AOKwith DWI? · iiiiiiihei tllltl L‘lllilll .iddi'ess, lhe person \\ho eoiiies elosest to...


Transcript of AOKwith DWI? · iiiiiiihei tllltl L‘lllilll .iddi'ess, lhe person \\ho eoiiies elosest to...

Page 1: AOKwith DWI? · iiiiiiihei tllltl L‘lllilll .iddi'ess, lhe person \\ho eoiiies elosest to guessing. the .ittu.i| tilllillllll isill \\iii the itinil) liiesdiis lliineei \\\ote‘llL‘ss

AOK with DWI?\Ntiiulrl Dfllltfllt llieiintoiistill have it scholarship il

Walking the plankSports has the results ol

Comic guruZack returns with more


comics y0u should read,plus ”Best in Show" and”Red Planet"

he weren’t iii basketball the volleyball team Sseason finale againstECU.

player? find out inOpinion, page '2

TuesdayNovember I4, 2000



Students get chance to study gender issuesoMeredith College ProfessorClyde Frazier is inviting N.C.State students to take his gen-der issues in law and politicscourse.

'l‘im ('lurk

\ioiisls. the List tiiiie l‘eiiie tltiee\e.:is llie iiltlusiotl olin.i|es iii the ttllll‘st‘ pio\ ed lieneliei.i| till .iioiiiid. .iet'oi‘dine tothe iiistiiietoi. (‘[\ile l‘t'u/lt‘t


” \t t| lllllk‘i t\so L'tl\\ p.iitieip.itei| l tliink the Meredithstiiileiits tippi'etidted ll .iiid th.itthe} got .i lot out iil ll. siiiil

issue h) presenting: the stiinee olhoth the iii;iseuliiie .iiid teiiiiiiiste.iiiips,"'l'he readings ill't‘ .is l‘illtlltL‘L‘ l k'dll l'iiid :iiid gne \iii‘iouspei'speetnes.“ siiid l‘t'it/IL'I'.'l'he eouise goes so liii' ;t\ toliii‘thei di\ ide the nu» groups. iis\\ tilt the siihieet ol pornogriipli}.xi: -si iii k‘ iu-Itw ”w e l.tss litt‘tlses till the lopltNin iiioileiii soeieix th;iI l.i|l iindeithe li|;iiiket ol eeiidei issuesi

ss( \t.ile students lli‘\\ li.i\e‘li.‘ iippi-itiiiiil} to Like .i eendet\lL‘It‘tlllllt i‘ll‘.'_‘_'e‘, ii tli.ii's iiiei‘.\|lll soiiie eontiiners} iii \\liile the piiiii.ii‘} ieiisoiitoi opening the eiiurse to Kentstudents is to inelude men in theNt‘Sl' \soiileti tire \\el»i'tllllt‘ to register

issues tl;iss .ilL titlt'st‘

t l.iss.\leii h_i\e Likeii the eliiss tire

I Ill/tel,

issues siieh .isitieiil .iiid ill‘ittl'lltlllIiiiighl iii the el.issie \‘oi'riitit’iii.iiinei'. the touise pi'o\ ides stiidents \iith questions r.ithei thiin.ttls\\L‘t'\eulltsdssoiii'ee iii;iteii.i|li' e\plot’e liiitli sides ol'

\\ here hothlt‘ee

\t‘\llill llill'dsv

lhis is endent iii the MHWUIIHH}iitteiiipt ill iiiihiiisedllie eoui'se triesetn‘ll

Campus group

faISCS awarenessshape for the Homeless is sponsoringon-campus activities in honor and recog-nition of people who experience hungerand homelessness.

Roliin “orrell,. '\'tll ii :m'v:

lliis “eels \o\ IZ-Ih‘ is lluneei .iiidlliiti t‘lt t~ \tsoiflit ss “eels. ititl\l Moe‘s lli‘t‘i,‘ ll‘i lllt‘ lli'lllt‘lL‘N‘iliedni/iituin \‘lll spoiisiii ilell\ll|L'\tliiiiuelioiit the ends lot students to leiiiii.ilioiii tillti :iiiiitip.iie ill illtttls to helpthose in iiti't''Ilope tot llls iloiiieless sponsors iiiixiii-iii ei\ il.l_‘- tllltlll}! the week to helpi il'xs .t\\illtlle'\~v loi the i~sims siiii‘otiiiillll:‘ litiiieei iiiiil lioiiielqssiiess loinilt}:i.itioiiultji .iiiil :‘liili.ill\." still \t \lmph-winin- .iiid llope liii 'tit lloiiielessl‘ie~tilei71 \iigelii li.iiiii_:'lllt‘ list i‘i t'\\‘llls ls its liilltius\lrltltlit} lllllIlL'lU\\ .\\\.ttt'lii‘\sllieie \\it\‘ie si't tip iii the liiit ‘M illtllioiii lll .iiii i pin with llllt'l'lllitlllllluid \lt'llltltlslldllt‘lls ilCdllllgl \\|lll lioiiieli sslte‘sslliiee tt‘llldlllk‘l‘ «it e.iiiil_\ were on dis-gilii'. in the Little. the .iiiioiiiii in one tont.iiiiei iepiesented the iiuinhei ol lioiiieless [\‘i‘ttlt' til lCiilL'llel. lllt‘ \L‘t'ttiltl. lllt‘ll‘lllll‘t‘l H! lliilllt'less elttltlit‘lt It: littlelgll.-:iil the ll‘thl. the lltlllll‘t‘l ol people \\lioe eie iiiieiiiplmeil

Students eould more do\\ It their guesses toi him iiiiieh kitlltl} \\.is in etieli eoii-t.iinei. illilllL' \\ith their lltllllC. phoneiiiiiiihei tllltl L‘lllilll .iddi'ess, lhe person\\ho eoiiies elosest to guessing. the .ittu.i|tilllillllll isill \\iii the itinil)liiesdiis lliineei \\\ote‘llL‘ssll'it't“ is .l tiihle set up in tlie lti’iektdidtioiii lllil iii to 4pin todas \iitli iiiloillltllltitl .ihoiit huneei.l'hei'e \\ill also he people iii;iking:peniim l‘iitlt't .ilhl ie|l\ \itll\l\‘-lLllL'\ tol.ll\\' to lllt \ltt‘llt‘l\niilents .iie eiiiiiiu.i_s_zed to helpliieil ioiiieless'\l,iii\ students \\lll .ilso he liisiine tillin in lioiioi ol those \\lio iiie e'sperteiiein).v lllllljjt‘l tlll'lilltl the \iot'ltl." s.iiilliiiurie\\t~iliit'sil.ii .i llllll, ”l.i_\l:i‘s(.iiiipii'eii.“ \\tll he \llt"\\ll iii‘ill W ‘lp lli t=i Ti‘e li!.ie.;‘.\ \ttiuts lx’ooiiitsLiiii ll’,ll‘.;',\‘l Hiiiiduetii iii in the Minutell‘Litsil l\“H”. ;V“l.(\ \‘il

\ell\ll_\ lx'oiiiiilittle!) \leep Hut lliilitipdiitssleep iiiiiode iii tloxtiitouii Riileieliiiiiilei llIL \ltlllltli‘dl Building: on the eviliiei oi l).i\\ siiii .iiid lliiieelt streets tioiii 7‘p iii ‘ii iii"It is \‘I‘Lll to till students .iiid L‘tiltlllltlrtill} nieiiilieis iis ‘i\L'll .is the lioiiielesspeople ot lttleigli.” \lltl liiitiiig. "\\epio\iile elotliiiig .iiid hl.iiikets tor thehoiiieless illltl lood .iiid luii l'oi e\ei‘_\son; H


Buildings made saferON.C. State is playing a role in American-Japanese research to make buildingsearthquake-resistant.

(‘aru I’rtiedge\ sile‘li .\‘i .s's ltli‘ui

l oi inost .\.( Suite students. it is tlll‘lli\llll to iiiiiieiiie heme iii iiii eiirthtiuiikel'he eliisest iiiost hii\ e e\ ei‘ heeii to one issetiiie the destruetioii l‘l'tl.ltlk'.l\l on thetlt'\\s\oiii lll‘lllh\ to it lll')k'tll'. iiiulti-iiiii\ei~siti studs llltll iiieltiiles N(‘Sl' t‘esenreh.\iexiiiie enrihquuke duiiiiige iii;i_\lit't'iiitte ttli‘le tllll'lt‘llll\(‘S‘l‘ prolessoi Mohiiiiiiimd Noori.heiid ol the depiirtiiient oi lllL‘t‘lldlllt‘ttl.iiid :ieiospdee engineering. is viorkiiieoii \iins to de\e|iip Ctll‘llltllltlhcrI‘L‘\|\ltllllbuilding struetutes»\Ioiig_i \\lllt tuo other'I .iikitoslii l'tll iikim ii. A!” iissoeiute protes—soi l'i‘oiii ()siik.i l'niiersit} and Dr. :\i'tllt|,\l;isiit;i, ;i iiieehitnieiil engineer til thel\\oto Institute of 'leehnolog). he isse.iiehiii_e t’oi “ins to iitili/e ShapeMentor} Mittei'iiils (SMAsi that L‘tlll iiidin this eiide;i\oi'\‘ooii s.iid these llltllt‘t'ltll\ iire inoreeoiiiiiioiil} e.illed "smart lllttlL‘fttll\.llk‘t’tllht' the} i'tiiiilI} lilt‘lnllt’l/C theiit‘llelllltll shiipe'


