Answer in humanities 1

Answer in Humanities 1 (Prelim) It is the artist, not the critic,* who gives society something of lasting value." (*a person who evaluates works of art, such as novels, films, music, paintings, etc.) GRE AWA Analytical Writing ISSUE Essay Sample Solution - 216 An artist is the creator of an artistic work, which is not the forte of everyone. Any work of art, like novels, films, music, paintings etc. are of great value to the society that appreciates it. However, there are critics as well who evaluate these works of art in detail and expose all aspects of the art. As far as the statement goes, I only agree partially with it, since I believe that it is both, the artist as well as the critic whose work is valuable. If the artistic creation goes down in history for its uniqueness, so does the work done by a critic. Both create an impression of the society that is lasting as well as valuable. Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder. The work of the artist can have a universal appeal amongst the society. It is the people who form their individual opinion about a work of art according to the way it pleases them. It may or may not be liked by the critics, for it is likely that they hold different opinions about the same work of art. However, it cannot be disregarded as a useless effort. The artist, as mentioned earlier by me, has a unique forte. It is not in the capacity of everyone to produce a work of art as is done by a painter or a novelist. Nonetheless, it is not in the capacity of everyone to understand the depth in a work of art, which is only explained by a critic. I believe that the very fact that a critic analyses a given work of art of an artist proves the greatness of the artist. Since it attracts the fancy of a critic, the work of art must be noteworthy and outstanding in itself. Moreover, it has been seen many a times that the work of art finds its true appreciation only after years of analysis by critics. While the contemporary critics might disregard the work done by an artist, it might find its true appreciation over a period of time when people start understanding art in a broader perspective. This can be seen in the case of the famous metaphysical poet John Donne whose work was targeted by most critics of his time and it was only later that it was truly appreciated. However, like the other side of the coin, I also regard the work of a critic of equal value. A common man does not have the knowledge enough to understand the intricacies of a given work of art. It is the cautious and in-dept



Transcript of Answer in humanities 1

Page 1: Answer in humanities 1

Answer in Humanities 1 (Prelim)

It is the artist, not the critic,* who gives society something of lasting value."

(*a person who evaluates works of art, such as novels, films, music, paintings, etc.) 

GRE AWA Analytical Writing ISSUE Essay Sample Solution - 216

An artist is the creator of an artistic work, which is not the forte of everyone. Any work of art, like novels,

films, music, paintings etc. are of great value to the society that appreciates it. However, there are critics

as well who evaluate these works of art in detail and expose all aspects of the art. As far as the statement

goes, I only agree partially with it, since I believe that it is both, the artist as well as the critic whose work

is valuable. If the artistic creation goes down in history for its uniqueness, so does the work done by a

critic. Both create an impression of the society that is lasting as well as valuable.

Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder. The work of the artist can have a universal appeal amongst the

society. It is the people who form their individual opinion about a work of art according to the way it

pleases them. It may or may not be liked by the critics, for it is likely that they hold different opinions about

the same work of art. However, it cannot be disregarded as a useless effort. The artist, as mentioned

earlier by me, has a unique forte. It is not in the capacity of everyone to produce a work of art as is done

by a painter or a novelist. Nonetheless, it is not in the capacity of everyone to understand the depth in a

work of art, which is only explained by a critic.

I believe that the very fact that a critic analyses a given work of art of an artist proves the greatness of the

artist. Since it attracts the fancy of a critic, the work of art must be noteworthy and outstanding in itself.

Moreover, it has been seen many a times that the work of art finds its true appreciation only after years of

analysis by critics. While the contemporary critics might disregard the work done by an artist, it might find

its true appreciation over a period of time when people start understanding art in a broader perspective.

This can be seen in the case of the famous metaphysical poet John Donne whose work was targeted by

most critics of his time and it was only later that it was truly appreciated.

However, like the other side of the coin, I also regard the work of a critic of equal value. A common man

does not have the knowledge enough to understand the intricacies of a given work of art. It is the cautious

and in-dept analysis done by a critic that helps in unveiling a work of art. For example, the famous

painting by Leonardo Da Vince called Mona Lisa might seem to be just another work of art to a normal

man. However, it is the critics who bring out the irony in the expression presented by the artist in his

painting. Similarly, there are many critics who have done exceptional work in their field, which is

remembered more than the actual work of art. It is therefore not only a matter of appreciating what

pleases the eyes but also a matter of understanding the work of art for its nature, which leaves an

impression on the mind. 

In the end, I would like to sum up by saying that I take the works done by an artist and a critic to be of

great value. In my view, an artist's work is supreme for its unique depiction of talent, and the work done

by a critic is valuable for its meaningful analysis. We cannot place one above the other in such a way that

it overshadows the lasting impression that the other puts on the society.

Page 2: Answer in humanities 1

The function of science is to reassure; the purpose of art is to upset. Therein lies the value of each.

GRE AWA Analytical Writing ISSUE Essay Sample Solution - 5

Science and art, both play an important role in the development of humanity and society. Both of them

have unique purposes. However, you cannot say that science can only reassure and art can only upset.

Both of them can reverse their roles also.

There is no doubt of science performing the function of reassuring as each invention in science makes

our life easy. It gives us security and the feeling of comfort. For example, inventions like telephone,

automobiles, and aeroplanes have made our lives easy and comfortable. Our ancestors had dreamt of

flying like a bird, but science has made this dream come true. Similarly, the invention of electricity, has

removed many unknown and unexplained fears from our minds.

The development of medical science has played a vital role in reassuring humans. Earlier, human beings

used to wait for some miracle to be treated. However, now the most dreaded diseases can also be

treated with the help of medicines.

However, science can also upset our lives. The invention of nuclear weapons and the harmful by products

of scientific experiments have started threatening human life and the environment. Hence, the reassuring

purpose of science is failed. Moreover, man has lost his peace of mind as with the development of

science, human nature of exploring the unknown world has also grown. With the development of

technology, people have more chances and resources to explore the huge cosmos and the solar system,

which makes us upset and gives us large encouragement at the same time. Meanwhile, all these high

tech researches, atomic science, medical research are trying to solve the old problems but initiating new

puzzling thoughts.

On the other hand, art has an altogether different purpose. It is considered an activity that relaxes our

mind. However, we cannot generalize the things as it depends on the artist's state of mind when he

creates certain art piece. For example, listening to music makes you calm and comfortable. These days

yoga gurus use music therapy to treat the patients suffering with stress related diseases. If you watch at

the famous smiling painting of Mona Lisa, it brings a smile to your face. Similarly, the famous childhood

story of "The Ugly Duckling" gives a child reassurance. The movements in classical dance give you

unlimited imagination. There are also some art pieces, which upset you. If a painting shows hunger and

poverty, then surely it will upset you. However, that is the artists' way of enlightening the society.

Sometimes, the artist can also depict his sad state of mind on the canvas or in a music piece. For

example the famous painting "Pigeon and Guernica" by Picasso shows us the feeling of his being upset.

Both art and science are important to us. There is no point defining their functions. It is difficult as well as

meaningless. Science is required for the benefit and growth of man, however, its abuse can destroy the

world. Hence, we can conclude that both science and art play both the functions of reassuring and

upsetting us in different circumstances.

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