Anh 11 Co Ban Tuyet Dinh

GRAMMAR: THE REVIEW OF TENSES (continue) The simple present , simple past , present perfect and past perfect I. Aim:By the end of this lesson, Ss can understand and use some tenses: the present simple, the, the simple past and the present perfect .II. Presentation 1 . The present simple: a) form: With “ normal V”: (+) S + V1/ Vs/es; (-) S + don’t/ doesn’t; (?)Do/ does + S+ V1? Ex: She likes swimming. With “ to be” : (+) S + am/ is / are; (-) S+ am, is, are +not; (?) Is/ are +S…. Ex: We are students b) Usage: The present simple is used to talk -about a permanent situation :He lives in Japan -something is always true: water boils at 100 degrees Celsius. -about something that regularly.happens: She leaves for school at 8 o’clock. - The present simple can be used with:+ always, usually, often, sometimes, never, seldom… + every Monday/ day/ week/ month/ year… + twice a week/ month….. 2. The simple past: a) form: With “ normal V”: (+): S + V2/ Ved; (-) S+ didn’t+V1; (?) Did+ S+ V1? Ex: She went to visit her grand parents last month. With “ to be”: (+): S + was/ were; (-) S+ was/were; (?) Was/were + S…..? b) Usage: The simple past is used to talk - about an action that took place in the past:Ex: I didn’t read the letter. It can be used with + last night/ Monday/ week/ month… + 2 months/ years …..ago + in 2000, 1999….. - about a state that continued for some time, but that is now finished: Ex: He worked there for ten years. - about an action that happened regularly in the past: Ex: I often played tennis with her. 1

Transcript of Anh 11 Co Ban Tuyet Dinh

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GRAMMAR: THE REVIEW OF TENSES (continue) The simple present , simple past , present perfect and past perfect I. Aim:By the end of this lesson, Ss can understand and use some tenses: the present simple, the, the simple past and the present perfect.II. Presentation1 . The present simple: a) form: With “ normal V”: (+) S + V1/ Vs/es; (-) S + don’t/ doesn’t; (?)Do/ does + S+ V1?Ex: She likes swimming. With “ to be” : (+) S + am/ is / are; (-) S+ am, is, are +not; (?) Is/ are +S…. Ex: We are students b) Usage: The present simple is used to talk -about a permanent situation :He lives in Japan-something is always true: water boils at 100 degrees Celsius. -about something that regularly.happens: She leaves for school at 8 o’clock.- The present simple can be used with:+ always, usually, often, sometimes, never, seldom… + every Monday/ day/ week/ month/ year… + twice a week/ month…..2. The simple past: a) form: With “ normal V”: (+): S + V2/ Ved; (-) S+ didn’t+V1; (?) Did+ S+ V1? Ex: She went to visit her grand parents last month. With “ to be”: (+): S + was/ were; (-) S+ was/were; (?) Was/were + S…..? b) Usage: The simple past is used to talk - about an action that took place in the past:Ex: I didn’t read the letter. It can be used with + last night/ Monday/ week/ month… + 2 months/ years …..ago + in 2000, 1999…..- about a state that continued for some time, but that is now finished: Ex: He worked there for ten years.- about an action that happened regularly in the past: Ex: I often played tennis with her.3.The present perfect : a) Form: Have / has + P. P ( V3/ed) b) Usage: to talk about an action which happened in the past, lasts to the present and maybe contiues in the future. Or to talk about an action which has just completed. Some averbs or adverb phrase can used with the present perfec: “ so far, up till now , up to the present , never, ever , before, since , for, how long , recently, lately , already, yet.”Ex: I have met many people since I came here We have been here for two weeks.4. Past perfect:

a. form: +S + had + P2…..- S+ had not + P2….? Had+ S + P2……?Note: had= ’d, had not= hadn’tb. Usage 1/ To tallk about an action that happened before another action or a time point in the past.

-Adverbs or adverb phrase : Before, as soon as, after, when, by time, by the time, by 2000 Ex:1/ By 2005 I had taken 50 photos.

2/ When I arrived at the station, the train had left for 15 minutes. 3/ He died after he had been ill for a long time.


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Unit 1 : FRIENDSHIP Lesson 1 : READING

I. Aims : By the end of the lesson , students will be able to :- understand the passage about friendship- identify the main idea- guess the meaning in context- express their own ideas about friendship.

II. Method: - Communicative approachIII. Skills : Integrated skills ( Especially reading skill) IV. Teaching aids: Text books, pictures ,chalk, …..V. Teaching stages :

Stages Activities ContentWarmer


Before you read10’

T writes the sentence on the board and ask sts to fill in the blanks with the suitable words .Sts do in individual then discuss to the next.T asks sts to answerOthers remark and correct.

Discussing the picture and poem-T asks the whole class to look at the picture on page 12 and asks them some questions:- T asks Ss to work in pairs to read the short poem on page 13 and answer the question: “ What do you think of the friend the friend in the poem?”- T calls on some Ss to answer the question. T may give some comments and her suggestion: The friend in the poem is very dedicated and thoughtful. He/ she is willing to help his/ her friend in any circumstances.Pre-teaching Vocabulary:-Elicit the new words by asking questions, using the techniques suggested above.- Read a new word three times. Ss listen and repeat after the teacher.- Call on some Ss to repeat the word.- Ask Ss to give the Vietnamese

A ___________ in need is a ___________ indeed.

Expected answer :A friend in need is a friend indeed.

Questions:+ What are the girls and boys doing in the picture?+ How do they feel?+ What does the picture tell you? Suggested answers: + One boy is playing the guitar, and the other girls and boys are singing. + They seem very happy because I can see their smile. + The picture tells me that friends can happily do many things together. / Friendship is a nice thing that brings happiness to us.

Vocabulary:1.lasting (adj) (explanation):2. constant ['kɔnstənt](adj): (explanation): constancy (n): 3. rumour ['ru:mə] (n):(definition):4. gossip ['gɔsip] (n): (definition):5. trust [trʌst] (n): (synonymy)= belief


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Whileyou read


equivalent if necessary.

Setting the scene: -T introduces the scene: You are going to read a passage about the qualities of a long lasting friendship. While you are reading, do the tasks in the textbook.-Task1.- Then T instructs Ss to read the passage quickly and stop at the lines that contains these words to guess their meanings ( except for the word ‘friend’ as this word is familiar with Ss).- Ss should read through the sentences provided in the task to identify the part of the word to fill in each blank.- T asks Ss to work individually to do the task.- T goes around to help Ss when necessary.- T asks Ss to exchange their answer with other students.- T asks Ss for their answers and tells them to explain their choices.- T gives feedback and correct answers.Task2 .-T gets Ss do the task individually and then find a peer to compare their answer with. T might want to give them some time to re-read the passage.-T instructs Ss to do this task with some strategies to find the main idea of the passage- T calls on some Ss to give their answer and asks other Ss to stay whether they agree or disagree.- T gives feedback and the correct answer.Task3 .-T asks Ss how to do this task if they don’t remember, T may instruct them some strategies to do the task:

6. sorrow ['sɔrou](n): ( synonymy)= grief.7. pursuit [pə'sju:t] (n)( synonymy)= hobby=pastime.

TASK 1: Fill each blank with one of the words in the box. (8’) Expected answer1. mutual 2. incapable 3. unselfish.4. acquaintance/ friend.5. give and take 6. loyal to7. suspicious. Task 2 (5’): Instruction: You are to read the passage again and decide which of the choices A, B, C or D most adequatelyExpected Answer: B

Task3 : Instruction: Ss are required to answer the six questions in the book.Expected answer1. The first quality for true friendship is unselfishness. It tells us/ me that a person who is concerned only with his/ her own interests and feelings can’t be a true friendship.( paragraph 2)2. Because they take up an interest with enthusiasm, but they are soon tired of it, and they feel the attraction of some new object.( line 2-3 paragraph 3).3. The third quality for true friendship is loyalty. It tells us/ me that two friends must be loyal to each other, and they must know each other so well that there can be no suspicions between them.( line 1-3, paragraph 4).4. Because if not people can’t feel safe when telling the their other secrets.5. Because they can’t keep a secret, either of their own or of others. (line 3-4, paragraph 5).6. The last quality is sympathy. It tells us/ me that to be a true friend one must sympathize with his or her friend. Where there is no mutual sympathy between friends, there is no


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Afteryou read


Wrapping up (2’)

Home work (1’)

-Sts do the exercise in individual then discuss in pair- T calls on some Ss to write their answers on the board and ask them to explain their choices.- T gives feedback and correct answer.

-T asks Ss to work in pairs to discuss the question in the book.- T goes around to help Ss when necessary.- After their finish, T asks every two pairs to share ideas.- T calls on some Ss to report their ideas to the class.- T gives feedback.

-T summarizes the main points of the lesson.- T asks Ss to learn by heart all of the new words.

Prepare the next period

mutual sympathy between friends, there is no friendship. ( last paragraph) .

Instruction: You are required to work in pairs to discuss the questions in the text book: “ Why do we need to have friends?”. The report the results of your discussion to the class.

Prepare part B- Speaking.



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Unit 1 : (cont )- SpeakingI.Aims : By the end of the lesson students will be able to describe the physical characteristics and personalities of their friends, using appropriate adjectiveII. Method: - Communicative approachIII. Skills : Integrated skills ( Especially speaking skill) IV. Teaching aids: Text books, pictures ,chalks, …..V. Teaching stages :

Stages Activities Content

Warm- up6’

T gives two pictures of famous person T gives some words that Ss can use to doSts work in groupT helps themT checks the answer.

* Stick the right words on some pieces of paper to the picture to describe them*suggested :Tall, good-looking , oval, straight , …..

Before you speak


T gives handoutSts work in group.T asks some representatives to give their answersT asks others to remark and corrects

T introduces the lesson

Handout :Match the right questions to the right answers :A B1. What is she like ?2. What does she look like ?3.. How is she ?

a. She is fine.b. Tall and beautiful.c. Pretty and easygoing

Sugested answer :1.b 2. c 3. aDescribing physical characteristics and personality of a person

While you speak

10’Task1 :T asks Ss to open the booksSts do the exercise by using the “ useful language “ in page 16.-T may ask Ss to provide some adjectives/ expressions used to describe people appearance. T can also explain

Task1 :Look at the the useful language and add two more words for each category :Height : medium, height, rather short, too tall ..Face : round, long – high cheek bones , a scar


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the words if necessary.Sts work in groupT goes around and helps them if necessaryT checks in front of classT makes model conversation with a stSts practice speaking in pairT goes around to check and helps them.T calls on some Ss to present their answers in front of the class.T gives feedback.Task 2 : T asks Ss to do in pairs (one asks and other answers) to describe their friends by using some useful expressions.T can explain some useful expressions.T goes around to help them if necessary.T calls on some pairs to practice in front of class.

Forehead : high, lowNose : long, straight, flat, turned-upHair : long medium length , straight, curly, wavy, bald, thinEyes : green, blue, brown, grayPants : flar , baggyAppearance : plain, attractive, well-dressed, casually- dressedMouth : heart-shaped, wide, generous, thin / full lipsChin : pointed , firm, weakBuild : thin, slender, muscular, plump, heavily built, overweight, fatAge : young, middle age, elderly, old, Task 2 :Useful expression :He is in his ……………He has got a ……face with …………He is of medium height .He wears his ……………………His hair is …………….* Model :T : Could you tell me something about your friend? What’s he like ?S: Oh, he is very friendly . He is the kind of person who is always willing to give help.T : What does he look like ?S : Tall and good-looking.

After you speak


T explains the situationSts work in group to make questions or facts about a famous friend based on the suggestions in the textbookT is around and helps them.T check in front of classT asks Ss to read the words( page 17)T makes example with a studentSts practice speaking in pairT goes around and helps themT concentrates some common errors or difficult problems in front of the class.

TASK 3 :A. Making questions :1. What’s his name ? / Could you tell me his name ?2. What’s he like ? / What does he look like ? / Is he .?3. what is his date of birth? When was he born ?4. What’s his hobby?What does he do in his spare time ?5. Why is he so interested in math ?6. How long does it take him to study math ? How much time does he spend on math everyday?7. What made him so successful ?B Model :A. Hello, I’m Tan, a journalist for Hoa Hoc Tro magazine.B : Hi : I’m Nam. Nice to meet you.


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A. I hear you are Minh’s closest friend. Could you give me some information about Minh ?B. Sure. No problem.A: Has Minh just won the first international price in mathermatics ?B: Yes, That’s right. He did a good job and we are so proud of him.A: So he has to work very hard on this subject? How much time does he spend on it everyday ?B: I’m not sure but he studies it nearly every night. Math is his favorite subject.A: Do you know why ?B: He always says it is so useful and interesting. Both his parents are mathermatics teachers.A: Oh, I see … Thank for giving me time. ByeB: You’re welcome. Bye .

Wrapping up2’

Home work 1’

T summarizes the main points.T asks Ss to practice the dialogue of describing a person at home again

T asks sts to prepare for the next period.

Write a short paragraph about the famous friend you have just talked about.

Prepare “ listening”

Unit 1 : ( cont) : LISTENINGI. Aims : By the end of the lesson students will be able to :

- understand about the activities of a labourers- Hear and give the number in the pictures- hear and take notes

II. Method: - Communicative approachIII. Skills : Integrated skills ( Especially listening skill) IV. Teaching aids: Pictures, a tape/CD , handoutsV. Teaching stages :

Stages Activities ContentWarm –up

5’Sts close the booksT can lead to the lesson by asking some questions.Sts work in pairT can help Ss by providing some

Questions :1. Who is your best friend ?2. How did you have to meet him or her ?3. How long have you know each other?4. What qualities do you admire in your best


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popular expressions. T calls on some Ss to answer.T remarks and corrects any mistakes if necessary.T leads into the new lesson.

friend?Suggested answers: Qualities that we admire in our best are: caring, supportive, helpful, honest, good-nature, quick-witted, humorous, friendly.

Before you listen10’

Pre-teaching vocabulary.-T helps Ss to pronounce the words given in the book . T may read aloud firstor play the tape and ask Ss to repeat in chorus and individually. - T elicicts / teaches some of these words or/ and those taken from the listening passage.- T may get Ss to make sentences with the words and gives corrective feedback. -Sts open the book and read “ listen and repeat” and write down.

Vocabulary:Apartment building (n)(translation): Guitarist(n) (picture) sense of humor( n) (explanation)rough time (n) (synonym)= difficult timegive sb a ring= phone sb.

While you listen



T asks sts to read the sentences in task 1T explains the meaning of the words Sts hear the first timeT checks if sts have the answersSts hear the second timeT checksSts hear the third time, T pauses the record at the right answer

T gives situationSts read the requirementSts hear the first timeT checks if sts have the answersSts hear the second timeT checksSts hear the third time, T pauses the record at the right answer

TASK 1Words :Living quarter, to have things in common, to help someone out of difficulties.Expexted answer :Lan

1 2 3 4 5 6F F T F T F

Long:1 2 3 4 5 6F F T T T F

TASK 2Expected answer :

How and where did they meet?

What do they like about their friends?

Lan They used to live in the same apartment building in HanoiLan went on a holiday to Do Son and Ha went there to help her

Ha is very friendly and helpful.Ha’s sociable . She’s got many friends in Do Son and she introduced Lan around.

Minh They met in college.Minh played the

Minh has a sense of humour.Minh likes to go


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guitar.Long was a singer.They worked together.

for plays and movies.Minh is a good listener.Minh is frienly and helpful.

After you listen


Sts work in group, speak ask and answer how Long and Lan made friend with Ha and Minh.

Wrapping up2’

T summarizes the main points of the lesson.T asks sts to prepare for the next period

In not more than 100 words write about how and your friend has become best friendPrepare writing

Unit 1 ( cont ): WRITINGI. Aims : By the end of the lesson students will be able to write about a friend, real or imaginary, using the words and expressions that they have learnt in previous lessons.

II. Method: - Communicative approachIII. Skills : Integrated skills ( Especially writing skill) IV. Teaching aids: Text books, pictures ,chalks, …..V. Teaching stages :

Stages Activities ContentWarm –up

5’-T introduces the game : One student goes to the board and T gives him or her a piece of paper with the name of a student in the class. - T asks the student to describe the person so that other people can guess exactly who is the person that he is describing?

-The student may describe: He/ she is a girl/ boy.He/ she is tall / short.Is she short-sighted?Is she friendly?

Activity 1 Categorizing Handout :


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10’ -T gives handout and explains the way to do.T asks the Ss to work in groups of four or five to put the adjectives under the following headings:-T goes around to help themT asks sts to answerT checks

Tall short dark long blue round fair smooth square high pointed open-hearted sincere large slim sociable weather-beaten fat overweight thick oval sincere helpful generous studious intelligent patient calm, in her/ his late teen ( 18, 19 years old), a middle-aged woman/ man, 20 years old, plain, good looking, beautiful, handsome.

- Suggested answer

HairShort/long/ thick

EyesBlue, round, dark, large

BuildOverweightSlim, fat

FaceRound, square, oval.

NoseHigh, flat, pointed

ComplexionFair, smooth, weather beaten

PersonalitiesOpen-hearted, sincere, sociable, helpful, intelligent, patient, calm

Agein her/ his late teen ( 18, 19 years old), a middle-aged woman/ man, 20 years old

General appearance: plain, good looking, beautiful, handsome.

