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“Майнспек” ХХК www.minespec.mn Page 1 Brief Introduction MineSpec LLC is a 100% locally owned & staffed business with its office & warehouse facility in the industrial district of Ulaanbaatar, Khan-Uul. Since our establishment in 2009, up until today, we continue to offer high quality safety & welding products, welding equipment and power generators to our mining Clients and service providers throughout Mongolia. The priority of MineSpec’s business is to respond any & all Client’s enquiries and to offer the best products either from our stock or quoting through our qualified suppliers worldwide. We offer mining products and product solutions that meets Client’s requirement for technical specifications and lead-time. The success of our company is directly linked to the experience and expertise of company owner who serviced the mining industry over 15 years in roles of Sales, Purchasing and Contracts Management and lately acting as a Director of welding & safety supply enterprise for 5 years. We focus on development of welding materials, technologies and equipment in Mongolia through our expert welding suppliers worldwide such as Hyundai Welding S.Korea, Welding Alloys France, Airgas USA, Kemppi Finland and Worldwel S.Korea. Welding consumables and equipment that Minespec offers are proven for their quality and highest industry standards for use in tough mining environment for decades. We supply top quality safety brands such as Radnor, MSA and Honeywell from our US and Australian suppliers that meet ANSI and AS/NZS standards. MineSpec is dedicated to stocking and supplying highest standard safety equipment and contributing to the local development of safety standards. SWT brand generator sets and mobile lighting plants equipped with Perkins and Kubota engines and Stamford alternators are made with mining configurations and continuing to operate throughout project and mine sites in the country. We constantly stock over 1500 line items of miscellaneous mining products in our warehouse located in center of Ulaanbaatar and provide free delivery to Clients within a day. Items that are non-stock requiring urgent deliveries are supplied in shortest possible lead time by airfreight. MineSpec will continue to contribute to Mongolian economy by supporting sustainable mining and will grow with our Customers together. MineSpec is committed to contributing and developing highest standards and best international practices in the mining industry of Mongolia.

Transcript of “Майнспек” ХХК - MineSpec · Page 2 Товч танилцуулга...

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“Майнспек” ХХК

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Brief Introduction

MineSpec LLC is a 100% locally owned & staffed business with its office & warehouse facility in the industrial

district of Ulaanbaatar, Khan-Uul. Since our establishment in 2009, up until today, we continue to offer high

quality safety & welding products, welding equipment and power generators to our mining Clients and service

providers throughout Mongolia.

The priority of MineSpec’s business is to respond any & all Client’s enquiries and to offer the best products either

from our stock or quoting through our qualified suppliers worldwide. We offer mining products and product

solutions that meets Client’s requirement for technical specifications and lead-time.

The success of our company is directly linked to the experience and expertise of company owner who serviced

the mining industry over 15 years in roles of Sales, Purchasing and Contracts Management and lately acting as

a Director of welding & safety supply enterprise for 5 years.

We focus on development of welding materials, technologies and equipment in Mongolia through our expert

welding suppliers worldwide such as Hyundai Welding S.Korea, Welding Alloys France, Airgas USA, Kemppi

Finland and Worldwel S.Korea. Welding consumables and equipment that Minespec offers are proven for their

quality and highest industry standards for use in tough mining environment for decades.

We supply top quality safety brands such as Radnor, MSA and Honeywell from our US and Australian suppliers

that meet ANSI and AS/NZS standards. MineSpec is dedicated to stocking and supplying highest standard

safety equipment and contributing to the local development of safety standards.

SWT brand generator sets and mobile lighting plants equipped with Perkins and Kubota engines and Stamford

alternators are made with mining configurations and continuing to operate throughout project and mine sites in

the country.

We constantly stock over 1500 line items of miscellaneous mining products in our warehouse located in center of

Ulaanbaatar and provide free delivery to Clients within a day. Items that are non-stock requiring urgent deliveries

are supplied in shortest possible lead time by airfreight.

MineSpec will continue to contribute to Mongolian economy by supporting sustainable mining and will grow with

our Customers together.

