Ann Bernard Motivational Speaker

Confidence and Character Builder Speaker Entrepreneur Ann Bernard


Presentation for Ann Bernard motivational speaker. Who is Ann Bernard and what type of speech and presentation can she provide your organization?!? Find out in this presentation and how to contact her.

Transcript of Ann Bernard Motivational Speaker

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Confidence and Character BuilderSpeakerEntrepreneur

Ann Bernard

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About Ann Bernard 34 yrs old 12 years active duty USMC/Major USMCR 7 years experience as an entrepreneur

3 failed businesses and still goingExperienced losing everything

Creator: The Loop of Confidence and What it Takes

BS in Psychology Social media & biz dev consultant NPC Women’s Physique Competitor Inspirational, Motivator, Hardcore, an open

book with a wealth of knowledge ready to rock all audiences!!

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Ideal Audiences

Available for Keynotes, seminars, breakout sessions, workshops luncheons/dinners and webinars

Businesses and Corporations Conferences Youth Groups Non-profits Other professional organizations

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Speech Themes and Topics

Self-confidenceOvercoming fears, stepping out of

comfort zonesCharacter Development

Self-discipline, motivation, perseverance, etc.

Leadership Keys to Success

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Adapt, Improvise and Overcome

Best Fit AudiencesEntrepreneursEmployees undergoing change

Description: Based on the expression Semper Gumby, in this presentation, Ann delivers how to stay flexible, learn to adapt, change and think outside the box.

Audience take away: How to better handle problems and changes (professional and personal)

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Got Character?!?

Best Fit Audiences Organizations Non-profits Corporations

Description: This is a high energy presentation with heavy doses of reality; an eye opening presentation designed to make people laugh and think about how they can improve their character. Character defines everything about who we are but rarely is talked about anymore.

Audience take away: A though provoking look at themselves, who they are as people, managers, leaders, employees and who they want to be.

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Accountability and Leadership by Example

Best Fit AudiencesLeaders and Manager at all levels

Description: You need personal accountability to reach the coveted ability to lead by example. So what is personal accountability and why is it so difficult to achieve? Personal accountability is admitting being wrong, not knowing the answer and being vulnerable. It’s always taking responsibility.

Audience take away: The cold hard truth about personal accountability and real leadership. Steps to take to begin being more accountable.

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There are No Monsters Under Your Bed: Facing Your Fears

Best Fit AudiencesEveryone

Description: Many people stop short of living their dreams and fulfilling lives because they are plagued with fears. The fear of failure and the fear of success are more common and alike than what most people realize. In this presentation, Ann helps her audience identify, name and begin to plan how to overcome their fears.

Audience take away: A new understanding of fears and ways to face them.

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Failures are Opportunities on the Road to Success

Best Fit AudiencesEveryone

Description: In every failures and mistakes we make are opportunities to grow and learn however, realizing and maximizing those opportunities is much easier said than done. Ann brings her many experiences with failure to this presentation to not only bring hope to her audience but also the tools and skills needed to turn failures into success.

Audience take away: How to turn failures into opportunities!!

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What It Takes to Succeed to the Next Level

Best Fit Audiences Organizations Non-profits Corporations

Description: The skills that make you a great employee are often not the only skills required in order to make it to the next level. What it takes to become a manager or move up the ladder are soft skills and leadership traits. Ann delivers a presentation that leaves her audience with an entirely new perspective on developing soft-skills and embracing new challenges.

Audience take away: The necessary steps to take (and motivation) to move up the ladder!

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Believe in Yourself—Follow your Dreams

Best Fit Audiences: All of have forgotten how to dream

Description: Life happens...we experience failure, disappointment we get busy and we get overloaded with responsibility—our dreams get buried or even die. Dreams are incredible motivators and change agents. This presentation will re-awaken your dreams and give you the tools to follow through on them. Learn to dream and take actions in order to live your dreams.

Audience take away: You will walk away renewed, filled with new ambitions and hope for the future.

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Contact to Book Ann Bernard

Email: [email protected]

Phone: (504) 383-4293Websites:
