Annual Conference 2021 main 1509

Annual Conference 2021 Sponsored by Wednesday, 29 September The Business of Climate Change @ScotLandEstates #SLEConf21

Transcript of Annual Conference 2021 main 1509

Annual Conference 2021

Sponsored by

Wednesday, 29 September

The Businessof Climate Change


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Annual Conference 2021

Message from the Chairman

As Chairman of Sco�sh Land & Estates I take great pride in welcoming you to our virtual annual conference 2021 ‘The Business of Climate Change’. We have assembled a fascina�ng line-up including SLE members who are tackling climate change while running a successfulbusiness and want to share their stories with you, expert speakers with a huge amount of knowledge, as well as MSPs from across the poli�cal spectrum.

Climate change remains a high priority for all of us and in lots of ways SLE members hold the solu�on to many of its challenges. Central to the solu�on is not just how to emit less carbon but also how to sequester more, all while providing local jobs, working with their local community and improving conserva�on and biodiversity.

Rural businesses have demonstrated a steadfast resilience and an ability to adapt to change in the past, and I have no doubt that this will con�nue. Decisions made now will have a serious bearing on how Scotland’s land is managed for genera�ons to come. Today’s conference comes at a key �me as Scotland prepares to welcome delegates from across the globe to COP26. As land managers and rural business owners, we can confident-ly and proudly say that we take the business of climate change extremely seriously and we con�nue to be part of the solu�on.

Our sincere thanks go to our sponsors Barclays, Galbraith and Gillespie Macandrew for their ongoing support and to all our exhibitors. Please make sure you take advantage of the offers available to you as a conference delegate, from our wide range of exhibitors. Simply visit our conference web pages to find out more about our exhibitors and then get in touch with them. Please feel free to post on your preferred social media pla�orm at any point during the conference using #SLEConf21 and tagging SLE.

Please ask ques�ons today, make notes and rewatch the sessions via the SLE website. I sincerely hope you find our conference interes�ng and s�mula�ng and that you go away filled with knowledge and ideas about the business of climate change.

Mark Tennant, SLE Chairman

Spring Conference 2018

Annual Conference 2021


__________________________________________________________________________________9.15 - 9.20 Introduc�on David Lee, Conference Host & Chair


9.20 - 9.25 Welcome address Mark Tennant, Chairman of Sco�sh Land & Estates 9.25 - 10.05 Keynote Address & Q&A Climate change and the land: challenges and opportuni�es

Professor Sir Dieter Helm, CBE Professor of Economic Policy, University of Oxford Fellow in Economics, New College, Oxford 10.05 - 10.15 The Business of Climate Change Graeme McNaughton, Headline Sponsor Barclays

10.15 - 10.35 Break _________________________________________________________________________________

10.35 - 11.35 Market Opportuni�es

Stephen Young, Head of Policy Sco�sh Land & Estates Se�ng the scene



Virtual Annual Conference:The Business of Climate Change

Annual Conference 2021

Programme Dr Eleanor Harris, Carbon & Natural Capital Leader, Galbraith Carbon from the ground up: wielding Carbon Codes to leverage change Jo Pike, Chief Execu�ve, Sco�sh Wildlife Trust Market based opportuni�es for nature-based solu�ons: A case study

Robert Sco�-Dempster, Gilliespie Macandrew LLP Carbon Contract considera�ons

Ronan Carr, CFO & Director of Natural Capital, BeZero Carbon Assessing Opportuni�es Across Climate Assets & Climate Liabili�es

11.35 - 12.20 Market Poten�al – Breakout sessions with case studies Always one of the most popular features of our conference, our breakout sessions with case studies will run twice, once before lunch and again a�er lunch, enabling you the opportunity to a�end the two topics most relevant to your business and interests.

1. Energy Efficiency in Housing Dr Moses Jenkins, HES Andrew Bradford, Kincardine Castle & Estate 2. Forestry Fenning Welstead, Goldcrest Gordon Brown, Managing Director, TreeStory 3. Opportuni�es in the Renewable Energy Market Ronan Kilduff, Chief Execu�ve, Elgin Energy Edward Tennant, Innes Estate 4. Greening your Tourism Offering Niall Macalister Hall, Kintyre Gin & Torrisdale Castle Estate Jason Fox, Opera�ons Director, Appe�te Me 5. Measuring your Natural Capital Dr Vicky West, Sco�sh Forestry Woodland Carbon Code Manager Nick Atkinson, Chief Scien�fic Officer, BeZero

12.20 - 13.20 Lunch Break

13.20 - 14.05 Market Poten�al – Breakout sessions with case studies Always one of the most popular features of our conference, our breakout sessions with case studies will run twice, once before lunch and again a�er lunch, enabling you the opportunity to a�end the two topics most relevant to your business and interests.