MineSpec is committed to contributing and developing highest standards and best international practices in the

mining industry of Mongolia.

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Товч танилцуулга

“МайнСпек” ХХК нь 100% дотоодын хөрөнгө оруулалттай Монгол компани юм. Бид 2009 онд анх

үүсгэн байгуулагдсан цагаасаа хойш эдүгээг хүртэл чанарын өндөр үзүүлэлттэй хамгаалалтын

хэрэгслүүд, гагнуурын тоног төхөөрөмж болон түүний дагалдах хэрэгсэл, цахилгаан үүсгүүрүүд

зэргийг Монгол орныхоо өнцөг булан бүрт үйл ажиллагаагаа явуулж буй хэрэглэгчиддээ

нийлүүлж ирсэн билээ.

“Майнспек” ХХК эрхэм хэрэглэгч бүрийн хүссэн мэдээлэл, үнийн санал мөн захиалганд түргэн

шуурхай хариу өгч, захиалагч нэг бүрийн бараа, үйлчилгээний техникийн шаардлагад нийцсэн,

тоо хэмжээ болон бүрэн бүтэн байдлыг хангасан барааг цаг хугацаанд нь нийлүүлэхийг зорин


Компанийн өнөөгийн амжилт нь тус компаний удирдлагын дотоод болон гадаадын хөрөнгө

оруулалттай компанид гэрээ хэлэлцээр, худалдаа, худалдан авалт болон машин

үйлвэрлэл/гагнуурын хэлтэст ажиллаж байсан 15 жилийн туршлагатай салшгүй холбоотой.

Манай компани нь өдөр тутамд уул уурхайн болон барилгын салбарт өргөн хэрэглэгддэг–

аюулгүйн ажиллагааны хувцас, гагнуурын төрөл бүрийн бүтээгдэхүүн, уурхайн дунд оврын тоног

төхөөрөмжийг тогтмол нийлүүлэх мөн түрээслэх үйл ажиллагаа явуулдаг.

Бид дэлхийн нэр хүнд бүхий ханган нийлүүлэгч болох Radnor, MSA, Key-Bell, Hyundai Welding,

Worldwel, Super Watt, Кemmpi гэх мэт АНУ, Австрали, Финланд болон өмнөд Солонгосын

томоохон компаниудтай хамтарч ажилладаг.

Бид агуулахдаа 1500 гаруй бүтээгдэхүүн тогтмол байршуулдаг бөгөөд Улаанбаатар хот дотроо

тухайн өдөртөө хүргэж өгөх боломжтой. Агуулахад байхгүй барааг гадаад дахь түншээр

дамжуулан хамгийн боломжит өртгөөр богино хугацаанд нийлүүлэх боломжтой.

Майнспек компани тогтвортой уул уурхайг дэмжиж, Монгол Улсын ирээдүйн хөгжилд хувь нэмрээ

оруулан харилцагчтайгаа хамтдаа хөгжин дэвших зорилттой ажиллаж байна.

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Polyethylene shell provides superior impact protection

Self-adjusting crown straps ensure a comfortable fit

Available in a variety of colors and sizes Markets: Chemical, Construction, General Industrial, HVAC, Oil & Gas, Utilities, Water Treatment, Mining

D633P RAD64005100 RAD64005110 RAD64005108

Product description

Flashmaster/Radnor 24S are the perfect general purpose helmet. Lightweight design and superior strength that is heat and chemical

resistant. For comfort the Flashmaster also features a padded cloth headband, adjustable head diameter.

MSA226000 MSA454736 BUL61WHP

Product description

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FIBF5500 FIBF500

Product description

Fibre-Metal® Noryl® F500/FIBF5500 Headgears are with a 7" crown ratchet headband offers an extra margin of protection when

severe working conditions require it. These free floating headgear resists heat and features a slot/pin mechanism with locking

cams. The channel grip system mounts windows and grips them in place in a deep recessed channel to secure from dirt and debris.

