Annual Report 2009

Compania Naţională Poşta Română SA


Annual Report 2009

Transcript of Annual Report 2009

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Compania Naţională Poşta Română SA

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Annual Report 2009


1. Highlights of postal history

2. Mission, values, human resources

3. The President’s Statement

4. Postal services market

5. Specialised branches

6. Operational Activity

7. Trading activity

8. Financial indicators

9. Investment and development

10. Quality Certification System

11. Events of 2009

12. Projects, perspectives, targets

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1. Highlights of postal history

1399 – The Charter is issued byPrince Mircea cel BătrânThe first document regarding theexistence of postal services inRomania is issued at Giurgiu.

1858 – "The Bull Head"Postage stamps are introduced inMoldova. Four values of the first issueare printed with a manual press, pieceby piece.

1864 – The establishment of modern post officePrince Alexandru Ioan Cuza ruled the merging of the postal service withthe telegraph, and in 1893 the telephone service was added.

1865 – “The Post Office and Telegraph Act”The first law regarding the organisation of communications sector.

1874 – Universal Postal Union (UPU)The first Postal Congress is held at Berne following which the UniversalPostal Union is established. Romania is one of the 22 founding membersof the organisation.

1991 – Romanian Post Office Autonomous AdministrationIn June, the Government Decision no. 448/27 ruled the establishment ofthe Romanian Post Office Autonomous Administration, thus rendering thepostal services financially autonomous.

1992 – Regionalisation programmeThe first step towards decentralization was based on four principles:organisational structure, quality, economic and international principles.

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June 27th, 1996 – Postal Services ActThe Romanian Post Office becomes the national public operator.

1998 – CN Poşta Română SAThe Romanian Post Office Autonomous Administration was converted intoa joint stock company, which is also its current status.

2004 – Appointment as a universal service providerCN Poşta Română has been appointed the universal service provider in thefield of postal services for a period of 5 years.

2009 – The appointment period of CN Poşta Română SA as a universalservice provider in the field of postal services was extended untilDecember 31st, 2012. The company is granted the exclusive right toprovide postal services covering mail items, whether their delivery isaccelerated or not, whose weight is less than 50 g, against a fee inferiorto 2 lei.

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2. Misiune, valori, resurse umaneMission: We have been providing our services to people for 150 years andwe have been helping them connect to each other, regardless of thelocation where they live, work and travel

Fundamental values:

Trust Tradition Safety Performance

Valori de reprezentare: National coverage Service diversity Professionalism

Principles governing the activityof the company:

Integrity: we act in a spirit of integrity and honesty in everything we do,we strive to increase the company's values and keep the promises madeto ourselves and our customers.

Experience: based on the experience of past actions we learn to knoweach other better. Our activity proves that we are a reliable companyalways close to its customers.

Respect: the respect for our customers, colleagues, partners, legislationand environment is the foundation of our development.

Expedience: the advantages of our performance consist in the constantconcern to become more efficient, faster and more prompt.

Results: we continually seek to improve the quality of our services withover 35,000 postal employees and a network of over 7,000 units.

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Human resources

Human resources have always been our main advantage. People are themost important resource of CN Poşta Română SA and therefore, we investin continuous development and improvement. Human values are the keyto our success.

Open communication is ensured through a working environment whereopinions and initiative are encouraged and appreciated.

Professional standards are maintained and improved through thecontinuous professional development of employees.

Customer orientation motivates and helps us provide complete andeffective solutions.

In 2009 the staff structure was as follows:

Total staff as of January 31st, 2009: 35,928

Total staff as of December 31st, 2009: 36,004

Total postmen: 11,376














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3. The President’s Statement

Ever since its establishment, Compania Naţională Poşta Română has

been proving that, regardless the vicissitudes of times, it was and

remains, as our slogan says, “part of the Romanians’ life”. This implies

responsibility and readiness towards the social and economic role played

by Poşta Română in society, values that have never been abandoned and

that guide our entire activity. The year 2009 was a year preparing the

company for the important process of reorganisation and restructuring in

order to improve its activity. More specifically, it is a new stage in the life

of Poşta Română that will bring about new positive changes with medium

and long-term effects.

In addition to the efforts for rendering its activity more efficient,

Poşta Română managed at the end of last year to maintain its turnover

level during a year when Romania was already witnessing the economic

downturn on the international financial market. Thus, in an economic

climate more and more unfavourable, we understood that it is essential to

adapt to the needs of the community. All these issues that represented

our main concern throughout the year 2009 will culminate with the

standardization of services provided by Poşta Română to its customers

once the quality certification ISO 9001 is obtained.

In the future, the implementation of development plans and

achievement of each target will only be possible with highly trained human

resources. The company's management is responsible before employees

not only to preserve jobs, but also to provide an increasingly better

training environment. In this respect, the investment in human resources

helps our company maintain a high level in the collaboration relationships

with new business partners, but also with our traditional customers. This

is particularly important since we are dealing with a national economy in

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search of solutions to the financial crisis, but also due to the fact that, in

2013, CN Poşta Română, a national traditional symbol, will have to cope

successfully with the liberalisation process of specialised market.

