Annual Report 2015

“KNOWING JESUS, MAKING HIM KNOWN” Annual Report 2015 Sunrise Service, Easter Sunday Just the hardy few!!!


Beverley Baptist Church's Annual Report prepared for the AGM held in May 2015.This report, roughly speaking, contains the events and activities the church have been involved in from Easter 2014 to Easter 2015.

Transcript of Annual Report 2015



    Annual Report


    Sunrise Service, Easter Sunday

    Just the hardy few!!!

  • LEADERS LETTER Knowing Jesus and Making Him Known.

    ".. for it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfil his good purpose" Philippians 2 vs 13 Another exciting year has passed within the Church; we have grown and we have changed. Compared to some previous years the last year has been less hectic but we have welcomed many new faces to our congregation and new people have become involved in different areas of the Church. This annual report reflects the rich diversity of our activities and shows that there are many people whose hard work makes our Church function and grow. If you are not involved in one group/activity or another, why not? Some notable events in the past year have been the moving away of Glynn, Monica and Alex Jones; their wisdom and enthusiasm will be sorely missed. Other members of the church family have also spread their wings with Paul Greenin and family moving to Bridlington Baptist Church; Stuart and Sue Howarth moving to Cornerstone Church, Bridlington. Angus and Ruth Honeysett got married last summer. Sarah Harman was baptised in March. Sadly, Kitty Williams passed away in December, but I am sure we will all remember her with great fondness. During the past year we have successfully appointed our new minister, Phil Palmer, who is due to start in June. This is the next exciting phase for our church but throughout the search and appointment of Phil,

    God's hand has been at work; a phrase that has been used is 'God-incidences'. May He continue to work through us in the future and help us to be open to further change and new challenges. When Phil, Jen, James and Alex join us I am sure that they will bless us and we will bless and support them with fellowship and love. "As for you, see that what you have heard from the beginning remains in you. If it does, you also will remain in the Son and in the Father. And this is what he promised us eternal life" 1 John 2 vs 24-25 Chris Peach - on behalf of the Leadership Team


    GROUP (SEG) SEG (Sunday Evening Group), or, as it used to be called, PDL, meets twice a month on Sunday evening from 7:30 to 9:00pm for fellowship, prayer, bible study and simply to enjoy sharing the time together. During the past year we have had a varied programme which has included a series of Bible Studies on the theme of The Transforming Trinity, looking at the collective and complementary work of the Trinity - God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. We also make time to pray each week and to support one another as various family needs arise. Our meetings rotate around the homes of group members to share the responsibility for hosting the evening. From time to time we also enjoy a social occasion and share a meal together, for example enjoying a mid-week Christmas Lunch in December.


    GROUP For many years the Joneses ran a housegroup on a Tuesday evening, but they finally called it a day just before Easter 2014, as they anticipated their house move to Derbyshire was imminent (although in fact it took a bit longer than that!). We wanted to keep up the study and support, so between Easter and the summer a small number of us managed to keep

    meeting, using a Bible Society booklet on "Jesus the Jew" to focus our Bible study, looking at what we can learn about Jesus and His teachings when we view them in the religious and cultural context of His Jewish background. We finished the summer term with a lovely gathering at Ena's house to say a proper housegroup thank you and farewell to Glynn and Monica. Sadly after the summer, numbers were too low to make continuing the group viable, so several of the remaining members have been welcomed into other groups.

    The New Tuesday Housegroup began in April with an introductory session and lots of chocolate and cake! We are using the Lifebuilder Study notes "Names of God: glimpses of His character" for our bible study during the summer term. We are looking forward to getting to know each other better and enjoying studying the Bible, praying and enjoying fellowship together.

    Emily Peach and Alison Cockerill

    CATCH UP GROUP Just as the church celebrated its 25th anniversary this year, the catch up house group celebrates its 20th anniversary. The group started in September 1995, and was set up by Tom Kirk (who was our minister at the time) Chris Danter (who is still with us) and Morag Clements. There are just two of the former members left, Chris and my self. We have had lovely members who have moved

    Small Groups

  • on to different parts of England and who have been a great blessing to the group along the way as are the present members. At the moment eight of us meet regularly on a Wednesday evening to study, pray and have fellowship together sharing our highs and lows

    We have just finished a 12 week study on Prayers of the heart focusing on certain psalms, by Eugene H Peterson. Its been good, very challenging and difficult at times but I know we all got something from it.

