“Woe #7: Culpable; Wow #7...

1 “Woe #7: Culpable; Wow #7 Capable” April 5, 2020

Transcript of “Woe #7: Culpable; Wow #7...

Page 1: “Woe #7: Culpable; Wow #7 Capable”f838bb269167a3f3e1e4-f522ed318e928ea232defd9968f9ad75.r93.c… · In Your Kingdom broken lives are made new, You make us new. ‘Cause when we


“Woe #7: Culpable; Wow #7 Capable” April 5, 2020

Page 2: “Woe #7: Culpable; Wow #7 Capable”f838bb269167a3f3e1e4-f522ed318e928ea232defd9968f9ad75.r93.c… · In Your Kingdom broken lives are made new, You make us new. ‘Cause when we


Palm Sunday April 5, 2020

Prelude Preservice Hymn: “’Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus”

‘Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus, Just to take Him at His Word, Just to rest upon His promise, Just to know, “Thus saith the Lord.” Jesus, Jesus, how I trust Him. Proved He’s faithful o’er and o’er Jesus, Jesus, precious Jesus! O for grace to trust Him more.

O how sweet to trust in Jesus, Just to trust His cleansing blood, Just in simple faith to plunge me ‘Neath the healing, cleansing flood! Jesus, Jesus, how I trust Him. Proved He’s faithful o’er and o’er Jesus, Jesus, precious Jesus! O for grace to trust Him more.

Yes, ‘tis sweet to trust in Jesus, Just from sin and self to cease; Just from Jesus simply taking Life and rest, and joy and peace.

Friendship Celebration Lutheran Church ~ Missouri Synod

765 E Chinden Blvd. Meridian, ID 83646 www.friendshipcelebration.org

Email: [email protected] www.fclcpreschool.org

Church and Preschool Phone: 208-288-2404

Senior Pastor: Matt Henry Cell: 208-957-9364

Email: [email protected]

Founding Pastor: Tom Hausch Cell: 208-860-1274

Email: [email protected]

Director of Christian Education: Brett Lindemood Cell: 208-982-1461

Email: [email protected]

Preschool Director: Lori Jensen Office: 208-288-2404

Email: [email protected]

Elder Serving: John Biar

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Jesus, Jesus, how I trust Him. Proved He’s faithful o’er and o’er Jesus, Jesus, precious Jesus! O for grace to trust Him more.

I’m so glad I learned to trust Him, Precious Jesus, Savior, Friend; And I know that He is with me, Will be with me to the end. Jesus, Jesus, how I trust Him. Proved He’s faithful o’er and o’er Jesus, Jesus, precious Jesus! O for grace to trust Him more.

Public Domain

Welcome & Announcements

Invocation & Call to Worship

Leader: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. People: Amen.

Leader: King Jesus comes, King Jesus, Son of God, Son of Man, Messiah. People: Hail! King Jesus, King of all!

Leader: Recall the words of the Scriptures: “A great crowd who had come to the feast heard that Jesus was coming to Jerusalem. So they took branches of palm trees and went out to meet Him, crying, ‘Hosanna! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord, even the King of Israel!’” People: In praise we adore You, King Jesus. Enter our hearts today as you entered Jerusalem long ago, and lead us by faith in the way everlasting. Amen. —based on John 12:13

Opening Song Set: “All Glory, Laud and Honor”

All glory, laud, and honor To Thee Redeemer, King. To whom the lips of children Made sweet hosannas ring. Thou art are the King of Israel Thou David’s royal Son, Who in the Lord’s name comest, The King and Blessed One.

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The company of angels Are praising Thee on high, And mortal men and all things Created make reply: The people of the Hebrews With palms before Thee went: Our praise and prayer and anthems Before Thee we present.

To Thee, before Thy passion, They sang their hymns of praise; To Thee now high exalted, Our melody we raise: Thou didst accept their praises— Accept the praise we bring, Who in all good delightest, Thou good and gracious King!

Public Domain

“Hosanna” (Praise is Rising)

Praise is rising, eyes are turning to You, we turn to You. Hope is stirring, hearts are yearning for You, we long for You. ‘Cause when we see You, we find strength to face the day. In Your presence all our fears are washed away, washed away.