President of the BoA and General Manager of CNPR

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4. Postal services marketThe overall analysis of the postal services market throughout 2009

emphasizes that the efforts related to retaining customers and gaining

new customers have been increasingly intense. In this respect, Poşta

Română is striving to meet the customers’ needs manifested by

increasingly higher standards both in terms of quality of services, rapidity

and safety of delivery, possibilities to track items, additional services

related to postal services and flexibility of offers and guarantees provided.

Customer orientation, the development of integrated service packages,

the initiation of new business development projects mainly based on the

use of web platforms, as well as the continuous improvement of service

quality are some of the strategic priorities in developing the activity of

Poşta Română.

The main factors influencing the demand for postal services are:

echnological factors associated with socio-cultural factors (patterns

of behaviour on a given market); they have been recently leading to

the creation of new ways of meeting customer needs (the Internet is

increasingly replacing the dispatch of traditional letters, cards and

ATMs have become more convenient for users than going to the

post office to pay utilities, for example).

Although technological factors apparently reduce the demand for

postal services, they also have the role of contributing to the

development of new postal products and services and attracting new

customers (they may underlie offer diversification solutions, being

directly or indirectly reflected in the evolution of the market);

legal factors: consumer protection law, postal law; since they are

restrictive and require the maintenance of costly services, they can

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influence the structure of postal services limiting in some cases the

possibilities for customization;

f economic and business environment factors; they directly influence

the demand for postal services, both globally and regionally.

Universal service in the field of postal services

Compania Naţională Poşta Română SA is bound to provide the following

postal services in the field of universal service across Romania, for a

period ending on December 31st, 2012:

1. the collection, sorting, transport and delivery of mail items, domestic

and international printed papers and domestic direct mail weighing up

to 2 kg (inclusively);

2. the collection, sorting, transport and delivery of domestic and

international postal parcels weighing up to 10 kg (inclusively);

3. the delivery of postal parcels with weight limits between 10 kg and 20

kg (inclusively) sent from outside Romania to an address across


4. registered mail service having as object the postal items mentioned

under paragraphs 1, 2 and 3;

insured value mail service having as object the postal items mentioned

under paragraphs 1, 2 and 3;

CN Poşta Română is also granted the exclusive right to provide the

following postal services until December 31st, 2012:

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a) the collection, sorting, transport and delivery of domestic mail items

whose weight does not exceed 50 g against a fee inferior to 2 lei;

b) the delivery of mail items whose weight does not exceed 50 g, sent

from outside Romania to an address across Romania.

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5. Specialised branches

In 2009 Poşta Română provided various specific services by means of its

specialised branches:

Express Courier Division

Express Courier Division, the

specialised express courier

branch of CN Poşta Română, has

a substantial network of working

facilities across the country, its

own fleet and staff.

Established as a result of the

development of increasingly

diverse and intense business relations between economic agents, the

Express Courier Division offers by means of its services an alternative to

the other similar services operating on the domestic and foreign market,

ensuring besides efficiency, a pricing policy adapted to the current

economy. The resources of the branch facilitate the dispatch and receipt

of items at competitive parameters and particularly at a value for money

appreciated on the market.

Direcţia Servicii Financiare

The Financial Services Division, a specialised component of Poşta Română,

carries out an activity focused on financial services and products.

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By means of its postal subunit network, the Financial Services Division

provides its customers with domestic and international money transfer

services (Eurogiro, Western Union), financial and banking services

(prepaid MasterCard card), as well as with the opportunity to make cash

payments for a wide range of utility providers and banking and financial


Moreover, the Financial Services Division has the role of a transit and

control centre for both classic financial services and those based on new


Shipping Division

The Shipping Division is the branch of Compania Naţională Poşta Română

specialised in integrated direct marketing services, sale by mail and press

delivery. The activities undertaken in 2009 by this branch focused

particularly on increasing the customer portfolio, configuring more

attractive offers for large customers and being closer to partners by

providing the most convenient solutions for their advertising campaigns.

The main objectives of the Shipping Division consisted in increasing the

number of users of direct marketing services provided, improving the

quality of services and implicitly increasing the satisfaction of business


Stamp Factory

The Stamp Factory, a printing house of old tradition founded in 1872,

manufactures a wide range of high quality products, combining all types of

printing: offset printing, gravure printing and high printing. The printing

house mainly focuses on printing special products: stamps, postal

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stationery, stock, bank certificates, checks, diplomas, tickets for sporting

and cultural activities, etc. In 2004 an important modernization and

technological upgrading process was initiated by the purchase of new,

highly performing printing equipment and machinery. Fully computer-

assisted, the new printing process ensures rapidity (15,000 sheets / hour)