    We meet at 7.30 for 7.45pm when we plan to start and aim to finish the study by 9pm or so, and then have light refreshments. Those Members of the group who are willing, take turns to host and or lead the evening. Most find themselves having a go in this safe environment.

    You are most welcome to pop along one evening to give us a try.

    If you would like to, then just ask one of the members or myself and we will tell you where we are meeting that week

    Blessings to you all , Margaret Brown

    MENS GROUP The [older] mens group has been meeting monthly on a Saturday for most of the past year for breakfast and Bible study. Whilst breakfasts can be pretty awe-inspiring [and healthy if you include the orange juice], our focus is feeding on Gods Word and applying it in our own lives. We have sought to encourage and support each other and to grow in our discipleship. Recently we

    have been using the Christian Vision for Men code which has been helping us think through our relationship with Jesus as our Captain, Brother, Rescuer & Friend.

    We are always ready to welcome anyone who can join us at 8.00 on the Saturdays and you can get more information from Tom Danter or Pete Williams.


    DOUGHNUTS ( DADS) The DAD's group has an average of 6-8 in number meeting on alternate Monday evenings to have fellowship, study scripture and pray together.

    The group is a support network for one another in a challenging and difficult world to live in.

    We are currently studying a book called God with you at work and are planning to study some of the Codelife studies later in the year.

    As a group we have regular socials which normally incorporate food and friendly competition.

    New members are always welcome so if you are interested in knowing more speak to Ian Peplow.

    PPP : Power of the

    Praying Parent We are a growing group of ladies that meet on alternate Thursday evenings for discussion, prayer and bible study. It has been lovely to welcome some new members to the group this year.

    We are currently following a series

  • based on the book Captivating, uncovering the mystery of the Womens Soul by John and Stasi Eldredge. This has made us think deeply about our relationship with God as women. Whilst we dont always agree with the author, weve had some lively and thought provoking discussions, and been challenged to deepen our relationship with God by engaging with him closely on a daily basis, and involving him in every aspect of our lives.

    This year we have also completed a series using a book called Unlocking the door evangelism in the real world. This book is written by the leaders of an evangelism organisation called Activate Your Life. By the time you read this some members of the group will have enjoyed a weekend away at the Activate your Life a n n u a l c o n f e r e n c e i n Northamptonshire. We are looking forward to some great teaching and worship as well as lovely food and

    spa facilities!

    We enjoy growing in our relationships with God and each other as we share the joy and challenges of life together. New members are always welcome - if you would like to join us, please speak to Julia Peplow, or any other member of the group to find out more.



    Interactive has continued this year, following a break through the summer term due to the demands of revision and exams. We re-started in September and continued through to Easter, with another summer term break planned.

    We started in September by re-running the Drugs, Sex & You course from Hope UK. Having completed that we continued some the introduced themes by looking at healthy relationships. We finished the spring term with a couple of weeks looking at internet safety and etiquette.

    This year I decided to join forces with the youth work at Kings Church following a combined group of young people attending Soul Survivor last summer. This, together with introducing the HD young people to Interactive from the start of year 9 has seen the group grow from three to a regular ten.

    My vision for Interactive is that it is relevant to young people dealing with real life issues and stretching the Bible knowledge and understanding of who God is and

  • how he relates to life.

    My thanks go to my helpers this year Alison Barker, Steph Tongeman, Carys Lawley, Alison Cockerill & Joan Sykes.

    Group leader - Andy Lawley 01430 874072

    MINISTER SEARCH The Minister Search Team (MST) was assembled in January 2014 and met for the first time in February. The teams remit was to explore whatever avenues were necessary to try to find Gods choice of a minister for Beverley Baptist Church. The church had agreed that the ideal would be a full-time appointment.