Hosanna, Hosanna, You are the God who saves us, Worthy of all our praises. Hosanna, Hosanna, Come have Your way among us, We welcome You here, Lord Jesus.

Hear the sound of hearts returning to You, we turn to You. In Your Kingdom broken lives are made new, You make us new. ‘Cause when we see You, we find strength to face the day. In Your presence all our fears are washed away, washed away.

Hosanna, Hosanna, You are the God who saves us, Worthy of all our praises. Hosanna, Hosanna, Come have Your way among us, We welcome You here, Lord Jesus. Hosanna, Hosanna, You are the God who saves us, Worthy of all our praises. Hosanna, Hosanna, Hosanna!

©2006 Integrity’s Hosanna! Music Words & Music by Paul Baloche and Benton Brown

Used by permission CCLI #782217

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Confession of Sins

Leader: Lord, You said, “If You love Me, you will obey what I command.” People: Forgive us our lukewarm love and our disobedience.

Leader: Lord, You said, “You may ask for anything in My name.” People: Forgive us when we think we need to solve our own problems.

Leader: Lord, You said, “Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.” People: We confess that our lives are often consumed by worry and anxiety.

Leader: Lord, You said, “If you remain in Me and I in you, you will bear much fruit.” People: Forgive us our barren lives, Lord.

Leader: Lord, You said, “You must testify, for you have been with Me.” People: We confess, Lord, that we have been too often silent.

Leader: Lord, You said, “Love each other as I have loved you.” People: In this and in so many other ways, we confess our failures and shortcomings. Amen.

Assurance of Forgiveness

Leader: The LORD is faithful in all his words, and gracious in all his deeds. The LORD upholds all who are falling, and raises up all who are bowed down.

—Psalm 145:13-14, NRSV

Hear the good news: This saying is sure and worthy of full acceptance, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners. He Himself bore our sins in His body on the cross, that we might be dead to sin, and alive to all that is good. I declare to you in the name of Jesus Christ, you are forgiven. People: Thanks be to God. —based on 1 Timothy 1:15; 1 Peter 2:24

Old Testament Isaiah 50:4-9a ESV

4The Lord GOD has given me the tongue of those who are taught, that I may know how to sustain with a word him who is weary. Morning by morning he awakens; he awakens my ear to hear as those who are taught.

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5The Lord GOD has opened my ear, and I was not rebellious; I turned not backward. 6I gave my back to those who strike, and my cheeks to those who pull out the beard; I hid not my face from disgrace and spitting.

7But the Lord GOD helps me; therefore I have not been disgraced; therefore I have set my face like a flint, and I know that I shall not be put to shame. 8 He who vindicates me is near. Who will contend with me? Let us stand up together. Who is my adversary? Let him come near to me. 9Behold, the Lord GOD helps me; who will declare me guilty?

Epistle Philippians 2:5-11 ESV 5Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus, 6who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, 7but emptied himself, by taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men. 8And being found in human form, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross. 9Therefore God has highly exalted him and bestowed on him the name that is above every name, 10so that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, 11and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.

Holy Gospel Matthew 23:29-39 ESV

29“Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you build the tombs of the prophets and decorate the monuments of the righteous, 30saying, ‘If we had lived in the days of our fathers, we would not have taken part with them in shedding the blood of the prophets.’ 31Thus you witness against yourselves that you are sons of those who murdered the prophets. 32Fill up, then, the measure of your fathers. 33You serpents, you brood of vipers, how are you to escape being sentenced to hell?

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34Therefore I send you prophets and wise men and scribes, some of whom you will kill and crucify, and some you will flog in your synagogues and persecute from town to town, 35so that on you may come all the righteous blood shed on earth, from the blood of righteous Abel to the blood of Zechariah the son of Barachiah, whom you murdered between the sanctuary and the altar. 36Truly, I say to you, all these things will come upon this generation.

