Animal Defender Magazine Spring 2011

Anim l DefenDer New UK law on vivisection – Government decides Lab Animal Week 18-24 April Horrific suffering of UK circus elephant exposed ISSN: 2043-992X Operation Lion Ark Closing down every circus in Bolivia and taking all of the animals to safety! Spring/Summer 2011


Animal Defender magazine, the magazine of Animal Defenders International, the National Anti-Vivisection Society, and the Lord Dowding Fund for Humane Research. Including campaign updates, rescue news, and other developments.

Transcript of Animal Defender Magazine Spring 2011

Anim lDefenDer

New UK law on vivisection – Government decidesLab Animal Week 18-24 April

Horrific suffering of UK circus elephant exposed

ISSN: 2043-992X

Operation Lion ArkClosing down every circus in Boliviaand taking all of the animals to safety!

Spring/Summer 2011

The Animal Defender & Campaigner l Spring/Summer 2011 NAVS & ADI2

EditorialANIMAL DEFENDERISSN: 2043-992Xpublished by Animal Defenders Internationalincorporating The Campaigner, published by theNational Anti-Vivisection Society

UK: Millbank Tower, Millbank, LoNDoN, SW1P 4QP, U.K.Tel: +44 (0)20 7630 3340Fax: +44 (0)20 7828 2179e-mail: [email protected]:

USA: 6100 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 1150,LoS ANgeLeS, CA 90048, USATel: +1 323-935-2234Fax: +1 323-935-9234e-mail: [email protected]:

South America: Apartado Postal 359888BogoTÁ, Colombia.e-mail: [email protected]:

editors: Creamer/PhillipsDesign: Creamer/Phillips/ElsonCartoons: Paul TaylorContributors: Jan Creamer; Tim Phillips; PhilBuckley; Helder Constantino; Alexandra Cardenas;Christina Dodkin; Jessamy Korotoga; Lisa Mitchinson.

©2011 ADI. All rights reserved. No part of this publicationmay be reproduced for commercial purposes by any meanswhatsoever without the written permission of ADI/NAVS.

ANIMAL DEFENDERS INTERNATIONAL:Founded 1990. To educate, create awareness, andpromote the interest of humanity in the cause of justice, and the suppression of all forms of cruelty to animals;wherever possible, to alleviate suffering, and to conserveand protect animals and their environment.

NATIONAL ANTI-VIVISECTION SOCIETY:Founded 1875; the world’s premier anti-vivisection group.Millions of animals suffer and die in cruel, unscientific, and futile experiments. The NAVS advocates the totalprohibition of all animal experiments, and, pending theachievement of this aim, we may support partial measureswhich would provide steps towards reform.

LORD DOWDING FUND: Founded 1974; a departmentof the NAVS; sponsors non-animal scientific and medicalresearch.

Where there’s a WILL there’s a WAY to help suffering animals

For a free guide to making a Will and helping animals, call us today on 020 7630 3340

If you knew animals were being abused,could you rest in peace?

Sadly, throughout their lives, the last thingmany animals experience is peace. Toto thechimpanzee, for example, was imprisoned in acircus for 25 years and forced to perform tricksand smoke cigarettes for people’sentertainment.

He was one of the lucky ones because he wasrescued by Animal Defenders International(ADI) and returned home to Africa where he

now lives with his own kind. ADI is amajor international force in animal


Please help us to help otheranimals like Toto to live in

peace by making abequest today toAnimal DefendersInternational.

If you believe in reincarnation there aresome animals you wouldn’t want to be.

Imagine a life imprisoned in a cramped cage,subjected to constant experimentation; alifetime of suffering followed by a painful death.That’s the cruel, futile fate suffered by millionsof laboratory animals in the name of research.

The National Anti-Vivisection Society is theworld’s premier and leading group working toend the suffering of animals in laboratories.

We lobby Parliament; produce scientificreports, educational materials andvideos; conduct undercoverinvestigations and exposelaw breaking. We fund non-animal scientific research.

Please help us to helplaboratory animals by makinga bequest to the NationalAnti-Vivisection Society.

Help finance an evolution.

Will you leave a lasting legacy of compassion,and help scientific advancement? The LordDowding Fund finances scientific and medicalresearch without the use of animals. Webelieve that cruel animal techniques have noplace in 21st century science.

We have supported major advances in manyfields, including neuroscience, cancer researchand safety testing – we developed a humaneBritish Standard Test for the toxicity of dentalfillings. Your legacy could help save the livesof animals and advance

scientific research.

Help finance an evolutionin medical science and

leave a lasting legacy witha bequest today to the

Lord Dowding Fund.

2011 is already shaping up to be

one of our most important years,

certainly in my memory.

Not only to we have proposals for

new UK legislation on animal

experiments for the first time in

nearly 25 years, but we also have a government announcement imminent on

the use of animals in travelling circuses. Let’s hope the Coalition Government

sees sense and bans the use of animals in travelling circuses here.

In this issue, we cover our latest exposé of the utterly sickening cruelty and

suffering of circus elephant Anne, who was torn from the wild and has

endured the kind of life that only nightmares are made of, for over 50 years.

Almost all of my life. It hardly bears thinking about. I hope we can save her.

Then there are the lucky ones: the picture above is me with a little horse who I

christened Tim – he was going to be dinner for the lions in one of the Bolivian

circuses we raided – so I insisted we take Tim, too. We are now finding a

permanent place for Tim and some other horses we found in Bolivia. The full

story of how we closed down every single circus in Bolivia and rescued every

animal in Operation Lion Ark has a special report starting on p11.

Our biggest challenge this year, though, is the Home Office proposals for new

legislation on animal experiments, following the adoption of the new European

Directive. We have to fight to the end to make as much ground as we can to

ensure that there are specific measures taken to replace the use of animals with

advanced methods, and we need to educate parliament and public about the

iniquity of animal experiments. See our ‘Cutting Edge, not Knife Edge’ article

opposite. This is your call to arms – we need you out on the streets, delivering

leaflets, lobbying your MP, writing to the Home Office minister, Lynne

Featherstone. The animals have no voice – they only have you.

We need do something today for animals.

Jan Creamer, Chief Executive.

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The Home office has told us that theyplan to have draft legislation preparedby the autumn with a view to thisbeing implemented by late 2012. Thiswill be the biggest overhaul of animalexperimentation regulations for nearly25 years, as the Home officetransposes european Directive(2010/63/eU). For over seven yearswe have been fighting this battle ineurope – now it is here.

The UK government will be amendingthe Animals (Scientific Procedures)Act 1986 to comply with the newDirective and can choose whether toadopt the bare minimum, or use thisas an opportunity to drive forwardmodern replacement techniques. Achoice of cutting edge or knife edge.

The Right to Decide

Following meetings with the minister andHome Office officials, the NAVS canreveal that the Coalition Government isconsidering putting the Directive into UKlaw without a full public andparliamentary debate.

The Home Office is looking at powersunder the European Communities Act tobring in ‘secondary’ legislation. Thismeans that the new law is written by theHome Office and submitted for a vote

The Animal Defender & Campaigner l Spring/Summer 2011ADI & NAVS 3

without full public debate. We believethat it is vital that public and parliamentget the opportunity to decide on thislegislation.

NAVS, ADI and LDF have put together alist of key areas where the new Directiveprovides the opportunity to replaceanimal experiments, but also, we havepointed out where there could be adanger of lowering of UK standards.

The Key opportunities for Change

An aim of the Directive is to make a“step towards achieving the final goal offull replacement of procedures on liveanimals for scientific and educationalpurposes” (Recital 10).

We recommend ten steps theCoalition government should take:

1. end household product testing.

2. No downgrading of UK animalprotection measures in the law – ourrules that are stricter than the EUDirective must be maintained.

3. Commit to replacing experimentson monkeys in UK laboratories.

Article 8 of the Directive establishes that“specimens of non-human primates shallnot be used in procedures” with theexception of procedures “undertaken

with a view to the avoidance, prevention,diagnosis or treatment of debilitating orpotentially life-threatening clinicalconditions”.

2008 EU statistics show the UK hasbecome the no.1 user of laboratoryprimates in Europe, while in other

Cutting edge, not knife edge

New vivisection lawfor the UK – this year

Ten steps theGovernment must take1. Ban household product testing

2. No downgrading of existing UKanimal protection measures

3. Commit to replacing experimentson monkeys in UK laboratories

4. End the capture of monkeys fromthe wild, by laboratory dealers

5. Set limits on the pain laboratoryanimals are allowed to suffer

6. Increase transparency on animalexperiments – before animals areused

7. Increase compulsory data sharingto prevent unnecessary experiments

8. Establish a UK co-ordinating bodyfor the development and validation ofreplacements – non-animal methods

9. Ensure the effectiveimplementation of non-animalmethods – if there is an alternative itmust be used

10. The UK should organise regularreviews to identify and agreereplacement methods with bindingtargets for specific animal experimentsand specific uses of animals

This is ournew mobilebillboard thatwill be touringthe UK duringLab AnimalWeek.

Cutting edge, not knife edge


countries such as France, Belgium andNetherlands primates use has dropped.Austria appears to have completelyended their use; in Germany numbersare stable. Yet in the UK primate usehas jumped from 3115 to 3354.