    The MST consisted of Alison Cockerill, Pat Crouch, Sarah Harman, Tom Danter and Ian Peplow, together with John Sykes and Adam Spratt from the Leadership Team (LT), with an open invitation for the remaining members of the LT to contribute according to their availability.

    Before the MST was assembled, the LT had produced a Job Description defining the job and a Church Profile describing the church, summarising our history, our current situation, and our aspirations for the future.

    The MST considered the options available to seek the person of Gods choice for us, initially deciding to use the Baptist Union Settlement Team (BUST) facilities, but subsequently also advertising in the Christian Press.

    The MST received details of 11 potential ministers via the BUST route over a period of 3 monthly BUST cycles, and invited 5 of them to participate in initial explorations with the MST either in person or via Skype. Having read our Profile, two of these declined our invitation, one was interviewed in person and two via Skype. In the end, there was mutual agreement between the team and each of these three candidates that we were not right for each other.

    After the first 2 BUST cycles, the MST decided to place an advertisement in the Christian press (using the Premier website). This resulted in applications from about 10 people, but a short-listing sub-group considered only one of these to be worthy of our consideration.

    The candidate concerned, Phil Palmer, who was the assistant minister at Dagnall Street Baptist Church in St Albans and had recently been accepted for training for the ministry by the BU, was able to visit the church (incognito) a few weeks later and met briefly with the MST (July 2014). He was subsequently invited to meet the MST more formally in early September, and the team then made a recommendation to the Church Meeting in September that we should invite Phil and his family to visit Beverley for a weekend in October and to preach at our Sunday service. As a result of this visit, a Special Church Meeting in D e c e m b e r a g r e e d a l m o s t unanimously to call Phil Palmer to be our minister.


    CAFE Fish is a holiday club for children aged 4 8 years run by church families to welcome families from the wider community. We generally have about a dozen children at each session, along with their parents, who can relax in the Anchor Cafe. For our summer and autumn sessions last year, we followed a series based on Jesus I ams eg I am the Bread of Life, I am the Way etc. Our New Year, Half Term and Easter holiday sessions fitted in with the season. We enjoy fun, games, craft and singing all with a biblical theme, made accessible to those without a church background.

    We are very grateful to all the people that give up their time to help run the sessions each week during the holidays. We could do with a few more people to help, especially over the summer period when we all take our family holidays. If you are willing to work directly with the 4 8 year old children, please speak to Julia Peplow. Thank you.

    FRESH "Carols at Costa" was again very warmly received and well attended. The childrens choir stole the show and the hospitality from the costa staff is aa always second to none.

    Our fresh style events are always

    Outreach OPEN DOOR

    Open Door will have been running for 9 years this May.

    We meet on the second Wednesday of each month , in the afternoon, at the Cherry Tree Centre.

    Our aim is to provide a friendly meeting place in the community where everyone is welcomed and they can relax and enjoy a time of fun, fellowship and free refreshment.

    We provide a range of interesting speakers- with titles such as Living and working with Autism and The Childrens Ostomy Educational Foundation - plus outings to garden centres and celebrations of members birthdays. ( two 70ths this year ! ) We open each meeting with a prayer and try to show Gods love by listening and caring for each other.

    Although fronted by Clive and Kath, it is a real team effort. We rely heavily on a very loyal group of helpers . We are very grateful for their constant support.

    We greatly miss our dear friend Kitty, who was one of our original members and always made such a valuable contribution to our group. She was truly an inspirational example to us all.

    Please let us know if there is anyone who may benefit from joining us.

    Kath & Clive Richardson.

  • current, relevant and sought after. We hope to be able to restart this initiative in some form in the future so if you feel called to a project like this contact Chris Peach.


    FUN EVENT BBC once again enjoyed a Christmas social evening at Beverley Leisure centre along with our friends and family.

    We played to our strengths with one of Chris Peaches famous quizzes: the famous Christmas baquettes supplied by the catering staff at the Leisure Centre; and a Christmas message from Pete Williams followed by carol singing, and we were in very

    good voice!

    Who would have known that John Sykes idea of s c u l p t i n g with ice-cream would capture the attention and creativity of e v e r y o n e p r e s e n t . Rules were

    s t r i c t l y a d h er ed to a n d

    sportsmanship exemplary. Judging the best effort was the hardest job but eating the results was thoroughly enjoyed by all.