It these lllttlL‘l‘\ .iie detoiiiied. the}(till iietiiiilli iegiiin theii oiieiiidl sli.ipesitnpl} h) heine heatedl'lie} iti'e .ilso energy .ilisorhdiii. \iioiis.iid \oori is the lust peison .it \('Sl' tostud) these iiiiiteriiils tor stlt‘ll it purpose.lle hiis heeii siiid)ing thein sinee lzistVmeiiihei'. often he unite to the unnerrsll}'l'he iiitioiiiile hehind this reseni‘eh istliiit. h} using lliese siiiiii't iniiteriiils iiihiiildings lllill eould he damaged h)earthquakes. energ} \\ il| he iihsorhed tllltlthe huildiiie \sill \sithstiiiid the \ihiutionsiiiiieli hetiei lllilll buildings iiiiide “tilteoineiitioniil Illtllt‘l‘ttlls like steel.'l'hus km. the out) e\periiiientiitioii llthheeii done in .i Iiihorutor}. .ieeordiiig toNoon.”We (“1‘ in the eiirl) stages." he \tlltll‘lL‘ltll‘t.‘ these SMAs tll't‘ used in largersti‘iietui'es. l'L‘\L‘ttt‘L‘hL‘l‘\ \siiiit to “under-stiind full) the nature hehinil the niiiteri—ills." suid Noorr'l'hese lHillCl’ltllN lime been around siiieethe “Mills, \\ hen “the} were way tlht‘tldol their tune." siiid Noori. It hasn‘t iiiitildeeiides litter illtll reseureliei's \\ ere iihlelouse theni seientit‘ieiill),l‘iir e\;iinp|e. \‘dltl Noori. tour or t'i\e)eiirs itgo. hioiiiedieiil engineers hegiiniisiiig theiii, Also. no“. ii person eiiii\\;ilk into Home Depot ttlltl buy it show

See- QUAKE Page 3

l'eiiiiiiistL‘\pl‘t‘ssltinpornogiuph} :ii‘e iidiiiild eoiitrm ers) iirose sur-rounding the eliiss last semester\\ hen l'l'il/lt‘l eii‘euliited the pres|iiniiitir_\ notes for :l hook thiit hehiid heeun \sork on the hook.“till .‘i \\oiking title ol "ls()hstilete i’."loeiised on the deeliiie ol' llltt\-tulinit) iii modern soeiet),

Some ,\leiedith students took

\ie\\s oiunli-

offense to the \sork‘s iii.iseuliiieprospecltVe. leelttig lhttt I'opposed mun) modern t'eiiiinistideals. The eainipiis newspaper.the "Meredith lleiiild." heeuinethe forum for students to Voicetheir displeasure"The opinions hroiight torth inthe hook proposail ztre (lCIthtln-ing., to women and eontriidietMeredith (‘ollege‘s gtltll ol‘Eduetiting Women to li\eel."rL‘iltl ‘d letter \\ l‘lllCn to the paperhy time students.l‘i‘u/ier responded with tl letterdefending his position."I kno“ that some “Ill dis-agree with what I h;i\e \s ritten.hut I uni eont‘ident they “I“ nott‘iiid it ol‘l‘eiisne." lirai/iei‘ wrote.

Mtt\\\ell. “:N‘tereditheditor-iiiwhiel'. “itsLeslieHerald"

pleiised \Hlll theopened h) the issue. tlltlltife'tle"()iie thin;V about the eoiitios\ers} \\tt\ thiit it iniide Meredithstudents and liieiiln think dl‘tltlltheir own opinions i'egtirdiiielgetlderl roles.” M;t\\\ell s.iidWhile the hook eoiitio\eis_\did oeeiii' “hen the eeiideiissues eourse “its heiiig L‘\;lltl.tlred. the mo issues we sepiiiiile"The No got h;il|ed up together." suid l‘ru/ier. ”the hook .iiidthe eourse :ii'e l'L‘tlll) \er} dil'teieiit issues “liven though l‘l'tl/lt‘t' ne\ erreeened eoiiipliiints lroin sturdents \\ ho had taken the eoui'sepreviously. enrollment seems tohe tltmlt l'or next semester. pos-sihl)‘ due to the eonl‘liet sur~rounding his hook, l'suiill} till—

iiie up iiuiekl}. the eourse stillhad sesei‘id spots open titter one\seek's registrationMeredith's undergraduate teeistr;itioii Cllllltltttt‘s thioueli NoiW 3We toutse lieen taughtthe tunes pi'esiousl} olleieilList in l‘l‘lh lhe spring: Illlllsemester “I“ niiirk the lust tunethe amine hiis not been iil'leieilon it pt’tt\l\ltintll husis llie eliis-i\\;t\ tldllChi to the Meredith t;it.:logev :is ;i PL‘Hllttlk‘lll piiii ot ilit~eut‘rteulunt liist seiiiestei(ieiider issues in I‘d“ ;ind [it‘llties is listed us Polities {Ill litthe Meredith catalog .\'('.\t'students interested iii iipplsiiig-should L‘tml‘dL‘l the Enterliistitutioiiiil ()l‘t'iee iii lltlltt‘sHull

DANIEL HtLLESHtEM/81 A"_t Kelly Reeves, a junior in psychology. and her dog Daisy take a break during their afternoon walk.

Page 2: AOKwith DWI? · iiiiiiihei tllltl L‘lllilll .iddi'ess, lhe person \\ho eoiiies elosest to guessing. the .ittu.i| tilllillllll isill \\iii the itinil) liiesdiis lliineei \\\ote‘llL‘ss



I ummnnuuummuu A;mun-autumn uuflltfll l ‘” Ilamounts! «In: mornmum:-I‘mout." MOM”mo

SCHOLARSHIP FROM THEATHLETICS DEPARTMENT. IsTHAT RIGHT?Sinee his arrI\al at \' ('. State. Damonl’hornton. 3‘. a senior IIII‘\\aI’d andthree-year startI-I IIII \I'Sl ‘s men'sbasketball team. has plead _‘_.'|llll\ tomany to personal piopeity. tiespassing.IIIsordeIIy I‘onIlIIet. resisting .iiIIlobstitteting arrest, III'I\IIIg \\hile IntosIeated l\\llll a bIIIod-aleohol eIIIIteIIt IIIl-II. lC;t\Ill:_' the \I'L'IIL‘ Ul an III‘L'IIIL‘III.IIIIsal'e IIIIIIenient III a \ehiele and tail-tire to stop on a blue light and sirenHe still has a seholaiship lrom the\thleties t)epaitiiieiii.Hon many I‘arks Seltolat's IIr .\lerit.'\\\;tl'ds recipients eotild get anay \I ithIliaI’Sure. he's stillertng under strIet pun-Ishment I'or his most reeent setIt'I'le \\ Iththe Ian. btit nothing too serious. liyenat'tei his seeond meident on NetsYear's lix e. IWS. he \\ as handed onlya 30-day suspended sentenee and l.‘months ot' unsupery Ised eoaeh Herb Sendek's "Indet-mite" suspension at the time lasted Iorall of one game.\'( SL"s Code ol' Student ('ondtietstates In Its preamble that "theL'nnersity has espeetations about hoIIIts students \\|ll behaye." t)lI\IotIsl\.the Athletics Department's seholar~ships don't think that things like l)\\l\Iolate .m_\ ol those behayioral e\pee—tations. lI' they did. Thornton \Iouldn'tbase a s‘eholarship right nou.The fact that Thornton does still hayethat scholarship demonstrates Itot thatathletes ~» whether re\ eiIue-prodtietiIgor not ~ are held to a higher standardthan us eonnnon students. but ratherthat athletes are held to a loner stan~dartl

li\ allIIIIiiIg lot a eertam degree otIIiIIIIIIalIty tII e\tst. the \thlettesIII'paitIiiI'III s Iiiiplieitls \.l\llI_L‘ thatthe\ IspIIt inIlIbehoioi tioin sttIIleIIt athlItIs (Ibyiottsly..I l‘llllI‘l /one built Into their sI'lIIIlar-ships to proteIt Illt‘ltl trIIIII the tI'IiIgeI' inst bound to

.tlllIeIL's iteed

II‘iIIiInal aets that the} 'IIt‘llllllll e\enttt.ill\. IIIIII _\eaIs. altetall. Isa tongIIIIIeIIIgII\IIthotithIIIIgill to \iolent. alIIIsI\e urges at leastone III t\\III- .III. III lhornton‘s Iase.IhIee tunes

I ast \II'ek. an \('\I' student Ihed IIIItll IIL‘L‘IIIL‘III l‘elIIlL‘tl lit l)\\l \tlIl \\II.IImessage has the l'IIIy-et‘stty as a \\ holesent out III regards to Its \II'\\ III stit-dents and l)\\'l ‘ It's tragiI‘ and Illegal.oi eotirse. btit tor an athlete. \ye eatt\IIIIk .IIIIIIIIII ll.[be laIt that l'hornton still has his

scholarship \\lllI the \thletiesDepartment means that they deem hisrebound more iIIIportant than his rehab;his IieIeIIse Is a higher priority than hisdeltt\l'he .\t|Ileties Department . department should permit stu—dents III any l‘vaekngIIinIl or I'tInetIIItI IIIthe .\('.\'l' IoIIIIIItInIty to be able toI'eI‘eII e sIlIIIlaIshIp beIIet'Its despitenumerous. repeated erIIIIInaI ot'l'enses .Including l)\\lll .\thleties l)II‘eetor I‘o\\ leI' real—l_\ \\ ants to do Ithat‘s right tor his teamIII the 'I'hornton ease. he should ienIoIeThornton's seholarship Integrityshottld be the only IIIIIIII'III'e diningany athlete.

What we can do

about the electionAfter spendinga long andstresslttl \Ieek\\ atehmg hoursIII IIeIIseasts andpress eoIIIer-enees about the2 II II I)Pie side untillzleetton. l ha\edecided to s\\ ettt'J I" the “hole thingUS m MI I don't meanGreene that I'III not"" going to be Inteiwested In any neys deIelopIIIents or thatI don't ha\e a strong opinion IIII theIssue. l haye simply eome III the some-\that htIIIIblIIIg realI/atton that lean doabsolutely nothing to I‘IIIInge the out»eome.l'nlike last Tuesday. a hen I steppedInto the young booth III do my part IIItlte Itmetioning ol' Amertea's deIIIo—eratie machine. there Is simply nothingthat you or I can IlII right non that \\lllIilleet the outcome of the eleetion. \IIIII the \otes hate been east; and. eon.trary III \\ Ishl‘IIl thinking by some. therewill not be a t‘e-\ole any“ here III thiscountry. It Is tiseless to lose any sleepoyer the Issue or parade arotind \Iithsigns or bust blood \essels getting Intoshouting matches “tilt the other partyThe troubles of this election he not IIIany "butterfly ballot." the l2|eetoral('ollege system III “IIisenltanehise-Inent" Ui‘ select groups. l'he troubles IIIthis election ean be totinIl III lIlllI'lImore haste and I'Isable problems III thesystem.The lirst ol tltese problems is theproblem of \oter IdeiItIlieatIon. .-\l!states shottld pass a hm requiring \ot-ers III present either a drI'Ier's licenseor a \oter registration card at the polls.I have ney er had to produce any type IIIIdentification since I started young InI996. In fact. the first time I \oted. lplopped down my voter registration


CHIEF EDITOR GQAPHICI'J,Mark McLawhornGENERKiMANAOER mKelly‘Mageer TCFA_ f,ir,2_i. U,,.;i.: “it; s s [arm4...323 Withorspoon Student CenterBait 8608, NCSU CampusRaloIgh NC 27695~8608I:rHi-.I:IIsiIINLii;http tachntonnonlina (amI .'‘ .

