Anthem College -- Irving, Texas Campus News · Please write 100 words or less describing where your...

What’s new at Anthem College? Check out some of these upcoming events… November 2 is the Blood Drive! Please see Mrs. Phelps in Student Services for more information. November 4 is Graduation! There will be no clas- ses. Congratulations to all our graduates! November 7 to November 10 is the Turkey Bowl Attendance Contest! Be in class every day and be entered in a drawing to participate in the Turkey Bowl. November 14 to November 16 is the World Mas- sage Conference! November 16 is the Around the World Potluck! Bring a dish to represent your culture and/or tradi- tions. Please write 100 words or less describing where your recipe came from and any traditions that go with it. The potlucks will be held at 9 a.m., 1 p.m., and 7 p.m. November 17 is the Turkey Bowl! The first place winner will receive a $50 Kroger gift card, the second place winner will receive a $10 gas card, and the third place winner will receive a casual day pass. November 21 to November 27 is the Thanksgiv- ing Break! Enjoy your week off from classes! November 28 to December 2 is Wish Tree Appli- cations! Please see Student Services for an application or for more information about or Wish Tree. Upcoming Events at Anthem College Anthem College -- Irving, Texas October 31, 2011 Volume 1, Issue 9 Campus News Have Something to Share? Contribute your ide- as to the school newsletter. If you have a story idea that you think other stu- dents would enjoy, let us know! Send your story ideas or information by email to JEast- [email protected], or stop by the library in person. Inside this issue: Anthem College Hosts Spooktac- ular 2 MA Celebrates MA Week 2 MT Graduates Leave Their 3 MT Celebrates MT Week 3 Tattoos in the Workplace 4 Making a Differ- ence 4 Managing Your Money 5 Updates from Your Library 6 Don’t Miss It! See Page 2 for pictures from the Spooktacular! New Times for GED Tutoring! Tuesdays: 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. Saturdays: 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.

Transcript of Anthem College -- Irving, Texas Campus News · Please write 100 words or less describing where your...

What’s new at Anthem College? Check out some of these upcoming events…

November 2 is the Blood Drive! Please see Mrs.

Phelps in Student Services for more information.

November 4 is Graduation! There will be no clas-

ses. Congratulations to all our graduates!

November 7 to November 10 is the Turkey Bowl

Attendance Contest! Be in class every day and be entered in a drawing to participate in the Turkey Bowl.

November 14 to November 16 is the World Mas-

sage Conference!

November 16 is the Around the World Potluck!

Bring a dish to represent your culture and/or tradi-tions. Please write 100 words or less describing where your recipe came from and any traditions that go with it. The potlucks will be held at 9 a.m., 1 p.m., and 7 p.m.

November 17 is the Turkey Bowl! The first place

winner will receive a $50 Kroger gift card, the second place winner will receive a $10 gas card, and the third place winner will receive a casual day pass.

November 21 to November 27 is the Thanksgiv-

ing Break! Enjoy your week off from classes!

November 28 to December 2 is Wish Tree Appli-

cations! Please see Student Services for an application or for more information about or Wish Tree.

Upcoming Events at Anthem College

Anthem College -- Irving, Texas

October 31, 2011 Volume 1, Issue 9

Campus News

Have Something

to Share?

Contribute your ide-

as to the school

newsletter. If you

have a story idea that

you think other stu-

dents would enjoy,

let us know! Send

your story ideas or

information by email

to JEast-

[email protected],

or stop by the library

in person.

Inside this


Anthem College Hosts Spooktac-ular


MA Celebrates MA Week


MT Graduates Leave Their


MT Celebrates MT Week


Tattoos in the Workplace


Making a Differ-ence


Managing Your Money


Updates from Your Library


Don’t Miss It! See Page 2 for

pictures from the Spooktacular!

New Times for GED Tutoring!

Tuesdays: 3 p.m. to 6 p.m.

Saturdays: 9

a.m. to 12 p.m.

Page 2

Campus News

Anthem College Hosts Spooktacular

October 19 was the Spooktacular Open House. Students brought friends and family to tour the school and partic-ipate in activities. There were snacks, games, contests, and even a haunted house. Check it out!

MA Celebrates Medical Assisting Week

From October 17 to October 21, the medical assisting program celebrated MA Week. The MA team and student got to wear fun scrubs all week. There was a theme for each day: Monday was Crazy Sock Day, Tuesday was Crazy Glasses Day, Wednesday was Crazy Hat Day, Thursday was Crazy Scarf Day, and Friday was Hawaiian Day. There was a scavenger hunt and a sack race on Wednesday. First place winners received a prize. There was a spelling bee with medical termi-nology words on Thursday, and everyone enjoyed punch with an umbrella and cookies and gave out leis on Friday. All students received an MA logo pin. Here are some pictures from the week:

Page 3

Volume 1, Issue 9

MT Graduates Leave Their Mark

Have you visited the Massage Therapy Intern Clinic lately? You may have noticed that there are more handprints than ever on the wall. That’s because MT continues to have students graduate, find work in the field, and stamp the wall to leave their legacy. Congratulations to this month’s MT graduates!