    This event is clearly becoming a tradition in our tradition-less church

    MAY DAY WALK 28 people explored the sights of Walkington and surrounding

    countryside whilst enjoying a 3 mile walk in the warm sunshine. Afterwards we enjoyed a sumptuous buffet followed by bowls, basketball and badminton for those with some energy left, whilst the rest of us chatted and enjoyed each others company. Thanks to everyone who came and also brought the delicious food maybe well do the same again sometime over the summer.... Julia

  • Church



    TEAMS Our team of wonderfully committed and talented musicians and singers continues to serve God and the church through their faithful work each Sunday, arriving early before the service to run through that morning's songs and hymns. As we pray each Sunday, our aim is to glorify God and help in leading the congregation to Him in worship, rather than wanting to "perform" to an audience. As well as the regular service commitments, we also play when needed for additional events such as Carols at Costa (with a willing choir of volunteers!). We have had a few new members in the music group this year, and new recruits are always welcome.

    After many years leading the music and worship team, I am stepping back to focus on other things, so I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the musicians for their hard work and support. Ian Peplow is going to be taking on leadership of the team as a whole, and still leading one of the groups, and David Tongeman is going to lead the other group. I am confident that they will be looking to God to guide us forward as we continue to deepen our relationship with Him in worship.

    Emily Peach

    The technical team works hard at the back of the hall juggling sound, audio-visual, and all sorts of multimedia options in our increasingly ambitious services. Currently the team consist of Pete Williams, Stephen Newton, Adam Spratt, Michael Heng, Timmy Heng, Joshua Heng, Elliot Wilson, and Chris Peach. As you can see from the helpers we cover all ages but more volunteers are always welcome, so if you just want to find out more about operating the PA and computer (with no compulsion to commit!), please speak to Chris Peach.



    Flower Rota What a lovely bunch of people provide flowers each Sunday to brighten up the school hall for our Sunday services. Thank you all.

    Its lovely to see the variety of flowers and we thank God for His provision. If anyone else would like to contribute in this way, about once every couple of months then please contact Judy Williams

    The Set Up Team We continue to be grateful to Stephen and his team for setting up

  • The Church Website The Church website was created by Andy Guilder several years ago, and I have recently started to give it some care and attention - and bring it up to date. The website serves two purposes. It can provide a single location for existing members to find information. It can also be used by people who dont know us to find out information about the Church.

    So for Members and regular attendees, if we use it right it can become a quick source of information on the many topics that we cover as a church family. Items from Buzz which are suitable for general reading are already added to the news section. I hope we can also provide quick links to the most up to date rotas. Every sermon from Sunday services is recorded , and these can be downloaded later from the web site.

    Occasionally if we have held an event, pictures are uploaded to the web site so that everyone can see them. You will note that many of our current pictures are very out of date, so we are working to take new ones and add them. I am not a photographer, so any budding photographers who would like to help with this, please talk to me.

    We also provide general information on service times and how we operate so that new people can find out about us.

    If you have information you want to add, or ideas about how you would like to use the site, please feel free to discuss them with me. Dave Tongeman

    the school room for worship each Sunday. BUT can you support them by helping to clear up at the end of the service, or even better, volunteering to go on the rota. No sex discrimination practiced here!!

    Tea and Coffee Rota I would like to thank the people that have volunteered to help with tea and coffee at the end of service. It is an important part of our morning service and fellowship. Most of the people are also on many of the other rotas too, however, if more people would join this rota, with enough volunteers, hopefully it would mean that people would only do a turn once every 10 12 weeks or so.

    I would also be grateful if any one would like to go on a reserve list that I could call on when needed.

    Once again thank you for all you do

    Blessings Margaret

    Welcomers I recently experienced the benefit of being welcomed into a church I was visiting. It helped me relax, feel wanted and I settled into worship more easily. I hear comments from visitors that our welcome at BBC is just like this, so thank you for your willing service it is so valuable.

