
Algorithms and Programming I U.L.B. - March 16, 2000 - 1 - Algorithms and Programming I First Year University Studies in Computer Science B. Mareschal Campus Plaine - Building NO Level 3 - Office 2.N.3.214 Phone: 650.5884 e-mail: [email protected] Summary : 0. Introduction Algorithms and Programming Modules Course Organisation 1. Computing & Programming Concepts Computers, Programming, Languages 2. Introduction to C Programming Simple Programs, Memory Concepts, Arithmetic in C 2.5 DOS, Windows & the C++ Compilers Operating Systems, Basic Commands, Borland C++ and C++ Builder Compilers 3. Structured Program Development Algorithms, Problem Solving Techniques, Control Structures 4. Program Control More Control Structures, Logical Operators 5. Functions 6. Arrays 7. Pointers 8. Characters and Strings 9. Formatted Input/Output


engineering books

Transcript of A&P.1

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Algorithms and Programming I U.L.B. - March 16, 2000

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Algorithms and Programming I

First Year University Studies in Computer Science

B. Mareschal Campus Plaine - Building NO

Level 3 - Office 2.N.3.214 Phone: 650.5884

e-mail: [email protected]

Summary : 0. Introduction

Algorithms and Programming Modules Course Organisation

1. Computing & Programming Concepts Computers, Programming, Languages

2. Introduction to C Programming Simple Programs, Memory Concepts, Arithmetic in C

2.5 DOS, Windows & the C++ Compilers Operating Systems, Basic Commands,

Borland C++ and C++ Builder Compilers 3. Structured Program Development

Algorithms, Problem Solving Techniques, Control Structures 4. Program Control

More Control Structures, Logical Operators 5. Functions 6. Arrays 7. Pointers 8. Characters and Strings 9. Formatted Input/Output

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0. Introduction The 'Algorithms and Programming' Modules :

• Algorithms and Programming I (B. Mareschal) Basic programming skills using the C language.

• Algorithms and Programming II (M. Dehon) Advanced programming : structures, pointers, lists, sets, files, …

• Methods of Programming (D. Leemans) Stacks, queues, recursion, backtracking, trees, graphs, …

Course Organisation :

• Textbook(s) : H.M. Deitel and P.J. Deitel,

C How to Program (2nd edition), Prentice Hall, 1994, 926p.

• Other Reference Books : Cf. list of references on next page

• Time Schedule : Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 8-10 10-12 Theory

14-16 Theory Exercises

16-18 Exercises Exercises

• Evaluation : • Homeworks (programs) • Exam. in January (Alg.&Pr. I and II) • Computer Room : NO Building, level 4.

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Useful references Textbooks

H. M. Deitel & P. J. Deitel (http://www.deitel.com) C How to Program (2nd edition) Prentice Hall, 1994, 926p., ISBN 0-13-226119-7

B. Gottfried Programming with C (2nd edition) Schaum’s Outline Series, McGraw-Hill, 1996, 532p., ISBN 0-07-024035-3

R. Johnsonbaugh & M. Kalin (http://condor.depaul.edu/~mkalin) C for Scientists and Engineers Prentice Hall, 1997, 793p., ISBN 0-02-361136-7

K. B. Rojiani Programming in C with Numerical Methods for Engineers Prentice Hall, 1996, 1130p. ISBN 0-13-726498-4

H. Schildt C++ The Complete Reference (2nd edition) Osborne, McGraw-Hill, 1995, 671p., ISBN 0-07-882123-1

Compilers K. Reisdorph & K. Henderson Teach Yourself Borland C++ Builder in 14 days Borland Press, Sams Publishing, 1997, 526p., ISBN 0-672-31051-1

Language Reference B. W. Kernighan & D. M. Ritchie The C Programming Language (2nd edition) Prentice Hall, 1989, 274p., ISBN 0-13-110362-8.

B. Stroustrup The C++ Programming Language (3rd edition) Addison Wesley Series in Computer Science, 1997, 928p., ISBN 0-201-88954-4.

Algorithms L. Ammeraal Algorithms and Data Structures in C++ Wiley, 1996, 352p., ISBN 0-471-96355-0

R. Sedgewick Algorithms in C Addison Wesley, 1990, 657p., ISBN 0-201-51425-7

R. Sedgewick Algorithms in C++ Addison Wesley, 1992, 656p., ISBN 0-201-51059-6

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1. Computing & Programming Concepts

Programming ?

A few definitions : • Programming : Planning, scheduling or performing a task or an event. • Computer : Programmable device that can store, retrieve and process data. • Computer Programming : Process of planning a sequence of steps for a computer to

follow. • Computer Program : List of instructions to be performed by a computer.

The process of writing a program : Two phases

• Problem-Solving Phase : 1° Analysis and Specification :

What is the problem ? What do we want to do ? 2° General solution (Algorithm) :

Define the sequence of steps to be used to solve the problem. 3° Verify :

Does the solution really solve the problem ? • Implementation Phase : 1° Specific solution (Program) :

Translation of the general solution into a computer language. 2° Test :

Check for errors and eventually make corrections.

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A third phase • Maintenance Phase : 1° Use :

Use the program. 2° Maintain :

Modify the program if necessary : new requirements, errors.

→ Program Life Cycle :



General Solution(Algorithm)



Specific Solution(Program)






More definitions ...

• Algorithm : Step-by-step procedure for solving a problem in a finite

amount of time. Examples : recipes, instructions, ...

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• Programming Language : Set of rules, symbols and special words used to construct a







• Documentation : Written text and comments that make a program easier for

others to understand, use and modify.

Development of programming languages :

Machine language Assembly language High level language +1300042774






GrossPay = BasePay + OverTimePay

• Machine Language : Language made up of binary-coded instructions, that is used

directly by the computer. • Assembly Language : Low-level programming language in which mnemonics are

used to represent the different machine language instructions. • Assembler : Program that translates an assembly language program into

machine code. • High-level Language :

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Closer to English and human thought, easier to use, less machine-dependent.

Examples : Fortran (1954-57), Cobol (1959), Pascal (1971), Modula-2, C (1972), C++, APL, Ada (1980), (Basic), ...

• Compiler : Program used to translate a high-level language into machine

code. Input = program in high-level language = source program. Output = machine language program = object program.

Compilation ≠ Execution • Main types of instructions found in a programming

language : - transfer of data, - input and output of data (from/to I/O devices), - storage and retrieval of data from memory and secondary

storage, - comparison of data ( = ?, ≠ ?), - arithmetic operations (+, –, x, ÷). • Main structures found in programming languages : - sequence of statements (instructions), - selection of different statements according to some

conditions, - repetition of statements (loop) while certain conditions are

met, - functions or subprograms.

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What is a Computer ?

Five main components :

• Memory Unit : Internal data storage in a computer (RAM).

• Central Processing Unit (CPU) : Part of the computer that executes the instructions stored in

memory. Includes two subparts : • Arithmetic and Logic Unit (ALU) : Performs the arithmetic and logical operations. • Control Unit : Controls the sequence of the instructions.

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• Input/Output (I/O) devices : Parts of the computer that accept data to be processed (input)

and display the results of the processing (output).

• Peripheral devices : - additional I/O devices, secondary storage devices, ...

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Problem-Solving Techniques

• Ask questions : Gather information about the problem to solve. • Look for things that are familiar : Do not reinvent the wheel. • Solve by analogy : Adapt solutions from similar problems. • Means-Ends analysis : Consider the actions possible to solve the problem. • Divide and Conquer : Break up large problems into smaller, easier ones. • Building blocks approach : Look for existing solutions for sub-problems.. • Merging solutions : Combine existing solutions.

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2. Introduction to C Programming

A first program in C C code :

/* A first program in C */



printf(“Welcome to C !\n“);


Output :

Welcome to C !

Analysis : /* A first program in C */

/* and */ indicate the beginning and the end of a comment. main()

The main() function indicates the beginning of the program. Every C program contains it and starts executing at this


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The left brace { indicates the beginning of the body of the main() function. A corresponding right brace must end the body of the function.

printf(“Welcome to C !\n“);

This is a statement. It instructs the computer to print the string of characters enclosed between the double quotes. printf() is a pre-defined function included in the C standard library.

