Plattsburgh Sentinel ™^ Local and illisceIlaneotis. I' ,-';; RECEIPT FOR I H t PLAIISBURQI Our Clubbing List. \ .EGED FORGEBY Iff flONNECTTOTf WITH PLN3I0N PAPEK ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BOABD OF STL PARAGRAMS. i N 1 In A new engine bouse is beii]^ erected, and w engine is daily expected. Both mines jnder Ibe supervision of Capt. R. Kitto, we are informed that more ore will be ;d at both these placet that ever before. -Henry Da —Thi-re wa nuxi .Monday. liy fire. It wall insured for $5000, and in 12 —Only three weeks before the firit of Janua- ry '. Subscribers who expect to pay in advance lor next year, particularly those living iu re- mote localities, "would do well to keep this in —Rev. W. C. MeAllester, of Morriaonville, -with Rev. G. S. PraU, who officiated at Morri- sonvilie in tbe forenoon and Plutt?bur^u in the —Says the Tieondero^a Sentinel: "Glen'g Fulla has a local dramatic company, Fort —We publish clubbing rates with certain papers and magazines, thisweek, ae a matter of accommodation to our subscribers, who have not other facilities for procuring those publica- tions at reduced rates. —Some timely hints in regard to diphtheria will be founa in an article on our first page. Probably no amount of caution can guard may be done to ward It off, and restrict its rav- EEMEHYI'3 VISIT, soon be forgotieu. * His overflowing good •PBiou, aud hafi unbounded confidence in his lience, as though he was one of the enter- le was pleased with Remenyi, and would be of Pittsburgh were misled by the an- Qcemeut in our paper a weeli previous thai of the 28lh. In justice to ourselves, wt built at Cadyv Oa the reeo and the reqnes an assessment was stricken f lie. nmenda t of tbe of $300 om the Supervisor of against Chaa. roll, on acco beloDging to aty Judge F. unt >e Tabor of the rijreen asterly power of picture Perhaps, a> suggested b; tStoVthCTSfSolSt*r»n the fees of o tbe L n- ve hundred EAILEOAD N0TE8 1 U K i ages. -One of the Adirondack survey parties sc it by Supt. Colvin, was nearly lost in the e -wilderuces, and was i heard from for several weeks They finally made their way out after many perilous aclven- —Rev. Father Pallatier of Montreal, has been appointed by Bishop Wadhams to take charge of the Catholic missions in Minerva, Schroon Lake, North Hudson, in EBSCX CO., and Indian and Blue Mt. Lakes In Eami county. —On Wednesday afternoon of last week, George Terry, 13 years old, a son of Sitneor. Terry, broke through the ice and was drownoc •while skating on the canal basin at Whitehall. His body waa recovered a ehort time after the accident. —Our interesting communication from Lyoi ^Mountain tells all about the completion of the Chateaugay Railroad, the building of the big depot, the church, and the many other —Dr. Wolfred Nelson, of Montreal, Btai on Saturday for New York en route for tho Bermudas and thence to Cuba and the Islands, making a twelve months course of travel in the interests of several newspapers with which he will correspond. —We have received from the Dcpt. of Agri- from Its discovery to the present time anc proves conclusively that it can be profitablj raised in this country. left suddenly for Leadville, Colorado, to accepi a good business open and waiting for him. Hii family remain in Mooers for tbe present a least. We regret to lose BOgood a citizen-not withstanding he is a Democrat ! —The Chateaugay Railroad Company an prosecnting very extensive improvements oi coutly procured from the U. S. govvrntnent, i full description of which will bo given wbcu th. work geta farther alone. We tbiDk it mud .'or it to lie idle ae il has for the last century. -Pittsburgh is to be com t ranch of this n Pri lie ucd -\\ till a all x , pen H lat i .SLl dat w fou c •as giv a ciauo : to i Ld th: id thU ta U d< V. ikos. 2 re t< iK to We puiilisl >rint the an explanatio y one, as But we hi j hold us r somebody c led the notice the headqu e quite for t all a that wi :lse! ; preci, sely as of the surprised when we he pu re lla many iblo f< of las tweek rpose of cen- ble to "sins 3r tho make of our se that ANOTHEE VETERAN SOLDIEE GONE, !SldCDC .tsburgh, last Wednesday morning, Dec. the 87th year of hia age. As all know, h< !ier as he was he has battled manfully with a few days. When finally compelled to sui :nder, as all must, all Ills bodily vigor wi *Vc regret Lhixt we h&vc not the rno-Lcriul f< >i-y. Jie was born iu Hartland, Mass., March , 1793. When and where he enlisted in th< 12 he WQ6 with Goncr&l Scott in his memors LJ cuiDp&ij^u, G^uLitiEj under him ut Lundy' >rt Eriet when with fixed bayonets the Atneri .n soldiers charged through the British linee e do not understand that he was in Captaii fterward Judge) Hale's company, though he lends. Judge Hale was enthusiastic in bis •aiae of the soldierly qualities of II must have been as late as 1821 'when Ser- sant Couch came to Plattsburgh, with a body U. S. troops. Il&rc he was diijcti&rgcd by :piration of term of service, and in this viclui- instruction of the old military turnpike, 'terwards as Custom House officer under Col ctors Hale, ilcNeil, and Sailly. He held thi isition of keeper of the old turnpike gate ocated some 18 miles from here, in wha town of AHona, where he at tbi owned a saw mill. o after 1830 he became a permanen dered Ruf Barre, Vt.r in October, 18T5, wan hanged at the State prison at Windsor, on Friday last. :agoon declared that he would Dot ascend the iffoid, but would have to be carried up by the iriff. He made a long explanation of the me, but declared that Mrs. Perrine was the —A North Hero correspondent of the Courier that 0. P. Knight, till within two years exemplary and trusted citizen," han left for 3 unkuown "under a cloud." Papers had made out for his arrest on the chargi jular conduct with a female domestic in nig irally ; and all his property not previously tgaged has been attached by hia creditors. —The Bellevue House at Maquam Bay 1( aplcU'd. It is owned by A. H. Gallup. Tho ise will soon be open for boardei P. Herrlck, Jr., a well-known hotel man, 1 preside at tho office. Thi house have been greatly improved, over 300 L's have been planted aud a new Btr in laid out from near the hotel to the E :ls road. By next summer this pli Thu dect othtr li\ea in Gra ld. A niece, Miss Adams, Her The funeral v -1 urgh Methodist church. FAIRS, FESTIVALS, tit at the shops at Os;densburg. ihe large shipments of ore from ort Henry, of about forty cars per day, the elaware and Hudson Canal Company is to irnish a switch engine to handle and place irs in position at the depot in Whitehall. —The locomotive "Louis D. Pilsbnry," on tho :h had been carelessly left open. Tue ips o of the : ty injured that it had to be towed in. No hurt. Repairs were promptly made and it out again on Saturday. —The new and heavy locomotive for the ieaugay Railroad Co , arrived on Saturday, was successfully unloaded on Monday. It .med "Thomas Dickson," in honor of the ident of ihe company. We understand it a wood-bnrner and W&B built by tho Dickson ianufacturing Company, of Bcranton, Pa. —The following figures appear in the reports esentcd of the several railroads below :ntionea : New York & Canada—earnings, 435.000; transportation expenses, $297,000. laer <fe Saratoga—earnings, $1,486,000; irtatiou expenses, $810,000. Rome, own & Ogdensburg—earnings, $1,113,- ausportatiou expenses, $835,000. id town nes The County Treasurer report principal and $1,400 of interest o; bonds due in April next, and a given to raise the amount. Resolutions were adopted appr. nlug froso Lake Champlain to Fra In the evening the ordinary bus peuded, out of respect to the memory of the l£ George Adgate, of Ausabie, a former memb of the board, and appropriate remarks we e by Mr. Palmer, of AHona, and Mr. Baber, of Keeseville, which will appear in the reguli OUB BOOK TABL$, TEADE NOTES. y p | rumi- | inr-LM a'kly >•[ rl^ir ; ; il,,li.]ay t^ud-. , Local Uorrespondenoe, LY0N MOTJNTAIK, Completion of the Cliatcaug-aj- H WILLBBOKCHJGH, Ye Olden HJHRIAGFS. "SCOVILL'S f Uio Point dropped iu, each VISA C. riRAY, if Mooers F^rk". ' At a U .