Anlysis of questionnaire results

Questionnaire Results Most of my replies were from males; therefore I will focus my magazine at males with articles focussed more on music, and a dark colour scheme. This will attract this demographic, but will not turn away females. Most of my replies were from teenagers aged 16-18, so I will aim my magazine at this age group through casual language, a dark colour scheme and articles relatable to them. 40% of the people that replied never buy a magazine, so I will make the magazine multi- platform by having a digital copy and possibly a website with the web address on the cover of the magazine.

Transcript of Anlysis of questionnaire results

Page 1: Anlysis of questionnaire results

Questionnaire Results

Most of my replies were from males; therefore I will focus my magazine at males with articles focussed more on music, and a dark colour scheme. This will attract this demographic, but will not turn away females.

Most of my replies were from teenagers aged 16-18, so I will aim my magazine at this age group through casual language, a dark colour scheme and articles relatable to them.

40% of the people that replied never buy a magazine, so I will make the magazine multi-platform by having a digital copy and possibly a website with the web address on the cover of the magazine.

None of my replies said they buy an electronic music magazine. Therefore, I will be introducing something new to the market. I will show this on my front cover to attract a larger audience.

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The most appropriate name was Vortex. A music magazine, however, was already using this, so I will use the second highest voted, TEK. I will say this is an acronym for The Electronic Kingdom, which will make it sound more professional.

The three highest voted colours were black, red and white. I will have a black background, red text and white highlights. Tis ark colour scheme will attract my target audience.

The most important article type was voted to be interviews, so I will focus my magazine towards music related articles, as previously stated, but I will include interviews as the special features.

My magazine was voted to be priced between £2 and £3. Therefore, I will price my magazine at £2.50. This will make a profit, but not be unaffordable by my target market.

My magazine will be weekly, as weekly had the highest score. This will make it frequent, but not too frequent, so the audience do not loose interest, or become unable to afford it.