Annual Conference 2021

Dr Eleanor Harris, Carbon & Natural Capital Leader, Galbraith Carbon from the ground up: wielding Carbon Codes to leverage change Jo Pike, Chief Execu�ve, Sco�sh Wildlife Trust Market based opportuni�es for nature-based solu�ons: A case study

Robert Sco�-Dempster, Gilliespie Macandrew LLP Carbon Contract considera�ons

Ronan Carr, CFO & Director of Natural Capital, BeZero Carbon Assessing Opportuni�es Across Climate Assets & Climate Liabili�es

11.35 - 12.20 Market Poten�al – Breakout sessions with case studies Always one of the most popular features of our conference, our breakout sessions with case studies will run twice, once before lunch and again a�er lunch, enabling you the opportunity to a�end the two topics most relevant to your business and interests.

1. Energy Efficiency in Housing Dr Moses Jenkins, HES Andrew Bradford, Kincardine Castle & Estate 2. Forestry Fenning Welstead, Goldcrest Gordon Brown, Managing Director, TreeStory 3. Opportuni�es in the Renewable Energy Market Ronan Kilduff, Chief Execu�ve, Elgin Energy Edward Tennant, Innes Estate 4. Greening your Tourism Offering Niall Macalister Hall, Kintyre Gin & Torrisdale Castle Estate Jason Fox, Opera�ons Director, Appe�te Me 5. Measuring your Natural Capital Dr Vicky West, Sco�sh Forestry Woodland Carbon Code Manager Nick Atkinson, Chief Scien�fic Officer, BeZero

12.20 - 13.20 Lunch Break

13.20 - 14.05 Market Poten�al – Breakout sessions with case studies Always one of the most popular features of our conference, our breakout sessions with case studies will run twice, once before lunch and again a�er lunch, enabling you the opportunity to a�end the two topics most relevant to your business and interests.


1. Energy Efficiency in Housing Dr Moses Jenkins, HES Andrew Bradford, Kincardine Castle & Estate 2. Forestry Fenning Welstead, Goldcrest Gordon Brown, Managing Director, TreeStory 3. Opportuni�es in the Renewable Energy Market Ronan Kilduff, Chief Execu�ve, Elgin Energy Edward Tennant, Innes Estate 4. Greening your Tourism Offering Niall Macalister Hall, Kintyre Gin & Torrisdale Castle Estate Jason Fox, Opera�ons Director, Appe�te Me 5. Measuring your Natural Capital Dr Vicky West, Sco�sh Forestry Woodland Carbon Code Manager Nick Atkinson, Chief Scien�fic Officer, BeZero

14.05 - 14.40 Featured Case Studies 1.Rewilding and Repopula�ng with Jeremy Legge�, Bunloit Estate 2.Regenera�ve Agriculture with Alex Brewster, Rotmell Farming 14.40 - 14.55 Break

14.55 - 15.40 Panel Debate - What further steps can land managers and others take to contribute to a successful green economy and what do governments and their agencies need to do to help them? Panel members:

Rachael Hamilton, MSP Liam McArthur, MSP Fiona Hyslop, MSP Colin Smyth, MSP

15.40 - 16.20 Keynote Address and Q&A Lord Deben, Chairman of the Commi�ee on Climate Change The Special Place of Scotland in the Ba�le against Climate Change

16.20 - 16.25 Closing Remarks Sarah-Jane Laing, SLE Chief Execu�ve

16.25 Close

16.25 - 17.00 Networking session

Annual Conference 2021


David Lee, David Lee Media & Events Ltd – Conference Host & Chair

David Lee has hosted 250-plus events over the last decade, from large policy conferences to in�mate round-table discussions. He re-shaped his business quickly a�er the enforced changes of Covid-19 and has already hosted more than 20 online conferences and webinars. He worked for daily newspapers for 20 years, la�erly as Senior Assistant Editor of The Scotsman, before establishing his own business in 2009. As Director of David Lee Media & Events Ltd, David is a writer, editor, communica�ons consultant, event organiser and event host. He is increasingly focused on online event hos�ng and podcasts. David works for public and private sector clients UK-wide and has a specific interest in rural affairs and a detailed knowledge of forestry in par�cular. His other specialisms include legal affairs, data science, fintech and general public policy

