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Transcript of API-42-079

  • 7/21/2019 API-42-079





    method is proposed for the determination of baek-

    pressure tests on gas-condensate wells. It is a modifica-

    tion of the regular back-pressure test conducted on low-

    pressure dry gas wells, as outlined.in Bureau o f Mines



    A modification is required due to the

    presence of liquid in the well stream and the error in


    The back-pressure tes t on ga s wells is a result of t he

    gas industry's search during the past decade for a re-

    liable standardized method of determining the ability

    of gas wells to produce gas.

    Many people have con-

    tributed t o its development, an d a comprehensive report

    on the subject by Rawlins and Schellhardtl was made


    1936 with the publication of B z t r e w ~ of

    Mine s Mo logrnpk :

    Back-Pressure Data on Natural-

    Gas Wells and their Application to Production Prac-

    tices, which ha s become th e st an da rd guide and refer-

    ence source on the subject.

    The method is basically sound in theory, and has

    been proved practical in actua l use. However, all th e

    original development of the method was done on wells

    which were of relatively low pres sure and liquid hydro-

    carbon content. With the advent of th e deep high-

    pressure gas-c6ndensate wells, the method, without

    modification, could not be applied with any great re-

    liability. A modified method, identi cal in gen era l prin-

    ciple, is proposed. Thi s method is discussed herein.

    The principle of the back-pressure test is that the

    gen eral steady-st'ate equati on of flow of a ny g as well,

    is of the form:

    Q =

    C ( P f 2 e 2 ) 1 )

    W h e r e :

    Q = ra te of flow at a sand-face pressu re of P s

    P. =

    sand-face pressure a t ra te of flow,


    Pi = reservoir pressure.

    C =

    a consta nt fo r any given well.

    n a consta nt fo r an y given well.

    The modified method assumes equation ( 1 ) to ap-

    ply. The presence of liquid sat ura tio n

    in the reservoir

    ha s been shown by Rawlins an d Schellhardt,' Lev ere tt

    a nd ~ e w i s , ? nd others to change the effective permea-

    bility; but, a s the change in amount of liquid satura-

    tion with reduced flowing pressures is approximately

    State of Louis iana Del ~ar tn~ entf Conservation Division

    of Aline rals B at on Rouge. La remcbved. Apr. 1942, to Cruf t

    Laboratory Hnrvar d University. Cambridge, Mass.; removed.

    Peb. 1943: ' to Radiation Laboratory, Infisnchusetts Ins tit ute of

    Technology. Cambridge, Mass

    ? Presented a t sprlng meeting, Southwestern District, Divi-



    Production. Dallnci. Texas, Beb.



    P i g ~ ~ r r sefer to


    on p. 86

    Weyn~outh s friction formula as noted by Miller. De-

    terminations of sand-face pressures from well-head

    measurenlents are obtained from published data on den-

    sities of gases and pressure drop due to flow. Necessary

    precautions to be observed in making well-head mea-

    surenlents are outlined.

    linear over the normal drawndown pressure range, a nd

    as the change in effective permeability is also approxi-

    mately linear over this same range, i t follows tha t one

    might expect the characteristic flow equation ( 1 ) of


    gas-condensatG well to have a sm all er value of t he ex-



    and the coefficient


    than it would have if it

    were a dry gas well.

    Difficulties arise in insuring stabilized flow in the

    well, and in determining sand-face pressures.

    ~t~h i l i za t ionf as ~ondeisate Wells

    As already mentioned, the general flow equation

    ( 1 )