and high quality. In addition, the programming, standardization and

maintenance of parameters for repeatable commands (labels, stamps,

fiscal stamps, printed papers, etc.) are ensured, thus saving substantial

working time. Besides the new equipment, highly performing DTP

(Desktop Publishing) and Prepress computers and automated installations

for aluminium films and plates required for printing grant the Stamp

Factory a high ranking among highly performing printing houses across


National Philatelic Museum

The National Philatelic Museum was inaugurated in early October 2004

during the Universal Postal Union congress in Bucharest. The 3 display

rooms contain a part of over 11 million stamps in the patrimony,

representing approximately 3,000,000 philatelic series, some of which are

unique worldwide. The same location displays the original steel moulds

which were used to print the four values of the first issue of Moldova’s Bull

Head (1858), samples, models and specific exhibits related to stamp

manufacturing methods from 1872 until today. The National Philatelic

Museum also displays various postal items from the second half of the

19th century and first half of the 20th century, illustrating the evolution of

the Romanian Post Office throughout this period. These include old

paintings, postal prints and stationery, post office furniture, mail

carriages, value cases.

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Among the representative pieces on display there are coachmen outfits, a

metal value case bearing the emblem of the Principality of Moldavia from

1840, the documents of the UPU Congress in Vienna (1891), the birch

bark postcard sent during the Battle of Mărăşeşti of War World I, postal

maps of 1849 and 1873 and an extensive bibliography (books, catalogues,

articles, etc.) on the Romanian philatelic history, as well as diplomas and

medals obtained by CN Poşta Română over the years.

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6. Operational Activity

The Romanian PostalServices Market

The territorial network of

Poşta Română ensures

access to the company’s

services for approximately 15

million customers a month

(about 30% of the total

volume of activities carried

out through the postal

network are performed by

natural persons and legal

entities without a contract).

The postal network of Compania Naţională Poşta Română traditionally held

and still holds a privileged position on the market of service operators and

product providers, for both individuals and economic agents and

institutions of any kind.

Thus, Poşta Română plays an important role on the market of transactions

between economic agents and individuals. The postal network is able to

meet most of the requirements regarding communication, delivery of

products and goods, money transfer, etc. For many citizens, the postal

services represent a means of social integration and fostering the access

to information and trade.

National Subunit Network

C.N. Poşta Română SA has a very extensive network of operational postal

subunits (over 7,000) covering the entire national territory. This network

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ensures primarily the provision of the universal postal service for all areas

of the country, in accordance with national and international regulations in

the field.

A total of over 30,000 postal employees work in these operational

subunits, representing an impressive human resource, made permanently

available to customers across the country.

The Structure and Evolution in Time of the Postal Subunit Network

In the period 2005 - 2009, CN Poşta Română has not witnessed a

fluctuation in the number of postal subunits. Their number was 7064 in

2005 and 7.060 in 2009 and the aim of maintaining the number of

postal subunits was to improve the efficiency of the activity within the


Operative postal subunits are found across the country and ensure the

provision of the entire service portfolio of CNPR (postal, financial, banking,

direct marketing, indoor advertising, electronic mail, commercial services,

contract and agreement-based services etc.).

Operative postal subunits are subordinate to County Post Offices (OJP)

and District Zonal Offices (OZS) in the case of postal subunits in


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Situation of VPN/ADSL Offices

CN Poşta Română currently holds a computer network grouped into two

categories: Virtual Private Network (VPN) and Dial-Up (ADSL).

Computerization is a strategic objective of the company, allowing to

conduct operations under the best safety conditions, given the fact that

secure computer systems and private communications networks are used.

Regional Directorate VPN Offices ADSL Offices

Bucureşti 103 -

Braşov 75 67

Bacău 29 28

Craiova 42 35

Constanta 40 29

Cluj 71 44

Timişoara 77 37

Iaşi 49 25

Galaţi 34 15

Ploieşti 53 38

Total 573 318

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7. Trading activity


Written communication printed or

recorded on material support, to

be transported and delivered -

otherwise than electronically - at

the address indicated by the

sender on the item or its


This category includes letters, postcards (simple postcards, semi-

illustrates, picture postcards, greeting cards), aerogrammes.

The evolution of income from letter mail during 2008-2009

Thousand lei:

YEAR 2008 YEAR 2009

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The evolution of income from domestic Acknowledgment of Receipt letters(A.R.) in 2008-2009

Thousand lei:

YEAR 2008 YEAR 2009

The evolution of income from international Acknowledgment of Receiptletters (A.R.) in 2008-2009

Thousand lei:

YEAR 2008 YEAR 2009

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Newspaper, magazine subscription contracts and home/head officedelivery contracts.


Mail items containing goods with or without commercial value; parcels

should not contain other postal items.

The evolution of income from postal parcels during 2008-2009

Thousand lei:

YEAR 2008 YEAR 2009


Postal item ensuring the transport and delivery of goods with or without

commercial value, which can circulate unconditionally in standard

packages (bags, satchels); the sender is required to notify the addressee

regarding the date and time when he/she can come to the post office to

pick up the announced parcel.

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The evolution of income from Cash on Delivery Service during 2008-2009

Thousand lei:

YEAR 2008 YEAR 2009

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Represents the domestic express service of Poşta Română for documents

and goods, available to customers in a large network of approximately

1,000 localities.