^ ittulsbl ir S b ; N. Y.. D«-o. .J, 1870, . i Memhra- | . A 1 UKI M : E-_PirsouiR(v, in Elgin, 111., N o v . 11 i hatesr , arean qTI0_ to the growing interest in the twe i "Oonfid ife, "Tb )f K«wOrle»i }«DdifBimcs." Thfa tatter, began in 5 u eirly number. The special amber number include twenty vomen, comprising versee b3 t Lass w York. A0EOSS THE LAKE. —A f rnit grower at Grand Isle intends to ship t of about 100 barrels of apples to England, he expects to net about $4 per barrel. -Rowe's Hotel, at Burlington, had a narrow ipe from a serious fire on Monday morning, isioned by the bursting of a lamp. One The St. Albans Advertiser says that it is that it may be possible to secure the icr now being bnilt at South Hero, by ind the Islands, bnt it seems hardly possible sary si ,n be raised tl IEATH IN JAPAN OF AN OLD CITIZEN OF CLI8T0N COUNTY. Matthew Scott, a native of Chazy, Clinton aunty, and son of the latfi Hon. Ashley Scott, ed at Hioga, Japan, on the 5th ult., at the ge of 58 years. •al years previous to 1S40, Mr. Scotl ras engaged in the mercantile business lr ihazy. In 1849 he removed to Marysville, al., being one of the earliest emigrants fr lifl section to the Pacific coast. At MaryBV B formed a co-partnership with Ashley antine, who removed from Chazy at the Ba me, the firm name being Scott & Vantine. as for several yean a leading house in lhal ty. Subsequently he located at San Franc ind was appointed by the United States i an assistant appraiser of that port. •al years' experience he was c s who were invited by the Japanese post when he died. Ua Californian, of San Franciso, r tie had many frionds and relatives 'ill be brought he h will be l 3 AD AFFAIK AT M00EH8 F0BE8. 36 William McLcau, some twenty yt L:ariut; for himself, was burned so Bevi utiy as to cause his deathp under the fol yt 0 light ST. PAULS PK0T. and he was making r ISCOFAL CHUKCH, W.M. M. BULL, Rector :hc Wonderful Christmas Numb of St. Nicholas. mportant question of division ! slse, beginning with November. The Chriatn id the committee, j number, now ready, has a special holic > than one hundred pages and t mphre id Haughran, together with tbe •k, and other members of the Board, took ^ "* 2 p. M. train for Dannouoora, to look into iVcontalns t-v facts of location of line between Saranac j br j dge) WaiW nd Dannemora, with the nnderstanding to j Maurice Thomps business at tho Court Room at 7 in tho The Board will c Sarah Winter Kellogg, I chapters of a Serial Story saders much quicker thap v FIBES. •„,..*„, if Jonathan Scribner and J. Byan, j m"8t VaVed < »VCpa°pe'r" PlattaburRb, were destroyed by fire | connt, with twelve pi jout 7 o'clock. They are located some thirty Guatave Dore, Koai ods apart. The fire started In tbe buildings al >. Scribner, how, it is not fcnowo, and dc- and other fodder, and burning eight ivals, by Edward Egglesto attle. d to Mr. Ryan's property, t 8, with hay, &c, and nil Mr. Scribner had an in property burned. Mi ceof $1,000. Both 1: 'int Thi urance of only $550 Ryan had an insur- sured with Flatt & being apprehensi mid bnrn, their furnitu :re taken Out and co LIB damage was covered by ins that the nd other a bly da EM8 FROM THE ESSEX 00, EEPUBLIOAS. —Amateur skating is being practiced consid- irably, accompanied with astronomical obser— —John Brown called at our office on Friday get strings to play horse with. And now he - T h e Whitehall Chronicle claioiB credit for 'ashlngton county on account of its "high oskitis. It strikes us that flood boomed some- hat aa far down as Essex and Clinton, anc ion. Proposal! 'HE NEW WAT OF LEARNING 0HILDREJ TO HEAD AHD WRITE, first page w« print ft letter from MJ .. C. True, of Westfleid, MBBS., formerly an years Principal of the High School e Essex, N. Y., gltlng account of a recent via: o the schools at Qulncy, Mass. The pecullai «reet of the letter lies in the fact that It de- •ib«s the practical working of the method teaching children to read by the use of wo and sentences, Instead of using the old, and tedious method of learning the alphabet. been favorably Ii iressed with the new method, until reading thii ,t 53 p cotton raised iu Mississippi this yi o by the labor of Vhlte men ! Is it poasi- er that burning suu ! For ''forty years," t along, that was tho cry of North* " forty years ? juld lie'a n its practicability surprisingly demon6tra- d. Mr. True is a gentleman in whose judgment opinion. This opinion is formed from an i il acquaintance, and a knowled if the fact that his own educational training the moat thorough and practical charactei A.B this is a subject that has been more discussed in our Teachers' Institutes and mociatlons, no doubt all teachers of and others Interested in educational will read this article with Interest. Mr. True is not a man that is siren riling. He hoIdB a responsible posit ormal School at Westfleid and his ti .uch occupied. Bat we judge fi school age, 5,993 of whom attended the com- >n schools during tho year ending Sept. 30th. -Telephones now connect the office o: perintendent of Schools In Rochester feral of the public school buildings, and a, lletin is arranged in the former place settin. -th, as per telephone, the number of "absent and presents" in those schools each day. It i stated that thiB plan has so stimulated a eompe- ticn between the various schools as to lncreaBe le average attendance five per cent -Prof.Harner, the famous European , it, has just published an opinion that th< t the slate and slate pencil is peculiarly ln- irious to the eye-Bight of the young, and that the hygiene of the eye demands the removal oi implements from the schools, and the uni- tl substitution of pen and ink. look for them with ii send them right alonj Sentinel to all w REFORMATORIES ±0R WOMEN. A Petition to tbe Legislature. The following petition la being circulated ai largely signed, and no doubt will receive 11 il consideration of the next Legislator Honorable the Senaf and the Assembly of t XuVer eUfully re ca!