-Activity 2

20TASK 2Sts open the bookT requires T guides sts to read the sentences in book

Sts practice writing in each phrase

T helps and can gives some models to make it easy for sts to writeSts practice writing in group T checks and helps

Models :To be in her / early/ middle/ late fifties..She has got a ……………….In character , she is like her father …………She has …………………Her hair is …………………………Suggested answer:Of all my classmates, I like to play with Hoa, who is also my good neighbor. If you first meet her, you ‘ll be impressed by her short hair; high nose and big brown eyes, which always shine. I can read in them her most intimate feelings and intelligence. Hoa has a strong tendency to be sociable. She is willing to help me overcome difficulties in my study and my daily work as well. I hope our friendship will last forever.

Activity 38’

TASK 3T ask sts to exchange their

Sts’s tasks


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task to each otherSts correct their friends’ witing T asks sts to read the best writing as an example

Homework 2’

T asks sts to prepare for the next period

Write their tasks Prepare language focus

Unit 1 ( cont ): LANGUAGE FOCUSI. Aims : By the end of the lesson , the students can :

- distinguish between the two phonetic sound / t∫/ and /dʒ/ - pronounce the words and sentences containing these sounds correctly. - use some structures containing infinitives with and without to appropriately.II. Method: - Communicative approachIII. Skills : Integrated skills ( Especially skills) IV Teaching aids : textbook , handout, CD player.

V. Teaching stages :

Stages Activities Content

Warm –up5’

Arrangement:-T writes the words or phrases on the board-Ask Ss to arrange the words or phrases in a correct sentence.-Sts remark the common sound of the word groups. - T calls on some Ss to answer.- T gives feedback and correct answer.- T asks Ss to read the common

Arrangement:The/ changed/ in the church/ the picture/ of the village/ children.Expected answer: The children changed the picture in the church of the village.


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sounds: / t∫/ and /dʒ/ that the words containing.-T lets sts read the sound/ t∫/ and /dʒ/ / twiceT lets sts repeat the sentenceT leads the lesson


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Pronouncing the two sounds separately.T introduces and models the two sounds / t∫/ and /dʒ/ / a few times and explains the differences in producing them.T plays the tape ( or reads ) one for sts to hear the words containing these words containing these two sounds. The T plays the tape ( or reads) again and this time asks Ss to repeat after the tape (or T)Pronouncing the words containing the sound.T reads the words in each column all at onceT reads the words again and asks Ss to repeat them.T asks Ss to practice pronouncing the words in pairs. T goes around providing help.T asks Ss to pronounce the words and gives correction if necessary. Pronouncing sentences containing the soundsT reads the sentences and ask Ss to underline the words with the sounds and write / t∫/ and /dʒ/ under themT asks Ss to practice pronouncing the words in pairs. T goes around providing help.T asks Ss to read the sentences and gives feed back.

Sounds / t∫/ and / dʒ/TASK 1 :* Listen and repeat :/ t∫/ / dʒ/Children mutual jam dangerous Changeable church Joke passenger Cheese which cheese which

Practice reading aloud these sentences.1. Just outside the village, there’s a bridge.2. Jane always enjoys George’s joke3. Two jeeps went over the edge of the bridge.4. Which picture do you think the child wants to change?5. Mix the mushrooms, chilli and cheese.6. Do you like French salad and fish and chips?

Grammar and vocabulary


1. To infinitive:a) PresentationT writes some examples on the board and underline the to+ ininitive: T asks Ss to comment on the use o to+ infinitive in these examples. T reviews the form and use of to+ infinitives in these examples. b)Exercise 1- T asks Ss to do exercise 1 individually. -Ss have to write sentence by sentence by using the words given.

1. To infinitive:a) Presentation- What do you get up early every morning for? - I get up early to walk.- Oh, I like to walk ,too. But I have a lot of work to do.- But today the weather is too bad for me to walk. 1. “To- inf “ is used :* to indicate the purpose :Ex: I get up early to walk . * as a modifier to replace a relative clause


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-T asks them to compare answer with their partners. Sts discuss and check their classmate’s - T calls on some Ss to go to the board to write down their answers.-Others remark and correct-T checks their answer2. Infinitive without to( bare infinitive)a) Presentation-T calls on some Ss to give out some verbs that are followed by bare infinitivesb)Exercise2- T asks Ss to do exercise 2 in pairs. Ss have to write sentence by sentence by using the words given.-T asks them to compare answer with their partners. Sts discuss and check their classmate’s- T calls on some Ss to go to the board to write down their answers.-Others remark and correct-T checks their answer

Ex: I have a lot of work to do ( which I have to do)* as an object of a verb Ex: I like to walk.* as an subjectEx: It is healthful to walk every morning.* in idiomatic expression :Ex: The weather is too bad for me to walk today.b) Exercise 1 :Expected answer :1.who wants something to eat?2.I have some letters to write.3.I am ( was ) delightful to hear the news.4.My mother has some shopping to always have too much to talk about.6.It’s lovely to see you again.7.It is (was) too cold to go out.8.I am (was ) happy to know that you have passed the exam.2. bare inf is used :a) Presentatio* let/ make + O + bare-infEx: They make me feel disappointed.* following :had better , would rather, perceptive verbs ( see, smell, feel, watch…)Ex : You had better stay at home tonight.Exercise 2 : Sentence transformation:Expected answer :1. The police watched them get out of the car.2. They let him write a letter to his wife.3. I heared them talk in the next room.4. the custom officer made him open the briefcase.5. The boy saw the cat jump through the window.6. Do you think the company will make him pay some extra money?7. I felt the animal move toward me.8. do you think her parents will let him go for a picnic?

Wrapping and home


T summarize the main pointsT asks sts do the exercise at home

Handout Pick out the inf in the following sentences and describe the function of each 1To find fault is easy.2.It is delightful to hear the sound of the see.3.The dog wants something to eat.4.I saw him run the mile in four minutes.5.Everybody wishes to enjoy life.6.He is too ill to do any work.7.I am not afraid to speak the truth.


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8.He went to Paris to perfect his knowledge of French.Prepare Unit 2 ( reading)


I. Aims : By the end of the lesson , students can :- scan read for specific information- understand the text and express their ideas about past experiences.

II. Method: - Communicative approachIII. Skills : Integrated skills ( Especially reading skill) IV Teaching aids : textbook , handout, CD playerV. Stages of teaching

Stages Activities Content Warm – up

5’T asks some questionsSts answerT leads in the lesson:It is one of your experiencesToday our reading lesson is about the embarrassing experience of a girl on a bus.

- Have you ever been in an embrassing situation?- What did you do then?.-Ss’ answers:

Before you read


Activity 1: - T gets Ss to work in groups and try to make sense of the pictures on page 22. Then T gets them to put the pictures in the order that they think is most appropriate. - T calls on some student to present their ideas but should not correct them. Activity 2. Pre-teaching vocabulary.

Activity 1:Ss’ answers:

Activity 2. Pre-teaching vocabulary.:1. make a fuss about sth: (definition)2. sneaky (a) (translation):3. glance (v) (at sth/ sb):4. idol (n) (situation):

While you read


Task1Sts open the bookT lets sts listen the textSts listen and read silentlyT asks sts to do task1 in individualSts discuss in pair after finish reading.T calls on SS to give their answersT gives the feed back and correct answer.

TASK 1 :Read the text in silence and use the words or phrases in the box which appear in the passage to fill the blanks in the sentences.Expected answer : 1. glanced, 2. making a fuss, 3. embrassing, 4. idols, 5. sneaky


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Task2Sts work in pairT goes around and helps them.T calls on a student to give and explain his/ her answer.Sts answer loudlyOthers remark and correctT remarks and gives the correct answer.Task3:T checks if Ss can answer the comprehension questions in task3 without having to read the passage again. T gets them to read the questions carefully and gives them some tips to do the task.T asks Ss to check their answers with a peer.T calls on some Ss to write their answers on the board and ask them to explain their choices.T asks sts some questions to make sure that they understand the textSts answer

T remarks and corrects

TASK 2 :Read the text again and put the pictures of the event above in the order they happened in the story ( text book page 24 )Expected answer :1. D 2. B 3.F 4.E 5.A 6.CTASK 3 :Answer the questionsQuestions :1. What did the girl wish to have when she was in grade 9?2. Who gave her money on her birthday ?3. Why did she decide to take the money from the boy’s bag?4. What did she do with the money?5. What did she discover when she came back ?Expected answer :1. She wished to have a floppy cotton hat.2. Her father3. Because she thought that the boy had stolen her money.4. She bought the pretty hat of her dream.5. She discovered her money on the table.

After you read12’

Sts work in groupT asks sts some question in bookT guides the sts to discuss to answer the questionT gives some notes T asks some sts to give their own answer

Notes :- put up a notice on the school board- get on the same bus the next day and

look for the boy to return the money to him

- do nothing- keep it secret- ask her father for advice

Homework 2’

T asks sts to prepare for the next period

Write the summary of the textPrepare speaking

Unit 2 : (cont): SPEAKINGI. Aims : By the end of the lesson , students will be able to :


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- identify structures that are used to talk about past experiences and their influences on one’s life, i.e. present perfect and past simple, structure with “ Make”

- use the structure to talk about their personal experiences and how they affect their life.II. Method: - Communicative approachIII. Skills : Integrated skills ( Especially speaking skill) IV Teaching aids : Text book, black board, picturesV. Stages of teaching:

Stages Activities Content Review

5’T asks sts to answer some questions Sts answer Others remark and correct

T checks. Lead-in: To day, we will continue the topic of personal experiences by talking about past experiences and how they affect your life. - We move to part B: Speaking

Questions:1. What did the girl wish to have when she was in grade 9?2. Who gave her money on her birthday ?3. Why did she decide to take the money from the boy’s bag?4. What did she do with the money?5. What did she discover when she came back ?Expected answer :1. She wished to have a floppy cotton hat.2. Her father3. Because she thought that the boy had stolen her money.4. She bought the pretty hat of her dream.5. She discovered her money on the table.

Before you speak


TASK 1T asks Ss to work in pairs to match things they might have done or experienced in box A and how the experience might have affected them in box B.Call some Ss to give their answers. Sts work in pairT goes around and helps them T explains the wordsSts answer T corrects

T asks Ss to base on the ideas in column A to answer fully

TASK 1Match the things you might have done or experienced in column A and their effects on your life in column B.

A B1. Seaking English to a native English speaker.2. being seriously ill3. traveling to other parts of the country4. failing an exam.5. talking to a famous pop star.

a. makes you love your country moreb. teaches you a lesson and makes you work harderc. makes you appreciate your health mored. makes you feel more interested in learning English e. changes your attitude to pop stars.

Expected answer :1.d 2.c 3.a 4.b 5.e A:How do you feel when you meet a famous film star?B: It makes me excited.


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While you speak


Task2: T gives situationSt work in pair, discuss and arange the sentences in right orderT correctsT asks sts to practise speaking the dialogueT notices sts the use of past tense and the form of questions can be usedTask3T gives situationSts work in pair to talk about their experiencesSts can base on the notes in task 1T goes around and helps them if they have difficulties.T calls on a pairs to perform in front of the class.T comments and corrects the mistakes if necessary.

Task2: A student is talking to her friends about one of her past experiences and how it affected her. The lines in their conversation are jumbled. Put them in the correct order then practise the dialogueExpected answer :1.b 2.d 3.h 4.a 5.g 6.c 7.c 8.fForm of questions- Have you ever ……?- How did it happen?- How did the experience affect you?Task3Underline the structures used to talk about past experiences in the dialogue in task 2, then use the structures and the ideas in task 1 to make similar dialogues.

After you speak


T asks Ss to repeat the way to talk about the past experiences

Sts do by themselves


T asks Ss to prepare for the next period

Write a paragraph ( 50 words) about their own experiencesPrepare “listening”

Unit 2 : ( Cont) LISTENING18

Page 19: Anh 11 Co Ban Tuyet Dinh

I. Aims : By the end of the lesson, students are able to :- listen for specific information- understand the passage.

II. Method: - Communicative approachIII. Skills : Integrated skills ( Especially listening skill) IV Teaching aids : Text book, black board, picturesV. Teaching sages :

Stages Activities Content Review

5’ T asks sts to stand in front of the class and make the conversation about their own experiencesT remarks and gives marks

Sts do by themselves



Game: Guessing things: -T divides the class into two groups A and B and ask Ss to guess what it is.- Read aloud some facts about the thing one by one.-The group giving the correct answer first wins.

Questions : 1. What is it ?+ It destroys buildings, houses and forests.+ It can kill people.+ I gives out a lot of smoke.+ You need water to put it outExpected answer: A fire

Before you listen


T asks sts to do the exercise in book ( page 27)Sts work in groupT gives situationT can suggest sts by asking some questions Sts answer T asks sts to read the given wordsSts read in group

Look at the picture and say what is happeningQuestions :

1. What do you see in the picture ?2. Who are they?3. Where are they?4. What are they doing ?

Expected answer :1. I see a fire 2. They are a fireman, a woman and a

girl.3. They are beside the house on fire.4. They are running out of the fire

While you listen19’

T gives situationT lets sts read the given sentencesT lets sts listen the first timeT checks if sts can have any answerSts listen the second time T checksSts listen the third timeT lets sts hear the answer to make sure they understand the paragraph

T gives situationT lets sts read the given sentences

TASK1 1 Expected answer :1. T 2.F 3.F 4.F 5.T

TASK 2 Expected answer :


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T lets sts listen the first timeT checks if sts can have any answerSts listen the second time T checksSts listen the third timeT lets sts hear the answer to make sure they understand the paragraph

1. small2. everything3. family4. replaced5. took6. love

After you listen


T gives situstionSts work in groupSts speak freely about their ideasT goes around and helps themT calls some sts to express their ideasOthers listen and contribute ideas

Christina says that family is more important than anythings else. Do you agree or disagree with her?

Sts do

Homework 1’

T asks sts to prepare for the next period

Write the summary of the story you have just listenedPrepare “ writing”

Unit 2 : (Cont)Lesson 4 : WRITING

I. Aims : By the end of the lesson , students will be able to :- write a personal letter- tell their memorable past experiences

II. Method: - Communicative approachIII. Skills : Integrated skills ( Especially writing skill) IV. Teaching aids : handouts , pictures, text bookV. Teaching stages :

Stages Activities ContentReview

5’T asks sts to summarize the story they heard in listening periodT remarks and gives marks

Sts do


T sts

T gives a picture and asks sts to describe it using the cues given Sts work in pairT asks sts to speakT remarks

Cues given :-It / a hot day.- The man / stop/ a small deserted beach.- he / not have / swimming clothes.- There / be / no people/ in sight.- The man / take off / all clothes/ swim out to the sea/ and relax in the water.- When / he/ look back/ a coach arrived


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T asks some question and introduces the new lesson

- There / be / a lot of people / stand on the sandExpected answer :It was a very hot day. The man stopped at a small deserted beach. He didn’t have swimming clothes with him but it was early in the morning, there were no people in sight. The man took off all his clothes and swam out to the sea and relaxed in the water. When he looked back at the beach, a coach had arrived and there were a lot of people standing on the sand to have a picnic- Have you ever been in such a situation?- What did you do then ?- Do you want to share it with your classmate?Today we are going to learn how to write a personal letter telling about a past experiences.

Before you write

7’T -sts

T elicits the steps of a personal letter from sts

Sts work in pair to talk about their past experiencesT calls sts to tell their storyT comments

1. Greeting2. Date ( when it happen)3. The story( the experience)4. Closing5. Signature

Sts do by themselves

While you write 15’


T asks sts to do the exerciseT goes around to control and give help with vocabularyWhen sts finish , T collect sts’ writings to mark at home.

Sts’ task

After you write10’


T choose one writing and ask a student to write it on the boardAsks the rest of the class to correct the mistakes and give commentsT gives feedback and comments

Sts’ tasks

Homework 1’

T asks sts to prepare for the next period

Write a letter to a riend to tell about you own experiencesPrepare “language focus”

Unit 2 : ( Cont )


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Lesson 5 : LANGUAGE FOCUSI. Aims : By the end of the lesson , students will be able to :

- revise Simple past, past perfect and past continuous tenses and talk about the past- distinguish the sound /m/ ,/n/ ,/ η/.

II. Method: - Communicative approachIII. Skills : Integrated skills IV. Teaching aids : charts, text books, black board, chalks.V. Teaching stages :

Stages Activities Content Warm-up

3’Sts- sts

T gives a sentence and lets sts play a gameSts can read the sentence quickly and 10 timesIf one can read and have no mistakes he winsT asks sts to pick out the words containing the ending sounss /m/ , /n/, / / in the sentence T introduces the lesson

Sentence :Sainging Sam sung songs on the sinking sampan.

