

God created each kind

The Biblical Days of creation were lateral 24 hour days

-Hebrew word used is yom. It is used 359 times and always means 24 hour days.-Context of day- morning and evening

God used evolution to bring about the universe.Gap theory - each day is a billion years.

Can the evolution timeline and the Bible be right?

What is most logical?

Evolution Video


Archaeology Backs up the Bible THE DEAD SEA SCROLLS

The initial discovery was by chance in 1947, and not by archaeologists! Bedouin shepherds found seven scrolls or parts of scrolls and fragments, along with store jars and broken pottery jars in a cave overlooking the northwest end of the Dead Sea. When a dealer acting on behalf of the shepherds sold the scrolls, they came to the attention of scholars in J erusalem and then the scholarly world. Subsequent investigations in the area of the cave of discovery ultimately led to the recovery of documents in a total of eleven caves and the excavation of a modest ruin nearby known as Khirbet (the ruin of) Qumran. All of this was occurring as the modern State of Israel was coming into existence, with all the political upheaval involved in that development. [2] As this century ends and a new one begins, efforts for a peaceful political settlement in the region

continue and give signs of reaching fruition. In the meantime, scholars continue to study the multitude of fragments recovered and to attempt to assess their significance. Among the more than eight hundred documents represented by whole scrolls, incomplete scrolls, and a myriad of fragments which have been recovered are complete copies or portions of all the books in the Hebrew Bible (our OT), except for the Book of Esther. These texts are older by at least a thousand years than any previous biblical texts written in Hebrew that we had prior to the discovery. They provide a window into the textual history of the OT prior to the closure of the canon. [3] Besides copies of scriptural texts, from the caves in the Qumran area came sectarian documents that open a panorama on the obscure J ewish group apparently related to the production and deposition of the manuscripts. [4] This group was likely the Essenes, previously known from references to them in the writings of Flavius J osephus, Philo J udaeus, and Pliny the Elder. All the texts discovered, taken together, open a critical window into events in Palestine in the decades prior to and following the birth of Christ (although no NT texts were found among the scrolls) up to the time of the First J ewish Revolt against the Romans. The historical period of the Dead Sea Scrolls illuminates the environment in which Christianity developed in Palestine, the transformation of J udaism into Rabbinic J udaism in the aftermath of the First Revolt of the J ews against the Romans with the destruction of J erusalem and its temple, and the context in which the canonization of Holy Scripture was progressing.

Examples of extra-Biblical confirmation of Biblical events

The discovery of the Ebla archive in northern Syria in the 1970s has shown the Biblical writings concerning the Patriarchs to be viable. Documents written on clay tablets from around 2300 B.C. demonstrate that personal and place names in the Patriarchal accounts

Cave 4 at Qumran and One of the Dead Sea Scroll J ars on Display at the

Amman Archaeological Museum in J ordan.

Dead Sea Scrolls ReadingHighlight:Year foundWhere found (caves where)Who found themWhat people wrote them Why does it back up Bible

Extra-Biblical ArcheologyHighlight 7 Examples

What was foundWho it goes withWhere in the Bible

Micah 5:2 Luke 2:4-7

Zechariah 12:10 John 19:34

Isaiah 53:9 Matt 27:57-60

Matt 24:2 Josephus -A.D. 70 the Romans under Titus

John 21:18-19 Jerome- requested upside down crucified

Prophecy First Written Fulfillment

Scientific AccuracyHebrews 11:3-

Psalms 135:7-

Isaiah 40:22-

Job 38:13-14-

Job 26:7-

Jeremiah 33:22-

Judges 5:20-

Lev 17:11-

Psalms 103:14-

Stars cannot be numbered

Universe created out of nothing

Water Cycle

Blood sustains life

Earth is suspended in space

Earth and people are the same chemical composition

Earth rotates on its axis

Stars travel in a certain path

Earth is a sphere

Interbiblical Evidence that the Bible is Reliable

Fulfilled Prophecies

Jesus Born in Bethlehem

Jesus pierced

Tomb give to Jesus

Temple would be destroyed

Peter crucified

Does Science Prove Creation?BiologyAmino Acids, life’s Building Blocks

Problem with the Evolutionary Model

Did the early earth have oxygen? __________

Evolutionary Model

-electrical currents drive chemical reactions-molecules form aminoacids

-aminos bond to formPeptide bonds

-Peptide bonds aredestroyed in the presence of oxygen

-But oxygen isNeeded to sustainlife

-For evolution to occur,earth’s first atmosphere would have no oxygen.

What is the problemwith having no oxygen?

Oldest rocks Contain evidence of being formedIn oxygen

The ozone is made of oxygenand without it ultraviolet rays would destroybiological molecules

What would you find if there was a worldwide flood?Billions of dead things buried in rock layers laid down by water all over the earth.

Geological LayersEvolutionary explanation Creationist explanation

Over 1,000s of years each layer was laid and contain fossils from that time.

During the flood the layers were laid quickly, burying livingthings.

Flood 1Flood 2

Evidence of a World Wide Flood When the Bible refers to a worldwide Flood in Genesis 7–8, that’s exactly what it means. Not local, not metaphorical, not some crazy dream—the waters covered the whole earth. Don’t just take our word for it, though. Take a look at the evidence right beneath your feet.

Noah’s Ark

Average Horse Stall- 12x12

4 stalls a box car

2,000 Horse Stalls

Bellwork: -Write prayer request in Prayer Journal-Do Matt word search

This Week:Thursday- Christmas ShopFriday- Memory verse quiz

Romans 12:1-2“I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the

mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. 2 Do not be

conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and

acceptable and perfect.

Matthew 28:19-20Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of

the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And

behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”’

Absolute truth

Opinion Objective

Favorite of ice cream Vanilla ice cream hasvanilla bean

Favorite color The sweatshirt is Navy blue

Mr. McClure can run 5 miles in 35 minutes

Mrs. Courtney’s favorite show is Duck Dynasty

It is wrong to steal

Hitler was wrong to kill the Jews

There is only one God.

Are morals Opinions or Objective?

True for all persons at all times in all places

Abortion is wrong

Moral Truth 

Relative Moral Truth Source- 

Absolute Moral TruthSource- Why?   Moral Absolutes are all around you Event- Moral Absolute that was offended- Response-   Event- Moral Absolute that was offended- Response-      

determine what is right and wrong

What is right and wrong can change

Right and wrong is True for all persons at all times in all places

Individuals culture

God/ Intelligent Designer

It’s His world/ He is omniscient

Civil Rights Movement 1950s-1960s

All races/people are equalCol 3:11, Act 10:34-35

Adolf Hitler/ Perfect Aryan race/ Holocaust

Gen 1:27, Rom 2:11

World War II

Protests, leaders speak out,

All races/people are equal, Murder

Review the EvidenceBiologyHow is protein built?How does oxygen effect this process?How do we know there was oxygen in the early atmosphere?

AstronomyHow fast is the moon moving away?Why does that prove the solar system is not 5 billion years old?How do we know the moon wasn’t really close?

GeologyExplain how the Genesis flood formed layer and fossils.