MSA220553 MS-0406


Hard Hat Accessories

Suitable for MSA V-Guard / Bullard

Ideal for general industry – Mining, construction and roadwork

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RAD64056312 RAD64057042 RAD64057072 RAD64057096 TILL1586XL

RAD64057366 RAD64057320 RAD64057439 RAD64057514 RAD 64057413

RAD64057184 RAD64057808 RAD64057880 RAD64057175

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RAD64051230 RAD64051237 RAD64051238

RAD64051220 RAD64051272 RAD64051205 RAD64005096


RAD64051421 CAS16617-00000 E51S43ASST RAD64051465 RAD64051442 RAD64051467 FEN320004550000

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MSA815444 NOS54001 NOS550030M

MSA815369 NOS75SCP100 NOS7580P100

RAD64059520N RAD64059510

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RAD64051850 RAD64051811 RAD64051810 HLI1011601


RAD64058030 (vehicle kit 3ppl) RAD64058008 (industrial 25ppl) RAD64058011 (100person cabinet)

Product description

Radnor® Bulk First Aid Cabinets include the maximum amount of supplies appropriate for your needs and are economically priced

to fit you budget. Five sizes available (10, 25, 50, 75 and 100 person) each containing treatments for on-the-job injury and illness.

These sturdy metal cabinets are wall mountable or easily transportable.

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Product description

A lightweight, and durable fabric, DuPont™ Tychem® QC utilizes the

strength of DuPont™ Tyvek® fabric and a polyethylene coating. Tychem® QC

is used for light splash protection in a variety of industrial environments,

including petroleum refining, pulp and paper manufacturing, food

processing, chemical processing, and pharmaceutical manufacturing.


Multiple interlocking threads are sewn around the raw edges of garment

material to create a strong, stress-resistant seam

Attached hood with elastic around face opening

Elastic opening for tighter fit at wrist

Elastic opening for tighter fit at ankle

Product description

Radnor® Pro-1 Disposable Coveralls are a cost-effective garment using unique fabric technology

for non-hazardous jobs where workers need to keep clean. Breathability on par with SMS

products; lightweight, soft, anti-static cloth-like material that provides superior strength and

abrasion resistance.


Entry level particle barrier to non-hazardous particle contaminants

Perforated high-density polyethylene

Comfortable, superior durability and cleanliness at a low cost

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Product description

Radnor® Economy Mesh Vest uses lightweight mesh fabric with a hook &

loop closure and an inside left chest pocket. A single 360° horizontal stripe

and two shoulder stripes of 2" silver reflective tape.


2" reflective tape: one 360° horizontal stripe, two vertical stripes

1 inside left chest pocket

Hook and loop closure


Meets ANSI 107-2004 Class 2 Standard.

Product description

Radnor® Industrial Rain Suits offer durability at an affordable price. They are

constructed with .35 mm PVC over polyester for greater overall comfort and

breathability and the welded seams form a perfect watertight seal.


Durable .35mm PVC over polyester construction

Vented cape back and underarm vents to keep you cool

Take up snaps at wrists, ankles, and waist for tapered fit

Welded seams and non-corrosive hardware Includes jacket, detached hood and bib


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MM-102 MM-101 MM-103

* All boots have removable molded insoles, are fully lined and the lace up styles, have fully padded collars and tongues.

Furthermore, all boots are heat resistant to 1500C,have excellent slip resistance, and made of latest technology PU/TPU which

improves resistance to oil and acid.