Singing, sung, sinking => / /Sam => /m/On, sampan => /n/


T read the words and asks sts to listenT read the words and asks sts to repeatCalls some sts to read the wordsMakes correction where neededT lets sts hear the words then choose the correct sound /m/ ( grouùp) , /n/ ( group2 ) , / / ( group 3)

T asks sts to work in pair to practise reading the sentencesT calls some sts to read aloud

1. Listen and repeat:/m/ : may, make , summer , home, small/n/ : nose , nine , money, seven, snow/ / : wrong, running, bringing, sing, morning

2. recognize sound:Mountain(1), mother(1), next(2), banana(2), knife(2), king(3), sing(3),

3. Practice the sentences1. Good morning. I want an apartment in central London.2. We have an inexpensive apartment in Northend Avenue.3. I remember meeting him on a nice summer afternoon.4. Mr. King is singing next door.5. He’s holding a string in his fingers.6. He loves spending his holidays in his small summer house


1.The present tenses: T explains the requirement.T pays attention to sts the present tenses can be used to make the stories in past more

.Grammar: 1. The present tenses:Exercise 1 page 30Expected answer :1. invites 2. sets 3. gets 4. waves5. promises 6. carries 7. contains 8. has baked


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active.Exercise 1Sts work in individuals then discuss to their partnersT check in front of classT consolidate the use of simple past and past continuous tenses2. Simple past and Past continuous

T asks sts to use the simple past and past continuous tenses to give the correct form of the verbs in bracketsSts work in individuals then discuss in pairT checks3. Past perfect: T reviews the use of past perfect tense

Exercise 3T asks sts to use the past perfect and simple past tenses to give the correct form of the verbs in bracketsSts wrok in individuals then discuss in pairT corrects

9. is 10. is shining 11. are singing 12. is2. The simple past:- form: With “ normal V”: (+): S + V2/ Ved; (-) S+ didn’t+V1; (?) Did+ S+ V1?Ex: She went to visit her grand parents last month. With “ to be”: (+): S + was/ were; (-) S+ was/were; (?) Was/were + S…..?- Usage: The simple past is used to talk - about an action that took place in the past:Ex: I didn’t read the letter. It can be used with + last night/ Monday/ week/ month…/ 2 months/ years …..ago/ in 2000, 1999…..- about an action that happened regularly in the past: Ex: I often played tennis with her.3.The past continous:- Form: (+) S+ was/were +Ving; (-) S+ was/ were+ not +Ving; (?) Was/were + S+ Ving?- Usage :Past continous is used to talk about: - an action that was in progress at a particular time in the past;; it can be used with at …o’clock/ this time/ at that time/ moment+ past time:Ex: At this time last night, we were watching TV - an action that was already in progress(past continous) when somethingelse happened( simple past); it can be used with : when, while,as.. Ex: When I was walking in the park, I met Tom.. Exercise 2 page 30Expected answer :1. broke, was playing2. wrote, was3. was working, broke4. started, were walking5. told , were having6. didn’t listen, was thinking7. phoned , didn’t answer, were doing8. wasn’t wearing , didn’t notice, was driving4. Past perfect: - form: (+)S + had +V3/ed…..(-) S+ had not + V3/ed , (?)Had+ S + V3/ed?-Note: had= ’d, had not= hadn’t-Usage 1/ To tallk about an action that happened before another action or a time point in the past. -Adverbs or adverb phrase : Before, as soon as, after, when, by time, by the time, by 2000Eg: He died after he had been ill for a long time.5. Exercise 3 page 31Expected answer :1. had eaten, arrived 5. got, had arrived2. found, had taken 6. paid, had phoned3. got , had closed 7.went ,said, hadn’t arrived4. got , had left 8. had looked , asked , cost


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Homework 2’

T asks sts to prepare for the next period

- Review what you have leantPrepare “ Part A- Reading Unit3”


Unit 3 : ( Cont) : ReadingI. Aims: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

- scan read for specific information- identify and correct false information.

II. Method: - Communicative approachIII. Skills : Integrated skills ( specially: reading skill) IV. Teaching aids: pictures, handoutsV. Teaching stages :

Stages Activities ContentsWarm up

(5 ‘)

Pre-reading(10 ‘)

Divide the class intro two groupsStick eight pictures on the boardAsk Ss in each group to identify the holidays and celebrations in the USA and write them on the board.The group with more correct words is the winner.

Lead-in: - What do people often do on these occasions?

Pre-teaching vocabulary-T explains some words-T asks sts to work in groups -Sts discuss and fill in the blanks with the correct word-T asks sts to read the sentences-T corrects-Ask Ss to work in pairs to look at the pictures in their textbooks,

Game: On what occasion?

Key: 1. Christmas, 2. Thanksgiving, 3. New Year’s, 4. Independence Day, 5. Birthday, 6. Labour Day, 7. Picnic, 8. weddingExpected answer People often eat, drink, sing, and dance. They often have parties. The lesson today is the reading text about parties and how people celebrate them.

Pre-teaching vocabulary:1. blow out (v) to put out a flame2. celebrate (v) to do something enjoyable

because of a special occasion or to mark someone’s success: laøm leã kyû nieäm

3. anniversary (n) My birthday is on December 29th. I’m celebrating the fortieth . . . . . . of my birthday this year.




New Year’s

Independence Day


Labour Day



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While reading

( 20’)

Post- reading (9 ‘)

asking and answering the questions.-Call on some Ss to give the answers-Give comments


Task 1Ask Ss to work in pairs to read the text and decide which of the activities take place at a birthday party or at a wedding anniversary party or at both, then put a tick in the right column.Call on some Ss to give the answers.Give feedback on what Ss have.Task 2Ask Ss to work in pairs, reading the text again.Ask Ss to read the sentences and underline the wrong word in each sentences and provide the correct one.Call on some Ss to give the answersMake corrections if necessary

Ask Ss to work in pairs, one is an interview and the other is an interviewee.Ask Ss to talk about the celebration of birthday or wedding anniversaries, using the following questionsCall on some pairs to act in front of the class. Give comments.

Checking: Gap-fill1. We celebrated our 20th wedding . . . . . .

in Florence.2. She . . . . . . the candles on the cake.3. Tim has passed his exams. We are going

to . . . . . . Questions and answers:

1. What is the relationship between the people in the pictures?The people in the picture 1 are friends and in the picture 2 belong to a family.

2. What are they celebrating?The children in picture 1 are celebrating a birthday party and the people in picture 2 are celebrating a golden wedding anniversary

Read and tick (task 1)Expected answers: 1. both 2. both 3. birthdays 4. anniversaries 5. anniversaries 6. both 7. birthdaysTask 2: Recognizing the wrong words. Expected answers:1. eighth ( seventh) 2. makes ( eats) 3. food ( presents) 4. over the age of 30 (over age 30) 5. months ( years) 6. 5th ( 50th) 7. silver ( golden)

Interviewing 1. Where do you prefer to celebrate your birthday, at home or in the restaurant?2. Do your parents celebrate their wedding anniversaries?3. Are you going to celebrate your wedding anniversaries in the future? Why or why not?

Write a short paragraph about what you collect


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5. Homework(1’)

T asks sts to prepare for next period

from the interview Prepare “ speaking”

Unit 3 : ( Cont): SpeakingI. Aims: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to talk about parties , talk about partiesand know how to plan parties.II. Method: - Communicative approachIII. Skills : Integrated skills (especially speaking).IV. Teaching aids : charts, text books, black board, chalks.V. Teaching stages :

Stages Activities ContentsWarm up(6 mins)

Before speaking.

7 mins)


-T asks Ss if they liked the parties and why to lead to the topic-SS answer the questions-T leads to new lessonLead -inHave you ever been invited to one of these parties?How was it organized?In our speaking lesson today, we talk about parties and how to plan them.

-Ask Ss to give the Vietnamese meaning of the words / phrases-Ask Ss to work in pairs to ask answer the questions about the party they have been to, using the questions in task 1, p35 as help.-Call on some pairs to act in front of the class.-Make corrections on pronunciation, stress and intonation.

-Ask Ss to work in groups of four or five to discuss the

Questions: 1. Do you like the parties? Why?2. Have you ever been to a party?3.Whose party was it?4. On what occasion?5. Where was it?

Pre-teaching party: Tieäc möøng nhaø môùi2.farewell party: tieäc chia tayQuestions and answers (task 2)+ Whose party was it?+ When and where was it held?+ What did you do there?+ What sort of food and drink did you have?+ How did you enjoy it?

Activity 1: Discussion


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speaking(20 mins)

Post- speaking (10 mins)


following question.-Go round to control and give help.-Call on some Ss to report their groups’ ideas-Tell Ss to think of a party they are going to plan.-Elicit some useful language used to ask for information or making suggestions.-Ask Ss to work in pairs to make plans for the party.-Move around the class to give help.-Invite some pairs to present their conversation in front the class.

-Put Ss to work in groups of four or five-In each group, Ss discuss the following questionsMove around to give help if necessary.Call on some groups’ representatives to speak out their ideas in front of the class.Make corrections and give comments.T asks sts to prepare for next period

“What do you think of when you want to plan a party?”Suggested answers:These are the first steps in planning a party:- Choose a place to hold the party (at home or away?)- Set the number of guests (who to invite)- Determine how much you can spend (budget)- Decide food and drink you want to serve at the party.- Send invitation cards (Give the time, date, address, derections, your phone number for RSVPs)- Plan plenty of short games- Have extra treats (someone unexpected might show up)Note: RSVP = Please replyActivity 2: Role-play.+ We are planning a party. Let’s talk about what each of us will do to prepare for it.+ Let’s have a discussion about our party next Saturday.+ Why don’t we have a surprise party?+ Why don’t we hire the ground floor of a bar and we could get the band in?+ Why don’t we make our own food?+ Shall we have some music?+ How about . . . . . . ?+ That’s a nice idea.Discussion “In your opinion, what is your ideal party? What is it like?”

Write a short passage to answer the questions above.

Unit 3 : ( Cont): ListeningI. Aims: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

- decide on the true or false statements of the passage.- Understand the passage.


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II. Method: - Communicative approachIII. Skills : Integrated skills ( specially: listening skill) IV. Teaching aids: pictures, a tape / CD, handoutV. Teaching stages :

Stages Activities ContentsWarm up

(5 ‘)

Pre-listening (10 ‘)


(20 ‘)

Divide the class into 2 groupsPlace a pack of cards on the desk, face downAssign one representative from each group to take turns to choose a card at randomThe other students in each group try to guess the word.One correct word earns one pointThe group with more points winsLead-in: - What do you think of when you read these words?In today’s listening lesson, you’ll listen to a passage about Mai’s birthday party.Discussion:Ask Ss to work in pairs to discuss the following questions.Call on some Ss to give the answersGive feedback on what Ss have.Pre-teaching vocabulary:-T helps Ss to pronounce the words given in the book . T may read aloud firstor play the tape and ask Ss to repeat in chorus and individually. - T elicicts / teaches some of these words or/ and those taken from the listening passage.- T may get Ss to make sentences with the words and gives corrective feedback. -Sts open the book and read “ listen and repeat” and write down.

Task 1Ask Ss to read through the statements.Play the tape and ask Ss to listen and decide whether the statements are true (T) or (false (F) .

Game: procedureHe / She has to draw the word he / she sees on the card. He / She must not write, speak or whisper. He / She just gestures or mines the word.Key words:Cake / candles / flowers / presents / restaurant / blow outExpected answer A birthday party

Pre-teaching vocabulary:1. clap (v) (miming)2. decorate (v) (picture and example)The children decorate the Christmas tree with colorful electric lights.3. icing (n) (picture and definition) : a sweet mixture of sugar, water, milk and butter or egg White that is used to cover or decorate cakes: lôùp kem phuû treân maët baùnh 4. slice (n) realia)+ Bring along some slices of bread, lemon . . . . . . and show to SsChecking: Slap the board+ When would you like to organize your birthday party, during the day or in the evening?+ What foods and drinks are often served at the party?+ What activities do you often have at the party?

Task 1: True-False Statements (task 1)Expected answers: 1. F 2. F 3. F 4. T 5. FTask2: Questions and AnswersExpected answers.


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Post- listening (8 ‘)

Homework( 2’)

T gets Ss to exchange their answers with their friends.T calls on Some Ss to answer and explain and correct False statements.T gives feedback.Task 2Ask Ss to listen again and answer the questions (task 2)Call on some Ss to write the answers on the boardLet Ss to listen again and check with the class

Describe Mai’s birthday party, -Ask Ss to work in groups of four or five to describe Mai’s birthday party, -Ss work in group and speak.-Go around to give help if necessary-Call on some Ss to talk about Mai’s birthday party in front of the classMake corrections and give comments

Ask Ss to prepare for the next lesson

1.She was 16 years old.2. Because it is noisy and expensive3. She served them soft drinks and biscuits at the beginning of the party.4. The birthday cake was brought out at about four thirty.5. It was beautiful decorated with pink and white icing.6. They clapped their hands eagerly and sang “Happy Birthday”7. About six in the evening

Describe Mai’s birthday party,

-Write a short passage to describe Mai’s birthday party- Prepare part D: Writing.

Unit 3 : ( Cont): WritingI. Aims: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to write an informal letter of invitation.II. Method: - Communicative approachIII. Skills : Integrated skills ( specially: writing skill) IV. Teaching aids : charts, text books, black board, chalks.


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V. Teaching stages :

:Stages Activities Contents

Warm up(5 mins)

Pre-writing(10 mins)

While-writing(20 mins)

Post- Writing

Divide the class into groups of four or five Deliver handouts with sentences and phrasesAsk Ss to read and find the correct word to fill in the numbered rowsAsk them to make three words with the letters in the Lead-in: Today, you will learn how to write an informal letter of invitation to invite a person to a party

Task 2-Ask Ss to work in pairs to read the letter of invitation and complete it with thw words or phrases given.-Call on some Ss to give the answers.-Go over the answers with the class-Have Ss work in groups of fourTell them to put the headings into the correct order of format of a letter of invitationElicit the useful statements used in writing a letter of invitation from Ss

Task3:-Ask Ss to write an informal letter of invitation to invite their classmates to their birthday party.Go around to control and give help.-Ask Ss to exchange their writings and correct the mistake.-Go around the class to check what Ss are doing.-Give feedback and comments

-T chooses one letter and reads it

Game: Can you find these words? (See appendix)Key: Letter of invitationLead-in:Have you ever invited your friend to a party?How do you say to invite a friend of yours to the party?.

Activity 1: Letter Completion (Task 2)Expected answers: 1. at my house 2. to come 3. refreshments 4. to cook 5. winners 6. by MondayActivity 2: Re-ordering a. A request for confirmationb. The announcement and a general invitationc. A friendly reason for invitationd. The precise arrangement suggestede. ClosingExpected answer1. b. The announcement and a general invitation2.c. A friendly reason for invitation3.d. The precise arrangement suggested4.a. A request for confirmation5.e. Closing

Activity 3: Eliciting

Ask Ss: What do you say to invite or persuade a friend of yours to come to your party? Expected answers:+ Why don’t you join us?+ Do you feel like joining us?+ Would you like to come with me?+ How about going to the party tonight?+ I’d very much like you to join us?-Write it Yourself

-Activity 1: Peer Correction


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(6 mins)


to the class.-Then T elicits corrective feedback from the class and give final comments afterwards-T should draw Ss’attention to the format of the letter, the organization of ideas and language use.

-T summarizes the main points of the lesson.-T asks Ss to do homework.-T asks sts to prepare for next period

Activity 2: T comments and gives feedback.Suggested writingDear Nam, It’ll be my birthday next Saturday. I’d like to invite you to come to the party, which will be at my house probably at 4 p.m. Can you come to join us? Hope to see you then. Best wishes, Lan -Rewrite at home-Prepare “ language focus”

Unit 3 : ( Cont) : Language focusI. Aims: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

- distinguish the phonetic sound / l / , / tomorrow / , / h/- understand the use of the Infinitive, Gerund and Passive infinitive- use some verbs or phrases followed by the Infinitive or Gerund in sentences

II. Teaching aids: handouts, postersIII. Teaching stages :

Stages Activities ContentsWarm up

(2 ‘)

Pronunciations: (10 ‘)

Hang on a posters with the following words: Ask Ss to look at the words on the poster, choose five words and write them down on a piece of paper.Read the words aloud for Ss to cross outAsk Ss to say BINGO if they have crossed out all the five words they have choosen.Ask Ss to give some more words having the same initial sounds as the words on the posters.Introduce the sounds :Listen and repeatRead aloud the words and have Ss listen

Game: BINGOhouse / holiday / library / lemonade / hospital / husband / ready / really / restaurant / like / lovely / lunch Pronunciations: / l / , / r / and / h / Activity 1: Listen and repeat

/l/ /r/ /h/lunch pretty hitlovely Europe houselemonade parent holidayjelly really hospitalglass restaurant husbandsalad library helicopter

Activity 2: Practice reading aloud these sentences.1. Hello, Mr. Allen. You’re early for lunch. It’s only eleven o’clock.2. I’d like a plate of salad, a glass of lemonade,


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Read again and ask Ss to repeatCall on some Ss to read and make corrections if necessary.Practice reading aloud these sentences.Ask Ss to work in pairs to practice reading the sentencesGo around to give helpCall on some Ss to readGive comments.Grammar1.To ininitive and Gerund:a) To ininitive:Ask Ss to give the verbs / verbal phrases followed by To-infinitiveHave Ss give the form and usageb)Gerund:-PresentationAsk Ss to give form and useage of these verbs:-Exercise1Have Ss work in pairs to complete the sentence with the correct form gerund or to-infinitiveGo around to controlCall on some Ss to give the answers:2. Passive infinitive and passive gerund:a) Passive infinitive:-PresentationT gives the examples and structures of passive infinitive.Exercise 2:Put Ss into pairs to choose the correct answerCall on some Ss to give the answersMake corrects if neededb) passive gerund.-Presentation: T gives the examples and structures of passive infinitive.-Exercise3:Have Ss to do the exercises 3 on page 41 in their texkbooks

slice of melon and some jelly, please.3. Laura is a really pretty librarian in the public library.4. Her parents own a restaurant in a country in Central Europe.5. Hello, Harry. Have you heard the news? There’s been a horrible accident. A helicopter has hit Hellen’s house.6. Helen and her husband will have to spend their holiday in hospital.Grammar: 1.To ininitive and Gerund:a) To ininitive:Eliciting and introducing verbs: (related to warm-up)Expected answers) would like / be able / demand / seem / want / agree / invite / decide / hope / expect / offer / manage / refuse / mean (intend)/ tellForm: Verb + to – infinitive Usage: To add information to what is expressed in certain verbsb)Gerund:- Ask Ss to give some verbs / verbal phrases followed by the GerundExpected answer: enjoy / miss / risk / appreciate / avoid / detest / dislike / it’s no use / can’t help / postpone / mind / be worth / mention / keep / count on / give upForm: Verb + V + ing (gerund)Usage: To add information to what is expected in certain verbsActivity 1: Sentence completion (exercise 1)Expected answers:1. having 2. getting 3. to tell 4. practicing 5. to see 2. Passive infinitive and passive gerund:a) Passive infinitive:Eg: Nam expected to be promoted next month.Form: Verbs + to be + V3/ed Passive infinitiveUsage: To add information to what is expressed in certain verbsExercise 2Multiple choice: Expected answers: 1. A 2. A 3. B 4. B 5. A


