Chapter 8: Antioxidant Activity 178 Ph. D. Thesis: Miss Sandhya V. Rodge, 2015 ANTIOXIDANT ACTIVITY The antioxidant activity of selected medicinal plants was performed at Chemistry Research Laboratory, Deogiri College, Aurangabad. 8.1 Preparation of sample solution About 0.10 g of dry plant powder was accurately weighed in a stopper tube. In stopper tube, 10.0 ml of aqueous methanol (40%) was added and incubated in a incubator for about 24 hrs. The contents of the tube were filtered through Whatman filter paper No. 41 (Merck, India). The filtrate was used for further analysis. 8.2 DPPH radical scavenging assay DPPH (2, 2-dipheny l-2- picrylhydrazyl) radical scavenging assay was carried out as per reported method with some modifications Blois (1958) and Roberta, et al., (2006). About 1 ml of test solution was added to equal quantity of 0.1 mM solution of DPPH in ethanol. After 20 min of incubation at room temperature, the DPPH reduction was measured by reading the absorbance at 517 nm. Ascorbic acid (1mM) was used as reference compound and it has 51.33 ± 1.02 % of DPPH antioxidant assay. Sr. No Plant name DPPH antioxidant assay (%) 1 Cucumis setosus fruit 59.66 ± 1.52 2 Lagenaria siceraria fruit 23.60 ± 1.41 3 Trichosanthes tricuspidata fruit 65.00 ± 1.00 4 Coccinia grandis fruit 72 .14 ± 0.52 5 Diplocyclos palmatus fruit 60.33 ± 0.25 6 Cucumis setosus leaf 29.26 ± 0.64 7 Trichosanthes tricuspidata leaf 54.00 ± 1.47 8 Coccinia grandis leaf 18.40 ± 0.78 9 Diplocyclos palmatus leaf 22.33 ± 0.49 10 Lagenaria siceraria leaf 14.85 ± 0.73 Standard Ascorbic Acid 51.33 ± 1.02 Table No 128: Antioxidant activity of selected medicinal plants


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Chapter 8: Antioxidant Activity

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The antioxidant activity of selected medicinal plants was performed at Chemistry

Research Laboratory, Deogiri College, Aurangabad.

8.1 Preparation of sample solution

About 0.10 g of dry plant powder was accurately weighed in a stopper tube. In

stopper tube, 10.0 ml of aqueous methanol (40%) was added and incubated in a incubator

for about 24 hrs. The contents of the tube were filtered through Whatman filter paper No.

41 (Merck, India). The filtrate was used for further analysis.

8.2 DPPH radical scavenging assay

DPPH (2, 2-dipheny l-2- picrylhydrazyl) radical scavenging assay was carried out as

per reported method with some modifications Blois (1958) and Roberta, et al., (2006).

About 1 ml of test solution was added to equal quantity of 0.1 mM solution of DPPH in

ethanol. After 20 min of incubation at room temperature, the DPPH reduction was

measured by reading the absorbance at 517 nm. Ascorbic acid (1mM) was used as

reference compound and it has 51.33 ± 1.02 % of DPPH antioxidant assay.

Sr. No Plant name DPPH antioxidant assay (%)

1 Cucumis setosus fruit 59.66 ± 1.52

2 Lagenaria siceraria fruit 23.60 ± 1.41

3 Trichosanthes tricuspidata fruit 65.00 ± 1.00

4 Coccinia grandis fruit 72 .14 ± 0.52

5 Diplocyclos palmatus fruit 60.33 ± 0.25

6 Cucumis setosus leaf 29.26 ± 0.64

7 Trichosanthes tricuspidata leaf 54.00 ± 1.47

8 Coccinia grandis leaf 18.40 ± 0.78

9 Diplocyclos palmatus leaf 22.33 ± 0.49

10 Lagenaria siceraria leaf 14.85 ± 0.73

Standard Ascorbic Acid 51.33 ± 1.02

Table No 128: Antioxidant activity of selected medicinal plants

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8.3.1 Antioxidant activity of Cucumis setosus fruit

The antioxidant activity of methanol fruit extract of C. setosus was examined by

comparing it to the activity of standard antioxidant such as Ascorbic acid. The DPPH

antioxidant assay percentage is 59.66 ± 1.52.