    of a gas well applies to the steady state, i.e., the well

    mus t be stabilized. I n the simplest terms, sacrificing

    rigor for the sake of simplicity, a well is stabilized

    when both the r at e of flow and well pressu res individu-

    ally become and rem ain constant. The reservoir itself,

    depending on its permeability, porosity, fluid content,

    an d, configuration, requires a certain amount of time

    to set up stabilized flow. When th e fluid gets into the

    well bore, if it is all gas it will flow up the tubing to

    the surface, and stabilized flow within the tubing will

    he established in a ma tt er of a f ew minutes. However,

    if the fluid is part liquid, as in most gas-condensate

    wells, this liquid will tend to be raised to the surface

    by the gas; in other words, the liquid will tend to be

    gas-lifted j ust a s in th e case of flowing oil wells or

    artific ial gas-l ift oil wells. If the well is not flowed

    hard enough, the liquid will not be lifted except in

    er rat ic slugs -Land th us stabilization will be pre-

    vented. I t ha s been found by Flaitz and Parks: in

    connection with .sampling gas-condensate wells, t ha t a

    linear velocity of


    to 20 f t per sec in the tubing is

    usually sufficient to in sur e stabilized flow. However,

    the a ut ho rh as found linear velocities of 6 to 1 0 f t p e r

    sec sufficient to give stabilized flow for back-pressure

    tests on wells with gas-oil ratios of approximately

    25,000 cu f t per bbl. These figures cannot be taken

    exactly, as a lot depends on the gas-oil or gas-conden-

    sate rat io; the sn~all erhe ratio, the higher is the ra te

    of flow necessa ry to ins ure stabilized flow. Th e im-

    portant point is that there is a certain minimum rate

  • 7/21/2019 API-42-079


    of flow below which a gas-condensate well will not

    stabilize. I n most wells with 2t-in. tubing th is minimum

    ra te of flow is a t least 3,000,000 cu f t per day. The

    following formula is convenient for determining linear

    velocities in connection with these rule-of-thumb criteria

    for stabillzed flow:

    Linear velocity (fe et per second) = o QTZ (2)


    i n

    which the symbols have the same meaning and units

    a s used later in the paper.

    Wells with tubing set high above the producing for-

    mation are prone to stabilize slowly, and some require

    severa l days' flow before they stabilize. In genera l,

    there a re several factors which may be-use d to note.

    the presence o r absence of stabilization. The ra te of

    flow and well-head pressures should be recorded every

    15 min. I t would be desirnble to have the gas-oil ra tio

    every 1 5 min also, but


    is not practical to measure-

    the small amount of condensate produced into a lease

    tank in that short a time.


    small calibrated tank is

    very he lpfu l in t h ~ sonnection. If th e separator is the

    type that dumps the same volume every time, the rate

    of condensate production may be obtained by tilnlng the

    dump intervals. If t he dump intervals remain constant

    over a period of time, a s well a s the r at e of g as flow

    as indicated by th e orifice meter, then it follows th at th e

    gas-oil ratio is remain ing constant-which is a require-

    ment of stabilized flow. The dunlps of the se par ato r

    show up on the orifice-meter chart by a small decrease

    in the differential, so that a convenient record is auto-

    matical ly available. Observ ations of th e liquid level

    in the separa tor gag e glass also can be used

    i n

    a similar

    manner. A fluid meter on the outlet of the separator to

    measure the condensate would be a better alternative

    to obtain the gas-oil ratio in small intervals, but such

    an installation is not common.

    If the gas-oil ratio, r at e of g as flow, and well-head

    pressures become and remain constant, stabilized flow

    exlsts . The difficulty comes in knowing when the y ar e

    constant, and the only reliable way is to determine

    them often and thus follow the behavior until no

    changes ar e noticed. Observations a t longer intervals

    can be misleading, and do not give enough background

    to judge if stabilization ex~s ts .

    down the tubi ng; but, in co m~ ng p, the wire line will

    only pull fr om a fi:ed position, which in man y cases

    will not fix the bomb a t the best angle t o get through.


    second disadvantag e, in t he c ase -of flowing bottom-

    hole-pressure tests, is the hazard due to the possibility

    of the bomb being shot up the tub ing a t the high rat es

    of flow w h ~ c h re required f or stabillzed flow. The de-

    gree to which this possibility is a disadvantage and

    hazard depends upon the experience of the operator.


    third disadvantage is that a liquid level usually

    will exist in a closed-in gas-condensate well which

    makes the determination of ,reservoir pressure, P f un-

    reliable unless the pressure gradient of the liquid and

    its height can be determined. In a good many cases the

    tubing is more than 100 f t above the producing sand,

    and th e liquid is not detected. The height of condensate

    which one

    might expect in the hole is shown by the

    following formula:


    he symbols have the following meaning and

    value for a typical example:




    h e ~ g h t f condensate in tubing (feet).


    L = length of tubi ng or depth of reservo ir

    feet) 10,000

    P = average tubing pressure (psi).