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Call on some Ss to give the answersMake corrects if needed

T asks sts to prepare for next period

b) passive gerund.Eg: They appreciate being given this chane very much.Form: Verbs + being + V3/ed Passive infinitiveUsage: To add information to what is expressed in certain verbsExercise3: Expected answers 1 .D 2. C 3. B 4. B 5.CLearn grammar by heartPrepare test yourself A


I. Aims Studentsa can use what they learn to do the exercisesII. Teaching aids : casette player, booksIII. Teaching stages :

-T asks sts to do it as a forty-five minute test- Sts aren’t permited to open the books or use others- T goes around and observes them( Listening : + T lets sts listen three times)- After they finish, T reads the answer and sts check their answer then correct

* Expected answer :I. Listening : ( 0.5 ms for each right answer )

1 2 3 4 5A D B D C

II. Reading : ( 0.5 ms for each right answer )1. Because they had been childless for 10 years after they were married.2. To take some photographs of the happy family.3. The boy was dressed in a smart , brand,new outfit and looked ike a little prince.4. Because he was interested in the toys.5. he felt that it was delightful and looked forward to the next day to have the films developedIII. Pronunciation and grammar: ( 0.25 ms for each right answer )

a. Pronunciation1. nine 2. Hour 3. matching d. jam

b. see 2. to be 3. to phone 4. pay 5. to be met 6. to be appointed

IV. Writing: ( content : 1m, correct word and sentence : 1m , Structure : 0.5m)* Homework :

- review lesson 1,2 and 3


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- prepare unit 4

TEST 45’I. Aims : - Students can do the test exactly and fluently by using what they learnt

- Teacher can check sts’ understading about unit 1 and 2II. Form : Multiple choice


I . Aims : -Students can check their result of the test - Teacher can check sts’ understanding about the lesson Answer: Code 221: 1. B 2. C 3. A 4. B 5. B 6. C 7. A 8. B 9. C 10. D 11. A 12. B 13. D 14. All are correct 15. B 16. D 17. C 18. C 19. A 20. B 21. A 22. B 23. A 24. D 25. C 26. C 27. C 28. A 29. B 30. A 31. C 32.A 33. A 34. B 35. B36. D 37. A 38. A 39. D 40. C

* Homework:- Prepare Unit 4: ( reading)


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I. Aims: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:- scan read for specific information- understand volunteer work.

II. Method: - Communicative approachIII. Skills : Integrated skills ( Especially reading skill) IV. Teaching: charts, pictures, CD playerV. Teaching stages


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StagesActivities Contents

Warm- up( 5’)

Pre-reading ( 7’)

While –reading(20’)

Show Ss some pictures and ask them question:T asks Ss to work in groups to answer the questions.Go around to control and gives helpCall on the representative of each group to report their ideasT comments and corrects if necessary.Ss continue aswering the question.T leads to the new lesson: In our lesson today, you will know about volunteer work in the USA

1.Explaining the saying:-Let Ss to work in groups four to read the saying and explain what it meansGo around to control and gives helpCall on some groups to report their ideasWe can express the saying in another way like this:“Give a man a fish and you feel him for a day. teach a man to fish and you feed him a lifetime”Pre-teaching vocabulary:T expalins the words

Activity 1 (Task1): Filling in the gap…T elicits different parts of speech of the words “volunteer”on the board.T instructs Ss to read through the sentences provided in the task to identify the part of speech to fill in each blank.T asks Ss to work invidually to do the task and exchange their answers with other studentsT asks Ss for their answers and give the correct answers.Activity 2(Task 2): Multiple ChoiceT asks Ss how to do this task. If they don’t remember, T may instruct them some strategies to do the task.T asks Ss to work invidually to do the task, then discuss their answers with their peers.

Describing pictures What are the people in the pictures doing?Expected answers: Picture 1: He is helping the blind children to readPicture 2: The students are helping the handicappedPicture 3: These people are helping the AIDS patientLead-in: - These people are doing the work without being paid for it. What do you call this kind of work?(Expected answer): VOLUNTEER WORK

Expected answers: If someone gives you something to eat, you will not feel hungry anymore but this won’t last long. If someone gives you an opportunity to work or teaches you how to work, you will earn own living for a long timePre-teaching vocabulary:1. volunteer (n) (picture + explanation)2. volunteer (v) (definition): 3. voluntary (a)(situation)4. orphanage (n) (question)5. Mow (v) (picture + example) xeùn, gaët + lawn-mower (n) Maùy xeùn coû6. handicapped (a) ngöôøi taøn taät 7. remote (a) synonym) = “far away”?

Activity 1: ( Task1) ): Filling in the gap…Expected answers: 1. voluntary2. voluntarily3. volunteers4. volunteeredActivity2Multiple Choice (task 2)Expected answers: 1. A 2. D 3. B 4. D 5. BActivity 3 (Task3): Reading raceExpected answers:2. They read books to the people there, play games with them and listen to their problems3. The gave care and comfort to them and


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Unit 4 : (Cont) : SpeakingI. Aims : Sts can identify types of volunteer work and talk about volunteer workII. Method: - Communicative approachIII. Skills : Integrated skills ( Especially speaking skill) IV. Teaching aids : chart, pictureV. Teaching stages :

Stages Activities ContentWarm – up

5’Hang on a chart with all the words in their rows and cover each row with a piece of paperDivide the class into two groupsAsks each to choose the numbered row in turn, read the explanation for the word in that row and say what the word isUncover the piece of paper of each row when sts have the correct answerOne correct answer gets one point. If they can guess the word in vertical column. They get five pointsThe group with more ponits winsLead-in

- Do you want to be a volunteer?

- -Have you ever done volunteer work?

Today we will talk about types of volunteer work

Word grid:I N V I T E





1. You often ____ your friends to a party.2. The Greek God of Love is ______3. The first day of May is _____4. The winter of a book , a play 5. A national song is an _______6. “My Heart Will Go On” is the theme song in the film _____7. Manchester United id the richest football ____8. The moon moves round the _____9. My father joined __ in the war.The shared word in vertical column: VOLUNTEER



Pre-teaching vocabulary:-T explains the words-Ask sts to match the words with their Vietnamese meaning

-Ask sts to read the activities and decide which of them are volunteer workCall on some sts to give the answerThe rest of the class give comments

Pre-teaching vocabulary:- invalid (n) - martyr (n) lieät só- intersection (n) ngaõ tö- disadvantaged (a) chòu thieät thoøi-clean up:-direct (v):

Checking : MatchingReading and Distinguishing:Expected answer :- Helping people in the remote or mountainous areas- Giving care and comfort to the poor and the


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sick.- Providing education for disadvantaged children.- Joining the Green Saturday Movement

While speaking


Ask sts to work in pairs to practise speaking the dialogueGo around the class to help sts with difficultiesCall on some pairs to role play in front of the classAsk sts to work in pairs to make a similar conversation , using the activities given in task 2 page 50.Work with a student to give a modelCall on some pairs to act out the conversationsMake corrections in pronunciation, intonation and grammar

Activity 1 : Role – play ( task 2 page 50)Dialogue in page 50 textbook

Activity 2 :A: What kind of volunteer work are you participatating in ?B: I’m taking part in directing the trafficA: What exactly are you doing?B: I’m directing vehicles at the intersections.A: Do you enjoy the work ?B: Yes, I enjoy the work very much because I like helping people.

Post – speaking


Put sts into groups of four or fiveAsk them to discuss the questionCall on some groups to report their ideasGive feedback

What should you do to help children in poverty in your hometown?”Suggested ideas :

- Saving pocket money- Raising money- Collecting old clothes- Collecting old textbooks and toys


T asks sts to prepare for next period

Do exercise 3 in page 31, 32 sts’ textbookPrepare lesson 3 “ listening”


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Unit 4 : (Cont) : ListeningI. Aims: By the end of the lesson , students will be able to :

- listen for specific information- know more about volunteer work

II. Method: - Communicative approachIII. Skills : Integrated skills ( Especially listening skill) IV. Teaching –aids: pictures, handouts, CD playerIV. Teaching stages :

Stages Activities ContentsWarm-up

( 5’)


( 5 ‘)

Divide the class into two teams A and B.Hang on two posters on the board.Stick pieces of paper with different shapes and colors on each poster.Ask Ss in each team to combine pieces of paper with the same shape or color together.The team who first finishes wins.Check Ss’ understanding of the instructions.Lead-in : ( point at the posters) These activities are volunteer work. In today’s lesson, you will listen to a passage to know more about volunteer work.

Disussing the questions :-T asks Ss to read through the questions and choices on page 51 and makes sure Ss understand all them.-T asks Ss to discuss the questions in pairs.-T calls some Ss to report on their partner’s answers.Pre- teaching vocabulary :-Before eliciting / Pre-teaching the new words, T helps Ss to pronounce the words given in the book. T may read aloud first or play the tape and ask Ss to repeat in chorus and invidually.- T elicits/ teaches some of these words and chose taken from the listening passage.

Game: Finding One’s Other Half

Keys: supporting charities / raising money / helping the poor / helping the elderly / making donations.

Pre- teaching vocabulary :- co-operate(v):- fundraising (n) - sponsor (n):- co-ordinate (v):- Fund –raising activities:- Informal school:- Donation (n)- Organization for Educational



( 20 ‘)

Play the tape and ask Ss to listen and fill in the missing informationLet Ss listen again if necessary

Activity 1: Gap-fill (task 1)Expected answers:1. informal 2. 30 street children




the poor

the elderlyraising

donations making

money helping

Page 40: Anh 11 Co Ban Tuyet Dinh

call on some Ss to give the answers.Make corrections when needed

Let Ss listen to the passage again and find the answers to the questions.Ask them to compare the answer in pairs.Give feedback

3. 250 children4. 1998 5. volunteers/ FebruaryActivity 2 : Questions and Answers (task 2)Expected answers:1. It provides classes to disadvantaged children in HCMC.2. Dance, theater, singing and circus were set up in 1999.3. Because they need money to continue their English and Performance Arts classes.4. At one of the largest hotels in HCMC.


(14 ‘)

Homework( 1’ )

Ask Ss to work in pairs to tell about spring school, using the following suggestions:Go around the class to give help where necessary.Call on some Ss to report in front of the classAsk Ss to prepare for next period

SpeakingThe aim of Spring SchoolThe number of children living and studying at the school or attending classes.The activities the children at the school take part in.The kinds of volunteers that Spring School requires.Summarize the story about Spring SchoolPrepare lesson 3 “ listening”


I. Aims : Sts can write a formal letter expressing gratitudeII. Method: - Communicative approachIII. Skills : Integrated skills ( Especially writing skill) II. Teaching aids: chart, black boardIII. Teaching stages :

Stages Activities ContentWarm – up

2’Ask sts to work out the anagram of the following wordLead – inElicit the answers from sts : - When do you say “ thanks”?In today’s lesson, you’ll learn how to write a formal letter to express gratitude or thanks.

Game : Jumbled WordSTANHKKey : THANKSExpected answer :- When someone gives you a present - When someone does you a favor- When someone helps you with something


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Pre –writing13’

T explains some wordsRub out the word and leave the Vietnamese meaning on the boardPoint at each Vietnamese equivelent and have sts say the English wordAsk sts to write the English words againPut sts to work in pairs to read the two letters and decide which is formal and which is informalAsk sts to say the reason of their answerCall on some sts to give their ideasGive feedback

Hang on a chart with parts of a thank-you letter arranged in the wrong orderAsk sts to work in pairs to put them into a logical order of a letterCall some sts to give the answersCheck with the class

Pre –teaching vocabulary:- amount (n) = a sum of money- donation (n) vật tặng, sự đóng góp- issue (v) phát hànhChecking : RORActivity 1 : reading and IdentifyingExpected answer :- Letter 1 is informal :+ Short and incomplete sentences ( Why don’t you come to Tokyo instead ? / Thanks again for the present ).+ Informal expression , shortened forms ( Lots of love / I’ve / you’ll ).+ Informal greeting . ( My dear Ann)- Letter 2 is formal:+ Complete sentences, full forms ( I am back again/ I have never had … / I shall never forget..)+ Formal expressions ( I would like to offer … / yours sincerely )+ Formal greeting ( Dear Mr.Smith)Activity 2 : Re-orderinga. An offer to pay and a renewal of thanksb. A personal remark about the usefulness of the gift or presentc. An acknowledgement and thanksd. Closinge. A fuller expression of gratitudeExpected answer :1. c 2. e 3. b 4. a 5. d

While – writing


Ask sts to read the situation in task 2 on page 53 and then write a letter to thank for the donationGo around to control and give helpCollect sts’ writings when they have finished

Sts writing

Post writing12’

Choose one writing and ask a student to write it on the boardAsk the whole class to correct the mistakesGive comments



T asks sts to prepare for next period Ask sts to read and underline the sentences that express the poits given in the letter in task 1 on page 52Ask sts to write a letter of thank for a birthday present


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Unit 4 : VOLUNTEER WORKLesson 5 : Language focus

I. Aims : Sts can practice pronunciation and distinguish the sound /w/ and /j/ and understand the use of gerund or present participle.II. Method: - Communicative approachIII. Skills : Integrated skills .II. Teaching aids :textbooks, chalks, blackboard, cassette player.III. Teaching stages :

Stages Activities Content Warm –up

2’Bring along a yardstick and a whistle to show to sts and ask them what the things areRead the words aloudAsk sts to give the initial consonant sounds of the wordsIntroduce the sounds / w/ and /j/

Presentation 1


Read the sounds and the words:

- T models the two sounds /w/ and /j / for a few times and explains the differences in pronouncing them.

- T reads words in each column all at once.Ask sts to repeatCall on some sts to readMake correction if needed-Ask sts to work in pairs to practice reading the sentencesMove around the class to give helpAsk sts to find the words containing the sounds /w/ and /j/ in the reading text

Pronunciation:1. Activity 1 : Listen and repeat/w/ : /j /we yes,west yellowwine youngwheel yearswet use whale york 2. Activity 2 :1- We went for a walk in the woods near the railway.2- We wore warm clothes and walked quickly to keep warm3- At about twelve, we had veal sandwiches and sweet white wine, and we watched TV4- Excuse me . Did you use to live in York?5- Did you use to be a tutor at the University?

Presentation 2


Hang on the cahrt with the sentencesAsk sts to work in pairs to underline the ING- form words and identify which is gerund or present participle, perfect gerund or perfect participle.

Sentences :1. “ What is Sally?” – She is playing tennis. -> present participle2. It is a worrying problem. -> present participle3. The girl standing over there is Alice. -> present participle4. Playing tennis is not expensive in England. -> gerund


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Elicit and give a presentation of the grammartical point :

5. I enjoy walking in the countryside. -> gerund6. I heard him coming into the hall. -> present participle7. Having finished the work, he went home, -> perfect participle8. He admitted having stolen my bike. -> perfect gerund* The gerund and the present participle have the same form : V + ing* The gerund often acts like a verb and a noun at the same time. It can be used : - as a subject of a sentenceEx: Plaing tennis is not expensive in England.- as complement of a verb :Ex: What I have to do now is writing a letter to her- after prepositions :Ex: I’m afraid of going out alone in the dark- after certain verbs such as : enjoy , miss, finish, delay, avoid, suggest, risk, postpone, admit….Ex: I enjoy walking in the countryside* Present participle can be used :- as a verb in the continuous tense form Ex: She is playing tennis.- as an adjective :Ex: It’s a worrying problem.- to preplace a relative clause :Ex: the girl ( who is ) stading over there is Alice.- to replace S + VEx : Entering the room , I saw him.- after the verbs catch / find / leave + S.OEx: I caught him stealing my bike- After some verbs : waste/ spend/ go/ be busy/ see/hear/ smell / observe/ notice/ watchEx: I heard him coming into the hall* Perfect gerund is the perfect form of the gerund. It is used to refer to a past actionEx: He admitted having stolen my bike.* perfect participle : is the perfect form of the present participle. It is used when one action happens before another actionEx: Having finished her work, she went home


Ask sts to do the exercise 1 on page 54Call on some sts to give the answersChecking with the classPut sts into pairs

Exercise 1 :1. hearing 2. bending 3. behaving 4. meeting 5. spending 6. waiting 7. Starting

Exercise 2 :


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In pairs ask them to do the exercise 2 on page 54

Ask sts to do the exercise 3 on page 55Go over the answers with class

1. burning / rising 2. reading 3. lying4. shopping 5. preparing 6. trying7. modernizingActivity 3 : 1. having made 2. Having been 3. having been 4. Having tied5. Having read 6. having taken

Homework 1’

T asks sts to prepare for next period

-Learn the grammar by heart-Prepare for Unit5 – part A: Reading


Page 45: Anh 11 Co Ban Tuyet Dinh

Unit 5 : ILLITERACYLesson1 : Reading

I. Aims: By the end of the lesson , students will be able to :- scan read for specific information- skim read for detailed information- know about illiteracy problems.