\n is not printed, it is an escape sequence that instruct the computer to position the cursor to the beginning of the next line (newline). \ is an escape character.

Common escape sequences : \n new line, \\ prints a backslash, \“ prints a double quote.

Other examples of the printf() statement :



printf(“Welcome “);

printf(“to C !\n“);

printf(“Welcome\nto\nC ! \n“);


Each C statement is terminated by a semi-colon ; }

The right brace } indicates the end of the body of the main() function.

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Second program : Adding two integers C code :

/* Addition program */

#include <stdio.h>



int integer1, integer2, sum; /* declaration */

printf(“Enter first integer :\n“); /* prompt */

scanf(“%d“, &integer1); /* read integer1 */

printf(“Enter second integer :\n“); /* promt */

scanf(“%d“, &integer2); /* read integer2 */

sum = integer1 + integer2; /* assignment */

printf(“Sum is %d\n“, sum); /* print sum */

return 0; /* indicates successful program termination */


Output :

Enter first integer :


Enter second integer :


Sum is 77

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Analysis : #include <stdio.h>

This is a directive to the C preprocessor. Used to include the standard I/O header file. int integer1, integer2, sum;

This is a declaration : • integer1, integer2, sum are the names of variables, i.e.

locations in memory where values can be stored for use by a program.

• int determines the type of the variables, i.e. the kind of data they will hold, in this case integer values.

• All variables must be declared before they can be used. Declarations are placed after the left brace of the function, before any executable statement.

• Variable names must be valid identifiers : a series of letters, digits and underscore ( _ ) characters that doesn’t begin with a digit. Up to 31 characters are recognized.

• Warning : C is case sensitive.

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scanf(“%d“, &integer1);

Call to the standard function scanf to obtain a value from the user (keyboard), with two arguments :

• Format control string : “%d“ The conversion specifier %d indicates the type of data that

should be input : % is an escape character and d stands for decimal integer → read one decimal integer from keyboard. • Second argument : &integer1 & is the address operator. &integer1 gives the location in

memory (address of the variable integer1) where the value should be stored.

sum = integer1 + integer2;

Assignment statement : • The expression on the right side of the assignment operator =

is computed. • The result is assigned to the variable on the left side. • = reads as « gets », not « equals ». • Both = and + are binary operators (with two operands). printf(“Sum is %d\n“, sum);

Other form of the printf statement, with two arguments : • Format control string including a conversion specifier. • Value to be printed (could be an expression as well). return 0;

Indicates that the program executed successfully by returning the value 0 to the operating system.

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Memory Concepts • Variable names correspond to locations in the computer’s

memory (RAM). • Each variable has a name, a type and a value.

integer1 23 • Variables are not initialised automatically : value undefined

after the declaration ! • A new values overwrites the previous one (destructive read-


Arithmetic in C • Arithmetic operators : 5 binary operators

Operation C Operator Example Addition + x + y

Subtraction - t - 2

Multiplication * 2 * Pi * Radius

Division / x / t

Modulus % a % b

• Integer division yields an integer result :

7 / 4 →→→→ 1

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• The modulus operator is an integer operator (integer operands

only) : 7 % 4 →→→→ 3 34 % 7 →→→→ 6

• Parentheses can be used in arithmetic expressions :

a * ( b + c )

• Operator precedence : Determines the sequence of evaluation

in complex expressions. 1. (Sub-)expressions within parentheses are evaluated first. 2. Multiplications, divisions and modulus operations are

evaluated next, from left to right. 3. Additions and subtractions are evaluated last, from left to

right. • Some examples :

m = (a + b + c + d + e) / 5;

m = a + b + c + d + e / 5;

y = m * x + b;

z = p * r % q + w / x - y;

k = 12 * (a * (b + c) + c * (d + e))

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Equality and Relational Operators Standard Operator C Operator Example


= == x == y

≠ != x != y


> > x > y

< < x < y

≥ >= x >= y

≤ <= x <= y

• Equality operators have a lower precedence level than the

relational operators. • All these operators associate from left to right. • In C, « False » correspond to 0 and « True » to any nonzero

value. • Example (using the if control structure) :

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C code :

#include <stdio.h>



int num1, num2;

printf(“Enter two integers : “);

scanf(“%d%d“, &num1, &num2);

if (num1 == num2)

printf(“%d is equal to %d\n“, num1, num2);

if (num1 != num2)

printf(“%d is not equal to %d\n“, num1, num2);

if (num1 < num2)

printf(“%d is less than %d\n“, num1, num2);

if (num1 > num2)

printf(“%d is greater than %d\n“, num1, num2);

if (num1 <= num2)

printf(“%d is less than or equal to %d\n“,

num1, num2);

if (num1 >= num2)

printf(“%d is greater than or equal to %d\n“,

num1, num2);

return 0;


Summary of the Precedence Levels

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From highest to lowest Associativity ( ) left to right

* / % left to right + - left to right

< <= > >= left to right == != left to right = right to left

Reserved Keywords in the C language

auto break case char

const continue default do

double else enum extern

float for goto if

int long register return

short signed sizeof static

struct switch typedef union

unsigned void volatile while

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2.5 DOS, Windows and the Borland C++ Compiler

Using a PC :

• Structure : 1° Central Unit - CPU - Disk drives (floppy, hard, CD-Rom) - Expansion slots (disk controller, video, I/O,

network, modem, ...) 2° Keyboard 3° Monitor 4° Mouse, scanner, digitizer, joystick, ... 5° Printer, plotter, ... • Boot : 1° Turn computer on ! 2° Memory check. 3° Loading drivers (network, mouse, CD-Rom,

memory manager, ...). 4° DOS prompt or Windows. • Operating system : Program(s) responsible for the I/O management. Provides

services to the programs and a user interface. Examples : MS-DOS, OS/2, Windows 3.1, Windows 95/98, Unix, ...

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The DOS operating system :

• File organisation : - Drives : refer to physical devices (diskette drive, hard disk,

CD-Rom drive, network server, ...) or logical devices (RAM disk, ...)

Drives are named using letters : A: B: C: D: ...

- Files : Names of up to 8 characters, plus a (up to) 3 characters extension.

Examples : TEST1.PAS TEST1.EXE


- Directories : refer to a group of files and/or sub-directories, designated by a name (similar to file names).

→→→→ Hierarchical structure of the directories :

C:\ → root directory C:\PROGRAMS.DIR → sub-directory of the root C:\PAYROLL.PAS → file of the root C:\PROGRAMS.DIR\EDIT.EXE → file of the PROGRAMS.DIR directory C:\DATA\SALES\REGIONAL\BRUSSELS.DAT C:BRUSSELS.DAT → file of the current directory

• Some useful DOS commands : - Directories : DIR CD MD RD - Files : COPY REN DEL - Format : FORMAT - View and edit files : TYPE PRINT EDIT - Others : MORE MEM CHKDSK MOVE

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The Windows 3.11 operating system : • Graphical User Interface : On top of MS-DOS. • Starting Windows : Type WIN at the DOS prompt. • Program Manager : Used to start programs. Program groups represented by icons within windows. • Using the mouse : Buttons. Clicking. Double-clicking. Dragging. • Windows : Control menu. Minimize and Maximize buttons. Resizing and deplacing. Menus. • Exiting Windows : From the File menu of Program


The « Borland C++ » compiler :

Borland C++ 4.0 →→→→ 4.5 →→→→ 5.02 →→→→ C++ Builder

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3. Structured Program Development

Using Pseudocode

• Informal language, helpful for developing algorithms. • Written in English. • Describe actions only. • Easy to translate in C.

Using Flowcharts

• Graphical representation of an algorithm. • Actions are represented by rectangles. • The sequence of the actions is represented by arrows. • Oval symbols indicate the beginning and end of an algorithm. • Small circles indicate the beginning and end of a portion of an

algorithm. • Diamonds indicate that a decision is to be made.

grade = 12

print "Failed" print "Passed"

false true

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Structured Programming

• Normally, sequential execution of the statements in a

program. • Transfer control must be possible to deviate from the

sequential execution (selections, repetition of instructions, ...) • First possibility : the goto statement. if grade ≥ 12 go to A print “Failed“ go to B A: print “Passed“ B: ...

A: print “Press C to continue“ read character from keyboard if character ≠ C go to A continue ...