.‘I,. .71.;.Iw. n. I“. ..

opodlf‘hotmar‘comr K ‘ gIechpross- t.@ncsu adoI I I3 I.mhinto®nuuoduIn

Spaine StephensJimmyRyalsJack DalyJeremyAshtonRyan Hill

Richard MorganSherrie Owensyap». ' .James Curie

card and driyer's license and “as toldthat they new not neeessary, girl IIIone III' III_\ I‘lasses \sent to \ote \Hll’t herdad and. “hen she ga\ e them lIeI lastname and address. they gaIe lIeI‘ lIeIlatheI 's ballot stII keI'. They Ileeided IIItest the s) stem and she proceeded toone Ior het Dad to ho “as \Hlll heriand then get baek III line and ote againl'or herselt. 'l'he polling ottieials neIeIcaught on. Imagine \\lto I’Ultltl lookthrough the phone book and laid outenough abotit you to \ote for you.Seyeral Republiean \IIters reportedgoing to the polls last ltiesday only IIIbe told that they had already \oted.l'here Is absolutely no esetise Ior thisIII \IIIeriea today.-\tIolIIeI‘ maior problem Is the Idiotietime allonanees tor mail-In and absen-tee ballots. III ()regon. Ishete they itl'l‘l'traI'Ily deetded III hold the eIIiIIItryhostage \\|lll a Inandator} IIIaIl-III elee-lion. the ballots didn't e\ett lta\e It‘ bepostmarked IIIItII .\'o\ember 7th! [Ipeople are going to Insist on being ableIII use mailan or absentee ballots. theyshould haie to be postmarked a weekbefore the eleetton. Are the eaIIdIdatesreally going III say anything III thosesey en days that eannot be heard III thepi'eyious sI\ months or so’ l’IIIbablynot. I;\ en II they do. there has to be atrade-III'I' Ior those \\ ho itse absenteeballots tor the good ol' the countryl'hese l\\t) basie problems are easy toII\ and eIIulIl ha\e alienated a lot IIIthe LttltlllLt III the recent election IenIotIIige you III gIIe yourReptesIIItmo and Sernitor a Iall and.Isk dam to ptisli legislation IIII theseIssues. I think eyeryone can agreeabottt thatIIIII (Int/tot mph to JiiIIi/I'I III/muttIII'IIIIIII' \(‘IIII‘I'IN /l(l\ IIII‘I'IiI/I (/(UI(' toon It'lll' III III/if. II'III I] you HI'Il/(I “A! IIIIry Iteitili. (’llltlll IIIeI‘I'I'IIeIIiIIIII(aIto/-moi/.I um

I C l. A. NMark McLawhorn

'- John CarrMatthew PellandAmy Bissinger'. f; -I I-,Becky ClingermanFarrah SandersEric Gonzalez

‘li'ntw IIII.\.

mmmm- newIIImm!!! *-“M

INNEIIEIIIII g . ..slalom am I»... -_ k __7 Intuit»”‘flm' :‘""fo‘ 3. Qt. viii-mamm' ' iticfiocmoir. kg- um“7'33:twin-um“W M" 5' I iSnciuitIiim ‘"““.‘3..“£‘1‘“"“_- . h; «I ammeans newI!” atmiilflwl 3“, ”I?“ I'll: mmWinn“! mmmm mm- 5. Iconstii'iiiliiiimomit- minnow .. ¢ . man-minmmanna-1 4.. .....~-——- ....

Inm- mum-1 IWIHI & -_.... Nyegmmcan"«tiedchuavwm'it ”WWII nu!" a lw‘m‘ufliwwoymuch-oi fimtflfl ”'m't‘. I» 4“! WWI)...”WWmini miiiiiTiiii ». 3 .... optimum I"...also“ inn-v .. ' ""”“w m "lllmumll“awn!“- ~~~~~L;3:17; ! luau-Mom...” ~ m-uquuwmm

. -.--M“momma: >

"rocket science"mtagefi'om can. com

Stupid people are every-

where — and votingStupid peopledrtye me nuts. I'mtalking about theproloundly.unabashedly .sttI-pIIl people \Ilioate not ashamedto stand tip onnational tele\IsiIIII. Il gIIen the3 opportunity. and- - proelatm theirPOIrICIO ltlltk‘) ltll‘ll‘l ltl\eCrone these people. Ikltllld II‘speI'lthem. l'hey esist merely to Irritatel‘ILtl Illete‘s It tllllL‘tL‘lls‘t‘ I‘t‘l\\eetlbeing stupid and just doing stupidthings 'Iake me l'oi‘ lll\lItllL‘L' lastneek. liomed the ranks III Iournalists\IhII'\e touted the \Ietory III a eaIIIlI-date \\ ho may or may not hay e non aneleetion. l onee hIt a paIkeIl eat‘ III thelot at Isrispy ls'reine I bought "TheSign" by ,\ee III Hase I'm not stupid. Ittist do stupid things sIIIIIetIIIIes.I want to say Iight up IIoIIt tliat by"stupid people.' I don't mean “peopleol' beloII-ayeiage IIItellIgI'tIII' " It's notthe same thing -\nd there are pleIIII IIIsmart stupid people, lake lot esampiethe ease III a 54—yeaIvolIl man lltIet\ieyyed on \'B("s "Dateline" this\seek, He elaImed that he \\ as the \aloIlietoI‘Ian oI' his I'ollege elass. that hehas .III IQ III the Intls and that he does-II‘I IsIIU“ \Iho he \oted Ior III the prestIletIltal election. -\ jlt'L‘al e\alttple III astttat‘t stupid person.This ama/es me. I'Irst. l'\e seen thebutterfly ballots and. \\llllL‘ they ‘re not

Cacti-“Ivl'he Ily IIaIIiII s IIIroommate IelatIIIIIsltIps alleetnearly all stu-dents. Some III asIIaIe chosen toeohabitate \Iiththese people.\shile others ha\ ebeen loreed Intoan etlltet l‘lll'lIlIIIllk'' or not sosloi'tti-[Exci’thQI-Ilin tIate union by thepouet‘s that be. IlI\e \\llll IIIIIIother guys. The group Is L‘\\I‘llll.tll} ahandt'ttl III' lel'to\ er UPPL’ILlIhslllL‘ll thatneeded a plaee to stay We .tgteed latelast year tlIat \\L' \\Ulll\l share a IIIIIIgspace during the ZIIIMI-til sL'lItH‘l yeailnetdeittally. home sIIeet home \yas IIIbe my lle\\l_\ purehased apartment. Ihad gone Into debt III the IIL'LItllslilttll IIIIIIIs pieee III property. but “as bank»Ing IIII it being a good Inyestment.Thus. it “as my desire to see my homeremain III at least respectable I'oiIIlItiIInduring this time that It \Ion ser\ e as arelttgee camp.I took the hint Irom a group III sistriends that liyed III a Ibedrooin apart-ment last year and eompiled a “chorelist." It had worked Ior than. and Itappeared that some sort III ‘IIL'CUUIIIIII‘II‘It) \Iould be absolutely necessarywhen you're dealing with sis nIales'trash. dishes and hair Itnore on hairlater), The list I onststed oI se\et‘alduties that were to be perIorIIIed each

e\aetl_\ stIaIgIItIIIrIIard. they 're notIoeket setenee Read them tor a minuteor I\\t‘ aitd a I‘IIllege \ aledietorian \\ Itha high It) has no e\etise Ior seremngIip his one. The esplanation is that he'sstupid. he lost \sants someone toblameStupid people are I‘Iet‘)\\here.lhey 'I'e aluays In the museum I'm \ IVItIIIg. standing III IIoIIt oI' \\ hate\ er I'mtrying to look it. Ihsettssmg III \erloud \IIII'I's the IIIIIIligent"this paItIetIlai \IIII'k \\l]tlL‘ their IIbIIIIsIotis I'hIIdIeII run arouttd ttying tIItotIIlI I'\I'I‘ytlIIII_I' and e'IeronIe littlelimin} has a I'old and little Sttsie Is\Ilimmg beeause she's tired and she\Iants to go to the Hun Ies.\l the ”tones these are the people\\ ho sit right III lront ol Itte Ithey 're alltallI. \Ilto get tip hallyyay through themoIIe to take httle Jimmy and Susiehome because they 're seared; surprise.“.lIII'assII' l’ai‘k I" \\.Is not Ior kidslhese .I e the people \yho blame youIII IllI_\t‘lIL eIsI they Ian lind “hen the\IIat end you on youi \\ay Into ltutgetIsing llIese ate the people who Ilri\ etIIiI'ks on the sIIleualks on eaIIipIis lieieat \ t' State. Ioti'te Ixalktng Io I'lass.llllllkllIL‘. "l'In ()K I'm on a stde\\.ilkheII', 1 Ian \Ialk \yithout tear ot beingstruck by a motor \ehiele,” \IIpeSoriy trIIIk needs to get sotIIe\\heIeand you'te III Its \\a_\ \\ hat new youthinking. nalking on a sidenalk’lltese ate the people \\ ho. standing IIIline to see the \\ashmgton \lonuinent.tIIIn to their spouses and say. ~-.\,-C \\ egoing to see the I :npire State Buildingtoday

ishes and“eels, ()ne person had one Ilut_\ petnee . and eIer_\ tIIe \seeks you got a"l\\t‘ ..