Prioripost with fixed insured valueExpress items of financial-accounting or fiscal documents.


Domestic ultra-fast taking over, transport and delivery service for postal

items in and between approximately 18 cities.



Express Mail Service grants the rapid dispatch of documents and goods to

international destinations, against fees set according to the countries of

destination and weight levels.


International rapid courier product carried out based on a partnership

between Compania Naţională Poşta Română S.A. and TNT Romania, for

sending documents and goods in over 231 countries and territories.

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The evolution of income from Express Services during 2008-2009

Thousand lei:

YEAR 2008 YEAR 2009


Domestic money order

A registered item by means of which a postal subunit ensures the

remittance to a certain destination of an amount of money (in lei)

entrusted by the sender. The payment is made in cash or in a bank


Electronic money order

A service ensuring the electronic remittance of unlimited amounts of

money, in RON, to the addressee, at any postal address or directly in a

corporate account.

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On-line money order

A service ensuring the electronic remittance of an unlimited amount of

money, in RON, within 1 hour from depositing of the amount, provided

that the recipient is present at the postal subunit of destination.

The evolution of income from Domestic Financial Services during 2008-2009

Thousand lei:

YEAR 2008 YEAR 2009


International money order

A financial service allowing customers to send and receive money

(EURO/USD), available for countries that are part of agreements. The

addressee is notified on the arrival of the international money order and

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asked to come at the post office designated to perform this service for the

addressee’s area of residence.


Specialised financial service allowing the transfer of money (EURO/USD) –

for the countries that are part of agreements – in a fast and safe system,

based on an electronic system of money transfer. The addressee is

notified on the arrival of EUROGIRO money order and asked to come at

the post office designated to perform this service for the addressee’s area

of residence. The Cash EUROGIRO service (also called EUROGIRO-CODE)

facilitates the international transfer of cash on delivery amounts collected

from the addressees of postal items accompanied by international cash on

delivery money orders.

EUROGIRO Cash Internaţional

EUROGIRO Cash International (E.C.I.) is a specialised financial service

provided by Eurogiro and the International Postal Union by means of

Eurogiro network allowing customers to send and receive cash (Euro) at

the post office desk. The transfer is performed in a fast and safe system,

based on an electronic system of money transfer, and the payment can be

made after two days (but not later than 30 days). The sender must inform

the addressee about the transfer and the details of the operation.

Western Union

Fast and secure money transfer (it may be available within 10 minutes),

accessible through a network of over 345,000 locations in over 200

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countries. The sender must inform the addressee about the transfer and

the details of the operation.

The evolution of income from Western Union financial transfers during2008-2009

Thousand lei:

YEAR 2008 YEAR 2009


Poşta Română, in partnership with APS (Advanced Payment Solutions),

offers the prepaid Cashplus MasterCard, an ideal money management

tool, to make payments and purchases at retailers or directly online.


Poşta Română provides its customers with the possibility to pay at the

postal subunits the equivalent value of invoices issued by the main utility

and service providers (Romtelecom, Orange, Cosmote, Telemobil (Zapp),

Electrica, GDF Suez, UPC, DTH Television (Boom TV), Akta, Atlas Telecom,

Eufonika, Avon) and the instalments under consumer loan contracts (BRD

Finance, Citibank, Raiffeisen Bank S.A., Credit Europe Bank, Garanti Bank

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International, Porsche Bank, Millennium Bank, RBS Bank, Cetelem, EFG

Retail Services IFN S.A., GE Money).

The evolution of income from Loan Instalment Collections during 2008-2009

Thousand lei:

YEAR 2008 YEAR 2009


Poşta Română subunits provide their customers with the possibility to pay

the fee for using the national road network in Romania for periods of 1

day, 7 days, 30 days or 12 months and the issue of rovignettes.


By means of its subunits, Poşta Română offers for rent mailboxes for

customers (natural persons or legal entities) who want to pick up

personally, by proxy or delegate the items in the following categories of

services: mail letters (correspondence, printed papers, Infadres, "M"

bags), parcels, Prioripost, money orders.

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Poşta Română subunits offer for sale a wide range of items: stamps, fiscal

and legal stamps, postal stationery, telephone and internet access cards,

packaging, stationery and office items, consumables and other consumer



Infadres (Direct mail)

Direct mail items that consist solely of advertising or marketing materials

containing an identical message, except the name, address and

identification number of the addressee, as well as other modifications that

do not alter the content of the message.


Domestic items (weighing up to 20 grams) that consist solely of

advertising or marketing materials containing an identical message,

except certain changes that do not alter the content of the message. The

items are delivered to addressees without an address specified by the

sender (unaddressed items).

Postmesager Plus

Domestic items (weighing up to 20 grams) that consist solely of

advertising or marketing materials containing an identical message,

except for certain changes that do not alter the content of the message.

These items are delivered to a specific market segment, selected by the

customer or provided by Compania Naţională Poşta Română, possible to

apply (semi-addressed items).

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Domestic items (weighing 21- 2,000 grams) that consist solely of

advertising or marketing materials containing identical messages, except

for certain changes that do not alter the content of the message.