Mark Tennant, SLE Chairman

In April 2020, Mark became SLE's Chairman. Mark’s career has ranged from tending refugees to investment banking. Un�l 2017 he ran Innes Estates, a 4500-acre low ground estate in Morayshire, the centre of which is Innes House, a 17th century Sco�sh Renaissance house where the family has run weddings and corporate events for over 20 years. He has now handed it over to his son. Mark became SLE’s Vice-Chairman Policy in 2018. His main focus over the past year has been developing its work on a post-Brexit integrated land management approach which delivers increased produc�vity as well as helping meet climate change targets

Keynote Speaker: Professor Sir Dieter Helm

Sir Dieter Helm is Professor of Economic Policy at the University of Oxford and Fellow in Economics at New College, Oxford. He was Independent Chair of the Natural Capital Commi�ee, providing advice to the government on the sustainable use of natural capital, un�l the end of the second term of the Commi�ee in November 2020. In the New Year 2021 Honours List, Dieter was awarded a knighthood for services to the environment, energy and u�li�es policy. He has wri�en many books, most recently Net Zero (Septem-ber 2020, William Collins) in which he addresses the ac�on we all need to take to tackle the climate emergency. His other books include: Green & Prosperous Land (2019, William Collins), Burn Out: The Endgame for Fossil Fuels (2017), The Carbon Crunch: Revised and Updated (2015) and Natural Capital: Valuing the Planet (2016), all published by Yale University Press. Dieter has provided extensive advice to UK and European governments, including The Cost of Energy Review for the UK government in October 2017 and for the European Commission in preparing the Energy Roadmap 2030. He served both as a special advisor to the European Commissioner for Energy and as Chairman of the Ad Hoc Advisory Group on the Roadmap. He also assisted the Polish government in its presiden-cy of the European Union Council. Dieter is Chairman of Natural Capital Research, developing natural capital models and assessments for the be�er use of land, and Honorary Vice President of the Berkshire, Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire Wildlife Trust

Annual Conference 2021

Graeme McNaughton, Barclays, Headline Sponsor

Graeme is a Chartered Banker with 37 years of experience and leads Barclays Landed Estates Team in Scotland. He works with clients and their trusted advisors to structure banking solu�ons that suit the family and the Estate as a whole for a totally bespoke solu�on.

Stephen Young, Head of Policy, Sco�sh Land & Estates

Stephen Young, From a dairy and arable farming background, joined SLE in August 2019 from the Sco�sh Agricultural Organisa�on Society (SAOS), where he worked on the development of a co-opera�ve carbon trading pla�orm as well as rural business efficiency measures. Stephen is responsible for managing SLE’s policy team at its Musselburgh HQ, as well as leading development of SLE’s policy posi�ons and guiding the provision of member advice, while represen�ng members interests. Stephen studied Rural Business Management at Aberdeen University, followed by a Masters in Management from St Mary’s University, Nova Sco�a.

Dr Eleanor Harris, Carbon & Natural Capital Leader, Galbraith

Dr Eleanor Harris joined Galbraith as Natural Capital and Carbon Leader in 2021, based in Edinburgh. Eleanor was previously Policy Researcher with Confor focusing on carbon and biodiversity in forestry and �mber produc�on. She con�nues to build on this unsurpassed exper�se at Galbraith, developing commercial opportuni�es in rela�on to Natural Capital assessments, Biodiversity Net Gain, Peatland and Soil Carbon, Regenera�ve Agriculture and environmental land management throughout the UK

Jo Pike, Chief Execu�ve , Sco�sh Wildlife Trust

Jo has wide-ranging experience in the NGO sector, including in communica�ons, environmental policy, advocacy, strategy development and stakeholder engagement. She was Project Director for the World Forum on Natural Capital from its incep�on in 2013 to its culmina�on in 2017 and was on the Steering Group for the Sco�sh Conserva�on Finance Project. She is currently Deputy Chair of the Sco�sh Forum on Natural Capital.