    PASTORAL TEAM We have a team of people who are readily available to listen, encourage and pray with you . Do ring Chris Danter or John Sykes.

    Note from Editor: This so out of date. Please, Please send in some fresh photos of yourselves.


    REPORT Due to a lack of people willing to be involved in the mission group, we stopped meeting regularly part way through the year. However we will continue to keep the church informed and encourage prayer for our mission partners both in this country and overseas.

    As a church we currently support Kathleen, who is in Edinburgh at the moment, but hoping to return to Uganda in the not too distant future,

    Rachel and Sjoerd, who have just returned to the UK for six months from Niger,

    Ruth in Azerbaijan, Chris and Anna Hembury and YFC in Hull, and Beverley Schools Christian Trust working in the schools here in Beverley.

    The leadership team have recently introduced Simon and

    Jennifer Barnes who are hoping to work in Spain and we look forward to learning more about them.

    PRAYER NETWORK Over the last year there have been regular opportunities to pray in groups, with Pop in to pray on Tuesday afternoons.

    There have also been ad hoc opportunities with organised prayer meetings. Though numbers attending these have often been small they have been times of real blessing, coming into Gods presence, lifting our voices in prayer, and listening to His voice.

    The prayer life of the church is also alive amongst the house groups and the prayer chain.

    My thanks go to Margaret Brown for keeping us updated and praying through the prayer chain.

    If you want to know more about prayer, or want to be more involved in the prayer life of the church please speak to me or another Member of the leadership team. Andy Lawley

    Prayer and Mission


    Simon and Jennifer

  • PRAYER CHAIN Another year has gone by since the last report. We have had many prayer requests in that time both Joy and Sorrows some have been answered and some still waiting to be answered. We serve a loving God and Father who will answer all our prayers in his perfect timing, not always as we would like but he knows best.

    When thinking about prayer and answers I think about a set of traffic lights being like the way God answers prayer

    RED means NO I have better plans for you.

    AMBER means YES but you must wait the time is not right

    GREEN means YES right now.

    Again its been an honour, privilege to serve God and his church in this way.

    If you have any prayer requests that you would like to go on the prayer chain then please e mail me the requests so that I can forward it on to the chain . If possible please text or phone me to alert me as I dont always open emails on a daily basis

    Blessings, Margaret

    Mobile 07904691695

    Home 01482 863164

    Email: [email protected]

    POP INTO PRAY Pop into pray continues to meet at 10 Grove Close on most Tuesday afternoons between 2- 3.

    Generally, 4 or 5 of us each week

    and as the name suggests any one can just pop in for the full hour or for however long they wish, it is open house.

    We pray on all matters of concern which are shared confidentially within the group.

    If any one needs prayer and doesnt want it to go on the church prayer chain then just let Chris, Margaret, Joan or Judy know and it will stay with-in the group.

    We catch up, discuss and share matters to pray for over tea and biscuits (and sometime cake!) and th en w e p ra y f erv en t l y Blessings Margaret



    Is a Charitable Trust Organisation which provides advice and support on housing, benefits and some legal issues. We are grateful to them for allowing us to run the church office from their premises and some of our gatherings such as Open Door Coffee and Chat and training days

    Several of the staff and advisors are Christians including our own Pat Crouch who is Chair. If you would like to know more or volunteer to help in any way than speak with Pat one Sunday morning.

  • Beverley Schools Christian Trust (BSCT) is one of the mission partners supported by BBC. The trust employs three part-time Schools Workers, Andrea Simpson and Phil Simpson, who work in the Secondary Schools in Beverley, and Cathy Beynon who works in the Primary Schools in Beverley.

    (Andrea also works part-time for a sister trust, Cottingham Churches Together Schools Trust, in Cottingham High School, and Phil spends one day each week working in East Riding College in Beverley funded by the college).

    All the work of the trust is aimed at meeting the objective of enabling the young people of Beverley to be able to link the secular with the spiritual. Opportunities to provide overtly Christian activities in the Secondary Schools is somewhat limited these days, but the workers make a much appreciated contribution in one-to-one work with young people with various social problems, particularly at Longcroft School.

    Cathy is responsible for running lunch-time clubs, either Bible Clubs or Prayer SPACEs, in 7 Beverley Primary Schools, with the assistance of over 20 volunteer helpers from the local churches. In a typical week, approximately 300 pupils will attend one of these clubs. The trust is hoping to extend the work in primary schools to the schools in the surrounding villages.

    Beverley Schools

    Christian trust

    While Cathy manages to raise a considerable proportion of the cost of providing the primary activities from local and national charities, the work of the trust in general is restricted by the limitation of local funding through the churches and supporters. The trust also needs the support of local Christians who would be willing to give their time and energy to support the work as trustees.

  • SUNDAY GROUPS: Crche, cbeebies, CBBC

    & BBC HD Our Sunday school groups cater for upto one-half of our Sunday morning congregation with more than 40 children on the register. We regularly have more than 30 children in our Sunday activities, plus visits from less regular family groups.

    All of the groups continue to use Scripture Union material as the basis of their teaching sessions, with some leaders supplementing with Urban Saints resources, as needed.

    To help with the transition from HD Sunday school to being part of adult church, the HD group have continued to remain in the service for the sermon during school holidays, answering questions kindly set by the preacher. This has helped them learn how to listen to a sermon and spot the relevant teaching. This is always followed up with a short discussion with an HD leader to make sure theyve got the point!

    My thanks go to all the leaders and helpers who make sure our young congregation learn of the wonders of God and his love for them.

    Sunday school co-ordinator - Andy Lawley 01430 874072

    Youth & Children Urban Saints

    Beverley The last year has seen a few significant changes to the USB Youth group. Originally it ran as two separate groups USB (Years 5 and upwards) and USB Kids (Years 2-4). The younger group has been constant whereas the older group has tapered off so the two separate groups were merged to form one group. We relocated from the loft at St Nicholas to Swinemoor School at the same time.

    USB is held on alternate Saturdays and caters for young people 7 14 years of age, with a few either side of this age group attending. Meeting at Swinemoor has given us the scope to cater for larger groups and the opportunity for outdoors activities during the summer months

    During the summer 35-40 young people attended and during the winter months 25-30 attend each session.

    The evenings are structured around various activities which start with an ice-breaker as the young people arrive. This is then followed by a short teaching session before moving on to free time which gives the young people time to participate in crafts, indoor and outdoor games. Sessions also include team

  • games and fun games such as boy versus girl challenges or Challenge Gabe. The teaching is followed up later on by a team question activity we call feed the weeds which involves been squirted with water if the question is answered wrongly.

    Each evening ends with a short period of quiet reflection before going home.

    The end of the summer term at USB was celebrated with a family fun day with bouncy castle, barbecue, crafts, sports, outside games and each others company. Last years fun day was enjoyed by around 100 people of all ages.

    USB is run as a team effort and e v e r y b o d y h a s a n

    opportunity to take part in the different activities on a rota basis. Thanks to the dedicated members of the team who give up their Saturday evenings every other week to make this the success it is: Ella Nicholson, Eleanor Wilson, Elliott Wilson, Katy Peplow, Ian Peplow, Jo Stubbs, Simon Deakin, Tracy Pike, Joanne Ledraw-Hesp, Gabriel Ledraw-Hesp and Paul Hesp.


    Margaret Brown

    FLOWER ROTA Judy Williams


    Sunday School Andy Lawley

    USB Beverley Paul Hesp


    Tuesday Group Alison Cockerill, Emily Peach

    Catch Up Group Margaret Brown

    Sunday Evening Group John Sykes

    Mens group Peter Williams

    DADs Group Ian Peplow

    PPP Group Julia Peplow, Ruth Newton

    Interactive Andy Lawley


    Kath and Clive Richardson

    Fish Julia Peplow / Ruth Newton


    Stephen Newton Chris Peach John Sykes


    Stephen Newton & Stuart Carr


    Chris Danter


    Chris Peach

    MISSION GROUP Joan Sykes


    PRAYER NETWORK Margaret Brown

    WELCOME TEAM Chris Danter

    SET-UP Steve Moore

    COMMUNION Jackie and Philip Wright

    WEBSITE Dave Tongeman