II. Method: - Communicative approachIII. Skills : Integrated skills (especially reading)IV. Teaching –aids: pictures, handouts, cassette player, text book.V. Teaching stages :

Stages Activities Contents

Warm- up5’s



Divide the class into groups of four or fiveDeliver handouts with the groups of four words. Each word in the groups of four words is connected with the same thing.Ask Ss to write down the missing word in each group.Ask Ss to find out the key word which is formed by the initial letters of all the words they have found.the group who finds out the word first wins.

Activity 1:Describing the picture -T gets Ss to work in pairs and try to make sense of the picture on page 56, using the prompts.-T calls on some students to describe the picture.-T checks with the class and asks Ss to guess what they are going to read about.-T introduces the new lesson.Activity2: Pre-teaching vocabulary:T explains the wordsT also asks Ss to give the meaning of the vocabulary.

Game: Word associationExample: horn, graze, milk, hay-COWExpected answers:1. insect 2. library 3. luggage 4. income 5. tree 6. eyes 7. river 8. animal 9. tea 10. earthThe key word: ILLTERACY

Lead-in :- What is :”illiterate”When you don’t know how to read or write, you are illiterate . Our lesson today will help you to know about illiteracy in Vietnam over the last few years.

Activity 1:Describing the picture:Suggested answer:This is a class for ethnic minority children in a mountainous area.Perhaps the class takes place in the morning because I can see the sunlight outside. The children are listening very attentively to their teacher, who is wearing a soldier’s uniform. It seems that this is a very poor area because the class is poorly equipped and the children are wearing old clothes.

Pre-teaching vocabulary:1. campaign (n): chieán dòch2. eradicate (v)- eradication(n) 3. ethnic minority (n) daân toäc thieåu



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4. expand (v) to become larger:5. illiterate (adj): the opposite of literate→ illiteracy (n)6. honorable (adj): Cao quý, vinh dự

While –reading


Activity 1: task 1 Ask Ss to read the text silently and underline the expressions given in task 1 on page 58Ask Ss to find out the Vietnamese equivalent to the expressions and exchange the ideas with the one sitting next to them. Give the feedbackActivity 2: Task2Ask Ss to work in pairs to choose the main idea of the passageInvite some Ss to give the answer:T asks others to comment.T gives the feedback and corret answer.Activity 3: Task 3Ask Ss to work in pairs to answer the questions.Call on some Ss to write the answer on the board.Check with the class.

Activity 1: Read and Underline (task 1)Expected answers:

1. Phoå caäp giaùo duïc tieåu hoïc

2. Hoäi khuyeán hoïc Vieät Nam

3. Xoùa muø chöõ4. Kyõ thuaät canh taùc5. Keá hoach hoùa gia ñình

Activity 2 : Finding the main ideas (task2)Expected answer: D. the fight against illiteracyActivity 3: Questions and answers (task 3)Expected answers:

1. 94% of the population2. the campaign for illiteracy

eradication3. 600 students in 2000/ 800

students in 2001 .4. They voluntarily spent their

summer vacations teaching illiterate people to read and write.

5. Illiteracy will soon be eradicated.

4. Post-reading


Ask Ss to work in groups of four or five to discuss the following question: Call on some groups’ representatives to report their ideas.Give comments.

Discussion- Imagine that there are some illiterate

people living in your neighborhood, what should you do to help them read or write?

Home -work

Ask Ss to prepare for next period summarize the text.Learn the words by heartPrepare lesson 2 : “ Speaking”


Page 47: Anh 11 Co Ban Tuyet Dinh

Unit 5 : ILLITERACYLESSON 2 : Speaking

I. Aims : By the end of the lesson , students will be able to :- talk about illiterate problems- offer solutions to the problems

II. Teaching aids : cardsIII. Teaching stages :

Stages Activities Contents

Check- up5’



-T calls two Ss to go to the board.+One student answers some questions related to the content of the passage in the reading part that they learnt in the past period.+Another write down the vocabulary. - T comments and gives marks. Task 1 :Matching-up Ask Ss to work in pairs to match each problem in A with its appropriate in B .Call on some pairs to give the answers. One reads the problem and one reads the solutionsCheck with the whole class

- Ss anwer and write down vocabulary.Lead-in : Today , we will discuss the problems your class cope with and offer some solutions to these problems.

Matching-up (task 1)Expected answers:1. b/g 2. a/e 3. d/f 4. c/j 5. h/ i

While -speaking


Activity 1: Task2:-Ask Ss to work in pairs to talk about problems and offer solutions, using suggestions in task 1.- T work with a student to give a model-Go around to control and give help.-Ask some pairs to role play in front of the class.-Make corrections and give comments.Activity 2: Task3: T introduces the task: Ss are going to work together to identify the problems of their own classroom and offer situations. T gets Ss to look at the given cues, elaborate on them and elicits come more problems, of possible. T writes the ideas on the board.Then T puts Ss into groups of 3-4 and

Activity 1: Substitution Drill (task 2)Eg:T : Many students cannot buy all the required textbooks. What do you think we should do to help them?S: I think we should ask the school head-master to provide free textbooks for students from low income family.T : We should also collect used textbooks for school library.Asking for opinion :What do you think we need to/ could/ should/ might want to do?What do you think about?What’s your opinion about?What do you have in mind?Giving suggestionsMaybe we can…..We might want to….


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gets them to add more problems if they can, and work out the solutionsThen T goes around and checks.T calls on each group to report their ideas to the class and elicits comments from the class.T gives corrective feedback and final comments.

Probably we should……We could……Activity 2:Task 3: Suggested answers:1. Class size : ans ideal class size is 10-15 students, so the school should recruit more teachers and open new classes. T should encourage Ss to work with different groups, not with the same group all the time.2. Desks: buy larger desks or if there are new classes, the current number of desk is adequate.3. Equipment : buy/ hire facilities such as computers and upgrade the classroom.

Wrapping up:(3’)

-T summaries the main points of the lesson.- For homework-T asks sts to prepare for next period

-T asks Ss to write a paragraph about a school problem and one or two solutions to it.- Prepare lesson 3 “ Listening”



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LESSON 3 : Listening

I. . Aims: by the end of the lesson , students will be able to:- listen for specific information- talk about condition for better learning.

III. Skills : Integrated skills (especially listening)IV. Teaching aids : cards, text books, chalks.V. Teaching stages :

Stages Activities ContentsWarm-




Deliver handouts with the above words. these words have something in common, but there is one that is different.Ask Ss to work in groups of four or five to underline the word that is different in each numbered line.Ask Ss to rearrange the initial letters of the words to find out the group word which means : an investigation of the opinion, behavior of a particular group of people.Lead-in: Have you ever done a survey? Our listening lesson today is about a survey in a city in Western of Australia . It’s Perth.

Pre-teaching vocabulary:T introdues or elicits the meanings of these words from the class.T gets Ss to make sentences with some important words.T gives corretive feedback.

Game: Odd man out1. elephant donkey horse

lion2. packet tin box

vase3. potato carrot tomato

raspberry4. beer soda coke yoghurt5. sister doctor student

teacher6. tennis swimming uniform


Key: 1.Elephant 2. Vase 3. Raspberry 4. Yoghurt 5. Sister 6. Uniform=> SURVEY

Pre-teaching vocabulary:1. self-respect(n)(definition) : in a feeling of

pride in yourself that what you do say ect. is right and good: loøng töï troïng

2. maturity (n) (transltion):söï tröôûng thaønh, chín chaén

3. weakness (n) (antonym): What is the opposite of the “strength” .

4. Academic (adj): Có tính học thuật5. Performance (n): Sự thực hiện.

While -listenin


Play the tape and ask Ss to listen and choose the best option to complete each sentence.Ask Ss to compare the answers with their partners.

Activity 1: Multiple-choice (task1)

Expected answers: 1. D 2. B 3.B 4.


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Let Ss listen again and check with the class.Let Ss listen to the tape and find the answers to the questions.Ask them to compare the answers in pairs.Call some Ss to write the answers on the board.Give feedback.

Activity 2 : Questions and answers (task 2)Expected answers:

1. The survey took place in Perth2. 80% of the students

3. They think they should be allowed to give some input into school decision making



Ask Ss to work in groups of four or five to discuss the questions:Move around to give help if necessary.Call on some group representatives to report their opinionsGive comments

Discussion“What do you think is a condition for better learning-good teachers or good textbooks?”


Write a short passage to answer the question above.Prepare “ writing”

Unit 5 : ILLITERACYLESSON 4 : Writing

I. Aims : by the end of the lesson, students can : - describe information in the table- write a paragraph based on the information in the table.

II. Method: - Communicative approachIII. Skills : Integrated skills (especially writing)IV. Teaching aids : charts, chalks, blackboard, textbooks.V. Teaching stages

Stages Activities ContentWarm-up

3’T divides the class into groups of four or fiveT hang on a chart with the words and asks sts to close the books , then sorts the words into four groups : nouns, verbs, adjs, and adverbsSts work in groups

Increase gradually drop fall Steadily steady slight decrease gradual sharply rise sharp slightlyExpected answer :Nouns verbs adjectives adverbs increase increase sharp sharply drop drop gradual gradually rise


Page 51: Anh 11 Co Ban Tuyet Dinh

T limits the time The group who first finishes wins

rise slight slightly fall fall steady steadily decrease decrease

Before you write12’

T asks sts to read the passage and choose a suitable word from the box to fill in each space of the passageSts work in individuals then compare the answers in pairsT checks with the class

T asks sts to work in groups of four or five to describe the informationin the tableT calls on some group representatives to report their ideasT give feedback on what sts have

Task 1 : Gap-fill ( page 61)Expected answer :1. varied 2. rise 3. decline 4. different5. went up 6. dramatially

Task 2 : Describing the table ( page 62)Suggested ideas:- The table shows / describes the trend of literacy rates in Sunshine county from 1998 to 2007.- As can be seen from the data in the table, the literacy rates in Sunshinecounty rose a steady rise again and it reached 90% in 2007.- In Highland, there was a slight decreasein the first four years from 1998 to 2002. In the last six years, the literacy rates dropped sharply from 45% to 30%- In general, the literacy rates in Sunshine county had tendency to increase over ten years.

While you write17’

T asks sts to write a paragraph of 100 words to describe the information in the table T goes around and helps themT collects sts’ writing

Write a paragraph ( task 3 page 62)Sts do by themselves

After you write12’

T asks a st to write his or her writing on the boardSts read and correct the mistakesT gives feedback and comments

Sts’ writing


T asks sts to prepare for the next period

Learn by heart the words used to describe information in a tablePrepare for the next lesson.


Page 52: Anh 11 Co Ban Tuyet Dinh

Unit 5 : ILLITERACYLesson 5 : Language forus

I. Aims : by the end of the lesson, students can : - practise pronunciation and distinguish the sounds : /pl/, /pr/, /bl/, and /br/- understand and use reportes speech with to-inf.

II. Method: - Communicative approachIII. Skills : Integrated skills IV. Teaching aids : pictures, charts, chalks, black board, textbooks.V. Teaching stages

Stages Activities ContentWarm-up

2’T hangs on the chart with the following wordsSts work in groups and circle the one that is differentThe group who has correct answer and first finish is the winner. - Ask Ss to underline the initial consonant sounds of the words they have just circled.- Introduce th sounds / pl/, /pr/, /br/, /bl/.

1. wear please hair2. bull wool prune3. brandy flower hour4. come some blameExpected answer :1. please 2. prune 3. brandy 4. blame


- T models three clusters / pl/, /pr/, /br/, /bl/ for a few times and explains how to produce them. E.g: When producing /pl/, Ss should produce / p/ first and then quickly switch to /l/, and so on.T reads the words and asks sts to listenT reads the words again and asks sts to repeatT calls on some student to read aloud the words.T asks sts to work in pair to practise reading the diologueT makes correction.

* words : /pl/ /bl/ /pr/ /br/Please black pride brown pleasure blouse pretty bread play blue precious brother plenty blow practise broad* Dialogue :A : Brian , what is Bretty presenting on Sunday?B : She’ll teach us how to play English pronunciation games .A : Are you going to prepare for it?B: Yes , my brother is going to play the guitar and I’ll sing the blues.A ; What clothes are you going to wear, Pretty?B. Black brown blouse and jeans.



T gives three sentences and asks sts to work in pairs to complete the following sentences on the chart.T calls on some sts to give the

Sentences :1. I want to get to the station. A woman told __________________________2. Brian wasn’t well.I advised ______________________________


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answer T gives feedback on what Sts have.T asks sts to underline the reported verbs in the sentencesT explains the reported speech with to-inf: T gives mening and use: We usually use an infinitive structure to report oders, requests, advice, suggestions, threats, warning, promises, agreements, disagreements, and so on..T might want to remind Ss that time and place references often have to change in reported speech. E.g…..

3. Linda had a lot of luggage.She asked _____________________________Expected answer :1. A woman told me to turned left after the brige.2. I advised him to go to the doctor.3. She asked me to help her.

* We often use the reporting verb: ask, tell, require, request, warn, advise, invite, … in the structure :

Ex: “ Get out of my room “ -> She told me to get out of her room.* We often use the report verbs : promise , agree, threaten…………….. in the structure :

Ex: “ I’ll be careful” -> He promised to be careful** Note : - Pronouns and possessive nouns often change in reported speech- some words will change + here -> there + this -> that + now -> then + today -> that day + tonight -> that night + ago -> before + tomorrow -> the next day / the following day + yesterday-> the previous day / the day before + next -> the following / the… after + last -> the previous / the … before


Exercise1:T asks sts to do Exercise1 invidually and then find a partner to check their answer with.T calls on some sts to write the answers on the boardOthers correctT remarks and commentsExercise2:T asks sts to do Exercise2 invidually and then find a

Exercise1 :Expected answer :1. They promosed to come back again.2. The lifeguard advised us not to swim too

for from the shore3. John asked Peter to close the window.4. The teacher encouraged Eric to join the

football team.

Exercise2 :Expected answer :1.He advised me not to drink too much beer.2. She invited me to come and see her whenever I


S + V + O + to-inf / not

S + V + to-inf / not to-inf

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partner to check their answer with.T calls on some sts to write the answers on the boardOthers correctT remarks and comments

want.3. John wanted me not to smoke in his car.4. He told Sue to give him her phone number.5. He reminded me to give the bbok back to Joe.6. He promised not to do it again.7. He agreed to wait for me.8. John asked me to lend him some money.


T asks sts to prepare for the next period

Learn the grammarRead the soundsDo the exercises Prepare “ Unit 6 ( reading)”


I . Aims :By the end of the lesson , students can :- deduce the meaning of some words in certain context- scan for specific details.

II. Method: - Communicative approachIII. Skills : Integrated skills (Especially reading)IV. teaching aids : pictures of some competitionV. Teaching stages

Stages Activities ContentWarm-up

5’T divides the class into 4 groupsT gives the picturesof the contestand limits the time ( 30s)Sts identify names of the contests and memorize them Each group nominate representatives to go to the board ( one by one ) to write as many names of places as possibleT checks sts’ understanding of the instructionT leads in the lesson

The picture

Before you read10’

Preteaching- VocabularyT explains the words T can use explanation, miming , picture to explain the wordsT asks sts to repeat the words

* Preteaching- Vocabulary- sponsor (n) ngöôøi baûo trôï (v) baûo trôï- contest (n) cuoäc tranh taøi- judge (n) troïng taøi (v) xeùt ñoaùn- announce (v) baùo , loan baùo- recite (v) ñoïc to- appologize (v) ( to S.O for : He apologizes to me for breaking


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my car.

While you read18’

T asks sts to match the words or phrases on the left with their definition on te right Sts read the text to find the meaning if necessaryT asks sts to read aloud the definition of each word and give the Vietnamese meaning

T lets sts play the gameLucky numbers to do task 2If sts choose a lucky number they will have 2 marks but they don’t have to answer the questionFor the rest numbers , each one is equivelent to a question. If sts answer the question correctly, they will have 2 marks. If not , the other group has the chance to continue the game

Task 1 : Matching Expected answer :1.d 2.f 3.e 4. c 5.b 6.aTask 2 : Wh- Questions1. the representative of three classes of the school took part in the annual final English competition last Saturday.2. Its aim was to stimulate the spirit of learning English among students3. The student’s Parent Society sponsored the competition.4. They had to complete five activities in all. On competition of each activity, they had to answer the questions in the worksheets within two minutes5. They had to observe and score the sts’ performance.6. The winner would be awarded a set of CDs for studying english and an Oxford Advance Learner’s Dictionary

After you read10’

T asks sts to read the paragraph 3 again and complete the sentences in Task3 individually.Sts compare their answer with the othersT calls some sts to read aloud their sentencesT checks

Task 3 :1……..unable to recite/ complete the poem.2…..Group B became the winner of the competion.3…60 points. 4. …..” For me the important thing was our competition and the enjoyment we had from it.


T asks sts to prepare for the next period Read the poem and translate into VietnamesePrepare “ speaking “


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Unit 6 : COMPETITION Lesson 2 : SpeakingI. Aims : by the end of the lesson , students cam :

- ask for and give information about types of competition- talk about a competition or contest.

II. Method: - Communicative approachIII. Skills : Integrated skills (Especially speaking)II. Teaching aids : pictures , handouts, chalks, notebooksIII. Teaching stages :

Stages Activities ContentWarm-up

5’T prepares pictures of the 3 famous TV game shows “ Who wants to be a millionaire?”, “1” vs “100” and talent show “ Pop Idol”.T shows pictures to Ss and gets them to say the names of the games in Vietnamese.T elicits what Ss know about these games and if there are similar ones in Vietnam.T leads into the new lesson.