IIsPL'L‘ls id

The uIIIleIlyIIIg prIIIeIple \\as simple.eyery body does a little and a \\ hole lotgets done Keep III IIIIIIII. though. that IteI eryone Ignores the ehIIre list. a \\ holelot III nothing gets done. ('urrently. III_\apartment looks like one III the test?dents Is hiding something II'otIt theHit It seems that they come III eyeryI'IIIIple ol Ila_\s and seareh my room-Inates‘ rooms by taking all the elothesout ol llls‘ll dressers and all the sehoolsupplies ”out their desks and seatteringthem throughout the ItPItl'llllL‘Ill.In addition. I haw stumbled uponIittite a collection ot lIaII III the balli-I‘oIIiII [here Is IIIoIe hair IIII the ”out IIIthe bathi'ootii than there Is IIII the bodsIes ol allot IIs IIIIIIg In the apartment.Maybe he should I'apitaII/e IIII this.I'm IIIIIIIIIeed that l eotild knit seyeralso eaters using the many hairs that ha\ esettled Into little balls on the bathroomI'loor.\\'hat attIa/es me most Is the qlllclsrness \\llll \ihieh my roomtnates \silldeny any responsibility tor the state otour apartment. Se\eral times I hayereturned home III the eyenmg to Ills—eoy er a siIIk ItIll \\lllI dirty dishes I askall tour it any ol the dishes belong tothem (It eoIIrse. no one III III_\ apartiInent knons anything, “None ol thoseare mine." “Yeah. none ol those aremine. tIIII'" .\'ot one ol' them has anykIIII\\IeIlge III III)“ the Illt‘t_\ disheshaye eome III rest In the sink. There Is

they all ha\e kids. They're breedingl'olks. I admit it: I'm an Intellectualsnob. Stupid people piss me off. and Itseems they're attraeted III me. Thismess III Florida has just made me thinkahotit It more. and the more I thinkabout II the more irritated I get.lllt‘llsttlkk ol' \oters I‘Igttred It out; whyI-IIIIldIi't these other people manage IIImuddle throttgh‘,’’l'here's nothing \II'ong \sith beingstupid. but I'III not required to like stu-pid people. 'l'here are no lobbies toIight Ior stupid people's rights. That‘sbeeause being stupid or smart isn't amatter oI ho\\ mtIeh you haye In the“as oI' brains; it's about hon you usethe brains you time,Read the ballot earet'ully .~\sk for helpit you don't get It. Don‘t bring smallehildien to art museums. l)on't openyIItIt mouth it you don't knoyt III \\ hatIII_\ your IaIIIrite .-\iIIerIeaII landmarkIs located l'se the roads like a normalperson. I‘orrest (iump may time no:ha\ e been a smart man. but he \Iasn'tstupid. and l ean delinitely tespeI: that»\tt old t‘t'tn erb sIt}s that It‘s hL‘llel It‘be thought a tool than to open yourmouth and I'emIIIe all doubt. 'l'lIInk.people. think .‘\II\I don't sit III Iront 1"me at the IIIIII Iesl’IItIiI in l\ or [III’ II/IIIIIIIII that thouIl/ltl II/II’I II/I nu IIIi/IIII [II'II/III' III amolt/I do II» /II I (IHH’ I/III II'III' they onpull I” that erIIiI/I. LIIIIII/ III'I‘IIIII/ [moiIIII IliI/II'IIII'I that III‘[III III/III” lllll!\./II ”LN/ll

body haironly one possibility: The Iederal agentsare dining in our apartment during theirsL‘I‘It'L'IIes,

lIIItIstII't tail to mention the Intamottssurprise that \\as leI't III the guest bath-room toilet. Actually. It happenedIIIIee. SIIIIIeoIIe did II// III their bust»ness and Mt It to saturate the wateriaiIIl the am tor hall a day.l‘trst III all. how does this happen’()Iily small ehildren Iorget to flushtheir dirty deeds. JtIst like in the ease IIIthe dishes. I asked all III_\ roommates\Ii takers. It's those leds again.I kntm there are others ol' you otitthere enduring similar eireutnstanees.You desire to liye III an tInsoIIed em I-rotIiIIenI. I ha\ e a couple ol' Ideas that Ihaye yet III Implement III III_\ attemptsIII harness my untidy roommates. btttiIIayhe they “Ill work for you. It' youIiIId someone repeatedly Itirtying thesink \Hll'l their dishes. place them in abag and put them in their bed.It you reali/e that you‘re the only onethat Is “thing to clean the bathroom.Isatt until those hairs btiild tip (doesn'ttake long). make some sort oI' erat't outof them. and place that on the guilty

I‘Ilt‘l.‘\ pillow Be ereatIIe. You havethe right to a elean place to live. Don'tlet sanitarily challenged roommates getIII the nay.Would you like It \iiI'I/Ir'r Him/e fromR/II'II'I roonimult's' hotly Itut'ri’ Emailhim (H IjHIt'ltllllk'ka‘t‘HAJIt \ll.l'(lll.


All submissions must include name, year,and moior. 400-word limit.become property of Technician

all entries



Page 3: AOKwith DWI? · iiiiiiihei tllltl L‘lllilll .iddi'ess, lhe person \\ho eoiiies elosest to guessing. the .ittu.i| tilllillllll isill \\iii the itinil) liiesdiis lliineei \\\ote‘llL‘ss

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‘nd ()ne OT'The li‘ollou'ing Orientation Sessions:

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\lednesda}. \fmemberZ‘l 5:00 pm ‘3;

Wednesday. December O 5:00 pm.

All information sessions held in

Tucker llall Classroom Ground Floor.




lnipze ed




\TllL'Jil lil.ll ilsT's \\l \\Till The U..Tle‘l llms Tl TlTs ll'l‘ lTHl\wu \HHTT.lL‘\\'.IT'\ hers lsium The's\‘»lT} ITHl TisL' lllTTTTTm .i llll‘L'T'l senile Tu

in sllTIlsenses ||\.iT(l \lllkk'

eliplilulilies.‘ sine humanliws'The Lipimese h.i\ e slimm ThemnsT siippuT‘T Tni This ieseuuhand he Tilsn The plimlus wmeeHT limilmg' \TuTll llTlN reeeneilHume} llHllT HTlTL‘T wuiu's likeThe \TlllUIldl \eTi (ii.inl. lTH\\L‘\L I

HUNGER0 “1"“

Hope Tm The Homeless \susskin-ell TIT .\'(‘.‘sl h_\ Tum sTu\lL‘lll\ \shn \\eie inspired h; TheTTTe'ICJHng linlllclesslk'ss pinhlem in Raleigh. suul Kells\luhune). .ilsu .i snphniimie“lusl )eui‘. l uTleiuleil The lll‘slmeeTiug uiul “us msTuuThuluueled in helping: sueh Ti \mnTlei’l'ul euuse and \mi‘lxmg \\|lllsueh :m mun/mg.Y group nT' pewple." suid Muhoneylusl )CTH'. she sei'xed us Theprogram eommiuee ehgur andThis _\e;:r she is The kl(l\\“ltl\\llrun lender and The \iee presi»(lL‘lll."l'he e\perienees were HUNT/-mg: The) lune luughl me \umueh about myself. humunnuliu'e. our gm‘emmenl :1de The\\Hll(l umuml me." .she suul,llnpe Tm The Homeless is .T


l: uTheiTue himIn Alilllllwlll U. \( sT.\meiiexu. \lllls‘ isi'iespumipuimuThese Imlmle \Tunlimll'm'xeisiis The (Lililni'mulll\llllTlL' Ml le‘xlTTirilm‘x ThelimeisiTs w! (T-lilannmMerlin The liTHL'TsTl} Ul\umluii. (.élllllllllJ, TlulTTTMYsIl» (Tl (Lilihumu li'\ir1e.ll‘ -~ ‘\T‘\\l "Tisiism Thz‘l i‘ukeisils T‘l\e\.ul.i Rain The l ll:".k’l‘sll\Ul lll.lT«‘l ,Tl l TlMT'ITi(‘heimplu :ri. l’milue l mxeisiT}\r-Tze Home lTITxT'fsll).('liukwu l mxeism Tmil(lililnlum \Iiilel llT' eisil}"II ',\e u \(‘Sl\\|lil1L‘.I[\IUHL‘L‘T iii ile‘\k‘li\plll:_‘\1|\l \Ui‘ll\Tlxi. L‘x'il. ll'u

lll\'\l' il\‘\ Tee‘s.TTHTTPTTTTTT ivTL'KTTIT/‘Tllllll \Vheuhunhu: -s :ieT-Tlerl Thex TlU llTL‘llTmn lllllTlT.Tl\lllf,', ulleii \xurkmy\\ITh nlhei erniips HTTemupus \E‘H Te L'

ll] The luul.\.ml. siiulems e.mpiek up Tl\eis lisliw The \‘xeels‘sUM'TTTs .Tlhl llllIT l, l.|\‘l\ Tllllllllhunger mil lTHIllL‘li'\sTM"s\l.:hwiu'} L‘Tlu ~11: T u I nTheisliuleiush ".lllrxnl‘xiil Tr Hark;Tm The llniineless"\VC lT,T\c sf'illi'llLT'T',‘ lUle\ei‘_\nne \T» m.:TTei mm mmTime ,muluhmis HIsenue pieleieiues we elmITIuTe‘h Sim \xiTh mulTeeThul elm lu-iielil Tumhelp." slTL‘ sTml

esT le\el..T \“lllli|lll

"\VheTIieI' il‘s klk'll\Cllll‘:' lelTmer Tmul llHTTI The Tlmmg hull.gum; Lln‘\\llli>\\lT nu mglulsruns or lTTlUTlTTg.’ l\‘-ll\‘l‘__’ll“hinueless eluldieu. Hope‘s rimlsure spread iiisT .ilmul e\er.\~“here Besides TlT.iT. IT‘s Ti gi‘eiilgroup OT penple .uul \se lune .TluT Ul Tim \\l]Tll\‘\L'l \se TlH ”


.‘i-v-u-~—U-O-U-D'-r-h-I-l -0--D'-o'-v.‘l‘-IBRAND”

l, 2 & 3 BEDROOMS :adafidwm‘w‘fiBCs

f TechnTCIan


rim: MWIW - Fax: 91%MIT: mmncdowm"mm.cmwww;thhuflcdow”

”5| Cm 1M: Conn - [3.56ng SC 2776017 iTl

Page 4: AOKwith DWI? · iiiiiiihei tllltl L‘lllilll .iddi'ess, lhe person \\ho eoiiies elosest to guessing. the .ittu.i| tilllillllll isill \\iii the itinil) liiesdiis lliineei \\\ote‘llL‘ss

“ ‘

Zack Smithki‘llllt ‘ will It

"'l‘he \iithorit)"il)('/\\'i|dxlorni. $1.5m ix ”.l \tll‘ct'liei'o eoinie h_\ \\;i) ot .t xuinnieihloekhuxlei on deid :\ teztin olpiuu‘t'llll. iielir-godlike xiipeiliiiiii.lnx proteetx the \\Ul'ltl ll'i‘lll .i\dl'lt‘l) ol dangeroux tliie.ilx , in\\.i)x iieiii'l} :ix horril'ie lix lllelhi'e.ilx lli'enlxehex. 'l'liix ix thekind ol eonlie “here lhe lieto.-xdiop l‘it't_\-niile high xp.ieexliipx onl‘ol'eign eounti'iex. knoek p.ii'lilleli.“.tl'lll\ till then ‘.l\L‘\ and hill;lihoul lion tlieii xiipeipoueiednniniliie \}\lL‘ltl\ let them he.ilx\ll),\ II] \I\ \\Ck‘l\\ ll'lkl ll! d \l_\l\‘tli;it‘x equal Pilll\ \ltllll lune.ietion Ltllll hlnelx x.itiie h} \\iilei\Vlil'len l‘lltx und .li'lixt litilinllileh llttlL'l Mdtk \lill.ii .indlininlx ()uilelxt. “'l‘he \ullloi'il)"tunix to he the l.lxl hold on xupeihero eonuex :ind lixu.tll\ xlleeeedxl‘\\o lldde pdpelhnelxx ol the \ellextire eiirienll} touiluhle.“Releiillexx” :ind “l'ndei Netxldlldgclllk‘lll“ lholli 817 ”it l-‘oinli'.ide pillk‘l'l‘.lk‘l\\ eolleellng"Sloi‘niiiuteli." llle xeiiex llltllintrodiited mun) ol the elinrtieterxill "The .\utliortl}." tire ;i\;ii|.lhletit $14.05 ("I ielitnine Sti‘ilxex."“loi'ee ot \liliiie.” “(‘lidnge orDie" and "s\ l‘llle‘l World"!~ lilong\Hlll the xpin otl' iniiii-xei‘iex".lenn} Spdi'kx The Secret llixloi)ol'lhel-\ulliorit_\”18.705). ll'ltlkllll'tion. the art lk‘tllll on llle t'iixll\\L‘l\L' ixxuex tpenetllei Brianllilell. inkei‘ l’.iul \ezit} .ind eolorixt l.;iiii‘;i Heptru ll£t\ i'eeenll}taken owl l)(”x populdi lL‘dlllhook ".ll xl.iiliil_«; \\|lll thelliige-loi'inut eidpliie noxel"lle.l\en‘x l .iddei” A" ”5!"Lone “oll' ainil (‘iih" ll)lll'l\lloixe. \‘l‘lii lilix lone heen oneol‘ tlle lllitlllNltl}\ ot l.ipdiiexeeolnlex oi "llltlllf_'tl.. .nid piexioilxellorlx to eolleel ll Iell llle xellexuntinixhed .\‘o\\. anL lloixeeoilliex li.ix taken on the ltl\l\ olreprinting: :ill ltttltlrplux plow-x olthe xeliex in ii nenh nuinxlnledeolleetlon ol l‘t‘\l\\‘l'\l/\'tl li.lde[Mllk‘l'l‘tlk‘lxx k'.l\ll llllll‘illlL‘ \\‘\L'ltllhiindied pdeex lhe \lill\ ot .l tllxgluieed x.lniui;il toned lo ilkl .lx .inuxxtlxxin to \lll‘. i\e hlix intllieueed:ln enlii'e :Jl‘ltL‘lilllitlt ol .n‘lixlx \\ llllllx niood). ilk'll|‘ll'l\t\lxxtl Lilex o!death lind honor. l'he ‘.\llllllL‘ oiKit/no Koike ix .in ioleiexlin:hleiid ol pliiloxopli) .ind Moldypld}. \\lllle tlli.‘ llll\\tlll\ ol (ioxekiKojiind etloillexxl} Litlt\t'}\ llle

nienute dl'til pimel‘ ol‘ llle litle\‘llilldx'lk'l ll'x ti hook no lull olingined oi dllllllk' liilxxIn llie I‘le. "Siiziiiip 'I'hing"helped to lleC the hat for inzunxlt'entn eoinlex. prming tlint lgilexol' tidult horror eould “olk ;lx .1nionlhl) eoniie. Non llle xei'iex ixl‘il\l\ troni |X‘/\eitigo ($3 5th.hill the lioiioi lidx eliuneed. \olongei ix the xel'iex :ihoiil lllegit-en xlxinned pltint mun. hilli.illiei lnx llllllldll daughter 'l‘ele. tigill \ilio ix equal p.ii‘tx liiiniun ttlltlpllinl, .ind nol p.irlieullii'l_\ lit ezixein either \ioild ()n .i in) xtei‘toux\l‘_\.hL‘\‘ Ul \ell-tllxe‘nn‘l‘), l‘k‘l-Chiiixliex \\iili the \iorxl zlxpeelx ollnnutin llllllllL‘ linil delilx \\llllllii'ni in lioiiilie inennx "Swnnpl'lnne" ix .i ditleienl kind ol lior»ioi tli.iii denionx tind hog inon~xlelx_ l.IlllCll il denlx \\itli inoi'nlil).ind iexponxihilii} in \x;i_\x thul'.\lll iii;ike llli‘\l ieiidei'x xquirin\\itliolil xliouine tt di‘op ol' hloodheing xpilled (‘iedll \\i'iler BiiunK \tllllllltlll toi te\il;ili/ing one ol‘the inoxl kllklle‘tl eoneeplx inU‘llllL\. lind .iilixl Roget l’eterxontol lnx eledlr ktlltl armork lhntpelleetl) Loinpli,‘inenlx llle dtti‘lx\lttl'lex."Riinilile (iirlx: Silk) “:iri‘iorlilllklt‘" llllldeLZ \iitlt ix .iniintixuul hook. il‘x .in .ltlenipl til.\nieiie;in indiied. ‘d .l.iptinxexe~\l}l\' .lelion hook h} 'l'e\;in le.illernunde/ ll'x ti l;i|e ot ltllltl'hlk\\iexllln3_‘. \xliere \\iextleix or“Riinlhle (iil'lx ” pilotx ol Qhetxiiilx edlIed "lllitdSlxinxe" plti) outxei'ipted Illdlk'llkN tor llle puhlie'xento_\inent. -\ gill lldllli‘tl R.i\en'l'.tnx.ini_i l\,illl\l‘lll lliidx llei'xellelixt in the role ol “Sillxt \\.iiiioildiixie" li|| llle eoi'potdlionl‘n'let‘o .ix an opponent tot lheii'kllttlllt‘lt'l ('llinxon \llgtixl. \\l|t"‘\'popiil.iill\ ix on llle deeline. \iidllien lllltl}.‘\ s‘t‘l kt‘llll‘llx'tllL’Llllein;ilide/ iiiliiiueex lo eoinhlnedelli‘lt. ‘tllll'x' .iild elen d hll olpolenliun in .i llllll inlellieenlpliekdgje \lxo ieuiinniended .il‘ellclndnde/x gridpllie no\elx‘(Iilliedidl ("hild' tind"('loelxxxoilt V\n;_‘elx" llllld‘iik‘t\lllUSI'ilxllt.\\lilx’ll_\ttllt.1tllPIC\ie\\ .iloiie \\]lll "Rtlltlhle (llll\n.ll lleindnde/‘x \\eh xlle titno“ \ll\i!llkltl\t‘lll/\'i /’i‘( “It'll Io Ml lamb MW (4' lien(on M tour/o" ill l/I/fx/hmil/ellWu 1 I xloui lomii/dllon 'x ll/g't’into" ( li/illiif ()wm \. or uni/m ill./'l‘t’L.\/l'l( \ lilt mill/(mi i our

w‘.At.ll' lHler lh’lAl‘JFS FROM T‘C COMIC 3

DOGGO v E: CRAZY.loel lsaue Frad)‘ll' \\l:t_lThroughouttime. peoplehave had a

strangefascination with

dogs.('l.iiined h) nun) lo he lhehexl triend it man ttin h.oe.thexe kllllkl‘i xriilling .llllllltll\lime heen tiedled tix kin'Jx in;llinoxl C‘iL‘t‘} eolinli) iii theworld illie exeeplion hem}.vxotlle .-\xi.ui totlnlilex ullelellie\ .ire Cilll'lll Soinelnnex theline :lnd liixt llttlllllli thlii peoplelime lor then doex eoex ti littletoo llll‘ \ilneli nnghl e\pl.iiu“here llle ided loi‘ doe xllimxeliine l'i'oin \l lliexe xho\\x.people would hi'llig llleli‘ .inz-|llLll\ to he extinnned tind runl‘LlL'lx and torn] xo li ”dog: xpe»eiiilixt" eould deeide uhieh .inirinul mix the hextThe thrill lgind lunde) l ol oneol~ lliexe e\entx h.ix heen “night\iith 'Bext in Show.” anotherinoelxiiinentni‘) ti'oni “\iturdzi)Night leI\L‘N \elemn

('lii'ixlophei' (iuexli “oh theI'ilnt he tollonx itilin) uniquet‘.\llll llieir\ll'dllgk‘ peopleunique. xlixinge doggiexi ;ixllle) limel to eoinpete in tlieitllllllill \l;i_\tl-mei Kennel(‘llll‘ do; xllo\\, \Vlteltlhix inun} xlidiiee peo-Plt‘f.‘;1lllL‘lL\\C llllilllldlllltlll) \ll‘dllL‘L‘ llilngxllellll‘t'll ;ix nell. hillit till xltirtx mlhtlleii' ei‘olt,li-xnill'-

litenliex people lilo e hilltex.\'e\l eoine the l leekx. t ‘ooltit-tlnd (ieri'_\ t( lllliei'inezind l‘ugene l,t‘\}telllii'neteix. dud\Kllo \L‘L‘lll lo

tlood lit


the inoxt lllxlll‘lL‘ ol

inoxl retilixlie\\ll;tl tlieii dog ie_ill\. ix(‘oolxie ;ilxorunning; into tolilieillnoiig'lionlthe llllll. it \l‘illllll}that di'i\ex (ieiii:ind lnx mo lelllCL‘l t‘l‘tll) i”peoplethink l‘in litl-tllll'hill l‘in not 1 \\.ixhorn \\iih mo letlmm.Scott l)o|.in llolinMiehtiel lligeinxi andStellin Vuiiileiliool(Mlellliel \leKedni .tl'ellle ell} eouple \\llll \shdlix quite poxxihh thehiggext lui'hiill one e\eiezilletl 2t dog. .\lixx -\;.'llex'l'llexe mo iillllxe xuie lli.iltlie_\‘re l'ii|l_\ prepared tor thehi“ l\\tt dzi} li'ip to the hog; Shim.