→ difficult to read and to maintain, error prone. • Structured programming (1970’s) : goto-less programming if grade ≥ 12 then print “Failed“` else print “Passed“

do print “Press C to continue“ read character from keyboard while character ≠ C

→ control structures.

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Control Structures

Sequence, Selection and Repetition • Sequence structure : Normal behaviour, one statement after the other in the order in

which they are written. • Selection structures : 1° Single-selection structure : if 2° Double-selection structure : if/else 3° Multiple-selection structure : switch • Repetition structures : 1° while 2° do/while 3° for • Combination of control structures : 1° Stacking (“building blocks“ approach). 2° Nesting (structures within structures).

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The if Structure • Pseudocode : If student’s grade is greater than or equal to 12 Print “Passed“ • C code : if (grade >= 12)


• Remark : Proper indentation makes a program easier to read.

The if/else Structure • Pseudocode : If student’s grade is greater than or equal to 12 Print “Passed“ else Print “Failed“ • C code : if (grade >= 12)




• Remark : conditional operator ? (ternary) printf(“%s\n“, grade >= 12 ? “Passed“ : “Failed“);

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• Nested if/else structures : Pseudocode : If student’s grade greater than or equal to 18 Print “La Plus Grande Distinction“ else If student’s grade greater than or equal to 16 Print “Grande Distinction“ else If student’s grade greater than or equal to 14 Print “Distinction“ else If student’s grade greater than or equal to 12 Print “Satisfaction“ else Print “Ajournement“

C code : if (grade >= 18)



if (grade >= 16)



if (grade >= 14)



if (grade >= 12)




if (grade >= 18)


else if (grade >= 16)


else if (grade >= 14)


else if (grade >= 12)




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• Use of compound statements : A compound statement is a series of statements enclosed by

braces :



printf(“Try again next year.\n“);


• Compound statements can replace single statements in control

structures :

if (grade >= 12)








printf(“Try again next year.\n“);


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The while Structure • Example : Find the first power of 2 larger than 1000.

• Pseudocode : Set product equal to 2 while product is less than or equal to 1000 multiply product by 2

• C code : product = 2;

while (product <= 1000)

product = 2 * product;

• A more complete version : #include <stdio.h>



int product, power;

product = 2;

power = 1;

while (product <= 1000)


product = 2 * product;

power = power + 1;


printf(“2 to the power %d = %d\n“, power, product);

return 0;


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Formulating algorithms - I • Problem : The grades of a class of ten students are available. Determine

the class average. • Pseudocode : Set total to 0. Set grade counter to 1. While grade counter is less than or equal to 10 : Input the next grade. Add the grade to the total. Add 1 to the grade counter. Set the class average equals to the total divided by 10. Print the class average. • Remarks : 1° counter-controlled repetition The number of repetitions is known (10) and is controlled by a

counter (variable). 2° initialisation of the variables. • C code :

/* Class average calculation I */

#include <stdio.h>



int counter, grade, total, average;

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total = 0;

counter = 1;

while (counter <= 10) {

printf(“Enter grade : “);

scanf(“%d“, &grade);

total = total + grade;

counter = counter + 1;


average = total / 10;

printf(“Class average is %d\n“, average);

return 0;


• Remarks : 1° Integer division → integer average ! 2° Checking data input :

while (counter <= 10) {

grade = 21;

while (grade > 20) {

printf(“Enter grade : “);

scanf(“%d“, &grade);


total = total + grade;

counter = counter + 1;


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Formulating algorithms - II • Problem : Determine the class average for an arbitrary number of

students (not known in advance). • Solution : Use a sentinel value, i.e. a special value that indicate that all

the data have been entered. For grades, the sentinel should be outside of the 0-20 range. When the user enters the sentinel value, the input process

stops. • Pseudocode :

Top-down approach. (stepwise refinement)

- top level : overall function of the program : Determine the class average. - 1st refinement : main tasks to perform : Initialize variables. Input, sum and count the grades. Calculate and print the class average.

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- 2nd refinement : Initialize total to 0. Initialize counter to 0. Input the first grade. While the user has not entered the sentinel : Add this grade to the running total. Add 1 to the counter. Input the next grade. If the counter is not equal to 0 : Set the average equals to the total divided by the counter. Print the average. else : Print “No grades were entered.“ → Sufficient refinement for translation to C language. • C code :

/* Class average II */

#include <stdio.h>



float average; /* floating point data type */

int counter, grade, total;

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total = 0;

counter = 0;

printf(“Enter grade (-1 to end) : “);

scanf(“%d“, &grade);

while (grade != -1) {

total = total + grade;

counter = counter + 1;

printf(“Enter grade (-1 to end) : “);

scanf(“%d“, &grade);


if (counter != 0) {

average = (float) total / counter; /*type cast*/

printf(“Class average is %.2f\n“, average);



printf(“No grades were entered.\n“);

return 0;


• Remarks : 1° New data type, for floating point (real) numbers. 2° Type cast to ensure that average is computed correctly. 3° Conversion specifier %.2f prints a floating point value with

two decimal digits to the right of the decimal point.

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Formulating algorithms - III • Problem : We have to analyze the results of a test for a group of 10

students, as follows : 1. Input the results (either 1: passed or 2: failed). 2. Count the number of results of each type. 3. Display a summary of the results : number of students who

passed and number of students who failed. 4. If more than 8 students passed, print a warning message. • Remarks : 1. 10 students → counter-controlled loop. 2. Data are either 1 or 2. 3. Two counters needed : passes and failures.

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• Pseudocode : Top-down approach - top level : Analyze test results. - 1st refinement : Initialize variables. Input the ten results and count passes and failures. Print a summary and decide whether warning message

should be printed. - 2nd refinement : Initializes passes to 0. Initializes failures to 0. Initialize student counter to 1. While student counter is less than or equal to 10 : Input the next test result. If the student passed Add 1 to passes. else Add 1 to failures. Add 1 to student counter. Print number of passes. Print number of failures. If more than 8 students passed : Print warning message.

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• C code :

/* Test results analysis */

#include <stdio.h>



int passes = 0, failures = 0, student = 1, result;

while (student <= 10) {

printf(“Enter result (1:pass, 2:fail) : “);

scanf(“%d“, &result);

if (result == 1)

passes = passes + 1;


failures = failures + 1;

student = student + 1;


printf(“Passed : %d\n“, passes);

printf(“Failed : %d\n“, failures);`

if (passes > 8)

printf(“Course too easy!\n“);

return 0;


• Remark : Variables can be initialized whithin the declaration statement.

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More Assignment Operators • First example :

x = x + 5 →→→→ x += 5

• Allowed with other binary operators :

+= -= *= /= %=

• Advantage : faster. • Second example :

x = x + 1 →→→→ x++ or ++x • Unary increment and decrement operators : 1° Preincrement : increment first, then evaluate

++x (--x)

2° Postincrement : evaluate first, then increment x++ (x--)

Examples :

x = 2;

printf(“%d\n“, x++);

printf(“%d\n“, x);

printf(“%d\n“, ++x);

y = x-- + 2;

printf(“%d\n“, y);

printf(“%d\n“, x);

y = ++x + 2 * x;

Output :







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4. Program Control

Repetition Structures :

Counter-controlled vs Sentinel-controlled • Counter-controlled repetition : - definite repetition : number of iterations known in advance, - use of a counter variable that is incremented at each

iteration. • Sentinel-controlled repetition : - indefinite repetition : number of iterations not known in

advance, - use of a sentinel value that indicates the end of the data.

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Counter-controlled repetition

• Requires : 1° A control variable, 2° The initial value of the conrol variable, 3° The increment (decrement) of the control variable at each

iteration, 4° The condition that tests for the final value of the control


• Example : /* Prints numbers from 1 to 10 */

#include <stdio.h>



int counter = 1; /* control var. decl. & init. */

while (counter <= 10) { /* condition */

printf("%d\n", counter);

++counter; /* increment */


return 0;


• Remarks : 1° Variables can be initialized within their declaration. 2° More concise form :

#include <stdio.h>



int counter = 0;

while (++counter <= 10)

printf("%d\n", counter);

return 0;


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The for Repetition Structure • Especially designed for counter-controlled repetition :

for ( initialization; condition; increment)


(mostly) equivalent to :


while (condition) {




• Example :

/* Prints numbers from 1 to 10 */

#include <stdio.h>



int counter;

for (counter = 1; counter <= 10; counter++)

printf("%d\n", counter);

return 0;


• Remarks : 1° The three expression in the for structure are optional. 2° Multiple, comma-separated, expressions can be used as

initialization and increment. 3° The increment may be negative (decrement).