N38A521 - 7/40 MS-0430 RAD64055859

(Freezer boot) (Winter boot liner) (PVC Gum boot)

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MSA10072487 MSA10089205 MSA10093353 D62AB17560

MSA10113164 MSA10113159 MSA10072474

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RAD64055735 S 17301

SPP103 (4drums) SPP104 (2drums)

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Welding Machines – Worldwel-LONGRUN/S.Korea

Inverter DC TIG Welder 200LT

Portable size, Suitable for welding up to 5mm mild steel and stainless steel

Non contact arc start by high frequency wave

Crater ON/OFF, MMA function

Down slope still on during Crater OFF

Easy to verify welding current by digital ammeter during welding

Inverter DC TIG Welder 350LT Portable size, Suitable for welding up to 5mm mild steel and stainless steel

Non contact arc start by high frequency wave

Crater ON/OFF, MMA function

Down slope still on during Crater OFF

Easy to verify welding current by digital ammeter during welding

Built in Arc spot, pulse function(350LT)

Inverter AC/DC TIG Welder 500LA

Suitable for welding mild steel, stainless steel and aluminium by both AC and DC

TIG welding

High duty cycle for welding aluminum by sufficient capacity of transformer(Argon)

Selectable AC/DC TIG, changable input voltage

Non contact arc start

Built in pulse function

Easy to verify welding current by digital ammeter during welding

Input voltage Process Input capacity

220.1 TIG STICK 7.7 7.1

No load voltage Output current Output voltage

76 10-200 20-150 19 24

Input voltage Process Input capacity

220.1/3 TIG STICK 10.1 8.1

No load voltage Output current Output voltage

70 10-300 20-250 22 28

Input voltage Process Input capacity

220/380/440, 1/3 TIG STICK 21.7 15.9

No load voltage Output current Output voltage


15-500 20-340 30 36

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Welding Machines – Worldwel-LONGRUN/S.Korea

Inverter MIG-MAG Welder 350LC2

Changable Input voltage

Easy to verify output voltage and current by ammeter

Saving power consumption by high-tech IGBT

Air arc gouging (650LCG)

Inverter MIG-MAG Welder 600LC

Changable Input voltage

Easy to verify output voltage and current by ammeter

Saving power consumption by high-tech IGBT

Air arc gouging (650LCG)

Input voltage Wire thickness Input capacity

220/380/440, 1/3 0.9~1.6 32.4

No load voltage Output current Output voltage


50~600 16~44

Inverter MIG Welder 500LM

Able to weld stainless steel and aluminium

Adjustable feeding speed on No-load

Saving power consumption by high-tech IGBT

Changable input voltage

Easy to verify output voltage and current by digital ammeter

Input voltage Wire thickness Input capacity

220/380/440, 1/3 0.9~1.2 15

No load voltage Output current Output voltage

62@380Input 15-350 16~32

Input voltage Wire type Input capacity

220/380/440, 1/3 Solid or flux 20

No load voltage Output current Output voltage

62@380Input 50~500 16~40

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Welding Machines – Worldwel-LONGRUN/S.Korea

SCR MIG-MAG Welder 610TC

Air arc gouging function

Built in patent transformer with high duty cycle

Excellent welding performance by new control circuit

Easy to verify output voltage and current by ammeter

Incorruptible painting and metal

Crater control function(Current and voltage)

Inverter Air Plasma Cutter 150LP

Cutting by air only

Portable size and light weight

Non contact start by Pilot circuit

Changable input voltage(100Series)

Built-in automatic torch switch on lasting duty

Easy to verify cutting current and air pressure by ammeter and air pressure indicator on


Input voltage Max thickness Input capacity

220/380/440, 1/3 40 27

No load voltage Output current Output voltage


50~150 130

Inverter DC Stick Welder & Plasma Cutter

Potable size and light weight

Suitable for using at any place by plug type of 220V, single phase

Input voltage Wire thickness Input capacity

220/380/440, 3 1.6~2.0 43

No load voltage Output current Output voltage


60~600 12~48

Input voltage Wire thickness Input capacity

220,1 0.9~1.2 7.7, 7.1, 4

No load voltage Output current Output voltage

82, 82, 260 10~200, 15~40 19, 24, 120

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Welding Machines – Worldwel-LONGRUN/S.Korea