Our 2009 investigation in HuntingdonLife Sciences exposed the appallingsuffering of monkeys used in contractresearch laboratories (see this issue).

4. end the wild capture of monkeysby laboratory dealers.

Article 10 of the Directive aims at endingthe use of F1 primates in experimentsand breeding programmes. This wouldstop the capture of monkeys from thewild.

However, hardlobbying from thelaboratory animaldealers ensured along phase-out of F1primates - 12 years.This is where the UKgovernment couldtake the lead inEurope – by settingan earlier, moreresponsible andreasonable deadline.

More than 50% of all primates importedto the UK are born from parents caughtin the wild (F1 primates). Every yearhundreds of primates are imported fromAsia, where wild monkeys are caught forbreeding stock to supply British labs.

Wholesale capture of wild monkeys hasdevastating effects on the environment,

and wild populations.

The Home Office refusal torecognise the

suffering of monkeyscaught from theirnative environmentand kept ininhumane conditionsin supply centres,such as Nafovanny

in Vietnam, is irresponsible and reflectsthe protection given to suppliers’interests (see this issue).

5. The new Directive establishes alimit on the severity of the pain thatlaboratory animals are permitted tosuffer. Article 15 provides: “MemberStates shall ensure that a procedure isnot performed if it involves severe pain,suffering or distress that is likely to belong-lasting and cannot be ameliorated.”

The government should set limits on theseverity of pain that animals are allowed

to suffer, and the Home Officeshould create a list ofprohibited experiments.

6. Increasetransparency on animal

experiments – provide morepublic accountability andindependent scrutiny, beforepermission to use animals isgranted.

Put project licenceapplications online and alloworganisations such as NAVSand LDF to suggest non-

animal alternatives. Overhaul the localethical review bodies, to bring in moreexpertise from non-animal researchbodies.

Recital 41 of the Directive provides that“to ensure that the public is informed, itis important that objective informationconcerning projects using live animals ismade publicly available”.

However, as many of our readers willrecall, in the UK Section 24 of theAnimals (Scientific Procedures) Act 1986(ASPA), bars the release of allinformation on animal research fromlaboratories, the penalty being prison.

NAVS has campaigned against thissecrecy clause since 1986, andvigorously during the passage of theFreedom of Information Act 2000. Wepointed out that the FOI Act adequatelyprovides for protection of confidentialinformation (for example intellectualproperty and personal details), makingS.24 of the ASPA both unnecessary andat odds with FOI principles.

The exemption for S.24 under FOI rulesshould be removed, and in this review ofthe ASPA, S.24 should be repealed.

7. Compulsory data sharing toprevent unnecessary experiments.

8. establish a UK co-ordinating bodyfor the development and validation ofreplacement (non-animal) methods.

Current UK legislation utterly failed to protect the monkeys whosesuffering we exposed at HLS – the government must use the newDirective to implement rules that protect animals more effectively.

The Animal Defender & Campaigner l Spring/Summer 20114


Lab Animal Week

The Animal Defender & Campaigner l Spring/Summer 2011ADI & NAVS

9. ensure the effective implementationof non-animal methods – where thereis an alternative available, it must beused.

10. The UK should organise regularreviews to identify and agreereplacement methods with bindingtargets for specific animal experimentsand specific uses of animals, as outlinedin the Directive. This should involve allstakeholders, including animal protectionand replacement experts. Such targetshave proved effective on the cosmetics

testing issue.

You can help change the lives of the 3.7million animals who suffer and die in UKlabs every year. Tell your MP you wantadvanced technology, not animal tests.

WHAT YOU CAN DO� Write to your MP – include the list

above and ask them to put pressureon the government to act to replacethe use of animals in tests.

� Take part in the government’spublic consultation. In the comingweek’s the Home Office will hold aconsultation about the new Directive.Laboratory animals need you to betheir voice. Keep in touch with NAVSto find out how to take part.

� give out 25 of our ‘Cutting Edge,

not Knife Edge’ leaflets – to homesnear you; distribute them to friendsand family, ask them to help.

� give one hour a week to helping thiscampaign.

� Keep in touch with NAVS. You canvisit our website – for thelatest news, sign up for our emailalerts, or call us on 020 7630 3340.

World Lab Animal Week 18-24 April 2011 Help the animals during Lab Animal Week 2011!

World Lab Animal Week 18-24 April 2011 Help the animals during Lab Animal Week 2011!

every year, millions of laboratoryanimals suffer and die inlaboratories where they are burnt,blinded, scalded and poisoned inunreliable, unethical andunnecessary experiments. Yetthere are advanced scientifictechniques and technologies toreplace the use of animals. Weneed our supporters to help usend animal experiments and bringin replacement methods.

New laws on animal experimentsare about to be discussed in theUK (see opposite). Help us topersuade the government to bringin the use of advanced non-animal methods. It is time foraction. If you do nothing else forlab animals this year, help us withthis campaign in Lab AnimalWeek 2011.

Here’s What you can do� Write to your local newspaper;

tell them about Lab AnimalWeek, and the ten things thatthe government needs to do.

� Write to your MP; tell themabout the ten things thegovernment needs to do; askthem to support widespreaduse of non-animal alternatives.

� Deliver Lab Animal Weekleaflets to 25 houses in yourneighbourhood.

� We also have a new Animalexperiments: The Facts leafletavailable for distribution.

� Contact us to put you in touchwith a local group, so you canjoin in local activities.

� Distribute our leaflets to yourlocal veterinary surgery, libraryor community centre.

� Visit: for moreinformation on what you cando, or call 020 7630 3340.

Campaign News

Our global campaign to end spaceexperiments has been given amassive boost with NASA halting itsproposed experiments on squirrelmonkeys. The announcementfollowed distribution to everymember of Congress our new spaceexperiments DVD and campaignactivity in the US, Europe, Russia andBrazil.

The Brookhaven National Laboratory,where the monkey experiments were totake place, announced that “NASA hasinformed Brookhaven that a proposalinvolving primate research at the NASASpace Radiation Laboratory on theBrookhaven Lab site should be removedfrom consideration forexperimental time at thefacility.”

Additionally, NASAstated that it is “goingto undertake acomprehensivereview of theagency's currentresearch andtechnology developmentplans to see how they alignwith the president's plan forhuman spaceflight, as outlined in theU.S. National Space Policy and the 2010NASA Authorization Act.”

In September, we launched our newvideo ‘Space Experiments on Monkeys –One Giant Leap Backwards’ revealingthe horrific nature of the monkeyexperiments whichwould have included:Burns, weakness, hairloss, failing organs andnausea. We underlinedhow the tests werescientifically flawed andincluded quotescondemning theexperiments from theEuropean Space

Agency, CosmonautValentin Lebedev, whoset a world record fortime in space, JimBates, NASA retired,

formerly Co-Chairman ofthe JSC Space Radiation

Environment Group, and Ex-ESA astronaut and former MEP,

Umberto Guidoni. There was also anextensive interview with aerospaceengineer April Evans who resigned fromNASA in protest over the tests. Thevideo was distributed to every member ofthe US Congress.

Those in the space programme often talkin lofty terms that this is about making

advances for the wholeof humankind. Wewanted the world tomake it clear that thiscruelty is not in ourname, and there areplenty of people in thespace researchcommunity who agreewith us.

Under the banner “Not in our name”supporters all over the world were urgedto contact the US and RussianEmbassies.

From the outset the scientific validity ofthe experiments had been questionedbut NASA seemingly pressed onregardless. The project grant proposalnoted “We understand that in these initialstudies, monkeys will be exposed toparticle radiation that does not fullymimic the chronic low dose situation in amixed radiation field.” 4 A Freedom ofInformation Act request revealed howNASA braced themselves for publicopposition. Francis Cucinotta of NASA’sJohnson’s Space Centre, had informedJack Bergman the researcher who wasto carry out the experiments, via emailthat “one topic came up is to beprepared [sic] for any public relationsissues that could arise with upper NASAmanagement or the public. NASA hasfunded primate research in the past butnot in the last few years.”

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Victoryfor NASAmonkeys

Right: our NASADVD; April evansthe Nasa engineerwho resigned overthe tests, speaksat Congressionalreception; TimPhillips, ADICampaignsDirector arrives atCongress on theday of the vote.



guinness WorldRecords hasdropped elephantpolo statistics fromthe record books, “inline with our policynot to accept orrecognise any records based on thekilling or harming of animals, thisincludes fox hunting and bull fighting”.

The work of LDF was showcased atthe British Science Festival held inBirmingham last year, and was a greatsuccess. This years event, themed"Exploring New Worlds" will be inBradford.

CITeS quotas published. TheCITES 2011 national export quotashave been published. DRC, Togo andTanzania have all established quotasfor trade in live Appendix II primates.

An international treaty will set thefirst-ever limit on the number of

polar bears thatnative people inNorthwest Alaskacan harvest andalso legalise polarbear hunting inRussia; the first time

in decades. The Russia-U.S.commission agreed to let nativesubsistence hunters in each countrykill 29 bears.