/ flfteen at County JaiU and Penitentie ill «ui>ported by tue public in"thTco it from their parents toudeucies to pauperism. e, earnestly p rs. Martha He Overseer ol Poor. •ticle, a rlthin the \ t few days Laving Jcles o the other is Quincy schools. We ehal ;ar, but the parties folt compelled to let then in another year, Having had a year to p :ady to make a prompt response. As regards paying in advance, of course 1 optional with our aubscribers. They have ducement of saving 50 cents by ao doing- . rice of the paper being $1.50 in advance, i $2.00 Ii not paid, la advance. Aa we stated tw< : three weeks since, about four-fifths of ibscrlbern last year availed themselves of ihli liberal ofler. We have no doubt the otnet ill do so tbls year. We have only this to add : If any e is anything about them that is not satiafac or not exactly understood, we shall be gl called to the same. All subscribers ma; of being dealt fairlj by, and there ehi ccanloE mplalnt epar LI8T OF DEATHS In Plattsburgh during Nov. Total No. deaths _ ^ | £o<f*£- 20 to 50 yrs 50 to70yri O?d° Ago.''..'..'.'...'. iOOEDOF WEATHEK FOB SEVEN DA Ending 0*0^2,J879. J: N 8W| ^"; lowe"*,' llVaighU> imperature dnring t: idlng week, 1878, 31.- 78, 3.01 inches; aven W, 6 PBIE8, Hoip'l SI period of eighty years, furnish c< »nt of land from the Crown of El uiB family, consisting of a wife a followed tbe bends of the lake a m£ up a de ? 38 by 80 fe husband dug her grave and buried hi *-- J - ""— -**— Mr. Wilson hlmgi cottage, reD '' W malarial fever,l£ 'rfnTbe n. long t house in which the 100 horse power en- ne that the Company bought or the State, - placed. It is to run nil the machinery.' &c, : much credit for his recover —Mr. E. A. Robinson, of aching our school, and is f —The se^anitor a»d coal"^;!!^ a' targe of Mr. William Hudson, w —The vacancy at the mines as ft ow filled by Mr. George, of New Je ' " ' T " ' think tc ated by Mr. Thayer to Mr. Clarfe, who w tere tne brother reburied the bod/of Mr. M J e think y, the g —Mr. Jacob Obrist, of Ausabie Forks, wlio _as been in the employ of the- Rogers Iron Co. at that place for a good many years, is now in . _r. Al McDonald, of Ma'lone, is now one tted up, and is now occupied by Dr, Arthur The Dr.'» family arrived -We"i nby *;)egraph this morning tha line, tbe "Tnomas Dickson, ' urgh, and will soon be a if which we have any amount to spar ash or due bills. More anon. SEPABAI ELLEHBUEGH 0EHTEE. —Mr. Richard Farley, who lived aouthe wo large barns ailed witu hay and gr&ii arned, besides his house and granary. Two ero burned, including his stallion valuod a j dint of hard work most of tne ued from uiB barns. A ired l/ughe'la of grain uot to $2,100. Tn/ c»uee of" thTt 1500. goods njured. One onpied t iaaj Buife'den'tre. .. who lee tae need of putting intarancs had better call at the poBt-offlce at the Ct_ jcure a policy In tbe safe, sure, staunch old Home Insurance Co., of New York city, and sleep oyster supper at the Webstei —The l a s t i^a affair ma the silver wedding of Ur. and Mrs. Edwin D, Eldred, of West £Uenburgh. Many costly pre&onts, and lots and lots of good he heaved a sigh over the lost opportunity. *Bro. i lost hia outside eyes going home ir ***- - , ... as good luck would have it, when day had fully come, the eyes were found, and osppi -.ill reigns at the parsonage. Two more l&llenbtiTgh boys started for Lead' le great Eldorado of the Kocky'e, last Mo Depot, took from the shoulder c is doing well. Ohrietznas night, at iho church. A good —Everybody is waiting for sleighing. There arc owned by Geo. Lario, nedby -O. M. m again, a >f Malone, h ,n Ellenburghe OHAZY. i Development and luiprovemci te over this place within the past few yei There are a fewold landmarks left. The old at l tho British made it their headquart— '- •*"' ' i." But most of the buildings are comparal _.... Most that are not new have been so -— and changed, like Mr. Flak's residence, would hardly ^recognize them. The Pr. (Chazy Llmestonefare count by Messrs. Jonei and other things to match, whi in tbe Sentinel. li f h trains, an ll give the . Some of them adveriige farge- and t. to the depot, ill give t: —We judge from the Yei MooerB, that tie has a large p dressed C21 pounds, and it wt *°—The Thanksgiving discot ' ' 1B highly spoken of, --' Froiud'you topi [Tha - .- print thei point, exactly.- One of our youn ELLENBPBQH DEPOT. n Thanksgiving day, ably conducted by Itev, SdW^^M^Kpf/tSrlK^.'aVHug^ —The large black bear that has' been pr lowed last week by Frank Vincent, Silas nut Gregor's. The doga had driven himiuto his < dogs and plugged up tbe main bole and small port holes in the Bide, where they 1 JoorXi TbTuk" "* to have a singing —Soioe of ou "hdrew'froru he new depot a Thursday ' Jmpfati fbafwe'a're! Dashnow has rented E. W. Haye'a blacksmitl workman. B ' SD . * CC less of Morrison k. Wallace, dreaimakerg, a BLACK BBO0K. DBC. 1.—Patrick Powers died very su last Saturday morning of pneumonia. —Wood jobbers are quite busy in this sec le for Friendless of Northern N. Y.," will be heli Oak street, Dee. 9th, at3 l By order of the Board. MRS. M. P. MTEBS, Secretary. Local Notices. OAN COMMISSIONER! I Whereas, JAUEB SHEAJBMAN, Ellenburgh, county of Clinton, and State of New rk, did duly mortgage to the Commissioners for co"unty ol Clinton, the premises described 8 to'saii mortgage, to-wit: "All that certain piece or parcel o land Hituate, lying and being in the town of Ellen Mp No. five, at the northeasterly corner o w in possession John VanDugen, and abou. twenty-five chains, fifty-one Tinirq from ths south- easterly corner of said lot, running thence northerly e chains, twenty-Bix and one-half lir ^erly parallel with Bald VanDusen ity-one chaina and nfty-flve links th on a line parallel with the line of sftk Dusen's land; thence easterly along, ^n'sland twenty-onechainBand fifty-five links to the place of beginning, containing fifty t •'— J ^ac?e of lanTnowocoupiea'a^aiburj or the county of Olinton, in BookoFMortgages num. ,'".»' designated therein as number 200. Tin cfof "toe 8WlUl th '* lnt ° re ^ tl *^ on '^° r ^ n 8 in of certain moneys belo'nging States, deposited with the State of Ne keeping." Coffee. Inest fresh roasted Mocha, Ja' Fine Canned Goods. CUSON &SON bave opened an unusually surpassed by anything of the kind ever si Call and see goods. nnan &Co., Marshall, Mich., wan junty at once, at & Balary of | l « and expenses paid. For full particula t'ou can buy a H. W. CADY SI or a ten gallon c on'B Hall, at 3:30 o'clocl ivember 20,1879. Ive gallon can of good ker< ^Jo's. drug store for o n e d o l l a r . Pefectly Safe In all Caaes, or diseases of the Throat, Lnngs, Oreup, Whoo] reliable, reliable, and effectual remedy. What one Dollar will Do. who have been afflicted with Rheumatism, ii Dollar in a bottle of Indian Vegetable Elixir known remedy which sure to help you. A. J. Long, of Whitehall, sayBit is the best med: It makes tha hair moist, soft surpassed ae a hair dressing. : yeara, both "in h^BBl^JH^KECKWIT'Hf'dau'g'hs'er of^ HESTEB, formerly "of Keeeevllle, "m bis 7] her daughter, M J. OLD8, aged (79, TEANKOHA PLAINTaged'sTyelrsT ' SON 0? a SMI 0 TE, aged W y e " Vermont, Illlno In Peru, Nov. 5 i and Wisconsin papers please i, 1879, of Diphtheria, JE? f John 8. and Eliza Tuew, . vetnber 27, 1879, of consum iter of E. J. anil Amanda PI e, Nov. », 1879, HENBY, son o ry Cross, aged 2 years and 10 in< IN CO7IMISS1OXEK a. porrl!