Anti means against

Lesson 21 (The root word anti) Written by Puneet Biseria Category: category4 Published: 29 November 2014 Hits: 55 Today we will talk about the word which means opposite. The Greek word for opposite the center is anti. The Hindi equivalent of which is नननननन / नननननन / ननननन | If you see any word which has anti in the beginning, understand that it has something related to against or opposite of something. Now go through the list of the words. For your convenience I have divided the list into various categories.


contains the etymology of the word anti

Transcript of Anti means against

Lesson 21 (The root word anti)Written by Puneet BiseriaCategory:category4Published: 29 November 2014Hits: 55Today we will talk about the word which meansopposite.The Greek word foroppositethe center isanti.The Hindi equivalent of which is / / |If you see any word which hasantiin the beginning, understand that it has something related toagainst or opposite of something.Now go through the list of the words. For your convenience I have divided the list into various categories.BiologyAntagonismActive hostility or opposition.From the Greek word agon which means struggle.Literally means struggle against.hostility, friction, enmity,antipathy, opposition, rivalry, feud, conflict, discord, contention; acrimony, bitterness, resentment, aversion, dislike, bad blood, hatred, hate, detestation, abhorrence, malice, spite, spitefulness, venom, malevolence, malignity, grudge, grievancesAnticoagulant

A medicine that prevents the clotting of blood.From the Latin word coagulant which means curdling.Viagra has an anticoagulant effect. It dilutes the blood, and because of which flood flows to the sex organs and they swell and gives an orgasmic experience.Another thing which has a far more anticoagulant effect with a continual use of 6 months and hence is onion.


The substances which prevent the transmission of diseases by bodily contact.


Thing used as an antitoxic.-

AntiantitoxinA substance that neutralizes the effects of an antitoxinAnti-abortion / Pro-Life

Opposition to abortions.An Antiabortionist is person who is against abortions.


An opposition to the right of women to terminate her pregnancy.Anti-Life

An advocacy of the right of the woman to have abortion.Antiandrogen

A substance that opposes the effects of androgen (the male sex hormone).We have studied this word in session 4.This hormone reduces the sex drive of males.Now, which mean in this world would want to do that?The males who have undergone a sex change operation are given such medicines.


A substance that opposes the effects of gynecogens (the female sex hormone).We have studied this word in session 5.The woman who has undergone a sex change operation is administered such medicines. Antibody

Literally means an opposing body.Antibodies are is basically certain cells which are produced in the body which kills the harmful foreign microorganisms.Antigen

So, human body has the capacity to develop a resistance for the diseases after being affected by it.Children are vaccinated so that they can develop a resistance for the diseases.In vaccination, the viruses of a particular disease are injected in the body, in a very small quantity, and this creates an immunity against that disease.Antigen therefore means against genesis.From the Greek suffix -gen which means denoting a substance that produces something.Antidote

A medicine to work against a particular poison.From the Greek word didonal which means give.Literally means given against.What is Antiantidote?An antidote which is given against an antidote.


Opposition to the use of living animals for experimentation.Vivisection means to perform experiments on live animals for scientific research.It also means ruthlessly sharp and detailed criticism or analysis.From the Latin word vivus which means living.From the Latin word section which means to cut.Antacid

from blog.kiranthidesigners.comA medicine to prevent acidity.There are some medicines which are also used.


A chemical compound or substance that inhibits removes oxidizing agents in living organisms.You must know about antioxidants. You must consume antioxidants on a daily basis. It reduces the ageing process and increases vitality.Everyday you must consume things which are rich in Vitamin E and Vitamin C.The richest source of vitamin C is Amla and Lemons.If you consume 100 gms of lemon juice you will get 46 mg of Vitamin C.If you consume 100 gms of gooseberry (amla) you will get 600 mg of Vitamin E.If you consume 100 gms of Almonds you will get 26.2 mg of Vitamin E.If you consume 100 gms of sunflower seeds (roasted) you will get 36.3 mg of Vitamin E.And if you want an overall health, everyday consume 15 grams of Triphala, and do Praanayaam for 30 minutes every day, and within 2 years of sustained use, you will be your healthiest.There are several antioxidants tablets and syrups which are sold in India, but all of them have one or the other side-effects. The best antioxdant which I have experienced and experimented with, with no side-effects is Triphala Choorna.


