Answers Sleep Brochure - Walgreens tips that may help you get a better night"s sleep. Answers at...

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Transcript of Answers Sleep Brochure - Walgreens tips that may help you get a better night"s sleep. Answers at...

  • healthy sleep.

    overs10 1n savings

    available inside offers valid ll!ru 1011115

    swers at Waif!~

  • Answers begin here

    for healthy sleep.

    Quality sleep refreshes the body and IS vita for good health. Yet many

    Americans do not get enough sleep, and 70 mllhon have problems sleeping

    on a regular basis. Many have chronic 1nsomn1a, which means they either

    can't get to sleep. can't stay asleep, or the quality of their sleep is poor.1-3

    This booklet will give you some practical tips that may help you get a better night"s sleep.

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    sleep facts ................................. Page 4

    sleep prob!ems.......................... Page 8

    good night's sleep .................. ... Page 18

    choosing a product ................... Page 23

    2 3

  • QA

    Why is it so important to get

    a good night's sleep?

    Research shows that sleep plays o role In immune function, metabolism, memory, learning and other vital functions.4 Sleep helps your brain build

    up its energy and form the pathways It needs to team, as "veil as to create memones and new thought patterns.fl

    What can happen if

    I don't get enough sleep?

    Not getting enough sleep 1s linked to a number of physical and mental health problems including:

    Difficulty reactmg quickly due to drowsiness. Avoid dnving when drowsy, since a drowsy dnver's response time is about the same- 'l'ii a drunk drrver's.

    Problems concentrating, forgetfulness and lack of alertness.

    Anxiety and depression.

    Weight gain.

    Increased risk of chronic heatth

    problems such as diabetes and heart d sease.&-9

    Answers at w~~4 5


  • Sleep needs by age: group10



    Age group







    2 months

    3-11 months

    1-3 years

    3-5 years

    5-10 years

    10-17 years

    18 plus

    Number of hours

    of sleep needed

    12-18 hours

    14-15 hours

    12-14 hours

    11-13 hours

    10-11 hours

    8.5-9.5 hours

    7-9 hours


    How much sleep is enough?

    The need for sleep varies by age.

    Adu Its need between seven and

    nine hours of sleep a night.

    However, recent surveys show

    that the average adult now sleeps

    fewer than seven hours a night.

    More than one-third of adults report

    daytime sleepiness so severe that

    it interferes with their work.11

    6 Answers at w~~ 7

  • Do I have a sleep problem? What are the most common sleep problems?

    The n1ost common kinds of sleep problems are:

    ln:.01nn1a. a hard time falling asleep or staying asleep; poor s.eep quality

    Sleep apnca breathing starts

    and stops, interrupting sleep

    Restless legs syn o : an 1rres1st1ble urge to move legs to relieve uncomfortable sensations ltke "itchy," "pins and needles," or "creepy crawly" feeling in the legs

    Narcolepsy. falling asleep at unplanned times dunng the day

    Other kinds of sleep problems include n ghtmares, night terrors. sleepwalking, sleep ta king, head bang ng, wetting the bed and teeth gnnd1ng.12

    Answers at Walg~

    Everyone has trouble sleep ng once in a while. But you may have a sleep issue 1f you:

    often have a hard time falling asleep

    feel tired during the day even 1f you have had at least seven hours of sleep the night before

    find tt hard to function during the day.

    Try keeping a sleep 1oumal for one to two weeks. Record when you go to sleep and wake up: how much time you spend 1n bed, and your total sleep time. You can share your iournal entries with your healthc 1re provider when you discuss your sleep issues.13

    8 0


  • QA

    What is sleep apnea?

    Sleep apnea 1s a condition in which

    breathing temporarily stops dunng

    sleep, which deprives the brain and

    body of oxygen. This lack of oxygen

    cau!':es people to wake up 1n order

    to take another breath. This results 1n

    poor overall sleep qualrty, as people

    with sleep apnea wake up more than

    15 times an hour. each n"ght.u

    There are three types of sleep apnea:

    C l t u"lfvt ..r apncci when the upper airways become narrowed or collapse during sleep. This prevents air from getting into and out of the lungs. Excess weight 1n the neck tends to cause a rwtr1 collapse, particularly during seep, when your muscles are relaxed. This 1s the most common type of sleep apnea.