-s3 roiMiiy tor Xcroftila, W]>if.> STr"isn:i;^, «'.i!!cpr, Erysipeias, Gout, Cni-omc be rex, Sjphafe, Tfumovs. (;arhi!ncles, hjilt Kheaiii, Malaria, IJIJKKIS Cosnpl::inti, and .ill disease' mfllcjumsf an Impure Condiiion of tho JMoo,!. TLis (Jrand Itemed? is a com^>o»mil of vowtable extracts, the _ _ _ absolute, and Their K._ record is undisilipire<l by" failure. HO- [ For saic by all Druggists. MOH'S LIVER PILLS. New York, beluga i DuervlUe Patent, : Beginning at the by Timothy Hogan t o S f'G e eOTge I 'FaB^u" I VEGETABLE tee tlj Tiia am 'lattsburgfi hefirstTu ~ ' t laimed to be d- of thia notice rincipal and f dolla t rs m ' lkin? aving b e date of hundred and dollars and ** hundred en made in the payment by given that the premises described e will be Bold at public auction, to tl r, at tbe Court House in tbe village in the county of Clinton aforesaid, < day of February, 1880, at teno'clockA. ittsburgh, Oct. 29th, 1879. CHA8. O. BAEBEE, ncipal and fourteen dollars of Interest, wo hundred and fourteen dollars, ^nd dsfault having been made in tbe tbe interest due on tbe first Tneeday notice 1B hereby - 1 tv —'"- > said mortgage w higheet bidder, sold at public Court House, e payment October, 18' in, aforesaid, on Dated at Platt6burgQ,"Octo"bVr 29th, 1879." VICTOR A. WOOJJ, Commissioners for loaning certain moneys of thi KJSrUE COURT.—Trial _ County.—John J. Fitzpatrick, Plaintiff, Patrick Fitzpatrick, Mary E. Fitzpatrick and Fitzpatrick Defendants hn B. Fitzpa'trickf Defendants. y default, for'the relief d< NO J!w.BU,DWl Office address, Peru, N... PoBt-Office address, Pern, N. Y. \> Patrick Fitepatrick, defendant. The foregoing sunnnons is eerved^upon you willbe taken agai__. „... manded in thecomplainl N, Plaintiff's Attorney. e foregoing summons ia serv icatlon pursuant to an order of on County Judge dated the 26 inton Cou 79, and fil lon pursuant to County Judge, d filed with th d upon you C. Watson, J h day of NL . th Clerk' e complain J, W. BALDWIN, Plaintiff's Attorney, Office and Post-Offlce address, Peru, H. Y. Clinton County—The First Piattsburgb, Plaintiff, vo. Ad»li» Qoodale, Defeadant. To the alove named defendant: Plata" f ™this r »«tion *ndto I1 B«ve 0 a a copy r of t your _ swer on the Plaintiff's 'Attorney within twenty daj after the service of this Summons, exclusive of iU day of service: And in case of your failure to ir or answer, judgment will be taken against default, for the relief demanded in the compla [>ated Nov. lath, 187». G. H. BECKWITH, Plaintiff's Attorne }fflce address and Poat-Offlce address, Pii 0. Watson, Jr., Olinton County Judge, dated the 201 day of November, 1819, and filed with the complaii i the office of the Olerk of the County of Clinton, lattsburgh, in the County of Clinton, in s»" "* ' Dated Nov. 30th, 18T9. Q. H. BEOKWITH, Plaintiff's AH AN O R D E R ma, unty Judge on the 141 e is hereby given to e s againsi in Cham- d t ORDER mad M craauors and persons taT--^ :UfU8 HEATON, lately doing rlain, in said county, that they are required to sent their said claims, with the vouchers ther duly verified, to the aubscribers, the duly appointed assignees of the said P.ufus Beaton, for the benefit of his creditors, at the office of 8. A. Kell< Champlain in said county on or before the of February, 1880. ' ' T.'HOYLE, ) TO. T. OBOOK, }• Assignees. S. A. KELLOGG.J S. A. K.ZLLOGG, Attorney for Assignees. N O T 1 C E . - B y order ot Window 0. Wataon, Surrogate of Clinton county, N^ Y., notic< hereby given according to law, to all persons hai claims &g&in&t SAMUEXi IitWIN, tote of PcrUj ~"' 3 sounty* d©cea*6ci tn&t th©y we reQulred to ftcribera ai the dwelling houae of the undersigned, Agnes Irwin, in Peru aforesaid, on or before tha IMJtn day of April, 1880. Bated, Oct. 13th. 187d. AGNJES_IEWIS,VAaiIlln: N OTICE.—By order of Winslow 0. Wa 1 Surrogate of Olinton county, notice ii_ given according to law, to all persona having clalmi against JAMES B. LEEK, late of Pittsburgh, N. Y. deceased, that they are required to exhibit the sam< the 16th day of Februai"y, 1880. LEWI8 W. PIEROB, Administrator, [THE OYAL CAKE I COLGATE tCO'S y waste. OOLGATE'JS 00. r "NEW'SOAP (Trade-Mark Registered) i -- i r y as superior in qr O T I C Sale of CadjTllle Bridge, Dec. 8, 1 at 10 A M no unug-e, JU at 10 X. M. 8lon rofHi QW» i'oVth ton D co r ."uty,NT!ond"\ : the town board of the town of "platis'bi 8th dl ^Decemlfr er of Town'oTpiattabiii rgh, N. Y. ND, The flmi C a l t e Tegelallfl" ftegslate. "*- -ctify torpidity of the lA-cer. r ORMS ana is recommended by estWOHM MEDICINE. ' for MAJV and BEAST. Far External and Internal TJso. ho Greatest Pain KCIUIVLT of Iho Ago. CTTKES COLDS, COUGHS, ETC. OHIf P. HEMEY, !4 Colleg"e Place, BEST FURS1CES IS THE WORLD FOR. HARD COAL Oil WOOD, (WBOCGHT on CAST IKON.) AKE MADE BY BIOHABDSON.BOTHTON & CO. Embody n e w 1S79 improveniauts, never bpforo adopted: Contain more p r a c t i c a l features- Are lore durable: Cost less to keep in order : Cso ess fuel: and will give m o r e haat and a larger o l n m e of p u r e a i r than any furnace made m le tfnited States. Replace your old and poorly "working _Baters with one of t b e s e m o d e r n furnace's, which ar« popular and universally successful. ~ " D BY H A R T W E L L Ac MVEHS, i PlattBburgh, N. Y. CUHERS, SLEIGHS, &c., MANUFACTURED BT E. C. TROMBLY & CO., 47 AND 149 MARGARET ST., PLATTSBUBGH, N. Y. W E HAVE ON EXHIBITION a largo stock of Cntters and Sleighs of every deecrip- o°w price's! 0Wn mEnU SC " lre>W ' C W ° ° fi6r at T6ry PRICES TO DEFY COMPETITION. Pnrchas&rs will do well by calling on us and ex* unining our stock before purchasing elsewhere. Our body Portland and square box Cutjeia, four paBBen- ger Sleighs, Travers Sleighs, one and two liorsB luin- b6 E^-Don't foV' ef' nme and lace-on leading north°from thTcouTt Hou a ser* 0a e -15mS <> ^3#3ee-r=- SURH CURS TOR EHEUIATISI. USTX3XJ Teptalle o ry, or Acute Rheuma- tism, Sciatica «t Gout, and all Pains of the Bones, Joints, and Muscles. Never known to fail. Testimonials from eminent phy- sicians furnished on application, and from thousands who have bceti benefited from usin^ the same. Try U, and you will never r.gnt il. For Salo by all Druggists. MANVIIO.E & EDDY, tele Proprietors, WHITEHALL, N. Y. TQR COUGHS XJaDCCLDS. | \ THE "HEKTOGRAPH." B V T H E U S E O F THIS APPARATUS from one to two hundred copleB can be take;i from an original writing or drawing, without tu^ chants. Banker, LawyorB, Insuranco Compauu.-. who have occaBion to i'asue circulars, or nuUiu copi«n Ung or drawinf "•- "-'•' i "" vl '- _jnsidering the which it is offered, and ti Undertaking. B subscriber would most respectfiUly in '• -oueral, thatiucti 5 is ready'to receive Ing! Ac. PeUa * e public in gene ar business as U TOYFVL Sows for Buys and Gir J YoimR and OU !! ANEW fVENTIOK juat patented for th PP, I


