AnnotQTL: a new tool to gather functional and comparative ... · HAL is a multi-disciplinary open...

HAL Id: hal-00597398 Submitted on 3 Jun 2011 HAL is a multi-disciplinary open access archive for the deposit and dissemination of sci- entific research documents, whether they are pub- lished or not. The documents may come from teaching and research institutions in France or abroad, or from public or private research centers. L’archive ouverte pluridisciplinaire HAL, est destinée au dépôt et à la diffusion de documents scientifiques de niveau recherche, publiés ou non, émanant des établissements d’enseignement et de recherche français ou étrangers, des laboratoires publics ou privés. AnnotQTL: a new tool to gather functional and comparative information on a genomic region Frédéric Lecerc, Anthony Bretaudeau, Olivier Sallou, Colette Désert, Yuna Blum, Sandrine Lagarrigue, Olivier Demeure To cite this version: Frédéric Lecerc, Anthony Bretaudeau, Olivier Sallou, Colette Désert, Yuna Blum, et al.. AnnotQTL: a new tool to gather functional and comparative information on a genomic region. Nucleic Acids Research, Oxford University Press, 2011, open access. 10.1093/nar/gkr361. hal-00597398

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HAL Id: hal-00597398

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HAL is a multi-disciplinary open accessarchive for the deposit and dissemination of sci-entific research documents, whether they are pub-lished or not. The documents may come fromteaching and research institutions in France orabroad, or from public or private research centers.

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AnnotQTL: a new tool to gather functional andcomparative information on a genomic region

Frédéric Lecerc, Anthony Bretaudeau, Olivier Sallou, Colette Désert, YunaBlum, Sandrine Lagarrigue, Olivier Demeure

To cite this version:Frédéric Lecerc, Anthony Bretaudeau, Olivier Sallou, Colette Désert, Yuna Blum, et al.. AnnotQTL:a new tool to gather functional and comparative information on a genomic region. Nucleic AcidsResearch, Oxford University Press, 2011, open access. �10.1093/nar/gkr361�. �hal-00597398�

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AnnotQTL: a new tool to gather functional andcomparative information on a genomic regionF. Lecerf1,2,*, A. Bretaudeau3, O. Sallou3, C. Desert1,2, Y. Blum1,2,4, S. Lagarrigue1,2 and

O. Demeure1,2

1INRA, UMR598 Genetique Animale, F-35000 Rennes, 2Agrocampus OUEST, UMR598 Genetique Animale,F-35000 Rennes, 3GenOuest Platform, INRIA/Irisa – Campus de Beaulieu, F-35042 Rennes Cedex and4Agrocampus OUEST, Applied Mathematics Department, F-35000, Rennes, France

Received February 9, 2011; Revised April 18, 2011; Accepted April 27, 2011


AnnotQTL is a web tool designed to aggregate func-tional annotations from different prominent websites by minimizing the redundancy of information.Although thousands of QTL regions have beenidentified in livestock species, most of them arelarge and contain many genes. This tool was there-fore designed to assist the characterization ofgenes in a QTL interval region as a step towardsselecting the best candidate genes. It localizes thegene to a specific region (using NCBI and Ensembldata) and adds the functional annotations availablefrom other databases (Gene Ontology, MammalianPhenotype, HGNC and Pubmed). Both human gen-ome and mouse genome can be aligned with thestudied region to detect synteny and segment con-servation, which is useful for running inter-speciescomparisons of QTL locations. Finally, custommarker lists can be included in the results displayto select the genes that are closest to your mostsignificant markers. We use examples to demon-strate that in just a couple of hours, AnnotQTL isable to identify all the genes located in regionsidentified by a full genome scan, with some high-lighted based on both location and function, thusconsiderably increasing the chances of finding goodcandidate genes. AnnotQTL is available at


The final steps of genetic mapping research programsrequire close analysis of several QTL regions to select can-didate genes for further studies. Despite several websites