    Central sleep apnea: when the

    bm1n does not send the proper

    signals to the muscles needed for

    breathing for short periods of time

    during sleep. After awakening and

    tak ng a breath, the brain resumes

    sending the norma signals.

    Mixed sleep apnea: as the name mplies, Is a combination of the two.ts

    Answers at w~~

    be l ntormed Symptoms of sleep apnea include:

    Daytime sleep ness


    Feeling hke you have no energy

    Morning h 1daches

    Difficulty concentrating

    or solving problems

    Waking up feehng breathless

    or ltke you're chok ng

    Not feeling refreshed

    when you wake up

    10 11


  • to those without sleep apnea 11



    What are the risk factors

    for sleep apnea?

    Obesity (this Is the No. 1 nsk factor)

    Being male

    Increasing age

    Having a fam ly history of sleep apnea

    Having a large tongue. large

    tonsils or a sma Jaw bone

    How is sleep apnea diagnosed?

    Sleep apnea is diagnosed 1n a special "sleep lab. ' A healthcare professional monitors your sleep

    closely, Including how often you

    stop breathing during sleep. ta

    How is sleep apnea treated?

    Treatment opt ons Include:

    Weight loss

    Changing sleep position

    Machines placed on the nose Of mouth that use forced a r to prevent auway collapse (called "continuous pos tcve a:rway pressure" or "CPAP" machines)

    Answers at W~i-UJU

    What are the dangers of

    sleep apnea?

    Sleep apnea can increase your nsk for.

    High blood pressure

    Coronary artery dtSease

    Heart failure


    Difficulty en school or at work

    Death from any cause. This IS two to three times greater 1n people with severe sloep apena compared



  • Answers begin here

    for healthy sleep.

    Quality sleep refreshes the body and is vital for good health. Yet many Americans do not get enough sleep, and 70 mill on have problems sleeptng on a regular basis. Many have chronic 1nsomn1a, which means they either can't get to sleep, can't stay asleep, or the quality of their sleep IS poor.1"

    This booklet wdl give you some practical tips that may help you get a better night's sleep.

    Answers at


    sleep facts ................................. Page 4

    sleep problems ...................... Page 8

    good night's steep ..................... Page 18

    choosing a product ................... Page 23

    2 3

  • What can I do for aches and pains that keep me up at night?

    If pa n Is the main reason you are unab!e to tan asleep or stay asleep. talk to your healthcare provider about the source of your pain. Pain 1s how your body lets you know something isn't quite right, so don't ignore it.22

    Here are some tips that may help ease your pain: - Do some light stretching or yoga

    before bedt me. Try tak ng a wann bath or shower

    to soothe sore muscles

    Use a pillow designed to keep your neck aligned lo reduce the risk of pain

    Use a heating pad on the achy area, but don't fall asleep wrth the pad still on to prevent accidental burn1ng.23.24

    Talk to your hea thcare provider 1t your pain Is severe, lasts for several days, 1s a new type of pain, makes you feel queasy, gives you a severe headache or causes you chest pain.25, 2a OTC pain medications like acetaminophen, aspirin. ibuprofen or naproxen can help minor aches or pains feel better In the short term.

    Mal'l'f pain products come 1n a nighttime 1ersion. They contatn medication plus a sle~ aid, such as cfphenhydram1ne, to help make you sleepy.21

    17Answers at w~~16


  • QA

    What steps can I take to relax

    my mind before I go to sleep?

    Consider meeting with a mental health professional if you need help contro ling or gett '1Q rid of troubl ng thoughts and worries that keep you awake and add to your stress level.28

    Make a list of the things you neod to do for the next day. This helps

    to redllce worries about upcoming

    deadlines and other stresses.211

    If you can't fall asleep within 20 m nutes of getting 1rito bed. leave the bedroom and do SOl"'eth ng relaiong, ltke read ng. isterung to soothing music or reJaXJng stretches until you feel ready to go back to bed.

    Answers at Wdg~

    Take a hot buth before bed It may help you feel more sleepy, more

    relaxed and more ready to sleep.30

    Some people med tate. or use deep

    breathing exercises or hypnosis. to help them sleep better.

