“He’s not here, He is risen” of God.pdfcalled Norvel Hayes who was teaching on the gift of the...

1 John Reynolds Revelations from the Word of God and Conversations with our Lord Jesus Christ i n cl u de s THE V I S I TA T I O N THE V I S I TA T I O N THE V I S I TA T I O N 2 To the glory of God, the edifying of His people and to my faithful lady and children who have put up with me (or lack of me) all these years... “He’s not here, He is risen” Copyright © John Reynolds 2006 ~ 2012

Transcript of “He’s not here, He is risen” of God.pdfcalled Norvel Hayes who was teaching on the gift of the...

Page 1: “He’s not here, He is risen” of God.pdfcalled Norvel Hayes who was teaching on the gift of the Holy Spirit and speaking with tongues. What a fire ball! I sat down to watch it


John Reynolds

Revelations from the Word of God and Conversations with our Lord Jesus Christ






To the glory of God, the edifying of His people and to my faithful lady and children who have put up with me (or lack of me) all these years...

“He’s not here, He is risen”

Copyright © John Reynolds 2006 ~ 2012

Page 2: “He’s not here, He is risen” of God.pdfcalled Norvel Hayes who was teaching on the gift of the Holy Spirit and speaking with tongues. What a fire ball! I sat down to watch it


I t is pointless for me to glory, for I will go on to visions

and revelations of the Lord Jesus Christ.”

11Cor12:1 “If any man speak, let him speak as the oracles of God”

1Peter4:11 Before you read this book, I would like to introduce myself

and the reason behind this publication. My name is John

Reynolds, I have been married for 36 years to a beautiful lady

with three wonderful children and I live in Western Australia. My salvation and life mirror much of the apostle Paul's life. I

was saved on the 4th of November 1981, (the result of prayers

from my Mum and Grandparents) and Divine intervention, the

Lord speaking to me whilst I was shaving! Upon receiving Christ

as my saviour, I was set apart for the work God had called me to.

I knew my calling, that of an apostle, “not by the will of man but

by the will of God” - “but when it please God who called me by

His Grace” I knew my calling more than I knew I had got saved!

I was filled with the Holy Spirit around 11 pm at home one

evening on my own whilst reading one of Kenneth Copeland’s

booklets on the subject. A close friend of mine and mighty man

of God, Stephen Fisher, who was instrumental in my salvation

had moved up to Perth to go through Rhema Bible training

centre and I was left alone in the back blocks of a little town of ii 4

around eight thousand people. Yet I was not alone! My first encounter with the supernatural things of the Lord

began during a visit to Rhema Church in Perth a few months lat-

er to see Stephen. He sat me down to watch a video by a guy

called Norvel Hayes who was teaching on the gift of the Holy

Spirit and speaking with tongues. What a fire ball! I sat down to watch it alone. Sometime into

the teaching the most amazing thing happened! Norvel turned to

me, yes me, his arm came out of the TV set, pointed at me and

he said “you need to speak in tongues at least four hours a day!”

Suddenly everything went back to normal and I was sitting

watching this guy on TV! Talk about change your life!

Well, I did what the man of God told me to do, despite the fact

it made very little sense at the time. I would walk around the

garden just speaking in tongues for hours and hours. Sometimes

eight or more hours a day! I would go for walks in the bush

behind where I lived and just talk in tongues and worship God.

After a few weeks of this, a desire came to me to read the Word of

God. I did, with an unquenchable appetite, the more I read, the

more I wanted! I would devour eight cassette tapes of teachings by

Kenneth Copland at a single sitting! Here I was, 3 am in the

morning, freezing in the beanbag with a set of headphones on,

just feeding off the Word of God. Of course, I had very little idea

what I was doing, or what exactly was taking place then.


Page 3: “He’s not here, He is risen” of God.pdfcalled Norvel Hayes who was teaching on the gift of the Holy Spirit and speaking with tongues. What a fire ball! I sat down to watch it


After a few weeks into this, extraordinary events began to

happen in my life. I started to get the revelation concerning the

will of God and healing! I had fallen from a garage roof a few

years earlier and had damaged my neck. “Nothing too serious” I

thought, “just a bit uncomfortable. I'll get that seen to one day”

Well, you know that one day never comes! After a period of

time I started to experience headaches and strange noises when

I moved my neck around. The regularity and severity of

headaches increased until they almost became a daily thing.

I sought help from various sources for this and was eventually

sent to the city to see a specialist in this area. He had bad news

for me. My neck had been put out when I fell. The cartilage and

bones had been damaged and had been grinding themselves to

pieces ever since! There was nothing left to hold them in their

proper place any more. He apologised and told me there was

nothing that could be done. I was reading the book of James

one day when I came across chapter 5, verse 14. ("Are there any

sick among you?") it asked. I put my hand up right then and

said, "Yes, one here!" - “Let them call on the elders of the

Church and let them pray over them anointing them with oil in

the name of the Lord” it continued, “and the prayer of faith

shall heal the sick and the Lord shall raise them up and if they

have committed sins, it shall be forgiven them’” The words

‘shall’ leapt off the page. Shall, shall, shall! - No ifs, buts or

maybes! So I went down to my local Church and asks the

Pastors if they believed that. Fortunately they said they did!

iv 6

Well they anointed me with oil and they prayed for me. The next

few minutes were what I can only describe as wonderful. It felt as

if someone had poured warm honey over me! I could feel it

running down my spine. In a few minutes I was completely

healed! The impossible had taken place! That was 27 years ago.

I am still healed today. Thankyou Jesus!

After this, my relationship and fellowship with Jesus began to

become more intense. I would spend hours speaking in the Spirit

(or tongues, 1 Corinthians 14 v 2) and worshipping God.

I became aware that there were times in the Spirit that were a

lot more intense than others. One day I became aware that whilst

I was speaking in tongues, I could see and hear what I was saying

in English. These times of intimate fellowship with Him grew and

grew to the point where I started to write down the words as He

spoke back to me. “He that speaks in an unknown tongue does

not speak to men but unto God, for in the Spirit he speaks

mysteries” (1 Corinthians 14 v 2) The mysteries I was speaking

were being revealed to me by the Spirit of God to my spirit in a

language I could understand. The following revelations have come

at all sorts of times and by different manifestations of the Spirit.

There was a time when His presence came into my room and

talked with me, other times whilst I was listening to music and I

heard His voice. Always the same Jesus, just different manifesta-

tions of His love and grace. I have not written this book that I

should be thought anything special of. Much the opposite. I, like


Page 4: “He’s not here, He is risen” of God.pdfcalled Norvel Hayes who was teaching on the gift of the Holy Spirit and speaking with tongues. What a fire ball! I sat down to watch it


Paul say, I am not worthy to be called an

apostle, I am the less than the least of all

saints yet I am what I am by His grace. This book has been written to bless and help

you, my dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

to help you get a little closer to Him Who

loved us and gave Himself for us.

The supernatural should be a part of our lives as was our

Lords, the apostles & the Early Church. Read the Book of

Acts. He is the Lord. He changes not.


Revelations such as these, never supersede the Word of God!

People have grabbed at these things in the past and made a

doctrine from them. Wrong! Anything given by the Spirit of God

will always line up with the Word of God. If you find something

here that you don't agree with, put it on the back burner! As the

apostle Paul wrote, ‘What sayeth the Scripture?’ Some of these are

personal exhortations from the Lord to me, to help me keep going.

‘The Lord stood with me’ and ‘the Lord appeared to me in a vision’

He remains Faithful and True, the same yesterday, today and

forever. (Hebrews 13 v 8) At times it was impossible to tell Who

was talking to me. One moment it was Jesus, the next it was the

Father. They are one. They seem to have the ability to flow from

each other. Jesus said He came out of the Father on one occasion.

vi 8

On another, He said it was the Father in Him Who did the works.

You may think that sometimes the grammar is wrong but it isn't.

It is like I heard it, one minute One speaking, the next the Other

and other times the Holy Spirit. Also I would see things as He

spoke. His words are not like ours. My words are Spirit and life

Jesus said. Often when He spoke, I would either see what He was

talking about in a vision, or given an understanding of what He

was saying. Remember, a single Scripture can have a number of

different angles on it, so to speak. It can be very difficult

sometimes to bring spiritual things into a natural world. Forgive

me if I tend to ramble on. I'm just trying to convey to you what I

heard and saw. Understanding the above will keep you on safe ground and will

enhance your enjoyment of the following. Some are lengthy

discourses, others are one liners. All are given for the edifying of

the Body of Christ and for the glory of God Who gave them. One of them, the discourse on Maturing in the God kind of

love, is the most powerful explanations I have ever heard. The

Scriptures encourage us to ‘make love our great quest’ 1 Cor 12

verse 1. This discourse also gives us a tremendous insight into His

nature and the motive of His heart in coming to save us from our

sins. God bless you and keep you in His grace. John Reynolds


Page 5: “He’s not here, He is risen” of God.pdfcalled Norvel Hayes who was teaching on the gift of the Holy Spirit and speaking with tongues. What a fire ball! I sat down to watch it



he Visitation

In November 2001, John was given an open vision of Heaven and

was told by an angelic being what was shortly coming to pass on

the Earth. What he was shown shocked him! A transcript of that

visitation is included at the end of this book…


Illustrations by Bill Osborne

Excellent (and blessed) artwork at





















Page 6: “He’s not here, He is risen” of God.pdfcalled Norvel Hayes who was teaching on the gift of the Holy Spirit and speaking with tongues. What a fire ball! I sat down to watch it



















x 12

This is not a book to be read as you would others.

It is better if you take a discourse one at a time and study the

Scriptures it pertains to..

Whilst some of these discourses relate to me personally, they

also apply to you too! He is no respecter of persons. What

He does for one, He will do for all. Hence the reason I have

included them. Some of His comments referred to things I

had learnt from Him.. but if I can learn them.. anyone can!

This first discourse relates to the human body and the

spiritual body of Christ. I have included scriptural references

wherever I can, these didn’t come at the time of revelation,

although I was aware that there were Scriptures buried in the

discourse. I have set them in italics for you to look up and



Page 7: “He’s not here, He is risen” of God.pdfcalled Norvel Hayes who was teaching on the gift of the Holy Spirit and speaking with tongues. What a fire ball! I sat down to watch it


T he body of Christ

A body is held together by that which every joint

supplies, not some of the joints. There are major joints in the

natural body, these can carry a lot of weight, so also in the body

of Christ. God had set some in the Church (1 Cor v12) The

graces are used to meet the needs of the body of Christ and to

glorify God, for the edifying of the body of Christ. Jesus never

talked about the Body of Christ much, for at that time, the

fullness of the measure of the Spirit of God was in Him alone.

The majority of the revelation concerning the Body of Christ

was given to the apostle Paul. A lot of churches still use the

‘gospels’ type of ministry. ie: one individual person comes to

minister and the rest of the body draws off of his grace, both in

teaching and in prayer requests after.

There is nothing wrong with this, except that in a lot of cas-

es, time is needed to establish a problem in the heart first. You

can't fix up the outer problem until you deal with the inner one!

The individual is precious to Me and worthy of My time and ef-

fort. They may need a little more faith joined to theirs to com-

plete their healing, they may need a loving ear to listen to their

problems. This is where the whole body comes in, each with its


own place and function. Because of a lack of interest by a lot

of the body of Christ, my Spirit has had to direct the hurting

ones to the one ministering at the service and so a lot of

churches think that this is how it should be but I have

distributed my graces amongst the Church, which is My body.

You see the needs in others John, because you look for

them and come to Church prepared to give of yourself to meet

their needs. You go to give, howbeit brethren, when you come

together, one has a song, one has a psalm.. (1Cor 14 v 26). If

my people would spend time in the Spirit with Me and purpose

in their hearts to please Me by giving of them selves to others

as Jesus did, I would show them who is in need and how to

meet the need to My glory by using the grace I have placed on

their lives. True satisfaction comes only from giving.

‘Remember the words of Our Lord Jesus Christ when he said

it is more blessed to give? Giving brings blessing, both to the

giver and to the receiver, everyone wins. There are no losers in

My Kingdom.

Every part of the body wants to feel useful, I designed it

that way. As long as the body holds the head, that is, seeks

those things that are Jesus Christ’s, My Spirit will flow out of

them to meet the needs of their brothers and sisters. Now you

have a revelation of the Body of Christ, if you want more, ask,

seek, knock and it shall be given you.