Robert Sco�-Dempster - Partner, Head of Land and Rural Business

Robert heads the market leading Land & Rural Business team at Gillespie Macandrew and is accredited by the Law Society of Scotland as a specialist in agricultural law. His exper�se includes agriculture and landed estates, rural businesses, ownership structures, capital taxa�on and succession. Robert has acted in some of Scotland's most high profile transac�ons and has first-hand experience of dealing with community and cro�ing community purchases, ac�ng for both private individuals and communi�es. Robert is Chairman of Sco�sh Land & Estates Legal Commi�ee.

Ronan Carr, CFO & Director of Natural Capital

Ronan is Director of Natural Capital and CFO at BeZero Carbon and holds the CFA Certi�cate in ESG Investing. He focuses on BeZero's work with landowners, investors and corporates on the research, design, and �nancing of carbon and other natural capital assets. Prior to BeZero Ronan had 20 years experience in macro investment research, latterly at Bank of America as a Cross Asset and European Equity Strategist. At Morgan Stanley he was part of the consistently top ranked European Equity Strategy team and also spent time as the Emerging Europe, Middle East & Africa Strategist.Ronan has a degree in International Commerce & French from University College Dublin, where he also won the Dean's List Award. He speaks French and Italian, and is a CFA charterholder.

Annual Conference 2021


Andrew Bradford, Kincardine Estate

Andrew Bradford started farming in 1976 and managed Kincardine Estate from 1979 un�l this summer. In the late 1980s (sorry can’t remember when) he persuaded the then SLF, somewhat against its will, that the organisa�on needed to focus on housing issues as well as the more-obvious land-using ac�vi�es. He has been involved in rural housing ever since. He chaired the Dee District Salmon Fishery Board 1996-2001 and has par�cipated in commi�ees and boards too numerous to list. He was Hon. Col. of Aberdeen University OTC 2012-20 and has been Vestry Secretary for his local church for nearly 30 years. With his wife they started a hospitality business in 1985 and a food business in 2008.

Dr Moses Jenkins, Senior Technical Officer, Historic Environment Scotland

Dr Moses Jenkins has worked for Historic Environment Scotland for 16 years where he is Senior Technical Officer. He has wri�en various guidance notes over this �me most notably on the subjects of brick and energy efficiency. In 2009 he edited the book Building Scotland and in 2018 authored the book The Sco�sh Brick Industry. He gained his PhD through the study of Sco�sh tradi�onal brickwork in 2017 and is a conserva�on accredited member of the CIOB. At present he is engaged in the development of standards and qualifica�ons to improve knowledge of retrofit measures for tradi�onally constructed buildings

Fenning Welstead, Partner, Goldcrest Land & Forestry Group

Fenning read Ecological Science at Edinburgh University. He started his working life with Tilhill in 1978 followed by 38 years with John Clegg & Co. Fenning is now a founding Partner of GOLDCREST Land & Forestry Group. Achieving a balance between commercial viability of land use and the sustaining of natural equilibriums is a lifelong interest. It seems that ecology is finally becoming mainstream as we appreciate our vulnerability.

Gordon Brown, Managing Director, TreeStory

With over 25 years of experience in the forestry industry, Gordon wanted to shake things up, crea�ng a revitalised Scotland through redefining our rela�onship with woodlands and forests. That’s why he co-founded TreeStory. Gordon leads the TreeStory team and is the main point of contact for clients and landowners. He loves providing new woodland experiences to our partners, inspiring them to connect with the land.As a forestry consultant, he specialises in landscape-scale forest restructuring and re-afforesta�on projects and in developing con�nuous cover forestry systems. He always strives to find new ways to encourage diversity and ecological integrity in his forestry prac�ce.

Ronan Kilduff, Chief Execu�ve Officer, Elgin Energy

Ronan co-founded Elgin Energy in 2009 and has developed the business into one of the leading solar development platforms in the UK and Ireland. Prior to founding Elgin Energy, Ronan initiated and promoted two German real estate investment funds of over 1,000 residential units and a large portfolio of commercial real estate.