A substance or drug which prevents diabetes mellitus.There are several antidiabetic drugs available in India. Several people also experiment with things like "Karele ka juice" or "Neem Ki patti" or "Aloevera ka juice", but so far, I have not seen any benefit experienced by those people. However, it is beyond doubt that one should do Pranayaam to oxygenate the body and take the prescirbed medication.And by all means, invest time in yog.


image taken from substance or drug which prevents anxiety.


from www.dailydesigninspiration.comA substance or drug which prevents abnormal heart rhythms.


A substance or drug which prevents malaria.


A substance or drug which prevents cancer.Do yoga. By yoga, I mean, put yourself in an oxygen rich environment, and breathe deeply.Secondly, drink water what is equal to 7% of your total body weight.Thirdly, consume Vitamic C rich fruits, like Amla.Fourthly, consume antioxidant rich fruits.Fifthly, consume 15% Triphala Churna. And you can reduce your chances of being a Cancer victim.However, if "He" has decided to kill you with Cancer, you will die of Cancer.

Anticarcinogen =Anticancer

A substance or drug which prevents the effects of a carcinogen.


A substance or drug which prevents fever.

Antipyretic =AntifebrileA substance or drug which prevents fever.From the Greek word pyre which means fire.

AntidysentericA substance or drug which prevents dysentery.


A substance used to prevent or treat diarrhea.So far, the best Antidiarrheal I have used is isabgol husk. Though it works slow, but the result is guaranteed.


A substance or drug which prevents excessive urination.


A substance or drug which prevents vomiting.


A substance or drug which prevents infection.


A substance or drug which prevents inflammation.Chocolate is the best anti-inflammatory.


A substance or drug which prevents depression.Sex is the best antidepressant, so far.


A substance or drug which prevents convulsions.If someone has seizures (convulsions) then people usually put a bad smelling shoe on the nose of the person experiencing seizures.It is not a remedy.


taken from substance or drug which prevents pregnancy.Contraceptive.


A medicine to reduce or prevent itching.


A medicine to get rid of intestinal gas.


A substance or drug which prevents high blood pressure.However, Anulom-Vilom is the best remedy.


A substance or drug which prevents sleep.


taken from substance or drug which prevents hypochondria.


Hysteria is an exaggerated and uncontrollable emotion or excitement.A substance or drug which prevents hysteria.


A substance or drug which prevents Asthma.There are several antiasthamatic drugs which are available in the market.Most commonly used are Bronchodilators. Of all the antiasthamatic drugs Theophylline, Salbutamol and a combination of both.Other antiasthamatic drugs are albuterol, Tolimidone, Epinephrine, Fenspiride, Pirbuterol, Epinephrine, Ephedrine, Terbutaline.At times even steroids are also used to cure asthma.However, with my history of being an asthamatic for several years, I can say that doing yoga is the best.I have been doing Anulom-Vilom 60 times and Kapaal Bhaati 1200 times everyday from the past 10 years and from the past 10 years I have not used even a single antiasthamatic or steroids from the past 9 years.Earlier I used to spend some 1000 rupees per month just to breath.Everyday I consume 15 grams of Triphala and that is all what I consume as medicinal intake. There are several other benefits of Triphala also, and I will talk about it later.Do just these 2 Pranaayaam exercises, and consume Triphala Choorna religiously and within 6 months you will start getting the benefits.


A substance or drug which prevents narcotic depression.So far, the best Antinarcotic which I have used is the Lemon water.I have used it to kill hangovers. I occassionally drink and that is like once a month something.Apart from the antinarcotic effects Lemon has other benefits also. LEARN this, this is reallyvery important.Lemon is a natural energizer. It gives energyLemon Hydrates the body and therefore less fatigue.Lemon helps in oxygenating the body therefore better endurance.Lemon boosts the immune system and therefore you keep healthyLemon balances the pH of blood, and thus reduces the chances of cancerLemon flushes out the harmful elements accumulated during breathing therefore better immunityLemon reduces the ageing process and therefore you live longer and there are no wrinklesLemon removes the respiratory problems by making the respiratory system clean and elasticLemon purifies the blood and therefore you get an overall better quality of life.Lemon improves digestion and therefore you get the maximum nutrients utilized in the body.Lemon improves the quality of your hair and prevents hair lossLemon is good for your gums and therefore you have strong teethLemon is extremely good for your liver, it detoxifies the liver.Lemon relieves constipation.Lemon is a very good antisepticLemon contains 22 anticarcinogenics and thus prevents cancer.Lemon prevent renal calculi..