Page 8: “He’s not here, He is risen” of God.pdfcalled Norvel Hayes who was teaching on the gift of the Holy Spirit and speaking with tongues. What a fire ball! I sat down to watch it


Give out what you have and more will come. Be bold,

minister where you are. Don't sneak off into offices and arm

yourselves with counselling books. Just be willing, drink of

My Spirit, feed off My Word and the power of God will meet

the needs of the person I have directed you to. I did

everything out in the open as I told them when they came for

me in the garden that night. Paul said ‘this thing was not

done in a corner’ Be bold, if you'll love one another as I love

you, you won't have to wonder whether My power will turn

up! Even in the midst of unbelief about Who I AM, My

Father straightened out a withered hand! You only need the

faith of the one being ministered to. Shall the unbelief of

them, make the faith of God of no effect? God forbid!

A loving heart that is full faith and power

can do anything for the glory of God.

I want My people to gather together so that they can be

built up by each other, not by Me but by the graces I have

given to My body! “Why criest thou unto me Moses?”

You stretch out your rod and divide the sea! I AM with you!

I want my people to follow Jesus' example. He didn't keep

asking Me to do it, He did it by the Holy Ghost. I backed up

His words because He did always those things that please Me.

He lived his life to help others, He died that others might

have life, He lives now.. for others.


Teach My people to follow His example and My body will

experience the fullness of My power and there will not be one

feeble person amongst their tribes.

12 midnight to 1-30 am

Don't ask me where the time went. I don't know. One

minute it was midnight.. by the time the discourse had

finished it was half past One! There is something about being

in His presence that causes time as we know it to cease to

exist! To read this takes five minutes, to write it down in His

presence, an hour and a half went by!

Page 9: “He’s not here, He is risen” of God.pdfcalled Norvel Hayes who was teaching on the gift of the Holy Spirit and speaking with tongues. What a fire ball! I sat down to watch it



I was talking about healing one day with a couple of friends. We

were having a general discussion regarding the will of God in this

matter, whether the Lord always wants to and why it takes so

long sometimes, when I heard these words.

“The Lord always wants to, He wants to now,

He is looking for a man to find out how!” The understanding that came with the words was one of not, do

you want to heal so and so? but more, how do you want to heal

so and so? The emphasis is on the how do you want to, rather

than the question of do you want to? Think about this for a bit.

Does the doubt of his willingness to heal rob us? A leper came to

Jesus and said “Lord, if you are willing, you can make me

whole” (Matthew) he knew Jesus could, he wasn't sure whether

Jesus would. Jesus settled the matter for him and for everybody

else that would come to Him. “Of course I am willing” (The

New Jerusalem translation) The bible says. God is no respecter

of persons. Whosoever will, can receive from Him. His desire to

help and heal, is based on his great love and compassion for us,

not based on a, will I, or won't I attitude.

H ealing & the will of God

Page 10: “He’s not here, He is risen” of God.pdfcalled Norvel Hayes who was teaching on the gift of the Holy Spirit and speaking with tongues. What a fire ball! I sat down to watch it


I was praying in tongues (in the Spirit) when an amazing thing

happened. The realm of the Spirit began to open up before me. It

was like watching a TV screen and yet the ‘real’ world is still clearly

visible, the realm of the Spirit in just in front of you. It’s not in

your head. When people close their eyes and say, I see this or that,

it’s not the realm of the Spirit. You can usually see both worlds at

once with your eyes open. The vision began: I saw a little girl who

was badly deformed, her arms had limited movement and saliva ran

out of the side of her mouth as her head was leaning to one side.

Then I saw me appear on the left so to speak.

I went towards her and knelt down, making me the same height as

her. She tried to put her arms around me to hug me and I could

see the saliva running onto my shoulder. I put my arms around

her and suddenly ‘something’ that is too deep for words broke loose

on the inside of me. It felt like my heart had literally just broken.

Then a great surge of power flowed out of me (from my heart) and

she flew backwards away from me. As she went backwards her

whole body was made completely normal, recreated by the power of

Almighty God and the compassion of Jesus Christ.

C ompassion


Then the Lord spoke to me and said these simple words:

“Compassion activates the Miraculous”

When I studied the Scriptures on this, I found that every single

time Jesus was moved with compassion, the miraculous occurred! No

prayer was made, nobody’s faith is ever mentioned! You have that

same compassion on the inside of you. Ask the Lord how to let it

loose in your life and watch the miraculous occur.

“Sympathy is a feeling, compassion is an action.

Jesus was moved with compassion”

“Compassion... an inward yearning towards

another in need”

“Compassion is an attribute of Deity imparted to the

human spirit by the Love of God”

Page 11: “He’s not here, He is risen” of God.pdfcalled Norvel Hayes who was teaching on the gift of the Holy Spirit and speaking with tongues. What a fire ball! I sat down to watch it


Holiness is not a subject. It is a way of life chosen by self to please

the Lord in all things. It is not one thing but many things working

in a believers life that brings forth the fruit of holiness. It is faith

and love in action. It is setting a godly example to others in

demonstration of what you believe. Holiness is the process that

one's life goes through as God's sanctifying grace transforms you

from glory to glory. Perfecting holiness is not attaining to one

particular aspect of life but as with your exams at school where one

takes many subjects to get an overall pass, so one, by the grace of

God, obtains goals that he may obtain an eternal pass from the

Lord, in that day.

It is living your life as Jesus lived His, for the benefit of others

and to the glory of God. It is giving your self as He gave Himself.

Laying down your life for the brethren's sake. It is walking in

humility of spirit and wearing the cloak of righteousness. It is

walking in the love of God. It is being compassionate,

tender-hearted, forgiving, lifting and blessing. It is knowing Him,

for it is only when one does these things that you can really know


H oliness


It is fellowshipping with Him both in the Word and in the Spirit. It

is forming that intimate bond with Him in truth, that they may be

one, even as We are one (John 17) It is carrying around the presence

of God with you so strongly, that sin cannot stand in your presence

as it could not stand in His. It is the magnetic attraction of the

Spirit of God in your life that people are drawn to you and want to

hear what you have to say. It is glorifying your Father in Heaven

who has freely given you all things through his Son, Jesus Christ,

your Lord and Saviour.

You could feed of this one for weeks!

Another time I heard this concerning holiness.

“Holiness is walking as Jesus walked

It is wearing the same garment He wore...


It is living your life as He lived His.

It is seeing others as He sees them.

It is loving others as He loves them.

It is giving yourself for others,

as He gave himself for them”

Page 12: “He’s not here, He is risen” of God.pdfcalled Norvel Hayes who was teaching on the gift of the Holy Spirit and speaking with tongues. What a fire ball! I sat down to watch it


There have been times when I have been overwhelmed by the

forces of darkness against me and my faith had just about

expired. On one of these occasions the Lord spoke and said

the following words. “When you want Me to fight for you, you must say and

keep on saying, 'I give thanks to you Lord for you are good

for your mercy endures forever. I give thanks to you Lord for

you are good for your mercy endures forever.. I give thanks..." I was reminded that when Israel was facing impossible

odds, they sent the praisers out, who (continually) sang the

beauty of holiness and said “Praise the Lord for He is good

for His mercy endures forever! The enemy turned upon

themselves! It works too! I have said this for hours when I was

really ill. I had done everything I knew to do. I spoke the

Word of God, I had prayed, then I started to say the above

and kept saying it hundreds of times! Within a couple of

hours I was completely healed and delivered. We tend to say

things once and if it doesn't work we give up. It's not magic, it

is faith!! I read a book once called ‘Mercy, the gift before and

beyond faith’

H is mercy endures forever


“When I was on the earth I spent a lot of time in prayer. This

was not to get to know the Heavenly Father for I came from

Him. It was to break the power of evil over the lives of people.

What power do you think I had when I said to a tax collector

“Come and follow Me” and he did immediately? What power do

you think I had when I said to two fishermen “Follow Me” and

they did? It was the power of faith and prayer that broke the

evil influence over the lives of people, so they could be free to

hear the truth that would set them free. You wrestle not against

flesh and blood but against principalities and powers, strong

holds that have been built up in the lives of people by the evil


As you war against these demonic forces, their hold over the

lives of people begins to diminish and they will be free to hear

the gentle leading of the Holy Spirit as he leads them home to

their Lord and saviour Jesus Christ. I spent all night in prayer

before I called the 12 disciples. Can you imagine the reasoning

and arguments that would have taken place if I had not dealt

with the evil forces that oppose them selves against the will of

God? Praying with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit.

You do not know what to pray for as you ought but there is

T he prince of the power of the air

Page 13: “He’s not here, He is risen” of God.pdfcalled Norvel Hayes who was teaching on the gift of the Holy Spirit and speaking with tongues. What a fire ball! I sat down to watch it


One Who does. That is why I sent Him to help you. To

bring the reality of My redemption to you, to glorify Me and

My finished works. The devil is a defeated foe, a vanished

force, a spent power. I crushed his head at Calvary”

(Listen to this next bit. Had a problem sharing the gospel

with people? Seems like no-one wants to listen? This will

help you!)

“You are wasting your time sharing the gospel with

someone until the Spirit goes first to prepare a way for the

Lord! You are wasting your time trying to change someone

with the Word of God until the Spirit goes first and prepares

the heart to receive the Christ and His life. You wrestle not

against flesh and blood! You wrestle not against flesh and

blood! Love the person and go after the devil!! The more a

person yields themselves to the evil one, the more they

become ensnared by his lies. The more prayer and

intercession is required to set them free. The Lord will not

violate their free will but if you will pray and love people, they

will be free to hear the truth. What they do with that truth

will decide their eternal destiny.”

The strength of His Spirit was on “you wrestle not against

flesh and blood” He reiterated the point over and over.

People are NOT your problem! ~ A great man of God,


Gary Fisher, told me years ago. “Love the person, go after the

devil” Recently, I got angry about a certain type of behaviour

shown by someone in my family, when the Lord spoke and said

“Get angry at the devil, not the person!” Jesus came to set

people free from the hold of the evil one!

“Your enemy is the devil”

The Bible says.. “Be subject to God, resist, (oppose and get in

the way of) the devil and he will flee (as in terror) from you…

Jesus crushed his head at Calvary for us!

Page 14: “He’s not here, He is risen” of God.pdfcalled Norvel Hayes who was teaching on the gift of the Holy Spirit and speaking with tongues. What a fire ball! I sat down to watch it


Bill OsborneBill OsborneBill Osborne

Again, another time I was taught about the authority I have in

Christ. We all have that authority and the name of Jesus. It is

as you use that authority, that more revelation comes and more

power becomes evident in a believers life.

I realise it is spoken to me in particular but it’s applicable to all

of us. We are all members of the Body of Christ and we ALL

have power over all the works and ability of the enemy because

Jesus gave it to us all!





"I want you to start using the authority over the prince of the

power of the air in the lives of other people. I have given you the

authority and now you have the revelation. When much is

given, much is required. The responsibility is yours. Use My

Name and demons will flee. Use your faith over the people

where you work and the town in which you live. As you use

what I have blessed you with, more will come and you will see

the devil as he really is..

He is dethroned, defeated and without any ability either to

harm you or those you intercede for. If My people would do

this, it would hasten My return, My Father’s works would be

done and God would be glorified"

A uthority

Page 15: “He’s not here, He is risen” of God.pdfcalled Norvel Hayes who was teaching on the gift of the Holy Spirit and speaking with tongues. What a fire ball! I sat down to watch it


I had jus heard a sermon on words and was back at home

thinking about what was said. Without even thinking I said to

the Lord, “Teach me about words please” His reply was

immediate. “Pick up your pen and write” I did and this is

what I received.

“Don't waste your words. Treat them as a valuable and

precious commodity and they will become such. Fill them

with love and faith. Believe in them. Use them to convey your

faith and love to others. Use them to lift people up, even as

you would use your arms and hands to lift someone up

physically. If you can lift a person spiritually, he will stand up

by himself. His body will respond to the unction of his heart.