Suggested answer:1. Pop Idol.2. Who wants to be the billionaire?3. “1” vs “ 100”

Before you


T uses the pictures in warm-upT asks sts to tell the types on competition they like best

Sts can answer by themselves

T asks sts ti tick the competion they like or dislikeSts work individuallySts compare with their classmates

General knowledgeEnglish competitionArt competitionPoetry reading/ reciting competitionSinging contestAthletics Meeting

While you speak


T tells sts to ask their partner how he/she feels about each type of the competitions/ contestsSts read the example givenT calls on one st to do one more example based on the chart givenT encourage sts to add more ideast moves around to control and gives help if necessaryT asks some pairs to act their

Task 1 : Example :T : what do you think of the English competition ?St : Oh, it’s interesting. It’s a good time for practiceing English


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conversationsT divides the class into 4 groupsSts talk about the contest or competition they join or seeEach group choose the best st to take part in the gameSts talk about the competitionsOther guess the name of themT gives good marks for the students who have correct answer

Sts work

After you speak


T gives the questions and handoutT asks sts to listen and circle the answer of each questionGive one mark for each correct answer The group who has more correct answer will be the winnerDeclare the winning group

Questions :1. What does water consist of ?2. What language do all airline pilots need to speak?3. How many sides does a cube have?4. Which of these elements do you need for something to burn?5. How many teeth doe an average adult have?6. What mamal lives the longest?7. Where is the smallest home in the human body?8. What’s the red planet?9. What sense is the most closely linked to memory?10. In what month the Earth is nearer to the Sun?Handout :

a b c1 Hydrogen

& oxygenHydrogen & calcium

Oxygen & nitrogen

2 French Spainish English3 four six eight4 oxygen hydrogen gasoline5 32 34 306 The

elephantThe whale


7 In the foot In the hand

In the ear

8 jupiter Venus Mars9 sigh smell Hearing10 June January December


T asks sts to prepare for the next period Write a competition / contest they have recently joined or seen


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Prepare “ Listening “

Unit 6 : COMPETITIONLesson 3 : Listening

I . Aims : by the end of the lesson, students can listen to get specific information.II. Method: - Communicative approachIII. Skills : Integrated skills (Especially speaking)II. Teaching aids : pictures , handouts, chalks, notebooksII. Teaching stages :

Stages Activities ContentWarm-up

5’T gives the pictures of the competition and asks Ss some questionsSts answer


Before you


T asks sts to practise in pair and discuss the questionsSts answer by themselvesT introduces the lesson

T elicit the meanings from sts , let sts listen and repeat the difficult wordsT notices the stress

To help you know more about Boston race, today we are going to listen to a conversation about it.* Words :- race (n) cuoäc ñua- athletic (a) khoeû maïnh- formally ( adv) trang troïng4. clock (v) ñaït ñöôïc Ex : He clocked 9 seconds in the 100 metres

While you listen19’

T asks sts to listen to the dialogue about the Boston Marathon and check if their prediction is right or wrongSts listen twice T checks the answer

T explains the situation and asks sts to read the givenSts listen twiceT pause at the answer to make it clearly to understand

Task 1 :Expected answer :1.T 2.T 3.F 4.F 5.T 6.F

Task 2 :1. New york 2. 1972 3. 8 women 4. 6164 number

After you listen10’

T asks sts to work in group and tells the Vietnamese champion athletes


T asks sts to prepare for the next period

Name some famous runners in Vietnam and write something special about themPrepare “writing “


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Unit 6 : COMPETITION Lesson 4 : WritingI.Aims : By the end of the lasson , students can write a letter of replying.II. Method: - Communicative approachIII. Skills : Integrated skills (Especially writing)IV. Teaching aids : pictures , handouts, chalks, notebooksV. Teaching stages :

Stages Activities ContentWarm-up

5’Ask and answer the questionsT gives out some questions:T asks some Ss in the class.Sts answerT corrects some mistakes if necessary.T leads to the new lesson.

Questions:1. If your English is good enough, do you want to participate in an English speaking competition?2. What do you expect in an English speaking competition?3. What do you want the organizer do for you?

Before you write15’

T asks sts to read the letterSts work in group to find out the information required T goes around and helps them

T give requirementT asks sts to work in pairSts use the given wordsT goes around and helps thwem if they have difficulties

Task 1 :Expected answer :Number of participants, entry produre, venue, date and time, phone number and email.

Task 2:- Number of participant: 25- Entry produre : registration- Venue : 106 Tran Hung Dao street,

Hoan Kiem District, Hanoi- Date : November 25- Time : arrival time : 7:00p.m ; starting

time : 8:00p.m- Finish the letter in the polite way- Contact phone number : (04) 9838118- E-mail : [email protected]

After you write


T asks sts to work in groups of 4 and deliver each group 4 pieces of writings and tell them to read and correct their friends Sts do by themselves


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narrativesT tells each group to choose the best piece of writingSts work in groupT asks sts from each group to read their group’s best writing T gives feedback and comments


T asks sts to prepare for the next period.

Prepare language focusWrite a letter , taking into consideration their friends’ and T’s suggestions and corrections

Unit 6 : COMPETITION Lesson 5 : Language focusI. Aims : By the end of the lesson, students can

- pronounce correctly the sounds : /tr/ , .dr/ and /tw/- make speech th gerund.

II. Method: - Communicative approachIII. Skills : Integrated skills IV. Teaching aids : pictures , handouts, chalks, notebooksV. Teaching stages :

Stages Activities ContentWarm-up

5’T divides the class into 2 groupsT put on the board a sentence consisting of the 3 particular twisters / tr/ , /dr/ , /tw/Sts read the sentence quickly as possibleWhen a st has a mistake , one in the other group will take overT asks sts to the underlined words into the column having the same initiative soundT asks sts to explain why they put them in the same columnSts answer T introduces the sounds

“ While a twin was trying to drive his dramatically dreadful truck to a travel agent at twelve, he hit a tree.”


2 /dr/ 3 /tw/


Drive DramaticallyDreadful



T asks sts to listen the sounds and wordsSts repeatT asks sts to repeat the sentencesT asks sts to underline the words having the soundsT correctsSts practise the sentences in

* words :/tr/ /dr/ /tw/-traffic-troops-trousers-tropical

-drive-dreadful- drink- dress

- twelve - twenty- twin- twinkle

* Sentences :1. John always enjoys travelling by train.


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pairsT goes around and helps them if they have difficultiesT asks sts to read aloud the sentencesT gives correction if necessary

2. Jane’s teeth are troubling her.3. Goerge is driving dangerously.4. Her new dress is an absolute dream.5. She has an amused twinkle in her eyes.


T gives the direct speeches

T asks questions Sts answer

T uses them as examples and explains the grammartical point.

Practice T gives the handout T asks sts to decide which sentence of direct speech goes with which reported speech.Sts work in groupT goes around and helps themT go over answer with the class.

T asks sts to do the exercise 1 ( 4,5,6,7,8,9) and 2 ( 4,6,7,8)Sts work in pairsT goes around and helps themSts compare the answer with the other pairsSts hang their task on the boardT remarks and corrects

“ Let’s go to the zoo”T : What did she suggest?Sts : She suggested going to the zoo.“ I’m sorry. I’m late “T: For what did he apologise”Sts : He apologised for being late.* reported speech with gerund :1.

V: admit, deny, suggest Ex: They admited breaking the window.2.

V: apologize for, complain about, confess to, insist on, object to, dream of, think ofEx: He complains about getting up early.3.

V: accuse … of, blame …for, congratulate … on , criticize … for, warn … about/ against, praise … for, thank … for, prevent … fromEx : The police accused him of stealing the car.

Task 1 : MatchingDirect speech Reported speech1. “ I’m really sorry I went “2. “ You shouln’t have gone”3. “No, I certainly didn’t go “4. “ Let’s go”5. “ I really must go”6. “ Well done for speaking up like that”

a. I denied goingb. I suggested goingc. I insisted on goingd. I criticized on goinge. I congratulated her on speaking upf. I apologized for going.

Expected answer :1. f 2. d 3. a 4. b 5. c 6. eTask 2 :Expected answer :Exercise 1 :4. The teacher accused the boy of not paying attention to what he said.


V + V-ing

V + prep + V-ing

V + O + prep + V-ing

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5. Bob has always dreamed of being rich.6. I warned Anne against staying at the hotel near the airport.7. Her mother prevented Jane from going out that night.8. John and his wife were thinking of buying the house.9. Miss White thanked Jack for visiting her.Exercise 24. The police stopped the customer from leaving the shop.6. The thief admitted stealing Mrs Brown’ car.7. Ann suggested having a party next Sunday8. Paul denied borrowing my dictionary


T asks sts to prepare for the next period

Practise pronuncing them as in the warm-up.Do exercises againPrepare test yourself B

TEST YOURSELF BI. Aims Studentsa can use what they learn to do the exercisesII. Teaching aids : casette player, booksIII. Teaching stages :

-T asks sts to do it as a forty-five minute test- Sts aren’t permited to open the books or use others- T goes around and observes them( Listening : + T lets sts listen three times)-After they finish, t read the answer and sts check their answer then correct

* Expected answer :I. Listening : ( 0.5 ms for each right answer )

1 2 3 4 5A B D C B

II. Reading : ( 0.5 ms for each right answer )

1 2 3 4 5D B B C C

III. Pronunciation and grammar: ( 0.25 ms for each right answer )a. Pronunciation

1. play 2. drive 3. twicw d. proudb.

1.talking 2. to go 3. smoking 4. saying 5. do 6. goingIV. Writing: ( content : 1m, correct word and sentence : 1m , Structure : 0.5m)


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* Homework : - review lesson 5 and 6- prepare for the forty-five-minute test

THE SECOND FORTY-FIVE MINUTE TEST I. Aims : - Students can do the test exactly and fluently by using what they learnt

- Teacher can check sts’ understading about unit 5 and 6II. Form : Multiple choiceIII. Homework

- Prepare Unit 7 : World population ( reading)


I . Aims : -Students can check their result of the test - Teacher can check sts’ understanding about the lesson * Homework:

Prepare for the next period : Unit 7 World population ( reading)


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Unit 7 : WORLD POPULATIONLesson 1 : Reading

I. Aims : By the end of the lesson students can - guess the meaning of words based on contexts- scan for specific information

II. Method: - Communicative approachIII. Skills : Integrated skills (Especially reading)IV. teaching aids : pictures of some competitionV. Teaching stages :

Stages Activities ContentWarm-up

6’T gives the the number and asks sts to readT asks Sts discuss in pairs and answerT gives the correct answerT asks some more questions Sts answerT leads in the lesson

* Numbers: 10.000.000 300.000.000 625.000.0001.300.000.000 2.510.000.000 4.760.000.0006.600.000.000 T: What do these numbers tell you about ?Sts : …T: The world population. What do you think about it ?Sts : It is increasing so fast.T : How fast is it ?Sts : Faster and faster.T : The population of the world has been increasing faster and faster.Is that good or bad ? What should we do ?

Before you read13’

1) Describing the pictures in the tex book: T asks sts to look at the pictures in the book to describe themSts answer the questions given in pairs.T goes over the answers with the class.2) Pre-teaching vocabulary:T introduces the lessonT explains the wordsT can asks sts to give the meaning if they can or use the antonym, explanation , situation and give examples to explainT asks sts to repeat the words in group and in individualT corrects if they have mistakes

* Vocabulary :- B.C ( before Christ) tröôùc CN =/= A.D- Third World : caùc nöôùc chaäm phaùt trieån- available (a) coù sẵn- decrease (v) giaûm xuoáng


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in readingWhile you


Task 1 : Gap- filling:T asks sts to fill in the blank with a suitable word ( change the form of the word and use the dictionary when necessary )Sts refer to the text for the difficult words.T moves around to give help.T goes over the answer with the sts.Task 2: Ask and answer the questions.-Sts work in individual then compare with other.- T calls on some Ss to give their answer and ask them to explain their choices.-T elicits feedback from other Ss and gives the correct answers:

Task 1 : Gap- fillingExpected answer :1. although 2. method3. increase 4. resources5. figures 6. limit7. international 8. controlTask 2 : Expected answer :1. The population of the world in 10,000 B.C was 10 million; in 1750 it was 625 million; in 1850 it was 1300 million, in 1950 it was 2510 million; in 1985 it was 4760 million; in 2000 it was 6.6 billion. (paragraph1).2. By the year 2015, the population of the world is expected (last line, paragraph 1)3. Some scientists say it can, but others say it can’t .( line 2-4, paragraph 2)4. No, they don’t. ( Line 2-3, paragraph 3)5. Because they know of no safe way to have fewer children. ( Line 4-5, paragraph 3)

After you read


T asks sts the questionSts work in groupT goes around and helps themT checks

Question:“ Do you think the large in population a country is, the stronger it is ? Explain why or why not?”


T asks sts to prepare for the next period

Write five reasons why we shouldn’t have more childrenPrepare “ speaking”


I. Aims : By the end of the lesson , students can give their opinions about the causes and the problems facing over populous countries.II. Method: - Communicative approachIII. Skills : Integrated skills (Especially speaking)IV. teaching aids : text books, black board.V. Teaching stages :


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Stages Activities ContentWarm-up

6’T asks some questionsSts answer by giving their own opinionT uses the answer to introduce the lesson

Questions :1. How many children do your parents have ?2. Do you want to have more or fewer ? Why?3. Do you know any families that have more than 10 children nowadays?4. According to you , what are the causes to population explosion?

Before you speak


T introduces the lessonT asks sts to read the causes to population explosion in the text book to see how much of their ideas is similar to the opinions given.T lets sts put them in order of importance and explains whySts work in pairsT moves aroundSome sts pairs to explain their priorityT gives comments then introdusec to sts some ways to give opinion, agreement and disagreement

* Giving opinion:In my opinion …………………As for me …………………As far as I’m concerned ……………………From my point of view, I think ………………It would seem/ appear to me that …………Not use : According to me

While you speak


T asks sts to work in pairsSts discuss the problems facing poor and over populated countries by combining the vocabulary in the useful languageT encourage sts to think of more problems to add to their list.T goes around and helps themT asks sts to reprot their results to the class in front of the classOthers correctT declares the best pairT asks sts to work in group of 4Sts give the solution of the problems they give in activity 1Each group choose the secretary the record the other ‘s ideasT goes around and helps them

Activity 1 : ( page 83)Ex : Poor living conditionLow living standardNot enough / expensive foodLack/ shortage of schools, hospitals , teachers

Activity 2 : ( page 83 )Useful language :Raise : an awareness of the problems of overpopulation/ living standardExercise / implement : reward and punishment policiesCarry out : population education programmes/ family planning programmesUse : birth control methods


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T ask sts to express their group’s taskT remarks after they finish their work

After you speak


T asks sts to discuss in groupT move around and helps themSts give their group’s ideas

Talk about the problems of overpopulation and offer solution

Homework 2’

T asks sts to prepare for the next period

Learn by heart the expression in the bookPrepare “ listening”


I. Aims : By the end of the lesson, students can develop such listening micro-skills as extensive listening for specific information and summarize while listening. II. Method: - Communicative approachIII. Skills : Integrated skills (Especially listening)IV. Teaching aids : handouts , textbookIII. Teaching stages :

Stages Activities Content Warm-up

5’T asks sts to work in group and find out ten countries which are the largest population in the worldSts discuss and give the answerT lets sts give their group’s answer

Sts work

Before you listen10’

T gives questionsSts work in pair and discuss the answer T calls on sts to present their answerT asks others to add more ideasT asks sts to repeat the words

Questions: 1. do you think that our world is overpopulation?2. Do you think that the Third World has high population density?3. What continent has the largest population?

While you listen17’

Task1: T asks sts to read the sentences in task 1T explains the situationT lets sts listen twiceT asks Ss to exchange their answers with their partnersT asks Ss to give their answer and Others to give their remarks.T check the answer

Task 1 :1.A 2.D 3.C 4.D 5.A 6.CTask 2 :1. according th experts, by the year 2015 the population of the world will be over 7 billion2. He said that the population growth rates in some parts of the world are not the same. The population grows more quickly in some parts of the world than others.3. According to the expert, the lesson for a


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T lets sts listen once more and pauses at the answer. Task2:T asks Ss to read and explain task2T checks if Ss can answer the questions in Task2 without listenning again.T asks Ss o read through all the questions.T lets sts listen again .Sts note the answer .T asks sts to discuss in groupSts discuss and give the full answerT asks some sts to answer loudlyOthers remark and correctT checks

fall in the death rates is the improvement of public health services and medical care4. The problems population explosion causes to the world particular to developing countries are shortage of food, lack of hospital and school, illiteracy and poor living conditions.

After you listen11’

T asks sts to work in group of 4Sts discuss and summarize the listening textT can give some questions to lead them to the content of the text

Questions :1. What is the interview about?2. What did the expert say about the population of the world, the causes of population explosion, the problems it causes to the world, particularly to developing countries , and the solutions to the problems?

Homework 2’

T asks sts to prepare for the next period

Do the exercise againPrepare “


I. Aims : By the end of the lesson, students will be able to read and describe the information in a chart.II. Method: - Communicative approachIII. Skills : Integrated skills (Especially listening)IV. Teaching aids : handouts , cards.V. teaching stages :

Stages Activities Content Warm-up

5’T asks sts to give the continents in the world

Before you write

T ask some questions about the chart

Questions :1. What is the topic of the chart?