lit}; I‘L‘Ix.Someone oneetold llle thul L‘\L‘l'_\dog dewlopxxonie ol lhe x.iineehni'deleiixtiex ;t\it‘x iMl‘lL'l'. and thedoex in lliix llllll .ii'eno eueplion‘ It the)had inlrmllieed lllet.‘.tlllllL'\ and thenhunmn toilnteipnilxxepnrulel}. one nouldxllll knmi \xlio touted thebloodhound. the poodle .ind\ilttllWe .ii'e l'li'xl lnli'odueed lo theSixxinx. Meg tllltl lluiniltontl’urkei' l’oxe} lllltl .\lll,,ll.l\'l llttt‘l— -Hucllgngkt. and then do? “I“ w” ** i ll 1‘.‘ ‘ tearing tlieit‘ lionxe npuit .indHeutriee in ti px_\eln.itrie ottiee “1;“. the» , thing to d“ bringing their entire \innli‘ohe' \\ llh it. ()t'DINC’OT.‘ intohe llie lkielCWGMI than thexe lane»

to ei'eltle it real hoinelike xl.i;’l'he onl) loner in the group ixHitl'ltlll l’eppei lpllned h\ll llli'tix olil lhul l’ielilt‘lee \‘Htll'xL‘tlin on xoine “Kama Silli’u" andthe} lllllll\ lt llllx llle do}; etnor

net er xlop to\\ ondei' it theireonxlllnl arguing

(iuexlu ollo convex lo llle Iexll\dl \‘.llll lio~ hloodllound lllil‘el(min-i o! it lixliinv xhop liel‘llllLN ltlx l‘lltittlllitlllil to the~~lio\\ l‘x‘x..tll\e‘ ”lliex ie llixtliien‘l .ni_\ do}:-hloodltolind " l‘u'lttt lll In .tlxiile the dot :liwenldn xt\letiliext .\ t'i' l‘il-t lli‘ tpnil-nl“l't‘tll‘ and put llleiii loyelllelgenetdlilly xoiite llllllllttlhiexullx lheie ixn'l iedlh llll\yin-n peixon lh,n disulx thexliim, x.i\e the .innollntcl .it thexllit\\ iplllxed h) lied \\i|l.iidi.\xho xeeinx to he the onl\ peixon lo l'k‘dllA‘ llldt the entire ideaol .t do: xlion lx iiditliloilxlle'x .ilxo dune ltlllilitlll loi ti lele\lxion illllltlllllkk‘l if lllix intohe ti litlle «ill the lople. l‘ttl lto\\inuell do will think I out hent‘lipl'exx L .ttld le.l|l\ ll.t\ .l yl.lxpoiieoltin llllllllt'llle lexl ol lllt lllllli.l|l l.l\k'ind} ne\el tul|_\ null/e \\llltlpoxxexxex tllexe people to ti.l\ellllllltll'L‘il\ ill lllllL'\ lly xllou lllt'tldoe otl lllt‘\ 'l\|lle llit\\t‘\t‘llk‘tllt‘llll‘t‘l lll|\ \lillli‘ no lllexli‘diiee exhihitx ot the dulnhlliniimlx lll.ll l.ll\L‘ llltlkk' exei)_\e.ii .tllll (iiiexl hitting )et.inolliei hoine inn \\ith lliixhilliliolix tilnl

mm.» mm ”when giro

Page 5: AOKwith DWI? · iiiiiiihei tllltl L‘lllilll .iddi'ess, lhe person \\ho eoiiies elosest to guessing. the .ittu.i| tilllillllll isill \\iii the itinil) liiesdiis lliineei \\\ote‘llL‘ss

Lg-IlIIx IInIIlIl.IIIL'I lxum' I‘I‘;I(l\ IIIxI |I;Ip~ 'l'lIc nIlII'I‘ lIIIll I'Clllmlh :I dull llllll.;llltl II lll\0l\L‘.\élL'llill'ilku- ll cnIIch ll'Om. .\'nI xn III I" l \kIIPL‘ IInIII .\l.IIx"I I . Red Planet pcII In cqupL' lIlIII. :Ix IlIc) l‘llll IlII‘IIIIglI IcllIng Ihc nIlIcrx In gn nn IIIIII- nnc. ’l‘hc l\:lllllL'l IIIIIl Mnxx I‘lmr lI.I\c lwI-II .I IIInIc .II‘IllllllllIllk'haw gncx Ilull pInI IIIIxIx .IIIII lmIl III‘IIIIg In nIII lIIIII. l:\ccpI III nIlIcr lIlIIIx III'II‘I‘x anI I xlInIx HM”) ngIIx nI IIIch lIIII .len pl.II x \IIIlI l‘L‘lllL‘ II\I‘w I“ p my. I 1‘,” III \N, I“ IIIIn llllll' pull gI ('nluIIIlIn In ch nll nl‘ IlIc IlII‘} \InulIl he Ilcnicd. hcmg IIIII‘I'I'xI IIIIIII qulIlcnl} Ihc .\Inxx llIlll'I'l IIlIII IlilIl .l plIIlnxnplIII.IlI, la \l.I:I I: M u ,1” “H J I.II‘_\ IIInIlc l\l‘.lll\l. CI'L pluncl InlIl IlIuI IlIc) \Inn‘I he 'I‘l'I I'lI.II‘;II‘IcI' xpcIIle IIInI‘I‘ lllllL‘ lIlIII (lll\I' "\lIxxInII In \l.IIx"I II\IIHMI II, \l‘m “Imp Director: and xI.IIIx ’l‘lIc clI.II‘.II‘lI-Ix .llL‘ :Ill an‘IIIg lk‘llllltl. IlIIx Ix hn“ II L'Ull\k‘l'\£l~ x\\ch-I;Ilkmg (I'IIllIIglII'I' III.III IlncxII’I p.I\ nII nII .Ill\ nI lll\'\\‘

“I,“ I. II, II” “I III, 4,” ’ '(I lxIllIIIg: nll pcnplc. I'III'II ;lIlI\lllI‘l'v xIcI‘cnI)pg IInII huru gan; ‘:.(In um. I cum xhc Ix lIguI‘IIIg nul 11 \\;I) In :41 lC\k‘|\. IIIxIc.III. II lvax .IIIIlIIII;I; I I II.“ ,N \IIII ' "'7” "mm lllL‘ crow IlII'nIIII IIIIn llk‘ IIII\ llIc hcxI nl mule II. “()ku). MnI'c I‘lInIxIn lIcr IIII'II back up In lllL‘ xlIIp, \n IIIlII'IIlnIIx plnI clI‘IIII'IIIx IlcprIIIN, .I HUI [up-“.1“ Slamng: I‘lIIx plnI IlIc clI.IIIII‘IcI‘x Ix ('lI.IIIIIl|;Ix. Icrx III’c lan Hm \\.I_\ lllull III‘I' hIIIlIlIIIg: up In IlIIx pnIIII. II um um IIxIIIp lllL'I‘llL‘\ II .IlIIgIIh llIhII” II I,“ x ‘ , II, 1,, II“, [Ex/KW“, L n I‘ x pl;I_\I'Il II) lcrIIIIII'c MIIIIIp. lIuI lnxl In I-\Mltl* (lllL‘ I'nhnI IlI.II IIII'ppcIIx. .. ., \nII lll‘Ul‘k'lli‘l nII \klI'l‘lllL’lllhIIH II ‘1' III I“ iII‘HH 1“,“. 1M > ;Il\xnlIIIcl) lIc nnl} gI’III‘cx lllC lII'xI Ill IIIIII- gnux I lIIIlI‘ I‘I';I/_\ I. RuIl l’lIIIIcI l\v|ll\vl .I lIlIII IlIIII :IIIIl I'I‘IIIIIIIJ \lIl|\ \II.I~ l\\ llmum I j .1 II.“ “II .I ”HI 1; (AN/”(n l/i'ir:\'la.l‘5 IIn\\ lII‘I‘c. lllC\ nl IlIc lIlIII ;IIIIl IlInxc xcuucx .\n lIlIII Ix I'nIIIpchI“\\IIlInIII ;I mix lxIllCIl h} IIxI'll; IancuIl nl _\nII I‘I‘IIll) \\.IIII In I'lII‘I k nIII IlII'WI.“ III - .‘m «I In “In \lIll'l IlnII‘I Inukc IIIIII'lI \L'll‘K‘I IllL' lnIu xInI'). élllIl IlIIx lIlIII Ix IIn clInanIIg In hc xnIncIlIIIIg. II Ix xIIIpIIl plum-IImp“ II, 'lI .. I“ \M; “up \\llll xI\ lmIl L'llJII'IL'lL‘l' Ix (IIIIIIIglIL‘I' IVIII cwcpllnn. hul III nIlIcr IIIIIIx L'UllllUl'ldhlL‘ IInI hulng :III_\IlIIIIg.m ”mm; IIII. ll M WMIHIH” \ \llnllIlklk'l‘\.llllllll\‘\1(l\\ k'lhll'dk" KllmL‘l’. \IlIn um) 13'! .IIInIlII'I IlIcI'I: Ix IIII I‘\plunIIIInII In \Ihcrc II‘x I‘lnxcxl In .In cxcupc lIlIII IMM-r H-wk‘ MI I}, l: “A“ INN.“ 1 .W ‘. I w w I,“ \I‘, m IlncxII’l k'\L'll IIIIIlIc II In .\lIll\ R.I//IL‘ IInIIIIII;IIInIIIf“ \ WM .‘I; “my, ml” "My leII- IIle xle III IIIc xlIIp llk‘ lnI' IhIx nIII'I. \\hn Ix,Hmmwv uIIIIII‘ HIHHCl l'lIc xlIIp gnl ;I III} IchIugcclIIIIr‘l-I. II l‘i. ; J Wu m: \\ I”, H Il.llllIl_L'L‘Ll \IIIIlc \‘Illk‘l'lllg IlIc IIL'IL'I‘ III ;I 301nm”-‘I‘m‘ II.I!; 1:“; mm} H“. “II” \l.IIx .IlIIInxplII‘II‘I xII lllc} III'L‘ IIlIl l‘ml} 'l'llc UlllL‘I’“Uh“ A 1‘ : IK \mh. \|.m .len nII .I \lL‘IlIlllllU nl ll lInuI‘x In IIIIpnI‘IuIII Cllill’IIL'lCH.‘l' ;,.n \ Inn I”, III l‘IlLl\ up In ”W xlIIp In pI‘I III'I' BIII'clII'IIIII I'lnIII\IUIIII I. “I'm III”! lll ”I”; lInIIII‘ In I'nIIIplII‘uII' IlIIIng Sl/L‘llltll'L‘. "ISI‘IIIyIIIg:II I. , ”pm I.“ \I “I m"! I'IcII IIInIc. lllL‘ \lllIlllL‘l xlIIp llk‘} nul ”10 |)I'IIIl"I IIIIIlup -. I“ .31 IWIHI.» III. lIlIII *IIIIII‘ ln \lIIIx nII I'I‘IleII‘Il. trunk l’cIIcngJIll ISIIIInIII III II; 1-, H M I[ (m, III}: II “All C\\'IIPL' |llI‘\|I’ .IIIIl lI.Ill liukcr. "I..s\v:1 a ”m ‘ \; I: \ 1, MN IIInIIxII‘I lllIHlI‘. (‘nIII'IIlI-IIIIIIlW. \\l1I>\IM‘ II Nu. H J, I” llII‘) xIII\ nII IlIcII l].ll\L‘\ Inn; hnIlI llIl\L' HIGH5,“ pp! IR“ M“! II IlII‘ IIInIIxIcI IIIkI-x le~lllllllllC ll.l\\\ Il\ IlIc lIlIII ‘H, I, H | “mm H‘; :I III inmkx IInIII IlIc .lL'llHIl. Hill) gncx nII. '.vp, ”N :H I,” I” “M W Wm IcIIIIIIIII; In IxIxIl} ;III;II'l\ xnIIIc ‘l‘hcrc |\;ll\\>;l\k‘l"\,H, \ =1, .\ I" I,“ \IH}. nIII‘ III .III IIIIxuxpcIIxclul IIIIIIn)III;:_ IIInIIl IlIIIIJAIL” W ,I p. l. I A, mm xI'IIIIcIIw \\llllL‘ l'u‘llllllkllllg pcn- happcnx ;IhnIII lnuI‘plI- III.II II‘x inll III llk‘ IIIIHIL‘. 1|”le IlII'nIIglInIII IlIc