Never put people down or pass judgement on them, you don't

know what they have been through. Use your words to bring

life. Speak life to people, use words to change situations. Even

a dead person heard the words of the Prince of Life. You have

that same ability, for you have the Word of God within you,

given to hold forth to others. Don't speak rashly and put away

foolish talking. It is profitless. Don't speak about negative sit-

uations, they will erode your faith. Find a positive thing to say

about matters of life. A man who can control his mouth is a

T he power of your words


perfect man. (James3v2) This does not just mean stopping it

from speaking bad things in times of pressure but it means using

your words wisely as you go through life. When you are in a

group of people who are discussing a certain issue, you can learn

to open your inner ear and hear the council of the Holy Spirit on

the subject in hand, for He is indeed present and His council is

perfect. These words can then be spoken out and bring great

blessing to the meeting. You will never rise above that which you say.. Your words will either lift you up or put you down. Take heed

whose words you hear! If you hear the world's words of idle

conversation, television and newspapers, they will go down into

your heart and will then start to come out of your mouth and will

control your life. If you hear God's words, His words will go down

into your heart and they will come out of your mouth and guide

you wisely in all the affairs of life. I wish people would have to

pay for every idle word that comes out of their mouths! It might

stop them talking so much. A word tax you could call it! Five

dollars for every non productive word spoken would soon help

bring the tongue in line. (when I heard this I thought, wow,

that's a little excessive. He immediately replied) A little excessive

you say? I have said that men shall give account of every idle

word spoken, perhaps then, five dollars would seem cheap! Words

are very important and very precious. Blessed is the man of few

words! I have given man the ability to speak. An excessive use of

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words lowers their value, they become cheap like one cent pieces.

Many misuse them, or yield themselves to the words of the

enemy and turn what I designed to be a blessing into a curse

against themselves. Man has the power to create a beautiful

world around himself, just as I created the world with My Words.

When I had finished speaking, I saw everything I had created and

said it was very good. Can you say that about the things your

words have created in your life? Use words wisely and to My

glory and they will enrich you and bless not just your life but also

those who come in to contact with you” Didn't speak much for days after this!!

Listen how negative and death doomed the worlds speech is.

“I’m dying for a cup of tea!” -‘You make me sick!’ ‘You’ll never

amount to anything’ - ‘I can’t do that’ - ‘It won’t happen’ - Read

Proverbs and see how many of them relate to the words of our

mouth. ‘Death and life are in the power of the tongue!’ Pr18v21

- ‘He that keeps his mouth keeps his life’ Pr13v3 - ‘You are

taken captive by the words of your mouth’ Pr4v2

James Chapter 3 says our tongue sets on fire the course of nature

in our lives and the lives of others!


“My Lord and saviour, your praises I’ll sing

For now to eternity, let the heavens ring

With the sound of your goodness O Faithful and True

My precious Lord Jesus, I do so love you

Jesus, Jesus that glorious name

Worthy Son, precious Lamb that was slain

Righteous Father Who raised him again

We thank you Lord, in Jesus name

Jesus, Jesus soon coming King

Crowned in righteousness, your praises we sing

Holy, Holy, Faithful and True

Glorious God, how I love you

Jesus, Jesus precious Lamb

Beloved son of the great I AM

Slain for my sin, raised up again

I love you Lord Jesus, I bless your great Name

P salms from the Spirit

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Jesus, Jesus, I bow down before thee

You were made sin that I might be free

Righteous and Holy with a brand new start

All because of the Fathers great heart

For God so loved the world, He gave up his Son

Oh Lord Jesus, what have you done

For a sinful race you went to the cross

Suffered and died that none should be lost

What's left my Lord, for the work’s all done

Paid in full by the blood of your Son

Just to go forth in Jesus great name

Telling the world of the lamb that was slain

You confirming your Word with the wonders You do

Of a truth Lord Jesus, there is none like You!


Selah.. - Pause for a while before you read the next one.

Why not just speak this psalm out now to Jesus

and mix it with your love for Him..


There is so much there if you'll just enter in

For your My people redeemed from sin

Through faith in my Word, My Spirit will show

Wonders in heaven, earth and below

I've so much for you, you cannot conceive

My throne above I decided to leave

To come to you, to dwell within

To redeem your life from the wages of sin

Come to me children, I've wonders untold

Walk right in, dare to be bold

Your righteous my children, come right in

Jesus has set you free from sin

There's so much there, treasures to behold

Riches and honour as my righteousness unfolds

I've done it all, I did it for you

I've called you holy, faithful and true

T here’s so much there..

Page 18: “He’s not here, He is risen” of God.pdfcalled Norvel Hayes who was teaching on the gift of the Holy Spirit and speaking with tongues. What a fire ball! I sat down to watch it


My right hand of blessing, I’ll shower on thee

If you're only walk upright and gently with Me

All that I have I’ve given thee

I left nothing out, it’s given free

but you must believe, for that pleases Me

I'll show you My ways and all that I've done

Will become clear to you as you follow My Son

Jesus is the way, He’ll show you how

My Spirit gives life, He also gives power

To glorify Me, for this is My hour

Darkness is passed, true light now shines

It will set people free from the things that bind.


“..Be filled with the Spirit, speaking to yourselves in Psalms,

hymns and songs of the Spirit, singing and making melody in

your heart to the Lord…”


The following is about the armour of God (Eph:6)

How to overcome attacks of the devil and how to attack

the kingdom of darkness!

The Kingdom of Heaven suffers violence

and the violent take it by force..

Any intrusion into the Kingdom of Heaven is to be treated

seriously. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. I didn't just

say stand, I said stand having the armour on. The armour on

the left hand to defend, the sword in the right hand to attack

(2Cor:6) Use the sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God

and use the Spirit of God. A good soldier of Jesus Christ must

live in a state of preparedness. He must be ready to go at a

moments notice. You don't have time to get ready, you must be

ready. He must stay in touch with his commander in chief. The

Captain of his salvation. If the devil can get your eyes off of

Jesus onto the things of this world, you will lose touch with your

commander and the devil will bring something against you and

you will not know what to do. You must guard your heart with

all diligence for out of it flows the forces of life. Out of your

T he armour of God

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mouth will come what ever is in your heart, like it or not, it will

come out, for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth

speaks. (Matthew12v34) Be sober, be vigilant, for your adversary

the devil walks about as a roaring lion, seeking whom he may

devour (1Peter5v8) Resist him steadfast in the faith. You will

only be able to do this if you keep the lines between you and

your Captain open, both in prayer and in the Word of God.

I only expect you to use what you have got. The devil will tell

you it is not enough. He is a liar, for I have said My grace is

sufficient for you (11Cor12) Use what you have got. I am

Faithful, My Spirit will not let you fall. He will see to it that

whatever is necessary will get done. He will operate His gifts and

graces as He wills. He will bring someone around to pray and

join their faith with you. He is not short of ability. He is the

enforcer of the Word of God. Stand on the Word of God and

He will back you up alright. If you would spend the time wisely

attacking the kingdom of darkness, the devil would not have

much time to attack you! He would be so preoccupied in trying

to thwart you and what you are doing, to attack you.

He is not omnipotent. He cannot see the overall picture like

Me. He can only focus on one thing at a time. That is why a

lion tamer uses a chair. The four legs confuse the Lion,

he doesn't know which one to attack. They confuse him and he

sits there just waving his paw around. It's about time my people


tamed the devil in the same way. I broke his power at Calvary.

I am He that was dead and behold I am alive for evermore and I

have the keys of death and hell (Revelations1:19)

If my people would:

1) Walk in love.

2) Live a life of Faith (that is, use their faith)

3) Speak my Word. (Use their authority)

4) Pray in the Holy Spirit.

Do these on a daily basis and the devil would be so

confused, he would not be able to organise much against you.

All attacks would be successfully repelled, I would be glorified

and the Kingdom of Heaven would grow.

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Understanding the gift of righteousness is Vital if you are to

play an effective part in the Kingdom of Heaven. He spoke and


“To be righteous means to be able to stand boldly in the

presence of Almighty God without fear or shame and with

humility in your heart for what Jesus has done for you”

I was gazing up into a beautiful blue sky one day when the

Lord spoke to me. He said

You are looking up into the Face of God

in the righteousness of Jesus Christ”

Have you noticed in the Scriptures how many times Jesus

looked up (towards Heaven) when He gave thanks? Yet for some

strange reason, most of the church looks down (towards hell!)

when they give thanks.. I believe most of this comes from the

parable Jesus taught about the priest and the sinner. The priest

looked up and said “God, I thankyou I’m not like other men, I

do this and I do that” (my paraphrase) The sinner wouldn’t look

R ighteousness


up but smote his breast and said “God have mercy on me a

sinner” Jesus said the sinner was justified in the sight of God.

We have tried to relate ourselves here. We thought, God forbid

I should be like the first man, so I must be like the sinner..

Truth is, we are neither. The Scripture states: “If any man

be in Christ, he is a new creation..” 11Cor 5:17 Jesus made us

righteous by what He did for us at Calvary. “He Who knew no

sin was made sin for us so that we might be made the

righteousness of God in Him” - “They that have received the

abundance of grace and the gift of righteousness shall reign (as

kings) in life by one Jesus Christ”

How did you become male or female? What great act did you

do? Well, you say, I was born that way... and that’s exactly how

you got righteous! The Lord made you that way when you

received Jesus into your life. It’s a gift. “they that receive the

abundance of grace and the gift of righteousness..” Romans


Do this: Next time you are outside on a beautiful day, look up

with humility in your heart for what Jesus did for us and rejoice

and rejoice.. and watch what happens!

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Many people want to operate in the Power of God. Many

would say (including me) that it is required more now than

ever! I was seeking the power of God one time and the Lord

said three keys would help release it into your life.

1) You must purpose to walk in love.

You may miss it now and again but the purpose must be

there. You make a decision and grace is released to help

you bring it to pass. No decision, no grace. Decision first,

then grace is released, lest you should glory in your own

ability 2) You must live a life of faith, for this pleases God.

Heb11v3 3) You must purpose to meet the needs of the people by

the power of God.

P ower belongs to God


The world thinks its can do and act as it wants, without any

consequence for its actions. This is what the Lord told me one time

“You live in an age where anything goes and all

things are acceptable but it is not so in the sight of God.

Mankind shall give account of this in the Day of Judgement”

Another time I was thinking about the loose lifestyle that seems to

dominate this age, when I heard another way of reading Jn14 v 6

“I am the way, the truth and the lifestyle”

and another time He said:

“Recognise the way, you’ll know the truth

and you'll have life”

“Courage, the power to rise up under adversity”

P romiscuous Lifestyle

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“Diligence - determination with action”

(courtesy S. Fisher)

“Edification overcomes condemnation”

No wonder we are to edify one another!! (1Cor14)

‘Testifying of what the Lord has done

for you keeps you free’

(Jesus said to the man He had just delivered from a legion of

devils. “Go back to your house and tell others how great

things God has done for thee” – (Luke 8v39)

One time I was sitting wondering what to do in a difficult

time when I heard these words.. “You feel helpless because

you’re considering your own ability” - I was too! I was

wondering what I could do! (should have been thanking the

Lord for what His grace has already done!)


The following is one of my favourite

discourses on faith and what it is...


Abraham went out, not knowing where he went, for he

looked for a city whose builder and maker was God. He went

out, being fully persuaded that what God had promised (spoken

by His Word) He was able to do, bring to pass, make good His

Word and back up what He said with His own power! Joshua

acted what he believed he received. “See, I have given you the

land” He went to possess what he believed he had been given.

When Joshua stood and looked at Jericho, he saw walls 40 feet

thick and two hundred feet high, impenetrable, absolutely im-

possible to conquer. But he believed what God had told him.

“See, I have given Jericho into thine hand, go and possess it”

He acted on what he believed to be the truth and received the

blessing of God. The force of faith, (acting on what he believed

he received) pushed walls weighing thousands of tons... inwards!

Acting on God's Word pleases Him and when you please Him,

F aith

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you will never fail to receive from Him. He will bless you in

fulfilling His Word to you. He will make good what He said

He will do. He is Faithful and True. Through unbelief, no

faith, they failed to posses the land the first time around. They

refused to believe God's Word. They saw the wrong things.

They got their eyes off of the gracious works I had already

performed for them and got their eyes onto the giants and on-

to Jericho. Joshua saw My promises, they saw 40 foot thick

walls. Caleb figured Me to be bigger than them, they figured

the giants to be bigger than Me! Joshua and Caleb considered

My ability, they considered their own ability. Even though

Joshua and Caleb did not enter the land then, I was faithful to

my Word and 40 years later I led them in so strong in faith

that Caleb possessed a mountainous region, slew the enemy

and subdued the land at over 80 years of age! Not bad eh!

Even Joshua, when I told him that his mortal body was

wearing out, refused to accept defeat and went on for a few

more years doing what in the natural could not be done!

Remember, these men were not born again or filled with the

Holy Spirit as you are. How come you are so slack in

possessing the land? All is before you, I have given it to you.