Plattsburgh Sentinel ™ ^Local and illisceIlaneotis. I' ,-';;RECEIPT FOR I H t P L A I I S B U R Q I

Our Clubbing List.




i N 1 InA new engine bouse is beii]^ erected, and

w engine is daily expected. Both minesjnder Ibe supervision of Capt. R. Kitto,we are informed that more ore will be;d at both these placet that ever before.

-Henry Da

—Thi-re wa

nuxi .Monday.

liy fire. It wall insured for $5000, and in 12

—Only three weeks before the firit of Janua-ry '. Subscribers who expect to pay in advancelor next year, particularly those living iu re-mote localities, "would do well to keep this in

—Rev. W. C. MeAllester, of Morriaonville,

-with Rev. G. S. PraU, who officiated at Morri-sonvilie in tbe forenoon and Plutt?bur^u in the

—Says the Tieondero^a Sentinel: "Glen'gFulla has a local dramatic company, Fort

—We publish clubbing rates with certainpapers and magazines, thisweek, ae a matter ofaccommodation to our subscribers, who havenot other facilities for procuring those publica-tions at reduced rates.

—Some timely hints in regard to diphtheriawill be founa in an article on our first page.Probably no amount of caution can guard

may be done to ward It off, and restrict its rav-


soon be forgotieu. * His overflowing good

•PBiou, aud hafi unbounded confidence in his

lience, as though he was one of the enter-

le was pleased with Remenyi, and would be

of Pittsburgh were misled by the an-Qcemeut in our paper a weeli previous thai

of the 28lh. In justice to ourselves, wt

built at CadyvOa the reeo

and the reqnesan assessmentwas stricken f

lie.nmendat of tbeof $300om the

Supervisor ofagainst Chaa.roll, on acco

beloDging to

aty Judge

F.unt> e

Taborof the


asterly power of picture

Perhaps, a> suggested b;


the fees ofo tbe L n-

ve hundred


1 U K i

ages.-One of the Adirondack survey parties sc

it by Supt. Colvin, was nearly lost in thee -wilderuces, and was i

heard from for several weeks They finallymade their way out after many perilous aclven-

—Rev. Father Pallatier of Montreal, hasbeen appointed by Bishop Wadhams to takecharge of the Catholic missions in Minerva,Schroon Lake, North Hudson, in EBSCX CO.,and Indian and Blue Mt. Lakes In Eamicounty.

—On Wednesday afternoon of last week,George Terry, 13 years old, a son of Sitneor.Terry, broke through the ice and was drownoc•while skating on the canal basin at Whitehall.His body waa recovered a ehort time after theaccident.

—Our interesting communication from Lyoi^Mountain tells all about the completion of theChateaugay Railroad, the building of the bigdepot, the church, and the many other

—Dr. Wolfred Nelson, of Montreal, Btaion Saturday for New York en route for thoBermudas and thence to Cuba and the Islands,making a twelve months course of travel in theinterests of several newspapers with which hewill correspond.

—We have received from the Dcpt. of Agri-

from Its discovery to the present time ancproves conclusively that it can be profitabljraised in this country.

left suddenly for Leadville, Colorado, to accepia good business open and waiting for him. Hiifamily remain in Mooers for tbe present aleast. We regret to lose BO good a citizen-notwithstanding he is a Democrat !

—The Chateaugay Railroad Company anprosecnting very extensive improvements oi

coutly procured from the U. S. govvrntnent, ifull description of which will bo given wbcu geta farther alone. We tbiDk it mud

.'or it to lie idle ae il has for the last century.-P i t t sbu rgh is to be com

t ranch of thisn Pri



- \ \

till a

all x, pen



d a t



c•as giv


ciauo: to iLd th:

id thUtaU



2 re t<iK to

We puiilisl

>rint the an

explanatioy one, as

But we hi

j hold us rsomebody c

led the noticethe headqu

e quite

• for tall a

that wi


; preci,sely asof the

surprised when we

he pure llamany

iblo f<

of las tweek

rpose of cen-ble to"sins

3r tho

makeof our

se that


.tsburgh, last Wednesday morning, Dec.the 87th year of hia age. As all know, h<

!ier as he was he has battled manfully with

a few days. When finally compelled to sui:nder, as all must, all Ills bodily vigor wi

*Vc regret Lhixt we h&vc not the rno-Lcriul f<

>i-y. Jie was born iu Hartland, Mass., March, 1793. When and where he enlisted in th<

12 he WQ6 with Goncr&l Scott in his memorsLJ cuiDp&ij u, G uLitiEj under him ut Lundy'

>rt Eriet when with fixed bayonets the Atneri.n soldiers charged through the British lineee do not understand that he was in Captaiifterward Judge) Hale's company, though he

lends. Judge Hale was enthusiastic in bis•aiae of the soldierly qualities of

II must have been as late as 1821 'when Ser-sant Couch came to Plattsburgh, with a body

U. S. troops. Il&rc he was diijcti&rgcd by:piration of term of service, and in this viclui-

instruction of the old military turnpike,'terwards as Custom House officer under Colctors Hale, ilcNeil, and Sailly. He held thiisition of keeper of the old turnpike gate

ocated some 18 miles from here, in whatown of AHona, where he at tbiowned a saw mill.o after 1830 he became a permanen

dered RufBarre, Vt.r in October, 18T5, wan hanged at

the State prison at Windsor, on Friday last.:agoon declared that he would Dot ascend theiffoid, but would have to be carried up by theiriff. He made a long explanation of theme, but declared that Mrs. Perrine was the

—A North Hero correspondent of the Courierthat 0 . P. Knight, till within two yearsexemplary and trusted citizen," han left for3 unkuown "under a cloud." Papers had

made out for his arrest on the chargijular conduct with a female domestic in nig

irally ; and all his property not previouslytgaged has been attached by hia creditors.

—The Bellevue House at Maquam Bay 1(aplcU'd. It is owned by A. H. Gallup. Thoise will soon be open for boardeiP. Herrlck, Jr., a well-known hotel man,1 preside at tho office. Thihouse have been greatly improved, over 300

L's have been planted aud a new Btrin laid out from near the hotel to the E:ls road. By next summer this pli

Thu dectothtr li\ea in Grald. A niece, Miss Adams,

Her The funeral v

-1 urgh Methodist church.


at the shops at Os;densburg.ihe large shipments of ore from

ort Henry, of about forty cars per day, theelaware and Hudson Canal Company is toirnish a switch engine to handle and placeirs in position at the depot in Whitehall.—The locomotive "Louis D. Pilsbnry," on tho

:h had been carelessly left open. Tue

ips o of the :ty injured that it had to be towed in. Nohurt. Repairs were promptly made and itout again on Saturday.

—The new and heavy locomotive for theieaugay Railroad Co , arrived on Saturday,was successfully unloaded on Monday. "Thomas Dickson," in honor of theident of ihe company. We understand it

a wood-bnrner and W&B built by tho Dicksonianufacturing Company, of Bcranton, Pa.—The following figures appear in the reports

esentcd of the several railroads below:ntionea : New York & Canada—earnings,

435.000; transportation expenses, $297,000.laer <fe Saratoga—earnings, $1,486,000;irtatiou expenses, $810,000. Rome,own & Ogdensburg—earnings, $1,113,-ausportatiou expenses, $835,000.

id town nes

The County Treasurer reportprincipal and $1,400 of interest o;bonds due in April next, and agiven to raise the amount.

