Anniversary Issue 11+11+11+11 - Anaheim...

Jubiläumsausgabe Anniversary Issue 11+11+11+11 44 und immer noch Würzig Prinz Richard I. Prinzessin Virginia I.

Transcript of Anniversary Issue 11+11+11+11 - Anaheim...

Page 1: Anniversary Issue 11+11+11+11 - Anaheim · Grußwort des Euro Ambassadors und Rosi der AKG

Jubiläumsausgabe Anniversary Issue11+11+11+11

44undimmernoch Würzig

Prinz Richard I.Prinzessin Virginia I.



Page 2: Anniversary Issue 11+11+11+11 - Anaheim · Grußwort des Euro Ambassadors und Rosi der AKG

Grußwort des Euro Ambassadorsund Rosi der AKG

CKD Industries Inc., 501 E. Jamie Ave., La Habra, CA 90631, 714.390.2161, [email protected] (Rolf and Rosie Hess)CTM Racing Products, 32991 Calle Aviador, San Juan Capistrano, 949.487.0772, Fax 949.497.0772, (Rudolf & Margrit Graef)

This page sponsored by: RLH Industries Inc., 936 N. Main St., Orange, CA 92876, 714.532.1672 (Robert Harris)

Mark Davis, Gruppenleiter

Greetings from the ElferratspresidentIt is an honor and a privilege to welcome you to “die Hochburg des Karnevals”. To the home of the Anaheim Karnevalsgesellschaft at the Phoenix Club.Any opportunity to celebrate anything with the number 11 is of significance to us “Karneval Jecken”. So it is with great pride that I welcome you to our 44th. Anniversary. And as our motto for this year says “44 und immer noch würzig” or “44 and still hot”. Since much voluntary work is needed to keep the “German Karnevals Tradition” alive, I like to thank all friends, vol-unteers, supporters and active members for their continued involvement.



Liebe Fastnachter im Phoenix Club, nun hat sie uns wieder, die 5. Jahreszeit, die ein solch altes Ritual ist, dass sie unsere Vorväter schon in den ersten Jahrhr-hunderten nach Christus gefeiert haben, damals noch als “Rites of Spring”. Der Carneval entstand aus einem Bacchanal, mit dem die bösen Geister des Winters vertrieben werden sollten, das die Kirche im Zuge der Christianisierung der Germanen für sich als Fest for der Fastenzeit für sich umfunktionierte. Einmal im Jahr wurden dem Menschen von der Kirche ein moralische Moratorium zugebilligt, damit er Dampf ablassen konnte bevor die kargen Fastenwochen kamen, die sich auch mit dem Zurneigegehen der winterlichen Vorräte traf.

44 Jahre Karneval in Anaheim......San Diego und South Bay. Da sind immer noch ein paar Leute, die von Anfang dabei waren und immer noch Spass an der Freud haben. Die drei Vereine besuchten sich von Anfang an regelmässig. Langsam entwick-elte sich Las Vegas, und dort fing man auch an, Karneval zu feiern. 20 Jahre gingen ins Land, Hannes und Freunde wollten die „Jährlichen Treffen“ besser organisieren. Es entstand die Vereinigung Deutsch-Amerikanischer-Karnevalsgesellschaften. Kaum jemand erinnert sich an den Namen. Die amerikanische Abkurzung „GAMGA“ ist heute ein starkes Bindeglied geworden, und alle freuen sich auf die jährliche Großveranstaltung. In diesem Jahr am 16. und 17. Januar

wieder in Las Vegas.Die Anaheim Karnevalsgesellschaft im Phoenix Club ist

eine der aktivsten in Nord-Amerika.

Die Begründung für die tollen Tage mögen sich im Lauf der Jahre und Jahrhunderte verschoben haben nicht jedoch das Prinzip, dass man ein Fest der Sinne und des Frohsinns zel-ebriert, dessen Zweck es lediglich ist Spaß zu haben. Diesen

alt-germanischen Brauch habt Ihr mit Euch in die Neue Welt transferiert und am Leben erhalten.