You have received the promises, all is yours through Jesus. The

heathen are yours. Ask, receive and go and get them. Nothing

shall be impossible to you. I am with you in a way that I have

never been with any other generation before, because the time


is short. Don't Delay, - Go Today! Behold, now is the accepted

time, now is the day of salvation. See, I have given you all. If

you can see it, you can have it! Stop asking me where to go or

what to do! Grab the inspiration of the Spirit of God and go for

it according to My Word. This is My age...

This is the moment I have waited for from before the

foundation of the world. The last moments of the age of grace

are coming to a close faster than you think! I have a great work

to do in bringing many sons unto glory but I AM able. If you

will believe Me and let Me work through you, you will be a vessel

of honour, chosen of God.

Just to be chosen by God is a greater honour than you yet

recognise! Many are called but few are choice! Honour Me and

My ways and I will hold nothing back from those that walk

upright before Me. I am seeking for such. Do you hear that? I

am the Lord God Almighty and I am looking for someone!

Someone to honour My Word, someone to believe Me,

someone to walk in My ways, someone who loves righteousness

and hates sin. Someone who will fulfil all the good pleasure of

My goodness to the praise of My glory”

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The Importance of Faith.

I t is a decision to believe that which is spoken or that which is written, that activates the power of

God in your life. If you can believe, all, note all, things

are possible, if you can only have faith. Believe you

have received what you ask for, act your faith, now walk

in it and My promises will come to pass in your lives.

Without faith it is impossible to please Me. (Hebrews

chapter 11) You must believe! I demand it! I have given

you My Word so that faith can come to you. I have

given you My Spirit. He will breathe life into the Word

He inspired but you must have faith, you must make a

decision to believe. Then and only then, will all things

be possible to you.

“Faith is not waiting for something to happen, faith is

taking the Word of God & making something happen!”


There are times (not every time) when you need to take the

Word of God and keep hitting the circumstance until something

changes. Is not My Word like a hammer says the Lord that

breaks the rock in pieces? (Isaiah) Sometimes a rock doesn't

break at the first hit but it does start to fracture on the inside.

You can't see this but it is happening! If you have a situation

that doesn’t seem to want to change, find out what the Word of

God has to say on the subject and then start hitting it with the

Scriptures for a couple of weeks.. yes I did say weeks.. we give up

too easily sometimes.

My Word shall not return to Me void says the Lord

(Isaiah 55v11)

..for I watch over my Word to perform it

(Jer 1v12)

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“Faith is not a passive inactive force but a living

dynamic power that proceeds out of the mouth of

God. As you call those things which be not as though

they were, your faith will bring into being that which

you desire”

“Faith calls into being that which does not exist”

This is how God created the worlds. And God said “Let the

earth bring forth fruit…” Genesis chapter one is full of “God

Said” That which He desired did not exist, so He brought it

into being by speaking that which He desired and then

believing what He has said would come to pass.

“Faith after having spoken rests, believing what it has

said shall come to pass. We which believe do enter into

rest, you speak, you believe, you enter into rest”


“You can get healed on other peoples faith but to keep

it, you must use your own”

“Faith has nothing to do with feelings.. absolutely nothing!”

“All the promises of God are yes and amen unto the glory

of God by us but faith (believing) is the vehicle that brings

them to us!”

“Faith is not a feeling, faith is an action that is based upon

a belief.”

“What limits our receiving? - Our believing”

“When you pray, believe that you received what you asked for and it

shall come into being” (Mk 11v24)

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“Faith in His promises will bring to pass His purposes”

I was getting a bit discouraged about some things when He spoke

to me and said

“It’s so easy to receive from God son,

just simply believe”

“The gospel of Jesus Christ is a power of God unto

salvation but lies dormant until believed. With the heart

man believes unto righteousness. The Word preached did

not profit them not been mixed with faith in them that

heard it”

“Faith doesn't ask what shall I do? Faith believes it

receives what God has already done”


I had been meditating on Hebrew 11v1 for a week or so.. Faith

is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not

seen.. I couldn’t seem to get a grasp of it. Whilst in the bush

one day, He spoke and said:

“Faith is confidence in His ability and His willingness

to perform that which He has promised in His Word.

“Don't keep relating past bad experiences, they will

erode your faith. Keep looking ahead with a confident

expectation of good (that’s hope) as you call those

things which be not as though they were"

Page 27: “He’s not here, He is risen” of God.pdfcalled Norvel Hayes who was teaching on the gift of the Holy Spirit and speaking with tongues. What a fire ball! I sat down to watch it


Man was created because God desired someone to

fellowship with. We see in the very beginning that God came

into the Garden of Eden and walked with His creation. Man’s

fellowship with God was broken by sin but Jesus paid the price

for mankind to be restored to his Creator. The Scriptures

clearly calls us to fellowship with Him. ‘truly our fellowship is

with the Father and with His Son, Jesus Christ’ and ‘The

fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all” and again “by

Whom you were called into the fellowship of His Son”

The Lord spoke again and said.

Jesus paid the greatest price ever paid, so that

mankind could partake of the greatest privilege there

is... to fellowship with the Father in the Holy Ghost.”

“The deep things of God are revealed in the

moments of closest fellowship with Him”

F ellowship with God


Here’s an exert from the ‘Necessity of Water’ later on

in the book that is appropriate here:

“I look forward to the Fellowship of My children. You

know how much a Father loves the attention of his

children. You know how your heart leaps when they come

to you. I have taught you much about Me through them.

My heart leaps for joy when you call My name, when you

cross the boundary between Heaven and Earth through

faith, when you enter in by the righteousness of my first

born, Jesus..”

Take a little time out every day just to fellowship with Him.

Just say to Him. Father, in the name of Jesus I don’t come to

pray, I just come to fellowship with you and to thankyou for all

you have done for me.. (or however it comes from you.. just be

yourself) and then just spend time in His presence.. you will be

amazed and at times deeply moved at what happens…

Don’t get discouraged if ‘nothing’ appears to happen the first

time.. it’s faith, not magic! “You shall seek Me and find Me

when you search for Me will all your heart”.. Be of good cheer,

He desires your fellowship more than you do!!

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The spirit of man is to rule and reign in life by one Jesus

Christ. The body wears out because of sin in it. It is corrupted

through the Adamic curse but the spirit lives because of the

righteousness of the second Adam, Jesus Christ, your Lord

and saviour. If you will develop your Spirit as people develop

their bodies and minds, your Spirit will become so strong, it

will affect your mortal body. If the same Spirit who raised

Jesus from the dead dwell in you, He that raised Christ from

the dead will quicken (revive – give life to) your mortal body.

(Romans 8v26) The outward man is decaying, yes but not his

functions! Moses was old but his eye was not dimmed, neither

was his natural force abated (decreased) The patriarchs of old

lent upon their staff or rods, a type of My Spirit. Their staffs

supported their weakening bodies. They lent on them when

they got weary. Moses rod did some amazing things if you will

study on it.

I want you to lean on My Spirit more, speak My Word on-

ly and He will bring life to it. When your body grows weary,

lean on My Spirit, pray in the Holy Ghost and He will refresh

you, He will strengthen you, He will uphold you and keep you

S pirit of Man


from falling with the right hand of His righteousness, Jesus

Christ. Sin weighs heavy in the heart of unregenerate man and

eventually his spirit will lose hope when sickness and disease

afflict his body and when that happens, he will die in his sin but

a man that has received the abundance of grace and the gift of

righteousness, is now in the newness of life. Old things have

passed away.

Through faith in the Word of God, the Spirit will quicken

and revive the mortal body. The effects of righteousness

through one man's obedience (Jesus) being greater than the

effects of one man's disobedience (Adam) Through this, sin

entered the world and with it, death but righteousness has

sprung up in your heart to bring everlasting life. My people's

eyes do not have to fail, their bodies do not have to slow down,

if they will only be obedient and believe what my Holy Word has

promised. The effects of eternal life within them will energise

their mortal bodies and nothing shall be impossible to them.

Consider the patriarchs of old, they are written down for your

example Paul said. Look at Caleb and Joshua, who through

faith alone subdued lands, wrought righteousness, even at an old

age did things which were not possible and they did not have

eternal life within them!

The way My people talk is as if My Spirit is void of power or

unwilling to help and comfort them! Not realising His great

love for them, they have become void of speech. Thinking like

Page 29: “He’s not here, He is risen” of God.pdfcalled Norvel Hayes who was teaching on the gift of the Holy Spirit and speaking with tongues. What a fire ball! I sat down to watch it


this limits the Holy One of Israel to Whom nothing is

impossible. Am I not the God of all flesh? Note: flesh! - Is

anything too difficult for Me? He wants to mortify the deeds

of the body through the power of the Spirit. To overcome the

corruption of the flesh by walking after the things of the


Moses natural force was not abated. None of his bodily

functions went astray. His staff was a type of My Spirit as I

said before, not a walking stick for a decrepit old man as some

seem to think! A staff then held a different place in a man's

life than what it does today. “Thy rod and Thy staff they

comfort me” said David. “I will send you another comforter”

said Jesus. Moses lifted up his staff and Israel prevailed, the

Spirit Himself makes intercession for us. Moses had the Spirit

with him. That is why I told him to stretch out his rod and

divide the sea. The rod (a type of the Spirit) divided the sea. I

am with you Moses. My Spirit responds to the words and

actions of a righteous man. A man who seeks those things that

are Jesus Christ's will never be void of the power of My Spirit.

I wish My people would enter into the rest I have prepared for

them that love Me. Let My Word and Spirit accomplish My

purposes. They do not tire, neither do they grow weary. Man

alone cannot accomplish what I have planned anyway. It is a

life of grace, not works. Works by grace, not by labour. Enter

into rest, cease from your own works...


“Cast all your cares on Me as you go sailing along

My Word is your boat, My Spirit is your song

Your mouth is your rudder,

My joy is your zeal

If you'll hang on to these two

Your faith the enemy cannot steal!

Hold fast your course, be faithful and true

Even in the midst of storms,

I’ll come walking to you

I’ll not let you sink, I’ll propel you along

Guide you in the right direction,

I'll make you strong

My Spirit and Word go hand in hand

Bringing you blessings in the promised land

Sing My praises and I'll fill your sail

The enemy's plans will not prevail

I'll guide you through reefs, shipwreck you’ll not be

Resist the enemy, he’ll flee from thee

All attacks will be repelled, no pirates on board

Impenetrable defences in My Holy Word

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Keep your eyes on Jesus your King

Hoist the mainsail, let His praises ring

Fill up your boat with precious fruit of the land

Until that day before your Lord you will stand

On dry ground in Heaven, you will worship Him

And forever more His praises you’ll sing!

Again this lasted from 12 midnight until 1-40 am. Often

He has come to me at my darkest hour. I am reminded of

when, at midnight, Paul and Silas prayed and sang praises.

Things couldn't get much worse for them, yet at their darkest

hour, faith in their God brought a great earthquake, a great

victory and the salvation of the jailer and his household! Talk

about bring you out on top!


I was listening to Beethoven's Pastoral Symphony one day

when I realised that I knew the author of it. Not the earthly

one but the One Who inspired it. Whilst I listened to the

symphony, He spoke these words.

“Great acts like great works are not borne out of

natural man, just as great acts or works of evil are not

borne out of natural man. It is the inspiration of the

spirit working through and with man, either the Spirit

of God to the glory of God and His creation, or

mankind yielding himself to the spirit of evil,

demonic powers manifesting themselves through

mankind, glorifying man and what he has done. I

am the Spirit of Life Who you have come into

contact with through Jesus Christ your Lord and

saviour. Follow Me and you and your seed shall live

forever in My presence.”

I nspiration of the Spirit

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My little girl got very ill one night, so I knelt down by the

side of her bed and started to pray in the Holy Spirit for her.

What happened next opened my eyes to the place diet has in

our lives. Yes, we can live a life free from sickness and disease

and walk in divine health, I believe that. There are also some

natural laws that we need to obey as well. “You must exorcise stricter dietary control over your

children and yourself! I cannot promise you divine health if

you feed your bodies on junk food. Chemical additives in food

are not good for the human body. If they were a necessary

part of food, I would have put them in. The human body can

only stand so much, her constitutional make-up is different to

a man's, I designed it that way, a man's body can take more.