8.3.2 Antioxidant activity of Lagenaria siceraria fruit

The antioxidant activity of methanol fruit extract of Lagenaria siceraria was

examined by comparing it to the activity of standard antioxidant such as Ascorbic acid.

The DPPH antioxidant assay percentage is 23.60 ± 1.41

8.3.3 Antioxidant activity of Trichosanthes tricuspidata fruit

The antioxidant activity of methanol fruit extract of Trichosanthes tricuspidata

was examined by comparing it to the activity of standard antioxidant such as Ascorbic

acid. The DPPH antioxidant assay percentage is 65.00 ± 1.00

8.3.4 Antioxidant activity of Coccinia grandis fruit

The antioxidant activity of methanol fruit extract of Coccinia grandis was examined

by comparing it to the activity of standard antioxidant such as Ascorbic acid. The DPPH

antioxidant assay percentage is 72 .14 ± 0.52

8.3.5 Antioxidant activity of Diplocyclos palmatus fruit

The antioxidant activity of methanol fruit extract of Diplocyclos palmatus was examined

by comparing it to the activity of standard antioxidant such as Ascorbic acid.

The DPPH antioxidant assay percentage is 60.33 ± 0.25

8.3.6 Antioxidant activity of Cucumis setosus leaf

The antioxidant activity of methanol leaf extract of Cucumis setosus was examined by

comparing it to the activity of standard antioxidant such as Ascorbic acid. The DPPH

antioxidant assay percentage is 29.26 ± 0.64.

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Chapter 8: Antioxidant Activity

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8.3.7 Antioxidant activity of Trichosanthes tricuspidata leaf

The antioxidant activity of methanol leaf extract of Trichosanthes tricuspidata was

examined by comparing it to the activity of standard antioxidant such as Ascorbic acid.

The DPPH antioxidant assay percentage is 54.00 ± 1.47

8.3.8 Antioxidant activity of Coccinia grandis leaf

The antioxidant activity of methanol leaf extract of Coccinia grandis was

examined by comparing it to the activity of standard antioxidant such as Ascorbic acid.

The DPPH antioxidant assay percentage is 18.40 ± 0.78

8.3.9 Antioxidant activity of Diplocyclos palmatus leaf

The antioxidant activity of methanol leaf extract of Diplocyclos palmatus was

examined by comparing it to the activity of standard antioxidant such as Ascorbic acid.

The DPPH antioxidant assay percentage is 22.33 ± 0.49

8.3.10 Antioxidant activity of Lagenaria siceraria leaf

The antioxidant activity of methanol leaf extract of Lagenaria siceraria was

examined by comparing it to the activity of standard antioxidant such as Ascorbic acid.

The DPPH antioxidant assay percentage is 14.85 ± 0.73

The DPPH free radical scavenging activity of standard reference ascorbic acid was

51.33 ± 1.02. In present study the DPPH free radical scavenging activity of fruit was

more than that of reference standard ascorbic acid.

Antioxidant analysis of present study reveals that the maximum DPPH antioxidant

assay percentage was observed in Coccinia grandis fruit 72.14 ± 0.52, Trichosanthes

tricuspidata fruit 65.00 ± 1.00, Diplocyclos palmatus fruit 60.33 ± 0.25 and Cucumis

setosus fruit 59.66 ± 1.52 which was more than that of standard ascorbic acid.

The Trichosanthes tricuspidata leaf has DPPH free radical scavenging activity 54.00

± 1.47 which also more than that of standard ascorbic acid. The results were dedicated in

Table No 128 and Graph Nos 11& 12).

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Cucumis setosus

Trichosanthes tricuspidata

Coccinia grandis

Diplocyclos palmatu

Lagenaria siceraria

Plant Part of leaf

Graph No: 11 Antioxidant activity of leaf of selected plants

Plant Part Ascorbic Acid

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Cucumis setosus

Lagenaria siceraria

Trichosanthes tricuspidata

Coccinia grandis

Diplocyclos palmatus

Plant Part of fruit

Graph No :12 Antioxidant activity of fruit of selected plants

Plant Part Ascorbic Acid