Animal Histology



lecture slides on animal histology

Transcript of Animal Histology


  • Types of Animal Tissues

    Epithelial Muscular Supporting

    and Connective

    Vascular Nervous

  • Epithelial tissue

    Forms the outer coverings and inner linings of the body surfaces

    Has tightly packed cells with very little intercellular material

    For protection, selective absorption, and secretion

  • Epithelial Groups

    covering and lining epithelial membranes squamous epithelium -- tile-like cells

    - epidermis, inner cheek cells

    cuboidal epithelium -- dice-shaped cells, specialized for secretion, makes up the epithelium of kidney tubules and many glands

    - thyroid gland and salivary glands

    columnar epithelium found in the linings of the digestive tract, cells are longer than they are wide

    ciliated epithelium line the upper respiratory tract so that mucus and dust particles can be moved along their surfaces

  • Epithelial Groups

    glandular epithelium-specialized for production of secretory substances

    - unicellular glands goblet cells lining the intestine

    - multicellular glands-when large amts of secretions are reqd, the surface epithelia grow inward or become infolded exocrine (with ducts carry secreted substances onto body

    surfaces or into body cavities) salivary glands

    endocrine (ductless) gastric glands

  • Muscular Tissue

    specialized for movement muscle cells are called muscle fibers long,

    spindle-shaped thread-like structures movement is thru contraction of muscle fibers

  • Types of Muscular Tissue 1. Nonstriated (Smooth) muscles - involuntary - found in the visceral organs except the heart; in the

    outer wall of intestine and stomach and blood vessels -parts: sarcoplasm,myofibrils(contractile elements of the

    muscle cell-cant be seen in slide), sarcolemma-cell membrane

    2. Striated muscles - characterized by the presence of dark bands

    (anisotropic or A-discs) and light bands (isotropic or I-discs)

    - myofilaments finer filaments w/in the myofibrils arrangement of myosin and actin filaments gives rise

    to dark and light bands

  • Types of Muscular Tissue Multinucleated condition or Syncytium in striated muscular

    tissues - achieved by fusion of myoblasts (immature nucleated

    muscle cells) into muscle fibers in adult organisms, when embryonic myoblasts no longer divide. Addl nuclei are also contributed by integration of peripheral muscle satellite cells; numerous mitoses but no cytokinesis

    2.1 skeletal - muscles that are attached to the bones, voluntary (under control of will)

    2.2 cardiac or heart muscles - involuntary - is a functional syncytium plasma membranes of adjacent cells interlock at specialized regions called

    intecalated discs, where gap junctions provide direct electrical coupling between the cells. Thus, the action potential generated by specialized cells in one part of the heart spreads to all other cardiac muscle cells, causing the whole heart to contract.

  • Supporting and Connective Tissue

    Characterized by the presence of a large amount of intercellular material (as contrasted with epithelial tissue) and paucity of cells

    Connective tissue cells - fibrocytes


    To attach or connect parts

    To support or bear weight

    To provide a medium thru which nutrients and wastes may diffuse

  • Types of Supporting and Connective Tissue Fibrous connective tissue white or collagenous fibers fine, wavy fibers occurring in bundles in the dermis of the skin Cartilage-intercellular subs not calcified cartilage cells - chondrocytes - located in the lacunae surr by intercellullar subs/matrix (less diff-flattened; fully diff big & round) Hyaline-nose, ventral rings of trachea, endoskel of adult sharks Elastic-external ear of mammals (pinna), Eustachian tube Fibro-cartilage- joints, intervertebral disc in b/w vertebrae

  • Types of Supporting and Connective Tissue

    Bone intercellular subs is calcified

    Osteocytes bone matrix is laid down in rings called lamellae interconnected by means of Volkmanns canal * Bone prepared via grinding wont show the osteocytes but only the lacunae since they have been displaced by grinding

  • Vascular (blood) Tissue

    Made up of liquid component, plasma and blood cells/formed elements

    Also considered as a mobile connective tissue since it transfers nutrients and wastes from tissue to tissue in an organism

    Origins of blood cells traced to conn tish hemapoietic tissue of the marrow

  • Types of Vascular (Blood) Tissue

    1. Erythrocytes/Red blood corpuscles contains hemoglobin, responsible for oxygen and CO2 transport to

    and from the lungs and other tissues Frog-oval, nuc; human-biconcave, enuc

    2. Leucocytes/White blood corpuscles Soldiers of the body, engulf pathogens and facilitate immune

    response. Frog-smaller & fewer than rbcs; humans-larger and fewer

    A.Polymorphonuclear leucocytes-irreg nuclei Neutrophils

    nuclei is made up of 2 to 5 or more thin lobes connected by slender chromatin thread

    granules are fine and does not stain well at neutral pH Eosinophils

    nuclei are made up of 2 oval lobes linked by thread like chromatin granules are coarse and stain pinkish red with acid stains

    Basophils nuclei stain very faintly has coarse cytoplasmic granules that stain blue with basic dye

  • B. Lymphocytes nuclei are large, somewhat spherical; there is only narrow rim

    of cytoplasm around the nucleus

    C. Monocytes nuclei vary from slightly indented ovals to horseshoe-shaped

    structures have larger amounts of cytoplasm than lymphocytes

  • Frog Blood

  • Nervous Tissue

    nerve cell neuron cytoplasm is drawn out into long nerve fibers, the

    dendrites and the axon dendrites carry impulse toward the cell body axon carries impulse away from the cell body

    nerve a bundle of nerve fibers bound by connective tissues : epineurium is the loose connective tissue covering inside a nerve are fascicles or nerve bundles each fascicle is covered by a perineurium - a dense connective

    tissue endoneurium encloses individual nerve bundles