Her body is reacting against chemical additives. Children

cannot eat what they like, that is a lie from the world. It may

look like that for a while but it will take its toll. The human

body has only a limited system to remove chemicals from it,

then comes the overload, which is what you have on your

hands now. My grace and mercy have intervened to help her. I

have placed responsibility for your children's up bringing into

your hands, not Mine! You have wisdom, use it! You have

said it yourself, ‘good fruit is better than lollies’ Fruits purge

T he place of diet


the body system from pollutants and stop them building up. Now you don't have to rush off down the health shop, only

be wise in what you buy. Praying over food will remove

anything poisonous from hurting you but it will not replace

wisdom in what you eat. Keep away from thickeners,

Monosodium glutamate and flavour enhancers in particular.

What taste good to the palate is not necessarily good for the

body. Humans seem to have more sense with their animals

than they do with their children! They give their animals only

natural food that they would eat in the wild so as not to upset

them. Yet they feed their children any slop that comes along

and ask Me to bless it! I don't bless Coca Cola! All things in

moderation. It is alright for a treat now and again but not every

day. Did I flavour the rain? Eat wisely, listen to your heart. I will check you if something

is wrong. I told you about the milk shake this morning (I saw

my girl dumping heaps of strawberry flavour into the milk just

as I was going out the door, I was going to say something then

but I thought, oh it will be ok) but reason robbed you of My

best. Keep your children under control. Those I love I chasten.

You must do the same whilst there is still hope. It will not kill

them! Don't give into their demands. Show them you are in

charge, not them. I love them more than you do!

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I was driving home after Church one day after a service on the

gifts of the Holy Spirit. Whilst thinking about what was said,

I heard the Lord graciously say “would you like to know

more?” I said, “Yes please.” When I arrived home, this is

what followed.


T his is the creative power of God in action. It is the

strongest of the gifts of the Spirit. This gift flows

through man as it needs his faith mixed with it to become

effective. The vessel used must be pure and holy as this gift is

destructive of evil as it is creative of good. If this gift was to

flow out of a vessel that had sin in its life, it would destroy the

one being used, not that God is a destroyer but a giver of every

good and perfect gift. It is just that the amount of power that

is released from God is great. It is God's mercy and the

person's holiness that protects the human body from the

awesomeness of the Almighty’s power. The reason that this

T he gifts of the Holy Spirit


gift of the Spirit is not in operation much, is because God has

trouble finding holy vessels with faith to flow through. This gift

involves the faith of the one ministering only and the obedience

of the other if requested to do something by the Lord. They can

either impart this gift by the laying on of hands or by speaking

the word. Whatever they can believe for, shall be done. This is a

creative gift, restoring legs, arms and missing parts through the

creative action of God. God also needs a high level of maturity

in the one ministering, as this is a glorious gift. This gift flows

out of people and it is easy for the crowd to idolise the one

ministering, rather than the One Who is actually doing the

works. If pride is allowed in, it can easily take a person off into


Note: Your faith is very important in the operation of this

gift. I can remember once when the Lord filled a whole

congregations teeth in Perth! Whilst rejoicing in what He did, I

wondered why He didn’t just give them new ones! Now I realise

it’s what the minister believed for, that the Lord did!

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Y ou wondered why no tangible transfer of power was

tonight when you prayed for the lady to whom the gift

came? Well, that is the reason why. It is a gift. The word

actually means a grace, a favour, a love gift from the Blessed

Trinity to the object of their love. Man has nothing to do with

it. He does not impart the gift. The gift comes directly from

the Lord to the person being blessed. There is no third party

involvement. The only reason you knew what was going on

and spoke it out was so that she would know that she has just

received something from the Lord, otherwise people may

wonder what happened, who did it and so on. The Lord gives

no opportunity for anyone to share His glory in this gift. It is

a love grace, a present from Him alone. If they receive the gift

with praise and thanksgiving, they will be healed or delivered.”

This is what happened: During the morning service, I

became aware that a person needed healing in their body. I

told the audience this and as I did so, I was given more

information about the need. I said it was a lady who had been

to the doctors that morning and had received a bad report. A

lady put her hand up and said that it was her. I called her out

and a group of us laid hands on her and prayed. I expected

that there would be a tangible transfer of power (or the 66

anointing) but nothing happened. I was a bit bothered at the

time but decided to go by faith rather than what I felt. Now I

understand why! (and yes, the Lord still healed her, praise



A word of knowledge can also reveal the fact that God is

doing something in the midst of His people. A situation

or word is revealed by the Spirit to the one ministering. He

then invites people to come and receive prayer for that

condition. Faith is required by both parties in this case. The

person's faith is activated by the fact that the minister is

revealing something by the Spirit of God to them. The

ministers faith is also activated by his knowledge that God

wants to do something. Unlike the working of miracles and

gifts of healings, this gift can fail to bring about the desired

result. It is not a failure of the gift, for the gift is only revealing

information about circumstances. It is the two persons faith

that brings forth the results. Ministry should be based on

Matthew 18 verse 19 to be at its most effective.

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T his is not one of the nine gifts of the Spirit, neither is

it ministering to people according to their faith. As a

battery can store up the power within itself, so the human

spirit can become a receptacle of power. As an individual fasts,

prays and feeds on the Word of God, so the power of God will

increase much in the same way that a battery will increase in

power when it is put on charge. If the individual's motives are

right, God will allow a flow of His power to go out of a person

to heal others or deliver them from devils. This is something

any believer can do! They have Scripture for it. If they want to

bless others, God will certainly allow it, providing He gets the

glory for it, for it is His power!

I know there are other gifts, nine in all and this only deals

with three of them. If you want more, He once told me. Ask

and it shall be given you, seek and you shall find, knock and it

shall be opened to you. So guess who it’s down too? Yes.. you

and me. Go and ask Him about the other gifts and then you

can write and bless me with what He gives you!



As believers, we all desire to be in the presence of the Lord. He

showed me that there are some things we can do, both as

individuals and collectively (as a church or body of believers) to

create an atmosphere for the Lord to manifest His presence,

gifts and graces in and bless us. He said:

“Praise creates an atmosphere for the

Spirit of God to move in”

Jesus said, When He is come, He will glorify Me, He will take

of Mine and reveal it to you. Jn 14

and on another occasion:

“The Lord not only wants to bless His people with His

Presence but also with his gifts and graces”

Page 35: “He’s not here, He is risen” of God.pdfcalled Norvel Hayes who was teaching on the gift of the Holy Spirit and speaking with tongues. What a fire ball! I sat down to watch it


Having knowledge of the above will assist you and your

church in having Him bless you (in the most unusual ways

sometimes!) Start expecting the Lord to move amongst you

during times of praise and worship.

The Scriptures tell us:

“The Lord inhabits the praises of His people”

Here’s a scriptural way to allow the Holy Spirit to manifest

His gifts and graces in your personal life. We are encouraged

to “Desire spiritual gifts..” 1Cor14v1

“Spiritual gifts are cultivated by an intense

desire to bless others to the glory of God”


It is good for man to be near water. Two thirds of the earth

are covered with it. It brings peace, the sound thereof resembles

My voice. I did not create man to live in a dry arid climate.

Water refreshes, it will keep you alive as no other substance in

the world. A man may go for 40 days without food, but he can

only go a little over three days without water. I am the Water of

Life that proceeds out of the throne of God and of the Lamb.

He that drinks of Me will never thirst again. I will be in him a

well of water springing up into everlasting life. I refresh the parts

that others cannot reach! There will be no sea in the new Heav-

en and Earth. This is because I will flow freely among My peo-

ple. Without measure, My presence will be with you all ever-


Come aside and drink of Me and I will cause the seed of the

Word of God to spring up and grow to the praise of My glory.

The Israelites complained about the manner from Heaven. ‘It is

dry and light’ they said. This was not because I designed it that

way but because they had lost the Spirit. They had stopped

drinking of that spiritual rock that followed them. That rock was

N ecessity of water

Page 36: “He’s not here, He is risen” of God.pdfcalled Norvel Hayes who was teaching on the gift of the Holy Spirit and speaking with tongues. What a fire ball! I sat down to watch it


Christ. They disbelieved Me. They took up cisterns that could

hold no water, dead gods that could not satisfy their hearts.

They hardened their hearts through unbelief, choosing the

lusts of the flesh, the pleasures of sin for a season. The

children rose up to play. I got grieved with that generation for

they always erred in their hearts. The letter of the law killed

them. The Spirit wanted to bring life to them but they would

not heed My voice and the water became bitter and then dried

up in them. I am the Living Water Jesus spoke of. I am the

River of Water of Life. Drink and be satisfied for I will cause

the wonder of Heaven’s glory to spring up in you.

You cannot swim in the natural son but come aside and I

will show you how to flow with Me. I will support you, I will

not fail you, I will not let you sink. I will train you to become

a master swimmer in My realm and you will do exploits for

your God and He will be pleased with you. I must prove people

first before I increase grace on their lives. I cannot give grace

to those not ready, you wouldn't let your children drive your

car down the road would you? Even though they would like to,

they are not yet ready.

Growing up depends on you, not Me. I said ‘desire the

sincere milk of the Word that you may grow’ You feed off My

Word and drink of My Spirit and you will grow alright! Do

that which you have seen and heard and the God of peace shall


be with you. Don't despair, only believe and you will see the glory

of God. The fastest way to grow is to feed on the love of God.

Concentrate on it, feed off the Holy Scriptures and I will water it

in your heart and as the seeds shoot up, you will automatically

find an increase in my power. They go hand in hand. Out of a

pure heart, a heart that has determined to help others, like Jesus

did, shall flow My love and carried on that river of love will be My

power. I look forward to the Fellowship of My children. You

know how much a Father loves the attention of his children. You

know how your heart leaps when they come to you. I have taught

you much about Me through them.

My heart leaps for joy when you call My name, when you cross

the boundary between Heaven and earth through faith, when you

enter in by the righteousness of my first born, Jesus. Realise what

is yours in Jesus Christ. Everything I ever made and have is given

to Jesus, my beloved Son in Whom you have redemption from

sin through faith in His blood. It is yours as well! He will share

His inheritance with you. He is your Brother. He came for you,

He died for you and now He ever lives, for you. Follow His

example and be great in My eyes. Enoch had just one testimony,

that he pleased Me. Seek to please Me and that wonderful life in

the Spirit will come to pass.

The glory is Mine remember. The power to do these things is

Mine, therefore the glory for doing them must be Mine also.

Page 37: “He’s not here, He is risen” of God.pdfcalled Norvel Hayes who was teaching on the gift of the Holy Spirit and speaking with tongues. What a fire ball! I sat down to watch it


I know you know that but many have stopped short of what I

have for them because they seem to forget this matter. It is no

small matter with me! I have worked and do work hard and I

expect at least what is due to me in glory and honour, both for

what I have done and not for the least of Who I AM. The

Almighty, the Creator of Heaven and Earth, Gracious and

True, forgiving sin, long-suffering and kind. I know Who I

Am. Find out who you are in Me. Spend more time with Jesus

and the Holy Ghost and they will show you the wonder of

Who I AM. Well the symphony draws to a close and so does

this time with you. I cannot tell you how much I have enjoyed

this time with you. My children thrill My heart. Love Jesus for

what He did and for Who He is. Respect the Spirit of God for

He is Holy. He is so loving. He wants to keep you from the

effects of sin. He will do anything for you if you will just walk

after Jesus. Be at peace in yourself and with your brethren”


NOTE; This is for all of us. Yes you too! He is No respecter

of persons and loves us all the same.


This lasted from eleven thirty to around 1am. Again, I don't

know where the time went. Every thing above is for each one of

us. God is no respecter of persons. He loves us all the same. The

promises are for whosoever will. I was listening to Beethoven's

Pastoral Symphony when He started to talk to me. There is so

much in this discourse. Read it carefully and apply it to yourself.

We tend to forget how much the Heavenly Father desires our

attention and love. Where do we get these natural desires for our

children from anyway? Are they not from the great Father of

Spirits Himself?

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No matter what good works My Spirit has prepared for

man, the priority is always to proclaim the gospel. Yes there

are the hospitals, the orphanages, the works amongst the poor

but to My people, the preaching of the gospel of Jesus Christ is

the priority. You say but I am called to be a teacher, Yes you

are. You are given for the perfecting of the saints so that they

can do the works of the ministry. But I am a Pastor you say.

Yes you are, you are a shepherd of My sheep. You can teach

them and lead them in the ways of righteousness. But my

commission to them all is go preach the gospel.

