Apollo Case Study Strategy

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  • 8/3/2019 Apollo Case Study Strategy


    2009 RedSeer Consulting Confidential and Proprietary Information. www.redseerconsulting.com.

    2009 RedSeer Consulting Confidential `and Proprietary Information. www.redseerconsulting.com [email protected] RedSeer Consulting Confidential `and Proprietary Information. www.redseerconsulting.com [email protected]

    RedSeer: Thoughts May 2009

  • 8/3/2019 Apollo Case Study Strategy



    Apollo - Background (evolution since inception)

    Analysis of Apollos internationalization strategy

    2009 RedSeer Consulting Confidential and Proprietary Information. www.redseerconsulting.com. 2

  • 8/3/2019 Apollo Case Study Strategy


    Apollo Hospitals, started as the first corporate hospital ofIndia, has grown remarkably

    First super-specialty

    Hospital in India

    Early 1980s

    First super-specialty

    Hospital in India

    Early 1980s


    and Growth

    Late 1980s;


    and Growth

    Late 1980s;


    Wide Scale



    Wide Scale



    3Focus on

    middle and

    lower strata

    Focus on

    middle and

    lower strata



    and local



    and local


    1983 Dr. PrathapReddy establishedthe first ever

    1986 At thepersonal urging ofDr. Prathap Reddy,

    Apart from individualpatient and doctorreferrals, which

    1990s onwards Till early1990s, theservices of Apollowere restricted to the

    Apollo has alreadyexpanded to morethan 45 Hospitals

    corpora e osp a oIndia Faced skepticism

    in his campaignthat super-

    e en r meMinister of India,Rajiv Gandhi,liberalized theHospital Sector

    serve as pr marymarketing tools inthe 1980s, Apolloexercised variousprint, audio and

    e e s ra a o soc e y

    Apollo facedcriticism that itsservices were not for

    an more anApollo Clinics inIndia and abroad

    Has centers of

    was viable in India Was able to

    attract doctorsfrom the west

    Apollo's businessbegan to grow inthe 1990s, with thederegulation of theIndian economy,


    The successfulcoronary bypassoperation of the Vice

    Apollo reacted byexpanding itsservices to the poorclass

    Lanka,Bangladesh,Ghana, Nepal,Nigeria, Dubai,Qatar, Kuwait, etc.

    Made an IPO andraised $4.6 million in1983

    which drasticallycut thebureaucraticbarriers toexpansion and

    President of India in1993 gave a majorboost to the Apollobrand and visibility

    Has set aside freebeds for the poor Has set up a trust

    fund Is pioneering

    Further initiativesinclude SouthAfrica, Tanzania,Mauritius, Yemen,

    2009 RedSeer Consulting Confidential and Proprietary Information. www.redseerconsulting.com.

    ma e eas er oimport modernmedical equipment

    remo e, sa e e-linkedtelemedicineacross India

    man, a ra n,Vietnam andThailand, amongothers


  • 8/3/2019 Apollo Case Study Strategy


    ..and has become the single largest private hospital groupin Asia



    Chennai1 Hyderabad1



    million patients in Indiaitself, from over 55countries


    Others (4)1

    Others (250)2

    Overseas The Apollo Hospitals Group is recognized as the "Architect of

    Leadership, Quality and Network

    r an a Bangladesh2

    The UAE2



    Healthcare" in India It is the largest corporate entity in healthcare in Asia and the third largest

    in the world It has won multiple accolades both inside and out of India. The Apollo

    Hos ital in Chennai was the first Indian hos ital to be awarded IS0 9002

    Nigeria2 UK2

    Saudi Arabia2

    and ISO 14001 Certifications and has been named Best Private SectorHospital in India by The Week magazine

    Apollo manages over 6400 beds in different centers and is currentlyinvolved in either the management or ownership of 45 hospitals in Indiaand abroad

    2009 RedSeer Consulting Confidential and Proprietary Information. www.redseerconsulting.com.

    (1) Apollo Hospitals(2) Apollo Clinics

    Source: Literature Search, Company website4

  • 8/3/2019 Apollo Case Study Strategy


    Apollo Hospitals Group The Group has an integrated

    business model Across the Healthcare S ectrum

    Third Party

    Health and

    Lifestyle Clinics




    EducationStrategy &

    Im lementationTertiary



    Clinical Trials


    HOSP info


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  • 8/3/2019 Apollo Case Study Strategy