Chimp meat hasbeen discoveredon the menu inrestaurants in theUK after raids bytrading standards.Backstreetrestaurants and market stalls in theMidlands are believed to be sellingchimpanzee meat.

Canada’s fight against a europeanban on seal products has moved toa new level. Canada’s FederalFisheries Minister says thegovernment will take action at theWTO over the European Union's banon seal products.

At one point, Bergman complained; “Thisprimate issue is annoying but we arefully committed to the concept and workof the project. I don’t understand howfolks expect space research to progressotherwise”. Bergman had also noted“The subjects we will use will live outtheir natural lives and be available toNASA for further study, should that bedesired. Indeed, that is a notablestrength of the project design.”Experimentation without end had beenplanned for these poor monkeys.

On the same day a Johnson SpaceCentre employee reassured Bergmanabout the funding for his project; “knowthat you have HUGE NASA support…Butbeing NASA, HQ wants to proceed ascautiously and politically correct [sic] aspossible – comes with the territory of afederal agency…So know that we aredoing everything we can to get theaward out to you.”

In September ADI attendeda reception at the USCongress organised byPhysicians Committee forResponsible Medicine withApril Evans calling forNASA funding to be

redirected from themonkey tests. Thatnight the NASA

Authorization Act of 2010, passed theHouse of Representatives,disappointingly without the originalHouse language requiring “justificationand rationale for human primates".

Despite this setback, we pressed on,then NASA finally decided to halt thetests.

This leaves Russia isolated in its use ofmonkeys in space experiments.Supporters will recall the horrificphotographs we obtained from inside thelaboratory in Abkhazia showing themonkeys restrained during theexperiments and living in tiny, barrencages. Like the NASA tests, theRoscosmos experiments are also aimedat enabling a mission to Mars.

In October we launched the campaign inRussia with VITA, a non-profit animalprotection organisation based inMoscow, urging the Russian Federal

Space Agency(Roscosmos) not toperform theexperiments.

We continue topress the spaceagencies around theworld to abandon allanimal experiments.

In late 2010, coffee shop Costa Coffeeaired a puerile TV advert featuring sixteenmonkeys of different species. Themonkeys were supplied by the samecompany ADI exposed several years agowhen a keeper was filmed pinning down ascreaming mandrill whilst he forced backin a prolapsed rectum – the keepercommenting that it was a result of themonkeys walking on their hind legs (theCosta ad featured a mandrill). The samecompany that misled the media about howa lion used in a Conservative Party advertwas being kept.

Prior to the launch of the advert – whichhad nothing to do with their product but was simply a crass one-line gag – we urgedthe company not to air it, but to no avail. We therefore produced leaflets andsupporters protested and sent postcards of complaint to Costa.

Costa’s Chief Executive, Andy Harrison, commented: “It seems to me that only acommitment never to use the advertisement again could fully satisfy those who haveobjected to this commercial. I cannot give this commitment but I can further confirmto you that we would always take steps to avoid animal suffering or exploitation inevery aspect of our business.”

There’s plenty of other coffee houses out there that aren’t making performingmonkeys the butt of their jokes. Please boycott Costa.

Campaign News

The Animal Defender & Campaigner l Spring/Summer 2011

The Animal Defender & Campaigner l Spring/Summer 2011 NAVS & ADI8

Campaign News

Missouri haspassed the PuppyMill CrueltyPrevention Act,which establishesminimum standardsin what is regarded

as America’s puppy mill capital. ADIjoined others campaigning for the law.Already there are attempts to overturnthis minimal protection.

Another SeaWorldwhale, Kalina hasdied. The youngfemale orca’s deathin Orlando followsthat of anotheryoung orca, Sumar, at SeaWorld’sSan Diego facility. SeaWorld isapparently planning to allow trainersback in the water with orcas, and mayspend millions of dollars installing poolfloors that can be quickly raised in anemergency. They are also consideringusing remote controlled underwatervehicles, emergency air supplies fortrainers and ways to pry open anorca's jaws.

African vulture numbers havedeclined dramatically due topoisoning by farmers, who leavedead goats laced with pesticides to killhyenas and lions.

Animals “surplus to requirements”,were culled and left to rot in atKnowsley Safari Park according to azoo photographer.

elephantintelligence is on apar with that of greatapes and dolphinsaccording to a studyin which they

cooperated to solve a problem.

British firms are selling woodproducts from countries whereillegal logging is devastating theenvironment. A new report found thatwood, sold in the UK, originates inparts of Indonesia, Malaysia and theCongo Basin where illegal felling isthreatening animals, plants & humans.

European Commission urged touphold cosmetics testing banWe continue to work to ensure that the cosmetics testing ban timetableremains in place. With clear resistance to the ban coming from certainsectors of the cosmetics industry, we recently met with the europeanCommission and Members of the european Parliament to discuss the issue.

In 2003 the EU introduced a phase-out of cosmetics testing on animals and a banon the sale of cosmetic products that contain ingredients tested on animals(regardless of where in the world the testing occurred).

Although the ban on ingredients tested on animals has been in place since March2009, the deadline for replacement of certain tests under the marketing ban wasextended to March 2013 to allow the development and approval of alternatives.

In our last issue we reviewed the European Commission’s draft technical report onalternatives to animal testing for cosmetics, which gave a pessimistic view of thereplacement of the remaining animal tests by the 2013 deadline. It is clear that,instead of investing in alternatives, some cosmetic companies, that use animals for

testing, have beendragging their feet and

are lobbying in Brussels tobe allowed to continue their

horrific tests.

The European Commission hasrecently stated that they have “not yet

taken a decision as to whether or not topostpone the implementation date” . There

is speculation that there could be a proposalto postpone the ban by at least 5 years, a

terrifying prospect.

In January, we had a series of meetings at theCommission and European Parliament to ensure

that a strong stand was taken on the deadlines.In general, MEPs agreed to stand firm on the

March 2013 deadline. However, theCommission confirmed that the official

position remains that a decision has notyet been taken. The Commission also

stressed that they will be hearing theconcerns of the cosmetics industry

regarding the deadline as well as ourconcerns. They say that an assessment of

postponing the deadline or not “will needto take into account the potentialeconomic, social and environmental ofthese options”.

We are maintaining a dialogue on thisand are ready to fight to uphold the2013 deadline. Make sure your MEPknows that you want the cosmetics

testing ban to be fully enforced.

Political animals: We had information stands at the conferences of theConservative, Liberal Democrat, and Labour Parties. Below Christina Dodkinof our Research Department at the Lib Dem conference. Inset: our, annualpublication Political Animals.

The Animal Defender & Campaigner l Spring/Summer 2011ADI & NAVS 9

Campaign News

Animal smugglingworth £6 billion ayear – exceededonly by the drugsand arms trades.The activities drivenumerous speciestowards extinction.

An alarming rise in manta andmobula ray hunting threatens theexistence of the species. Fishinghas become big business for thoseselling their gills for use in soups andtraditional Chinese medicine.

Circus lionsseriously mauled atrainer and almostescaped from thering during aperformance in

Ukraine. One lion attacked the trainerand another joined in. Circus workerstried to beat back the animals andsprayed them with water.

Monkeys havebeen madeoverweight tostudy humanobesity anddiabetes at theOregon National Primate ResearchCenter. Some will be kept inindividual cages for years, to limit theirexercise.

Fish living in watercontaminated by humansewage are exposed toantidepressants such as Prozacaccording to a Canadian study.Although the amounts wereminute, the study warned thatover time, the drugs could

impact their behaviour and ecology.

one of the biggesthauls of illegal apeparts in CentralAfrica has beenseized by officials inGabon. The seizureincluded the head and hands of agorilla, 12 chimpanzee heads and 30chimpanzee hands.

In october something once unthinkable occurred. Chipperfield’s Circusappeared with no animals. once the biggest UK animal circus and the biggesteuropean supplier of circus lions and tigers, it was the first time that the circushad appeared in the UK since being exposed by ADI in 1998. The Chipperfieldname is leased out by Dicky Chipperfield, Mary’s cousin.

Between 1996 and 1998, ADI field officers worked undercover inside three circusestablishments run by different members of the Chipperfield family: Chipperfield’sCircus as it toured with animals owned by Dicky Chipperfield; Chipperfield Enterprises,the Oxfordshire lion and tiger breeding centre owned by Dicky Chipperfield; and MaryChipperfield Promotions, the huge training and animal dealing operation run by MaryChipperfield in Hampshire.

Our investigation is credited with bringing the UK’s animal circus industry to its knees,featuring several other UK circuses, and within six months of its release half of theUK’s animal circuses had closed. The investigation led to successful convictions forcruelty of Mary Chipperfield and her husband Roger, jail for their elephant keeperMichael Gills, and subsequent closure of all three circus enterprises in the UK.

The news that Chipperfield’s Circus was animal-free was greeted with delight by ADIand with fury by several circus people – including members of the Chipperfield family.It confirmed one thing, that animal circuses can move on and go animal-free, but alsothe utter resistance to this from sectors of the industry.