Annual Conference 2021

Edward Tennant, Innes Estate

Edward currently owns and runs Innes Estates a 4500-acre mixed arable estate in Morayshire the centre of which is Innes House, where weddings and corporate events have been run for over 20 years. Prior to taking over the reins Edward worked in the city for 12 years in the sales sector, working for Swiss, Bri�sh and American firms. Edward holds a degree in Agriculture from the Royal Agricultural College

Niall Macalister Hall, Torrisdale Castle Estate

Niall Macalister Hall and his wife Emma live at Torrisdale Castle Estate on the Kintyre Peninsula. Niall is the 5th genera�on of his family to live at the castle, and 4th to own the estate. He is a graduate of Aberdeen University in Land Economy and worked for 13 years at Smiths Gore, and in the la�er years was in charge of the Farms and Estates Agency department in Scotland. Niall and Emma moved back to Torrisdale in 2013, and he undertakes consultancy work for Galbraith on a regular basis. During the last 8 years the estate has diversified considerably, and in addi�on to the exis�ng holiday co�age business, there is now a 100kW hydro scheme, gin dis�llery, cafe and biomass boiler.

Jason Fox, Operations Director, Appetite Me

A�er beginning a career in the leisure industry, cu�ng his teeth with Centre Parcs Holiday Resorts, Jason ventured to London working within the visitor a�rac�on field of the V&A, Science and Natural History museum’s with Benugo. Reloca�ng to Edinburgh in 2010, s�ll with Benugo, Jason worked alongside the then Historic Scotland commercial team managing their hospitality department. Further commercial contracts within Scotland where won during his 8 year tenure. Jason is now Opera�ons Director with the Family Business of Appe�te Me, se�ng up and managing Farm Shops and Restaurants from Aberdeen to Cowbridge in Wales.

Dr Vicky West, Scottish Forestry Woodland Carbon Code Manager

Dr Vicky West, UK Woodland Carbon Code Manager, Sco�sh Forestry. Vicky has overseen the management and development of the Woodland Carbon Code programme across the UK, and is also an Execu�ve Board member of the UK’s Peatland Code. She has worked around 20 years with Forestry Commission and more recently Sco�sh Forestry, in areas of forestry policy and climate change, a�er comple�ng a PhD in modelling global climate change.

Dr Nick Atkinson, Chief Science Officer, BeZero

Nick is Chief Science Officer at BeZero, where his focus is on enabling nature-based solu�ons through unlocking novel finance streams. He is developing novel carbon solu�ons, including coastal and marine ecosystems, and natural capital beyond carbon.A lifelong career in conserva�on has led Nick to work in government, academia and third sector ins�tu�ons, including over a decade at the Woodland Trust, where he pioneered the organisa�on's research and evidence func�on. He was involved in the development of the Woodland Carbon Code, the UK's Forest Gene�c Resources strategy, and the government's na�onal response to ash dieback. Nick has a degree in zoology from No�ngham University and a PhD in popula�on gene�cs from Edinburgh University.

Annual Conference 2021

SpeakersJeremy Legge�, Bunloit Estate

Jeremy is a social entrepreneur, writer and climate campaigner. He is founder and exec director of Bunloit Rewilding Ltd, a start-up sequestering carbon, growing biodiversity and accelera�ng the rural green new deal on Sco�sh estates (two at present). Before embarking on the Bunloit project in March 2020, he founded Solarcentury (1998-2020), one of the world’s most respected solar energy companies, winner of a Queen's Award for Enterprise in Innova�on. He also founded SolarAid (2006-2020), an interna�onal charity set up with a levy on annual Solarcentury profits, winner of a BITC Unilever Global Development Award. An Entrepreneur of the Year at the New Energy Awards, he was the first Hillary Laureate for Interna�onal Leadership in Climate Change, has won a Gothenburg Prize, and was the first non-Dutch winner of a Royal Dutch Honorary Sustainability Award. A�er taking a D.Phil in Earth Science at the University of Oxford, he taught at the Imperial College of Science and Technology (1978-1989). He was scien�fic director of the climate campaign at Greenpeace (1990-1996), and has been an occasional lecturer on courses in business and environment at the universi�es of Oxford, Cambridge, and St Gallen (Switzerland). He has wri�en four books about the climate crisis, as he has experienced it on the front lines for three decades. www.jeremylegge�.net

Alex Brewster, Rotmell Farming

The Brewster family have been farming in Perthshire for over 40 years. Rotmell Farm is a carbon capture cer�fied upland beef and sheep farm, spanning over 1000ha of good grazing and hill ground. Alex’s farm is home to 180 Aberdeen Angus breeding cows and a flock of 700 breeding ewes, made up of a composite Innovis breed. Along with the livestock, the farm also has 4,000 organic laying hens, providing a local doorstep delivery service. As a Nuffield Farming Scholar and post Quality Meat Scotland (QMS) focus farm, Alex is keen on developing the symbio�c linkage between soil health and the future of red meat in the 21st century, using rota�onal grazing and animal management. In 2020 the farm won Soil Farmer of the Year in recogni�on of their dedica�on to improving soil health and carbon sequestra�on. For Alex and his team, it is all about working from the microbes up.