ARC Air Gouging 1000WG/1200WG

Suitable for welding CO2 arc reforming

Various usage in different formation such as hole

expansion, cutting, grooving, bead removal

High duty cycle by sufficient capacity of transformer with

patent technology

Easy to verify output current by ammeter on duty

Incorruptible painting case

ARC Air Gouging 1500WG/2000WG

Suitable for welding CO2 arc reforming

Various usage in different formation such as hole expansion, cutting,

grooving, bead removal

High duty cycle by sufficient capacity of transformer with patent


Easy to verify output current by ammeter on duty

Incorruptible painting case

Input voltage Gouging rod Input capacity

220/380/440, 1/3 4~16 120, 160

No load voltage Output current Output voltage

92 300~1500,300~2000 52

Input voltage Gouging rod Input capacity

220/380/440, 3 4~10 80

No load voltage Output current Output voltage

90 200~1000 50

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Welding Machines – Kemppi/Finland

Minarc 180 EVO Beta 90 Classic 150

Mastertig MLS 2300 AC/DC Fastmig KMS 400 AS powersource

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Welding Machines – Miller/USA


Designed and built with reliable, heavy-duty industrial components that allow

operation in remote locations, without downtime. Enclosed robust case

design protects internal components from impact and allows air flow to cool and

prolong the life of the engine. Also reduces sound levels. Quick and easy

maintenance with single-side access to oil level check, oil fill, oil filter, fuel filter

and air cleaner.

Rated Output at 40°C Output Power Range

250A at 25V 60% duty cycle DC Stick: 100-250A MIG/FCAW: 17-22V

Generator Power:

Peak: 11,000 watts Continuous: 9500 watts 120/240 VAC, 88/44 A, 60 Hz

Net Weight Perkins 701 kg

Engine Perkins 404D-22 32.6HP at 188 RPM EPA Tier 4i Complaint


Designed for Reliability from Appleton, Wis. USA, our welder/ generators

are the most rugged, durable and long-lasting in the industry. We

manufacture them to exceed requirements for extreme working conditions

and they are hard-working from the core.

Rated Output at 40°C Output Power Range

250A at 25V 60% duty cycle DC Stick: 100-250A MIG/FCAW: 17-22V

Generator Power: Peak: 11,000 watts ; Continuous: 9500 watts ;

120/240 VAC, 88/44 A, 60 Hz

Net Weight 227kg

Kubota engine 19HP at 3600RPM EPA tier 4i Complaint

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Portable Lighting Tower – Superwatt


The lights can be adjusted manually at the non lifting position and

each one can be rotated 360 degrees further four 5000lb individual

stabilizing legs support tower’s stability even in 8th grade windy

weather. The excellent quality and multi-fault protection generator

with the low-emission diesel engine and brushless alternator can

power all the lights continuously and stable.

Full capacity: 170litres (Operating hours with full tank 120 hours)

Speed:1500RPM Continued power: 6kVa

Net weight: 890kg Kubota engine: Frequency 50Hz


The light bar can be extended to about 7 meters altitude fully, and its

shooting angle can be manually adjusted at the lowest position easily.

The trunk with air-springs is easy for maintenance.

The AL-KO Hexagon rubber suspension system is suitable for variously

rough road, and its maintenance-free axis’s service life will be at least 20years

The electrical devices of the protective stainless steel tube.

The galvanized mast and the powder coated canopy suit the outdoor

environment for a long time.

Three manual legs of individual operation are able to support stably and

reliably even on rough ground, so the lighting tower can also work in the

8 grade windy weather.

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Portable Generators – Superwatt

Welding Series

Super silent Series

Product Description

50hz@1500rpm or 60HZ@1800rpm three phase or single phase all

are available Standard voltage from127V to 400V Weatherproof and

soundproof, enclosure high grade steel protected by powder coat

painting and incorporate internally mounted exhaust silencers Power

range from 30kva to 2500kva Aternator STAMFORD standard Panel

type digital control panel include DEEPSEA&COMAP&SMARTGEN

controler etc optional also Circuit breaker LG standard and another

brand such as ABB&SIEMENS&SCHNEIDER eclectic etc optional also.

