Anthony Kennedy

Anthony McLeod Kennedy Associate Justice of the Supreme Court February 9, 2013 Presentation By : Kara Kregel George Leonard Dedra Moore Nick Riviera


Kennedy Rox

Transcript of Anthony Kennedy

Anthony McLeod Kennedy

Associate Justice of the Supreme Court

February 9, 2013Presentation By:

Kara KregelGeorge Leonard

Dedra MooreNick Riviera

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Kennedy in College~ In 1954 he enrolled at Stanford University

~ He excelled in Constitutional law and completed the graduation requirements in only 3 years

~ Immediately after he went to The London School of Economics for one year and graduated in 1958 from Stanford with a Bachelors Degree in Political Science

~ He then was accepted into Harvard Law School and graduated Cum Laude in 1961

~ Right after he served for one year in the California Army National Guard

Nick Riviera

Personal Life~ In 1962 Kennedy passed the bar exam

~ He decided he wanted to practice law

~ In his early career, he shared the views of most Republicans

~ He stayed in California and practiced law in both Sacramento and San Francisco

~ After the death of his father in 1963 he took over his dads law practice and soon after wed Mary Davis

~ They have 3 children together

Nick Riviera

Beginning of Career~ He met then, Governor Ronald Reagan through a mutual friend Ed Meese

~ Together, Reagan and Kennedy started the initiative of Proposition 1

~ Proposition 1’s purpose was to cut state spending

~ It would later fail

~ Reagan played a very important role in getting Kennedy a spot on the Ninth Circuit US Court of Appeals making him the youngest judge in the nation at that time Nick Riviera

Important Judicial Decisions

Equal Rights Movement

~Justice Kennedy has voted on both sides of this issue despite his Republican roots~Romer v. Evans and Lawrence v. Texas the Supreme court with Kennedy's support struck down local laws which discriminated against homosexuals~Kennedy also voted to uphold the B.S.A.'s right to ban homosexual scoutmasters in Boy Scouts of America v. Dale

Kara Kregel

Capital Punishment

~Kennedy has voted against decisions that questioned the Overall soundness of Capital punishment.~However he has also taken a very liberal stance on Capital punishment with Kennedy v. Louisiana which made instituting the death penalty on rapists illegal.

Kara Kregel

Gun Control~ Kennedy voted to end the ban on handguns in Washington DC with District of Columbia v. Heller~ He also helped to extend that decision to all the states under McDonald v. Chicago~ Gun control is a topic in which Kennedy is generally conservative

Kara Kregel

Abortion~ Justice Kennedy is known for judging on a case by case basis~ In Planned Parenthood v. Casey he voted to uphold Roe v. Wade declaring abortions constitutional with restrictions~ During Hodgson v. Minnesota Kennedy took a more conservative stance voting for abortion restrictions

Kara Kregel

Anthony Kennedy’s Character

~ US News reports him as being “straight laced” and “goody goody”.

~ His father offered him $100 to commit a crime when he was younger.

~ He is still $100 short.

~ Son of a lawyer and a lobbyist.

George Leonard

Kennedy's Idea of Fun

~ Golf

~ Jogging

~ Swimming

~ Tennis

George Leonard

What to expect if you sit at a bar with him…

~ He will probably order a dry gin an tonic, because his life seems not to be too spontaneous or sweet.

~ He will spend a majority of time talking about graduating at the top of his class at Harvard Law school.

~ Create a list of jokes, because he will likely have none on him.

George Leonard