A WAY OF LIFE gNikhil Kriplani .2xI.III \\'IIIII \nu‘Il “AM up III Ihc IIInI‘IIIIIIK ‘\VleIIIIg )nu I'nulIl gel lllI‘lI‘ xlI'cp.Ynu cnulIl tcll Ihc IlIl‘l'crcncc. \nu lIan‘ IthI 1!“ HIV llllllf.,'\ _\nII IlnII‘I II'Illh llk'k‘ll13cm ccn llIL‘ hanIlc IIIIIl Ihc kIIIIl. \‘nII cnIIlIl IIx III-ll IxccpYnu cnIIlIl Icll lhc IlIl'l'Irrcncc. l|n\\ }I\ll \Hllll IlI.II IIlI IlII‘ IlIIIIggx xnII Inn In: f fBunwcn the Irth IInIl Ihc lIc. “nuld he Inn: 7 * ’Ynu \InulIl knn“ hn\\ II lcclx. '\ll\l lIn\\ IIInxc llllIlng III \nIII llk'JIl. g .>Tn he Ianl llllkl xIIll he CHIN." YnII L'Ulllkl IIn lnIIgI-I xcuYnu‘Il lnw IlIc lure/c III )nur law. On lIn\\ _\nIII‘ Inh L'Ulllkl by lk‘llL'lll‘ccl Ihc L'Ultl III _\nIIr prIII'. \lhl lInII )nu \\Ulll(l cum .I lIngI'I xlII‘I-lI‘x lllC\L‘ IhIngx _\nu knn“. lI'x llII‘xI' llIIIng _\nu \\Ixh lnI. ‘ I III‘x lllL‘ \\;I_\ III lIl'c,Ynu‘Il bu} llL‘l' II Iliumnml I'Ing.Tn hung Ihc xmllc In lIcI‘ lucc.YnII'Il Illkllu‘ hIIII l'ccl xccurc.'l'n lI‘cl xccurc In _\'0l|l' pIIII'c.Ynu III” II'_\ xn lIgIrIl xnIucIIInL‘x.Tn lw IIghI Jiltl gnnIl ulltl II'uc.BIII cwr} nncc III 11 \\llllL‘.When IlIIIng IlnII'I quIlc \xnrk l‘nI' )nII.YnII hcnIl lllL' rulcx II lllllC.,-\IIIl _\nur IlI‘cuIIIx _\nu I‘cIIlI/c.lI'x llInxc lhingx _\nu Iln.lI‘x IhI‘ \\;I)‘ nl lIlI'.

ll'x ”W \\.'l_\ nl lIlI‘ 'VI ‘ .'l‘hcrc'x llL‘\L‘I' grccucr gmxx.l‘hcrv‘x .Ilwnx II lIcIIL‘I' \HI}. .-,'\llkl pcnplc \\lll IIl\\II_\x II'Il \nII. ' rllml II‘x gnmg In gel \InI'xI‘ xnIIII‘IluIl'lIcI‘c'x III‘wI' IIII I‘xcupc.l-I‘nm Ihc gIInIl. IlIc I'III'c. V l-\IIIl IlInIIgh )nu ll'_\ I'I'IIlI) lI.II‘Il. 1‘ \

l.Ynu I-IIII‘I kI‘I-p up IlIc pIIcI‘BIII _\nu llC\CI I’cull) xInp ll'\lll‘_'. _ V”1le “HUM ncwr hc I‘Ighl. ‘ Iy(‘n/ _\nII IIIxI \InulIlII‘l III III.Bccuuxc IhIII‘x Ihc \\‘.l} nl lIlL‘.

Page 6: AOKwith DWI? · iiiiiiihei tllltl L‘lllilll .iddi'ess, lhe person \\ho eoiiies elosest to guessing. the .ittu.i| tilllillllll isill \\iii the itinil) liiesdiis lliineei \\\ote‘llL‘ss


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5 6 T I 9 to 11 ACROSS 43 Fall behind 22 Built to transport trucks1 Scottish cap 45 Pertaining to (suit 23 Send forth,3 14 4 Oral 2(75'5111311. terpporary bed 24 Holds flowers8 County in Florida am (con )11 1a ,9 12 Southern state (abbr y 48 Employ 32 :2? time13 Against 49 Not awake 28 Sit t >2‘ 22 14 in the middle 52 Bastion (p15 Give in 54 S E Asra bird 29 Bad (pref l17 Vigor 56 Recent lorm (prel) 30 From a distance2‘ 2° 19 Egyptian sun god 57 Great take 31 Spouse20 Boy 58 12 months 33 Repair with thread2' 29 3° 3‘ 21 Interior 59 Three (pref I 34 Large

22 Edge 0' 0'01“ 37 Pester. annoy’3 3‘ 3° 23 “”3115 DOWN 39 Inventor‘s sole right25 Create current 01 breeze ; ngCMOP 41 Foea 26 Leave eerI n as o 27 Small rug 3 Wooden 11ammer 42 Poland (abbr l

w ‘2 28 Heat source 4 G‘" 43 Livrng organism29 Courtesy title for woman 5 Picnic pest 44 LOVE32 Eriist 6 Indefinite pronoun 45 Elitst‘6 “I 33 Sand build-Up on shore 7 Couch 46 Former Russen emperor ivar 140 so 51 35 4th mUSlcaI scale note 8 W381 b81081 48 N American Indians§ Earl: 19:33:56! 49 Collection1C l [OUS .

5’ 5‘ 5° 5° 39 Tap gently 11 Cheese 2? ng'xtfgd40 Actual weight (abbr l 16 Listening organso 50 41 Morning breakfast item 13 Div15ion 0' the psyche 53 New “9'3”" state (abbr )42 cm 21 Wound cover 55 You (poetic)


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Page 8: AOKwith DWI? · iiiiiiihei tllltl L‘lllilll .iddi'ess, lhe person \\ho eoiiies elosest to guessing. the .ittu.i| tilllillllll isill \\iii the itinil) liiesdiis lliineei \\\ote‘llL‘ss

SCORESVolleyball 3. i-r‘t' tl

Amato wants to fix mental mistakes

0 The Duke-N12. Stategame was a hot topic ofconversation at ChuckAmato’s weekly pressconference.

witlt VirginiaIn his weekly press cott-ferctice Monday. ‘\tlttttoe\plained why the\Voltpack strtiggledagainst tlte Blue lleytls

lleyils for the sc\enthcotiseeutiye year. l‘l\C ofthose games haye been»decided by less thatt atouchdow n.Senior fullback Derek

\nralo said the lleyrlscharged rrito the game at(‘artcr-l‘inlcy Stadiumwitlt reckless abaiidort.He gaye tlierti credit forpttsltirig his squad to tltes’lt\ L'l'tlgt‘Jerry Moore and rnrsscd tackles.

<l.ttt \\iit.! takes." .\nr.ito saidl-'orty«erght ltours after.\'.(‘. State scratched ottt a3541 \lt‘lttt'} oter win—lt.‘\\ ”\th2 llc‘ttd c‘titlt‘ll(.‘httck Amato talkedabout his team‘s rirerrtalmistakes arid this weekcnd's prtotal titatchup

w ord


Alison Kreager draws the attention of three ECU blockers in NC. State's 3-0 win. I

ACCs up next for

O The Woltpack heads to the ACC Tournamentthis weekend in Winston-Salem.