Power by original Perkins engine,it enjoys high stability, reliability,

durability and long life with a wide range of power output. It is widely

used in the area of communication ,industry, projects, mining,

rescuing, military and so on.The series of 400, 1100, 1300, 2000, 4000

diesel engines are manufactured by UK Perkins or its Subordinate factory according to global quality standards.The global service

net of Superwatt and Perkins can provide our customers with reliable with reliable and guaranteed service.

Power by Kubota

50Hz 60Hz Engine Welder/Alternator

1500rpm 1800rpm KUBOTA Linz

WG 200/7 WG 200/8.5 D905-BG E1W13S/4 200DC

WG 250/10.5 WG 250/13.2 D1105-BG E1W13M/4 250DC

WG 300/8 WG 300/9.6 V1505-BG E1W13M/4 300DC

WG 400/13 WG 400/15.6 V2203-BG PROW18-400DC

WG 500/16 WG 500/19.2 V3300-BG PROW18-500DC

Power by Perkins

50Hz 60H Engine Welder/Alternator

1500rpm z1800rpm PERKINS Linz

WG 200/7 WG 200/8.5 403D-11G E1W13S/4 200DC

WG 250/10.5 WG 250/13.2 403D-15G E1W13M/4 250DC

WG 300/8 WG 300/9.6 403D-15G E1W13M/4 300DC

WG 400/13 WG 400/15.6 404D-22G PROW18-400DC

WG 500/16 WG 500/19.2 404D-22TG PROW18-500DC

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Portable Compressor

Specifications CFM : 185 cfm (5.2 m3/min) Rated Pressure : 100 psig

(6.9 Bar) Operating Range : 70-125 psig

(4.9-8.6 Bar) Engine Make : Caterpillar Engine Model : C2.2T

(Tier 4 Interim) Engine Type : Diesel Full Speed : 2650 RPM Fuel Capacity : 29 gal (109.8 L)


Piston Displacement CMM 0.934

Air Delivery[FAD] CMM 0.747

Maximum Operating Pressure MPa(bar) 0.99(9.9)

Loading Pressure MPa(bar) Max. Press. -0.25(2.5)

Cylinder Bore x Storke mm 90 x 108

Number Of Cylinder EA 2

Flywheel Diameter mm 500

Flywheel Rpm Rpm 700

Belt Type - B90 x 3EA

Compressed Method - Reciprocate single stage

Cooling Method - Air cooling

Approximately Dimension mm 296L x 480W x 550H

Approximately Weight kg 74

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Composite Wear Plates – Welding Alloys Group/UK

Hardplate Hardlite Tuffplate

Hardplate 100 Hardplate 300 Hardplate 600 Hardlite Tuffplate

Chromium carbides Chromium + Complex carbides Refined microstructure Finely dispersed

Excellent wear resistance niobium carbides Superior wear resistance with high volume of carbides within a tool

Optimum solution for Superior wear resistance Keeps its outstanding chromium carbides steel matrix.

most applications For severe conditions properties up to 600C Extremely high Ideal for areas with a

of service up to 300C wear resistance combination of abrasion,

Fair corrosion resistance - Designed to withstand moderate impact pressure and impact

Hardness Hardness Hardness Hardness Hardness

60-62 HRC 61-63 HRC 62-64 HRC 68 HRC 56-58 HRC

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Welding Equipment and Consumables

VIC0384-2075 RAD64003338 ; RAD64003340 RAD64003008

RAD64005080 RAD64005002 RAD64005012 RAD64005088

AP-0160 XL AP-2056 LONG 855-0839

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Welding Equipment and Consumables - Radnor/USA

RAD64002063 RAD64002069 RAD64002054 RAD64002067 RAD64002057

RAD64003030 RAD64003863 RAD64003031

VICTOR 0781-5127 RAD64003506 ; RAD64003508 VICTOR 0781-5132

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Welding Equipment and Consumables - Radnor/USA

RAD64002104 RAD64000609 RAD64000606 RAD64000608 RAD64003588

RAD64000444 RAD64003416 RAD64003412 RAD64003404 RAD64003400

RAD64000347 FS0025 RAD64000310

RAD64000120 RAD64002307 RAD64002383 RAD64000100

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Welding Equipment and Consumables - Radnor/USA