The circusname that

becamesynonymouswith animalcruelty goesanimal free

The Animal Defender & Campaigner l Spring/Summer 2011 NAVS & ADI10

Rescue News

Tilin was handed to ADI with the lions wemoved to California in summer 2010, bythe first circus to close following Bolivia’sban. The magnificent baboon arrived inthe UK in September with ADI’s AlexandraCardenas, Ricardo Farjado, and vet SimonAdams. Everyone who meets him isamazed by this wise and calm primatewho took the journey in his stride.

Our team in the UK had spent weekspreparing for Tilin’s arrival, and his newquarantine house was filled with branches,a comfy straw bed on a raised platform,and a tyre swing. Late at night he reachedhis new ADI home at Lakeview, stridingout of his travel crate to climb and explore.

He is in quarantine, due to UK regulations.It is still an exciting new world for him andwe are searching for a rescuedHamadryas baboon companion to join him.

Another animal’s life transformed with yoursupport – how about adopting Tilin? Call020 7630 3340 for details.


Main picture:Tilin thebaboonsurveys hisnew home inEngland.Right: Tilin isloaded atSanta Cruzairport; ActorBrian Blessedis interviewednext to Tilin.Brian urgesthe UKGovernment tofollow Bolivia’sexample.

The Animal Defender & Campaigner l Spring/Summer 2011ADI & NAVS 11

Operationlion ark

First we exposed the suffering; then we campaigned and secured a ban; and when the first circus closed we took all the

animals to a wonderful new life. It turned out that was just the start.....

In November and December we raided every circus in Bolivia and rescued EVERY aNImal. an entire animal circus

industry was closed down in a stroke with the most comprehensive enforcement operation the world has seen. In February,

we moved the lions to the US in the biggest airlift of its kind ever. This is the story of Operation lion ark.....

Moving day at Santa Cruz Airport and the sheer scale of operation Lion Ark isapparent as crates containing 25 lions are lined up ready to be loaded.

Below: ADI’s Jan Creamer and Tim Phillips with one of the lion cubs duringthe rescue; Campeon and one of his sisters reach their new home.

NAVS & ADI12 The Animal Defender & Campaigner l Spring/Summer 2011

The record-breaking operation LionArk that began in Bolivia lastNovember, ended on February 16when 25 lucky lions touched downat Denver airport. operation LionArk is the world’s biggest rescueand airlift of lions. It began withdramatic seizures across Bolivia asADI worked with the Bolivianauthorities to enforce their new lawbanning animal circuses.

The ADI team seized 25 lions, somewere extremely malnourished, skinand bone, dehydrated, living inovercrowded cages. One family ofeight were all in a cage the size of adouble bed. They were fighting tosurvive, taking food out of each others’

mouths. The stories are heartbreaking.Six monkeys, a coati mundi, a deerand horse were rescued and relocatedin Bolivia or returned to the wild.

This is the first national circus ban inSouth America and the world’s firstban on all animal acts. This is a worldrecord for a lion rescue and ultimatelya historic victory for animal welfare. Itis a landmark in how strong animalprotection legislation can be swiftlyand effectively enforced.

Bolivia has set a shining example tothe world and we hope that OperationLion Ark will have far reachingconsequences, and encourage othergovernments to stand up and act, likeBolivia, to do the right thing for

animals currently languishing incircuses throughout the world.

This gargantuan task to end circussuffering in Bolivia started six yearsago, when ADI field officers firstexposed the cruelty in South Americancircuses. The shocking footage sweptthe continent, and in Bolivia the publicwere horrified by the conditions theanimals were forced to endure.

The exposé led to an educational andpolitical lobbying campaign that gainedearly victories with animal circus banssecured in key cities and then aftermany attempts, the new law wassecured on June 17, 2009. Thecircuses were given a year to disposeof their animal acts.

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No. 2. The ADI team remove India from the circus in the cage she’slived in all her life. Despite the deplorable conditions the circusregards her as a pet – they cry as she is removed.

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No. 5. eight lions – Bam Bam, Morena, Campeon, Maria, Marta, Rosa,Rosario, and Rosita – in a stinking cage. The circus owner hasthreatened to kill them and produces a knife with which he stabs thetyres of the wagon we are moving them in. There is a confrontationbut we rescue the lions and a horse called Tim.

No. 6. Kenya had been put in this terrible cage as a cub. The circusowner didn’t realise she’d get so big, so she stayed there. oursurveillance reveals the owner has hidden monkeys. We search thecircus. They’re informed that ADI will constantly monitor them – themonkeys are handed over two days later.

Circus No. 1. Chitara and Dalila arrive at the ADI compound in thecircus cage. The circus ran for it, leaving the two lionesses behind.The operation starts smoothly.

SEaRCH & SEIZURE In the weeks leading up to the operation aDI Field Officers kept the circuses under constant surveillance. We then moved in at speed with the authorities to rescue the animals.

13The Animal Defender & Campaigner l Spring/Summer 2011ADI & NAVS

The battle of the circuses

One circus volunteered their animals,and ADI moved this first family of fourhandsome lions, Camba, Daktari,Bambek and Simba to the PerformingAnimal Welfare Sanctuary inCalifornia, and a Hamadryas baboon,Tilin, to Lakeview Monkey Sanctuaryin England, in 2010.

Our South America campaigns team inLondon and Bolivia began draftingregulations to enforce the new law,4040. As this progressed it was clearthat the remaining circuses planned todefy the law. This would be harder.

ADI teams spread out across Bolivialocating circuses and conducting acensus of all animals. When a lioness

had cubs, the number of lions rose to24 and it became apparent that thiswould be a huge operation.

In November 2010, ADI circus searchand seizure operations in Boliviabegan. Ensuring an element ofsurprise we moved rapidly and, withthe support of the Bolivian authorities,notably the DGB, Santa CruzGovernor’s office and police, stagedraids on circus after circus.

Our teams covered hundreds of mileseach day; we provided the transport,cages, animal handlers, veterinarysupervision, and all other animal carerequirements.

The circuses were very angry. Therewas much screaming, shouting,

threats, and one circus owner cameout with a knife – slashing the tyres ofthe transporter. Others tried to makea run for it. One circus kept moving,and then gave up, leaving theiranimals behind as they left town.

One attempted to conceal monkeys,but we were alert and searched andfound the animals.

We received threats but stood firm. Inthe first week we closed 7 circuses.Only one remained, which kept on themove in an attempt to find waysaround the ban. The circus continuedto take the cubs into the ring and toparks for photos. Later named Bob,Nancy and Percy, they were the lastanimals to perform in Bolivia.

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No. 3. The circus tries to make a run for it and the local policeimpound the lions. Above ADI prepare to load Pancho and Temuco.

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No 7. A search of another circus secures the rescue of two spidermonkeys, two capuchin monkeys and a coati mundi. They werereturned to the wild in a safe natural area run by the Santa Cruzgovernor’s office.

No. 8. After playing cat and mouse we catch up with the last circus.The owner threatens the ADI team and builds barricades. It doesn’tstop us. Hercules, Panchula, Fida, Kiara and the cubs Bob, Nancyand Percy are all rescued. The last animals to perform in Bolivia.Above the cats on the ADI transporters head for freedom.

No. 4. Seizing Colo Colo, Muñuca and Lulu – the lions that hatepeople and want to attack them (who can blame them). The circushand them over willingly, probably because they are so aggressive!

In the weeks leading up to the operation aDI Field Officers kept the circuses under constant surveillance. We then moved in at speed with the authorities to rescue the animals.

security fencing, holding cages,installing running water, electricity, andveterinary facilities. It was here thatthe lions were nursed back to health,put on weight, built up their strengthand had veterinary treatment.

One of the family of eight who werecrammed into that small cage waspoor little Campeon, a young male.His front legs crippled with bonedisease, he was too weak to get intothe wagon that would take him fromthe circus. Our vet feared Campeonmight not survive, and during thejourney to freedom he collapsed; itwas terrifying; we worked desperatelyto revive him – then finally, after whatfelt like an eternity, he got to his feet.

Since then, Campeon has grownstronger every day; the joy on his facewhen he got his first toys, footballs

and logs, was something to behold. Itwill be a long road, but we are allcrossing our fingers that this bravelittle lion will get stronger and stronger.

These lions lived in bare cages, withnothing to do, nothing to interest them.When we gave them hay for the firsttime their sheer joy at havingsomething to touch, sniff and roll aboutin was truly amazing – they cuddledthe logs and tyres we gave them toplay with, and within hours theybecame different animals.

These animals had endured a horrificlife, so our veterinary team led by DrMel Richardson, with Jimena Delgadoin attendance daily, were regularlydealing with crisis.

Lion number 25, Kimba, arrived inearly February. Once owned by acircus, he had been dumped in a small

We caught up with them in a remotetown in the rugged mountain areawhere Ché Guevara once had hishideout. They attempted to barricadethe beastwagons and threatened toassault the ADI directors leading theoperation. But in the end there waslittle resistance: we took the animals.

A more daunting prospect was thetreacherous 18-hour drive through themountains back to Santa Cruz!

In less than three weeks we hadremoved all of the animals from everycircus in Bolivia. The animal circusindustry was shut down in a stroke.

The ADI reception centre

Mayor Percy of Santa Cruz donatedland to temporarily house the lions.So, during the rescues we establishedour reception center, constructing

The Animal Defender & Campaigner l Spring/Summer 2011 NAVS & ADI14

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Jan Creamer lures Kimba into his ADI travel crate.