Fiona Hyslop, MSP

Fiona Hyslop is the Member of Sco�sh Parliament (MSP) for the Linlithgow Cons�tuency. Fiona has served as the MSP for the Linlithgow cons�tuency since 2011, having represented the Lothians Region from 1999 to 2011.Fiona was one of the longest serving members in the history of the Sco�sh Government having served from 2007 un�l standing down as Cabinet Secretary for Economy, Fair Work and Culture in May 2021. Fiona currently sits on the Economy and Fair Work Commi�ee and is the Deputy Convener of the Net Zero, Energy and Transport Commi�ee.

Liam McArthur MSP

Liam grew up in Orkney and a�ended Kirkwall Grammar School, before gradua�ng from the University of Edinburgh with a degree in Poli�cs. He was elected as Orkney’s MSP in 2007, following a period as a Special Advisor to the then Deputy First Minister, Jim Wallace. He has also worked as a researcher at Westminster and in the European Commission, before embarking on a career in consultancy. Since being elected, Liam has been a member of various Commi�ees, including Finance, Rural Affairs & Environment, Educa�on & Culture and now Jus�ce. He is currently the Sco�sh Liberal Democrat Spokesperson for Jus�ce and Energy, and leads for the party on the environment in parliament.

Annual Conference 2021

SpeakersRachael Hamilton, MSP

Rachael Hamilton is the Sco�sh Conserva�ve and Unionist MSP for E�rick, Roxburgh and Berwickshire. She was reappointed the Shadow Cabinet Secretary for Rural Affairs and the Islands, following the Sco�sh parliamentary elec�on in May. Rachael previously held the role of Shadow Cabinet Secretary for Tourism and Small Business, Social Security and Older People and was Deputy Chief Whip.She is commi�ed to encouraging more young people and women into poli�cs and plays an ac�ve role in Women2Win Scotland as a mentor and coach. Rachael wants to see rural areas thrive, including full fibre broadband to all rural areas by 2027, be�er clarity on farm policy direc�on and new rural appren�ceships.

Colin Smyth, MSP

Colin Smyth MSP is a Sco�sh Labour Party poli�cian who has been a Member of the Sco�sh Parliament (MSP) for the South Scotland region since the 2016 Sco�sh Parliament elec�on. He was general secretary of the Sco�sh Labour Party 2008−2012 and a local Councillor in Dumfries and Galloway between 2007-2017. Colin is Sco�sh Labour’s Shadow Cabinet Secretary for Economic Development and Rural Affairs and is a member of the Sco�sh Parliament’s Economy Commi�ee.

The Rt. Hon Lord Deben, Chairman of the Commi�ee on Climate Change

The Rt. Hon John Gummer, Lord Deben, set up and now runs Sancro�, a Corporate Responsibility consultancy working with blue-chip companies around the world on environmental, social and ethical issues. Lord Deben is Chairman of the Commi�ee on Climate Change, Valpak Limited, and the Personal Investment Management & Financial Advisers Associa�on. He was the longest serving Secretary of State for the Environment the UK has ever had (1993-97). His sixteen years of top-level ministerial experience also include Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries & Food, Minister for London, Employment Minister and Paymaster General in HM Treasury. He has consistently championed an iden�ty between environmental concerns and business sense.

Sarah-Jane Laing, Chief Execu�ve, Sco�sh Land & Estates

Sarah-Jane was appointed as Chief Execu�ve of Sco�sh Land & Estates (SLE) in December 2019, the first woman to hold this role in the organisa�on’s 110-year history. Her role involves overseeing the policy work of the organisa�on, direc�ng all external and internal communica�ons and leading on lobbying and representa�onal work alongside senior management responsibili�es rela�ng to the organisa�on. Sarah-Jane represents SLE on a large number of external stakeholder groups, she is a member of the Sco�sh Government's Women in Agriculture Taskforce and the Climate Change Emergency Response Group as well as a recipient of the Farmers Club Windsor Leadership bursary.