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4° Flowchart :





• Some other examples : 1° Use of expressions : x = 2; y = 10;

for (j = x; j <= 4 * x * y; j += y / x)


is equivalent to : for (j = 2; j <= 80; j += 5)


2° From 1 to 100 in increments of 1 :

for (i = 1; i <= 100; i++)

3° From 100 to 1 in increments of –1 :

for (i = 100; i >= 1; i--)

4° From 7 to 77 in steps of 7 :

for (i = 7; i <= 77; i += 7)

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5° From 20 to 2 in steps of –2 : for (i = 20; i >= 2; i -= 2)

6° Sum all even integers from 2 to 100 :

#include <stdio.h>



int sum = 0, number;

for (number = 2; number <= 100; number += 2)

sum += number;

printf("Sum is %d\n", sum);

return 0;


equivalent to :

int sum, number;

for (sum = 0, number = 2; number <= 100; sum += number, number += 2);

7° Calculate compound interest : 1000 BEF invested during 10 years on a savings account that

yields 5 percent annual interest. Corresponding amount of money at the end of each year (1 to 10) ?

#include <stdio.h>

#include <math.h>



int year;

double amount, principal = 1000.0, rate = 0.05;

printf("%4s%21s\n", "Year", "Amount on deposit");

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for (year = 1; year <= 10; year++) {

amount = principal * pow(1.0 + rate, year);

printf("%4d%21.2f\n", year, amount);


return 0;


Output :

Year Amount on deposit

1 1050.00

2 1102.50

3 1157.62

4 1215.51

5 1276.28

6 1340.10

7 1407.10

8 1477.46

9 1551.33

10 1628.89

Remarks : 1° Library math.h : includes function pow :

pow(a, b) returns a to the power b where a and b are double. 2° double : floating-point data type with higher precision than

float. 3° Both arguments of pow are of type double and year is of

type int. Automatically converted. 4° Would be better to use int for monetary amounts


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Numbers and Precision • Computer’s memory : Sequence of storage places. To each place is associated an

address (index).

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 137

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 H e l l

21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 o 2.357412e012

• Bits, bytes and words : - Fundamental data unit : 0-1 bit (binary digit) - Byte : sequence of eight (23) bits. - Word : 2 bytes (16 bits), - Double-word : 4 bytes (32 bits). • Decimal representation of numbers : base 10 digits 0-9 235 = 2×102 + 3×101 + 5×100 • Binary representation of numbers : base 2 digits 0-1 235 = 111010112 = 1×27 + 1×26 + 1×25 + 0×24 + 1×23 + 0×22 + 1×21 + 1×20

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• Octal representation of numbers : base 8 digits 0-7

235 = 3538 = 3×82 + 5×81 + 3×80 • Hexadecimal representation of numbers : base 16 digits 0-F

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F

235 = EB16 = 14×161 + 11×160 • Representation of data in memory : binary - on 1 byte :

128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1

1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1

→ largest positive integer : 255 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

→ for signed numbers : two’s complement notation 1° The leftmost bit indicates whether the number is positive or

negative : 0: positive, 1: negative. 2° To convert a number (change sign) : - negate each bit ( 0 ↔ 1 and 1 ↔ 0 ), - add 1 to the result : 21 = 000101012 → -21 = 111010102 + 000000012 = 111010112 3° Maximum and minimum values : - minimum : 100000002 = -128 - maximum : 011111112 = 127

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- on 2 bytes : ... ... ... ... ... 1024 512 256 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1

→ largest positive integer : 65535 ... ... ... ... ... 1024 512 256 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 → Limited range and limited precision.

→ Possible overflow errors. → Possible rounding errors with floating point numbers. • C Data types :

Type 16-bit 32-bit Bytes Range Bytes Range

unsigned char

1 0 to 255 1 0 to 255

char 1 -128 to 127 1 -128 to 127

short int 2 -32768 to 32767 2 -32768 to 32767

unsigned int 2 0 to 65535 4 0 to 4294967295

int 2 -32768 to 32767 4 -2147483648 to 2147483647

enum 2 -32768 to 32767 4 -2147483648 to 2147483647

unsigned long

4 0 to 4294967295 4 0 to 4294967295

long 4 -2147483648 to 2147483647 4 -2147483648 to 2147483647

float 4 3.4 10-38 to 3.4 10+38 4 3.4 10-38 to 3.4 10+38

double 8 1.7 10-308 to 1.7 10+308 8 1.7 10-308 to 1.7 10+308

long double 10 3.4 10-4932 to 3.4 10+4932 10 3.4 10-4932 to 3.4 10+4932

near (pointer) 2 - 4 -

far (pointer) 4 - 4 -

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The do/while Repetition Structure • Syntax :

do {


} while (condition);

• Contrarily to the while structure, the condition is tested after

the loop body has executed. → The loop body is always executed at least once. • Example : Print the ten first positive integers on a single line.

#include <stdio.h>



int counter = 1;

do {

printf(“%d “, counter);

} while (++counter <= 10);

return 0;


• Remark : Use of braces (not required, but useful to avoid

confusion with while).

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The switch Multiple-Selection Structure • Example : Counting letter grades (A,B,C,D,F) for a class of

students. #include <stdio.h>



int grade;

int aCount = 0, bCount = 0, cCount = 0, dCount = 0,

fCount = 0;

printf(“Enter the letter grades.\n“);

printf(“Enter the EOF character to end input.\n“);

while ( (grade = getchar()) != EOF ) {

switch (grade) {

case ‘A’: case ‘a’:



case ‘B’: case ‘b’:



case ‘C’: case ‘c’:



case ‘D’: case ‘d’:



case ‘F’: case ‘f’:



case ‘\n’: case ‘ ‘:



printf(“Incorrect letter entered.\n“);

printf(“Enter a new grade.\n“);




printf(“\nTotals for each letter grade : \n“);

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printf(“A: %d\n“, aCount);

printf(“B: %d\n“, bCount);

printf(“C: %d\n“, cCount);

printf(“D: %d\n“, dCount);

printf(“F: %d\n“, fCount);

return 0;


• Remarks : - Multiple-selection according to the value of an integer (or

character) expression. - getchar() reads one character from the keyboard and returns

it. Characters are read one at a time after the user presses the Enter key. Different from scanf : one character at a time, including blanks, newline , ...

- Characters correspond to 1-byte integers → can be used either way :

printf(“The character (%c) has the value %d.\n“, ‘a’, ‘a’);

- Character constants are enclosed by single quotes. - EOF (End Of File) correspond to a system dependent

keystroke (for DOS : ctrl-z). - break is used to exit the structure (not required, but ...). - case’s are just labels. - default is optional.

• goto’s and labels : (contrary to structured programming) i = 0;


printf(“%d\n“, i++);

if (i <= 10) goto again;

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The break and continue Statements

• Used to alter the flow of control. Rather contrary to structured programming → use with care.

• When executed within a while, for, do/while or switch structure :

- break causes the immediate exit from the structure, - continue skips the remaining statements in the body of the

structure and continues with the loop. • Examples :

#include <stdio.h>



int x;

for (x = 1; x <= 10; x++) {

if (x == 5)


printf(“%d “, x);


printf (“\nBroke out of loop at == %d\n“, x);

return 0;


#include <stdio.h>



int x;

for (x = 1; x <= 10; x++) {

if (x == 5)


printf(“%d “, x);


printf (“\Used continue to skip printing 5\n“);

return 0;


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Logical Operators


Operator : AND OR NOT in C : && || !