    Apollo Hospitals Group Companies, besides Hospital

    Apollo Health StreetIncorporated

    Offers Business Process Outsourcing and IT solutions and servicesto global clientele

    Established in 1999

    Largest retail pharmacy chain in India and has round-the-clock-

    Apollo Pharmacies,

    medicines and other health and body-care related products Moving towards offering e-prescription based services

    MedVarsity OnlineLimited (MOL)

    Acts as a catalyst for students and is complementary to the existingeducation system - over 1500 hours of medical content that isaccessible to the medical community

    Established in 2000

    Apollo Telemedicine Allows the participant sites to collaborate with institutions in Indiaand abroad and rovides their clientele access to healthcare in

    2009 RedSeer Consulting Confidential and Proprietary Information. www.redseerconsulting.com.

    nterpr ses m te(ATEL)

    areas not adequately served by the medical community Established in 1999


  • 8/3/2019 Apollo Case Study Strategy


    Apollo Hospitals Group Companies, besides Hospital

    Family Health PlanLimited (FHP)

    Its the largest Third Party Administrator (TPA) in Asia - affiliated to1700 major Corporates and manages 4.7 million lives

    Initiated managed care to control rising medical costs, and to

    Online Hospital An electronic equipment exchange for medical devices and high-

    Equipment ServicesPrivate Limited

    It provides expert advice and services on technology, techno-commercial issues

    Apollo Health &Lifestyle Ltd (AHLL)

    Delivers family-focused primary healthcare services throughbranded Apollo clinics across India and its neighboring countries.

    Keimed.com Used information Technology to create an e-marketplace that

    would service Apollo and others through an end-to-end, logistic

    2009 RedSeer Consulting Confidential and Proprietary Information. www.redseerconsulting.com.

    Limited solutions partnerships for effective inventory management andcontrol


  • 8/3/2019 Apollo Case Study Strategy



    Apollo - Background (evolution since inception)

    Analysis of Apollos internationalization strategy

    2009 RedSeer Consulting Confidential and Proprietary Information. www.redseerconsulting.com. 8

  • 8/3/2019 Apollo Case Study Strategy


    Drivers for International Expansion

    Huge opportunity

    Large unmet need

    medical care

    Large unmet need for high quality medical care High unmet demand, specially amongst people who could not afford to travel

    abroad for treatment

    Major procedures like open-heart surgery were unavailable The medical treatment in many Asian and Gulf countries was conducted sloppily,

    using low quality equipment


    2009 RedSeer Consulting Confidential and Proprietary Information. www.redseerconsulting.com.

    ,they could generate higher ROI


  • 8/3/2019 Apollo Case Study Strategy


    Apollos used the OLI Paradigm effectively for Internationalexpansion

    OwnershipAdvanta es

    Ownership: While the hospital group has maintained its ownershipit has found that in order to remain competitive and achievescalability it needs to relinquish some of power and has adopted thefranchising model in order to expand



    ,network. The chain has spun of subsidiaries under its main brandwhich include Apollo Clinics, Apollo Pharmacy etc. Apollo iscontinually characterized by change and innovation. Strategicinorganic and inorganic expansion in order to rapidly ramp up andhelp keep the company abreast with the dynamic businessenvironment

    Location: A ollo has firml reaffirmed in its strate the belief that


    more is sure. The chain apart from setting up multiple hospitalsand clinics in each city have now set it footprints in tier 1,2 citiesalike. It has aimed to become a global brand by setting up centersin Dubai and other Asian countries and is continually looking to

    2009 RedSeer Consulting Confidential and Proprietary Information. www.redseerconsulting.com.



  • 8/3/2019 Apollo Case Study Strategy


    Apollos branding and demand generation initiativesfocused on individuals, referring doctors and corporations

    Awareness of high quality medical care and stress illness prevention Targeted mailings to promote Apollo clinics for various therapies such as

    diabetes, asthma, back pain, cancer and cardiology Introductor discounts to attract first time users

    General publicand

    Developing an internal system to respond to all consumer queries promptly

    Regular advertising in a variety of media to target urban consumers Screening programs for illness such as cancer and tuberculosis in rural areas

    n v ua s

    Local Doctors

    Individual visits by Apollo sales force, to local doctors to build relationships Frequent mailing by Apollo to the doctors, to keep them informed about the

    hospital's services and procedures

    Track number of referrals made by individual doctors in a computerizeddatabase Inform and update referring doctors about the progress made with the

    patients Encourage Apollo doctors to participate in national Medical Association

    meetings to increase the Hospitals familiarity to doctors across the nation


    Corporate and government employers Less price sensitive than those whopaid out of pocket