    = average tubing temperature (deg Ran-

    ine) 610

    Z = average compressibility factor.



    gas-condensate ratio in tubing (stand-

    ar d cubic feet per ba rr el ). 100,000

    On th e basis of a liquid gra die nt of 0.4 psi pe r foot

    and a g as grad ien t of 0.1 psi per foot, the foregoing

    example of 145 f t of liquid would cause an er ro r of

    43.5 psi. Of course, when th e well is shut In and t he

    bottom-hole ,pr ess ure becomes reservoir pressu re, t he

    Ilqu~d and g as lnlght be expected to r etu rn to t he

    equilibrium single-phase, except a s disturbed by t he

    gravitational effect and temperature gradient in the

    tubing; but a long tlme probably is required, before

    equili brium is reached. However, when bottom-hole-

    pressure ~neasurementsdetect a liquid level and allow

    th e determination of all its gra die nt and height, back-


    Determination of Sand-Face Pressure

    pressure tests based on such nleasurements are the

    most reliable and most accurate.

    Dlrect determination of sand-face pressure with a

    bottom-hole pressure bomb avolds calculations employ-

    ing well-head pressure, gravlty, conlpressibility, tem-

    perature, rate of flow, and size and length of tubing-

    which elimination is very desirable. However, the re ar e

    certai n disadvantages also. In many gas-condensate

    wells a packer


    set between the tubing an d the casing;

    and, in order to malntain the seal, a considerable por-

    tion of th e weight of t he tubing re sts upon the packer.

    This weight also causes the tubing to bend or cork-

    screw a t sufficiently sh arp angles a t places to make

    ru nn in g a bomb exceedingly difficult or impossible. The

    bomb usually will go down withou t trouble, as i t will

    natura lly assume the best position under grav ity to ge t

    I n those cases where bottom-hole pressu re bombs can-

    not be used satisfactorily for back-pressure tests, cal-

    culatlon of sand-face pressures from well-head pres-

    sures, a s herein described, have been f ound satisfactory.

    The calculation of sand-face pressures from well-

    head pressures involves the consideration of the

    weight of the gas-condensate column and t he pres sure

    drop due to flow. The weight of th e col un~n s calcu-

    lated by means of the theorem of reduced states,

    based upon the pseudocritical temperatures and pres-

    sures and compressibility factors of Standing and

    Ka tz 5 fo r hydrocarbon gases containing more th an


    per cent of combined methane an d heptanes plus (sum

    of mol per cent of methane, heptanes, and heavier

  • 7/21/2019 API-42-079


    fractions ). Although ther e is a certai n aniount of con-

    dens at~o n n the tubing, densities arrived a t by this

    method have not deviated appreciably from measure-

    ments obtained by pressure-depth measurements in the

    tubing. Moreover, the calculated sand-face pressures

    ar e only subject to about one-fourth th e err or in the

    decsi ty . P~~essurerop due to flow is calculated ac-

    cording to Miller?

    M o n o g r u : p l ~


    proceeds to calculate the sand-face

    pressure from the surface pressure by first obtaining

    P,, which is a fictitious pressure that would be the

    sand-face pressure according to Weyniouth formula if

    the gas column weighed nothing. I t then arrives a t the

    'actual sand-face pressure by considering


    the sur-

    face pressure and adding the weight of the column of

    gas, using a correction facto r F to account for t he pres-

    sure drop 111 the tubing due to flow (PI Pla). Rigor-

    ously, such a procedure is not correct, but In many cases

    Subs t~ tu t lngor

    d R 2 )


    In thk same differential length of pipe dL he pres-

    sure dr op due to the weight of t he column of g as


    is given by:

    520 P

    w h e r e p = density of

    (ideal gas) air = 0.07633

    4.7 T

    lb per cu ft.

    Substituting for 7 :


    0.018751 PG dL.

    dPWt. =


    In the differential length of plpe dL the total pres-

    sure drop is equal to the pressure drop due to flow

    plus the weight of t he column of g as or :

    the err or so incurred is small. Wha t is more important,

    this method leads to cumbersonle and lengthy calcula-


    Hereinafter is derived an analysis in which the pres-

    sure drop due to flow and the weight of the column of

    gas are calculated simultaneously for each increment

    of length' of the pipe, and the sand-face pressure then

    arrived at by


    over the total length of the

    pipe. This derivation could sta rt fronl the fundamental

    differential equation of fluid flow, but the following

    approach will he more familiar.

    Starting with the Weyinouth fonnula:

    (PI2--PM2) h5Z

    . . . . . . . . . .

    = 1.090 M

    .\i LTG

    ,. (4-a)

    Q = rate of flow, million cubic feet of gas per day

    a t 60 deg F, 10 oz above 14.4 psi, absolute.