Resolutions were adopted appr.

nlug froso Lake Champlain to FraIn the evening the ordinary bus

peuded, out of respect to the memory of the l£George Adgate, of Ausabie, a former membof the board, and appropriate remarks we

e by Mr. Palmer, of AHona, and Mr. Baber,of Keeseville, which will appear in the reguli


y p |r u m i - | i n r - L M a ' k l y >•[ r l ^ i r ; ; i l , , l i . ] a y t ^ u d - . ,

Local Uorrespondenoe,LY0N MOTJNTAIK,

Comple t ion of the Cliatcaug-aj-




f Uio Point dropped iu, each

V I S A C. riRAY, if Mooers F^rk". '

„ A t


. ^i t t u l s b l

i r S b ; N. Y.. D«-o. .J, 1870, . i Memhra- |

. A1 U K I M

: E-_PirsouiR(v, in E l g i n , 111., N o v . 11 i

hate s r , a r e a n qTI0_

to the growing interest in the twei "Oonfid

ife, "Tb)f K«wOrle»i}«DdifBimcs." Thfa tatter, began in 5

u eirly number. The specialamber number include twentyvomen, comprising versee b3

t Lass

w York.

A0EOSS THE LAKE.—A f rnit grower at Grand Isle intends to ship

t of about 100 barrels of apples to England,he expects to net about $4 per barrel.

-Rowe's Hotel, at Burlington, had a narrowipe from a serious fire on Monday morning,isioned by the bursting of a lamp. One

The St. Albans Advertiser says that it isthat it may be possible to secure theicr now being bnilt at South Hero, by

ind the Islands, bnt it seems hardly possiblesary si ,n be raised tl


Matthew Scott, a native of Chazy, Clintonaunty, and son of the latfi Hon. Ashley Scott,ed at Hioga, Japan, on the 5th ult., at the

ge of 58 years.•al years previous to 1S40, Mr. Scotl

ras engaged in the mercantile business lrihazy. In 1849 he removed to Marysville,al., being one of the earliest emigrants frlifl section to the Pacific coast. At MaryBVB formed a co-partnership with Ashleyantine, who removed from Chazy at the Bame, the firm name being Scott & for several yean a leading house in lhalty.Subsequently he located at San Franc

ind was appointed by the United Statesi an assistant appraiser of that port.•al years' experience he was cs who were invited by the Japanese

post when he died.Ua Californian, of San Franciso, rtie had many frionds and relatives

'ill be brought he

h will be l

3 AD AFFAIK AT M00EH8 F0BE8.36 William McLcau, some twenty yt

L:ariut; for himself, was burned so Beviutiy as to cause his deathp under the fol


0 light


and he was making r


W.M. M. BULL, Rector

:hc W o n d e r f u l C h r i s t m a s N u m bof St. N i c h o l a s .

mportant question of division ! slse, beginning with November. The Chriatnid the committee, j number, now ready, has a special holic

> than one hundred pages and t

mphreid Haughran, together with tbe

•k, and other members of the Board, took ^ "*2 p. M. train for Dannouoora, to look into iVcontalns t-vfacts of location of line between Saranac j b r j d g e ) W a i W

nd Dannemora, with the nnderstanding to j Maurice Thompsbusiness at tho Court Room at 7 in tho

The Board will c

Sarah Winter Kellogg, Ichapters of a Serial Story

saders much quicker thap v

FIBES. • „ , . . * „ ,if Jonathan Scribner and J. Byan, j m"8tVaVed<»VCpa°pe'r"

PlattaburRb, were destroyed by fire | connt, with twelve pi

jout 7 o'clock. They are located some thirty Guatave Dore, Koaiods apart. The fire started In tbe buildings al>. Scribner, how, it is not fcnowo, and dc-

and other fodder, and burning eight

ivals, by Edward Egglesto


d to Mr. Ryan's property, t8, with hay, &c, and nil

Mr. Scribner had an inproperty burned. Mi

ceof $1,000. Both 1:'intThi

urance of only $550Ryan had an insur-

sured with Flatt &

being apprehensimid bnrn, their furnitu:re taken Out and coLIB damage was covered by ins

that thend other a

bly da

EM8 FROM THE ESSEX 00, EEPUBLIOAS.—Amateur skating is being practiced consid-

irably, accompanied with astronomical obser—

—John Brown called at our office on Fridayget strings to play horse with. And now he

-The Whitehall Chronicle claioiB credit for'ashlngton county on account of its "high

oskitis. It strikes us that flood boomed some-hat aa far down as Essex and Clinton, anc

ion. Proposal!


first page w« print ft letter from MJ.. C. True, of Westfleid, MBBS., formerly an

years Principal of the High School eEssex, N. Y., gltlng account of a recent via:o the schools at Qulncy, Mass. The pecullai

«reet of the letter lies in the fact that It de-•ib«s the practical working of the method

teaching children to read by the use of woand sentences, Instead of using the old, andtedious method of learning the alphabet.

been favorably Iiiressed with the new method, until reading thii

,t 53 pcotton raised iu Mississippi this yio by the labor of Vhlte men ! Is it poasi-

er that burning suu ! For ''forty years,"t along, that was tho cry of North* "

forty years ?juld lie'a

n its practicability surprisingly demon6tra-d.Mr. True is a gentleman in whose judgment

opinion. This opinion is formed from an iil acquaintance, and a knowled

if the fact that his own educational trainingthe moat thorough and practical charactei

A.B this is a subject that has been moreB« discussed in our Teachers' Institutes andmociatlons, no doubt all teachers ofand others Interested in educational

will read this article with Interest.Mr. True is not a man that is sirenriling. He hoIdB a responsible positormal School at Westfleid and his ti.uch occupied. Bat we judge fi

school age, 5,993 of whom attended the com->n schools during tho year ending Sept. 30th.-Telephones now connect the office o:perintendent of Schools In Rochesterferal of the public school buildings, and a,lletin is arranged in the former place settin.-th, as per telephone, the number of "absent

and presents" in those schools each day. It istated that thiB plan has so stimulated a eompe-

ticn between the various schools as to lncreaBele average attendance five per cent-Prof.Harner, the famous European ,it, has just published an opinion that th<t the slate and slate pencil is peculiarly ln-irious to the eye-Bight of the young, and that

the hygiene of the eye demands the removal oiimplements from the schools, and the uni-

tl substitution of pen and ink.

look for them with iisend them right alonj

Sentinel to all w


A P e t i t i o n to t b e L e g i s l a t u r e .The following petition la being circulated ai

largely signed, and no doubt will receive 11il consideration of the next LegislatorHonorable the Senaf and the Assembly of t

XuVereUfully re

ca!/ flfteenat County JaiU and Penitentie

ill «ui>ported by tue public in"thTco

it from their parents toudeucies to pauperism.

e, earnestly p

rs. Martha He

Overseer ol Poor.

•ticle, a rlthin the \ t few days Laving

Jcles o the otheris Quincy schools. We ehal

;ar, but the parties folt compelled to let thenin another year, Having had a year to p

:ady to make a prompt response.As regards paying in advance, of course 1

optional with our aubscribers. They haveducement of saving 50 cents by ao doing-

. rice of the paper being $1.50 in advance, i$2.00 Ii not paid, la advance. Aa we stated tw<

: three weeks since, about four-fifths ofibscrlbern last year availed themselves of ihli

liberal ofler. We have no doubt the otnetill do so tbls year.We have only this to add : If any e

is anything about them that is not satiafacor not exactly understood, we shall be gl

called to the same. All subscribers ma;of being dealt fairlj by, and there ehi

ccanloE mplalnt epar

LI8T OF DEATHSIn P la t t sburgh dur ing Nov.