If a man gets side-tracked, that is, puts the good works

before the preaching of the gospel, then his ministry will not

operate in the fullness I have prepared for it and after a while

the good works will begin to suffer. It's not that I don't answer

prayer, I do. It's just that I have My priorities right. When the

gospel is fully preached, then the end shall come. Paul's

coveted prayer was that a door of utterance be opened to him

to preach the gospel. He commended the church in Macedonia

P reaching Jesus Christ


because they preached the gospel throughout Asia. My first

priority in prayer is that prayers, intercessions and giving of

thanks be made for all men, for I would have all men to be saved

and come to the knowledge of the truth. All early Church

revivals were built around one thing, a desire to see My will done

and My will is that all be saved.. but how shall they be saved,

except they hear and how shall they hear, except the gospel be

preached and how shall that be, except they be sent.

How beautiful, blessed, are the feet of those who proclaim

good news. If things are not flowing in your life like they should

be. Ask yourself, am I willing to proclaim the gospel? Am I

teaching the people God has given me to share Jesus? Am I

using my God given faith for the lost? Am I trusting God to

lead me to someone everyday to share the sufferings of Christ

with? For when you share the sufferings of Christ, His resurrec-

tion power will be there as well, ready to confirm the word with

the miracles that endorse it. Many want the power but without

the gospel there is no power, for the Scripture says I am not

ashamed of the gospel of Christ for it is the power of God unto


You ask, you trust, I lead and guide. I open doors for you to

preach the gospel and all is well with your soul and anything else

you put your hand to. I told the disciples to go and as you go,

you will grow. Going ensures growing. I will give the increase in

Page 39: “He’s not here, He is risen” of God.pdfcalled Norvel Hayes who was teaching on the gift of the Holy Spirit and speaking with tongues. What a fire ball! I sat down to watch it


a person's life according to their desire to go for Me. Who will

go for Me? I asked in Jeremiah. I am the Lord, I change not.

This is still My priority. What is yours?


I cannot sit here and watch another suffer when I have

knowledge that they don't yet possess. The love of God

constrains us. I am committed to using the faith I have

developed in God's grace to bless you, to help you, to get you a

little further down the road of life. I live for you. You are my

brothers and sisters in Christ, a part of me and I of you. "We

are members one of another" All that I have is yours. When I

see you in need, a divine compassion rises up in me to meet that

need by the power of God. Not sympathy, for sympathy can on-

ly say "I'm sorry for you, I wish I could do something."

Compassion says "I'm sorry for you, the Lord is here, praise God

we can do something" and I give of my self to meet your needs. I

give of my faith and love to bring Gods healing power to your

body. I give of my finances to bless you, to meet your need to

the glory of God. I give of my time to pray for you.

I believe in you. You are without price in my eyes, not just

Gods. "He that loves God, loves him that is born of Him." If I

can help you if any way, regardless of cost to my self, you've got

it. For my sufficiency is not of my self but my sufficiency is of

God Who has given us of His Spirit. I'm complete in Him. As

M aturing in love

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His goodness flows out of me to meet others needs, mine are

met as well. As I give mercy, so I receive mercy. I lay up for

myself good treasure against the times to come. I don't have to

wonder whether His power will turn up, my faith in His love

will cause the Holy Ghost to move to meet your need.

I have become no respecter of persons. I seek to bring

God's goodness to all my brethren, regardless of their response

to me. I thank God for them. I love those that don't love me. I

pray for those that despitefully use me. I speak well of those

that speak evil of me. I take no account, pay no attention to

evil things either said or done to me. This is not a feeling, it is

a way of life. It is life. Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. I

am constantly seeking and looking for ways to bless and help

you. I ask the Lord to show me who is in need. The body is

held together by that which every joint supplies. I am a

supplying joint, ever ready to give out to others what I have

received of the Lord, for it belongs to Him. I am just a

steward of it. Jesus is the author of my faith. Without Him I

would have no faith. I live to glorify Him Who loved me and

gave himself for me.

I am growing. I have put away childish things. Dead

branches that bore the fruits of competitiveness with my fellow

ministers, desires to see self exalted, to be noticed by others,

have been pruned off. My desire is to do always those things


that please the Father. To be noticed by Him, to be great in His

eyes. To be like Jesus Christ is my consuming desire. I have no

greater joy than to see the brethren prosper and be in health. To

watch and to help them grow in grace and in the knowledge of

God and of Jesus our Lord. I am saddened when I see a brother

or sister in need. I minister boldly wherever I am. I do it openly

as Jesus did. I am not conventional. Blind men cry out louder, a

multitude tells them to shut up, Jesus says bring them here.

Jairus, the ruler of the synagogue interrupts the Lords sermon,

Jesus stops teaching and goes to meet the need. Friends of a

paralysed man tear open a ceiling while the Lord is teaching.

Jesus meets the need. God's love in me cannot be contained by tradition. I am

learning to move by the Holy Ghost as He wills and directs.

There is no confusion and Jesus will be glorified. My heart cry

now is “What can I do for you? How can I use God’s power to

bless you and to glorify His name?” I leap at opportunities to

put my faith with others. I don't have dominion over your faith

but I can get close to it if you will let me! I can sure be a helper

of your joy, for it is by faith we stand. My faith works, is

energised, by my love for others, not just my beloved brothers

and sisters but also for a world that does not know about Jesus

Christ. The driving force in me is to communicate the gospel to

them in the power of the Holy Ghost. I labour night and day,

using the faith I've developed in God's grace and Word to

Page 41: “He’s not here, He is risen” of God.pdfcalled Norvel Hayes who was teaching on the gift of the Holy Spirit and speaking with tongues. What a fire ball! I sat down to watch it


prosper the works of my hands so I can pour it into others who

are out there preaching, doing the work of God. I don't care

what denomination they are. We have a common goal. We

have come into the unity of the faith of Jesus Christ, not

divided by the petty winds of doctrine. I am in debt to the

world. I have got something they haven't. I have the knowledge

of God's Son in me. I know how to get them saved, I know

what to do. I am growing up in God. He has taught me well. I

have an intimate relationship with Him. My fellowship with

Him is getting closer and closer.

His gift in me is growing stronger and stronger and it is

making room for me to minister to others. He will do it! He is

able and willing. He's perfecting that which concerns me. I

delight to do His will. There is peace, all is well. I count the

loss of all things as refuse, as I seek after the knowledge of

Him. He blesses me with more and more knowledge of His

Son, Jesus Christ, my Lord and saviour. This knowledge,

revealed to my heart by the Holy Ghost, causes me to triumph

and puts me deeper in debt. For once I have received

something from the Lord, I must give it away to others that I

myself might keep it. If I seek to keep it to my self, I will end

up losing it. I give out freely what I have received and more


I am walking in the light of His Word. I have the light of


life. I harbour no bitterness in me, lest it defile me. I walk in

forgiveness to those who have wronged me. My hopes abound. I

am unstoppable. No weapon formed against me prospers, for out

of it all the Lord delivers me. He keeps me from falling and

preserves me blameless unto the coming of His kingdom, to

Whom be the praise and glory for ever and ever, amen.

To develop the God kind of love in our lives is our goal

“Make love your great quest” 1 Cor 12 v1” Read this dis-

course out loud every day, believe this kind of love is happening

in your heart, give God the glory for it and watch the God kind

of love grow supernaturally in your life.

Note: Do this for every day for a month. You will be amazed at

the transformation in your lives. Give the Lord something to

work with…

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“Do you not see My vision for the Body of Christ? Each part

with its own place and function, yet harmonising together to

make a symphony that is pleasing to Me. No part being more

important than any other. A symphony’s power is noticeable,

yes, even felt at a crescendo, when all the parts work hard togeth-

er to achieve a common goal. The most important part of a

symphony orchestra is the conductor. Each part has to concen-

trate on the work set before him but he must keep his eye on the

conductor, to be certain of not just his timing but also on the

timing of the overall body. The conductor is the only one that

has an overall view of what is going on. He is the overseer. He is

responsible for bringing in the necessary parts at the correct time

and the correct order. God is not a God of confusion. I am or-

chestrating the greatest revival ever seen upon the face of the

earth but a conductor is only as good as the players he has to

work with.

I demand the best. Holy vessels sanctified to Me and My

purposes. I am training My orchestra now ready for the opening

night. I shall produce such a burst of glory out of those that I

T he Body of Christ


have prepared, that this world will indeed know that there is a

God in the midst of Israel. They will see Jesus Christ in each of

you, playing and making melody to the glory of God. Don't

despise the feeble parts of the body, love them, lift them,

encourage them. Sometimes a member of the orchestra will

stand motionless for hours until his turn comes to provide that

which has been prepared for him but right at the end of the

symphony he stands up and brings his symbols together to pro-

duce a resounding crash that sometimes wakes up many mem-

bers of the audience.

So shall these parts now be. At their given moment, they shall

do something that will cause a sleeping world to wake up and

take notice that Jesus is alive. Love one another, purpose in your

heart to work together for My glory and together with My leader-

ship, we shall make a symphony that will glorify God and herald

the return of your Lord and saviour Jesus Christ and then the

end shall truly come!”

Page 43: “He’s not here, He is risen” of God.pdfcalled Norvel Hayes who was teaching on the gift of the Holy Spirit and speaking with tongues. What a fire ball! I sat down to watch it


It was Moses love for his people that enabled him to talk to

God as he did. If we love one another, God dwells in us and

His love is perfected in us. Perfect love casts out fear of

judgement. It was Moses’ love of his people that enabled his

boldness towards God.

Herein is our love made perfect that we may have boldness

in the day of judgement, for as He is so are we in this world.

Moses said, “Lord if you do not forgive this people, blot my

name out of your book” - Paul wished himself accursed from

Christ for his brethren’s sake. He too loved his own people,

even to the laying down of his life for them. “Greater love has

no man than to lay down his life for his friends” Christ indeed

was cut off from the land of the living because of His great

love for a world that hated him. Paul said he used great

plainness, or boldness of speech. When you consider that I

AM Love and that in My Word, John speaks on two occasions

about perfect love, one casting out fear of judgement and the

other speaking of great boldness, it is not surprising what

preceded from these people, their hearts being perfect towards

Me in love. How could I refuse such requests, as bold and

B oldness of Speech


fearless as they were? Their perfection stood before Me, Hearts

made perfect in love. Fearlessness and boldness comes from a

heart that is made perfect in love. A heart that will lay down its

own rights and privileges for the betterment of others.

“I thankyou Father that You have heard me” Jesus said. Great

boldness of speech from a heart made perfect in love. Jesus, the

living epistle of my love. My love in a human body going about

preaching good news, teaching and healing, destroying the works

of the devil, setting people free. Lifting, loving, laying down His

life, that others might have life and life abundantly. Showing

and revealing My love, even Me, for I am Love. If you have seen

Me you have seen the Father.

My Spirit came to reveal Jesus in you to the praise of My

glory. Follow His example and you will be great in My eyes and

you shall ask what you will and it shall be done unto you as well.

If only My people would lay aside trying to get things and per-

fect their love walk, they would get the things they desire a lot

quicker and easier because I would hold nothing back from those

that seek the things that are Jesus Christ’s. Jesus fulfilled the

law. Love one another as I have loved you. If people would do it,

they would see such an increase in their lives, they would be

amazed, not just in material things but in eternal things such as

joy, peace, gentleness, kindness towards one another, that their

lives would be transformed. Fruit would be produced that would

Page 44: “He’s not here, He is risen” of God.pdfcalled Norvel Hayes who was teaching on the gift of the Holy Spirit and speaking with tongues. What a fire ball! I sat down to watch it


remain with them forever. Now abides faith, hope and love.

The greatest of these is love, because one day your faith and

hope will come to an end but love shall abide for ever.


I was getting a bit discouraged at the circumstances that were

arrayed against me when I heard the Lord speak..

He said..

“At the heart of God is a loving Father..”

A lot of people know Him as God or Lord but His heart

desire is that you get to know Him as Father.. Jesus

consistently referred to Him as Father.. it was one of the

reasons the Jews wanted to stone Him.. “which good work do

you stone me for?” - “Not for a good work” they replied but

because you call God, your Father..”

Jesus placed ‘Father’ before ‘God’ When He rose from the

dead, He said to Mary “I go unto My Father and your Father,

to My God and your God” Note: Father first, God second…

Yes He is Almighty God, He is Lord but His heart desire is

that you get to know Him as Father.. “now we have received the

Spirit of adoption whereby we cry Abba (literally Daddy)

Father..” Rom8v15

T he loving Father

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Jesus said “The Father Himself tenderly (note tenderly..) loves

you (why?) because you love Me and believe that I came out

from God” Jn 16 He tenderly loves us just because we love

Jesus and believe He came from God!