(NCBI genome browser, Ensembl Browser, UCSCGenome Browser) or web tools (Biomart, Galaxy) de-veloped to achieve this task, the selection of candidategenes remains a laborious process. The informationmade available on the more prominent web sites differsslightly in terms of gene prediction and functional anno-tation, while other websites provide extra information thatresearchers may want to use (HGNC approved gene sym-bols, Gene Ontology (GO) Annotation or functional data,conservation of synteny with other species, etc.). It is pos-sible to manually merge and compare this information forone QTL containing few genes, but not for many differentQTL regions containing dozens of genes.Here, we propose a web tool that, for a given region of

interest, merges the list of genes available in NCBI andEnsembl, removes redundancy, adds functional annota-tions from different prominent web sites, and highlightsthe genes for which functional annotation fits the biologic-al function or diseases of interest. The tool is dedicated tosequenced species of livestock including cattle, pig,chicken and horse as well as dog, i.e. species that havebeen extensively studied (with over 8000 QTLs detected;see, because of the family designs and the lownumber of animals used in these species, most of thestudies use linkage analysis, and the QTL regions ident-ified remain large (containing dozens of genes).Conversely, in human and model species, most analysesnow draw heavily on association studies involving largecohorts, thus providing more power and accuracy, and theweb tools already available focus on these species throughfunctional annotation of SNPs in association with the trait(1–8). Most of these tools focus on the SNP annotationitself, describing whether the SNP is located in a gene, oreven in a coding sequence, and defining if it could have afunctional effect. While these web tools are highly efficientin providing a good annotation for specific SNPs, they

*To whom correspondence should be addressed. Tel: +(33) 2 23 48 59 62; Fax: +(33) 2 23 48 54 70; Email: [email protected]

Nucleic Acids Research, 2011, 1–6doi:10.1093/nar/gkr361

� The Author(s) 2011. Published by Oxford University Press.This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License (, which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

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clearly cannot be used to collect information on the largeregions obtained in livestock species.


The main objective of AnnotQTL is to minimize redun-dancy so as to display the maximum amount of informa-tion from several sources on the genes in the region ofinterest. The main AnnotQTL program is implementedin PERL. The data are downloaded from several FTPsor websites (see Figure 1 for details on the data and

fields used) and stored on our server for further computa-tion. Location and annotation data from Ensembl aredownloaded via BioMart (9) using MartService.AnnotQTL gives several sets of information from com-parative mapping of selected species against the humanand mouse genomes using a local dump of the dataprovided by the Narcisse web site (10) and orthologousgene information from the Ensembl comparative database.PERL scripts import the downloaded files into our SQLdatabases. All PERL scripts and official GO database up-dates are inserted into a BioMaj (11) workflow to automatethe updating process. Updates are performed monthly.

Figure 1. Schematic diagram of the database and source data files. The table map_seq is filled using file, where xxx is the speciesname, located in the NCBI FTP directory: /genomes/xxx/mapview. The tables gene_info, gene2accession, gene2go, gene2ensembl and gene2pubmedare filled using data files stored in the NCBI FTP directory: /gene/DATA. The table biomart_xxx is filled using the BioMart service for the Ensembldatabases. For each species, a SQL table is created to store SNP data (here, only one is detailed). The data files are downloaded from NCBI FTPdirectory: /snp/organisms/xxx/chr_rpts (where xxx is species name). The tables mp2mp, mp2term and mp2assoc are filled using filesHMD_HumanPhenotype.rpt and MPheno_OBO.ontology available from the MGI FTP site ( The hgnc tableis filled using the data stored at the GeneName website together with its LWP agent ( Thetable omim_genemap is filled using the data file located in the NCBI FTP directory /repository/OMIM. The table narcisse_synt is filled using thecomparative data provided by the Narcisse website (

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The principle and workflow of AnnotQTL is depictedin Figure 2. Starting with the genome coordinatesentered by the user, the program extracts the NCBIGeneID of genes contained in the region, the corres-ponding annotations (name, description, symbol and soon), plus the associated cross-references (RNA acces-sion number, protein accession number and Ensembl iden-tifier) and the Pubmed identifier. This Pubmed identifieris specific of the requested species and does not listthe publications related to this gene in other species.Using the same genome coordinates, the program thenextracts Ensembl ID, gene annotation and human andmouse ortholog gene identifiers from the Ensembldatabase.