A B A && B

0 0 0

0 • 0 0

• 0 0 0

• 0 • 0 1

A B A || B

0 0 0

0 • 0 1

• 0 0 1

• 0 • 0 1

• Examples :

if (gender ==1 && age >= 65)


if ‘semesterAverage >= 90 || finalExam >= 90)

printf(“Student grade is A\n“);

if (!(grade == sentinelValue))

printf(“The next grade is %f\n“, grade);

which is equivalent to : if (grade != sentinelValue)

printf(“The next grade is %f\n“, grade);

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Precedence Levels (completed)

From highest to lowest Associativity ( ) left to right

++ -- -(unary) (type) right to left * / % left to right

+ - left to right < <= > >= left to right

== != left to right && left to right || left to right ?: right to left

= += -= *= /= %= right to left , left to right


Confusing == (equality) and = (assignment) • Example 1 :

if (payCode == 4)

printf(“You get a bonus !“);

if (payCode = 4)

printf(“You get a bonus !“);

• Example 2 :

x = 1;

x == 1;

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5. Functions • Modularity : Divide and Conquer - Construct a large program from smaller pieces (modules). - Divide the program into logically consistent parts.

→ Facilitates program development and maintenance. → Allows reusability of modules. • In C : Functions

- Standard functions : from the C standard library : printf scanf pow getchar

- User-defined functions : written by the programmer. • Function call :

- Specifies the function name as well as arguments (information that is passed to the function).

printf(“%d“, number); pow(2.5, 2);

- Usually the function returns a piece of information to the calling function.

ch = getchar(); result = pow(2.5, 2);

• Local variables : Variables that are declared within a function. They are known

only within the function.

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Math Library Functions • Header file :

#include <math.h>

• All math functions return a value of type double. • Main functions available in the math library : (x and y are of type double)

Function Description Example sqrt(x) square root of x sqrt(25.0) : 5.0

exp(x) exponential exp(1.0) : 2.718282

exp(2.0) : 7.389056

log(x) natural logarithm log(2.718282) : 1.0

log(7.389056) : 2.0

log10(x) base 10 logarithm log10(1.0) : 0.0

log10(10.0) : 1.0

log10(100.0) : 2.0

fabs(x) absolute value fabs(12.5) : 12.5

fabs(-5.0) : 5.0

ceil(x) smallest integer ≥ x ceil(7.3) : 8.0

ceil(-1.5) : -1.0

floor(x) largest integer ≤ x floor(7.3) : 7.0

floor(-1.5) : -2.0

pow(x,y) x raised to power y pow(4, 3) : 64.0

pow(9, 0.5) : 3.0

fmod(x,y) remainder of x / y fmod(14, 2.5) : 1.5

sin(x) sine of x (radians) sin(0.0) : 0.0

cos(x) cosine of x cos(0.0) : 1.0

tan(x) tangent of x tan(0.0) : 0.0

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Function Definition • Example 1 :

/* Prints the squares of integers 1 to 10 */

#include <stdio.h>

int square(int); /* function prototype */

main() /* main function */


int x;

for (x=1; x <= 10; x++)

printf(“%d “, square(x));


return 0;


int square(int y) /* function definition */


return y * y;


• 2 parts : 1° Function prototype : useful for checking syntax, 2° Function defintion : general format :

return_value_type function_name(parameter_list)





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• Function definition : - function_name is any valid identifier. - return_value_type indicates the data type of the result

returned to the caller. Two special cases : - void indicates that no value is returned by the function, - int is assumed if no return_value_type is specified. - parameter_list is a comma-separated list containing the

declarations of the parameters : - each parameter is declared separately (type), - void is used if there are no parameters, - int is assumed if no type is specified. - The braces determine the function body. It is a block

(compound statement including declarations).

• Function call : - Using the function_name followed by a comma-separated

list of arguments. - A copy of the actual argument’s value is passed to the called

function and is associated to the corresponding parameter in the function → The actual argument’ value cannot be modified by the function (security: avoid side effects).

Example of potential side effect : int ipower(int a, int b) /* computes a to the power b */


int c = a;

while (b > 1) {

c *= a;



return c;


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- Control returns to the calling function (next statement) when either the function end is reached (closing brace) or when a return statement is executed : return; (no returned value) or return expression;

- Parameters and local variables values are temporary : available only during one function call, destroyed when the function returns.

• Example 2 :

/* Finds the maximum of three integers */

#include <stdio.h>

int maximum(int, int, int); /* prototype */



int a, b, c;

printf(“Enter three integers : “);

scanf(“%d%d%d“, &a, &b, &c);

printf(“The maximum is : %d\n“, maximum(a, b, c));

return 0;


int maximum(int x, int y, int z)


int max = x;

if (y > max)

max = y;

if (z > max)

max = z;

return max;


• Function prototype : Borrowed from C++.

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- Tells the compiler the type of data returned by a function, the number, types and order of the parameters.

→ Can be used to check the validity of function calls. - Without prototype, function calls are not checked by the

compiler → errors ! - A function prototype needs only to mention the parameters

data types (not their names). - A function call that doesn’t match the prototype causes a

syntax error.

• Coercion of arguments : - Example : math function expect double arguments, but sqrt(4) is still valid and returns 2.0 : the integer value is

first converted to double. - Type conversions should be done according to C promotion

rules to avoid the loss of data : toward highest level. int → double : OK double → int : truncation ! - From highest to lowest type :

Data Type in printf : in scanf : long double %Lf %Lf

double %f %lf

float %f %f

unsigned long int %lu %lu

long int %ld %ld

unsigned int %u %u

int %d %d

short %hd %hd

char %c %c

- C promotion rules are automatically used in mixed-type expressions.

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• Header files : Contains the function prototypes of all the functions in a

library, as well as data types and constants definitions. • Some useful standard library header :

Header file Description ctype.h Character handling functions float.h Floating point size limits limits.h Integer size limits math.h Math library functions stdio.h Standard I/O functions stdlib.h Conversions text/numbers, ... string.h String processing functions time.h Time and date functions

• User-defined header files :

#include "square.h"

Call by Value vs Call by Reference • Call by value : A copy of the argument's value is passed to the called

function. Changes made to the copy do not affect the original variable's value. No side effects.

• Call by reference :

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The called function can directly modify the value of the original arguments in the calling function. Danger: possible side effects.

• In C : Always call by value. But call by reference can be simulated : Cf. arrays and


Random Number Generation • The rand function : Returns a "randomly" generated integer between 0 and

RAND_MAX (defined in stdlib.h, on 16 bit systems: 32767) • Example 1 : Simulate 20 rolls of a die.

#include <stdio.h>

#include <stdlib.h>



int i;

for (i = 1; i <= 20; i++) {

printf("%10d", 1 + (rand() % 6));

if (i % 5 == 0)



return 0;


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• Example 2 : Simulate 6000 rolls and count the frequencies. #include <stdio.h>

#include <stdlib.h>



int face, roll, frequency1 = 0, frequency2 = 0,

frequency3 = 0, frequency4 = 0,

frequency5 = 0, frequency6 = 0;

for (roll = 1; roll <= 6000; roll++) {

face = 1 + rand() % 6;

switch (face) {

case 1:



case 2:



case 3:



case 4:



case 5:



case 6:





printf("%s%13s\n", "Face", "Frequency");

printf(" 1%13d\n", frequency1);

printf(" 2%13d\n", frequency2);

printf(" 3%13d\n", frequency3);

printf(" 4%13d\n", frequency4);

printf(" 5%13d\n", frequency5);

printf(" 6%13d\n", frequency6);

return 0;

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• Pseudo-random numbers : - Each time Example 2 is run, it generates the same sequence

of « random » numbers. - Pseudo-random numbers are actually computed, using an

appropriate recurrence formula, so that they appear to be random.

- The sequence of numbers generated can be changed by modifying the seed of the generator : using the srand function.

- Important to be able to reproduce a given situation for debugging a program.

- To produce a different sequence of numbers each time the program is run : srand(time(NULL));

• Example 1 : Simulate 20 rolls of a die (2nd version). #include <stdio.h>

#include <stdlib.h>


{ int i;

unsigned seed;

printf(“Enter seed : “);

scanf(“%u“, &seed);


for (i = 1; i <= 20; i++) {

printf("%10d", 1 + (rand() % 6));

if (i % 5 == 0)



return 0;


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Let’s Play Craps • Rules : The player rolls two dices. If the sum of the points obtained is 7 or 11, the player wins. If the sum is 2, 3 or 12, the player loses. In all other cases, the sum becomes the point of the player. The player rolls the two dices until either he obtains his point

(win) or obtains a 7 (lose).

