Animals in The Water


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Transcript of Animals in The Water

Page 1: Animals in The Water


Rigas ostvalda secondary school Kristina Berlina 5.b

Page 2: Animals in The Water

Dolphins - excellent. They not only learn when listening to sounds, but they themselves imitate them. Rusty creaking doors, water gurgling, bell ringing, chirping of birds -talented dolphins can represent one or other noise so that with eyes closed it can not be distinguished from the present! They can even copy human speech or laughter. If the record is onomatopoeia on film and then listen in slow motion, similar to the human voice clearly appear.


Page 3: Animals in The Water

Sharks, the so-called oceanic cartilaginous fish , unlike bony fish have a cartilaginous skeleton as a sturgeon . Sharks are subdivided into eight major groups - the shape of the body, the head, the number of gill openings , the position of the mouth, the presence of anal fins and spines. These are divided into eight groups of 34 families and more than 350 species. Progenitor shark -Megalodon ancient fish - was more than 12 meters in length, had a huge mouth and powerful teeth . Sharks have a complex system of mating , feeding and social interaction , and if escape from mythology , most sharks are not dangerous to humans. Major countries that consume shark meat - Japan and the United States .


Page 4: Animals in The Water

Grampus with sperm whales are baleen whales. Males reach 9.5 meters in length and weight up to 8 tons, females are smaller - up to 7 meters in length and weighing 4 tons. Animals have a spectacular appearance - black body with a white belly and a spot at the base of the vertical dorsal fin that males can reach 1.8 meters. pectoral


Page 5: Animals in The Water

Plankton is the set billion sedentary small plant and animal organisms that drift freely in the water column and can not, in contrast to nekton, resist the flow of water. By plankton include bacteria living in the water, algae, protozoa, some coelenterates, molluscs, crustaceans, fish eggs and larvae, larvae of various invertebrates.


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