Total No. deaths _ | £o<f*£-

20 to 50 yrs50 to70yri

O?d° Ago.' ' . . ' . . ' . ' . . . ' .


J : N8 W |

^ " ; lowe"*,' llVaighU>

imperature dnring t:idlng week, 1878, 31.-

78, 3.01 inches; aven

W, 6PBIE8, Hoip'l SI

period of eighty years, furnish c<

»nt of land from the Crown of EluiB family, consisting of a wife a

followed tbe bends of the lake a

m£ up a de? 38 by 80 fe

husband dug her grave and buried hi* - - J - ""— -**— Mr. Wilson hlmgi

cottage, reD'' W

malarial fever,l£


n. long t

house in which the 100 horse power en-ne that the Company bought or the State,

- placed. It is to run nil the machinery.'&c,

: much credit for his recover—Mr. E. A. Robinson, ofaching our school, and is f

—The se^anitor a»d coal"^;!!^ a'targe of Mr. William Hudson, w

—The vacancy at the mines as ftow filled by Mr. George, of New Je

' " ' T " ' think tc

ated by Mr. Thayer to Mr. Clarfe, who w

tere tne brother reburied the bod/of Mr. M


e thinky,

the g

—Mr. Jacob Obrist, of Ausabie Forks, wlio_as been in the employ of the- Rogers Iron that place for a good many years, is now in

. _r. Al McDonald, of Ma'lone, is now one

tted up, and is now occupied by Dr, Arthur

The Dr.'» family arrived

-We"i nby *;)egraph this morning thaline, tbe "Tnomas Dickson,• ' urgh, and will soon be a

if which we have any amount to sparash or due bills. More anon. SEPABAI

ELLEHBUEGH 0EHTEE.—Mr. Richard Farley, who lived aouthe

wo large barns ailed witu hay and gr&iiarned, besides his house and granary. Twoero burned, including his stallion valuod aj dint of hard work most of tne

ued from uiB barns. A

ired l/ughe'la of grain uot to

$2,100. T n / c»uee of" thTt


njured. One

onpied tiaaj Buife'den'tre.

.. who lee tae need of putting intarancshad better call at the poBt-offlce at the Ct_

jcure a policy In tbe safe, sure, staunch oldHome Insurance Co., of New York city, and sleep

oyster supper at the Webstei

—The la s t i ^ a affair m a the silver wedding ofUr. and Mrs. Edwin D, Eldred, of West £Uenburgh.Many costly pre&onts, and lots and lots of good

he heaved a sigh over the lost opportunity. *Bro.i lost hia outside eyes going home ir ***- -

, . . . as good luck would have it, when dayhad fully come, the eyes were found, and osppi-.ill reigns at the parsonage.

Two more l&llenbtiTgh boys started for Lead'le great Eldorado of the Kocky'e, last Mo

Depot, took from the shoulder c

is doing well.

Ohrietznas night, at iho church. A good

—Everybody is waiting for sleighing. There arc

owned by Geo. Lario,nedby-O. M.m again, a

>f Malone, h,n Ellenburghe


i D e v e l o p m e n t a n d l u i p r o v e m c i

te over this place within the past few yeiThere are a few old landmarks left. The old at

l tho British made it their headquart— '- •*"' '

i." But most of the buildings are comparal_.. . . Most that are not new have been so - —and changed, like Mr. Flak's residence,would hardly recognize them. The Pr.

(Chazy Llmestonefarecount by Messrs. Jonei

and other things to match, whi

in tbe f h trains, an

ll give the

. Some of them adveriige farge-

and the depot, ill give t:

—We judge from the YeiMooerB, that tie has a large p

dressed C21 pounds, and it wt

*°—The Thanksgiving discot' ' 1B highly spoken of, --'

Froiud'you topi [Tha- .- print theipoint, exactly.-

One of our youn


n Thanksgiving day, ably conducted by Itev,

SdW^^M^Kpf/tSrlK^.'aVHug^—The large black bear that has' been pr

lowed last week by Frank Vincent, Silas nut

Gregor's. The doga had driven him iuto his <

dogs and plugged up tbe main bole andsmall port holes in the Bide, where they 1

JoorXiTbTuk" "*

to have a singing

—Soioe of ou


he new depot a

Thursday '



Dashnow has rented E. W. Haye'a blacksmitl

workman. B ' SD . * CC™

less of Morrison k. Wallace, dreaimakerg, a

BLACK BBO0K.D B C . 1.—Patrick Powers died very su

last Saturday morning of pneumonia.—Wood jobbers are quite busy in this sec

le forFriendless of Northern N. Y.," will be heli

Oak street, Dee. 9th, a t 3 lBy order of the Board.

M R S . M. P . M T E B S , Secretary.

Local Notices.

OAN C O M M I S S I O N E R !I Whereas, JAUEB SHEAJBMAN,Ellenburgh, county of Clinton, and State of Newrk, did duly mortgage to the Commissioners for

co"unty ol Clinton, the premises described8 to'saiimortgage, to-wit: "All that certain piece or parcel oland Hituate, lying and being in the town of Ellen

Mp No. five, at the northeasterly corner ow in possession o£ John VanDugen, and abou.

twenty-five chains, fifty-one Tinirq from ths south-easterly corner of said lot, running thence northerly

e chains, twenty-Bix and one-half lirerly parallel with Bald VanDusen

ity-one chain a and nfty-flve links • thon a line parallel with the line of sftk

Dusen's land; thence easterly along,^n'sland twenty-onechainBand fifty-five links to

the place of beginning, containing fifty t • '— J

^ac?e of lanTnowocoupiea'a^aiburj

or the county of Olinton, in BookoF Mortgages num., ' " . » ' designated therein as number 200. Tin

cfof "toe8 W l U l th'* l n t ° r e ^ t l * ^ o n ' ^ ° r ^ n 8

in of certain moneys belo'ngingStates, deposited with the State of Nekeeping."

Coffee.Inest fresh roasted Mocha, Ja'

F i n e C a n n e d G o o d s .CUSON & SON bave opened an unusually

surpassed by anything of the kind ever siCall and see goods.

nnan & Co., Marshall, Mich., wanjunty at once, at & Balary of | l «

and expenses paid. For full particula

t'ou can buy aH. W. CADY SI

or a ten gallon c

on'B Hall, at 3:30 o'clocl

ivember 20,1879.

Ive gallon can of good ker<

Jo's. drug store for o n e d o l l a r .

Pefectly Safe In all Caaes,or diseases of the Throat, Lnngs, Oreup, Whoo]

reliable, reliable, and effectual remedy.

W h a t o n e D o l l a r w i l l Do.

who have been afflicted with Rheumatism, iiDollar in a bottle of Indian Vegetable Elixirknown remedy which i» sure to help you.

A. J. Long, of Whitehall, sayB it is the best med:

It makes tha hair moist, softsurpassed ae a hair dressing. :

yeara, both "in

h^BBl^JH^KECKWIT'Hf'dau'g'hs'er of^

HESTEB, formerly "of Keeeevllle, "m bis 7]

her daughter, MJ. OLD8, aged

(79, TEANK OHAPLAINTaged'sTyelrsT '

SON 0?aSMI0TE, aged Wye"

Vermont, Illlno

In Peru, Nov. 5

i and Wisconsin papers please

i, 1879, of Diphtheria, JE?f John 8. and Eliza Tuew, .

vetnber 27, 1879, of consumiter of E. J. anil Amanda PI

e, Nov. » , 1879, HENBY, son ory Cross, aged 2 years and 10 in<


a. porrl!-s3 roiMiiy tor Xcroftila, W]>if.>STr"isn:i;^, «'.i!!cpr, Erysipeias, Gout,Cni-omc be rex, Sjphafe, Tfumovs.(;arhi!ncles, hjilt Kheaiii, Malaria,IJIJKKIS Cosnpl::inti, and .ill disease'mfllcjumsf an Impure Condiiion oftho JMoo,!. TLis (Jrand Itemed? is acom^>o»mil of vowtable extracts, the

_ _ _ absolute, and TheirK._ record is undisilipire<l by" failure.HO- [ For saic by all Druggists.