    PI = inlet pressure, psi, absolute.

    P, =

    discharge pressure, psi, absolute.

    d internal diameter of pipe, inches.



    specific grav ity of ga s condensate (ai r ):

    L = length of pipe, feet.

    T = flowlng temperature, d e g Rankine (deg F

    ,460 deg).

    Z = compressib~lity f gas condensate.

    M correction factor according to Miller?

    Equation (4a) can be written,

    PI =

    V P w Z +R ,where

    R =


    which may be expanded by th e binomial theorem into

    the infinite series:

    I n a differentla1 length of pipe dL the pressure drop

    due to flow dP is given by:

    In equation '(6) let


    which is a non-linear differential equation reducible to

    linear form.


    w h e r e : a and


    contain T and 2 hich ar e functions of


    Although approsinlate linear functions of


    may be

    used for P and


    the final solution of the differential



    of a form not practical f or convenient calcu-





    therefore, are assumed constant;

    and av erage values a r e used in the final equation.

    Equation (7) t,hen becomes:




    = 0 = P J r ; and, therefore, c = PI2 g



    p =

    p w ? e 2 b L &(c21,~.-1),


    which may be written in the form:

    In equation (8-a) just derived, which is the one used

    to calculate sand-face pressures, a factor III is in-

  • 7/21/2019 API-42-079


    cluded to correct the Weymouth formula according to

    Miller. Miller s correction ha s been calculated for sev-

    era l sizes of pipe, and is shown in Fig.


    where the


    correction factor M


    -is plotted as the ordinate and


    the actua l ra te of flow, Q a s the abscissa.

    Substitution of PW, Z, T, L,


    and in the de-

    rived equation allows the calculation of


    I t will be

    noted t ha t no differences of squ ares are involved in t he

    calculation, which simplifies it considerably.

    Determination of ' ~ r a v i t ~nd Compressibility


    The ratio which is the ratio of gravity to


    compressibility of the gas-condensate mixture a t a

    given tempera ture and pressure, is the rat io of th e

    weight of 1 cu f t of t he gas-condensate mixture a t

    that temperature and pressure to the weight of


    cu f t

    of ai r a t the same temperature and pressure, a ir being

    considered a perfect gas.


    is not the gravity of the ga s from the separator,

    nor is the compressibility of the separa tor gas be-

    cause some condensate has already dropped out in the

    separa tor. However, an approximate value of G may

    be obtained by adding the weight of the condehsate to

    the gas and estimating the increase in volume as shown

    hereinafter. The formula for


    [equation (9 )] i s ar-

    rived a t by taking 1 cu f t of separator gas of g ravity

    Go and adding to i t the condensate produced with it.

    This causes both an increase in weight and volume.

    The second term of the numerator represents the in-

    creased weight, and the second term of the denomi-

    nator represents the equivalent increased volume.





    separator gas gravity (air


    1) .



    specific gravity of condensate (water





    gas-oil ratio, cubic feet per barrel.

    62.42 = weight of


    cu f t of wate r, pounds.

    Correction Factor for Weymouth Formula for 2-In. and 2 -111. Tubing and 6-In. Casing

    (After Miller




  • 7/21/2019 API-42-079


    0.07633 weight of


    cu f t of a ir a t 760 mm and 60

    deg F, pounds.

    5.6146 cubic fee t in 1 bbl (42 U.S. gallons).

    200 approximate cubic feet of gas equivalent to

    1 cu f t of condensate.

    Fig. 2 shows the correlation of Stan ding and Ka tz '

    between gravities of gases containing more tha n 83 per

    cent of combined methane and heptanes plus, and

    pseudo-critical p ressures and tempera tures. Almost all

    gas-condensate systems fall in this class, and the use

    of Fig. 2 is much simpler th an th e computation of

    pseudo-values from reservoir or composite flow analyses,

    which are not always available. With th e pseudo-

    critical values obtained from Fig. 2, reduced pseudo-

    pressures and -temperatures may be calculated which

    are used in Fig. 3 to obtain the compressibility factor

    Z. Fig. 3 is the correlation of Stan ding and Katz;

    based on actua l density measurements of gases a t the

    higher pressures and temperatures, and is a revision of

    the older compressibility chart s based on the ext ra-

    Pseudo-critical Temperatures and Pressures of Hy-

    drocarbon Gases Containing More Than 83 Per Cent

    Combined Methane and Heptanes Plus (After Stand-

    ing and Katz


    FIG. 2

    polation of low-pressure determinations using methane

    a s a guide.