From the Latin word inficere which means dip in.A medicine or a substance that reduces or prevents the infection

Antiseptic =Anti-Infective

A substance or drug which prevents infection inducing microorganisms.From the Greek word septikos which means to make rotten.


A substance or drug which prevents the symptoms of psychotic disorders.

Antiputrefactive=Antiseptic =Anti-Infective

A substance or drug which prevents putrefaction.


A substance or drug which prevents the rejection of a transplanted tissue or organ.I am still wondering what Antirejection drugs were Angara administered.


A substance or drug which prevents secretions of endocrine and exocrine glands. : :

Anti-Impotence Drug

A substance or drug which prevents erectile dysfunction.There are several other herbs which are used to enhance potency.Such as:-Safed musli (small fennel/nigella seed) which is an aphrodisiac as well as a rejuvenator.Shilajeet (asphaltum) which acts as all round LIBIDO enhancer.Ashwagandha (withania somnifera) which increases sexual power as well as the sperm count.Kaunch beej (cowhage) which prevents early ejaculationSatawari (asparagus recemosus)Vidhara (argyreia nervosa)Kapikachu which improves semen volume and best aphrodisiac.However, the ayurvedic LIBIDO enhancers not only used for improving sexual energy but also brings vigor & vitality.Secondly, if you consume 100 grams of onions everyday and 25 grams of Amla powder everyday, you can be sure to have a great sexual life.Thirdly, it is must for everyone (men as well as women) to either drink 500 ml of cow's milk, or toned milk, to enjoy all the so called INDECENCIES in thier life.


A substance or drug which prevents the activity of bacteria.


A substance or drug which prevents the activity of fungi.


A substance or drug which prevents the activity of far, there is no antiviral medicine. However, nanotechnology is trying hard to create antiviral microbots which will identify the harmful virus and kill them in the blood stream.


A substance or drug which detects and destroys computer viruses.


A substance or drug which prevents the activity of microorganism.


A condition of enmity between two organisms.A condition in which the survival of one species of organism is dependent on the killing of other species of organism.It is the opposite of SYMBIOSISThe exact opposite is PROBIOSIS.From the Greek word biosis which means mode of life.


A substance that retards or arrests a chemical reaction.A substance that reduces or destroys the effectiveness of a catalyst.


Against life.A substance or drug which prevents the growth of microorganisms.From the Greek word biotikos which means fit for life . Antilithic

A substance or drug which prevents the formation of renal calculi (kidney stones).


From the Greek word mnemon which means mindful.A substance or a drug which hampers the learning capacity. Beauty ProductsAnti-Ageing

A medicine or a substance that reduces or prevents the effects of ageing.Just look at the price of the anti-aging products.However, you will not look young unless your body is properly oxygenated, and your body has suffecient stores of Vitamin C and Vitamin E.For that you need to consume 15 grams of Amla which is 30 rupees per KG.And vitamin E which you require 15 milligrams per day irrespective of your gender.All you need to do is to sprout the grains and eat them.Sprouts are one of the most complete and most nutritional of all the foods.Sprouts contain real Life Vitamins, Minerals, Proteins, and Enzymes.Sprouts are the most important part of a healthy diet.Sprouts are good source of micronutrients like vitamin A, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, and ascorbic acid.Sprouts have a higher biological efficiency.Sprouts also contain chlorophyll, which is effective in overcoming protein deficiency anemia.Sprouts contain rich enzyma concentration which enhances the enzyme activity leading to regeneration of the body cells.Sprouts prevent depletion of youth by providing highly bioavailable vitamin E.In sprouted wheat vitamin E is present in very high quantities.The greatest advantage in consuming sprouts is that you get a consistently high vitamin content without losses.Sprouts boosts your immune system.Sprouts are living foods. Even if you store sprouts they continue to grow and their vitamin content actually increases. but never go beyond 7 days.However, you should NEVER refrigerate it.Just mix all the cereals and grains you have and ask your mother to sprout it.And it will not cost more than 4 rupees per day. Anti-Wrinkle