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Hercules in the ADI compound the day after his rescue. His face amap of the hard life he has lived in the circus, but proud andunbowed.

In Santa Cruz, we built temporary holding units for the lions as theyarrived. They had hay and toys for the first time and, although small,they had more space than ever before in their lives.

Lion Number 25: Kimba looks from his cage in Tariqa zoo. The ADIteam had to to knock down a wall and cut through the bars.

RESCUE & REHaBIlITaTION as the lions arrived at the aDI compound in Santa Cruz, new homes were built for them, they were given veterinary care and their strength was built up.

zoo due for closure, some elevenyears earlier and had been alonesince. He was in Tarija – a 48 hourdrive each way. So we booked spaceon an old C130 Hercules and flewdown for him. We had to smash downa wall and hack through his cage barsto get to him, but we quickly lured himinto his travel crate.

On arrival at the reception centre, thisgrand, old, peaceful lion heard theroars of other lions for the first time inall those years and roared back.

Support from back home

Back in the US and UK a specialappeal to raise funds for the rescueand lifetime care for the animals waslaunched. Jorja Fox (CSI’s SarahSidle), and celebrity TV presenter BobBarker, whose substantial support

made the project possible, backed theappeal along with Twiggy, BrianBlessed, Joanna Lumley, JuliaMcKenzie, and Benjamin Zephaniah,along with Meg Mathews, WendyTurner Webster and Prunella Scales.

The Lion Ark

The most efficient way to move thelions would be all at once and wesecured a home for all of them at theWild Animal Sanctuary in Colorado.With ADI funding, construction beganimmediately on a huge biosphere tohouse the lions as they acclimatised.Back in Bolivia, travel crates werebuilt, including a special mother andcubs crate.

Torrential rain made the roadsimpassable and the ADI team had towork soaked to the skin, pulling down

the rain covers to protect the lions. Itbegan to look like the whole rescuecould be washed out. But the suncame out on loading day and spiritsrose. Loading 25 lions was achallenge. An hour per lion was notan unreasonable estimate – but thatwould mean a lion in a crate for 24hours before even leaving. We had todo better.

We split into two teams. All welldrilled, professional and great affectionfor the lions, the teams worked in nearsilence, coaxing the lions in with food.Loading took just six hours.

At midnight we headed to the airport.We had a TAB Airlines DC10 rented ata discount price and crew all had ADIlogos on their uniforms for the day.Thanks to the ON Group who helpedand were at our side at every step on

The Animal Defender & Campaigner l Spring/Summer 2011ADI & NAVS 15

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Percy plays with a branch in the ADI compound. Born into misery,his life had just changed forever, he will live free.

Chitara and Dalila - like many of the animals we were saving they onlyhad each other. Now they are in a pride with Pancho, Temuco andIndia.

Worming day for the cubs with Bob being held by Tim Phillips.

as the lions arrived at the aDI compound in Santa Cruz, new homes were built for them, they were given veterinary care and their strength was built up.

Kimba heads to Santa Cruz in style, with the ADI team in a C130Hercules that had seen service in the Vietnam war!

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this final stage. Our meticulous planto have all the lions in colour-codedcrates denoting family groups madesure everyone remained calm.


There had been continuous media inBolivia and at Denver InternationalAirport there was more, with Jorja Foxand Bob Barker there too. The videoof the doors opening and Janpunching the air before the lions wereunloaded raced round the world.

The huge extended pride that arrivedin Denver are the adorable cubsPercy, Bob and Nancy and theirmother Kiara; the beautiful girls India,Chitara, Dalila, Kenya, Muñeca, Lulu,Panchula, Fida, Marta, Maria, Morena;and the naughty youngsters, Rosita,Rosario, and Rosa; and themagnificent males, Temuco, Pancho,

ColoColo, Kimba, BamBam, Hercules,and young Campeon.

All the families are now in thespecially-designed 10-acre biospherewith natural sunlight, grass and treeswhilst they acclimatise.

When they arrived, they ran andfrolicked, they had grass beneath theirfeet for the first time in their lives, andthey loved the pine trees. A thrillingreward for the months of preparation.

As summer arrives and the outdoorenclosures are finished, they will havefree access to a further 70 acres.

At the sanctuaries in Colorado,California and the UK, constructionhas been paid for by ADI, and all threeare receiving payment from us for thelifetime care of the animals.

These lucky lions have been on thejourney of their lives, taking them from

cages on the back of trucks, beingforced to perform demeaning tricks, toan expansive natural enclosure at astate of the art facility near Denver.

Now, we need your help.

Operation Lion Ark was logisticallycomplex and expensive. Now weneed your help to keep our promise ofa bright new future to the lions.

The suffering and years of neglectthese animals have endured has takenits toll. Many require extensive dentalwork – broken, infected, painful teeth,even abscesses. It is hard to imaginethe pain they have lived with for years.And, we need to feed and provideveterinary care for up to 23 years.

We are urgently calling for donationsto provide the specialised dentalsurgery required for many of the lions,

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Saved: The baby monkeys that the circus tried to hide.

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Jan nurses a foal that is desperately ill and has collapsed, the baby wassaved. We are still working to rescue a group of horses in Bolivia.

Lion after lion is unloaded at Denver International Airport.

This is freedom. Within 24 hours of his seizure, the coati mundi whohad been snatched from the wild by the circus was free again. Herehe is draped over the branch of a tree.

THE lION aRK TaKES OFF In the weeks leading up to the operation aDI Field Officers kept the circuses under constant surveillance, we then moved in at speed with the authorities to rescue the animals.

ADI & NAVS The Animal Defender & Campaigner l Spring/Summer 2011

for any other surgeries or treatments.

This is such an important rescuemission because it shows SouthAmerica and countries all over theworld that if they pass strong laws toend cruelty, then ADI will be there tohelp ensure they are enforced. Toooften have there been laws full ofpromise, heralded as victories, butsimply never enforced because of lackof resources. Not this time. There areno animal circuses in Bolivia.

Life is now worth living for these lions.Here are a few of their stories:

Dear India, dainty, sweet-natured,timid, at first afraid to enter hertemporary enclosure in Santa Cruz,because she had not seen a lion sincebeing taken from her mother. Now,she is part of a pride of five.

Campeon, the little lion with histwisted legs who almost didn’t make it,now so full of fun running and playingwith his boistrous family.

Quiet and gentle Kenya, her circuscage was the size of a cupboard withsolid walls, put in there as a cub,never to come out.

Exquisite ColoColo the angry lion, whoreacts so aggressively when he seesa shovel or stick, but who can blamehim? Now his teeth have been fixedand he can spend his days with hisfamily, Muñeca and Lulu. Nobody isgoing to come near him with a stickever again.

Sweet Kiara and her three cubs, safeat last. Her cubs will never be takenfrom her again.

These lucky animalssymbolise the workof ADI. All of thecosts of rescuingthese animals,including theinvestigation, thelegislation campaign,rescue itself, the sanctuaryenclosure and habitatmaterials, food andveterinary care, have beencovered by ADI.

We urgently needsupporters to adopt some orall of our rescued animals –see page 26 or call 0207630 3340 for details. Thiswas a rescue for life!

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The Lion Ark arrives in Denver and the lions start to be unloaded.

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With the females on contraceptives to prevent pregnancies, Bam Bamrejoins his family in his new home and looks content.

Campeon the little lion, who was sick and almost died, runs and playson grass for the first time in his life. What a future now awaits!

Actress Jorja Fox and TV presenter Bob Barker greet Bam Bam atDenver Airport with a drink of water. Two substantial donations fromBob Barker enable these ambitious seizure operations in Bolivia.

In the weeks leading up to the operation aDI Field Officers kept the circuses under constant surveillance, we then moved in at speed with the authorities to rescue the animals.

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Rescue News

Betty, Balo o and

Boo go f reeQuarantine is over for our rescuedlaboratory monkeys and as theystep out into the great outdoors oftheir new enclosure it’s a new lifeand new names. The laboratorycalled them: Bacil, Bacilusk andBaloo. We put the “vivisectionhumour” behind them and they arenow Betty, Boo and Baloo. Theirwonderful new enclosure atLakeview has trees, swings, lots ofenrichment, and plenty of space toplay.

Photo: Baloo.

Help our

resc ued


Adopt now!

See page 26.

The Animal Defender & Campaigner l Spring/Summer 2011ADI & NAVS 19

Stop Circus Suffering

ADI has released shocking footage frombehind the scenes at the winter quartersof Bobby Roberts Super Circus. Onceagain, the circus industry has beenshown to be rife with sickening sufferingof animals.

Over a period of three and a half weeksin January and February 2011, our fieldofficers recorded activity inside the barnwhere animals were kept during thewinter off-season.

Incidents included Anne, an arthritic 57-year-old elephant, being hit with a metalpitchfork and kicked around the face andbody 48 times during the period; workersare also hitting and kicking miniatureponies and horses and spitting in theface of a camel.