• C program : #include <stdio.h>

#include <stdlib.h>

#include <time.h>

int rollDice(void);



int gameStatus, sum, point;


sum = rollDice();

switch(sum) {

case 7: case 11:

gameStatus = 1; /* win */


case 2: case 3: case 12:

gameStatus = 2; /* lose */



gameStatus = 0;

point = sum;

printf(“Point is %d\n", point);



while (gameStatus == 0) {

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sum = rollDice();

if (sum == point)

gameStatus = 1; /* win */


if (sum == 7)

gameStatus = 2; /* lose */


if (gameStatus == 1)

printf(“Player wins\n");


printf(“Player loses\n");

return 0;


int rollDice(void)


int die1, die2, locSum;

die1 = 1 + rand() % 6;

die2 = 1 + rand() % 6;

locSum = die1 + die2;

printf(“Player rolled %d + %d = %d\n", die1, die2,


return locSum;


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Storage Classes • Identifiers : Variable names, function names. • Attributes related to variables : name, type, value, ... • Other attributes : storage class, storage duration, scope,

linkage. • Storage class : Four storage classes are defined in C :

auto register extern static

→ determine storage duration, scope and linkage. • Storage duration : period during which the identifier exists in

memory. • Scope : where the identifier can be referenced in a program. • Linkage : for multiple source files programs. • Automatic storage duration : auto register - Variables created when the block in which they are declared

is entered, and destroyed when the block is exited. - Local variables are are automatic by default (hence auto is

rarely used). - register asks the compiler to store a variable in a high

speed processor register (if possible). Becomes unnecessary with modern optimizing compilers.

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• Static storage duration : extern static - Variables that exist during the whole execution of the

program. - static is used with local variables :

void printCounter(void)


static int count = 1;

printf(“Call number %d\n", count++);


- extern is used with external identifiers. It is the default for

global variables and function names.

Scope Rules • Labels (Cf. switch and goto) have function scope : can be

used anywhere in the function in which they appear. • An identifier defined outside of any function has file scope :

can be used in all functions from the point at which it is declared until the end of the file.

• An identifier declared inside a block has block scope : can be

used within the block only (Cf. local variables, function parameters)

• Identifiers used in function prototypes (not required) have

function-prototype scope : ignored by the compiler.

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• Example :

#include <stdio.h>

void a(void); void b(void); void c(void);

int x = 1; /* global variable */

main() { int x = 5 /* local variable */ printf(“x = %d\n", x); { int x = 7; printf(“x = %d\n", x); } printf(“x = %d\n", x); a(); b(); c(); a(); b(); c(); printf(“x = %d\n", x); return 0; }

void a(void) { int x = 25; printf(“x = %d\n", x); ++x; printf(“x = %d\n", x); }

void b(void) { static int x = 50; printf(“x = %d\n", x); ++x; printf(“x = %d\n", x); }

void c(void) { printf(“x = %d\n", x); x *= 10; printf(“x = %d\n", x); }

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Recursion • In C : functions can call themselves → recursive functions.

• Caution : Complex topic. Recursion can often be replaced by more efficient iterative structures.

• Principle : - A general problem has to be solved. - The solution is known for the simplest case(s) (base case(s)). - The problem can be divided into two sub-problems : one

(simple) whose solution is known and another one that cannot be solved directly but is a simpler version of the original problem.

• Example 1 : Computing the factorial of a nonnegative integer. #include <stdio.h>

long factorial(long);



int i;

for (i = 1; i <= 10; i++)

printf(“%2d! = %ld\n", i, factorial(i));

return 0;


long factorial(long number)


if (number == 1)

return 1;


return (number * factorial(number - 1));


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• Example 2 : The Fibonacci series. 0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 ...

- Starts with 0 and 1. - Each subsequent number in the series is the sum of the two

previous ones.

#include <stdio.h>

long fibonacci(long);



long result, number;

printf(“Enter an integer : “);

scanf(“%ld“, &number);

result = fibonacci(number);

printf(“Fibonacci(%ld) = %ld\n", number, result);

return 0;


long fibonacci(long n)


if (n == 0 || n == 1)

return n;


return fibonacci(n - 1) + fibonacci(n - 2);


• Problems related to recursion : Large number of function calls - more processor time required, - more memory required (multiple copies of local variables).

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6. Arrays • Array : - Data structure consisting of related data items of the same

type. - A sequence of memory locations that are accessed using the

same name and that can contain the same type of data. - Each location is accessed by specifying its position number

in the array (starting with 0). • Example : Integer array, called c, with 12 elements :

C[0] 34

C[1] 0

C[2] -1

C[3] -2

C[4] 12

C[5] -1

C[6] 28

C[7] 2

C[8] 11489

C[9] 0

C[10] 0

C[11] 52

• Using arrays : name[subscript_expression]

printf(“%d\n“, c[3]);

c[10] = 45;

c[n + 1] = 0;

for (i=0; i < 12; i++)

printf(“%d “, c[i]);

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• Declaring arrays : element_type array_name[number_of_elements];

Examples : int c[12];

int b[100], x[27];

• Initializing an array : - using a for loop :

#include <stdio.h>



int n[10], i;

for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)

n[i] = 0;

printf(“%s%13s\n“, “Element“, “Value“);

for (i = 1; i < 10; i++)

printf(“%7d%13d\n“, i, n[i]);

return 0;


- in the array declaration : (compile time only)

#include <stdio.h>



int i, n[10] = {32, 45, 12, 1, 34, 0, 1, 9, 41, 12};

printf(“%s%13s\n“, “Element“, “Value“);

for (i = 1; i < 10; i++)

printf(“%7d%13d\n“, i, n[i]);

return 0;


- also :

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int n[10] = {0};

int a[5] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}

int b[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}

- using the #define preprocessor directive :

#include <stdio.h>

#define SIZE 10



int s[SIZE], j;

for (j = 0; j < SIZE; j++)

s[j] = 2 + 2 * j;

printf(“%s%13s\n“, “Element“, “Value“);

for (i = 1; i < SIZE; i++)

printf(“%7d%13d\n“, i, n[i]);

return 0;


→ SIZE is a symbolic constant. It is replaced by 10 (a

replacement text, not an integer number) wherever it appears in the program, before compilation.

→ Makes the program more scalable.

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• Application 1 : Analysis of survey data. Forty student rate the quality of food in the cafeteria on a 1 to

10 scale (1: very bad, 10: excellent). Summary of the data ?

#include <stdio.h>

#define STUDENTS 40;

#define VALUES 11;



int answer, rating;

int responses[STUDENTS];

int frequency[VALUES] = {0}

printf(“Enter the %d grades : \n“, STUDENTS);

for (answer = 0; answer < STUDENTS; answer++)

scanf(“%d“, &responses[answer]);

for (answer = 0; answer < STUDENTS; answer++)


printf(“%s%17s\n“, “Rating“, “Frequency“);

for (rating = 1; rating < VALUES; rating++)

printf(“%6d%17d\n“, rating, frequency[rating]);

return 0;


Remarks : - Element number 0 of array frequency is not used. - No array bounds checking → potential errors !

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• Application 2 : Printing a histogram. #include <stdio.h>

#define SIZE 10



int n[SIZE] = {19, 3, 15, 7, 11, 9, 13, 5, 17, 1};

int i, j;

printf(“%s%13s%17s\n“, “Element“, “Value“,


for (i = 0; i < SIZE; i++) {

printf(“%7d%13d “, i, n[i]);

for (j = 1; j <= n[i]; j++)




return 0;


• Application 3 : Dice rolling (revisited). #include <stdio.h>

#include <stdlib.h>

#include <time.h>

#define SIZE 7;


{ int face, roll, frequency1[SIZE] = {0};


for (roll = 1; roll <= 6000; roll++) {

face = 1 + rand() % 6;



printf("%s%13s\n", "Face", "Frequency");

for (face = 1; face < SIZE; face++)

printf("%4d%13d\n", face, frequency[face]);

return 0;


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Character arrays • In C : string = array of characters.

• Declaration and initialisation : char string1[] = “hello“;

→ The size of the array is determined by the compiler : 5 characters + a special string termination character: ‘\0’ indicates the end of the string.