RAD64002401N RAD64002402N RAD64002406N RAD64002408N

RAD64052006 RAD64052106

RAD64000618 RAD64000623 RAD64002358 RAD64002020

RAD64002046 RAD64002338 RAD64002028 RAD64002351 RAD64002371

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Welding Equipment and Consumables - Radnor/USA

RAD64003052 RAD64003053

RAD64003746 RAD64003697 RAD64003605 RAD64002200

RAD64003044 RAD64003060 RAD64003028 782-0014

RAD64002638 RAD64003942 RAD64003943 RAD64002182 RAD64002170 RAD64002127

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Cutting and Grinding - Klingspor/Germany

KLI119628 Disk Cut Off 356x3.0x25.4 KLI13447 Disk Grind D/C 230x6.8x22Metal

KLI119629 Disk Cut Off 406x3x25.4 KLI188466 Disk Grind D/C 125x6.8x22Metal

KLI13456 Disc Cutting 180x3x22.23 Steel KLI189004 Disk Grind D/C 102x6.0x16

KLI13464 Disk Cut 230x2.5x22.2 Steel KLI2922 Disk Grind D/C Inox 125x6.8x22

KLI136552 Disc Cut Inox 230x2x22.2 KLI222107 Disk Flap Zirc 125x22 40 Grit

KLI13754 Disc Cutting 100x2.5x16 GenPur KLI222109 Disk Flap Zirc 125mm 60 Grit

KLI187171 Disk Cutt Inox 125x1.6x22 S/S KLI222110 Disk Flap Zirc 125x22 80 Grit

KLI202401 Disk Cutt In125x1.0x22 S/S NFmet KLI224470 Disk Flap Zirc 100x16 40 Grit

KLI202402 Disk Cutt Inox 100x1.0x16 S/S NF KLI224472 Disk Flap Zirc 100x16 60 Grit

KLI221161 Disk Cutt Inox 180x1.6x22 S/S KLI224473 Disk Flap Zirc 100x16 80 Grit

KLI264298 Disk Cutting Alu 125x1x22 KLI224483 Disk Flap Zirc 180x22 60 Grit

KLI2951 Disk Cutting 125x2.5x22,23 KLI284744 Flapper Wheel20x20x6 60Grit

KLI70467 Disc Cutting 102x2.5x16 KLI284745 Flapper Wheel20x20x6 80 grit

KLI13432 Disk Grind D/C Inox 230x6.8x22 KLI295321 c Cloth 76mm QRC 411, Grit 60, pk of 50

KLI13444 Disk Grind D/C 180x6.8x22Metal KLI314620 Carbide Deburr Set 5pc

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Welding Apparel - Radnor/USA

RAD64055071 RAD64055085

RAD64055156 RAD64055158

RAD64055071; RAD64055085

RAD64054963 RAD64054953 RAD64054941 RAD64055141

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Work Wear Carhartt/USA



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Welding Electrodes – HyundaiWelding/S.Korea

ZYH-60 ; K-10-220V

HyundaiWelding/S.Korea Radnor/USA

S312 16 26 E312 16 Electrode Weldall 2.6mm RAD64001724 Electrode CAST55, 2,4mm,

S312 16 32 E312 16 Electrode Weldall 3.2mm RAD64001726 Electrode CAST55, 3,2mm,

S312 16 40 E312 16 Electrode Weldall 4.0mm RAD64001728 Electrode Alum 43, 2,4mm,

S316L 17 26 Electrode St St 316L, 2.6mm RAD64001730 Electrode Alum 43, 3,2mm

S6013LF 26 Electrode 6013Mild Steel 2.6mm RAD64002223 1/4"/6mm GougingCarbon pk/50ea

S6013LF 32 Electrode 6013Mild Steel 3.2mm RAD64002224 5/16" 8mm Goug Carbon pk/50ea