The display of advertising posters at the premises of Poşta Română.

Produse şi servicii ale Fabricii de Timbre:

Stamps (legal), blocks, sheets, mini-sheets;

Miscellaneous: posters, diplomas, presentation folders, certificates,

greeting cards, calendars, brochures, prospectuses, magazines,

covers, catalogues, leaflets, etiquettes on chromo paper or stickers,

light packaging, broached books;


Correspondence envelopes, various envelopes (customized

envelopes, theme envelopes with printed stamp, event and

anniversary envelopes);

Normal regime forms (postal specific forms), special regime forms

(fiscal invoices, shipment slips, receipt books, deposit certificates,

cheques, shares, bonds, payment orders, diplomas);


Postal stationery: money orders, remittance bulletins, semi-

illustrated postcards;


Invoices: database processing (variable data printer), folding, and

insertion in envelopes.

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8. Financial indicators

Main economic and financial indicators achieved in 2009,

compared with the approved income and expenditure budget

- mii lei -



2009 +/-Grad derealizare


TOTAL INCOME 1,543,950 1,500,147 - 43,803 97.16

Income from operation 1,487,300 1,458,436 -28,864 98.06

Financial income 56.650 41.711 -14.939 73,63

TOTAL EXPENSES 1.539.075 1.681.670 142.595 109,26

Operational expenses 1.533.438 1.669.423 135.985 108,87

Financial expenses 5.637 12.247 6.610 217,26

GROSS RESULT 4.875 -181.523 -186.398 -3.723,55

Result from operations -46.138 -210.987 -164.849 457,30

Financial result 51.013 29.464 -21.549 57,76

The deterioration of the gross result of C.N. Poşta Română S.A. in 2009,

when the company witnessed a gross loss of 181,523 thousand lei, was the

result of several factors:

a downward trend in the volume of mail activities performed by C.N.P.R.

in early 2009, mainly due to the worsening economic crisis, which

affected the postal services market and decreased the growth pace of

C.N.P.R. turnover rate;

them conclusion of asset and service purchase contracts in the second

half of 2008, which encumbered expenditure during 2009 and exceeding

the expenditure proposed in the approved budget.

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In these circumstances, despite the efforts made during 2009 to attract

new customers and increase the volume of activities on one hand, and on

the other hand the efforts for a responsible management of certain

categories of expenditure and renegotiation of certain contracts with the

providers of services necessary to carry out the activity of Poşta Română,

the growth rate of total expenditure in 2009 compared to 2008 was much

higher than the growth rate of total income, which led to the deterioration

of the economic and financial situation of Poşta Română in 2009.

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9. Investment and development

C.N.P.R.'s investment

strategy was aimed

primarily at creating

appropriate conditions for

the performance of postal

activities and the creation

of a better image of Poşta

Română by ensuring

optimal working areas for


The main categories of investment made in 2009 were:

Constructions works

upgrading and development of buildings that have improved the

working conditions for employees;

the initiation of the project to reduce risks in the event of natural

disasters and preparedness for emergency situations, a project

which is part of the "Programme for the Prevention and Risk

Management during Natural Disasters - Part B: Seismic risk


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Purchase of postal equipment and machinery

Quality, increased speed, reliability and high efficiency are just some of

the features of the new equipment. The technological upgrading of postal

services at European standards will implicitly lead to attracting new

customers and a diversification of services provided to the public.

In 2010 "further investment" will continue under the form of works or

purchases for which procurement contracts are in place with suppliers,

designers or constructors who won the tenders or invitations to tender

and require immediate payment.

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10. Quality Certification System

Postage service quality is a constant concern of C.N. Poşta Română, in

terms of achieving its permanent mission to ensure the timely delivery of

postal items on the national territory, as well as to accomplish the

increasingly strict demands of its customers. In order to materialise the

continuous quality improvement aspirations, C.N. Poşta Română decided

to implement the quality management system in accordance with SR EN

ISO 9001:2008 standard, an important goal which gives users confidence

in the services provided, thus becoming a decisive factor in increasing the

competitiveness and credibility of the Company.

Thus, during 2009 the following objectives have been achieved in the

quality management system:

Implementation and certification of the Quality Management

System in accordance with the requirements of SR EN ISO 9001:2008

standard, within Bucharest Shipping Division and Bucharest

Express Courier Division.

Elaboration and approval of all documents related to the Quality

Management System, according to the requirements of SR EN ISO

9001:2008 standard (by the Decision of the Board of Administration

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No. 2/08.12.2009). The date of February, 1st 2010 was set as the

deadline for obtaining the C.N.P.R. certification for the fields of activity

"postal activities carried out under the universal service

obligation. Other postal and courier activities".

Organization of "Training courses for internal auditors of quality

management systems, in accordance with the requirements of

SR EN ISO 9001:2008 standard" for a total of 60 employees. The

process will also continue in 2010, aimed at training internal auditors of

quality management systems for newly established branches.