The disturbing footage also shows Annieconstantly chained for the entire period

of filming. Often by her front and arthriticback leg with only enough room to takeone step forward or backwards. Herchains were only changed to differentlegs twice. ADI believes this will clearlycause her pain and discomfort.

In May 2008, Bobby Roberts published amessage on his website: “Anne ourbeloved elephant is now 55 years old….Having worked faithfully for me for over45 years we will now give her everypossible care, attention and love for theremainder of her life.”

“For Anne to be anywhere other than onthe circus, where she is with thehumans, her family, who she knows andtrusts, together with the circus animalswho have become her constantcompanions, would cause herunnecessary stress and indeed could

easily make her lose her life, whichwould be heartbreaking.”

In press reports he has claimed “We takegood care of her she is a family pet,” andresponding to criticism from animalprotection groups including ADI said:“How can they know better than us whatis best for her?” “She is like part of thefamily. Annie will not be taken away fromBobby Roberts’ circus. We care toomuch about her.” Roberts is captured oncamera kicking Annie on the trunk.

The exposé comes just as thegovernment is preparing to make anannouncement on the use of animals incircuses, after years of deliberations,consultations, working parties,consideration of evidence and in 2006, aclear undertaking to parliament to banwild animals.

We expose more sickening UK violenceSurely the government must ban circus misery now?

She is chained, unable to escape and beaten and kicked repeatedly.

our shockingmobilebillboardexposés theabuse at BobbyRoberts SuperCircus andcalls on thegovernment tofinally act.

The Animal Defender & Campaigner l Spring/Summer 2011 NAVS & ADI20

We’ve been putting on the pressurefor a ban on animals in circuses atparty conferences, in parliament,through our early Day Motion (eDM),and presenting the evidence from our2009 investigation of cruelty at thegreat British Circus to MPs at theHouse of Commons.

On learning that Defra was consideringthe option of self-regulation, we securedthe circus industry’s proposals andpresented a legal and political critique tominister Lord Henley which showed howself-regulation is unenforceable,expensive to implement and won’tprotect the animals.

We presented Lord Henley with aChristmas advent calendar with quotes

from politicians,celebrities andADI senior staff,all requestingthat the government do the right thing inthe New Year, by announcing a ban onthe use of wild animals in circuses.

In January this year we conducted a pollin the Commons, asking MPs for theirviews on a ban on wild animals incircuses. 63% supported a ban with only14% disagreeing.

This reflects the support we havereceived for EDM 403, which has 170 todate, making it the third most signedEDM in the animal welfare category.

We continued with the pressure with aphoto call in February, when MPs were

invited to meet our inflatableelephant. We received anencouraging response fromLabour, Lib-Dem and ConservativeMPs and the event was wellattended, with the inclusion of NeilParish; Jim Fitzpatrick, formerminister for Defra; and Labourwhip Kerry McCarthy.

We continue to lobby Defra and itsanimal welfare unit in the lead upto the announcement.

Lord Henley, minister for Defra, isexpected to make an announcementimminently, on a ban on the use ofwild animals in circuses.

The government’s own publicconsultation published in March 2010found that an overwhelming 94.5% of thepublic want to see a ban on wild animalsin circuses and over 170 MPs have nowsigned Early Day Motion 403 calling for aban on wild animal acts.

A recent parliamentary poll conducted byADI found that 63% of MPs would like tosee a ban on the use of wild animals incircuses and only 14% disagreed.

ADI has been concerned for Anne’swelfare for many years and havefollowed her tragic plight, even sending avet to help when she appeared to bevery ill. She has now been with thecircus for over 50 years, having beencaught in the wild as a baby and broughtto the UK. This new evidence followsADI’s exposé of similar suffering ofelephants at the Great British Circus in2009. It is time for the minister, LordHenley, to take decisive action.


There has never been a moreimportant time to write and ask yourMP to call for a ban on wild animals incircuses

Write to your MP,The House of Commons,London, SW1A 0AA.

Write to theMinisterresponsible, askhim to back a ban.

Lord Henley,House of Lords,SW1A 0WP.

63%of MPs want ban onwild animals in UKcircuses. Where is it?

How many timesmust we exposescenes likethese?

Bobby RobertsSuper Circus2011.

great BritishCircus 2009.

The Animal Defender & Campaigner l Spring/Summer 2011 21

Stop Circus Suffering

our ‘elephant Tour’ has been visitingmarkets and public spaces all overthe UK with our inflatable elephant.Members of the public havecompleted postcards asking their MPto sign up.

You can find an updated list of venuesfor these events on our website

GreeceIn January our Greek

partners, GAWF (the Greek AnimalWelfare Fund) met with MilenaApostolaki - the junior minister at theMinistry of Agriculture and Foods, todiscuss a circus animal ban. Weprovided support by supplying GAWFwith background information on nationalbans on the use of animals in circusesworldwide. As well as discussing thecircus ban, GAWF sought increasedfines for animal abuse based on laws1197/1981 & 3170/2003.

The highlight of the meeting was Mrs.Apostolaki’s decision to bring forward tothe Greek parliament, within the nextmonth, a law that will ban animalcircuses in Greece. This is a happy endto a long battle that started in 2006 whenADI and GAWF launched the campaignto stop animal circuses.

Last october, ADIlaunched the ‘Break theChain’ campaign in theUS, which will driveforward the demand forlegislation on animal circuses.

ADI is partnering with local animal adovcates in thisgrass-roots network; organizing publicity events and public education drives acrossthe US.

Following ADI’s investigation of the use of animals in US circuses, and publication ofour 2008 report, ‘Animals in Traveling Circuses: the science on suffering’, the StopCircus Suffering campaign in the US continued to gather support.

Now, the Break the Chain campaign network is positioned to take the lead in thedrive for legislation.

This campaign is reaching out to localcommunities and governments to educatethem about circus cruelty.

Recent Break the Chain activities includeleafleting and demos at circus shows;lobbying for city bans on animal circuses;providing detailed reports and evidence,and regional publicity events.

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Peru: Cruelty isnot Culture

Shortly after the launch of our‘Unnatural Acts’ video in thePeruvian Congress, the circusesfought back with their ownlobbying campaign. They claimedthat our our investigation lackedvalidity and that animals do notsuffer in Peruvian circuses, evenclaiming that their domesticanimals enjoy performing.

We quickly responded with a newvideo focusing on domesticanimals and the confinement,deprivation and abuse that theysuffer. We produced a detailedresponse to their claims anddistributed new congressionalbriefings on the issue of publicsafety, as well as an economicbriefing showing the lack offinancial impact of a ban on animalcircuses.

To herald the passage of the bill to bananimals in circuses, several Peruviancelebrities gave support to our campaignby taking part in our video ‘Cruelty is notCulture’. The celebrities includedmusicians such as Julio Andrade, MikiGonzalez, William Luna and Tóxico, andeach delivered a message to theCongress. The Grammy Award winningband, Aterciopelados also recorded avideo supporting the campaign.

Before the end of the congressionalsession we led a series of publicawareness events touring the mainplazas of Lima. This included our 3metre high inflatable lion and anexhibition of photographs to showthe Peruvian public the reality of thecircus. A candlelit vigil was also heldin Lima in support of the bill.

It is expected that the bill will haveits final vote in the Plenary of theCongress this year.

The Animal Defender & Campaigner l Spring/Summer 2011 NAVS & ADI22

Colombia: Pereira setsanimal protection standard

Following ADI’s exposé of circus animal abuse in Colombia, thecity council of Pereira approved an agreement to declare thecity a national hub on animal protection and wildlifeconservation. We supported Councillor Juan Pablo Gallo bypresenting the findings of our investigation on the use ofanimals in circuses in Colombia as well as providing legal,evidential and scientific arguments in support of the motion.During the presentation we screened our video ‘Unnatural Acts’,which shocked councillors and members of the public.

The agreement strictly regulates wild animals in public shows inthe city and will effectively phase out the use of wild animals in circuses in the heart ofColombia’s coffee region. It will set a standard for other cities to follow.

We also organised several public awareness and education events and co-organisedthe ‘March for the Animals 2010’ in Bogotá, where thousands of our leaflets weredistributed, and posters displayed. During December we also carried out a ChristmasVigil for Circus Animals in the Plaza de Bolivar with an ADI information stand. InJanuary, we started the year attending meetings at the city council of Medellin andCaldas and holding information stalls.

We continue to lobby Congress to include the ban on the use of animals in circuses inthe revision of the animal welfare law.

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Above: A sea ofADI circus postersad banners at theBogotá “March forthe Animals 2010”,and below it theChristmas Vigil forCircus Animals.

IrelandOur Irish partners, ARAN (Animal RightsAction Network) have started the yearwith lively and peaceful demonstrationsin Waterford and Galway (pictured right)as part of Stop Circus Suffering inIreland.

The Great European Circus has manyanimals in their acts, includingkangaroos, dogs, camels, horses andzebras. ARAN’s demonstration informedthe public and visitors to the circus ofhow animals continue to be exploited incruel and demeaning ways.

ARAN have also been visiting schools toeducate the next generation of animaldefenders about circus suffering. Theywere met with a warm reception fromWesley College, Dublin when they visitedin February and screened ADI’s StopCircus Suffering Ireland video.