Selah, This word used a lot in the bible Psalms. It means to

pause and think about this for a while.. I suggest a big Selah

on this one.. make it your meditation for a week. Search out

all the Scriptures on Father in the New Testament and chew

them over for a week. Keep them by the side of your bed and

let them be the last things you think on before you go to

sleep. It will change your life…




“For we know not what to pray for as we ought ” Romans 8

“..we know in part and we prophecy in part..” - “..but now we

see through a glass darkly” 1Cor13:9-12

I asked the Lord once about the language of tongues. He said

“You start to pray according to impressions and urges

the Holy Spirit gives you in your heart, then He take

those prayers and perfects them in His language

(tongues) and brings them into My presence where I

can answer them according to My perfect will”

“He that searches the hearts knows what is the mind of the

Spirit, for He makes intercession for the saints according to

the will of God” - Romans Chapter 8

“For we know not what to pray for as we ought but the Spirit

H elp of the Spirit

Page 46: “He’s not here, He is risen” of God.pdfcalled Norvel Hayes who was teaching on the gift of the Holy Spirit and speaking with tongues. What a fire ball! I sat down to watch it


Himself makes intercession for us according to the will of


impression: When I start pray about something or someone I

usually find that after a little while, I run out of words, I don’t

know enough about the situation or circumstances involved

but there is One Who does know.. and I start to pray in other

tongues until the work is done or help arrives..

“How do I know when the work is done?” - I keep going until

the Joy or an immense peace comes. You will know..

Sometimes this is only a few minutes, other times you just

have to stick at it, maybe days/weeks or months.. and when

the joy comes, the work is done and then the praise flows..

“I will send you another helper” said Jesus.. referring to the

Holy Spirit..

Another time He told me..

“Help doesn’t come through the natural but through

the spirit by the Holy Spirit, your Helper”

To a Christian, the help comes from above first and then is

manifested through the Spirit into the earth, circumstance or



Concerning praying in the Spirit. I heard this one day.

“I am Jesus. You don't know what to pray as you ought

but I know how to pray. Let me pray for you John, I ev-

er live to make intercession for you, not in Heaven but

through your spirit”

On another occasion I heard.

“I in them and Thou in Me that they may be one even

as We are one (John 17) I am Jesus and I am in you. I

know how to pray. I live to intercede for you. I don't

pray from Heaven, I pray through you, through your

spirit by My Spirit”

Impression: A lot of people think Jesus is praying for them in

Heaven. We need it down here! He is in you (Hebrews 6) and

He prays through your spirit by the Holy Spirit (Hebrews 8

verse 26 and 1 Cor 14 verse 5)

Page 47: “He’s not here, He is risen” of God.pdfcalled Norvel Hayes who was teaching on the gift of the Holy Spirit and speaking with tongues. What a fire ball! I sat down to watch it


For a while I used to apply the principles that Joshua

employed in possessing the promised land. You know, get out

there.. fight for it.. etc Then one day the Lord said this to

me.. “You don’t have to possess the land (as they did of

old) You just have to believe you have received it (ie:

what you have prayed for) because you are Abraham’s

seed, that it might be of by faith and not of works,

lest you should glory in your own ability.”

We enter into rest by believing.. (Heb4:2) I mean that

how we got saved wasn‘t it? We surely couldn’t earn it and we

certainly didn’t deserve it. We just believed on what Jesus did

for us and He granted us grace to receive... Somehow we

now think we have to do the rest by ourselves. We have

neglected to find out the benefits of being Abraham’s seed.

Jesus took upon Himself the Seed of Abraham… if you be

Christ's, then are you Abraham's Seed and heirs according to

the promise

P ossessing the land


(Galatians) Abraham believed God… because you are his seed,

you can now receive the promises of God by believing..

The Scripture says.. “He that gave up His only Son for us, shall

He not also freely give us all things together with Him?” It’s all

about what Jesus has done for us, not what we can do.. “When

you pray, believe and you shall receive..”

Jesus said, All things are possible.. to whom? to those who work

hard? those who try to make it happen? NO!.. thank God..

to those who believe.. just believe..

The other day. (I was struggling with something... again!)

when He graciously spoke to my heart and said..

“It’s so easy to receive from God son.. simply believe”

Page 48: “He’s not here, He is risen” of God.pdfcalled Norvel Hayes who was teaching on the gift of the Holy Spirit and speaking with tongues. What a fire ball! I sat down to watch it


..and the Lord said My grace is

sufficient for thee.. 11Cor 12v9

One day the Lord said:

“My Grace.. Sufficient for every need,

greater than any circumstance..” I would like to share with you how the Lord taught me

about His grace and how to apply it in our lives..

It had been one hell of a week.. things were going wrong on

a daily basis, my body was hurting and I was getting really fed

up and tired of the spiritual pressure that seemed endlessly

against me. I remember the evening well.. I walked up the

driveway of our little farmlet and onto the gravel road ready to

‘do battle’ with the forces of darkness.. I went to quote the

Word of God in relation to my hurting body (which, for want

of a better description, seemed like one large blur of pain) but

there was nothing left. I was exhausted. I stood there.. almost

helpless.. when suddenly I heard myself say these words..

“Lord, I’m not going to shout at the devil any more, I’m not

G race


even going to quote the Word .. I’m just going to thank you

that Your grace is sufficient for me: The words barely escaped

my lips.. barely as whisper.. I felt so weak .. I began to walk

(real slow!) down the road whilst whispering.. “Thankyou Lord

for your grace for your strength is made perfect in weakness..

Thankyou Lord for your grace for your strength is made perfect

in weakness.. I continued to thank God and praise Him for His

grace.. After about 15 minutes or so my voice became stronger

and I started to feel better. Encouraged I kept going. After

about an hour of this I was bouncing up and down the road

praising God (in a loud voice now) for his grace. My body was

well, my strength had returned and the Goodness of God was

all over me! Lesson; Read 11Cor12 verses 1 through 10 Paul was having a really difficult time.. Because of the

revelations given to him, a thorn in the flesh, which Paul says

was a messenger (Greek word angelos – translated angel

everywhere else) of satan given to buffet, deal repeated blows, to

him (verse 7) Paul sought the Lord three times about getting

rid of this thing.. (verse 8) The Lord said to Paul. “My grace is

sufficient for thee for My strength is made perfect in weakness”

verse 9.. now look what Paul’s response was.. “Most gladly

therefore will I glory in my weaknesses that the power of Christ

may rest upon me… for when I am weak, then am I

strong” (verses 9 – 10)

Page 49: “He’s not here, He is risen” of God.pdfcalled Norvel Hayes who was teaching on the gift of the Holy Spirit and speaking with tongues. What a fire ball! I sat down to watch it


Paul got a revelation about God’s grace, that when he was

weak, the Lord’s strength was made perfect! - when he was

weak, he became strong and he began to rejoice in this..”

That’s what I found out that evening. When I was exhausted

and had done all I could do.. there was Another ready to carry

me in His grace.. I just gave up trying and began to thank

Him for His grace and as I did so, His strength became

perfect in my weakness.. and all became well!

Jesus said at the cross “It is finished” The work the Father

had given Christ to do had been accomplished. Everything

necessary for mankind’s eternal redemption was now

becoming a reality.. not by our efforts but by the grace of

God. Jesus paid the price for the complete redemption of man-

kind. Spirit soul and body, when He died and rose from the


Been battling something that doesn’t seem to want to go

away? Then start to praise God for His Grace. Start to thank

Him that His strength is made perfect in your weakness. Jesus

carried our load.. just thank Him for it.. rejoice in your

inability to solve whatever is troubling you and thank Him for

His grace. If Heaven has a national anthem, it would have to

be ‘Amazing Grace’ Nothing compares with this amazing

grace that has made all things (note: all things, not some

things) yours in Christ..


As the late John G Lake, apostle to Africa said on the subject

of Paul’s thorn in the flesh. – He said “Dive in Paul. Take all

you want of the grace of God. It will fix your thorn in the flesh

and anything else that ails you!”

Jesus was tempted in every way we are yet without sin. Let us

therefore come boldly to the throne of grace (note what the

throne is called!) that we made obtain mercy and find grace to

help for every need. Hebrews 4 v 14-15 KJV

I love this translation: “Jesus understands every weakness of

ours, because he was tempted in every way that we are but He

did not sin. So whenever we are in need, we should come brave-

ly before the throne of our merciful God. There we will be treat-

ed with undeserved kindness and we will find help”

Hear that! You will be treated with undeserved kind-


Amazing grace.. Sufficient for every need, greater than any

circumstance.. You will find help.. His grace guarantees it.

Page 50: “He’s not here, He is risen” of God.pdfcalled Norvel Hayes who was teaching on the gift of the Holy Spirit and speaking with tongues. What a fire ball! I sat down to watch it


“Blessed, fortunate and greatly to be envied, are you Simon

BarJona for flesh and blood has not revealed this unto thee

but my Father who is in Heaven” Matt 16v17 “no man

knows the Son except the Father reveal Him” Luke 10v22

Let me explain the importance of revelation as opposed to

information.. You, like myself, usually received information

about who Jesus was, usually twice a year. Christmas and

Easter. Unfortunately this information had little impact on

our lives. Why is this? Simple. The knowledge of who Jesus

is, is not given by flesh and blood .. (people) It comes by

revelation of Jesus Christ.. Paul says “the gospel I received was

not of man… but by the revelation of Jesus Christ”

The importance of revelation in the life of a Christian cannot

be underestimated! The more revelation about Jesus you

receive, the more success and victory you will have in life..


Let’s look at the entire events surrounding the Lords

I nformation v Revelation


statement to Peter. Jesus turned to them and said “Who do

men (flesh and blood) say that I am?” (Matt 16v13) The

apostles answered.. some (men) say your are Elijah, some say

John the Baptist or one of the prophets” Jesus said to them

“But who do you say that I am?” Peter answered “Thou art the

Christ, the Son of God” (Now note; Two chapters before they

said virtually the same thing.. (Matt 14v 32) Jesus had come to

them walking on the water, Peter got out of the boat and start-

ed to come to him but he doubted and began to sink. Jesus

caught him and walked back over the water into the boat.. Brief

outline.. “They worshipped Him and said, thou art the Son of

God” (verse 33).. Jesus said nothing to them here, yet when

Peter said the same thing two chapters later, the Lord had a lot

to say about this statement. The reason the Lord did not say

anything before, was because they had made the statement

based on what their physical eyes saw.. Two people walking on

the water.. the storm ceasing, the waves stilled.. Pretty

impressive... Yes! but not revelation knowledge..

Jesus said “Blessed are you Simon Bar-Jona for flesh and

blood has not revealed this unto you but my Father Who is in

Heaven.. Peter got a revelation from the Father about Who this

person really was.. The Christ, the Son of living God.. this time

he saw with his spiritual eyes. He got a revelation..

It gets better.. Jesus now went on to outline the effects this

Page 51: “He’s not here, He is risen” of God.pdfcalled Norvel Hayes who was teaching on the gift of the Holy Spirit and speaking with tongues. What a fire ball! I sat down to watch it


revealed knowledge would have upon his (and everybody else's

lives) Verse 18. “and I say also unto you, that thou art Peter

and upon this rock I will build my church and the gates of hell

will not prevail against it”

Peter wasn’t the rock. It was the revealed knowledge

he received from God about Jesus that made him a rock!

Now notice that in verse 17 Jesus now called Peter, Simon

(which literally means ‘a reed tossed about in the wind’) Peter

was a bit like that.. but based upon what he had just received

from the Father, Jesus now called him Peter (a rock) His

character was about to change from a reed tossed in the wind

to a rock.. based on revelation knowledge. Jesus now went on

to say “upon this rock (or revealed knowledge about Jesus) I

will build my church and the gates of hell will not prevail

against it”

The gates (authority) of hell will not prevail against the

revealed knowledge of the Christ of God! The first piece of

revealed knowledge about Jesus you received was the same as

Peter’s. “He is the Christ, the Son of the Living God!”

The Holy Spirit makes Jesus real to you.. Acting on this

revealed knowledge and receiving Him as Lord and saviour

saves you from your sin. Acting on knowledge revealed by men

produces religion and tradition!


The amount of revealed knowledge you have of the Lord, will

dictate how much success and victory you have in life. The

gates of hell will not prevail against you, the church of the

living God... Let me ask you this question. Could I (flesh and

blood) talk you out of the fact that Jesus is your Lord and

saviour? Definitely not! you would correctly say. Why?

Because flesh and blood did not reveal this to you and flesh and

blood can’t take it away from you either! - Whoopee!