New York, belugai DuervlUe Patent,: Beginning at the

by Timothy HogantoSf'GeeOTgeI'FaB^u" I


tee tljTiia am

'lattsburgfihe first Tu~ ' t

laimed to be d-of thia noticerincipal and f

dolla trsm' l k i n ?

aving b

e date ofhundred and

dollars and** h u n d r e d

en made in the payment

by given that the premises describede will be Bold at public auction, to tlr, at tbe Court House in tbe villagein the county of Clinton aforesaid, <day of February, 1880, at teno'clockA. •

ittsburgh, Oct. 29th, 1879.


ncipal and fourteen dollars of Interest,wo hundred and fourteen dollars,

^nd dsfault having been made in tbetbe interest due on tbe first Tneedaynotice 1B hereby -1— tv—'"- >said mortgage whigheet bidder,

sold at publicCourt House,

e paymentOctober, 18'

in, aforesaid, on

Dated at Platt6burgQ,"Octo"bVr 29th, 1879."VICTOR A. WOOJJ,

Commissioners for loaning certain moneys of thi

KJSrUE COURT.—Tria l _County.—John J. Fitzpatrick, Plaintiff,

Patrick Fitzpatrick, Mary E. Fitzpatrick andFitzpatrick Defendantshn B. Fitzpa'trickf Defendants.

y default, for'the relief d<N OJ!w.BU,DWl

Office address, Peru, N . . .PoBt-Office address, Pern, N. Y.

\> Patrick Fitepatrick, defendant.The foregoing sunnnons is eerved^upon you

willbe taken agai__. „...manded in thecomplainl

N, Plaintiff's Attorney.

e foregoing summons ia servicatlon pursuant to an order ofon County Judge dated the 26inton Cou

79, and fil

lon pursuant toCounty Judge,d filed with th

d upon youC. Watson, J

h day of NL .th Clerk'


J, W. BALDWIN, Plaintiff's Attorney,Office and Post-Offlce address, Peru, H. Y.

Clinton County—The FirstPiattsburgb, Plaintiff, vo. Ad»li»

Qoodale, Defeadant.To the alove named defendant:

Plata" f ™thisr»«tion *ndtoI1B«ve0aacopyroftyour _swer on the Plaintiff's 'Attorney within twenty dajafter the service of this Summons, exclusive of iU

day of service: And in case of your failure toir or answer, judgment will be taken againstdefault, for the relief demanded in the compla[>ated Nov. lath, 187».

G. H. BECKWITH, Plaintiff's Attorne}fflce address and Poat-Offlce address, Pii

0. Watson, Jr., Olinton County Judge, dated the 201day of November, 1819, and filed with the complaii

i the office of the Olerk of the County of Clinton,lattsburgh, in the County of Clinton, in s»" "* 'Dated Nov. 30th, 18T9.

Q. H. BEOKWITH, Plaintiff's AH

AN O R D E R ma,

unty Judge on the 141e is hereby given to e

s againsiin Cham-d t

O R D E R mad

M craauors and persons taT--^:UfU8 HEATON, lately doing

rlain, in said county, that they are required tosent their said claims, with the vouchers therduly verified, to the aubscribers, the duly appointedassignees of the said P.ufus Beaton, for the benefitof his creditors, at the office of 8. A. Kell<Champlain in said county on or before theof February, 1880.

' ' T.'HOYLE, )TO. T. OBOOK, }• Assignees.S. A. KELLOGG.J

S. A. K.ZLLOGG, Attorney for Assignees.

NO T 1 C E . - B y order ot Window 0. Wataon,Surrogate of Clinton county, N^ Y., notic<

hereby given according to law, to all persons haiclaims &g&in&t SAMUEXi IitWIN, tote of PcrUj~"'3 sounty* d©cea*6ci tn&t th©y we reQulred to

ftcribera ai the dwelling houae of the undersigned,Agnes Irwin, in Peru aforesaid, on or before tha IMJtnday of April, 1880. Bated, Oct. 13th. 187d.


NOTICE.—By order of Winslow 0. Wa1

Surrogate of Olinton county, notice ii_given according to law, to all persona having clalmiagainst JAMES B. LEEK, late of Pittsburgh, N. Y.deceased, that they are required to exhibit the sam<

the 16th day of Februai"y, 1880.

LEWI8 W. PIEROB, Administrator,



y waste. OOLGATE'JS 00. r

"NEW'SOAP(Trade-Mark Registered) i- - i r y as superior in qr


Sale of CadjTllle Bridge, Dec. 8, 1at 10 A Mn o unug-e, JUat 10 X. M.

8lon rofHi QW» i'oVthtonDcor."uty,NT!ond"\:

the town board of the town of "platis'bi

8th dl ^Decemlfr

er of Town'oTpiattabiiirgh, N. Y.ND,

The flmi C a l t e Tegelallfl" ftegslate."*- -ctify torpidity of the lA-cer.

rORMS ana is recommended byestWOHM MEDICINE. '

for MAJV and BEAST.Far External and Internal TJso.

ho Greatest Pain KCIUIVLT of Iho Ago.



!4 Colleg"e Place,



BIOHABDSON.BOTHTON & CO.Embody n e w 1S79 improveniauts, never bpforo

adopted: Contain more pract ica l features- Arelore d u r a b l e : Cost less to keep in order : Csoess f u e l : and will give more haat and a largero l n m e of pure a i r than any furnace made mle tfnited States.R e p l a c e your old and poor ly "working

_Baters with one of tbese m o d e r n furnace's,which ar« popular and universally successful.

~ " D BY H A R T W E L L Ac MVEHS,i PlattBburgh, N. Y.




WE HAVE ON E X H I B I T I O N a largostock of Cntters and Sleighs of every deecrip-

o°w price's! 0 W n m E n U SC "lre> W 'C W° ° f i 6 r a t T 6 r y

P R I C E S TO D E F Y C O M P E T I T I O N .Pnrchas&rs will do well by calling on us and ex*

unining our stock before purchasing elsewhere. Our

body Portland and square box Cutjeia, four paBBen-ger Sleighs, Travers Sleighs, one and two liorsB luin-b6E^-Don't foV' ef 'nme and lace-onleading north°from thTcouTt Houaser*0a e-15mS<>

^3#3ee-r=-SURH CURS TOR



o ry, or Acute Rheuma-tism, Sciatica «t Gout,

and all Pains of the Bones,Joints, and Muscles.

Never known to fail.Testimonials from eminent phy-

sicians furnished on application,and from thousands who have bcetibenefited from usin^ the same.Try U, and you will never r.gnt il.

For Salo by all Druggists.MANVIIO.E & EDDY,

tele Proprietors,WHITEHALL, N. Y.



from one to two hundred copleB can be take;ifrom an original writing or drawing, without tu^chants. Banker, LawyorB, Insuranco Compauu.-.

who have occaBion to i'asue circulars, or nuUiu copi«nUng or drawinf "•- "-'•' i "" v l ' -

_jnsidering thewhich it is offered, and ti

Undertaking.B subscriber would most respectfiUly in

'• -oueral, thatiucti

5 is ready'to receive

Ing! Ac. P e U a *

e public in genear business as U

TOYFVL Sows for Buys and GirJ YoimR and OU !! A NEW

fVENTIOK juat patented for th