    In the derivation of equation (8-a) it was pointed

    out that Z and


    were assumed constant, and average

    values would be used in applying it. I t appears tha t an

    arithmetic av erage between the compressibility a t th e

    well-head pressure and temperature, ZW,and the com-

    pressibility a t the sand-face pressure and temperature,

    Zs, gives a sufficiently accurate average. However, in

    order to determine Zn, it is necessary to know the

    sand-face pressure. Thus, a trial-and-error method must

    be resorted to. A graphica l solution by the use of

    Fig. 4, as shown in th e calculations in Table 1, simpli-

    fies the trial-and-error method considerably. The value


    of f o r he well under test is located as the abscissa



    of Fig . 4, and th e various values of

    for different


    values of the parameter Z read as the-ordinate . T is

    the arithmetic average of the reservoir and well-head

    temperatures, and Z is the arithmetic average com-

    pressibility used in equation (8-a ). ZB changes very

    slowly as the assumed Z changes, so that only two or

    three trials a re necessary to arr ive a t the proper Z

    to give the arithmetic average of Zn and ZW.

    Example Back-Pressure Tests Using Proposed




    shows the back-pressure test data on a gas-

    condensate well and calculations by the proposed method.

    Compressibility Factor as a Function of Pseudo-re-

    duced Pressures and Temperatures (After Standing and

    Katz 9).

    FIG. 3

    Chart for Determining Average Compressibility Factor.

    FIG. 4

    Fig. 6 shows the plot of these calculated data. Fig. 5

    gives the results of pressure-depth surveys made in

    wells A and B with a bottom-hole pressure bomb

    while the wells were shut in. I t will be noted th at th e

    last point of well B indicates a n encounter of liquid,

    which point has been connected with the reservoir

    pressure calculated in Table 1 Well A had been

    blown before the bomb was run in, and shows a very

    small difference in Fig.


    between the reservoir pres-

  • 7/21/2019 API-42-079




    Back-Pressure Test o a Gas-Condensate Well: Well B

    G, =


    (a ir =

    1 ) .

    G = 0.756 g per in].

    Elapsed Time


    between Flows (MMCF

    (Hours) Per Day)

    4 after shut-in.. 0

    . . . . . . . .2

    after opening..


    . . . . . . . ..1

    afte r shut-in.


    . . . . . . .


    after opening.


    1.6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.055

    2.3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.297


    after shut-in..


    Tubing Pres-





    = 9,946 f t o f 21 in. tubing.

    Reservoir temperature =






    (Deg F)

    R,,,,,,,,, = 27,487 cu f t per bbl.

    Pseudo-critical temperature, T,,

    = 387

    deg Rankine.

    Gas-Oil Ratio

    (Cu Ft Per



    Not stabillzed

    Changing choke




    Pseudo-crltical pressure,

    PI,, 662

    psi, absolute.

    29 444




    and 8-c)




    2.441 3.

    Xllllio~lcr~h ic eet



    = 3,622 AND Tlu = 98+460



    Assumed Average Z . .

    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.800 0.900 0.890

    (P, P


    2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.3094 1.2710 1.2741

    P, P,




    P,' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    .164 6.953 6.971

    T,' = 1.442 T.' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.721 1.721 1.721

    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    ,= 0 . 810 Z 0.978 0.968 0.970

    Average of

    Z O


    Zs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.894 0.889 0.890

    l rillletl pressure?;


    t eu lp e ra tr~ res a r e I IS ~ U ~ O-r a1 u t . s


    P. (10 ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    . . . . . .


    20,7598 20.7344 20.4935


    PI (10')

    . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    21.2918 21.2946 21.2946 21.2946 21.2946 21.2946



    P, ( l o u ) . . . . . . . 0.2209 0.5348 0.5602 0.8011

    P. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    4,614.2 4,614.7 4,590.6 4,556.3 4,553.0 4,475.2

    P I - P a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 24.1 58.4 61.7


  • 7/21/2019 API-42-079


  • 7/21/2019 API-42-079


    sure calculated and that obtained by extrapolating

    the pressure-depth curve on the assumption of no liquid

    level. It should be pointed out that shut-in well-head

    pressures should only be ta ken a ft er t he well is flowed

    a t a stabilized rate . The well-head pressure should then

    be observed until it reaches a maximum, which it

    usually will do in a few minutes. The tes t da ta of

    well "B" in Table 1 show three closed-in pressures.