God has many redemptive names throughout the bible. Jesus

fulfilled everyone of them (for you) in his earthly walk. Jehovah

Rapha – the Lord that heals you.. “by Whose (Jesus) stripes you

were healed.. Jehovah Shalom – the Lord my peace.. “my peace

I give to thee” and so on... i.e: when the devil tries to put

sickness on you, if you have revealed knowledge of Jehovah

Rapha, the Lord that heals thee.. and “by Jesus stripes you were

healed” 1 Peter 2:24, you will resist it and it will flee from you.

The revealed knowledge that “Jesus carried your sickness and

bore your pain’ Isaiah 53v4/5.. will bring health to your body

and the gates of hell will not prevail against you.. “be subject to

God, resist (oppose and get in the way of) the devil and he will

flee (as in terror) from you” James 4v7..

The same with the other names of God. Jehovah Jirah – the

Lord will provide. You won’t worry about money any more..

Be subject to God (i.e. cheerfully pay your tithes and

Page 52: “He’s not here, He is risen” of God.pdfcalled Norvel Hayes who was teaching on the gift of the Holy Spirit and speaking with tongues. What a fire ball! I sat down to watch it


offerings, resist poverty and it will flee from you) Please don’t

tell me poverty is a blessing! Have a look at the 28 chapter of

Deuteronomy and you will find it's a curse!

Ok, so how do I get this revealed knowledge? Glad you asked!

The bible provides a clear answer to this:

The answer lies in the third member of the Blessed Trinity,

The Holy Spirit. As our Lords earthly life was about to come

to and end, He began to introduce His disciples to Someone

else Who would come after Him. (read John 14 through 16)

It is here Jesus begins to expound on the work of the Holy

Spirit. John 14v16 “I will pray the Father and He will send

you another (of the same kind) comforter, that he may abide

with you forever, the Spirit of truth… Who shall be in you”

Verse 21 Jesus says He will make manifest (make real) to

those who follow Him.. Verse 26 .. the Holy Ghost Who the

Father will send in my name, He will teach you all things…

Chapter 16 v 13-15. Howbeit when He, the Spirit of truth is

come.. He will show you things to come.. Verse 14: He shall

receive of mine and show it you… Verse 15: He shall take of

mine and show it to you.. Verse 25: I shall no more speak to

you in proverbs but I shall show you plainly of the Father.

Whilst the word show is used many times in the bible, this

particular word show is only used these four times. It means

to reveal. or to announce in detail.. to declare..


It comes from two Greek words meaning to bring tidings in


He is the author of the revealed knowledge of God. So how

do we receive this knowledge? In Isaiah 28 verses 9-12, we find

one of the first references to the work of God. ‘To whom shall

He teach knowledge? to whom shall He make to understand

doctrine? To them that are weaned from the breast (not babies

any more).. for with stammering lips and another tongue will

He speak to this people.. to Whom He said, this is the rest, this

is the refreshing..”

Struggling with the things of God? Do you need a rest?

Do you need refreshing?

1 Cor 2 verses 6-13: I suggest reading the entire chapter.

Paul states that “we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery.. v6

How do you speak something in a mystery? 1Cor 14v2 “He

that speaks in an unknown tongue speaks not to men but to

God for howbeit in the spirit he speaks mysteries” 1Cor14v18

Paul states: “I thank my God that I speak with tongues more

than you all”

Being filled with the Spirit is the greatest blessing a Christian

can receive. Jesus commanded them! Don’t go anywhere until

Page 53: “He’s not here, He is risen” of God.pdfcalled Norvel Hayes who was teaching on the gift of the Holy Spirit and speaking with tongues. What a fire ball! I sat down to watch it


you receive the Holy Ghost. Acts 1v4-8. - In Acts 2v1-4 they

were all (not some) filled with the Holy Ghost and began to

speak with tongues…

The promise is to us.. (verses 38-39) In Acts 8v12 –17.

The very first thing the disciples at Jerusalem did was to send

Peter and John to the new converts is Samaria. Why? “so that

they may be filled with the Holy Ghost” verse 17.. Acts 10

records Peter’s visit to the Cornelius household. Peter was

preaching Christ to them.. (verses 34 –43) when suddenly,

down came the blessing.. the gentiles received “the gift of the

Holy Ghost for they heard them speak with tongues and

magnify God”

In chapter 19, we read of Paul’s visit to the brethren at

Ephesus. Note his very first words to them. “Have you received

the Holy Ghost since you believed?” (verse 2) and “Paul laid

his hands upon them and the Holy Ghost came upon them

and they began to speak with tongues..” (verse 6)

Notice the urgency of both Paul and the apostles at

Jerusalem. Their first desire for the new brethren was to get

them to receive the Holy Ghost and speak with tongues. “they

sent Peter and John to them that they might receive the Holy

Ghost” - Paul said, “have you received the Holy Ghost since

you believed?”


How do you get Him.. You simply do as they did. They

received Him and began to speak… “ask and you shall receive”

Jesus said. In Luke 11 verses 9-13. Jesus is teaching here that

you need not be fearful about receiving the wrong thing (verse

11) and concludes by saying, “How much more shall your

Heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him?

Simply ask, believe and you shall receive Him.. Amen


Now the devil, your flesh, or what you have been brought up to

believe, will probably tell you (if it already hasn’t) that these

things are not for you and given you a number of reasons why!

Jesus said “the devil is a liar, the father of lies and no truth is in

him” so don’t let doubt rob you of God’s best for your life. The

word of God says “Let God be true and every man a liar” - The

apostle Paul said “What says the scriptures?”- The Lord is ‘no

respecter of persons” - His blessings are for all “As many as

received Him, them He gave power to become…

I count myself less than the least of all the saints, yet the Lord

gave these to me, so I could give them to you. The apostle Paul

said “it is pointless for me to glory for I will go on to visions and

revelations of the Lord” Not that I’m comparing myself with

Paul but I am what I am by the grace of God.

Always read and study the Scriptures each discourse pertains to,

Page 54: “He’s not here, He is risen” of God.pdfcalled Norvel Hayes who was teaching on the gift of the Holy Spirit and speaking with tongues. What a fire ball! I sat down to watch it


for that is how faith (ONLY) comes to you.. “So then faith

comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God”

God bless you and keep you in His love and grace.

Your brother in Christ




he Visitation “and I said to the Angel who talked with me..” - Zechariah 1v19 At the start of a prayer meeting I was attending, the power of God began to fall in an unusual way. It began whilst we were worshipping the Lord at the beginning of the meeting and literally came out of the blue! I was conscious of uttering Scriptures that all came directly from the book of Revelations, which was rather unusual as I hadn‘t spent a lot of study there.. As the power of God increased, I began to have an open vision of Heaven. My first awareness was that of life! Everything in heaven literally pulsated with life. The very air was filled with it. After this I was aware of angelic beings flying around in the sky above the throne of Almighty God. From where I was, He looked like a shimmering mass of pure life or energy! From His being radiated this very life that Heaven was filled with and owed its existence to.. My focus was drawn to a large angelic being some 10-12 feet in height who approached me and began to speak with me concerning things that were shortly to come upon the earth. I have never preached doom or gloom in my life but what I heard and saw shocked me!

Page 55: “He’s not here, He is risen” of God.pdfcalled Norvel Hayes who was teaching on the gift of the Holy Spirit and speaking with tongues. What a fire ball! I sat down to watch it


The angel began.. “1999 has seen the worst floods and earthquakes, the biggest storms and natural calamities come upon the earth. The earth is groaning under the weight of sin upon her” He explained the Scripture in Romans 8 verse 21 The whole creation groans and travails in pain... He said the earth was created in righteousness and holiness by God but the weight of sin was causing it to literally break apart under the strain of it! He went on to say “This is nothing compared to what is coming. The world has hope that the new millennium will bring peace to the earth” (I understood this to mean a new beginning, so to speak) “It shall not be so” he said “for the Word of God says “There is no peace says the Lord to the wicked!” They (the world) will have to find new categories for the scale of calamities that are about to unleash themselves on mankind” I understood this as reference to the 1 to 5 scale that they categorise cyclones with and the 1 –10 Richter scale. “He said the woes will become so great that human resources will not be able to cope with them!” It was then I saw the earthquake that shook me. I saw a huge city, demolished, flattened by the force of this quake. I immediately knew the country but not what city it was and I knew instinctively that it contained millions of people. I saw mankind stand aghast at it. It was so devastating that no-one knew where to start first. I nearly wept as surveyed the scene. There was devastation for miles and miles, As far as the eye could see, just mountains of rubble! I was going to ask a question and he answered before I spoke it! I was about to ask “Is this the tribulation of the Book of Revelations?” I seemed to know immediately that it was not!


I then saw the body of Christ scurrying amongst the rubble like ants before a storm over the wreckage of this disaster. Have you noticed how ants get real busy just before a storm comes, grabbing food and supplies to take back to their nests? I saw the body of Christ doing the same thing, only they were grabbing people! Literally pulling them out of the fire! They were not able to get many people out physically, many were hurt and dying, rather their purpose was to get people into eternal life. I saw them telling people in the rubble about Jesus and His saving grace. The decimation was so great, there was little they could do for them in the natural but there was something that they could do to stop them going into an eternity without Christ! After this scene passed, I became aware of the end time harvest. It was much like a natural harvest where the farmer plants the seed, waters it, keeps out the weeds and then waits for the fruit of it. Nothing much seems to happen for a while, then suddenly the latter rain comes, the crop turns (ripens) and the farmer works night and day getting the crop in before any bad weather spoils it! Jesus talked a lot about wheat! All that is left after the crop is taken in is the stubble! Jesus talked about the stubble too! Even as I write this, the Spirit of Prophecy comes upon me “Prepare yourselves” says the Lord “for the fields are truly white and ready to harvest. Pray to the Lord of the harvest to send labourers into His harvest for the time is short” I saw the coming move of God as a mighty tidal wave that would rise suddenly out of the ocean and sweep across the land. A skilled surfer watches the waves waiting for the right one.

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Just before it gets to him, he paddles with all his strength as it catches up with him. He then rises up and enjoys the power of the wave to carry him. “So shall it be in the last moments as this age of grace draws to a close” says the Lord. “Prepare yourselves, make yourselves ready so that you can be a vessel unto honour, chosen of God to do His will. Multitudes, multitudes in the valley of decision” says the Lord. “Who will go for Me? For My will is that all mankind be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth. I, Jesus, have commanded it! “Go ye into all the world and proclaim the gospel. I am the Lord Who changes not” I saw the body of Christ labouring night and day to get the precious fruit of the earth into the kingdom before the end came! It was in the midst of these calamities that they were labouring. “Where sin abounds, how much more does grace abound” Terrible things were happening throughout the world, yet God’s grace was abounding, enabling us to do as we never done before. I saw the time come when we would need little or no sleep because there was so much to do and so many people to reach before the door was shut. The Scripture came to mind in Romans 8 verse 28 “.. the same Spirit Who raised Christ from the dead shall quicken, give life to your mortal body” (That’s the one we are in now) Small pockets of revival are already breaking out upon the earth. I am reminded of the last recorded words from the Lord “Lo. I come quickly and My reward is with Me to give to every man according to his works” Revelations 22. Let’s get working!


*Within 2 months of the vision, Australia experienced its most powerful cyclone in history, France had its worst storms in living memory and Venezuela had its biggest floods ever! Recently we have just experienced a massive earthquake (over 9 on the scale) that caused the devastating Asian Tsunami and the ‘once in a lifetime storm’ that hit New Orleans. In March 2006 – Australia saw the formation of the largest recorded cyclone on record. With winds of over 350k (220 miles) per hour.

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he Prayer for Finances

One evening whilst I was praying for those in desperate need of finances, the Lord stopped me.. Yes.. Stopped me! He said. “You can’t pray that way about finances BUT you can pray this!”

“Lord, I thankyou that the wealth of the sinner is laid up for the Just. I pray Lord that You would cause a transfer of that wealth to come into the hands of your Just ones, over whom money and riches have no hold. That You would grant them Godly wisdom to use that money to meet the needs of people, to finance the Gospel of Jesus Christ and to bring glory to God from Whom it came. In Jesus name. Amen” It is based on Proverbs 13v22. “A good man leaves an inheritance to his children’s children and the wealth of the sinner is laid up for the Just” - Jesus is the ‘Good man’ Who has left us an inheritance, that for the most part, has been stolen by the enemy. This prayer will produce results, for it is born of the Spirit and is in line with the Word of God. - Pray it daily! You can print out a free copy from our website. www.johnreynoldsministries.org