37“O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the city that kills the prophets and stones those who are sent to it! How often would I have gathered your children together as a hen gathers her brood under her wings, and you were not willing! 38See, your house is left to you desolate. 39For I tell you, you will not see me again, until you say, ‘Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.’”

Apostles’ Creed I believe in God, the Father Almighty, maker of heaven and earth.

And in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord, Who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died and was buried. He descended into hell. The third day He rose again from the dead. He ascended into heaven and sits at the right hand of God the Father Almighty. From thence He will come to judge the living and the dead.

I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy Christian Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting. Amen.

Children’s Message

Message Song: “Jesus, Messiah”

He became sin, Who knew no sin, That we might become His righteousness, He humbled Himself and carried the cross, Love so amazing, love so amazing.

Jesus Messiah, Name above all names, Blessed Redeemer, Emmanuel The rescue for sinners, the ransom from heaven Jesus Messiah, Lord of all.

His body the bread, His blood the wine Broken and poured out, all for love. The whole earth trembled and the veil was torn, Love so amazing, love so amazing.

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Jesus Messiah, Name above all names, Blessed Redeemer, Emmanuel The rescue for sinners, the ransom from heaven Jesus Messiah, Lord of all.

Our hope is in You All our hope is in You All the glory to You, God, The Light of the world.

Jesus Messiah, Name above all names, Blessed Redeemer, Emmanuel The rescue for sinners, the ransom from heaven Jesus Messiah, Lord of all. Jesus Messiah, Lord of all. Jesus Messiah, Lord of all.

© 2008 sixsteps Music (Admin. by Capitol CMG Publishing) Vamos Publishing (Admin. by Capitol CMG Publishing)

worshiptogether.com songs (Admin. by Capitol CMG Publishing) Wondrously Made Songs (Admin. by Music Services, Inc.)

Words & Music by Chris Tomlin, Daniel Carson, Ed Cash, Jesse Reeves Used by Permission CCLI #782217

Sermon: “Woe #7: Culpable; Wow #7 Capable” Matthew 23 Jesus goes 7 for 7 when it comes to the woes in Matthew 23. Who has blood on their hands? The scribes and Pharisees prove their connection to those who killed the prophets sent to them. Jesus will have blood on His hands for an entirely different reason—as a sacrifice for our salvation.

Life Group Questions – Matthew 23

Head (what?)

What do the Pharisees accidentally admit? (v. 31) Who is sent by Jesus in v. 34 and what is their fate? How do the Pharisees show themselves to be “like father, like son”? What do Abel and Zechariah represent in the Old Testament?

Heart (so what?)

What consolation is there that God notices where innocent blood is shed? What is God’s will? What does He offer? (v. 37) Is it fair for someone to be held liable for something he did not do?

Page 9: “Woe #7: Culpable; Wow #7 Capable”f838bb269167a3f3e1e4-f522ed318e928ea232defd9968f9ad75.r93.c… · In Your Kingdom broken lives are made new, You make us new. ‘Cause when we


Hands (now what?)

If someone you care about has rejected the Gospel, what should you do? How can you help bring about justice for someone? What will you do differently at home for Holy Week?

Offering You may give your offering by giving online through the church website

at www.friendshipcelebration.org, by signing up for automatic withdrawal which links to savings/checking account or debit/credit card (form is also available on church website), or by mailing your check to the church office.

Song of Response: “The Lion and the Lamb”

He's coming on the clouds Kings and kingdoms will bow down And every chain will break As broken hearts declare His praise Who can stop the Lord Almighty

Our God is the Lion The Lion of Judah He's roaring with power And fighting our battles And every knee will bow before Him.

Our God is the Lamb The Lamb that was slain For the sin of the world His blood breaks the chains And every knee will bow before the Lion and the Lamb Oh every knee will bow before the Lion and the Lamb

So open up the gates Make way before the King of kings Our God Who comes to save Is here to set the captives free For who can stop the Lord Almighty

Our God is the Lion The Lion of Judah He's roaring with power And fighting our battles And every knee will bow before Him.