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10’ Sts discuss in pairs the answerSts answer aloud

T gives the sentences and asks sts to order themSts discuss in pairs and put them in logical order ( base on the chart)

2. How many regions are there?3. Which continent has the largest population4. Which continent has the smallest population?5. Is the population of Europe larger or smaller

than Africa?Expected answer :

1. The distribution of world population2. There are 7 regions3. South Asia4. Oceania5. large

Sentences :1. North America is home to 514 million ( 8%)2. Asia accounts for over 60% of the world population with almost 3.8 billion people3. Europe’s 710 million make up 11% of the world’s population 4. Africa follows with 840million people , 12% of the world population5. The chart shows the distribution of world population in 20056. Generally, the world population is distributed unevenly through regions7. China and India alone comprise 20% and 16% respectivelyExpected answer :5-6-2-7-4-3-1

While you write20’

T asks sts to write a paragraph of 100-120 words describing the information in the chart, base on the analysis of the chart aboveSts can use the useful languageT lets sts work in pairs and correct each other’s writingT move around and helps them if necessary

Students’ work

After you write


T calls on some sts to go and copy their writing on the boardSts give commentsT give feedback and comments

Homework 2’

T asks sts to prepare for the next period

Write the paragraph againPrepare “ language focus”5


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Unit 7 : WORLD POPULATIONLesson 5 : Language focus

I. Aims : By the end of the lesson, students can:- distinguish the sounds /kl/, /kr/, /gr/ and /kw/- pronounce the words and sentences containing these sounds correctly- use conditionaltype 1,2,3 and conditional in reported speech appropriately.

II. Method: - Communicative approachIII. Skills : Integrated skills .II. Teaching aids : handouts, CD player…III Teaching stages :

Stages Activities Content Warm-up

5’T divides the class into two groups ,group1 write the condition clause, group 2 write the main clause

Ss work.


-T models three clusters /kl/, /kr/, /gr/ and /kw/for a few times and explains how to produce them. E.g: When producing /kl/, Ss should produce /k/ first and then quickly switch to /l/, and so on.T reads the words and asks sts to listenT reads the words again and asks sts to repeatT calls on some student to read aloud the words.T asks sts to work in pairs to practise reading the diologueT makes correction.T asks sts to repeat the sound, words and sentences in group and in individualsT helps them correct

1.Listen and repeat:/kl/ / gl/ /kr/ /gr/ /kw/Clean glean crowd grow quarrelClass glass cranky green quarterClaim struggle crash grouping qualityQuickly ugly creature ground queen2. Practice reading aloud this dialogue:A: Didn’t you go to the criket club?B: Yes, I did go to the criket claub.A:Was it crowded?B: Quite crowded. A: Was Greg there?B: Greg was there, yes. And Robert Queen was there, too.A: Does Robert Queen like cricket?B: No, he doesn’t. He quarrelled with Greg. He went to the pub and drank some glasses of beer.A: Oh dear!B: Mm. Shall I take your clothes to the ceaner’s?

Grammar T explains the structures * Conditional sentences :


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32’ T can gives some examples or asks sts to make sentencesT gives some examples then explains the grammartical pointsT can ask sts to remark and give the structuresExercise 1:T asks sts to do exercise 1 individually and then compare their answers with another student.T calls on some Ss to go to the board to write down their answers.T asks other Ss to feedback and give correct answers.Task 2 Sts work in pair and discuss the answerT asks sts to give the answer aloudT checks.Task3:T asks sts to do the exercise 3 ( page 89)Sts do in groupsSts write on the boardOthers remark and correct T checks.

Type If clause Main clause1. real

Simple presentwill/ can/ shall/ may + bare - inf

2. Unreal in present

Simple past WereV2 / ed

would / could / sould/ might + bare – inf

3. Unreal in past

Past perfectHad + P.P

Would/ could / should / might + have + P.P

Ex: If I have time, I will meet you. If I had money now , I would buy a car. If you had met her, she would have been happy.* Conditional in reported speech :Ex : She said that if she had time she would meet me. She said that if she had time she would meet me.She said that if she had had time she would have met me. * Note :-When the verb in the main clause is in the past tense, we usually have to change pronouns, some words.-When the direct speech is a conditional sentence, we have to change the tense in type 1Practice :Exercise 1 :1. would drive 2. could 3. is4. will take 5. closed 6. will comeExercise 2 :1. had been told 2. had realized3. wouldn’t have been 4. would have bought5. had studiedExercise 3 :1. The man said to her he would come to see her if he had time.2. He asked her what she wuld say if someone stopped on her feet.3. They said to me if it didn’t rain they would go out with me.4. The man said the women what she would do if she were a billionaire5. The man said to me if I had asked him he would have lent me his motorbike.6. The man said to his daughter they would be very disappointed if she did not come.

Homework 1’

T asks sts to prepare for the next period

* Finish the sentences by adding a clause :1. If I had a camera , _________________2. ________, you’d have enjoyed it.3. If you are joking, _______________4. If we drove through the town center, __________


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* Prepare Unit 8 “ reading”

Unit 8 : CELEBRATIONSLesson 1 : Reading

I. Aims : By the end of the lesson , student can : - skim for the gist of the text- scan for specific information

II. Method: - Communicative approachIII. Skills : Integrated skills ( Especially reading skill)II. Teaching aids : cards, CD playerIII. Teaching stages :

Stages Activities Content Warm –up

5’T lets sts to listen to a song T asks sts to guess when people sing itSts answer

Before you read12’

1. Work in pairs:T asks a questionSts answerT lets sts look at the pictureSts work in group and discuss the questions givenT gives some more questions to make the description easierT run through the activities given at test in the textbookSts work in pair and choose the activities they enjoy doing most at testT introduces the lesson2.Pre-teaching vocabulary.T explains some words

Questions :1. Are they family ?2. What are they doing?3. What are on the table?4. What tree is on the right of the

picture ?5. What tree is on the left of the

picture ?6. What are they?7. Are they happy?

* Pre- teaching vocabulary :-Grand ( adj) = important-Banner (n) -Agrarian (adj) = agricultural- Pray (v) (for sb/ st)- Spread – spread – spread (v) - Candied fruits (n)- Possitive coments (n):- Peach blossom (n):- Apricot blossom (n):

While you read 17’

Task 1 :T lets sts to read the textSts read requirementT explains the way to doSts work in pairs T asks sts to answer aloud and explainT gives commentTask 2 :T checks if the sts can answer the

Task 1 :1.F 2.F 3.T 4. F 5.T 5.TTask 2 :1. It’s sometimes betwwen 19 January and 20 February.2. For months3. Streets are decorated with colored lights and red banners


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questions (in task 3 in the text book) without reading the textLets sts to work in groups to answer the questionsT calls on some sts to read the answer and explain their choicesT gives feedback

4. They buy gifts, clean and decorate their houses and cook traditional foods.5. Banh chung and mut6. Visiting friends and other familly members , exchanging wishes , going to the pagoda , playing games , etc..

After you read10’

T asks sts to work in group of 4 to tell each other about their last Tet holiday, focusing on the suggestions given in the textbookSts choose their group secretary to write down all the information in a chartT asks sts to give their informationT comments

Sts tasks


T asks to prepare for the next period Write a short paragraph to tell a Tet holiday you like bestLook for the popular holiday in VietnamPrepare “ speaking”

Unit 8 : CELEBRATIONSLesson 2 : Speaking

I. Aims : By the end of the lesson , students can talk about the celebration of tet and other festivals’ activitiesII. Method: - Communicative approachIII. Skills : Integrated skills ( Especially speaking skill)II. Teaching aids : pictures of some celebrations, holidays, chartsIII. Teaching stages :

Stages Activities Content Warm-up

6’T gives some pictures of celebrationsSts work in pair and guess which celebrationsSts answer loudly


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T remarksBefore you


T asks sts to close the booksT gives the chart ( given words about a conversation betwwen Mai and Anna)Sts work in pair to complete the dialogueT asks sts to speak aloudT t doesn’t correct any mistakesT asks sts to open their books to compare their task with the dialogue

Mai : Tet / holiday / next month ?Anna : What / Tet ?Mai : Vietnamese people / celebrate / beginning / spring / also/ start / Lunar New Year.Anna : When / exactly ?Mai : This year / 9th of FebruaryAnna : eat / a lot of special foods; dress up ; visit friends and relatives ; also play / traditional games.Anna : sound / interesting

While you speak


Activity 1 : Task1: T asks sts to look at the cues againSts practise thedialogue in pairs again.T let them do aloud.T encourages Ss to remember the dialouge so that they can act it out more naturally.T commentsActivity 2: Task2:T explain the task.Before Ss do the task, T asks them to look at three pictures on pages 93 and work out the name of each holiday. Ss may be asked to give the Vietnamese equivalent to each day.T checks with the whole class and gives out the correct answer:T asks sts to work in groupsSts discuss then give the correct answer Task3:T ask sts to work in pairs Sts practise the same task 1 using the situations in task 2Sts practise loudlyT comments

Activity 1 : Task1:

Sts tasks

Activity 2 : Task2:Expected answer :1-c-C2-a-A3-b-BActivity 3 :Task3:Ss work

After you speak


T asks sts to talk about one of the celebrations they have ever seen in their townT goes around and helps them Sts talk loudlyT comments

Sts do by themselves


T asks sts to prepare for the next period

Talk about one of the celebrations you have ever seen


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Prepare “ listening”


I.Aims : By the end of the lesson , students can listen and pick up specific details.II. Method: - Communicative approachIII. Skills : Integrated skills ( Especially listening skill)IV. Teaching aids : chart, pictures and handoutsV. Teaching stages :

Stages Activities Content Review

5’T asks sts to tell one of the celabration they have ever seen

Before you listen


T gives questionsSts work in pair and discuss the answer T calls on sts to present their answerT asks others to add more ideasT asks sts to repeat the wordsT explains the words T asks sts to discuss the answer in the task ( page 94)

Questions :What is the clothes the woman wearing?Is it the traditional clothes of Vietnam?Words: - longevity (n) = long life- constancy (n) - pine tree(n) - represent (v) - get rid of (v)

While you listen22’

T asks sts to read the sentences in task 1 (page 95)T explains the situationT lets sts listen twiceT checks the answerT lets sts listen once more and pauses at the answerT lets sts listen again Sts note the answer T asks sts to discuss in groupSts discuss and give the full answerT asks some sts to answer loudlyOthers remark and correctT checks

Expected answer :Task 1 (page95)1 – 2 -3 -4 – 6 -8 – 10 – 10- 11

Task 2 (page 96)1. Because they want to get rid of the dirt of the old year and welcome the new year.2. From television or radio3. Kimonos or special dress.4. No, New Year’s Day is mostly celebrated among family only.

After you listen


T asks sts to work in group of 4Sts discuss and summarize the listening textT can give some questions to lead them to the content of the text

Sts work


T asks sts to prepare for the next period

Talk about what you usually do to prepare for the Tet


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Prepare “ writing”


I.Aims : By the end of the lesson , students can write about some popular celebrations in Vietnam and greeting cards.II. Method: - Communicative approachIII. Skills: Integrated skills ( Especially writing skill)IV. Teaching aids : textbook, poster,and handouts.V. Teaching stages :

Stages Activities Content Review

5’T asks sts to tell about what they prepare for the next TetT comments

Before they write


T gives some questions then asks sts to practise in pairSts discuss then give the answer loudlyT remarks and corrects

Questions :1. What festival is this?2. When does it usually occur?3. What do people celebrate it for ?4. What are some popular activities on this

festival?5. How does the writer feel about the

festival?While you


T asks sts to work individually and write a passage about one of the popular festivals in Vietnambase on the answer in befor you writests exchange their task and correct

Sts tasks

After you write


T asks two students to write their tasks on the boardT correct then give the mistakes they have to avoid

Sts ‘ tasks


T asks sts to prepare for the next period

Write the passage againPrepare “ Language focus “


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I.Aims : By the end of the lesson, students can use pronouns one (s), someone, no one, anyone, everyone and have further practice in vocabulary about holidays and celebrations.II. Method: - Communicative approachIII. Skills: Integrated skills ( Especially writing skill)IV. Teaching aids : textbook, poster, pictureV. Teaching stages :

Stages Activities Content Review

5’ T checks sts’ task at home


T asks sts to repeat the sound, words and sentences in group and in individualsT helps them correct

/fl/, /fr/ , / r/


Presentation:T explains the grammartical pointsSts can answer the question to reinforce/ make the structuresT can give some examples using the pronouns Exercise1T asks sts to do the exercises 1 individually then compare the answer with their partner.T calls some sts to read the sentencesT asks other Ss to feedback and gives correct answers:Exercise2T asks sts to do the exercise 2 in pairs. Sts compare with the othersT asks sts to give their answerSome sts come to the board to write their sentencesT asks other Ss to feedback and gives correct answers Exercise3T explains the way to do. T may give them some tips to do the exercise. Sts work individually to finish the exercise and then compare their answer with the person sitting next to them.

* Pronouns : someone, everyone are used in affirmative from* anyone is used in negative form* no one is followed by a singular verbEx: No one is here. I can see someone here. They didn’t know anyone in this house.* One (s) is used to replace to a noun to avoid repeat the same word in a sentenceExercise1 : Expected answer:1. anyone 2. someone 3. anyone4. someone 5. no one 6. everyone7. no ơeExercise2 : Expected answer:1. Of the three bags I like the blue one.2. Mai is making a fruit cake, Huong is making one , too .3. I like reading books, especially the ones about the natural world.4. I don’t have a computer , and my father doeùn’t want me to have one.5. They let me choose a pencil, and I took the red one.6. There are several celebrations in Vietnam , but perhaps the most meaningful one is Tet.Expected task 3.1. traditional 2. grand 3. gifts 4. celebrating 5. polite 6. good luck7. excitement


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T calls on some sts to answer loudly and gives feedback.


T asks sts to prepare for the next period

Learn the lessonPrepare lesson ( from U1 to U8)

REVIEWI. Aims : Students can review the grammartical points and use them in the first term test fluently and exactly.II. Review the grammar and vocabulary:A. Vocabulary: The vocabulary of Unit 1,2…8B. Grammar:1. To-inf :* follow - adjectives / It is + Adj + to-inf/ It takes ( costs) + to-inf/ ( too) + adj + ( enough)..- verbs : refuse, expect, agree, appear, arrange, attempt, ask, choose, decide, demand, hope, learn, manage, offer, plan, pretend, promise, determine, fail, happen, seem, threaten, want, wish, would like, - V + O + to-inf : advise, allow, ask, enable, encourage, forbid, invite, order, permit, persuade, remind, request, tell,, urge, want, warn, * replace to a relative clause* express a purpose2. bare – inf :

* follow :- aux : does, do, did- modal verbs : can could, may, will, would, might….- verb : would rather, had better, - make/ let/ get / + O + bare – inf- see/ hear/ watch/ notice/ find/ feel + bare – inf3. V-ing :* used as : S, O, complement of seem, be, look* after prepositions : * follow verbs : admit, avoid , delay, deny, detest, dislike, consoder, enjoy, feel like, finish, mind, give up, imagine, involve, keep, miss, postpone, practice, put off, risk, spend, suggest, waste, can’t stand, can’t bear, can’t help, it’s no use / good, be accustomed to, look forward to, be busy, be worth,………….4. V-ing or To-inf* Stop + V- ing : ngöøng laøm

+ to-inf : ngöøng ñeå laøm* try + V-ing : thöû

+ to-inf : coá gaéng* remember / forget/ regret + V-ing : past

+ to-inf : present or future* used to - inf


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* be / get used to + V-ing5. Passive infinitive and passive gerund :* Passive infinitive : laø hình thöùc caâu bò ñoäng trong ñoù quaù khöù phaân töø ( past participle) theo sau “ be “ hoaëc “ to be” noù ñöôïc duøng sau caùc ñoäng töø khieám khuyeát hoaëc “ be going to, have to, want to, would like to, ought to,……..”* Passive gerund : laø hình thöùc caâu bò ñoäng trong ñoù quaù khöù phaân töø ( past participle) theo sau “being “6. Perfect gerund and perfect participle :* Perfect gerund : laø hình thöùc “ having + V-ing “ ñöôïc duøng khi noùi ñeán söï vieäc xaûy ra trong quaù khöù . Chuùng ta thöôøng duøng noù sau giôùi töø hoaëc ñoäng töø “ deny”.* Perfect participle : laø hình thöùc “ having + V-ing “ ñöôïc duøng ñeå thay theá cho moät meänh ñeà trong ñoù dieãn taû haønh ñoäng ñaõ hoaøn taát tröôùc khi haønh ñoäng trong meänh ñeà chính xaûy ra..7. Present simple : Vinf, Vs/es ( does / do)-the daily activities : always, usually, rarely, seldom, never, how often, every day, occasionally, often, sometimes, once a week/ twice a week….- the truth 8. Past simple : V2 / ed ( did)

- the act in past and end. ( yesterday, ago, last.., in 199.., )- the act happen after other

9. Past perfect: had + P.P- the act happened nad finished before the other

10. Past progressive : was / were + V-ing- the act was happening at definite time- the act was happening when other came

11. Reported speech : * With to-inf: - tell/ want/ ask/ advise / warn / invite / remind / encourage / order / beg /

V + O + to –inf ( not to- inf)-offer / threaten / agree / promose /

V + To-inf ( not to –inf)* With gerund :- congratulate …. on, apologize….for, insist …on, accuse….of, warn …..against, prevent…from, thank…for, ……………….

