IN UTE S OJ.' TH t.: ANNlTAL CONFERENCES METllODIS'l' EPISCOPAL CllllRCll, t' 0 R 'I' II E \' •: A ll S 1 7 7 3 -1 H 2 8. NE\V-YORK: FOR TllJ.: :'tll:TllOPINT El'IMl'Ol'AI. C'lll!Hl'Jl 1 A'I' Tiii·: :>t'Flt'E, l\llll.llti:l!H\-HTRF:ET. .T ( 'ollonl, f"1111frr. 1840. if·:,, ' .i 'I)•, I . I l: I I I




OJ.' TH t.:



t' 0 R 'I' II E \' •: A ll S

1 7 7 3 -1 H 2 8.


FOR TllJ.: :'tll:TllOPINT El'IMl'Ol'AI. C'lll!Hl'Jl 1 A'I' Tiii·: CONl-'Et~F.J1i;1·~~

:>t'Flt'E, ~00 l\llll.llti:l!H\-HTRF:ET.

.T ( 'ollonl, f"1111frr.



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THE Annual Minutes of the Conferences of the Metho<list Episcopal Church

contain the statistics of the church in detail. They are therefore both en·

tcrtaining and useful. All who feel an interest in the prosperity of Methodism

in this country derive much satisfaction from perusing these documents; and, as

a source of authentic information respecting many things connected with the

history, polity, and usages of the church, they are inJispensabh~. But being

published in pamphlet form, they are liable to be lost ; anJ it requires no small

trouble, when a. consecutive series is needed for any purpose, to procure one.

For these reasons the idea of publishing them in a v<>lume was early conceived

by John Dickins, first book agent in this country, who, in 1794, issued a

volume embracing all the Minutes from the commencement of Methodism

in America, a period of about twenty-one or twenty-two years.

In 1813 a volume was published by D. Hitt and 'f. Ware, book agents. But

this work is out of print, and the de&ire of many to have the whole from

the commencement to the present period seems to call for the publication now


In addition to the benefit of having at hand a work of reference to which

resort may be had for.settling any disputed or doubtful question relating to the

statistics of the church, the volume now offered to the public may be recom·

mended as a useful reading book. The biographical sketches of deceased

preachers, of which there are many in the work, are highly interesting, and

cannot, we think, be read without profit.

The readers of the Minutes should bear in mind, that they are dated, seve­

rally, at the time of their publication ; and the matters recorded in each relate

to the year closing at that period. This is necessary to a\·oid mistakes in

regard to dates.

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32 Minutes for 1789. ~

Quest. 13. What is contributed toward 17 ;-North Carolina, Saturday, April 11, the fund for the superannuated preachers, at M'Knight's church ;-Petersburg, Mon· with the widows and orphans of preachers 1 day, April 20 ~-Leesburg, Tueliday, April

£35 4 2d ' 28 ;-Baltitnor~ Monday, May 4 ;-Cokes-s. · bury, Satur~ay, May 9 ;-Chester Town,

N. B. The Conferences for the ensuing Wednesday, May 13 :-Philadelphia, Mon­year are to be held at Georgia, Monday, day; May 18 ;-Trenton, Saturday, May March 9 ;-Charleston, Tuesday, March 23 ;-New-York, Thursday, May 28 . ...




Quest. 1. Who are the persons that ex­ercise the episcopal office in the Methodist Church in Europe and America J

John \Vesley, Thomas Coke, Francis Asbury-3.

Quest. 2. Who have been elected by the unanimous suffrages of the General c~m­ference to superintend the Methodist con­nection in America J

Thomas Coke, Francis Asbury-2.

Quest. 3. liVho are the elders·1 Richard Ivy, Hope Hull, Moses Park,

Reuben Ellis. Beverly Allen, Ira Ellis, J oho Tunnell, Edward Morris, Isaac Smith, James O'Kelly, Philip Bruce, John Easter, Philip Cox, Francis Poy­thress, James Haw, Nelson Reed, John Hagerty. Ezekiel Cooper, Jonathan For­rest, Richard Whatcoat, Joseph Everett, Thomas Foster, Henry '\Villis, Lemuel Green,t:James 0. Cromwell, Joseph Crom­well, Freeborn Garrettson, John Dickins, Robert Cloud, Thomas Morrell-30.