S6013LF 40 Electrode 6013Mild Steel 4.0mm RAD64002225 Carbon Gouging 3/8"x12" - 9.6mm

S7014F 26 Electrode 7014Mild Steel 2.6mm ARC2208-2003N 1/2" /12.8mm Gouging Electrode

S7014F 32 Electrode 7014Mild Steel 3.2mm

S7014F 40 Electrode 7014Mild Steel 4.0mm Welding Alloy/Great Britain

S7018G 26 Electrode 7018Mild Steel 2.6mm HC40-TE 6MM Tubular Hardfacing Elect 6mm

S7018G 32 Electrode 7018Mild Steel 3.2mm S7018G 40 Electrode 7018Mild Steel 4.0mm Other Brands

S7024F 26 Electrode 7024Mild Steel 2.6mm MS-0402 Electrode ESAB-7018 3.2mm

S7024F 32 Electrode 7024Mild Steel 3.2mm MS-0403 Electrode ESAB-7018 4.0mm

S7024F 40 Electrode 7024Mild Steel 4.0mm MS-0404 Electrode ESAB-6013 3.2mm

S8018C1 32 Electrode Alloycraft 3.2mm 700-0258 Tungsten Electrode 3.2mm

S8018C1 40 Electrode Alloycraft 4.0mm 700-0364 Tungsten Electrode 2.4mm Green

SNFC 26 Electrode Cast Iron 2.6mm 700-0373 Tungsten Electrode 3.2mm Green

SNFC 32 ENIFE CI Electrode Castcraft 3.2mm UTP47919

UTP48 5/32" 4mm Maintenance alloy electrode 5lb/pk SNFC 40 ENIFE CI Electrode Castcraft 4mm

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Welding Wires – HyundaiWelding/S.Korea

Hyundai Welding

2020 World’s

No.1 Welding


HyundaiWelding/S.Korea Radnor/USA

SC350H 16 Wire Hardfacing >Hv350 1.6mm

SF-71MC 1.6 Wire Flux Cored, 1.6mm; 15kg sp RAD64001502 ER4043 0.035 1lb Aluminum MIG wire

SF-71MC 1.2 Wire Flux Cored, 1.2mm 15kg sp RAD64001508 ER4043 0.035" 16lb Aluminum MIG wire

SM-70 0.9 Wire Mig Solid 0.9mm RAD64001514 ER5356 0.035 1lb Aluminum MIG wire

SM-70 1.2 Wire Mig Solid 1.2mm RAD64001520 ER5356 0.035" 16lb Auminum MIG wire

SUPERCORED 70B 1.6MM Wire Supercored 1.6mm 15kg RAD64004327 E71T-1C/1M-9C/9M 1.2mm Dia

SUPERCORED 71H Wire, Flux Cored, E71T-1C, CO2 RAD64004339 E71T-1C/1M-9C/9M 1.6mm dia

SUPERCORED 81MAG12 Wire Flux Cored, 81 1.2mm

SUPERCORED 81MAG16 Wire Flux Cored, 81 1.6mm Welding Alloy/Great Britain

SUPERSHIELD 11 Innershield WireE71T-11 1.2mm SPEEDARC X70-T4 2MM

FluxCoredSelfShieldedWire 2mm SUPERSHIELD 11 1.6MM Innershield Wire E71T-11 1.6mm

SUPERSHIELD 71-T8 2. Wire Innershield Gasless 2mm

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Tool set – Radnor, Smato, Irwin

1032893 1032884 1016044

1021435 VIS26313 MS-0410 3R151

RAD64004929 MS-0411 MS-0412

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Power tools – Nitto, Milwaukee, Hitachi



MET6509-31 ADR-65 ; ADR-100

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Lifting Equipment

6W005 MS-0360 12725

Round sling Flat sling

*Ask for all sizes

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Other products in Stock

HK-12 TS300SD P CG2-11S

ZYN-50kg (electrode oven) 1160178 5012985

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Other products in Stock

762-00889 780-0393 780-0472 782-0014 782-0014

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