    Biofeedback can help you be mindful of body signs, Sllch as heart rate and muscle tension, that may be

    linked to poor sleep pattems.31

    Don't push yourself to fa. asieep. If you worry about sleeping. :tcan

    keep you awake.32

    18 19


  • QA

    What are some tips to help me

    get a good night's sleep?

    Here are some ways to help

    change your sleep patterns:

    Don't get into bed until you

    are ready for sleep.

    Go to bed at the same time

    each night and wake up at the

    same time each morning.

    Avoid napping during the day.

    Try to make your room comfortable by adjusting the temperature

    and by using sheets, blankets

    and pillows that you like.

    Keep distractions out of the bedroom. like homework and computers, and

    keep TVs off when trying to sleep.

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    Don't do any heavy exercise within

    a few hours of going to sleep.

    Keep meals light before bedtime.

    Avoid big meals and spicy foods.

    Avord nicotine and dnnks with caffeine. such as coffee, sodas and energy drinks. These are all

    stimulants that can keep you awake.

    Don't use alcohol to help you

    sleep. It may help you fall asleep at first but it will disrupt your sleep later in the night.33

    If it is hard for you to get to sleep,

    stay asleep or get restful sleep, your healthcare provider may

    also recommend over the counter

    or prescription medications.

    20 21


  • Heatburn keeps me awake at night. What can I do?

    According to recent research, about half the people with heartburn have their worst symptoms at bedtime. Lying in bed can make heartburn worse, leading to increased pain and dlfflcul ly sleeping. If your heartburn symptoms are worse at night and dJsrupt your sleep, talk to your healthcare provider or Walgreens pharmacist about some of these over the counter treatment options:

    Antacid tablets: These work best for occasional heartburn

    symptoms by helping to neutralize the acid in your stomach.

    Acid (H2) blockers: These are used to treat heartburn that happens often, and for people who have been diagnosed with GERO. They work by decreasing the amount of acid made by your stomach.

    PPts (proton pump inhibitors). These are used for people who have heartburn often, have been diagnosed with GERO, or those who have ulcers. They work by

    decreasing the amount of acid made by your stomach. They also help the lining of your esophagus (throat)

    and stomach heal if they have been damaged by too much acid.34

    Answers at Wdg~

    What sleep aid product is right for me?

    Over the counter sleep aids come in tablets (regular, orally disintegrating and effervescent), capsules, liquids and powders. The orally disintegrating tablets are convenient if you travel and you don't have water handy. They don't require water, since they can be dissolved In the mouth or chewed.3.5

    22 23


  • QA -

    What are some common

    ingredients in sleep aids?

    Most OTC sleep aids contain either diphenhydramine or doxylamine.

    These are both antihistamines that help people fall asleep by making them feel drowsy.36

    If you take a sleep aid that is combined with a pain reliever such as aspirin, acetaminophen or ibuprofen, read the label carefully. Make sure you don't

    take too much of the sleep aid or the pain reliever.37

    Remember that sleep aids are for temporary use only. If your sleep problem does not get better in a few days, talk to your healthcare provider.

    be l nformed

    If OTC sleep aids do not work for you, discuss other treatment options with your healthcare provider. These may include prescription medications for sleep and/or mental health therapy.38

    Answers at Wag~

    Some cautions regarding sleep aids:

    Try to use the lowest dose possible to help you sleep.

    Don't drink alcohol with your sleep aid. Taking alcohol with antihistamines can increase drowsiness and dizziness.38

    Be careful walking around at night if you have taken a sleep aid, as it may put you at risk for falls.

    Are OTC sleep aids addictive?

    No. OTC sleep aids, such as diphenhydramine and doxylamine are

    not habit forming. However, they do cause drowsiness, so use caution if you are driving a car or operating heavy

    machinery if you still feel sleepy when you get up in the morning.39

    Speak with your healthcare provider or Walgreens pharmacist before taking a sleep aid .

    24 25


  • .... .

    Questions about which sleep products are right for you?

    Walgreens pharmacists can help you find the best sleep products for your individual needs. Consult one of our knowledgeable pharmacists in person or to chat live with a pharmacy professional anytime, day or night log on to

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    Sleep needs by age group10: t: undefined: ly giv s y1ou a s er: undefined_4: