Ansell Certified | Bloodborne Pathogens Module 1 ... · eBook were developed to be iPad friendly....

COURSE 2 | MODULE 1 Bloodborne Pathogens Microbes Major Groups of Microorganisms Pathogens Glossary Review Test Login Introduction Introduction to Microorganisms Microorganisms are very tiny one-celled organisms, viruses, fungi, and bacteria, and are found everywhere in the world. They are found in all living things, plants and animal. There are more microorganisms on and inside your body than there are cells that make up your entire body. Microorganisms can live in the air, on land, and in fresh or salt water environments. Some of them, pathogens, can be harmful and causes diseases, but there are some microorganisms that are needed for living things to survive. This eBook ends with a module review. Follow the link on the last page to log in to your Ansell Certified account to complete the module test. A passing score of 85% is required on all module tests to receive a certificate. Navigation links are provided in the sidebar. The Ansell Certified site and this eBook were developed to be iPad friendly. Use the Download link located in the site menu to save to your iPad with the Open in iBooks option for offline use in your library. Next >>

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Major Groups of Microorganisms




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Introduction to MicroorganismsMicroorganisms are very tiny one-celled organisms, viruses, fungi, and bacteria, and are found everywhere in the world. They are found in all living things, plants and animal. There are more microorganisms on and inside your body than there are cells that make up your entire body. Microorganisms can live in the air, on land, and in fresh or salt water environments. Some of them, pathogens, can be harmful and causes diseases, but there are some microorganisms that are needed for living things to survive.

This eBook ends with a module review. Follow the link on the last page to log in to your Ansell Certified account to complete the module test.

A passing score of 85% is required on all module tests to receive a certificate.

Navigation links are provided in the sidebar. The Ansell Certified site and this eBook were developed to be iPad friendly. Use the Download link located in the site menu to save to your iPad with the Open in iBooks option for offline use in your library.

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Bloodborne Pathogens


IntroductIon to MIcroorganIsMs



Major Groups of Microorganisms




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MicrobesMicroorganisms, sometimes referred to as microbes, are an organism that is microscopic or submicroscopic, which means it is too small to be seen by the unaided human eye.

Microbes are single-cell organisms so tiny that millions can fit into the eye of a needle. They are the oldest form of life on earth. Microbe fossils date back more than 3.5 billion years to a time when the Earth was covered with oceans that regularly reached the boiling point, hundreds of millions of years before dinosaurs roamed the earth.

Microbes are everywhere. There are more of them on a person’s hand than there are people on the entire planet. Microbes are in the air we breathe, the ground we walk on, the food we eat—they’re even inside us.

Your body is home to trillions of microbes. Run your tongue over your teeth you’re licking thousands of microbes that normally live on your teeth. Millions of them live on your tongue, too. As well as your skin, hair, nostrils, colon, blood, and so on. We couldn’t digest food without them. Without microbes, plants couldn’t grow, garbage wouldn’t decay and there would be a lot less oxygen to breathe. In fact, without these invisible companions, our planet wouldn’t survive as we know it.

Microbes have been around for billions of years because they are able to adapt to the ever-changing environment. They can find a home anywhere and some of them live in places where we once thought nothing could survive.


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Image of mouth bacteria

Image of virus Image of bacteria

Bloodborne Pathogens


IntroductIon to MIcroorganIsMs



Major Groups of Microorganisms




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Major Groups of MicroorganismsThe major groups of microorganisms are divided into three categories.

EukaryotesA eukaryote (noun) \ ew-karr-ee-oht\ is an organism whose cells contain complex structures enclosed within membranes. Included in this category are Fungi, Algae and Protozoa. These are the largest group of microorganisms.

ProkaryotesThe prokaryotes (noun) \ pro-kah-ree-əts\ are a group of organisms whose cells lack a cell nucleus (karyon). Most prokaryotes are unicellular organisms. Included in this category are Bacteria.

AcellullarNon-cellular life is life that exists without a cellular structure and is highly parasitic. Included in this group are Viruses, Viroids and Prions. These are the smallest group of microorganisms.

The major groups of microbes and there relative sizes are as follows:

Major Groups of Microorganisms

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Major Groups of Microorganisms




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PathogensMicrobes, or microorganisms, that cause disease are known as pathogens. The first link in the chain of infection is the pathogen. A pathogen is anything that causes a disease.

Pathogens include the following microbes: • Bacterium (e.g., bacterial meningitis or strep throat)• Virus (e.g., hepatitis A, hepatitis B, hepatitis C)• Fungus (e.g., athlete’s foot)• Prions (e.g., mad cow disease in cattle; Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease in humans)

Bear in mind that viruses and bacteria are the most common infectious pathogens that healthcare workers will encounter in the hospital. We come in contact with pathogens every day; most of the time our body’s immune system destroys them before they can cause harm.

• We are considered exposed when we have been in contact with a pathogen• We are considered infected when a pathogen has entered the body and

resulted in disease Whether an exposure results in infection depends on three factors:• Dose – the amount of organisms that enter your body• Virulence – the strength of the organism• Host resistance – the ability of your immune system to fight infection


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Influenza virus research

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IntroductIon to MIcroorganIsMs



Major Groups of Microorganisms




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GlossaryImmune system (noun) \ ih-myoon\ sis-tuhm\A system of biological structures and processes within an organism that protects against disease; to function properly, an immune system must detect a wide variety of agents, from viruses to parasitic worms, and distinguish them from the organism’s own healthy tissue

Infection (noun) \in-fek-shuh n\Generally occurring through wound contamination and often involves a cut or deep puncture wound, as the infection progresses, muscle spasms develop in the jaw (thus the name “lockjaw”) and elsewhere in the body. Infection can be prevented by proper immunization and by post-exposure prophylaxis

Microscopic (adjective) \mahy-kruh-skop-ik\Of extremely small size, visible only by the aid of the microscope

Organism (noun) \ awr-guh-niz-uh m\An individual living thing that can react to stimuli, reproduce, grow, and maintain homeostasis; it can be a virus, bacterium, fungus, plant or animal

Submicroscopic (adjective) \ suhb-mahy-kruh-skop-ik\Particles which, although visible in the ultra-microscope, are too small to be resolved by visible light, places their size between 0.2 Lm and 0.005 Lm


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IntroductIon to MIcroorganIsMs



Major Groups of Microorganisms




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Review• Microorganisms are very tiny one-celled organisms, including viruses, fungi,

and bacteria, and are found everywhere in the world.

• Microorganisms sometimes referred to as microbes are an organism that is microscopic or submicroscopic, which means it is too small to be seen by the unaided human eye.

• Microbes have been around for billions of years because they are able to adapt to the ever-changing environment.

• Our body is home to trillions of microbes.

• Microorganisms are divided into three major groups: Eukaryotes, Prokaryotes, and Acellular. Eukaryotes are the largest and acellular are the smallest in size.

• Microbes, or microorganisms, that cause disease are known as pathogens.

• The first link in the chain of infection is the pathogen; a pathogen is anything that causes a disease.

• Viruses and bacteria are the most infectious pathogens that healthcare workers will encounter in the healthcare setting.

• We are considered exposed when we come in contact with a pathogen, and infected when a pathogen has entered the body and caused a disease.Review

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IntroductIon to MIcroorganIsMs



Major Groups of Microorganisms




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