The main step now is to remove the redundancy betweenNCBI and Ensembl data while keeping the specific anno-tation of both databases. As there is a slight difference ingene location between the two web sites, the filteringprocess cannot be based on gene location, which leavestwo approach options. The first is to use the Ensemblcross-reference provided by NCBI. However, this ap-proach is not exhaustive since few cross-references aremissing even for genes annotated in both databases. Asecond strategy has therefore been developed based on atextual query search in the annotation fields provided bythe two sites. Values for the symbol, synonyms, RNA ac-cession and protein accession fields from NCBI arecompared against the values in the Ensembl gene namefield for the gene of the species of interest. When oneor more of these fields match, all the information iscombined under one record, thus removing duplicatesand enriching the annotation (without losing the annota-tion specific to both sites). If available, the gene annota-tions of human and mouse orthologs are also includedin this comparison. Each record is also filtered for poten-tial intra-redundancy of annotation between the gene andits orthologs (i.e. the same gene description is foundbetween the requested species and Human or mouseorthologs). This set of genes combining NCBI- andEnsembl-specific information is then compared to theHGNC database. The goal of this procedure is to retrievethe HGNC approved symbol by searching for corres-pondences between annotation fields and the symbol oraliases fields of the HGNC database. Then, the valuesfound in the HGNC database (symbol and OMIM iden-tifier, if any) are included in the final results outputdisplayed. If the OMIM identifier is still undefined, asearch through the OMIM symbol fields is performedusing the HGNC symbol or aliases. Where relevant,OMIM identifier, title and related disorders are retrievedfrom the OMIM database. Finally, the user-specifiedgenome region is cross-compared against the Narcissedatabase to fetch the human or mouse-orthologousgenomic region.

To clarify the output and adapt it to the scientist’squery, certain information is only available throughmenu options. Human and mouse orthology informationfrom Ensembl can be used to more accurately definecertain genomic regions left undefined in Narcisse data.Users can also select level of synteny (synt order, see(10) for more details) between studied species and target

species (human or mouse). Another option is to upload aset of genetic markers (which can be of any type providedphysical location is given) to be inserted in the final resultsdisplay. User can choose to keep their own marker loca-tions or re-map markers to NCBI genome coordinates(only available with approved marker identifiers). Afourth non-processed column is available for displayinguser-defined information. Adding the markers to the re-sults display should ease the identification of the genesthat most closely match the most significant markers.Finally, AnnotQTL can highlight genes based on func-tional annotations provided by GO, MammalianPhenotype (MP), or OMIM disorders. For GO or MPterms organized in a hierarchical ‘parent–children’ direc-tory structure, user-inputted keywords provide optionsfor selecting the corresponding terms and associatedchildren. For OMIM, a query is performed againstOMIM disorders data retrieved in the previous step withuser-input keywords: if the keywords matched, then theOMIM disorders are highlighted in the display. For GO,the genes are highlighted if their GeneID matches withthe GO association provided by NCBI. As they do nothave a GeneID, the match-up between GO annotationand genes specific to the Ensembl database is based ontheir HGNC name, where available. Users can improvethis ‘GOA highlight function’ by adding the GOA fromhuman and/or mouse species from orthologs to currentgenes. For MP, genes are highlighted if their approvedsymbols match the HGNC approved symbols stored inthe MP database. The aim here is to provide functionalinformation and facilitate the identification of geneslinked to the trait-of-interest (i.e. functional candidategenes).