• All strings end with the string termination character. → Always reserve a place for it.

• Other equivalent declaration : char string1[] = {‘h’, ‘e’, ‘l’, ‘l’, ‘o’, ‘\0‘};

• Individual characters can be accessed or modified directly : if (string1[5] == ‘\0‘)

length = 5;

string1[0] = ‘H’;

• Strings can be read using scanf : char string2[20];

scanf(“%s“, string2);

- string2 can store strings up to 19 characters (+ terminating null character).

- No & in scanf ! (Cf. later) Array name = address of the first element of the array. - No check of the length of the array that is read ! - scanf reads characters until the first blank character.

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• Example : #include <stdio.h>



char string1[20], string2[] = “Good bye !“;

int i;

printf(“Enter a string : “);

scanf(“%s“, string1);

printf(“string1 is : %s\nstring2 is : %s\n“

“string1 with spaces :\n“,

string1, string2);

for (i = 0; string1[i] != ‘\0’; i++)

printf(“%c “, string1[i]);


return 0;


→ A typical run :

Enter a string : Hello there

string1 is : Hello

string2 is : Good bye

string1 with spaces :

H e l l o

Static Arrays

• Useful for local variables : Not created and deleted every time the function is called. → Reduces program execution time.

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Passing Arrays to Functions • Example :

int hourlyTemperatures[24];


modifyArray(hourlyTemperatures, 24);

• Arrays are passed using simulated call by reference. → The called function can modify the actual arguments in the

calling function !

• Usually, the number of elements in the array is also passed to the function.

• Name of array = address of first element : #include <stdio.h>



char array[5];

printf(“ array = %p\n&array[0] = %p\n“,

array, &array[0]);

return 0;


→ Output : array = FFF0

&array[0] = FFF0

• Function header : void modifyArray(int b[], int size)

• Function prototype : void modifyArray(int [], int);

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• Example : #include <stdio.h>

#define SIZE 5

void modifyArray(int [], int);

void modifyElement(int);



int a[SIZE] = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4};

int i;

printf(“Original array:\n“);

for (i = 0; i < SIZE; i++)

printf(“%3d“, a[i]);


modifyArray(a, SIZE);

printf(“Modified array:\n“);

for (i = 0; i < SIZE; i++)

printf(“%3d“, a[i]);

printf(“Original value of a[3]: %d\n“, a[3]);


printf(“Modified value of a[3]: %d\n“, a[3]);

return 0;


void modifyArray(int b[], int size)


int j;

for (j = 0; j < size; j++)

b[j] *= 2;


void modifyElement(int e)


printf(“Value in modifyElement: %d\n“, e *= 2);


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• Using const : Prevents the modification of array values in a function. → makes the array a constant in the function body, → any attempt to modifiy an element of the array results in a

compile time error. Example :

#include <stdio.h>

void tryToModifyArray(const int []);



int a[] = {10, 20, 30};


printf(“%d %d %d\n“, a[0], a[1], a[2]);

return 0;


void tryToModifyArray(const int b[])


b[0] /= 2; /* error ! */

b[1] /= 2; /* error ! */

b[2] /= 2; /* error ! */


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Sorting Arrays • Either ascending (« smallest » element first) or descending

« largest » element first). • One of the most important computing applications (sorting

customers by name, by account number, sorting sales figures, ...).

• The exchange sort : At each step, a pair of components are swapped in the list. → Principle : 1° Find the smallest (largest) component in the list and

exchange it with the first component. 2° Repeat the procedure with the remaining components

(starting with the second one), until all are ordered.

void exchangeSort(int a[], int size)


int hold, pass, place, minIndex;

for (pass = 0; pass < size - 1; pass++)


minIndex = pass;

for (place = pass + 1; place < size; place++)

if (a[place] < a[minIndex])

minIndex = place;

hold = a[minIndex];

a[minIndex] = a[pass];

a[pass] = hold;



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Calling the function : ...

#define SIZE 10


int x[SIZE];


exchangeSort(x, SIZE);


• The bubble sort : Several passes are made through the array. On each pass,

successive pairs of elements are compared : if a pair is in decreasing order, their value are swapped, otherwise they are not changed.

→ After one pass, the largest element has reached the last position in the array.

void bubbleSort(int a[], int size)


int hold, pass, j;

for (pass = 1; pass < size; pass++)

for (j = 0; j < size - 1; j++)

if (a[j] > a[j+1]) {

hold = a[j];

a[j] = a[j+1];

a[j+1] = hold;



→ Still relatively slow, especially for large arrays.

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Searching Arrays • Determine whether an array contains a value that matches a

certain key value. • Linear search : Compare sequentially each element of the array with the key.

#include <stdio.h>

#define SIZE 100

int linearSearch(int [], int, int);



int a[SIZE], x, searchKey, element;

for (x = 0; x < SIZE; x++)

a[x] = 2 * x;

printf(“Enter search key: “);

scanf (“%d“, &searchKey);

element = linearSearch(a, searchKey, SIZE);

if (element == -1)

printf(“Value not found !\n“);


printf(“Value found at position: %d\n“, element);

return 0;


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int linearSearch(int array[], int key, int size)


int n;

for (n = 0; n < size; n++)

if (array[n] == key)

return n;

return -1;


→ On average, the number of comparisons required will be

half the size of the array.

→ OK only for small or for unsorted arrays. • Binary search : for sorted arrays.

Faster than the sequential search. Principle of successive approximations : (Cf. look up a word in the dictionary) - the list is divided in half, - the search is limited one half of the list, - the division is repeated until the item is found or appears not

to be in the list. → In the worst case, the number of comparisons required will

be : 10 for searching 1,024 (= 210) elements, 20 for searching 1,048,576 (= 220) elements, 30 for searching 1,073,741,824 (= 230) elements.

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#include <stdio.h>

#define SIZE 100

int binarySearch(int [], int, int);



int a[SIZE], x, searchKey, element;

for (x = 0; x < SIZE; x++)

a[x] = 2 * x;

printf(“Enter search key: “);

scanf (“%d“, &searchKey);

element = binarySearch(a, searchKey, SIZE);

if (element == -1)

printf(“Value not found !\n“);


printf(“Value found at position: %d\n“, element);

return 0;


int binarySearch(int array[], int key, int size)


int low, high, middle;

low = 0;

high = size - 1;

while (low <= high) {

middle = (low + high) / 2;

if (key == array[middle])

return middle;

else if (key < array[middle])

high = middle - 1;


low = middle + 1;


return -1;


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Multiple-Subscripted Arrays • Two-dimensional arrays : Useful for representing tables. Example : Integer array a with three rows and four columns :

Column 0 Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Row 0 a[0][0] a[0][1] a[0][2] a[0][3]

Row 1 a[1][0] a[1][1] a[1][2] a[1][3]

Row 2 a[2][0] a[2][1] a[2][2] a[2][3]

Storage in memory :

a a[0] a[0][0] a[0][1] a[0][2]

a[1] a[0][3] a[1][0] a[1][1] a[1][2] a[1][3]

a[2] a[2][0] a[2][1] a[2][2] a[2][3]

Declaration :

int a[3][4];

Initialization :

int b[2][2] = {{1, 2}, {3, 4}};

int c[2][2] = {{1}, {3, 4}};

int d[2][2] = {1, 2, 3, 4};

int e[2][2] = {1, 2};

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• Example 1 : #include <stdio.h>

void printArray(int [][3]);



int array1[2][3] = { {1, 2, 3}, {4, 5, 6} },

array2[2][3] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 },

array3[2][3] = { {1, 2}, {4} };







return 0;


void printArray(int a[][3])


int i, j;

for (i = 0; i <= 1; i++) {

for (j = 1; j <= 2; j++)

printf(“%d “, a[i][j]);




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• Example 2 :