Within C.N. Poşta Română S.A., the statistical determinations for

internal mail items of the fastest standard category are made

according to SR EN 13850:2003 standard - (Postal services.

Service Quality) by an independent monitoring body; in accordance with

the laws in force concerning intra-European international items in the

fastest standard category, the UNEX system was used and the

measurements were carried out by an independent monitoring company.

The auditing of the measurement results required to assess the quality

objectives, in compliance with SR EN 13850:2003 standard was also

carried out by independent experts.

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Perspectives and objectives pursued in 2010

"The ISO 9001:2008 Certification" for "postal activities carried

out under the universal service obligation and other postal and

courier activities" is a confirmation that the management system

configured within the organisation meets the requirements imposed by

the standard. The implementation of the Quality Management System

within C.N. Poşta Română S.A., in accordance with SR EN ISO

9001:2008 standard reassures the service users regarding the

consistency of the service quality, becoming a decisive factor in

increasing the competitiveness and credibility of the company.

C.N.P.R. will consider the designing of the Internal Managerial

Control System, according to the provisions of the Decree no. 946 of

July the 4th, 2005 for the approval of the internal control Code,

containing the internal management/control standards within public

entities and for the development of the managerial control systems, as

amended and supplemented, under the coordination and counselling of

M.C.S.I. representatives.

The process of implementation and certification of the Quality

Management System was initiated, under the international

accreditation referential SR EN ISO 9001:2008 for the Financial

Services Branch.

The implementation and certification of Information Security

Management System within C.N. Poşta Română S.A. is in progress as

well, in accordance with the requirements of ISO / IEC 27001:2006


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11. Events of 2009

Epistolary contest

Since 1991, in cooperation with the Ministry of Education, Research and

Innovation, Poşta Română has been organising an annual epistolary

contest for students up to 15 years old. The theme is set annually by the

Universal Postal Union. The contest takes place in four stages: county,

regional, national and international. On October 9th, 2009, the World Post

Day, the epistolary contest was launched with the topic "Compose a letter

explaining why is it important to talk about AIDS and to protect ourselves

against the disease". The contest will end on March 17th, 2010 with the

nomination of winners at the national stage. The best paper, accompanied

by a translation into French, English or Spanish, will be submitted to the

UPU International Bureau until April 30th, 2010.

The Postmen’s March

Since 1977 C.N. Poşta Română

has been organising a competition

with the longest tradition in the

history of Poşta Română, the

Postmen’s March. The event

organised in three phases - county,

regional and national - has already

become a tradition and also an

opportunity to bond for postmen

who enjoy sports competitions.

The National Phase of the

Postmen’s March was held in May 2009 in Gura Humorului. The top five contestants for boys

and the top three contestants for girls have participated in the Balkan Postmen Competition in

October 2009, in Turkey. The representatives of Romania have won the top rankings.

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Open Days at the National Philatelic Museum

From October the 7th to October the 11th, 2009, the event “Open Days at

the National Philatelic Museum” was held as an event dedicated to children

in Bucharest. This event, held annually since 2005, is designed to

familiarize pupils of the first 8 years of studies with the world of stamps,

letters and other means of communication by regular mail. Admission is

free for students and their accompanying teachers.

"Flowers for women mail carriers" – 1st - 8th of March

The 8th of March was dedicated to the women working for Poşta Română.

More than half of Poşta Română employees are women. The Postman

Newspaper dedicated an issue of the newspaper to their female colleagues

in Poşta Română. Representatives of the Public Relations Department

visited the post offices in Alexandria, Teleorman County, offering flowers

to their female colleagues on behalf of the Editorial Board. Events paying

tribute to the women in Poşta Română took place in other postal subunits

across the country, as well.

Poşta Română in the campaign "Do not go on the other side"

Poşta Română has joined the social awareness campaign "Do not go on the other

side", launched by the Bucharest Traffic Police Brigade in June 2009, aiming to

reduce road accidents. In September, upon the delivery of retirement

allowances, Poşta Română distributed in Bucharest informative leaflets by means

of postmen. This campaign was intended for elderly people and was aimed at

raising awareness regarding the risks they are exposed to when crossing the

street where it is not allowed to.

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Poşta Română involved in the "Forest Month" programme

Postmen across the country planted over 12,600 seedlings within the

reforestation program called "Forest Month" launched by Romsilva in the

spring of 2009. The planting took place in an environmental education

programme initiated by Poşta Română aimed at fostering volunteerism

among its employees, through their awareness about the important role of

the environmental protection for the sustainable development of Romania.

The ultimate goal of the action was to plant across the country a number

of trees equivalent to the number of trees cut for the production of 130

tones of paper consumed each year within Poşta Română.

Drawing contest

Poşta Română continued the tradition of organising drawing contests

attended by thousands of children across the country every year. On

Children’s Day, Poşta Română has awarded prizes to the winners of the

drawing contest "Portrait of a Postman." The prizes consisted of four six-

night travel packages in June in Eforie Sud (Constanţa county) and Agapia

(Neamţ county).