Quest. 4. Who are the deacons 1 James Conner, Matthew Harris, Mark

Moore, Ed war~ "\\rest, David Haggard, Jeremiah Abel, lsaae Lowe, Daniel As­bur~, Henry_ Merritt, Sihon Smith, Mark Whitaker, Thomas \Vare, Thomas Hum­phries, Thomas Anderson, Jeremiah Mas­tin, James Rigg-in, Henry Ogburn, Richard Swift, John Baldwin, Charles Hardy, John Paup, Stephen Johnson, Thomas Weather­ford, Jeremiah Minter, Henry Jones, Thos. Bowen,AmosG. Thompson, \Vm. Ph°'bus, Thomas \Villiamson, Michael Leard, Sa­muel Breeze, George Hagerty, John Hill, George Moore, William Jessop, Robert Sparks, \V illiam Thomas, Matthew Green-

tree, Jacob Brush, John Smith, Joseph 'Vy~tt, Thomas Jackson , Benton Riggin, Levm Ross, John Merrick, John l\t'Clas­key, Cornelius Cook, Peter Moriarty, Sa­muel Q. Talbot, Jacob Lurton-50.

Quest. 5. Who are admitted into full connection 1

Matthew Hanis, 1 ames Conner, Michael Burdge, Lemuel Andrf"ws, Daniel Lockett, Barnabas M'Henry, Micaijah Tracy, Ben­jamin Carter, Edward West, David Hag­gard, Jeremiah Abel, Isaac Lowe, Jere­miah Minter, Thomas Weatherford, Joshua Hartley, John Barker, Lewis Chastain, Georg-e Hagerty, John Hill, James \Vil­son, Benton Riggin, Benjamin Roberts, John Jarrell, Christopher Spry, John Mil­burn, Nathaniel B. Mills, Aaron Hutchin .. son, Andrew Harpending, John Bloodgood -29.

Quest. 6. Who remain on trial]

Bennet Maxey, \Vm. Gassaway, Hardy Herbert, James Parks, Doily Baird, John M'Gee, \Villiam Moss, Joseph Doddridge, Jesse Richardson, John Ellis, Richard Pope, Archer Da.Tis, Benjamin Barnes, Henry Birchett, Salathiel \Veeks, Aquila Sugg, James Meachem, Peter MaMie, Julius Conner, \Villiam Heath, Stephen Davis, John Fore, \Villiam M'Kendree, Lewis Dawson, Isaac Lunsford, Thomas Hardy, John Chalmers, Thornton Flem­ing, George V'l ells, James Thomas, Ben­jamin 8nelling,. John Rowen, Eliphalet Reed, Griffith Callahan, John Allen, Ro­bert Green, Valentine Cook, Darnel Combs, Aquila Edwards, Lenox Martin, \\"illiam Dougherty, John Cooper, Jethro J ohoson, Emory Prior, John Lee, Lemuel Smith,


Afinutes for 1789. 33

David Kendall, Darius Dunham, Samuel Wigton, Alben Van Nostrand-50.

Quest. 7. Vl'"lw are admitted on trial? \\'heeler Grissom, John Andrew, John

Crawf(,rd, Lemuel l\toore, J uhn Russell, \Yilliam M' Dowell, Jonathan Jackson, Phi­lip Matthews, Henry Ledbetter, Jonathan Bird, John Robinson, Myles Green, Jesse N iehul.son, \Villiam Spencer, Rice Hag­g:ud, Daniel ~nthal1, John Lindsey, \Vyat .Andrews, Christopher S. Mooring, Ste­phen Brooks, John Hutt, Benjamin Brown, \Villiam M'Lenahan, Nicholas Sebrell, Pemberton Smith, Thomas Carroll, Daniel Fidler: John Childs, Joshua \Veils, Thos. \\"orkman, Jeremiah Cosden, \Vm. Jack­son, JosPph Henson, \\r alter Fountain, \\"illiam Ratcliffe, James Campbell, Wm. \\

1ard, Anthonv Hanning, Richard Swain, Sylvester Hutchinson, Benjamin Abbott, John Crawford, \\.,.iiliam Losee-43.

Quest. 8. Who desist from travelling with, and under the direction of our Con­ference?