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Brazil: Progress for ban gathersmomentum

In November 2010 we got an emergency vote on Bill 7291 – 2006 aimed at banningall animals in circuses in Brazil. Signed by 12 out of 16 Party Leaders in theChamber, representing more than 400 deputies out of 513, this request has changedthe legislative procedure for this bill from a “priority” toan “emergency” and will effectively speed up the ban.Once the bill is adopted in the Chamber of Deputies itgoes to the Senate, where it will be reviewed by therelevant Commissions. We are calling on thePresident of the Chamber to include the bill in theagenda of the Plenary as soon as possible.

Bolivia: There are no animal circuses in Bolivia (p11)!

For 18 months our investigator workedinside the most notorious animal lab inthe world. The evidence we collectedrepresents the most comprehensive viewinto this secret world of commercialanimal experimentation ever secured.

During the investigation hundreds ofmonkeys poured into the lab fromNafovanny in Vietnam. We securedfootage of the deplorable conditions atNafovanny (see p25), showing that evenat this very first stage, the Home Officepromises of welfare standards weremeaningless. But it got worse...

A detailed report of our findings wassupplied to the Home Office showingmultiple breaches of the code of practiceconcerning how the animals were keptand clear unnecessary suffering duringprocedures. After requests for a reportof the Home Office investigation, wewere told that a senior inspector hadvisited HLS and written a report. Wehave not been allowed to see the report,only to hear excerpts during meetings.

Dossier of miseryEven the basic level of animal housingour findings were shocking. Some cageshad sharp edges which led to animalssevering fingers. Others were soinsecure that a drug company insistedthey were fastened with chain in order tocontain the animals. Sharp edges on thechains also led to animals suffering cuts,and in one case a female cut her cheek

pouch sufficiently badly to need specialfeeding.

One poor male monkey ate his ownexcrement (corprophagy), and extremelystressed. Our report described hisaggression towards other animals, andnoted that he was consequently keptalone. When taken from his cage to havetest substances forced down his throatvia a tube, he would vomit faeces, whichhe had previously eaten, and he wouldthen have a nose bleed.

After one session he lay down and tooka few minutes to recover. As if thiswasn’t sufficient cause for concern, ittranspired that none of this was recordedby the lab and that he was still beingused 2 weeks later, while his nosebleeds and faeces vomiting continued.

We challenged the Home Office aboutthe lack of records regarding previousincidents of concern involving thisanimal, his obvious distress and thequestionable scientific integrity ofresearch using such traumatisedanimals. The Home Office replied thatthe computer system on which the noteson the animals’ well-being were stored“had no lexicon for coprophagy”. Theyadded that staff were aware that he wasa dominant animal but that there was“enrichment present”. It is staggeringthat if the laboratory does not recordsomething, then the Home Office regardsit never having happened.

Monkeys looked on asother monkeys werestrapped down andexperimented onOur report also describedanimals in cages being ableto watch as other animalswere experimented on. Ourvideo showed a poormonkey strapped into arestraint chair being dosedin front of caged monkeys.The Home Office response was that thatthis was acceptable and that the“arrangement is not unique”. We wereeven told that animals may take comfortfrom having others present. It is hard toimagine how the additional terror ofseeing what will happen to them will helpthese already terrified monkeys.

Thanks to our exposé the recitals of thenew Directive were amended in theEuropean Parliament to say animalsshould not be experimented on in front ofothers.

So distressed, the monkeyssuffered rectal prolapseWe reported to the Home Office horrificincidences where several animals beingused to test an incontinence drugsuffered rectal prolapses. On oneoccasion a laboratory technicianattempted to re-insert the prolapse usinga bottle spout, this failed and aveterinary surgeon was called. Rectal

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The Animal Defender & Campaigner l Spring/Summer 2011ADI & NAVS 23

Save The Primates

In 2009, our undercover investigation ofHuntingdon Life Sciences in Cambridgeshireexposed how British legislation continues to failto protect animals. We showed the terriblesuffering of animals in unnecessary, unreliableand unethical experiments. This year, with thetransposition of the European Directive onanimals in scientific procedures into UK law, it istimely to revisit the exposé, the horrors ituncovered and how the law failed these animals.

Huntingdon Life Sciences

The Animal Defender & Campaigner l Spring/Summer 2011 NAVS & ADI24

Save The Primates

prolapse has been described as a grosssign of distress. We were told, duringour visit a meeting at the Home Office,that the number of rectal prolapsesdoubled from 2007 to 2008, fromapproximately 0.3% to 0.7%.

We were also told that only 0.1% ofprolapses required surgical intervention.Even if this were so, for an animal to besufficiently stressed to suffer rectalprolapse is a horrific indictment of thepractices being conducted and thetrauma the animal will feel.

No action was taken by the Home Office.

Horrific side effects and deathin experiments licensed by theHome Office as “mild”On one inhalation study three monkeysdied, or had to be killed, due to partiallycollapsed and blocked lungs. Three otherprimates collapsed, but were revived.When necropsied, it was seen that theanimals had suffered blackened lungs.The first animal died 3 weeks before ameeting was held to discuss the severitybanding of the licence, yet this protocolhad a “mild” severity limit.

During another study, severalanimals were frequently seento salivate and vomit. Onealmost chewed its own fingeroff, gnawing into the bone.The injury was dressed by avet, but the animal continuedto chew. Due to this, the dosefor one group of animals waslowered. Others pulled at theirchest skin, put their fists into

their mouths, pushed large amounts ofsawdust into their mouths, chewed metaland dragged their teeth along the bars.

No significant avoidable sufferingFurther questions, via e-mail, led to theChief Inspector of the Animals ScientificProcedures Inspectorate (ASPI)informing us that she “invited a seniorinspector to review your report and toprovide me with an independent view ofthe situation. He spent three days atHLS, one with the local inspector and theother two unaccompanied. He inspectedthe relevant primate holding areas andobserved staff carrying out their normalduties, including carrying out regulatedprocedures and animal handling. He metwith the relevant individuals including theholder of the Certificate of Designation,the NACWO and NVS, the relevantproject and personal licence holders, anda number of technical staff. He carefullyreviewed each of the allegations made inyour report and concluded that no

significant avoidable animal suffering

had been caused, neither in

husbandry and care practices, nor in

scientific activities. As a

consequence, no formal action has

been taken against any of the duty

holders at HLS.”

When the new european Directive istransposed into UK law this tragedymust be addressed. See page 3.

You can also order our HLS leafletsand give people the facts. Call 0207630 3340.

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A frightenedmonkey isstrapped into arestraint chair andpinned by twotechnicians atHLS. Behindthem the othermonkeys can seewhat ishappening. TheHome Office thinkthat it is possiblethat this is“comforting”.

In our last issue we reported that theHome Office (HO) had informed us thatthey had inspected the Nafovanny site,but we would not be allowed to see theirreport and that no action would be takenagainst Nafovanny.

The HO had questioned whether ourvideo footage had been taken atNafovanny or at some “other” primatesupplier elsewhere – a curious assertion.We knew our footage was from thecorrect location because of the hugeNafovanny sign on the gates! But wherehad the Home Office team been led?Increasingly it seems it was “up thegarden path”!

In October we met with Home Officeofficials, including the Chief Inspector(CI). During the meeting, we were toldthat the CI, accompanied by two otherinspectors, had spent a day visitingNafovanny and had not been deniedaccess to any part of the facility.

Apparently the team had been assuredthat our footage was not taken atNafovanny. The CI informed us thatthere were satellite buildings which werenothing to do with Nafovanny. Thesewere “hidden from view by a highperimeter walll” and so were notinspected during the visit. Bear in mindthat our report had noted the locations ofthese cages on the Nafovanny site/

The UK continues to importmonkeys from the notoriousVietnamese monkey dealerNafovanny. Our investigationrevealed monkeys being keptalone in rusting, collapsingcages. What has followed hasshown that UK claims that it setswelfare standards in dealersoverseas are grosslymisleading. Some of what hasfollowed has been high farce. Itmight beamusing if it wasn’t sodeadly serious.

“Acceptable welfare standards”

The Animal Defender & Campaigner l Spring/Summer 2011ADI & NAVS 25

Save The Primates

Between the first discussions with theHome Office the location of the “otherdealer” had moved from elsewhere tobeing actually attached to Nafovanny!

The Nafovanny site is surrounded by onelarge continuous perimeter wall. Weshowed the HO a map indicating thelocation of our footage on. We wereinformed by the CI that she would haveto check with her inspectors that this wasthe exact location under dispute.

It seems they were not denied anyaccess to the Nafovanny site, exceptwhere Nafovanny told them that thosebuildings (despite being full of monkeys)‘are nothing to do with us.’

We were also told that the HO hadspoken to the “end user” – that’sHuntingdon Life Sciences – of theprimates, who then contacted Nafovannyfor information regarding these buildings.Apparently the “end user” was assuredby Nafovanny that the buildings in thephotographs were not theirs. The HOstate “We have since been assured thatthese buildings are not in any wayassociated with Nafovanny” and thattherefore “We currently have noevidence that suggests that animalsdestined for the UK are being bred andhoused in areas other than those wehave visited”.