"Wonder Land"

On June 1st, on the International Children's Day, the "Wonder Land" event

for children of all ages was organised in Piata Sfatului in Braşov, aimed at

achieving a world record: "The longest chain of children in the world". This

chain involved over 4,000 children. The event implied performances on

stage by 1,000 children in music, dance, fashion, puppet shows, contests

and demonstrations organized by divers in a 10,000-litre pool. Also on

June 1st, 400 children from Braşov participated in the contest entitled "A

letter properly filled in will always arrive at the destination". Children were

taught to fill in properly on the envelope the addressee’s address, the

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sender’s address and the postal code. The prize of this contest was a trip

by bus to Bucharest, for a total of 36 children.

"I want to go to school too"

In September 2009, the campaign "I want to go to school too" was

launched and held at Braşov Regional Post Office Directorate. This

campaign aimed at raising school supplies for children without financial

possibilities. Special collection boxes have been installed in all post offices

in Braşov municipality, in Magnolia Shopping Centre Mall and in schools in

Braşov municipality. All the supplies collected were donated to the

children in rural areas.

"Enter the Magical World of Santa Claus"

Poşta Română along with Raiffeisen Bank launched in December 2009 the

campaign "Enter the Magical World of Santa Claus", dedicated to children

between 3 and 14 years old. During the month December, children had

the opportunity to purchase at any post office in the country, a kit

containing an envelope, an A4 sheet for the message to Santa and a

postcard. Once filled in, the letters were sent to Santa Claus, at the pre-

printed address on the envelope. All the letters have participated in a

raffle held for the nomination of winners of the five prizes which consisted

of trips to Lappland.


Along with other postal administrations, Poşta Română participated in the

ProACTIN international project programme (Proactive Acquis

Communautaire Training Initiatives) which ended in June 2009. ProACTIN

project was based on a trainers’ training” programme by means of

training, bilateral visits and national campaigns to disseminate knowledge.

Over 550 employees of Poşta Română have been trained under this

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programme at the level of the senior and middle management in the

areas: Marketing and Public Relations, Service Quality, Relationship with

the Government organisms, Accounting Management, Project


C.O.U.R.I.E.L Project

By signing the Cooperation Agreement in January 2009, Poşta Română

became a partner in the C.O.U.R.I.E.L. Project together with Magyar Post,

developed under the Leonardo da Vinci programme and coordinated by

Hellenic Post, with a completion deadline in September 2010. The project

is aimed at developing an interactive learning programme, dedicated to

the staff involved in courier services. The target group consists of

employees involved in route planning (coordinators), and those involved

in the transit of such routes (postmen). The C.O.U.R.I.E.L. Project was

approved by means of Leonardo da Vinci EC Programme, with a total

budget of Euro 312,017, an amount borne in a proportion of 75% by this

programme, while the remaining 25% was ensured from own resources

Analysis and modelling of requirements ;

Research and development of theoretical material;

Designing and development of the simulation system;

Implementation of the interactive training system;


Project management.

Western Union - money transfer service

In an event held in May 2009, Poşta Română launched a new Western

Union service for money transfer from the country to over 200 countries

and territories worldwide, within the entire global network operated by

Western Union. The event was attended besides CNPR representatives, by

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Mr. Hikmet Ersek, executive vice president of Western Union. The

launching of the new service represents for Poşta Română an opportunity

to be at the same level with other operators across the world that transfer

money through Western Union, and meets a requirement that has been

felt on our financial services market.

The Campaign of supporting children with Down syndrome

Poşta Română continues its fundraising campaign to help children

diagnosed with Down syndrome. In almost 3,000 postal subunits across

the country, silicone bracelets imprinted with the campaign slogan "There

is a road to a normal life" are sold. The money collected is donated to

Bucharest Caritas Association, for building a Social Services Facility for

Disabled Persons in Bucharest. The campaign is also intended to send a

message to the people about the opportunities of social integration of

children with Down syndrome.

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12. Projects, perspectives, targets

The reorganisation of C.N.P.R.

In order to achieve the objectives

and manage the challenges both at

a strategic and organizational level,

measures will be implemented for

the reorganisation of C.N.P.R.

consisting in the establishment of

up of five profit centres and five

support and profit centres.

International Relationship

maintaining the cooperation relations with UPU member countries,

international economic structures, irrespective of their development

system (horizontal or vertical / sector) by correspondence, bilateral

working visits or theme workshops;

monitoring the emergence of new regulations or rules in the postal

sector and their notification to stakeholders;

monitoring the emergence of new international structures in the

postal field and joining them, in case of competing interests;

experience exchange between the postal operators from candidate

countries or countries potentially candidate for E.U. accession, or

simply between more experienced operators in the field, for the

extension and upgrade of the concept of international relations;

participation in projects and programmes focused on the socio-

economic component, in the context of the sustainable development

strategy supported by UPU.

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Reissue of the "THE POSTMAN"

The periodical will be issued monthly and will promote transparent

management. The changes would also apply to the format, graphics and

editorial content. The magazine will contain 24 A4 pages, will be fully

coloured and printed at the Stamp Factory. "THE POSTMAN" is the main

internal communication channel illustrating positive aspects in the

company’s life and activities.