Dass auch Amerikaner ein Bedürfnis nach einem solchen Fest haben zeigt Halloweeen. Auch das New Orelanische Mardis Gras zeigt, dass in Eurer neuen Heimat duchaus ein Potential für den Carneval besteht. Auf Euren Sitzungen in Anaheim habe ich manchen Amerikaner gesehen, der einen Wahnsinnsfreude am Gepränge der Fastnach hatte und sogar über Büttenwitze lachte, die er garnicht verstand. So baut man Brücken und verbreitet Lebensfreude. Ich wünsche Euch in Eurer Campagne 2009 viel Spaß und Erfolg. Ahoi, Alaaf und Helau ruft Euch Euer Consulis Carnevalis beim Großen Feuerio, Mannheim, zu, der in diesem Jahr sein närrisches 111. Jubiäum feiert.

Prof. Dr. Herbert Luft

Liebe Karnevalsfreunde, Es sind nun schon 11 Jahre, dass wir wieder in Germany sind, aber wir denken immer noch die schönen Stunden, welche wir mit den Karnevalisten im Phönix-Club hatten. Wir wünschen dem Prinzenpaar und der Gruppe auch in diesem Jahr viel Freude und Erfolg bei allen Veranstaltungen.

Viel Spass,Helau und Alaaf, Egon und Rosi

Viel Spass, Alaaf und Helau In den nächsten 44 Jahren!Im Namen des Vorstandes,Gamga Präsident Walter Lübke

Paul GunnemannPresident of the Phoenix Club

In the name of the Board of Directors and the membership, I would like to wish our Phoenix Club Karneval organization, the very best to a successful Karneval season 2008-2009. May every event be a fun filled occasion.

Our congratulations to Prince Richard and Princess Virginia.

Let all of us enjoy this long held tradition for many years to come.

“We welcome you to our 44th year of Karneval in Anaheim at the Phoenix Club. We are looking forward to another eventful season and hope that you choose to join and take part in the festivities.

We have several Saturday/Sunday home events set and ready to go. In mid-January we start with Arabian Nights followed by Prunksitzung (German satire) on Sunday afternoon.

The first weekend in February, we’re already welcom-ing the Las Vegas, San Diego, and Ventura Karneval groups for Fairy Tales on Saturday with a carry-over to Kinderkarneval in Nimmerland on Sunday afternoon.

Our renowned Reeperbahn follows a week later on Val-entines Day and we close the season with the traditional Lumpenball. We hope to see you there.”

Page 3: Anniversary Issue 11+11+11+11 - Anaheim · Grußwort des Euro Ambassadors und Rosi der AKG

Zinnhannes ”Orden’tliche Ideen”, Hauptstr.1, D-55483 Krummenau, 01149.6543.98770, [email protected] (Wolfgang Schneider)WL Tools, (Walter und Margitta Lübke) 714.525.0691 - 714.525.1142

This page sponsored by: Prince Richard I. and Princess Virginia I.

Proklamation 2008/2009

Anaheim, den 11. November 2008

Ladies and Gentlemen/Meine Damen und HerrenWe are honored to be your new Nobles of Narren

We welcome you all to this Karneval season.(44 years gives us plenty of reason)For fun and foolishness - BUT no time for Treason!

Whereas you are our subjects - our orders must obey We command you to follow these few rules of play.

1) When you see us arrive raise your glass for a toast. Some say ‘Skol’ or ‘Salud’ but WE always say PROST.

2) You must come dressed in costume for every event. Whether in the ballroom or in the fest tent

3) Bring a friend, have some fun, when you leave look around Just in case they’ve got lost and cannot be found.

4) Be merry, be happy, slow down and don’t worry! Life is too short to be in a hurry.

5) In our Narrish life here we’ll consent to no problem So leave them at home – forever - begraben.