Day‘id Hohgood\tatt \\ir' 't

The \\ollpack is heading into the listAnnual Atlantic (‘oast ('onlcrcnce \‘ollcyballChampionship on a positi\e note after a dom»tnating tin. lo-l-l. lS-ltl yictory oter l;astCarolina. The .»\('(‘ Tourney will begin for thePack on Thursday eyening at 7 3o rtt \Vlltslttll'Salem Ltgttlllst llls‘ top-seeded (ictirgla TechYellow JacketsEyen though the Pack didn‘t rrnprote in thestandings this season. it is heading forWinstonSalcni with lots ot confidence."Our goal this year was to hate art opporttrnity to win eyery AFC match we played.”head coach Kim Hall said, "And althorrgli wedidn’t win hilt one conference match. we hadthe opportunity to win nearly all of them. Wehad so many matches that went to liye gamesthis year that wejtrst weren‘t able to win."And heading into a first»roirnd showdownwith the high~octane Yellow Jackets. the Pack

has eyery reason to be confident itt its abili-ties."We won more total games than the next twoteams ahead of us." Hall said. "We also wentto five games with the top two teams [GeorgiaTech and North Carolina] in the conference. Ik—>-—

He cited se\eral blowirassignments of the"It was all ttietttal ritts— ."11 to relay this to the rest of

goes back to one srrnplcdm"l‘l'm‘ That "It's a riyalry. so it waswas the whole crus ot iityspeech at halftime. Do wasw hat you‘re supposed to

Despite the errors. the I tried to tell the otherPack pi‘eyailed met the

brink."l)ttke came oycr on akamika/e mission." hesaid. “l really tip |ll\ hatto thetti "The otitlook tor a l‘ackyrctory appeared bleakafter Duke's Brent (iat'bcikicked a .‘sh'vyaid fieldgoal with 8:42 left to gitcthe l)eytls a .‘l-Jh lead.l~ollowing a tumble byAndy \';iii|)ei\'eer on

Roberts was well awarereccttt historybetween the TobaccoRoad foes, lie attemptedthe team.going to be close. and itgoing to be ashootout." he said. "l‘ycbeen here fiye years. andguys how it would be."

\ olley ballagainstCarolina.



by seniors

match highl‘L‘l'L’k‘llltlle \ Kimg.s .

mean. it‘s no doubt iii our minds that we cartplay."The Pack will have its work ctrt out for it iiithe opening round against the Jackets. whodefeated the Pack in both of their tnatches thisseason."Tech rs really. really good.” ltall said “But.we played them really well both times theyhaye scyen forergri players who hate lots otexperience playing tor each ot their respecthe national teams. They also rietci get rattled no rtiattcr how ad\crse the situation is "When comparing her team's strengths withthe Jackets. Hall feels that each teatii has anedge on the other irt \arrous aspects of thegame.“I feel like our defense is better than theirs."Hall said. "Howeycr. I feel like their iitfenseis better than ours. So in preparation for thetn.we need to work on our ollcnsryc firepower lllorder to strengthen our chances to win.“With the conference tourney only two daysaway. the Pack has receitcd outstanding playfrotn quite a few players down the stretch."()trr freshman setter [("rystal Shannon] hasshown quite a bit of maturation as the seasonhas progressed." Hall said. "Stephanie[Stambaugh] and Alison [Kreagerl have beenreally good for us in the lllltltllc‘. And.although she faces two blockers may match.

Justin Sellers\'t.itt \\t'rtct

The regular season ended with aCullVlllClllg \\l|l for the NC. StateteatnCl‘t)ss-sltllL‘

FNcst] C?599., .. ,9

came('ohsetmi tor its frital home matchof the season needing to get backon the rrglit track heading into theACE ’l‘ournainent on Thursday.The Pack did rust that. sweepingthe Pirates t l? ill in tor the wrn.otttsideWilliams tirade lterthroughout the match. tallying aitiatchltrglt Ii kills to lead State"It was a pretty cominctng win led byotri here tonight." said \\ilhams.“this witi definitelyteam's morale. but we still sec thatwe cart improye otirsclyes”State showed positi\e signs right the bat ted by a strong effort\teredith Price andStephanie Stambaugh. the Packquickly won game one l5~bPrice catiic tip big dctenst\cly torthe Pack. tyingl4 tllg’sStambaugh tirtrslied with a hitting3:0 and added ll"That was the key." said headllall,wanted to writ and play wellbecause that is their last itiemory

State's llL‘\l tlt‘l\e. Duketook oyer with a chanceto pick up first downs andrun out the clock for itsfirst win of the year.But the Pack defenseheld and forced a punt.which gate State the ballwith 3:47 left to go.Philip Riyers. playingwith a slightly separatedshoulder. engineered agame-winning. Stley'arddriye. He completedset en passes in the pos-session. and the Devilsaided the effort withpenalties. Riy‘ers cappedSee AMATO Page 7



KVLE 9006933551“State tackles UVa Saturday.

sweeps ECU

o The Wolipack finished the regu-lar season with a 3-0 win.

and their last opportunity to play atli(‘t' showed signs of life in gametwo. tying the Pack 4-4 and forcingHall to call one of three titneotrts.The garite went back and forth witheach team est-hanging points until

Monday nightt‘iyttl liast

the Pirates took control with a shortrun. giving them the lead at l-l-l2.After another tirneottt for State. theWolfpack battled back to tie thegame at l-l-l-l. Shortly after that.The \y'oltpack the Pack celebratedgame win in a row with the scoretsi—Zl. I-ISAtlantic (‘oast('onferencci. whosuffered anotherconference hiss tlt('lemson onrrrto Reynolds


hitter (‘harece

helps the

\\illrarns with aMeanwhile.

State. withfreshman setter (‘rystal Shannon.rieycr once looked back. going onto war game three IS-lt). Shannonled both learns with 44 assists andtacked on I: digs defensiyely."The effort tonight was good."said coach Hall. "To be honest. Ithink physically we are a little

its second

"(‘oach [Hall] pointed out that theother team wasn't beating tis." saidWilliams. "Instead. we were beat«rttg ourselyes and we as a teamr‘ealt/ed that. it was like a smack lllthe face Like ‘wake up.‘ we cartplay good yolley ball. With thatmottyation. we decided we had toplay. We had to pick up otirdefense. our hitting. our blocking;all those skills we couldn‘t capital~t/e earlier oti iii the game.”presence felt The \\'o|fpack came out of theinterttitssion. quickly Jumping to anit} lead in game three, The Pirates.sortiel.u('itida Mason. \\ ho had 13 killsand it) digs. totrglit back to closewithin three points of the Pack. billthat would be as close as it would

play s front

leadership of

tired. as well as mentally. l thittk"l thtttk tltey this win took our minds off of theend of the regular season a little bit.

See ECU Page 7

tate volleyball

Gum WtLSON/S'AFKCharece [Williams] has been outstanding for Cal’Ollne FTEde goes on the floor to keep the ball in as an outside hitter."

l'ootball to Virginia. llr’lh‘. )- ltiVolleyball. .»\(‘t‘s. ll/lh‘rll('toss(‘ountty. Nationals. tI’Jll

Men's basketball ys. Penn. l l/l7, T'titithrn‘s ltiskctball s. lilon. ll/ Its. l‘tli


TV or notTV

L‘llL‘l'Ntlel’llUl Sports. theassociation that regionallybroadcasts .'\lltlllllt t‘oast(‘onlercnce football games.was glycn a choice betweentwo games this weekendThe first has plenty of postseason drama. pitting a learnWith a 6-3 record against onethat ts 54.The other is ari\alry game.w h t c hinyolyes oneteam thathasn‘t wonall seasonand anotherthat couldslide irrio J 9 re m ybowlehgtbil—It) with a ASHTONwin.The folks at .lc‘llt‘lsttll Pilotwanted to show the loimer..\’.(‘. States game at VirginiaThey are stuck. instead. \\l|llteleyisitig the latter. \oi‘thCarolina‘s annual meeting withDuke.l reali/e that the liltre lletilsaltttost ended their season longlosing streak against \‘taie lastweekend. (inen the choice.howeter. I would tend to thinkthat itiost football tans with noattachment to any ot these li‘lllteams would tune a greaterinterest iii the State t \a gariicThe blante tor the l.itk ol .iTV presence at the panic restssquarely on the shoulders or the(‘ayahers‘ athletics departirreritll‘ l'Va had agreed to letJefferson—Pilot show the game.then ktclsotf would hate l‘ecnscheduled lot‘ noon Htit basedon the fact that their itoorr gameagainst 1 .\'(‘ on tict 25' drew i"disappointing” Soon). whithis about Shoo shy of .1 record(“\“tl litll' Stillc"\ k‘ttl’lt'l ltlllc‘\Stadium. the (‘ays tlL‘LllllL‘tl theopportunity."It‘s \ery tlllllttlll lot outtans. arid particularly out sllltlL‘llts ltll \«Itltt‘ lL‘dstitl. lit gel lita noon garlic.” l‘\.‘t athleticsdirector Terry Holland told Ila,Vi'iit ii/ril (llrti'riil last week"That is asking a lot of them "NU“ h‘t lllc' \L‘L‘ tl l'\c filtl tltlsstraight. l'nhkc State. l \.:plays iti .iii on campus stadiumHolland eycri said In his lllli'lyiew with ”it \i at i,iiil(”Nt'l'ltl that "all they litre siiidents] haye to do is get out ofbed and roll down the hill ” ltiitaskrttg them to show up at noonon a Saturday and support afootball team that has a reasonable shot of ctttalilyrng lot .ibowl is too much 'l'th |tlst addt‘tl lilllltl st'atsto Scott Stadium this season tobrttig the capacity up to tiifititiThat mine was designed to letiii titore people who wanted tocome to games like llll‘s oneAttendance for l'\'.i's homegames this season hasn't c\actly been horrible The smallestcrowd of the season consistedol 50.135 tor a meeting ‘.\llltl)i\ision |~.-\.»\ Richmond Yetstttdeiit turnout has not met theathletics departttieitt's espectations.[Va is accustomed to successon the football field The (‘ayswere the first learn to beatFlorida State and are one olonly forir l.)i\rsron l-.-\ progrants wrtlt seycn or more w msin each of the last I ‘ seasonsWith No. 7 Virginia Tech onthe hort/otr. that streak is ill\ery real icopardy if l'Va can'tbeat State .»\s a result. studentswith only a passing interest llIfootball are likely to start lltctlsrtrig on the (‘ays‘ chances Illbasketball The low stridentturnout is probably prettyembarrassing tor a programused to being in the \(‘("supper echelon.The (‘ays‘ decision to not letJefferson-Pilot carry this gameis still printing to say the leastMost programs relish thechance to play teleyrsed gamesbecause they are recruitingtools. State tread coach (‘htickAmato certainly w anied thegame on TV’.“ll giy‘es tts eyposure.” .‘\lll.tlttSee ASHTON. Page 7