"THE POSTMAN" aims mainly to inform Poşta Română employees correctly

and continuously on the targets set by the company’s management and

the ways these objectives can be achieved.

Development and implementation of online services

Poşta Română launched a series of projects in the online services field:

- implementation and development of the PostMarket service by extending

the payment methods and online payment, the home delivery area (door

to door), by modifying the merchandise takeover system from suppliers,

by diversifying the range of products that can be purchased through the

PostMarket network, by implementing a system of choice and selection of

different products printed by Poşta Română and distributing them to the

addressees specified by the sender, by establishing the call service centre

for e-commerce activity, implementing ticketing activities, fostering and

developing partnerships, etc.

"Ion B. Georgescu" Awards

The Public Relations Department proposes to resume the annual "Ion B.

Georgescu" award festivity on the 9th of October, the World Post Day,

paying a tribute to the employees who carried out outstanding activities in

defending the values of C.N. Poşta Română S.A. Such prizes are designed

to highlight the postmen who have distinguished themselves during year,

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in various acts of courage, dedication and loyalty to work place and the

values of Poşta Română.

"A book opens a new world" Campaign

Poşta Română will launch in the first half of 2010 the campaign "A book

opens a new world" for its employees and customers. All the books

collected will be donated to the schools in rural areas at the beginning of

the 2010 - 2011 school year. The campaign "A book opens a new world" is

part of a series of activities carried out by Poşta Română involved in

supporting the communities where it operates.

"Drugs ruin everything! - Life beats weed” Campaign

Poşta Română will participate in the anti-drug campaign initiated by the

Bucharest Police - Analysis and Crime Prevention Division, called "Drugs

ruin everything! - Life beats weed". This campaign targets young people

and aims to send a message about the consequences of drug use.

" Discover nature "

Poşta Română will launch the "Discover Nature" campaign which will

consist of marketing biodegradable pens in its postal subunits. This

activity will take place throughout 2010 and the money collected from the

sale of pens will be used for rigging up biology laboratories in several

schools in the county of Braşov. The campaign aims to raise awareness

among Romanians regarding the importance of environmental protection

and observance of protection measures and to associate personal well-

being with their living environment.

"We plant for Romania"

Since 2009, C.N. Poşta Română included on the list of social responsibility

campaigns it carries out, voluntary activities performed by its employees

in reforestation programmes across the country. The employees of Poşta

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Română have planted thousands of saplings last year at a national level.

Given the impact that "We plant for Romania" campaign had, organised in

partnership with Romsilva Forest National Administration, it will continue

during 2010, as well.

The Epistolary contest

Poşta Română will continue the tradition of events intended to children.

Among them there is the epistolary contest for students up to 15 years

old. The contest was created in 1969 on the occasion of Tokyo Congress,

and was officially launched in 1971. The new edition of the competition

will be launched on October the 9th, 2010 and the theme set by the

Universal Post Union is “Imagine that you are a tree living in the forest.

Write a letter to someone explaining why it is important to protect the


Biodiversity International Day

On the Biodiversity International Day, Poşta Română and the Ministry of

Foreign Affairs will organise an exhibition of Romanian stamps issued in

the last 40 years. The event will be held at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

and will be attended by representatives from the Ministry of Environment

and Forests, the Ministry of Communications and Information Society and

Media representatives.

"100 Years of Aviation in Romania" Exhibition

The National Philatelic Museum, a branch of C.N.P.R., will host until

September 2010 the "100 Years of Aviation in Romania" exhibition,

organised to celebrate a century from the first flight in the Romanian

airspace of an aircraft built and flown by a Romanian: Aurel Vlaicu. The

exhibition will highlight the most outstanding personalities and the most

important moments in the history of Romanian aviation from the beginning

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to the contemporary period. The exhibition will be organised in

collaboration with the National Military Museum, the "Dumitru Prunariu”

Museum of Aviation – Pucioasa , Pilot and Ultra-light Motor Aircraft Owner

Association in Romania, “N. Mateescu" Kids Club –Pucioasa.

"Windows to Brazil"

Among the series of activities dedicated to philatelic events there is the

philatelic exhibition "Windows to Brazil". The exhibition will display five

collections of philatelic issues representing stamps issued over time by the

Post Office and Telegraph Brazilian Company (E.B.C.T.). These postal

stamps illustrate sports, nature and life riches, Brazilian cultural and

natural values, showing scenes from the everyday life of Brazilians.

Creating a team of internal trainers

In order to achieve the objectives aimed at the continuous improvement

of staff, it is first necessary to establish and train a team of internal

trainers able to deliver training programs for all the categories of C.N.P.R.


The team of internal trainers will be recruited by means of an examination

of C.N.P.R. employees who are willing and professionally ready to conduct

this activity in Bucharest and the Regional Centres in Timişoara, Braşov,

Iaşi and Constanţa.

The trainers selected will be trained to deliver training programmes and

will then be accredited as C.N.F.P.A. authorised trainers.