Animal Trapping Hurts This is what eggs are!


Transcript of Animal Trapping Hurts This is what eggs are!

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Animal Trapping Hurts

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This is what eggs are!

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Due to genetic manipulation, humans have bred domestic turkeys into deformed beings who can no longer reproduce naturally, resulting in a cruel system of forced masturbation of male turkeys and rape of female birds.

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Plastics contain Stearic Acid, which comes from the fatty tissue of animals. Also found in car and bicycle tires, fireworks; Plywood involves combining blood glue, a slaughterhouse byproduct; wood glue, is a specific glue made from the connective tissue of horses.Nail polish sparkle is fish scales.Most paints use casein, a milk protein, as a binding agent.Cologne contains the musk from animals, such as deer, cats, sperm whales and beavers. Crayons contain tallow, or processed beef fat.Paintbrush bristles that claim to be “natural” are made from animal fur.Photographic film for cameras and x-rays contain bone gelatin, which acts as a binding agent; Even the computer you are using contains animal byproducts is not vegan because the plastic and rubber components contain stearic acid.

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Fabric Softener

What makes your clothes soft? Animal fat? Dihydrogenated tallow dimethyl ammonium chloride—a fancy way saying fat from animals like horses and sheep boiled down and mixed with ammonia. —is used in fabric softeners.

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Pink Drinks and CandiesCochineal, natural red 4, crimson lake, carmine, carminic acid is what gives many drinks and candies their distinctive red/pink color, from wine coolers to ruby-red grapefruit juices, is made from crushed bugs. The female cochineal insect is boiled alive or exposed to sunlight, steamed, or baked), it produces a range of reddish tints. It takes approximately 70,000 insects to make one pound of dye.

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Carmine is obtained from female cochineal insects.  The bugs are boiled alive and then their abdomen is extracted and cooked to obtain a red substance used in foods.

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Shellac is obtained by refining the secretions of the Kerria lacca insects. It takes approximately 300,000 bugs to produce a one-kilogram sack of shellac.Shellac is used to make furniture polishing and wood finishing. It is used in almost every industry, including food and pharmaceutical processing. The same product that is utilized for coating furniture is used also for coating fruits, vegetables (shellac replaces the natural wax that is lost), candies, snacks, and pastries, to make them look fresher and more appealing.

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Wine & BeerIf you drink wine and beer you drink the dried, ground-up bladders of fish. Isinglass is an enzyme derived from fish bladders and is used to clarify and remove impurities from wine and beer. Small amounts of isinglass remain in the products when finished.

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Flu VaccineFertilized chicken eggs in the embryonic phase are used to cultivate the inactivated flu virus that is injected into millions of people every year.

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CigarettesOne of the ingredients used to control tar and nicotine content in cigarettes is pig blood. In cigarette filters blood removes toxins from the smoke before it enters the lungs.

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Animal blood enzyme used to glue food

The next time you eat chicken nuggets you might want to think again about what is used to mold them—cow’s blood. Chicken nuggets are made of cartilage, skeletal muscle, intestinal tissue, organ tissue, fat, blood vessels, and bone fragments—all of it glued together!

Used by meat producers and restaurants to "glue" together scraps of meat to create one large piece.

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Glue is made from animal blood

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Cosmetics and moreShimmery lipsticks are shimmery because of fish scales. Scales are processed into a product called “ pearl essence,” which can be found in lipsticks, nail polishes, ceramic glazes, and other sparkly stuff.

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SugarCane sugar is often bleached using bone char from animals. Bone particles don’t end up in the final product; rather, the bone char is used as a filter.

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Hormone Replacement TherapyPremarin, is a popular estrogen-replacement drug for menopausal women. It takes its name from its main ingredient: PREgnant MARes urINe.

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Green Motor OilSome companies have replaced traditional petrochemical-based motor oil with cow fat.

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Lactylates are chemical compounds obtained from animal fat used in the manufacture of baked goods such as bread and pastries.

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Castoreum is a substance obtained from the anal glandsOf beavers. Castoreum is the yellowish secretion of the castor sac which is, in combination with the beaver's urine, used during scent marking of territory.

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Food useIt is often referred to as a “natural flavoring.” it is used in foods and beverages as substitute vanilla flavor and raspberry or strawberry flavor. It is found in ice cream, beverages, pastries, jelly, etc.

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fur farmers genitally or anally electrocute animals so they won’t damage the pelts) could get you into trouble.

Fur and Anal ElectrocutionIn Canada, over 3 million animals are killed each year for their fur. In fur farms, wild, roaming animals like mink, foxes and raccoon are forced to spend their entire lives in tiny wire cages,

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