Robert Ayres. Quest. 9. lVhat preacher has a partial

location on account of his family, and is suhject to the order of the Conference J

\Villiam Partridge.

Quest. 10. ll'ho haae died this year? 1. Henry Bingham,-a native of Vir­

ginia; four years a labourer in the vine­yard ; serious, faithful, zealous, humble, and teachable ; and during part of the last year more than commonly successful: fer­vent in exhortation during his sickness, and resigned in death.

2. William Gill,-a native of Delaware; an elder in the church, and a labourer in it for about twelve vears : blameless in life, of quick and solid parts, sound in the faith, clear in his judgment, meek in his spirit, resigned and solemnly happy in his death.

3. John Cooper,-fifteen years in the work; quiet, inoffensive, and blameless; a son of affliction, subject to dejection, sorrow, and sufferings; often in want, but too modest to complain, till observed and relieved by his friends. He died in peace.

4. James White,-a native of Mary­land; ahout eight years in the work : a simple-hearted man, and a lively preacher; afflicted, vet active and laborious; soft and kind in hi~ affections, patient in suffering, well received, and much esteemed; suc-

ccssful in the work of God,-resigned in his death.

5. Francis Spry,-a pious man; skilful an(l lively in his preaching, sound in judg­ment, holy in his life, placid in his mind; of unshaken confidence and patience in his death : four years a labourer in the vineyard.

Quest. 11. Are all the 7n·eachers blameless in life and conversation?

They were all strictly tried, one by one, before the Conference.

Quest. 12. How are the preachers sta­tioned?

Richard Ivy, Presiding Elder, Be­verly Allen, Elder.

"'-ashington, Moses Park, Wyat Andrews. Richmond, Matthew Harris, Wheeler

Grissom. Burke, Hope Hull, Bennet Maxey. Augusta, James Conner.

Reuben Ellis, Presiding Elder, Ira Ellis, Elder.

Cherokee, John Andrew, Philip Matthews. Seleuda, John Crawford. Broad River, Michael Burdge, William

1\'I'Dowell. Bush River, William Gassaway. Santee, Mark Moore, John Russell. Edisto, Isaac Smith, Lemuel Andrews. Charleston Great Pee Dee, Aquila Sugg, Hardy

Herbert. Little Pee Dee, Thomas Humphries, Le­

muel Moore. Anson, John Ellis, Jonathan Jackson.

Ed ward Morris, Presiding Elder. New-Hope, Thos. Anderson, Doily Eaird. East New-River, Jeremiah Mastin, Daniel

Lockett. Tar River, Charles Hardy, Micaijah

Tracy, Myles Smith. ico, Jam es Parks. Roanoke, Henry Merritt, Edward West,

Jonathan Bird. Caswel1, Thomas Ware, Henry Ledbetter. Guilford, Isaac Lowe, Benjamin Carter. Salisbury, Sihon Smith, Julius Conner,

Josiah Askew. Yadkin, Daniel Asbury, John M'Gee.

John Tunnel1, Presiding Elder. Holston, John Baldwin, Mark \Vhitaker. '\Vest New-River, Jeremiah Abel, Joseph

Doddridge. Greenbrier, James Riggin, Jesse Richard­

son. 3 ·

' - . ,•



34 ftlinutes for 1789.

Bottetourt, Henry Ogburn.

James O'Kelly, Presiding Elder. Halifax, David Haggard, William Moss,

William Heath. Mecklenburg, John Paup. Bedford, Richard Pope. Cumberland, John Barker, Wm. M'Ken­

dree. Amelia, John Easter, John Fore. Brunswick, Jeremiah .Minter, Myles

Green. Sussex, Stephen Johnson, Stephen Davis,

John Lindsey. Greensville, Jam es Meachem. Bertie, Henry Birchett, Jesse Nicholson. Camden, Rice Haggard, Daniel Southall. Portsmouth, Archer Davis, Lewis Daw-

son. '\\.,.illiamsburg, John Robertson, \Villiam

Spencer. Hanover, Thomas \Veatherford, Christo­

pher S. Mooring. Orange, Thomas Hardy, Salathiel \Yeeks,

Benjamin Barnes.