To demonstrate the utility of AnnotQTL and test the ef-ficiency of this web tool, we present different examplesusing real data aimed at identifying functional and pos-itional candidate genes.The first example focuses on a bovine mutation

controlling muscular hypertrophy. In 1995, the mutationwas mapped to the extremity of the BTA2 in a 12 cMinterval (12). Using AnnotQTL on this region of thebovine chromosome (0–8Mb) retrieved the location andfunctional annotation of 95 genes. We then applied the‘GO highlight function’ on this region in two separatequeries, using ‘muscle’ and ‘growth’ as keywords bestdescribing the observed phenotype. These two terms high-lighted two and three genes, respectively, from these 95genes. Both lists highlighted the MSTN (GDF8) gene,which has been demonstrated as the validated causalgene (myostatin) (13).A second step analyzed a more extensive set of 21 QTL

regions shaping abdominal fatness in chickens (14,15).Average length of these regions was 4.8Mb. Afterrunning AnnotQTL, all the regions were enriched withgenes by comparing NCBI and Ensembl informationagainst information provided by either NCBI orEnsembl only (Table 1). For all the genomic regions,

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Figure 2. AnnotQTL—principle and workflow. Boxes shaded in gray represent user input or database (i.e. Narcisse) input. Boxes shaded in yellowshow the main processes in the AnnotQTL workflow. Boxes shaded in orange represent intermediate results. MP: Mammalian Phenotype.

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working from an initial set of 1734 genes from the NCBIdatabase and 1902 genes from the Ensembl database,AnnotQTL retrieved a non-redundant set of 2220 genes.On this large dataset, we applied the ‘highlight function’on each region to underline genes whose functional anno-tation was related to the studied phenotype. Among the2220 genes located in these 21 QTL regions, 127 werehighlighted using the GO term, ‘lipid’ and the MP term‘adipose’ as keywords, with an average 5.4 genes high-lighted per region.

Finally, AnnotQTL can also be exploited to look ateQTL regions. Strategies combining transcriptomics andgenotyping data have recently been developed to bettercharacterize QTL regions for traits of interest by identify-ing co-localized eQTLs and QTLs (16–21). Whatever thecontext, this strategy identifies a much higher number ofeQTL regions than in QTL studies, thus creating a needfor tools that can efficiently find positional and functionalcandidate genes. Here, we focus on 25 chicken eQTLregions affecting 70 genes involved in lipid metabolism(i.e. sharing the GO term GO:0006629 ‘lipid metabolicprocess’). Average length of these regions is 3.4Mb.Running AnnotQTL found similar results to thoseobtained for the QTL regions. All the regions wereenriched with genes by comparing NCBI and Ensemblinformation against information provided by eitherNCBI or Ensembl only (Table 1): working from aninitial set of 1,198 genes from the NCBI database and1283 genes from the Ensembl database, AnnotQTLretrieved a non-redundant set of 1506 genes. Again, inorder to select possible candidate genes, we used the ‘high-light function’ to pinpoint the genes related to the studiedphenotype. Among these 1506 genes, and using the sameGO term ‘lipid’ and MP term ‘adipose’ as keywords, atotal of 93 genes were identified, with an average 3.7genes highlighted per region.

These examples corresponding to two different contexts(QTL and eQTL analyses) clearly demonstrate how in justa couple of hours, AnnotQTL can accurately analyze thegene content of numerous regions identified by a fullgenome scan and go on to highlight some of these genesbased on both their location and function, whereas in thesame time period, a manually run procedure would onlyhave been able to analyze one single region.


AnnotQTL is a web tool designed to gather the functionalannotation of different prominent web sites whileminimizing redundant information. Using all known

information substantially accelerates the gene analysis ofQTL regions for livestock species traits and improves theselection of candidate genes.


The authors thank A.T.T. scientific editing services forproofreading the article and all the beta testers for theirhelp on debugging AnnotQTL.


INRA, Agrocampus Ouest, the Regional Council ofBrittany; French Ministry in charge of Agriculture(DGER). Funding for open access charge: INRA.

Conflict of interest statement. None declared.


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Table 1. Statistics of the QTL/eQTL regions analyzed using AnnotQTL

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