Animals of the Rainforest By Eliza Barber Contents Click Any Picture to Learn About the Animals...

Animals of the Rainforest By Eliza Barber

Transcript of Animals of the Rainforest By Eliza Barber Contents Click Any Picture to Learn About the Animals...

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Slide 2 Animals of the Rainforest By Eliza Barber Slide 3 Contents Click Any Picture to Learn About the Animals References Slide 4 Jaguars Jaguars can reach up to 6 feet long from nose to tail and three feet tall at the shoulder They are nocturnal hunters They spend most of their time on the ground and can move silently through the forest on padded paws Can hunt in trees, water, or on the ground In the 60s and 70s more than 15,000 were killed each year for their beautiful coats Endangered because the rainforests are disappearing Learn more at Slide 5 Butterflies More than 2,000 different species of butterflies are found in the rainforests of South America Butterflies range in size from a tiny 1/8 inch to a huge almost 12 inches Many butterflies can taste with their feet to find out whether the leaf they sit on is good to lay eggs on to be their caterpillars' food or not Butterflies cannot fly if their body temperature is less than 86 degrees There are more types of insects in one tropical rain forest tree than there are in the entire state of Vermont Some butterflies have fake eyes on their wings to trick predators into thinking they are something else Learn more at http://www.thebutterflysite.com Slide 6 Poison Arrow Frogs Poison arrow frogs are so named because some Amerindian tribes have used their secretions to poison their darts. Beautiful colors are warnings to predators that the frogs are poisonous They feed mostly on spiders and small insects such as ants and termites Arrow frogs are not poisonous in captivity they gain their poison from insects they eat in the wild These frogs are considered one of Earth's most toxic, or poisonous, species. For example, the golden poison dart frog has enough poison to kill 20,000 mice. Learn more at Slide 7 Tarantulas Female tarantulas can live 30 years or longer in the wild. The largest tarantulas have a leg span of nearly 10 inches, or about the size of a dinner plate Tarantulas defend themselves by throwing needle- like, barbed hairs at their attackers Tarantulas ambush small prey at night, stealthily sneaking up on a potential meal and then pouncing! A fall can be fatal to a tarantula Tarantulas are quite docile and rarely bite people. Tarantulas have retractable claws on each leg, like cats Learn more at http://courses.ttu.edu Slide 8 Army Ants Army ant soldiers are born with very large mandibles which they use to kill, carry large objects, and to use them for digging Army ants soldiers attack in very large groups, covering their prey completely as they begin to cut it into tiny pieces Army ants have a digestive system that can dissolve almost any living creature, including humans. Army ants are usually antagonistic to each other, attacking soldiers from rival colonies Army ants can march around 65 feet in an hour Learn more at http://www.learningtreasures.com Slide 9 Vampire Bat Bats are the only mammals that can fly. Vampire bats are the only mammals that feed entirely on blood. These bats sleep during the day in total darkness, suspended upside down from the roofs of caves. The bats drink their victim's blood for about 30 minutes and their bites can cause nasty infections. Each bat has a heat sensor on its nose that points it toward a spot where warm blood is. Their teeth are so sharp that they can bite a sleeping animal without waking it up. They cannot go more then two nights without feeding but when well fed they can regurgitate to share with others. Learn more at http://www.whereincity.com Slide 10 Parrots Parrots can live up to 80 years in the wild. They are very intelligent and can imitate human speech. In the wild, Macaws and Cockatoos can fly 500 miles per day in search of food! Some parrot vocalizations can be heard for up to 1 mile! Parrots cannot eat chocolate because it is poisonous to their body. Many famous historical figures, such as Winston Churchill and King Henry VIII were parrot owners. Parrots have two toes that point forward and two that point backwards. Learn more at http://parrotcarebasics.com Slide 11 Gorillas Gorillas are the largest living primates A mature male gorilla can be over 6 feet tall and weigh 300 to 500 pounds. He can spread his arms 8 feet across and is as strong as 4 to 8 strong men. Gorillas have a full range of emotions: love, hate, fear, grief, joy, greed, generosity, pride, shame, empathy, and jealousy. They laugh when they are tickled and cry with sounds when they are sad or hurt. Gorillas are shy and peaceful. The only natural enemy of gorillas has always been human beings Some gorillas in captivity at a zoo have been taught to use sign language. Learn more at Slide 12 Anaconda The average size of one of these snake- giants is 6.1 m (20 feet) long and 148.5 kg. (300 pounds)! Anacondas eat amphibious animals, like frogs & toads, as well as fish, caiman, birds, ducks and turtles. Rather than attacking they will choose to slide into the water unnoticed, if possible. Anacondas are very difficult for scientists to study or even find. They are really quiet and leave no trail. Anacondas give birth to live young, around 24-35 at a time. Learn more at Slide 13 Save the Rainforest! One and one-half acres of rainforest are lost every second Rainforests are being destroyed because the value of rainforest land is perceived as only the value of its timber Nearly half of the world's species of plants, animals and microorganisms will be destroyed or severely threatened over the next quarter century due to rainforest deforestation. Recycle Plant Trees Teach Others Fundraise for the Rainforest Use Less Paper Take a Canvas Bag to the Store Slide 14 1.Choose your favorite animal from this PowerPoint 2.Follow the link to the website and become an expert about your animal 3.Join Glogster and create an online poster about your chosen animal 4.It should be colorful and creative 5.Teach the class what you learned Follow this link for more information about glogsterlink Slide 15 Core Standards Objective 3 Analyze ways cultures use, maintain, and preserve the physical environment. c.Describe ways to conserve and protect natural resources (e.g. reduce, reuse, recycle). e. Make inferences about the positive and negative impacts of human-caused change to the physical environment. Slide 16 References