Page 10: “Woe #7: Culpable; Wow #7 Capable”f838bb269167a3f3e1e4-f522ed318e928ea232defd9968f9ad75.r93.c… · In Your Kingdom broken lives are made new, You make us new. ‘Cause when we


Our God is the Lamb The Lamb that was slain For the sin of the world His blood breaks the chains And every knee will bow before the Lion and the Lamb Oh every knee will bow before the Lion and the Lamb

Men Who can stop the Lord Almighty Who can stop the Lord Almighty Who can stop the Lord Almighty Who can stop the Lord Almighty

All Who can stop the Lord Almighty Who can stop the Lord Almighty Who can stop the Lord Almighty Who can stop the Lord

Our God is the Lion The Lion of Judah He's roaring with power And fighting our battles And every knee will bow before Him.

Our God is the Lamb The Lamb that was slain For the sin of the world His blood breaks the chains And every knee will bow before the Lion and the Lamb Oh, every knee will bow before the Lion and the Lamb, oh, oh-oh and Every knee will bow before the Lion and the Lamb, oh, oh-oh Every knee will bow before the Lion and the Lamb

© 2015 Meaux Mercy (Admin. by Capitol CMG Publishing) Thankyou Music (Admin. by Capitol CMG Publishing)

The Devil Is A Liar! Publishing (Admin. by Capitol CMG Publishing) Bethel Music Publishing

Words & Music by Brenton Brown, Brian Johnson, & Leeland Mooring Used by permission CCLI License # 782217

Page 11: “Woe #7: Culpable; Wow #7 Capable”f838bb269167a3f3e1e4-f522ed318e928ea232defd9968f9ad75.r93.c… · In Your Kingdom broken lives are made new, You make us new. ‘Cause when we



Leader: Lead us, O God, in the way of Christ. Give us courage to take up our cross and, in full reliance upon Your grace, to follow Him. Help us to love You above all else and to love our neighbor as we love ourselves, demonstrating that love in deed and word by the power of Your Spirit. Give us strength to serve You faithfully until the promised day of resurrection, when, with the redeemed of all the ages, we will feast with you at Your table in glory.

(Petitions may be offered here.)

O Lord Jesus Christ, on this day You received the worship of those who hailed You as their King: Accept our praise and adoration, our worship and love; and grant that we, who now confess You with our lips, may never fail to give You the service of our lives, for the honor of Your holy name, for You live and reign with the Father and the Holy Spirit, one God, world without end. People: Amen.


Leader: If any want to become My followers, let them deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow Me.

—Luke 9:23, NRSV


Leader: May our Lord, Whose arms were spread on the cross to embrace the whole world, help us this week to take up the cross and follow Him. People: Amen.

Closing Song: “Who You Say I Am”

Who am I that the highest King Would welcome me? I was lost but He brought me in. Oh His love for me! Oh His love for me!

Page 12: “Woe #7: Culpable; Wow #7 Capable”f838bb269167a3f3e1e4-f522ed318e928ea232defd9968f9ad75.r93.c… · In Your Kingdom broken lives are made new, You make us new. ‘Cause when we


Who the Son sets free, Oh is free indeed. I'm a child of God. Yes I am.

Free at last He has ransomed me. His grace runs deep. While I was a slave to sin Jesus died for me. Yes He died for me,

Who the Son sets free, Oh is free indeed. I'm a child of God. Yes I am.

In my Father's house. There's a place for me. I'm a child of God. Yes I am!

I am chosen not forsaken. I am who You say I am. You are for me not against me. I am who You say I am.

I am chosen not forsaken. I am who You say I am. You are for me not against me. I am who You say I am. I am who You say I am.

Who the Son sets free, Oh is free indeed. I'm a child of God. Yes I am.

In my Father's house. There's a place for me. I'm a child of God. Yes I am!

© 2017 Hillsong Music Publishing Australia (Admin. by Capitol CMG Publishing) Words & Music by Ben Fielding & Reuben Morgan

Used by permission CCLI 782217

Page 13: “Woe #7: Culpable; Wow #7 Capable”f838bb269167a3f3e1e4-f522ed318e928ea232defd9968f9ad75.r93.c… · In Your Kingdom broken lives are made new, You make us new. ‘Cause when we



The birds are chirping to welcome spring. The trees are leafing out. The lawn is a beautiful deep shade of green. God’s voice still whispers to us in all of

nature that we have a hope in Christ that cannot be shaken even by an earthquake!