6) We demand there to be a full freedom of kissing So give many kisses so that no one is missing

7) And when the band plays and you feel your feet tingle. Jump up from your seat – and go out and mingle

8) When we dance so you dance and that’s how it goes But beware and take care not to step on our toes

9) Now I may take your date, or my princess take you. But it’s all just for fun ‘til we bid you adieu

Session 2008/2009 at the Phoenix Club

Karneval Kalender

Website: http://AnaheimKarneval.US

2009Karneval Kalender 2009

January 24 Sat “Arabische Nächte” ”Arabian Nights”

January 25 Sun “Prunksitzung” “German Satire“

February 7 Sat “Märchen-Karneval” “Fairytale Carnival”

February 8 Sun “Kinderkarneval” “Youth Group Karneval Event”

February 14 Sat “Karneval auf der Reeperbahn” “Mardi Gras in Red Light District”

February 25 Sat “Aschermittwoch Heringessen” “Fish Dinner at the Loreley”

February 28 Sat “Lumpenball” “Rag Ball”

44 und immer noch würzig

10) Most important of all - our angelic theme song

We expect all to sing “Hände zum Himmel”

along. 11) So feiert mit uns durch die närrische ZeitDenn bei uns regiert die Heiterkeit.

And our theme for this season we expect all to chime

Bei Sonnenschein und Mondschein,der Karneval is bei uns daheim!

Nun trinkt euer Bier oder Schnapps oder Wein und dann lasst uns alle sehr närrisch sein !

Phoenix Helau!Phoenix Helau!Phoenix Helau!

Seine Tollität Prinz Richard I. und Ihre Lieblichkeit Prinzessin Virginia I.

Page 4: Anniversary Issue 11+11+11+11 - Anaheim · Grußwort des Euro Ambassadors und Rosi der AKG

KarnevalsGruppeElferratspräsident &stellvtr. Gruppenleiter: Manfred WalterGruppenleiter: Mark DavisElferratsvizepräsident Holger ClausSchatzmeister: Holger ClausStellvtr. Schatzmeister: Henry WoebkenSchriftführerin: Vivian RingenHofmarschall: Hans LietzPrinzenadjudant: Holger ClausMusikmeister: Jürgen PicardBanner: Jutta Cronin Gerda WisserStandarte: Karl Wittmann Fahne: Theresa SchmittHof-Fotograf: Wilma WilsonKellermeister: Joe SpazianoMundschenk: Harold WurmnestDame de Fleur: Violet RehburgDecorating & Baloon Art Joe Spaziano

This page sponsored by: Elferrat und Ordensoffizier und Mutter der Gruppe, Richard und Bertha BergerImporter and Exporter of Cotton and Cotton Byproducts, Santa Ana, CA - Hans J. Holste, President/Owner

Karnevalsgruppe 2009

Decorating & Baloon Art Diana SpazianoDecorating & Baloon Art Kirsten Walter and many volunteers

Hofdamen: Olga Donaldson Margrit Graef Gretl Hirschl Kerstin Claus Roberta HauptmannSocial Ambassadors: Cynthia Wallace Violet RehburgMutter der Gruppe: Bertha BergerEhrensenatoren: Konsul Erhard Loeser Michael Meinardus Hans Klein VEhrenmitglieder: Rolf Pechmann Patsy Miele V Willi Gerstner Margie Baurmann Paul Morello

Page 5: Anniversary Issue 11+11+11+11 - Anaheim · Grußwort des Euro Ambassadors und Rosi der AKG

This page sponsored by: Harold und Kerstin Wurmnest Musikmeister D.J. Service, 714.390.2161, [email protected], CD Store: (Jürgen Picard)

(Left-Right) Harold Wurmnest, Mundschenk, Hans Lietz, Hofmarschall, Richard Berger, Ordensoffizier, Jürgen Picard, Musikmeister, Frank Wittmann, Henry Wöbken, Paul Morello, Holger Claus, Elferratsvizepräsident und Prinzenadjudant, Manfred Walter, Elferratspräsident, Rudi Graef, Walter Lübke, Mark Davis, Groupleader, Henry Rehburg, Gerd Wilke, Alfred Hauptmann, Joe Spaziano, Kellermeister