    The last two are valid, and the reservoir pressures

    calculated therefrom compare satisfactor ily. The firs t

    shut-in pressure is low because of the liquid level shown

    in Fig.



    A proposed method is outlined for the determination

    of sand-face pressures f rom well-head measurements,

    using published data on densities of gases and pres-

    su re drop due to flow. A sufficient varie ty of gas-

    condensate wells ha s not yet been tested by thi s method

    to w arr ant any general conclusions as to its ap-

    plicability, but it i s hoped t ha t thi s paper will stimu-

    late further investigation and consideration of this



    The author wishes to express his gratitude to the

    Division of Minerals, De par tme nt of Conservation, St at e

    of Louisiana, for permission to publish this paper.



    T Hnwlin

    rind 51 A Schellhard t . "Baek-Pr~8~ 11re ata

    give souiies of other permeabili

    J. M.

    Plaitz and 4 . S. Parks, "Sarn~111

    Wells. Petroleum Tect~nol ogy (T. P 1 37

    B~n inr ni n Miller. "Deterrnin

    ng Gas-Condensate

    ' h i 4

    [ 5 ]


    inc Gas-Transmission-Line Ca-

    pacity in8 13 [ll] 22 (l J37).

    1 . ' ~ . Stan ding an d D. I.. Tiatr. "Density of Na tur al Gases,"

    Petrolrum Technologl/ (T. P IYZ3 4 [4] (1941).


    J. M. Fla itz (Hudson Engineering Corporation, Hous-

    ton, Texas) (wri tten )


    The methods presented in

    u r e a u of M i n e s M o n o g r a p h

    7 have become a standard

    for the petroleum industry, and are accurate for dry

    nat ura l-g as wells. However, M o n o g ~ a p h methods are

    applicable to gas-condensate wells only, with modifica-

    tions which consider the fact that two phases exist

    after the fluid leaves the producing formation.

    Th e existence of two phases necessitate s revised

    methods of calculat ing the weight of t he fluid column.


    is probably not practical to standardize on a method

    of calculating this factor, a s it ca n be done in several

    different ways depending upon the available data and

    the convenience of obtaining dat a in an y part icul ar case.

    The impor tant point i s to consider th e two phases.

    The value of M a s shown in Fig. 1 of the paper (or

    Presented by S.


    Buckles, 1Iumble Oil and Hefining Co.,

    Ilouston, Texas.

    some equivalent) is an import ant consideration. Actual

    data on friction drop through tubing in gas-condensate

    wells was reported by R. J Sullivan of the Humble

    Oil and' Refining Company a t t he 1941 gas-measure-

    ment sho rt course of the Univers ity of Oklahoma. Mr.

    Sullivan found tha t t he actual friction drop is between

    calculated values using W e ~ o u t h ' s nd Nikuradse's

    formulas, and his da ta ar e probably t he best available

    if specific da ta on a well ar e lacking.

    The paper i s valuable in th at it points out the many

    factors that must be given consideration when con-

    ducting back-pressure tests and using back-pressure

    data on natural-gas wells producing condensate, and

    the paper is timely because inaccurate and misleading

    back-prcssure data on gas-condensate wells are now

    prevalent in the industry.

    M. A. Schellhardt (Bu rea u of Mines, Bartlesville,

    Okla.) (written) :- Mr. Vitter's repor t points out sev-

    eral of the factors that distinguish the application of

    the back-pressure method for studyi ng the producing

    characteri stics of relatively low-pressure dry ga s wells

    from i ts application to t he st udy of those of gas-con-

    densate wells. However, the high pressure and l arge

    fluid-delivery capacity that characterize many gas-

    condensate wells make it all the more desirable that

    capacity be determined under conditions that do not

    exceed the capacity of normal operating equipment and

    do not prove hazardous to the well.

    Although the gaging of subsurface pressures in oil

    and gas wells has become common practice during the

    interval since the study reported in u r e a u of M i n e s

    M o n o g r a p h 7, the use of subsurface gages in many

    gas-condensate wells is limited.

    Equipment in many gas-condensate wells provides f or

    th e production of fluid deliveries either f rom th e tubing

    or from th e annu lar space. However, few wells ar e

    equipped with the heaters or high-pressure separators

    usually required to obtain satis fact ory flow test s if the

    fluid is produced from t he ann ula r space, and flow te sts

    usually are restricted to deliveries from the tubing.