We requested clarification and fiveweeks later we received these replies:

Q1: Do the HO believe that the living

conditions shown in our investigation

are acceptable?

HO: “Nafovanny animals destined forthe UK are held in pairs in a dedicatedpre-export quarantine unit. They arehoused in cages significantly largerthan those shown in your report forhealth screening procedures prior toexport and at all other times they arehoused in groups in larger pens. Weunderstand that animals that arehospitalised may be singly housed forlimited periods under veterinarydirection in cages similar to thoseshown in your report.”

It is shameful that the UK will importanimals that are kept in conditions thatcomply with UK guidelines, but thecondition of others in the sameestablishment is not deemed relevant.

The assertion that the cages in ourfootage may be hospital cages isastounding. They were small, rusty,toppled at angles and barely gave theanimals space to stand. There appearedto be no bedding and this would seem alarge number of animals to be in hospitalat the same time.

Since they don’t actually answer thequestion, we must therefore concludethat the Home Office find these livingconditions acceptable.

Q2: Since the release of our video,

what steps had the HO taken to

investigate Nafovanny and what were

the results?

HO: “During the Animals ScientificProcedures Inspectorate (ASPI) visit toNafovanny last year[2009], theInspectorate team scrutinised each ofthe hospital and nursery buildings inan effort to positively identify thebuilding featured in your ADI/NAVSvideo and report. They eliminated allthe buildings on both the Nafovannysites and concluded that your materialshowed a set of buildings at someother location not visited by us.”

It beggars belief that three inspectorsvisited a site, which allegedly had acompound of primates belonging to“another supplier” actually adjoining theirsite and that this was not noticed,questioned or a cause for some alarm.

Q3: What was Nafovanny’s response

and will there be any consequences

for them?

HO: “The ASPI review and re-appraisalof Nafovanny in May 2009 concludedthat the descriptions andphotographs/video of primate holdingcages in your report did not accordwith any of the holding units within theNafovanny sites which had beenvisited and from which supplies ofprimates destined for the UK would bedrawn. As I said at our meeting, wehave also been assured that thesebuildings are not in any wayassociated with Nafovanny. Advicewas therefore given in August 2009that the breeding centre shouldcontinue to be regarded asacceptable.”

The fact is that the Home Office ispowerless to set animal welfarestandards in Vietnam. They only get intothe sites by invitation and they areclearly shown what the dealers wantthem to see. If they see sub-standardfacilities they are told “those monkeysare for someone else”. So when thepublic and MPs are told: “we will onlyallow the use of animals from overseascentres we believe produce purpose-bred animals to acceptable welfarestandards” it is misleading. Thepretence must stop and the transpositionof the new Directive (p3) must ensurethat any new rules actually have teeth.

“Acceptable welfare standards”

The Animal Defender & Campaigner l Spring/Summer 2011 NAVS & ADI26

2011 marks the 25th anniversary of ourlong term collaboration with ProfessorDavid Dewhurst replacing animals ineducation, and exciting new grants.Professor David Dewhurst was beenfunded by our Lord Dowding Fund since1986. His work, on computer basedalternatives for teaching physiology andpharmacology, has changed the waythese subjects are taught and savedhundreds of thousands of animals.

The strengths of latest developmentsinclude the ability for teachers to updatethe programmes and shape them to theirown needs. Additionally, the learningobjectives are available in many differentlanguages, so they are able to reachmore students and have a far-reachingeffect. We are thrilled to have beenconnected with such forward-thinkingprogressive work.

Professor Geoffrey Pilkington, Universityof Portsmouth, has received anadditional 3 years of LDF funding inorder to further develop his all humanblood-brain-barrier model. ProfessorPilkington’s extension work is entitled“Mechanisms of metastasis to the brain;investigative application of multiple invitro systems”, and we look forward toreporting on his progress in the nextedition of this magazine.

Following the historic and successful Operation Lion Ark rescue and relocation, ADIhas an incredible number of animals in our care. When we rescue animals in distresswe make a firm commitment to fund their care for life.

This means that we are effectively paying the running costs of a significant sizedsanctuary. ADI is currently supporting 36 animals, of which we have:

31 lions (25 in Colorado; 4 in California; 2 in South Africa)

1 chimpanzee (Zambia)

1 Hamadryas baboon (UK)

3 Macaque monkeys (UK)

We have recently funded the construction of the facilities for the lions in Colorado andCalifornia and the new homes for Tilin the baboon and the laboratory monkeys in theUK. In addition we have paid the very significant costs of transporting these animals.

All of our animals have been placed in specialist sanctuaries where they receive thehighest quality of care. We remain active in their lives by supporting them financially,and keeping up to date with health and general wellbeing. Through continued liaisonand visits with the sanctuaries, we remain fully committed and involved. At times, weeven provide ‘man’ power by using our weekends to help build enclosures forsanctuaries closer to home.

How you can help

Our Animal Adoption scheme is vital for the long term care of the animals we havesaved from such terrible suffering and for ensuring we can save more animals in thefuture. You can make either a one-off annual payment or set up a monthly direct debit.You can adopt an animal for as little as £48 per year or you can adopt groups ofanimals for more (less than 14p per day).

What you receive when you adopt

A beautiful certificate with a drawing of your animal(s)Toto News our adoption newsletter - three times a yearA Rescue DVD – about your rescued animalAnd, of course you continue to receive this magazine!

To adopt our animals, please complete the form enclosed, orcontact us on 020 7630 3340 or [email protected] for moreinformation.

Thank you.

Animal Adoptions more important than ever

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The Animal Defender & Campaigner l Spring/Summer 2011ADI & NAVS 27

Research Without Animalsand supporting) components of thebreast; luminal epithelial, myoepithelialand fibroblasts. When validated againsthuman tumours the morphologicalappearance bore a remarkableresemblance to human breast tumours.

The team at the Leeds Institute ofMolecular Medicine, based in St James'sUniversity Hospital, have shown, usingthis model, the ability of human tumour

associated stromal fibroblasts to disrupttumour structure formation. Additionally,they found that this process can beinhibited by the presence of drugs. The3D model will be derived from ERα+breast cancer, which represents two-thirds of all breast cancers. The samplesfor this research have been obtainedfrom consenting patients.

The main aim of this project to is validatetwo novel in vitro models of breastcancer (the 3D model and the slice)against published endpoints of cancerprogression using published data onanimal experiments. This willdemonstrate that the models provide thesame level of data as animalexperiments but from a human basedsource. Producing a superior and morerelevant human model.

In addition, it will be necessary tovalidate that the 3D culture modelmaintains a phenotype which isrepresentative of the original tumour, inorder to show that it has not altered inany way. This will be done by growingisolated cells from primary tumours intheir 3D culture model and thencomparing tissue slices of these culturesto samples from the same case. In thisway, the study will be producing a validmethod for testing the response oftumours to therapies. The research willalso assess the effect of three commonlyused breast cancer therapies, in theunique model systems by including themin the culture medium for 7 days. Slicesof the cultured tissue can then be fixedand analysed and the endpoints,commonly used in animal models ofcancer progression, will be measured inthe human models.

The unique strength of this research andthese models is that they contain notonly human tumour cells but alsoincorporate a human only stromalcomponent, something which is notachievable in animal models. With thiswell defined, highly reproducible model itis possible to genetically modifyindividual cell populations to look at theeffect either in isolation or in combinationwith other factors. This in vitro systemalso provides a tool to investigatepotential new therapeutic agents.

Dr Valerie Speirs, who works alongsideDr Holliday, has recently expanded thistissue slice research to encompasspancreatic cancer to explore its potentialfor adenoviral delivery as a noveltherapeutic approach.

Our newest grant holder is Dr DebbieHolliday. She and her team have beenawarded an LDF grant to validate andtest therapeutics in a novel, all human,model of breast cancer. Breast cancer isa complex and heterogeneous disease.A comprehensive approach that takesinto account the complexity of thedisease is necessary to improve theefficacy of target-based therapy in breastcancer. None of this can be easily oraccurately replicated in animal models.

Typically, two types of animal model arecommonly used to study breast cancer;transgenic mice and xenograft models.These animal models do not allow anunderstanding of tumour biology, nor dothey take into account the multiplehuman cell types involved in breastcancer development and progression. Todefine cancer progression researchersutilising animal models use a number ofend points in their assays includingtumour cell proliferation, apoptosis (celldeath) and release of matrix degradingenzymes.

Human model for cancer researchDr Debbie Holliday, and her team inLeeds, have developed a novel 3Dmodel of breast cancer. It is the firstmodel to contain the three majorepithelial (lining) and stromal (connective ©




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Main picture: Breast cells in culture.

Inset: Dr Debbie Holliday working on our latest project to develop a new humane breast cancer researchmodel.

Animal Defenders InternationalUK: Millbank Tower, Millbank, LONDON, SW1P 4QP, UK. Tel: +44 (0)20 7630 3340 e-mail: [email protected]

US: 6100 Wilshire Boulevard, # 1150, LoS ANgeLeS, CA 90048, USA. Tel: +1 323-935-2234 e-mail: [email protected]

South America: Apartado Postal 359888 BogoTÁ, Colombia. [email protected] • •

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