Philip Pruce, Presiding Elder. Rockingham, Samuel Breeze. Alleghany, James Thomas, John Hutt. Berkley, Thornton Fleming, Benj. Brown. Fairfax, Thomas Rowen, John Chalmers,

Benjamin Snelling. Lancaster, Amos G. Thompson, Isaac

Lunsford. Gloucester, Lewis Chastain, Valentine

Cook, Thomas Scott. Philip Cox, Book Steward.

Nelson Reed, Presiding Elder. Calvert, Lenox Martin, Robert Green. Annapolis, Ezekiel Cooper. Baltimore, John Hagerty. Fell's Point, Thomas Foster. Montgomery, James \Vilson, John Childs. Frederick, John Hill. Bath, George Hagerty, Joshua \Vells. Huntingdon, Michael Leard, Thos. \York-

man. Little York, Jonathan Forrest. Harford, John Allen, John Rowen. Baltimore cir., Benton Riggin.

Richard \Vhatcoat, Presiding Elder, Joseph Everett, Elder.

Cecil, George Moore, Benjamin Roberts.

Somerset, Eliphalet Reed, Griffith Cal­lahan.

Northampton, Christopher Spry, Jeremiah Cosden.

Caroline, Robert Sparks, Joseph Benson. Milford, Thos. Jackson, \Vm. Ratcliffe. Dover, \Villiam Thomas, Levin Ross. Dover and Duck Creek, J arob Brush.

Henry \Villis, and Lemuel Green, Presiding Elders. •

Wilmington, \Yilliam Jessop. Chester, \Ym. Dougherty, Jas. Campbell. Philadelphia, John Dickins, Book Steward. Bristol, Robert Cann. Clarksburg, Jacob Lurton, Lasley Mat­

thews. Redstone, John Simmons, Nicholas Se­

brell. Pittsburg, Charles Conaway, Pemberton

Smith. Ohio, Richard Pearson, Thomas Carroll.

~James 0. CromweU, Presiding El-der. - -

Salem, Simon Pile, Jethro Johnson, Syl­vester Hutchinson.

Trenton, J oseoh Cromwell, Richard Swain. Burlington, J~hn l\1'Claskey, \V m. Jack­

son. Flanders, Aaron Hutchinson, Daniel

Combs. \ Elizabethtown,J ohn Merrick,J ohn Cooper. N ewburg,N athaniel B. l\1ills,A.ndrew Har­


Freeborn Garrettson, Presiding E/ .. der, Thomas Morrell, Elder.

New-York, Robert Cloud, John Merrick, \Vm. Phrebus, (each for four ffi(ltiths.)

Long Island, \\' m. Phc:ehus, John Lee. New-Rochelle, Peter Moriarty, Lemuel

Smith. Dutchess, Samuel Q. Talbot, Benjamin

Abbott. Columbia, John Bloodgood, Samuel \Vig­

ton. Cambri<lge, Darius Dunham. Lake Ch.amplain, David Kendall, \Villiam

Losee. , .Coeyman's Patent, John Crawford. l Standford, Jesse Lee, Andrew Van Nos-

trand. [Cook. Schenectada, Lemuel Smith, Cornelius

Kent, Matthew Greentree, Walter Foun- ~ · Francis Poythress, Presidin.~ Elder. tain. Lexington, James Haw, Wilson Lee,

Talbot, John Smith, John Milburn. Stephen Brooks. [sie. Dor.chester, John Jarrell, Anthony Ban-. Danville, Barnabas M'Henry, Peter Mas-

mng. Cumberland, Thomas \Villiamson, Joshua Aonamessex, William Ward. Hartley.



• ,

Jr!inutes for 1790. 35

Quest. 13. n·/rnt numbers arc in Socifly J 'Wlii11•s. ( 'ol. '\\'l111cs. Col.