MT Celebrates National Massage Therapy Week

During the week of October 24 to October 28, Massage Therapy students and instructors celebrat-ed National Massage Therapy Week, sponsored by the American Massage Therapy Association. The students participated in Game Show week, with a different game show-themed game for each day. There were also team-building activities and contests throughout the week. Each day, stu-dents also got to dress up according to the theme of the day. Check out some of their pictures:

Page 4

Campus News

Tattoos in the Workplace

Tattoos in the workplace. In our twenties a tattoo will stay where it is place, but when we turn 80 that butterfly tattoo will no longer be a butterfly — it will be a garden! So be careful when deciding what kind of tattoo to get and where it should be placed. Remember, most tattoos last longer than a mar-riage according to the current U. S. divorce rate (see for more information). ~ Career Services

My name is Linda Willis and I am a Senior Admissions Representative here at Anthem College. I wanted to share with you a recent experi-ence I had. I was on my lunch break and stopped at Walgreens to “kill some time” before returning to work. As I walked out the door and was heading back to my car, I suddenly heard a woman yelling at me, “Hey, lady, wait a minute! I want to give you a hug!” As she came nearer, her face looked familiar, although I couldn’t remember where I knew her from or what her name was. She walked briskly up to me and wrapped her arms around me, saying, “You may not remember me, but 4 years ago you helped me get into school and I took the Medi-cal Assistant program. I am working at Parkland Hospital and have a great career, and it’s all because you gave me a chance and believed in me!” She had tears in her eyes, and needless to say, I cried all the way back to work. This experience reminds me of why I do what I do. I love helping students and it is so gratifying to know that I actually was a vital part of helping someone change her life. This means more to me than the paycheck I receive. As for our students, work hard and take advantage of the educa-tion you are receiving. It will change your life if you put your share of hard work into it. I just wanted to share this story. Maybe it will motivate someone to keep on pressing on! ~ Reported by Linda Willis, Senior Admissions Representative

Making a Difference

Page 5

Volume 1, Issue 9

Here are 9 tips for achieving financial wellness: 1) Know where your money goes. Be aware of how you are spending your money. A $4 cup of coffee 5 days a week costs $80 per month. Review some of the items you spend money on to find areas where cutting back can move your savings account forward. 2) Develop a budget. Plan for your expenditures by developing a budget and live within your means based on your monthly income. Make adjustments to remain within your budget and don’t use credit cards to cover a shortfall or unnecessary purchases. 3) Include savings in your budget. Pay yourself first. Treat your savings account like any other monthly bill and make a monthly payment toward it. 4) Plan for major purchases. Adjust your budget accordingly to build savings for your next major purchase without using credit. 5) Save for emergencies. A good rule of thumb is to have a minimum of six months of salary available in your savings account. While this goal will take time to achieve, it is important to strive for it so you’re prepared for most unexpected emergencies. 6) Plan for retirement. Take advantage of interest and market upturns by saving for retire-ment early. Often your employer will help you save for retirement with a 401(k) plan. You can also benefit from pre-tax contributions using this method of retirement savings. 7) Get tax advice. If you have circumstances that create tax dilemmas (e.g. self-employed, own and/or lease property, etc.), make sure to seek tax advice from a professional for the best outcome. 8) Protect your credit. You have the right to pull a free credit report from each reporting bu-reau once per year by going online to Keep in mind that late pay-ments will adversely impact your credit, as will a failure to pay. You should immediately report any credit issues or discrepancies to the reporting bureau. Use your credit wisely and ensure your reports are accurate. 9) Keep good financial records. Utilize online tools as well as paper copies of receipts to keep records of your pay stubs, banking information, taxes, insurance, and other documents im-portant to your financial situation. For more strategies on how to save money, stop by the Student Financial Aid Department!

Managing Your Money

Page 6

Campus News

Updates from Your Library

fore you can start research-ing or writing your paper.

Think about what you al-ready know. Did you learn something in a previous class that would apply to this paper?

Make notes about your questions and ideas. This will help you focus and or-ganize your research.

Brainstorm for your paper. Start thinking about what the goal of your paper is. If you have an idea of what you want the finished paper to be like, you will do better research.

Ask for help. If you are con-fused about the assignment or you need help with your research, ask someone to help you. Your classmates, your instructor, and the li-brarian are all good re-sources.

*New books coming soon! The following titles are in process and will be available to stu-dents to check out soon:

Official 2011 CPC Certifica-tion Study Guide

Complete Phlebotomy Ex-am Review

Phlebotomy Worktext and Procedures Manual

Do you have a research paper, but don’t know where to start? There are several steps to writ-ing a great research paper. Here are some tips on how to understand your assignment and get started.

Read the assignment and make sure you understand all the directions. You need to know what is expected and how you will be graded. If you have any questions, be sure to get with your in-structor for clarification.

Develop a process for writ-ing your paper. Think about all the steps you will need to complete: research, writing, proofreading, etc.

Set deadlines for each step. If you set a deadline for each of the steps in your process, you will keep on track to finish your paper on time.

Think about your topic. Look at resources you have, like your textbook or class notes. You need to know the basics of your topic be-

Health Careers Today

Delmar’s Dental Materials Guide

My Pocket Mentor: A Health Care Professional’s Guide to Success

Basic Infection Control for Healthcare Providers

Need help in the library? You can always ask the librarian for assistance. You can reach a librarian in person in the li-brary office, by phone at (469) 499-5172, or by email to [email protected].


Due to high de-mand, the library

has revised its checkout policies for MBLEx review books. Students will be eligible to check out these

books only with a scheduled test date

from their pro-gram chair. Stu-dents will be able to keep the books for 2 weeks, but

these books are not eligible for renew-al. This will let all students have access to these re-

view sources. Thanks!