    Target key decision makers such as top executives, human resourcemanagers, trade union leaders and company medical advisors

    2009 RedSeer Consulting Confidential and Proprietary Information. www.redseerconsulting.com.

    Conduct programs at the companies to increase awareness and teach skillssuch as first aid


  • 8/3/2019 Apollo Case Study Strategy


    Apollo has taken various key Initiatives to increaseinternational presence and operational efficiency

    Apollo built the first HMO (Health Maintenance Organization) in 1995, on the lines of HMOs in theIncreased


    . .The HMO combines two methods of expansion building wholly owned facilities and licensing

    Increased emphasis on Managed Hospitals in order to reduce risk, cost and to increasegeographical reach

    Licensing will help spread Apollos influence and recognition more quickly than building whollyowned facilities

    emphasis on


    Improvement in

    efficiency andcost reduction

    Improvement in efficiency through better asset utilization of all existing facilities Cost Reduction through simplification of processes in the areas of materials, manpower and



    Aggressive marketing to access overseas markets measures such as publicizing successfulsurgeries, awards, accreditations, alliances/ partnerships and accolades

    Has established an AIC (Apollo Information Centre) network, establishing government-private' '



    private patients through health insurance HMOs and TPAs and through local doctor referrals

    There is increasing focus on providing wholesome health solutions, integrating to the Indianmethods of wellness.

    2009 RedSeer Consulting Confidential and Proprietary Information. www.redseerconsulting.com.Source: Literature Search


  • 8/3/2019 Apollo Case Study Strategy


    Apollo Hospitals has also taken other steps to expand itsreach and penetration globally

    InternationalAffiliation and

    The only international training organization for the American Heart Association Technicalsupport from Texas Heart Institute and Minneapolis Heart Institute for Cardiology andCardio - Thoracic surgery

    Accreditation Exchange programs with hospitals in the U.S. and Europe Association with the Mayo Clinic and the Cleveland Heart Institute, USA Associate of the Johns Hopkins University, USA

    Apollo Hospitals has entered into various alliances to broad base its value proposition

    nternat onaResearchAlliances

    em e esearc an erapy July 2005 - Tied up with Histostem, part of the Delaware Corporation, for the development of

    a sustaining and mutually-beneficial relationship in Cord Blood Stem Cell Research andTherapy in India

    Medical and Business Collaborations - - - ,

    technology, partnerships with clinical departments especially in Oncology, Neurosciencesand Cardiology, nurse education, telemedicine, clinical research and medical education

    The local partnership approach has worked very well for Apollo


    Local Partner Local partner usually deals with many local issues, besides providing capital, such as

    provision of land and dealing with local authorities, doctors and other interest parties Help in creating a sound clientele base

    Apollo Partial capital investment, and management

    2009 RedSeer Consulting Confidential and Proprietary Information. www.redseerconsulting.com.Source: Literature Search

    Example - Apollo Hospitals Group in a joint venture with its Bangladeshi partner STSHoldings, Dhaka


  • 8/3/2019 Apollo Case Study Strategy


    Apollos success can be attributed to its organizationaround Five Stars to give patients advanced medical care

    Hired top quality medical personnel top caliber, renowned doctors andsur eons were a ke to A ollos re utation and serviceMedical Personnel

    The presence of top specialists garnered referrals from throughout the

    world. Apollo took every opportunity to publicize the accomplishments of itsdoctors

    part of Apollos service and appeal to patients and consultant doctors

    Equipments have always been expensive but Apollo never compromised

    Motivation Employees have been the middle star for Apollo, signifying theirmp oyees central role in the success of the Hospital. Every individual is valued

    Culture Strong sense of community Compensation 10-20% higher than the industry average


    need Every employee has to go through an induction training which emphasizes on

    grooming, etiquette and hygiene and stressed Never forget to thank apatient

    Focus on a number of ways to serve patients better than the competition

    2009 RedSeer Consulting Confidential and Proprietary Information. www.redseerconsulting.com.Source: Literature Search, Harvard Business Review

    Patient health has always been the most important indicator of success andhence the hospital has always been focused on providing the best medicaloutcomes


  • 8/3/2019 Apollo Case Study Strategy


    Apollo is looking to expand aggressively in otherinternational markets


    Mauritius West Asia

    TheCaribbean AfricaInternational

    islandsxpans on

    Mongolia Kazakhstan

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