A substance or drug which prevents the wrinkles formed due to aging.Just consider the eating amla and sprouted grains.Anti-Dandruff

A substance or drug which prevents dandruff.However, the best anti-dandruff is to wash your hair with pyaaz ka ras.Another treatment is to mix 15 ml Neeboo ka ras with a bit of coconut oil and massage it on your scalp. Antibromic

Deodorant.From the Greek word bromos which means stink.Stink means to have a strong unpleasant smell.I have always hated these men's deodorant ads. They simply dipicts that women start craving for sex with the men who is wearing a particulardeodarant. Just imagine the effect if it were any true...!!!!You could have never used it in your home.Fortunately, all these advertisements are FAKE...!!!However, if body odour is really your problem, apply dust baking soda to your underarms and it will cure body odour.Or You can use PHITKARI also.Or apply cider vinegar. It is best to cure body odor .. Antihidrotic

A substance or drug which prevents sweating.Antiperspirant.From the Greek word hidros which means sweat.If you sweat excessively mix some dry sandalwood powder in gulab jal in a 1:1 ratio and apply over the bodyparts where sweating is excessive. AntiperiodicA drug or substance that prevents the periodic symptoms of a disease.WarfareAntitank

Heavy weaponry which is used to destroy enemy tanks.Antimissile

Heavy weaponry which is used to destroy another missile in flight.Antiaircraft

Heavy weaponry which is used to destroy enemy aircrafts.Antitheft

A mechanism which is used to prevent theftAnti-PersonnelA type of weaponry which kills people but does not damage buildings.Anti-Submarine

Heavy weaponry which is used to destroy enemy submarines.ReligionAntichristA person who does not believe in Christ.Anti-CatholicA person who does not believe the Roman Catholic ChurchAntitheistA person who does not believe in the existence of God.MoviesAnticlimax

A disappointing end to an exciting series of events. Antipathy

A strong feeling of aversion or repugnance or enmity.An object of aversion.From the Greek word pathos which means feeling.-Anti-Self

An adopted persona which is the opposite of ones real self.Antihero

A hero who does not have traditional heroic qualities.AntiheroineA female actor who does not have traditional qualities of a female protagonist.Antonymous

A word which has the opposite meaning.From the Greek word onuma which means a name.Antidemoniac

Opposed to demons.Anything effective against evil spirits. Geographical termsAntarctic

From the Greek word arktikos which means north.Antarctic literally means opposite North.Pertaining to South.Antipodes

The direct opposite of something.From the Greek word pod which means foot.It actually mean the inhabitants of opposite side of the earth.The bottle in the advertisment literally is marketing the Paatal ka Paani.AntipoleAnything diametrically opposed.Industrial termsAntichronicDeviating from the proper order of time.From the Greek word chronos which means time.--- - Anticorrosiveanti-rustAnti DustA substance that prevents dust.AntimagneticA substance that prevents the effect of a magnetic field.Antifreeze

A substance that prevents a liquid from freezing.Such sort of material is used in the radiator of a motor vehicle.Example of such substances are ethylene glycol.Antiglare

A substance that reduces glare.AnticlockwiseThe OPPOSITE of clockwise.Anti-Friction

A substance that reduces friction.Anti-Lock

A substance that can disable locks.Anti-Skid

A design of vehicles which prevents the skidding of vehicles. AntiknockA substance added to fuel to reduce knocking.Example tetraethyl leadPolitical TermsAntitype

An opposite or contrasting type.From the Greek word tupos which means type.Antiorgastic

From the Greek word organ which means swell or be excited. Something which is reduces the sexual desireAntinomy

Two beliefs or conclusions which are both reasonable but are opposite to each other.From the Greek word nomos which means law.Antithesis

The direct opposite of something.From the Greek word tithenal which means to place. Literally means place against.Anticompetitive