Annual Conference 2021

Exhibitors 2021Formerly Campbell Dallas, Azets is an accountants and business advisory team who are commi�ed to delivering a personal service both digitally and at your door. Wherever you are in your business lifecycle we maximise your precious �me so that you can focus on what you do best.01738 441888 @AzetsUK

Barclays is proud to be the headline sponsor for the 2021 Sco�sh Land & Estates Annual Conference and we look forward to building upon our exis�ng and new rela�onships. Our Agricultural Managers are here to help you – whether you’re looking for banking, agricultural finance or to discuss the seed of an idea, Come and speak to us today.Graeme McNaughton on 07825023682

Bell Ingram is a firm of chartered surveyors, land and estate agents, foresters and architects opera�ng within Scotland the North of England. Established in 1899, the firm offers a highly personal and professional approach when it comes to providing you with quality advice on your land or property needs.t01738 621 121 @Bellingram

Bowlts offer specialist advice on rural and property management, forestry, natural capital and environmental assessments, estate agency, planning, architecture and mapping. We are commi�ed to providing tradi�onal and modern services dedicated to our clients’ needs, embracing the latest technology, and are passionate about providing a high quality, personal service.01343 890400

Douglas Home & Co are accountants and tax specialists with exper�se in rural businesses, agriculture, and landed estates. Our team can assist in all aspects of tax planning including inheritance tax and succession, research and development tax credits, Trusts, income tax mi�ga�on and capital gains tax planning.01573 225082 @douglashomeco

EQ Accountants LLP are accountants, tax, and business advisors to rural businesses, including landed estates. EQ’s rural team provide services, including agricultural consultancy, strategic advice, high level tax planning and mi�ga�on. Their client team approach ensures that clients benefit from cohesive advice from individuals who understand their business.01382 312100/01307 474274 @EQAccountants

Forest Direct Ltd is a team of experienced and innova�ve foresters, with a shared vision to create and manage well-designed, high-quality, sustainable woodlands that contribute to climate change mi�ga�on and deliver financially for our clients. We are small and agile so can work flexibly with our clients and offer a personal forestry service to meet your needs. We focus on building rela�onships for the longterm so we really understand your business and how we can support it to meet your objec�ves.07967 111 805

Galbraith is the leading rural consultancy in Scotland and the North of England managing farm, forestry, land and estate interests on over 3.5 million acres and provides a full range of property consultancy services across rural, residen�al, farms, estates, commercial, forestry, woodland, natural capital and renewable energy sectors.01292 268181 @Galbraith_Group

Annual Conference 2021

Gillespie Macandrew is a leading Sco�sh law firm and recognised leaders in the rural, energy, charity and property sectors. We advise clients on all areas of land and rural business, private client, commercial real estate, energy, tax and disputes and the firm has offices in Edinburgh, Glasgow and Perth.0131 225 1677 @GMacandrew

GOLDCREST is a knowledgeable and dedicated team of Rural Prac�ce Chartered Surveyors and Chartered Foresters. Based in Edinburgh’s Charlo�e Square, GOLDCREST’s services include buying and selling forestry and land on behalf of clients, valua�ons, asset management and strategic advice on rural estates and businesses. We offer a bespoke service for clients on forestry and land throughout the UK.0131 3786 122 @GoldcrestLfg

Greenburn is a Management and HR advisory & consultancy service. Our team work across Scotland providing prac�cal support to Land Owners, Agricultural and Commercial businesses. Our approach to business is our USP, we provide bespoke and effec�ve people solu�ons – whether you employ one person or fi�y – we work with you.0131 557 5742 @greenburn_hr and @greenburn_rec

Highland Carbon is a market leader in achieving a high carbon price, and we take a much smaller broker commission than is typical. With a single transac�on, one of our landowner clients recently earned several hundred thousand pounds! Contact us for a free landowner informa�on pack: [email protected] 104 451 @highlandcarbon

Kishorn Insula�ons is a family run, accredited installer of Icynene Spray Foam Insula�on. Icynene is a series of so�, flexible products that can deliver up to 50% energy savings with a quicker and less intrusive installa�on period when compared with other insula�on types. It’s versa�lity suits both old and new buildings. 01463 389701 www.kishorninsula� @kishorninsula�ons

Landmark provides award winning management so�ware to farms and estates across the UK. Streamlining every aspect of rural business administra�on including accounts, property management, cropping and livestock records, with easy to use so�ware and mobile Apps. Landmark products help businesses to stay compliant, save �me and improve the bo�om line. 01798 877100 @landmarksysltd