    Pres sures can be gaged a t the productive zones in many

    wells only if th e wells ar e closed in or operated a t

    rates of fluid delivery that will not affect the normal

    position of the subsurface gage.

    Hence, if the delivery

    capacity of gas-condensate wells is to be gaged by the

    back-pressure method, often it is desirable to compute

    pressures a t the productive zone corresponding to the

    various operating conditions imposed on the well.

    Dat a obtained during the course of the s tudy re-

    ported in M o n o g r a p h


    indicated that, if velocity in the

    flow string was materially higher than the normal

    velocity of the flow of gas through pipe lines, values

    of the pressure drop due to friction calculated by

    Weymouth's formula were higher than the values of

    the actual pres sure drop. The discrepancy was dis-

    cussed on p. 163 and 164 of th e repor t.

    l'resented bv Charles


    Carne ntrr . Bureau of hlines. Dallas.


    t Published by permission


    the director, Bureau of Mines.

    I)el>artment of the Int erio r.

    b7igures rrfer to REFEREPI'CES on p. 87.

  • 7/21/2019 API-42-079


    J William Ferguson? of the Canadian River Gas

    Company, developed a method for computing, simul-

    taneously, th e effect of the weight of the g as column

    and the friction of the flowing gas in the flow string,

    which facil itated the computation of subsurface pres-

    sur es in relatively d ry natu ral-gas wells. The method

    proposed by Vitter for calculating subsurface pres-

    sur es in gas-condensate wells is of part icular interest,

    however, because i t not only includes the effect of well

    temperature and deviation of the compressibility from

    the law for ideal gas, but also includes a correction

    developed by Mill ers which reduces th e discrepancy

    induced by applying Weymouth's formula for caleu-

    lating pressure-drop values under the conditions that

    prevail during many flow tests on gas wells.

    Fortunately, tubing packers are not installed in

    many wells, and operating pressures at the productive

    zone can be calculated from well-head pressu res gaged

    on the closed-in string, thus eliminating the necessity

    for considering the pressure drop caused by the flowing


    Considerable progress has been made by some opera-

    tors on the development of gas-condensate well-testing

    technique, and under favorable conditions the results

    obtained by the application of the back-pressure method

    fo r gaging wells of this type have been satisfactory

    fo r the purpose f or which they were desired.

    Vit ter pointed out that columns of liquid often were

    present in closed-in wells.

    Information that has been obtained by subsurface

    pressures and fluid samples during the progress of a

    study of the problem of gaging the delivery capacity

    of gas-condensate wells, now being conducted by the

    Bureau of Mines in cooperation with the natura l-gas

    section of the American Gas Association, shows that

    condensed water also is present in many wells. Tests

    on some wells have indicated that a condition of

    equilibrium may prevail for 24 hours or more, under

    which well-head pressures and fluid deliveries are rela-

    tively constant, although an accumulation of hydro-

    carbon liquid and water sufficient to form a column in

    the tubing two or three hundred feet above the pro-

    ductive zone was present in the well.

    The relationships of the pressure-fluid delivery data

    that were presented by Vitter are similar to those

    obtained by tests on some wells under relatively stabi-

    lized pressure-flow conditions, but before they were

    subjected to high ra tes of fluid withdrawals f or pro-

    longed periods to insure the removal of accumulated

    water before subsequent flow tests were conducted.

    The delivery capaci ty of many wells is lar ge com-

    pared t o the capacity of the equipment installed to

    facilitate normal operations, and often it is feasible to

    obtain pressure-flow data over only a very limited

    proportion of the potential operating range of the

    wells. Hence, the presence of small quan tit ies of un-

    accounted-for liquid may change the results of back-

    pressure test s materially, and the importance of re-

    moving all accumulated liquids from wells to be tested

    cannot be overemphasized.




    L. Rawlins and


    A Schellhardt Back-Pressure Data

    on NfFural-Gas Wells and their ~p pl ic nt i6 n o Productlon Prac-


    Bur . Mines Yonograph

    7 reprinted (1939).



    Ferguson, Calculations

    o f

    Back-Pressure Tests on

    Natural-Gas Wellm. O i l


    J . 7 36 47 (1939).

    Benjamin hIiller. Determinin Gas-Transmis sion-Line Ca-

    pacity, Ga s


    8-9, Nov. (1987).