#include <stdio.h>

#define STUDENTS 3

#define EXAMS 4

int minimum(int [][EXAMS], int, int);

int maximum(int [][EXAMS], int, int);

float average(int [], int);

void printArray(int [][EXAMS], int, int);



int student,

studentGrades[STUDENTS][EXAMS] =

{{77, 68, 86, 73},

{96, 87, 89, 78},

{70, 90, 86, 81}};

printf(“The array is:\n“);

printArray(studentGrades, STUDENTS, EXAMS);

printf(“\n\nLowest grade: %d\nHighest grade: %d\n“,

minimum(studentGrades, STUDENTS, EXAMS),

maximum(studentGrades, STUDENTS, EXAMS));

for (student = 1; student < STUDENTS; student++)

printf(“Average grade for student %d : %.2f\n“,


average(studentGrades[student], EXAMS));

return 0;


int minimum(int grades[][EXAMS], int pupils, int tests)


int i, j, lowGrade = 100;

for (i = 0; i < pupils; i++)

for (j = 0; j < tests; j++)

if (grades[i][j] < lowGrade)

lowGrade = grades[i][j];

return lowGrade;


int maximum(int grades[][EXAMS], int pupils, int tests)

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int i, j, highGrade = 100;

for (i = 0; i < pupils; i++)

for (j = 0; j < tests; j++)

if (grades[i][j] > highGrade)

highGrade = grades[i][j];

return highGrade;


float average(int setOfGrades[], int tests)


int i, total = 0;

for (i = 0; i < tests; i++)

total += setOfGrades[i];

return (float) total / tests;


void printArray(int grades[][EXAMS], int pupils,

int tests)


int i, j;

printf(“ [0] [1] [2] [3]“);

for (i = 0; i < pupils; i++) {

printf(“\nstudentGrades[%d] “,i);

for (j = 0; j < tests; j++)

printf(“-5d“, grades[i][j]);



• Up to 12 array subscripts are allowed : fun[x][y1][t][2][z][a1][a2][y2][v][w][m][p]

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7. Pointers

Pointer Variables • Definition : Variable whose value is a memory address (of an

other variable). • Declaration : using the indirection operator * : Example : pointer to an integer variable

int *countPtr, count;

count = 7;

countPtr = &count;

&countPtr &count 312412 432180 432180 ...... 7

• Initialisation : Either to 0 to NULL (defined in stdio.h) or to a valid address. • Assigning a value to a pointer variable : using the & operator. • Indirection operator : (or dereferencing operator) Returns the value of the object to which a pointer points :

printf(“%d“, *countPtr);

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• Example : #include <stdio.h>



int a, *aPtr;

a = 7;

aPtr = &a;

printf(“Address of a : %p\n“, &a);

printf(“Value of aPtr : %p\n“, aPtr);

printf(“Value of a : %d\n“, a);

printf(“Value of *aPtr : %d\n“, *aPtr);

return 0;


Output :

Address of a : FFF4

Value of aPtr : FFF4

Value of a : 7

Value of *aPtr : 7

Calling Functions by Reference • Simulated, using pointers (avoid overhead of call by value): - the addresses of the arguments are passed to the function (as in scanf), - the indirection operator is used in the function to access the

actual argument.

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• Example 1 : - call by value :

#include <stdio.h>

int cubeByValue(int);



int number = 5;

number = cubeByValue(number);

printf(“Cube is : %d\n“, number);

return 0;


int cubeByValue(int n)


return n * n * n;


- call by reference :

#include <stdio.h>

void cubeByReference(int *);



int number = 5;


printf(“Cube is : %d\n“, number);

return 0;


void cubeByReference(int *nPtr)


*nPtr = *nPtr * *nPtr * *nPtr;


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• Example 2 : new version of the bubble sort : #include <stdio.h>

#define SIZE 10

void bubbleSort(int *, int);



int i,

a[SIZE] = {2, 6, 4, 8, 10, 12, 89, 68, 45, 37};

printf(“Original order: \n“);

for (i = 0; i < SIZE; i++)

printf(“%4d“, a[i]);

bubbleSort(a, SIZE);

printf(“\nSorted in ascending order: \n“);

for (i = 0; i < SIZE; i++)

printf(“%4d“, a[i]);


return 0;


void bubbleSort(int *array, int size)


int pass, j;

void swap(int *, int *);

for (pass = 1; pass < size; pass++)

for (j = 0; j < size - 1; j++)

if (array[j] > array[j+1])



void swap(int *x1Ptr, int *x2Ptr)


int hold;

hold = *x1Ptr;

*x1Ptr = *x2Ptr;

*x2Ptr = hold;


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Remarks : - use of *array instead of array[] : equivalent, array = pointer

to first element of the array - prototype of swap inside bubbleSort : restricts proper calls of

the function to those made from bubbleSort.

Pointer Expressions and Pointer Arithmetic • Limited set of available operators :

++ -- + += - -=

• Examples : (with 4-byte integers)

int v[10], *vPtr;

vPtr = &v[0]; /* or vPtr = v; */

vPtr += 2; /* adds 2 * 4 to the value of vPtr */

/* hence vPtr == v[2] */

vptr--; /* subtracts 1 * 4 to vPtr */

Pointers and Arrays • Pointers and arrays can be used almost interchangeably.

• Array name = constant pointer.

• Pointers can be used instead of array subscripting (more efficient).

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• Example 1 : int b[5], *bPtr;

bPtr = b; /* or bPtr = &b[0]; */


*(bPtr + 3) /* equivalent to b[3] */

/* pointer/offset notation */


*(b + 3) /* also equivalent to b[3] */


bPtr[1] /* equivalent to b[1] */


b += 3; /* invalid */

• Example 2 : #include <stdio.h>



int i, offset, b[] = {10, 20, 30, 40};

int *bPtr = b;

printf(“Using subscript notation :\n“);

for (i = 0; i <= 3; i++)

printf(“b[%d] = %d\n“, i, b[i]);

printf(“Using pointer/offset notation with b :\n“);

for (offset = 0; offset <= 3; offset++)

printf(“*(b + %d) = %d\n“, offset, *(b + offset));

printf(“Using pointer subscript notation :\n“);

for (i = 0; i <= 3; i++)

printf(“bPtr[%d] = %d\n“, i, bPtr[i]);

printf(“Using pointer/offset notation :\n“);

for (offset = 0; offset <= 3; offset++)

printf(“*(bPtr + %d) = %d\n“, offset,

*(bPtr + offset));

return 0;


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• Example 3 : Copying strings. #include <stdio.h>

void copy1(char *, const char *);

void copy2(char *, const char *);



char string1[10], *string2 = “Hello“,

string3[10], string4[10] = “Good Bye“;


printf(“string1 = %s\n“, string1);


printf(“string3 = %s\n“, string3);

return 0;


void copy1(char *s1, const char *s2);

{ /* array notation */

int i;

for (i = 0; s1[i] = s2[i]; i++) ;


void copy2(char *s1, const char *s2);

{ /* pointer notation */

for ( ; *s1 = *s2; s1++, s2++) ;


Remarks : - use of const, - use of the null string termination character.

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8. Characters and Strings

Characters • Character constant : Integer value represented as a character

enclosed in single quotes. ‘t’ ‘1’ ‘;’ ‘$’ ‘\n’

Value of a character constant : index of the character in the machine’s character set (ASCII table for PC’s).

• Character handling library : Cf. Fig. 8.1

#include <ctype.h>

Strings • String constant : Series of characters written in double

quotation marks. “This is a string“ “123.45“

• In C : - Array of characters, ending with the null character (\0). - Accessed using a pointer to the first character. - Value of a string = address of its first character. • String conversion functions : Cf. Fig. 8.5

#include <stdlib.h>

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Additional I/O Functions

• Cf. Fig. 8.12

#include <stdio.h>

• Example 1 :

#include <stdio.h>



char sentence[80];

void reverse(char *);

printf(“Enter a line of text:\n“);


printf(“\Line printed backwards:\n“);


return 0;


void reverse(char *s)


if (s[0] == ‘\0’)


else {





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• Example 2 :

#include <stdio.h>



char c, sentence[80];

int i = 0;

puts(“Enter a line of text:“);

while ((c = getchar()) != ‘\n’)

sentence[i++] = c;

sentence[i] = ‘\0’;

puts(“The line entered was:“)


return 0;


• String handling library : Cf. Fig. 8.17 and 8.20

#include <string.h>

• Additional functions are also available.

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9. Formatted Input/Output

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What’s Next ?

• Structures, Unions, Enumerations. • File processing. • Data structures : - Linked Lists, - Stacks, - Queues, - Trees, ... • Object Oriented Programming and C++.