Washin~ton !ltlO 148 CumhnlanJ 3!H 10 Richmo11d 515 30 Bedford 2~1 20 Burke 2U7 4 Orange 6Hi il Au!!;usta t'ii Hallll\'l'r 497 18~l Ch;' nlk1 · t~ 7::l JO \\'1ll1amshurg 2il 50 Sd1•111L, 231 11 Gl11uc1•ster 657 GZ HroaJ River 41 L 18 Lancaster 630 2H :EJ1sto 310 25 Fairfax 474 16 Cbadcstnn 5~ 69 lkrkley 325 36 Cainhoy 27 12 Alleghany 4U9 21 Santee 420 63 Hockin~ham 79 5 Anson 5til 23 Northaii1pton 360 8t Great Pee LPxirH!lun 402 21

Dee 369 39 llanriilc 110 30 Little Pee Hath 100 3·1

Dee 5flS 20 Frt'dcrick 3:22 56 Tar Rivn 878 131 Montgomery 648 lO:l BlaJen 3·l Annapolis 128 lH East New- Caln·rt 943 909 River i30 420 Haltimore 719 218

Roanoke i58 321 Harford 451 110 Caswell 351 13 Cecil 257 252 New-Hope 5:27 31 Kent 616 637 Guilfonl 410 22 Talliot 1006 608 Salisbury 480 27 Dorchester 685 347 Ya<lkin 3-l.5 1 Annamessex 135 l 0 Bertie 510 20 Somerset 400 48 Camden 424 85 Caroline i05 229 Cumberland 225 Dover 509 227 Holston 411 9 Chester 228 18 ·west New- Wilmington 43 19

River 299 6 Bristol 51 ::! Greenbrier 222 5 Little York 151 Bottetourt ·10 Philadelphia 2.56 17 Halifax 470 54 Huntingdon 185 -i Portsmouth 480 4 73 Redstone 290 Susst' lt 1300 [108 Sal"m 6~0 24 Brunswick 1182 318 Trenton 527 8 A1111·lia 751 15-1 Elizabcth-l\1rckleulmrg GU~ 98 town 216 13

\Vbitrs. Col. Whites. Col. Fland1·rs 21il 2 Cambridge 15·1 .New-Ynrk 2UO iO Co<'yman's Long Island 215 9 Patent 10 New-Ho- Newburg 257 4 chelle 725 6 --- --

DutchPss 200 3 35,019 8243 Colnrnliia GO l Preachers l ~6. ·

Quest. 14. ll'hat has been collected for the yearly c:rpenses !

Near £1il, which has been applied toward making up the deficiencies of the preachers.

Quest. 15. lYhat is contributed toward the fund for the superannuated preachers, and the widows and orphans of preachers?

£65 5s.

Quest. 16. lVhere and when shall our next Conferences he held!

1. In Charleston, Monday, Feb. 15. 2. Georgia, Wednesday, March 3. 3. Kentucky, Monday, April 26. 4. Holston, Monday, l\fay 17. 5. North Carolina, Monday, May 24. 6. Lane's Church, Monday, June 1-1. 7. Union Town, Thursday, July 29. 8. Leesburg, Thursday, Aug. 26. 9. Baltimore, Monday, Sept. 6.

10. Cokesbury, Saturday, Sept. 11. 11. Duck Creek, Thursday, Sept. 16. l '2. Philadelphia, \Vedncsday, Sept. 22. 13. Burlington, Tuesday, Sept. 28. 14. New-York, Monday, Oct. 4.




Quest. 1. lV!w are admitted on trial? James Powell, Francis Parker, .Arthur

Lipsey. John Honner, John Halliday, Sa­muel Tucker, Joseph Lillard, Daniel Shines, Daniel Dean, John vVest, Benja­min Blanton, Rufus \Vilev, John Sproul, Simon Carlisle, Enoch George, George l\f'Kenney, Thomas Easter, Hezekiah Arnold, Gregory Johnson, Samuel Cowles, Samuel Rudder, John Jones, Benjamin '\Vilson. \Villiam A. Lilly, .John Pace, John Ball, Morris Howe, John \Vynn, George Cannon, Thomas Haymond, iohn

N. Jones, James Fleming, Daniel Hall, Stuart Redman, Nathaniel Pinkard, Thos. Boyd, George Pickering-, Fred us Aldridge, Evan Rogers, Thomas Hell, Gamaliel Bai­ley, Joseph Lovell, Thomas Everard, Philip \Vager, Henry Christie, Menzies Rainor, Matthias Swaim-47.

Quest. 2. W'ho remain on trial l John Russell, William M'Dowell, Le­

muel Moore, Hardy Herbert, \Vheeler Grissom, John Andrew, John Crawford, Philip Matthews, Wyatt Andrews, Stephen Brooks, Jonathan Bird. Henrv Ledbetter,