Lindsays is a Sco�sh firm of experienced lawyers for people and businesses. We are owned and run in Scotland, covering the country from our offices in Edinburgh, Glasgow and Dundee. Our rural services team advises on a full range of rural and agricultural issues, ensuring that those with a vested interest in the Sco�sh countryside are prepared to meet the challenges of the 21st Century. 0131 229 1212 @lindsaysnews

Lyce�s has 60 years’ experience looking a�er people who live and work in the countryside. We offer specialist advice on a wide range of insurance products and financial services for estates, farms, equestrian and commercial enterprises. In addi�on we have extensive experience insuring forests and woodlands for commercial use and bio-crop produc�on.0131 225 9119 www.lyce� @Lyce�sInsure

Mercedes-Benz of Edinburgh Fleet & Business Provider of Fleet Solu�ons to Small Business, Company Car Drivers & Fleet Managers.0131 466 8000 @MercEdinburgh

Annual Conference 2021

Exhibitors 2020RadiWarm is an independent Bri�sh company based in Halifax who have been manufacturing and selling electric radiators for almost 20 years. We manufacture two types of electric radiator 1. Water-filled, with its own boiler and pump 2. High grade silica sand filled that allows the radiator to heat up quickly.01422 231943 @radiwarm

Saffery Champness is a firm of chartered accountants providing accountancy, tax and business advice to a wide range of land and rural businesses, with more than 80 partners and 700 staff in nine offices in the UK. We provide services to more than 25% of the top 100 UK landowners.+44 (0)20 7841 4000 @safferys

Savills understanding of the countryside is personal. With over seven offices located across Scotland and backed by our market-leading research we offer the full spectrum of specialist advice including: architecture, building surveying, estate management, farms and estate sales, food and farming forestry, professional consultancy, renewable energy, rural planning, strategic projects and tourism, leisure and events. 01738 445 588 @SavillsRuralUK

Sco�sh Forestry (SF) was established as an Execu�ve Agency of the Sco�sh Government on 1 April 2019. We support the delivery of the Sco�sh Government’s priori�es for Scotland's forests, through guidance, advice, incen�ves and regula�ons, and by advising Ministers on forestry policy.0300 067 6294 h�ps:// @sco�orestry

The Sco�sh Land Commission is making more of Scotland’s land by s�mula�ng fresh thinking, suppor�ng change on the ground and making recommenda�ons to Sco�sh Ministers, where appropriate, for legisla�ve and policy change across our three priority areas of work: reforming land rights, embedding responsible land ownership and use, and reforming land markets.01463 423 300 @sco�shlandcom

Tilhill is the UK’s leading forestry management, woodland crea�on, and �mber harves�ng company. We operate na�onally from a network of offices across the UK. We offer a full range of forest and woodland management services to owners, including carbon income services for farmers.07767 248267 www.� @TilhillForestry

thinkWhere is the UK’s leading loca�on data sharing company. We have developed a suite of online products and services that innovate the way businesses use geographic data. We aim to transform how you view, share, and understand loca�on data to help you make informed business decisions, faster. thinkWhere is now owned by Idox plc.01786 476060 @thinkwhere1

Timberplay Scotland is experts in play. Working with world renowned manufacture, Richter Spielgerate they create outstanding play spaces for public and private sectors clients. We understand how to make play offers work as part of an a�rac�on or historic se�ng, ensuring Play Pays and play value is maximised! 07976462196 www.� @�mberplay_mark

Annual Conference 2021

Annual Conference 2021


























Annual Conference 2021












Lycetts is proud to introduce our rural insurance to all Scottish Land & Estates members.

Lycetts has nearly 60 years’ experience in wealth management and insurance for people who live and work in the countryside.We offer specialist advice on a range of products and services for estates, farms, equestrian and commercial enterprises.

Lycetts is a trading name of Lycett, Browne-Swinburne & Douglass Limited which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.Lycetts is a trading name of Lycetts Financial Services Limited which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.

0131 225 9119 sl&[email protected]

Proud to protect your life. Your estate. Your farm. Your business. Your vehicles. Your country pursuits.

Stuart HouseEskmills Business ParkMusselburghEH21 7PB

t: 0131 653 5400f: 0131 653 5401e: info@sco