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Friendship Celebration Announcements ~ April 5, 2020

Notice: FCLC Campus will remain closed until we get the ‘all clear’ to gather again. Due to the stay at home order, presence in the office is very minimal. We will do our best to return calls. The best time to call is Tuesdays and Fridays, 11am – 4pm. Please leave a message so your call may be returned or use the ministry contact list below to call or email us. Elders and ministry teams are also points of connection!

From Your Ministry Team--These are unprecedented times, but work of ministry continues! Even though we are apart, it’s important for the congregation to stay in relationship with one another. As a way of encouraging conversation, here is the contact information for the FCLC staff. As needs arise during this time spiritual needs or physical needs (such as food, medicine, transportation), we want to know of them so we can help meet them. The church has always come together—sometimes in private, sometimes in public, and now remotely! Please feel free to call or visit online with us as we are available to you. Let’s stay connected in prayer and love for one another. Yours in Christ, Pastor Matt, Pastor Tom and Brett

Ministry Team Contact list: Email: Cell Phone: Pastor Matt [email protected] 208-957-9364 Pastor Tom [email protected] 208-860-1274 Brett Lindemood DCE [email protected] 208-982-1461 Kayla Liehe [email protected] 208-871-2003

Holy Week Schedule: All Holy Week services will be available online through Facebook Live and also linked to the church website. We will conclude the Lenten sermon series “From Woe to Wow”. While we miss the fellowship of one another and the traditions of this week, we are grateful for the gift and reach of technology. Some of the services have received more than 700 viewings!

Maundy Thursday, April 9, 7 pm Good Friday, April 10, 7 pm Easter Sunday, April 12, 9 am

It’s exciting to see the Gospel take to the airwaves! You can access Lutheran worship services and teaching remotely via online, radio and TV. Here is the broadcast information for the Lutheran Hour on the radio. Also be sure to visit www.lhm.org for podcasts and many other resources.

KAWS FM 89.1 Sunday 8:00 am KIDO AM 580 Sunday 8:30 am KSPD AM 790 Sunday 4:00 am KSPD FM 94.5 Sunday 4:00 am

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In addition, the LCMS congregations of the Treasure Valley are jointly supporting “Worship Anew” which is a 30-minute program on Sunday morning on ABC at 8:30am. This new programming began today, Palm Sunday. Check it out every Sunday!

Summer Day Camps at FCLC! FCLC summer camp has a new start date of July 6th. A new updated registration form will be available in the next week on our church website. Questions/Concerns? Please contact Brett Lindemood ([email protected]).

Giving Made Easy--Want to be a more reliable giver in your offering? Forms for automatic withdrawal are now available! You can use your savings/checking account (preferred) or even a debit/credit card. You have complete control over the amount and frequency. It really does make for disciplined and dependable giving! Forms are available on the church website under the dropdown menu GIVE. Questions? Give Kayla Liehe a call (208-871-2003). She is working from home; so don’t hesitate to call her with any questions. You may also mail your offering to the church: 765 E. Chinden Blvd. Meridian ID 83646. The mail is being checked daily.

Prayer Chain-Prayer Requests - Call Jenny Kandler at 208-362-5410 or e-mail [email protected] to request prayer chain or if there are updates. If you email, also please call to let her know you’ve sent a prayer request via email. In the event that Jenny Kandler can't be reached for prayer chain, please call/notify, Donnette House (208-297-0775) at [email protected].

Stay Connected! FCLC’s Friendly 411 Weekly is an e-newsletter that comes directly to your email inbox currently Tuesdays and Friday afternoons. If you are interested in signing up to receive the Friendly 411 Weekly, please email the church office at [email protected] and mark the subject “Subscribe 411”. You make also request the PDF copy of our monthly Friendly Findings newsletter. Just include” Subscribe FF” to the subject line in your email. Our newsletter is also available online at our church website. (www.friendshipcelebration.org).

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