Elferrat 2009

Page 6: Anniversary Issue 11+11+11+11 - Anaheim · Grußwort des Euro Ambassadors und Rosi der AKG

Prinzengarde - Dancing in Service of the Royal Couple

Mattern Sausage and European Deli, 4327 East Chapman Ave., Orange, CA 92669, 714.639.3550 (Willi und Anni Mattern)Krüegermann, Div. Sorten von Gurken, Sauerkraut...wirklich ein Genuss, 2824 Gilroy St., Los Angeles, CA 90039, 323.662.9313 (Kurt & Helga Krüegermann)

This page sponsored by: Rob and DeeAnne Gunnemann, Tanzmajor und Tanzmariechen

The Prinzengarde 2009

We are the Prinzengarde, the Royal Guard to the Prince and Princess, from Anaheim, Califor-nia. We belong to the Anaheim Karnevals Ge-sellschaft at the Phoenix Club. We participate in German style Karneval and enjoy dancing. We perform high-energy dance routines to en-tertain audiences at our events during the year. This year the Prinzengarde received great help with choreography from Kilian Witzel, a Prinz-engarde trainer in Germany.

In the Prinzengarde we have a total of twelve danc-ers including our Funkenmariechen and our Tanz-paar. Due to injury, our Tanzpaar was not able to perform at our two performances in November 2008 at the Phoenix Club and at the Las Vegas Vagabonds opening event. Our alternate Tanzpaar, Katy Ringen and Matt Gunnemann did a fabulous job representing our group at these events. For the 2008-2009 Karneval season, the Prinzen-garde will be performing at Karneval events at the Phoenix Club, as well as, traveling to Ensenada, Mexico; Köln, Germany; Washington DC, and Chi-cago, USA. In Ensenada we will be in a Karneval parade riding on a float throwing candy and beads out to the public.

In Köln, the Prinzengarde will be participating in the traditional Karneval events such as, Weiberfast-nacht in Köln, marching in the Rosenmontagzug in Eschweiler, and visiting other Karnevalsgroups in the Köln area. Our Tanzpaar Rob and DeeAnne Gunnemann will be traveling to Washington D.C. to represent the Anaheim Karnevalsgesellschaft at the German Embassy. Rob and DeeAnne will also be visiting the “Rheinische Verein” a Mardi Gras Society in Chicago.

We at the Prinzengarde are always looking for new members. The current dancers range in age from 16 to 50’s. Practices are held once a week beginning in summer, prior to the Karneval season. Performanc-es are scheduled from November to Aschwednes-day in February and occasionally March. Please contact our captain if you are interested in joining our group.

Angela KieselTel. (714) 624-0461

Kommandöse (Dance Captain): Angela KieselFunkenmariechen: Kirsten WalterTanzpaar: Rob and DeeAnne Gunnemann

(Front row, L to R) Katy Ringen, Matt Gunnemann (Junior Tanzpaar (back-up)), Vivian Ringen, Kirsten Walter (Funkenmariechen), Angela Kiesel, Rob & DeAnne Gunnemann (Tanzpaar)

(Back row, L to R) Gary Bonnie, Lette Lenoir, Heidi Davis, Karl Wittmann, Mona Lübke, Jillian Carter, Robert Claus

1976-77 Sahara, Las Vegas





more of the history on pages 13-15

Page 7: Anniversary Issue 11+11+11+11 - Anaheim · Grußwort des Euro Ambassadors und Rosi der AKG

EL TORO Plumbing Inc., 23261 Del Lago Drive, Laguna Hills, CA 92653, 949.837.1809 (Joyce & Paul Gunnemann)Bonanza Enterprise (Alex) Custom Embroidery-SreenPrinting-Flags (714)771-6417 cell (714)612-6695 e mail: [email protected]

This page sponsored by: Old World Restaurant-Deli & Bakery, Huntington Beach, 714.895.8020, (Familie Bischof)

The Hofstaat gets you in the spirit to celebrate Karneval in Style

The Hofstaat invites you to join us in celebrating our 44th Karneval Season.