Something which prevents economic competition.Anticonstitutional

Something which is against a particular constitution.Antipollution

A mechanism or concept which reduces / prevents / eliminates pollution.Anticensorship

Not in favor of censorship.Anticivic

Not in favor of discharging ones duties as a citizen.From the Latin word civis which means citizen. Anti-Intellectual

One who is against the intellectual reasoning.Anti Corruption

Against corruption Anti-Smoking

Against smokingAntiterrorism

Against terrorism Anti-War

Against war.Antirepublican

A person who is against to the principles of republicanism.Antimonarchic

A person who is against to the principles or practice of monarchial government.-Anti-Apartheid

Against apartheidFrom the Dutch word apart which means seperate. Anti-British

Against everything British.(Hindi laao english bhagaao)Anti-Communist

Against CommunismAnti-Globalization

Against globalizationAntiauthoritarian

Against authoritarian government.Anticapitalist

Against capitalismAntidemocratic

Against democracy--Antinational

Against a nation.AntiloquistA contradicter.Antifeminist

Against feminismAnti-imperialismAgainst imperialism.Anti-RacismAgainst racism.Anti-Religious

Against religionAnti-Riot

Something which prevents riots.Anti-Social

Against society.AntilogyAn against statement / ideaAntiloquist

One who speaks against / Someone who contradicts.These are the words which you have studied.The Greek word agon means struggle.The Latin word coagulant means curdling.The Greek suffix -gen means denoting a substance that produces something.The Greek word didonal means give.The Latin word vivus means living.The Latin word inficere means dip in.The Greek word septikos means to make rotten.The Greek word biotikos means fit for life .The Greek word mnemon means mindful.The Greek word bromos means stink.The Greek word hidros means sweat.The Greek word pathos means feeling.The Greek word onuma means a name.The Greek word arktikos means north.The Greek word pod means foot.The Greek word chronos means time.The Greek word tupos means type.The Greek word organ means swell or be excited.The Greek word nomos means law.The Greek word tithenal means to place.The Latin word civis means citizen.The Dutch word apart means seperate.Now to consummate your learning write the meaning of the words you have studied.AntagonismAnticoagulantAntitoxinAnti-abortionPro-LifeAnti-ChoiceAnti-LifeAntiandrogenAntiestrogenAntibodyAntigenAntidoteAntivivisectionAnticontagiousAntacidAntioxidantAntidiabeticAntianxietyAntiarrhythmicsAntimalarialAnticancerAnticarcinogenAntifebrileAntipyreticAntidysentericAntidiarrhealAntidiureticAntiemeticAnti-InfectiveAnti-InflammatoryAntidepressantAnticonvulsiveAnti-FertilityAntipruriticAntiflatulentAntihypertensiveAntihypnoticAntihypochondriacAntihystericAntiasthmaticAntinarcoticAnti-InfectiveAntisepticAntipsychoticAntiputrefactive = AntisepticAntirejectionAntisecretoryAnti-ImpotenceDrugAntibacterialAntifungalAntiviralAntivirusAntimicrobialAntibiosisAnticatalystAntibioticAntilithicAntimnemonicAnti-AgeingAnti-DandruffAnti-WrinkleAntibromicAntihidroticAntiperiodicAntitankAntimissileAntiaircraftAntitheftAnti-PersonnelAnti-SubmarineAntichristAnti-CatholicAntitheistAnticlimaxAnti-SelfAntiheroAntiheroineAntonymousAntidemoniacAntarcticAntipodesAntipoleAntichronicAnticorrosiveanti-rustAnti DustAntimagneticAntifreezeAntiglareAnticlockwiseAnti-FrictionAnti-LockAnti-Skid AntiknockAntitypeAntiorgasticAntinomyAntithesisAnticompetitiveAnticonstitutional AntipollutionAnticensorshipAnticivicAnti-IntellectualAnti CorruptionAnti-SmokingAntiterrorismAnti-WarAntirepublicanAntimonarchicAnti-ApartheidAnti-BritishAnti-Communist Anti-GlobalizationAntiauthoritarianAnticapitalist AntidemocraticAntinationalAntiloquistAntifeministAnti-imperialismAnti-RacismAnti-ReligiousAnti-RiotAnti-SocialAntilogyAntiloquistEnd of Session