

Transcript of antiepilepsi.ppt

  • DefinisiEpilepsi (seizure)Partial seizureSimpleComplexGeneralized seizureTonic-clonic Absence Myoclonic seizureStatus epilepticus

  • epilepsi

    sindroma kronis kejang rekurenk/ discharge abnormal pd neuron serebral

  • farmakokinetikPenggunaan : jangka panjangMonitor kadar plasma (phenytoin) Abs & bioav baikMetab o/ enzim hepatik Primadone & trimethadione metabolit aktifResistensi : k/ pe ekspresi transporter obat pd BBB

  • farmakokinetikinteraksi sering

    kadar plasma anti-epilepsi :obat yg hambat metab menggeser dr ikatan protein plasma toksik

    kadar plasma anti-epilepsi : obat yg induksi enzim hepatic (rifampin)

  • Mekanisme kerjamenekan potensial aksi repetitif pd fokus epileptik di otak .Blokade kanal sodium .GABA-related target .Blokade kanal kalsium .Mekanisme lain

  • Penggunaan KlinisPemilihan obat berdasarkan :efikasi suatu obat pd kejang spesifikrespons pasienantisipasi toksisitas obat

  • toksisitasTeratogenik Toksisitas overdosisToksisitas life-threateningWithdrawal

  • phenytoinbioav oral bervariasi terikat protein plasma (97-98%) kadar phenytoin bebas k/ obat yg berkompetisiSulfonamideValproic acid

  • phenytoinMetab : . k/ induser metabolisme liver phenobarbital, rifampin . k/ cimetidine, isoniazid Fosphenytoin : prodrug phenytoin larut airparenteral

  • phenytoin

    Mek kerja : blokade kanal sodiumPenggunaan klinis :Generalized tonic-clonic & partial seizureStatus epilepticusGangguan afektif bipolarMigrainToksisitasSindroma hydantoin fetal

  • Phenytoin untuk status epilepticusu/ tx jangka panjangivefek sedasi < benzodiazepin a/ barbituratkardiotoksikfosphenytoin lebih aman

  • Thank you

  • A 26-year-old woman develops a seizure disorder characterized by recurrent contractions of the muscles in the right hand, which then spread to the right arm and to the right side of the face ("jacksonian march"). Consciousness is not impaired, and the attacks usually last for only 1 or 2 min. Which of the following drugs is LEAST likely to be useful in the treatment of this patient?


  • Which of the following statements concerning proposed mechanisms of action of anticonvulsant drugs is false?

    Diazepam facilitates GABA-mediated inhibitory actionsEthosuximide selectively blocks K+ ion channels in thalamic neuronsPhenobarbital has multiple actions, including enhancement of the effects of GABA, antagonism of glutamate receptors, and blockade of Na+ ion channelsPhenytoin prolongs the inactivated state of the Na+ ion channelVigabatrin elevates brain GABA levels