The following people are doing their best to get you in the spirit in order to guarantee lots of fun and entertainment from beginning to end: In addition to the existing 3 Hofdamen - Gretl, Margrit and Olga we welcome 2 new ladies this season: Roberta Haupt-mann, who was our Princess in 2002, also an active member of the Schuhplattler group, and Kerstin Claus, the creator of our beautiful new hats, including the one for our “Mutter der Gruppe” Bertha Berger, in recognition for many years of dedicated services. Thank you for your contribution, Kerstin. Jutta, well known for her presentations

with charm and wit in the “Buett” is carrying the Royal Banner togeth-er with Gerda, a terrific belly dancer, who can teach you just about any

exoctic dance.

Violet (what an appropriate name for dame de fleur) is in charge of presenting Princesses and honored guests with those pretty bouquets. Together with Cynthia she represents our group on the social side as ambassadors.

Theresa, our flag carrier, together with Hofdame Gretl have been with the group for many years. Olga, Margrit, Jutta and

Gerda are also active with the Smileys. Hope the see you soon at our Karneval events.

Margrit Graef

Phoenix Helau!

Page 8: Anniversary Issue 11+11+11+11 - Anaheim · Grußwort des Euro Ambassadors und Rosi der AKG

Prinzen und Prinzessinnen der Ph oenix Club Karnevalsgesellschaft

Hans I & Ursula I 1967/68Hans Klein & Ursula Wassner

Josef I & Sigrid I 1969/70 Josef Herget & Sigrid Kunkel

Willi I & Gusti I 1970/71 Willi Alders & Gusti Herget

Roland I & Irmgard I 1971/72 Roland Kern & Irmgard Kahl

Albert I & Anni I 1972/73 Albert Schardt & Anni Schanz

Ernst I & Anni II 1973/74 Ernst Rieder & Anni Hemm

Paul I & Gisela I 1974/75Paul Gunnemann & Gisela Portmann

Heinz I & Sieglinde I 1975/76 Heinz Kahl & Sieglinde Anderson

Paul II & Susi 1 1976/77Paul Jager & Susi Mattegit

Karl I & Lisa I 1977/78Karl Fries & Lisa Sarabyn

Georg I & Susie II 1978/79Georg Schanz & Susie Dodson

Manfred I & Margie I 1979/80 Manfred & Margie Baurmann

Willi II & Lucy I 1980/81 Willi Maul & Lucy Hill

Hans II & Sheila I 1981/82Hans Steiner& Sheila Sehleiermacher

Gerhard I & Kim I 1982/83 Gerhard Moos & Kim Ploschek

Willi III & Ingeborg I 1983/84Willi & Ingeborg Gerstner

Alex I & Diana I 1984/85Alex Hertfelder & Diana Theer

Siegfried I & Gisela II 1985/86 Siegfried Schuster & Gisela Simons

Albert II & Margarete I 1986/87 Albert & Margarete Helmbrecht

Helmut I & Kate I 1987/88Helmut Klopsch & Kate Trammel

Erwin I & Evi I 1988/89 Erwin Simons & Evi Rose

Page 9: Anniversary Issue 11+11+11+11 - Anaheim · Grußwort des Euro Ambassadors und Rosi der AKG

Prinzen und Prinzessinnen der Ph oenix Club Karnevalsgesellschaft

Karl Manfred I & Margo I 1989/90 Manfred Walter & Margo Hagen

Günter I & Jutta I 1990/91 Günter Kunkel & Jutta Cronin

Paul Casper I & Doris I 1991/92 Paul Greven & Doris Schleiermacher

Jürgen I & Cynthia I 1992/93 Jürgen Maerz & Cynthia Wallace

Walter I & Marlies I 1993/94 Walter Lübke & Marlies Garmon

Werner I & Heide I 1994/95 Werner Kurkowski & Heide Fischer

Werner II & Olga I 1995/96Werner Kurkowski & Olga Donaldson

Frank I & Inga III 1996/97 Frank & Inge Wittmann

Ken I & Marlies II 1997/98 Ken & Marlies Garmon

Rob I & Sharon I 1998/99Rob Gunnemann & Sharon Dietz

Hans III & Margitta I 1999/00 Hans & Margitta Lietz

Joseph II & Kristen I 2000/01 Joseph Rheinisch & Kristen Sorenson

Alfred I & Roberta I 2001/02 Alfred & Roberta Hauptmann

Günter II & Ursula II 2002/03Günter Sommer & Ursula Ryder

William I & Ingrid I 2003/04Bill Jarosz & Ingrid Simmons

Hans Eric I & Stefanie I 2004/05Hans & Stefanie Reisch

Oskar Willi I & Renate I 2005/06Willi Gerstner & Renate Halstead

Mark I & Heidi I 2006/07Mark & Heidi Davis

Harold I & Kerstin I 2007/08Harold & Kerstin Wurmnest

Richard I & Virginia I 2008/09Richard & Virginia Lund

Page 10: Anniversary Issue 11+11+11+11 - Anaheim · Grußwort des Euro Ambassadors und Rosi der AKG

11 Years of SmilesTHE SMILEYS CelebrateTheir Own Special Anniversary

T H E S M I L E Y S a r e : (standing, left to right) Annie Schanz, Frankie Amley,Olga Donaldson,

Renate Halstead, Margrit Graef,

Margie Baur-mann (Smi-ley Mutti) and Margitta Lübke.

(Sitting, L-R) Gisela Simons, Gusti Herget,

Siegrun Wremble, Hannelore Moeller, Gerda Wisser, Jutta Cronin. Marlene Rakeman is not in the picture.

This year THE SMILEYS get to celebrate our 11th Anniversary along with the 44TH of the KGI wish I could tell you all about the history of THE SMILEYS, but it would take a book! But I can tell you that it has been extremely interesting and fun for us seniors! Our group is made up of former Prinzengarde, Funkenmariechens, Princesses and Karneval friends. Some are still doing their duties as Banner Carriers and Hofdamen while also performing with THE SMILEYS. The majority of us are dancing with debilitations of the back, knees and ankles, the usual aches & pains of our generation. We are Grandmothers. Some of us are breast cancer survivors. One of us is performing with a pace maker. And two of our SMILEYS recently became widows. On the positive side, I have to comment

how courageous these ladies are to participate in our activities.I also have to brag about the many talents in our group. Margrit is senior Olympic swimmer #10 in the world!! We have singers, Renate, and those you may recognize from the Phoenix Club choir. We have tap dancers, Marlene and Frankie. And many great personalities to make you smile! Our theme this year is “Mardi Gras in New Orleans “ with a routine to show off the

talents of these ladies as previously mentioned. Congratulations to Anaheim KG for 44 years of Karneval spirit! On a personal note, I am proud to have the opportunity to be a member of the KG for 38 years and to have the honor to participate, especially with THE SMILEYS. As we celebrate this special Karneval Season, we get to express

our gratitude and thanks to the KG and the Phoenix Club and to all whose love and devotion has made

Karneval in Anaheim FUN!

Margie Baurmann, SMILEY LEADER

This page sponsored by: Trophy Painting & Wallcovering, 2621 Green River Rd, Corona, CA 91720, 951.737.6700 (Margie & Manfred Baurmann)

Page 11: Anniversary Issue 11+11+11+11 - Anaheim · Grußwort des Euro Ambassadors und Rosi der AKG

With Kinderkarneval 2009, we kick-off the 40th anniversary of the Phoenix Club Jugendtanzgruppe (Youth Dance Group)! We were founded as the Phoenix Club Ballettgruppe in 1969 and had our first royal couple and Jugend Prinzengarde at Kinderkarneval in 1971.

Princess Vanessa I, Prince Christopher I and the entire Youth Dance Group send their greetings from last season. We hope you have many happy memories of all the seasons past.

Now we invite you to join us again for Kinderkar-neval in Nimmerland (Neverland) this February 8, 2009 at 3:00, where we will celebrate, dance, and play games, with the new reigning royalty for 2009, Princess Chantel I and Prince Rusty I.

Come in costume ready to have fun and to “never grow up”.

This page sponsored by: Alpine Village Cosmetics, Herbs, Teas and Imported Items; Eleonore & Bruce Kish, 833 W. Torrance Blvd.,#129, Torrance, CA, 90502;, email: [email protected]

40 Years of Dance With The Jugendtanzgruppe

Kinderkarneval Helau!

2009 Prinz Rusty I (Cronin) Prinzessin Chantel I (Disandro)2008 Prinz Chris I (Lenior) Prinzessin Vanessa I (Dimnik)2007 Prinz Martin I (Claus) Prinzessin Samantha I (Spaziano)2006 Prinz Mathew I (Gunnemann) Prinzessin Alexandra II (Klotz)2005 Prinz David II (Pederson) Prinzessin Megan I (Spaziano)2004 Prinz Robert I (Claus) Prinzessin Nicole I (Ringen)2003 Prinz Rene I (Claus) Prinzessin Crystal I (Hinkle)2002 Prinz Tim I (Pullin) Prinzessin Katy I (Ringen)2001 Prinz Kevin I (Belhumeur) Prinzessin Jenna I (Belhumeur)2000 Prinz Saiid I (Ghahreman) Prinzessin Nancy I (Villalobos)1999 Prinz Christopher I (Mendez) Prinzessin Charlene I (Wantz)1998 Prinz David I (Belhumeur) Prinzessin Nikki I (Buzdar)1997 Prinz Kurt I (Hauptmann) Prinzessin Alexandra I (Kish)1996 Prinz Arthur I (Dunne) Prinzessin Olenka I (Langen)1995 Prinz Manfred I (Baurman) Prinzessin Kirsten I (Walter)1994 Prinz Robert I (Wisser) Prinzessin Daniela I (Garisek)1993 Prinz Carlos I (Skubacz) Prinzessin Gina I (Lübke)1992 Prinz Huby II (Schroeder) Prinzessin Linda II (Lübke)1991 Prinz Huby I (Schroeder) Prinzessin Tanya I (Skubacz)1990 Prinz Jon-Michael II (Zellhoefer) Prinzessin Shoshana I (Garisek)1989 Prinz Jack I (Hix) Prinzessin Autum I (Mann)1988 Prinz Justin I (Merz) Prinzessin Erika I (Birtler)1987 Prinz Joe II Prinzessin Stephanie I (Zellhoefer)1984 Prinz Jon-Michael I (Zellhoefer) Prinzessin Katie I (Habereder)1983 Prinz Joe I (Spaziano) Prinzessin Linda I (Mayerhofer)1982 Prinz Eric I (Munzner) Prinzessin Heidi III (Baurmann)1981 Prinz Noah I (Muller) Prinzessin Tina I (Kramer)1980 Prinz Raymond I (McMahon) Prinzessin Erica I (Böhrer)1979 Prinz Kristian I (Twombly) Prinzessin Heidi II (Stoehr)1978 Prinz Karl I (Friess) Prinzessin Lisa I (Tomazelli)1977 Prinz Michael I (Muller) Prinzessin Patrice I (Langevin)1976 Prinz Jeff I (Kahl) Prinzessin Sonja II (Fischer)1975 Prinz John III (Gunther) Prinzessin Heidi I (Delaloye)1974 Prinz John II (Gunther) Prinzessin Michelle I (Hartmann)1973 Prinz Richard I (Hirschl) Prinzessin Marilyn I (Böhrer)1972 Prinz Mark I (Sarabyn) Prinzessin Sonja I (Fischer)1971 Prinz John I (Gunther) Prinzessin Kathy I (Borowitz)

For more information about joining the Youth Dance Group (Boys and girls ages 3-18 yrs) contact:Heidi Davis, groupleader (714)871-8227, [email protected]

Prinzenpaare der Jugendtanzgruppe

2002 GAMGA PX Kinder Karneval

Kellermeister & Elferrat Joe Spaziano as Kinder-prince

Today’s Funken-mariechen Kirsten Walter as 1st year beginner

Page 12: Anniversary Issue 11+11+11+11 - Anaheim · Grußwort des Euro Ambassadors und Rosi der AKG

The History 1973 - 2009

Concept, Design & Layout: Manfred Walter & Alexander Hast (AHA Media Group) Ph: 310.926.7699

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Page 14: Anniversary Issue 11+11+11+11 - Anaheim · Grußwort des Euro Ambassadors und Rosi der AKG

Bits and Pieces of AKG History

In the beginning there was Karneval. This celebration began at the Phoenix Club in 1965. Hence, it’s our 44th Anniversary.

“HELAU” Karneval actually started way back during Medieval Times. What be-gan many, many years ago as a pre-lenten reprieve from arduous work, has now become a yearly cultural happening. Karneval, Fastnacht, Fas-ching or Mardi Gras is now a popular and ever more growing festival in Germany, France, Italy, Brazil, Mexico, New Orleans and other places in the world. And of course we celebrate at the Phoenix Club in Ana-heim with our own Karnevalsgesellschaft.

In the early stages of the of the Phoenix Club history some of our fun loving members saw the need for Karneval activities and decided to car-ry on the German Karnevalstradition. In October 1965 Rolf Pechmann received permission from the Phoenix Club-Vorstand to start the “Kar-nevals Group” known today as “The Anaheim Karnevalsgesellschaft”.

He found eleven men to form an “Elferrat”. Their Job is to make the important decisions concerning the programs for Karneval. The Prince and Princess are elected by the Elferrat, chosen for their dedication to the Karnevals group or the Phoenix Club, and are deserving of this honor. Finding our “Prinzengarde”, the Royal Guard, at that time all Girls, and known as the “Dancing Girls”, wasn’t any problem, there were many daughters from the original group that started this tradition.

And now at our 44th annual Karneval there are sons and daughters of those daughters! So begins the fundamentals of Karneval with high spir-its and successful commitment.

“ALAAF”A “Liebeslaube“ for Karneval was needed and has been built into our ballroom. The idea was developed so that after the dance was over, part-ners could go into the lounge for a little Schnapps or Champagne before returning to their tables, because the other bars were too crowded. This has been very successful now for over 40 years and is now a wonderful tradition.

The “Ordens”, presented are given to our participating members, performers and VIPs. Ironically, the first Orden (medals) were made of plastic or wood, but to-day these Orden are espe-cially designed by members of the group and the Mot- t o for the season is selected by the Elferrat.

The Anaheim Karnevalsge-sellschaft participated in the Anaheim Halloween Parade and the Orange Street fair with much popularity. We travel to other clubs to visit our friends in South Bay, San Diego, Las Vegas and likewise we enjoy inviting these clubs and others like our Dutch friends from “Limburgse Carnevals Club” to perform with us.

We also have visitors from many German and Ameri-can Cities, from Canada and Mexico and as far away as Africa and Australia.

“AHOI”With Karneval beginning in November and lasting through Ashwednesday, we continue this merry-making on our 44th. Anniversary and forevermore. We have more fun here than humans should be al-lowed!!!

HELAU, ALAAF and AHOIMargie Baurmann & Manfred Walter

What is Karneval?!?

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Page 15: Anniversary Issue 11+11+11+11 - Anaheim · Grußwort des Euro Ambassadors und Rosi der AKG

Bits and Pieces of AKG History

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Page 16: Anniversary Issue 11+11+11+11 - Anaheim · Grußwort des Euro Ambassadors und Rosi der AKG