V + O + prep + V-ing( not V-ing)- dream of , suggest, deny, think of , ……………………

V + prep + V-ing ( not V-ing)* Note : Some changes when the reported vorbs in the past:- personal pronouns : I, my me / we, our, us -> speaker

You,you your -> listener- Words : + this/ these -> that / those

+ here -> there+ ago -> before+ today -> that day+ tonight -> that night+ yesterday -> the previous / the day before+ last -> the .. before / the previous…


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+ tomorrow -> the following day / the day after+ next -> the following …/ the … after.

- Tenses : + present -> past+ simple past -> past perfect+ will / can / may / must -> would / could / might / had to

12. Conditional sentences :*Coù 3 loaïi caâu ñieàu kieän : Loaïi If - clause Main clause Wish I. Ñieàu kieän coù theå xaûy ra

be : am , is , areV : V-inf , Vs/ es

Trôï ñoäng töø : do / does

will / shall would/ shouldcould / might

+V-infcan / may + V - inf

II. Ñieàu kieän khoâng coù thaät ôû hieän taïi

be : wereV : V2 / ed

Trôï ñoäng töø : did

would / should werecould / migh +V - inf V2 / ed( did)

III. Ñieàu kieän khoâng coù thaät ôû quaù khöù

had + P.P

would / should had + P.Pcould / might + have + P.P

Unless = if … not

13. Conditional in reported speech:* Type 1 : thay ñoåi nhö caâu töôøng thuaät khaúng ñònh* Type 2 and 3 : khoâng thay ñoåi thì cuûa ñoäng töø, chæ thay ñoåi töø vaø caùc ñaïi töø caàn

thieát14. someone, anyone, no one, everyone, one (s)

* Pronouns : someone, everyone are used in affirmative from* anyone is used in negative form* no one is followed by a singular verb* One (s) is used to replace to a noun to avoid repeat the same word in a sentence.

III. Exercises :A. Give the correct form of the verbs in the brackets:1. I am expecting ( make ) ………………… a trip to Hanoi.2. Students stopped ( make ) …………………noise when the teacher came in.3. She couldn’t bear ( shed ) ………………… tears when she saw the film “ Romeo and Juliet.”4. Ann like ( cook ) ………………… but hates ( wash ) …………………up.5. I enjoy ( listen ) …………………to classical music.6. I really regret ( hurt) ………………… your feeling when I asked you such a silly questions.7. He’ll try ( not make ) ………………… the same mistake again.8. Would you like ( have ) …………………the next dance with me.9. Would you mind ( buy) ………………… me a newspaper?10. I hate him ( make ) ………………… friends with those guys.11. Did you remember ( phone ) …………………Ann? Oh, no. I completely forgot it.12. Does the city government intend ( do ) …………………anything about pollution?


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13. Those shirts need ( iron ) …………………but you needn’t ( iron ) …………………them now.14. They finished ( learn ) ………………… and then they wanted to go out for pleasure.15. Ehenyou see Tom , remember ( give ) …………………him my regards.16. I hop ( not do ) …………………that tiring work again.17. They postponed ( build ) …………………an elementary school for lack of finance.18. It’s no use ( advise ) …………………him. He never allows anybody ( give ) …………………advice.19 . Are his ideas worth ( listen ) …………………?20. He always avoids ( meet) ………………… me in the street.21. My parents decided ( take ) ………………… a taxi because it was late.22. Do you agree ( lend ) …………………me some money?23. Tom refused ( give ) ………………… me his address .24. The passengers asked her how ( get ) ……………………………………to the station.25. My friends arranged ( get ) ………………… to the airport in time.26. While I ( try ) ____________ to get my car started , a passing car ( stop) _________ and the driver ( offer) _________ to help me.27. I ( not see ) ______________ the film last night because I ( see) _____________ it several times before.28. mary ( not wear) ______________ her glasses at the time , so she ( not see) _____________ what color the main’s T-shirt ( be) _________________ .29. Nick ( lie) ___________ down on the grass for a while , next to some tourists who ( feed) _________ the ducks on the pond.30. Sorry, I ( not answer ) _______________ very tired, and when she ( finish) ___________ her work, she ( fall) ___________ asleep.31. Last night , she spent hours on the homework but she ( cannot) do it although the teacher ( explain) __________________it very carefully in class.32. If today ( be ) ……………….Sunday, we would go to the seaside.33. If we ( invite ) ……………….her, she may go dacing with us.34. If I finished the work in time, I ( go) ………………. to the club.35. If he ( have ) ………………. money, he will travel more.36. They ( make ) ………………. fewer mistakes if they were more careful.37. If they ( not pass) ………………. the exams, they would join the army.38. If I(be) ………………. busy, I would have come to the party.39. If you had more practice , you ( speak) ………………. French better.40. If there ( be ) ……………….a lot of sunshine, I shall go sightseeing.41. You would catch the train if you ( leave) ……………….……………….earlier.42. If anybody (have ) ……………….question, please ask me after class.43. If it is rainy, the children (go) ……………….swimming.44. If she had had his address , she ( write ) ……………….to her.45. If I (see ) ……………….the movie last night , I ( tell ) ……………….you .B. Change the following sentences into reported speech:1. She said to me :” Shut this door, don’t lock it.”2. My teacher said : Don’t copy the answer while you are doing the final test.3. The principle said : Didn’t you get the award yesterday, Xuan?”4. The teacher said :” Don’t make these mistakes again .”5. “ Do what you’re told. “ my father said.6. I said :” If I were you , I’d stop smoking .”7. “ Don’t go near the water , children.” Said she.8. “ Make a list of what you want.” She told us.9. “ You take my car “ She accused me


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10. “ Thank you very much. You help me to do this exercise.” She saidC. Find the words that are correct :1. When I arrived, I didn’t see someone there. Everyone had gone home.2. Of the two shirts , I prefer the white ones.3. Anybody want to stay home on such a lovely summer day.4. I’m looking for everyone who can help me out of the trouble.5. She is not so kind and lovely that everyone wants to be her friend.6. There are not someone in the room.7. I don’t think someone likes the smell. It’s so disgusting.8. Do everyone know where he’s now?IV. Homework :Do exercises again Read the text from unit 1 to unit 8Learn the words by heartPrepare for the first term test

REVIEW (Continue)Aims : Students can review the lessons they learnt by correcting the first term test.II. Home work: Prepare the next period: Reading unit 9


Unit 9 : THE POST OFFICELesson 1 : Reading

I. Aims : By the end of the lesson, students will be able to :- deduce the meaning of some words in certain context- scan for specific details


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II. Method: - Communicative approachIII. Skills: Integrated skills ( Especially reading skill)IV. Teaching aids : textbookV. Teaching stages :

Stages Activities Content Review

5’Remarks the test

Before you read7’’

T explains the wordsSts can give the meaning if they knowSts repeat the words in group

Vocabulary- equip ( v) (st with st)- transfer (v) (- notify (v) ( of st):- recipient (n) = receciver (n)- subscribe (v) (to st)

While you read22’

After you read10’

Task1:T explains the task: Circle the letter (A,B,C or D) before the word that has the opposite meaning to the italicised word.T gets Ss to do the task individually, then discuss the answer in pairs, and finally T checks the answers with the whole class.Task2 :T asks sts to read the text again and find the answers to the following questionsT asks sts to practise in pairsSts answer loudly.Others remark and correct.T gives comments.Task3T asks sts to work in pairs again and find evidence in the text that support these statementsT asks sts to practise in pairSts answer chorallyT gives feedback

T introduces the task: Ss work in groups of 3 or 4 and discuss the questionsT reminds Ss of the structure to ask and gives opinions ( Eg. What do you think? In my opinion,….)T goes around to check and

Task1 : Expected answers:1.spacious =/= cramped2.counteous =/= rude3.speedy =/= slow4.original =/= changed

Task2 : Expected answers:1. It is equiped with advanced technology and a spacious and pleasant front office.2. Mail and parcel service, Express money transfer, Phone calls and faxes and Press distribution3. They are sending letters by air , surface mail or express mail.4. It is used for notifying the recipient of the time and place to receive the call.5. I’ll have to subscribe to my favorite newspapers or magazinesTask3 : Expected answers:1. It opens daily from 7 a.m to 9 p.m2. They offer a very competitive rate for parcels under 15 kilos.3. They have Express Mail Service and your EMS mail will be delivered in the shortest possible time.4. The money will sent in less than 24 hours.

Questions in the textbook , page 102.-


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offer help.T calls on the groups to tell and explain their choice.T gives corrective feedback


T asks sts to prepare for the next period

Do exercises againPrepare “ Speaking’

Unit 9 : THE POST OFFICE Lesson 2 : SpeakingI . Aims : By the end of the lesson , students will be able to make requests and talk about different postal services.II. Method: - Communicative approachIII. Skills: Integrated skills ( Especially speaking skill)IV. Teaching aids : poster , textbook, CD playerV. Teaching stages :

Stages Activities Content Review

5’T asks sts to write some words and make sentences by using those Sts write on thre boardT give comments and marks

SS work


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Before you speak


T devide the class into small groups of 3 or 4 and gets them to discuss these questionsAfter 7-8 minutes, T asks Ss to give their answers. T gives comments and corrects if necessary.

Questions:1. Have you ever heard someone make a

request in English? What did they say?2. Have you ever make a request in

Vietnamese? What did you say?3. Did you observe any differences in the

way requests are made in English and Vietnamese?

While you speak


Task 1 T asks sts to practice the dialogue in pairsT goes around and helps them in pronunciationT asks sts to explains the guided sentencesT explains if the sts can’tT lets sts practise in pairsT observes and helps T asks sts to practise loudlyT gives commentsTask 2 :T asks sts to work in pairs and make a similar dialogue using one of the two situations given in their booksT goes around and helps when neededT calls some pairs and asks sts to act out the conversationT gives comments and gives marks if their work is good.

Task 1 : (Page 103)Task 2 :example dialogue :A: Good morning.B:Good morning. Can I help you?A. yes. I’d like to have a telephone line installed at home , please.B. Yes, sir. What’s your address, please?A. 234 Tran Hung Dao Street. When will it be installed ,please ?B. We’ll make it ready one week after registration.A. Can you make it on Friday?B: Certainly. Do you have a telephone?A: Yes. How much is that?B: It’s 200.000 dongs. You can see the rates on the desk. Would you please fill in this form?A: Yes… Here you are.B: Thank you.

After you speak


T asks sts to think of the situation that they themselves need to go to the post officeSts act out the conversationsSome pair of sts act in front of classT remarks



T asks sts to prepare for the next period

T asks Ss to make a dialouge for each situation in task 3 and practise the conversation at home. Prepare “ listening”


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Lesson3 : LISTENINGI.Aims : by the end of the lesson , students can listen to a monologue about the development of Vietnam’s telephone system for details.II. Method: - Communicative approachIII. Skills: Integrated skills ( Especially listening skill)IV. Teaching aids : text book, CD player, mail boxes, handoutsV. Teaching stages :

Stages Activities Content Warm-up

5’T asks sts some questionsSts answerT lets others remark and correct

* Questions :1. Is your family on the phone ?2. What is your phone number ?3. Where did your family have the telephone line installed?4. Did many families have it at that time ?5. How about now?6. Does any member of your family have a cell phone?

Before you listen


T explains some words that make sts difficult to understandT asks sts to repeat the words

* words :- commune (n) xaõ , thoân- rural network (n)- capacity (n) coâng suaát- suscriber (n) thueâ bao

While you listen20’

Activity 1: Task 1 :T asks sts to listen to the monologue and check their predictionSts listen for three timesFor the first , T asks sts to do nothingFor the second and third , T lets sts to take notes and compare their answers with their partnersT asks sts to report the resultsT gives feedback.Activity 2: Task 2T run through the questions on page 106 to make sure Sts understand all of themT asks sts to listen to the tape again then answer the questionsSts compare their answer with their partnersT tell sts to ask and answer

Activity 1: task 1 : Expected answer:1. second2. 303. fixes telephone4. 935. The change of international telephone


Activity 2: task 2 Expected answer:1. China has the best growth in telephone numbers.2. In the early 1990s, there were only 140.000 telephones in Vietnam.3. In 1996, the fixes telephone numbers were changed from six to seven digits in Hanoi and Ho chi Minh city as well as five to six digits in other provinces.4. In 2001


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these questions in open pairs, then in closed pairsT gives feedback where needed

5. There are 6.014 communal post offices in Vietnam.

After you listen10’

T asks sts to summarize the listening textSts work in pairsSts express their summaryT remarks


T asks sts to prepare for the next period

Do the exercises againWrite the summary of the listening textPrepare “ writing”


I.Aims : by the end of the lesson , students can write a letter to express satisfaction or dissatisfaction.II. Method: - Communicative approachIII. Skills: Integrated skills ( Especially writing skill)IV. Teaching aids : textbook, poster.V. Teaching stages :

Stages Activities Content Review

5’T checks sts’ summary

Before you write


T gives the scene and gives out the topic for the discussionT acts as an instructor and write shortly sts’ ideas on the board

satisfied DissatisfiedThe opening hours ?The attitude of the staff ?

Polite, thoughtful..

The prices ?The punctuality of delivery of letters and newspapers ?The position of the post office ?The quality of the equipmentThe security condition

No one looks after the motorbikes


Page 88: Anh 11 Co Ban Tuyet Dinh

While you write25’

T asks sts to write the letter on a sheet of paperT goes around the class and gives help when needed

Sts do in individuals

After you write


T asks sts to swap their papers and do the correctionT choose one letter and reads it to the class.Then T elicits corrective feedback from comments afterwards. T should draw Ss’attention to the format of the letter, the organization of ideas and language use.

Sts’ tasks


T asks sts to prepare for the next period

Sts write the letter againPrepare “ Language focus “


I.Aims : By the end of the lesson , students can distinguish the sounds / sp/ , / st/ and / sk / , and use defining and non – defining relative clauses appropriately.II. Method: - Communicative approachIII. Skills: Integrated skills .IV. Teaching aids : pictures , handouts.V. Teaching stages :

Stages Activities Content Presentation

10’Distinguishing sounds-T models three clusters /sp/, /st/ , /sk/for a few times and explains how to produce them. E.g: When producing /sp/, Ss should produce /s/ first and

Distinguishing soundsListen and repeat:/sp/ /st/ /sk/Speak Sanley askSpeech stand diskSpill stop dusk


Page 89: Anh 11 Co Ban Tuyet Dinh

then quickly switch to/p/, and so on.T reads the words and asks sts to listenT reads the words again and asks sts to repeatPractising sentences containing the targets sounds.T calls on some student to read aloud the words.T asks sts to work in pairs to practise reading the diologueT makes correction.T asks sts to repeat the sound, words and sentences in group and in individualsT helps them correct

Skill best skillSchool text schoolPractising sentences containing the targets sounds.Practise reading aloud this dialogue( page 108)

Grammar 31’


Presentation:T explains the grammartical pointsSts can answer the question to reinforce/ make the structuresT can give some examples using relative pronouns, defining relative clauses and non-defining relative clauses Exercise1T asks sts to complete other sentences in the same way as the example. Before that, explain new words if necessar.Ss do the exercises 1 individually then compare the answer with their partner.T calls some sts to go and write their answers on the board.T asks other Ss to feedback and gives correct answers:Exercise2T asks sts to do the exercise 2 in individual . Sts compare with the othersT calls on sts to give their answerT asks other Ss to feedback and gives correct answers Exercise3T explains the way to do. Sts work individually to finish the exercise and then compare their answer with the person sitting next

* Relative pronouns :- who :duøng thay cho danh từ chỉ người , coù chöùc naêng laøm chuû töø- whom : duøng thay cho danh töø chæ ngöôøi, coù chöùc naêng laøm taân ngöõ- which : duøng thay cho danh töø chæ vaät- whose : duøng thay cho ñaïi töø sôû höõu hoaëc sôû höõu caùch* Relative clauses :1. Defining relative clausesEx :Do you know the man who wears a blue hat.

- necessary for the sentence- replace to undefinate noun- not use commas before it- that can be used to replace who

and which2. Non-defiting relative clauses :Ex: Do you know that man , who stands here.-unnecessary for the sentence-replace to noun definated by name, possession, this , that, these, those, only-put after a commas or between two commas-that is not used to replace to who and whichExercise1: Expected1.A burglar is someone who breaks into the house to steal something2. A customer is someone who buys some thing from a shop.3. A shop-lifter is someone who steals from a shop.4. A cowad is someone who is not brave.


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to them.T calls some sts to go and write their answers on the board.T asks other Ss to feedback and gives correct answers Exercise4T explains the way to do. Sts work individually to finish the exercise and then compare their answer with the person sitting next to them.T calls some sts to go and write their answers on the board.T asks other Ss to feedback and gives correct answers

5. A tenant is someone who pays rent to live in a house or flat.Exercise2: Expected1.who, 2.whose, 3.whom/ who4.whose, 5.whom/whoExercise3: Expected1. The man who answered the phone told me you were away.2. The waitress who served us was very impolite and impatient.3. The building which was destroyed in the fire has now been rebuilt.4. the people who were arrested have been released5. The bus which goes to the airport runs every half an hour.Exercise4: Expected answer.1.Peter, who is studying French and German has never been abroad.2.You’ve all met Michael Wood, who is vsiting us for a couple of days.3.We are moving to Manchester, which is in the north- west.4.I’ll be staying with Adrian, whose brother is one of my closest friends.5.John Bridge , who has just gone to live in Canada, is one of my oldest friends.


T asks sts to prepare for the next period

Learn grammartical pointDo the exercisesPrepare test yourself C

TEST YOURSELF CI. Aims : By the end of the lesson students can do the exercises by themselves by usingwhat they learnt II. Teaching aids : textbookIII. Teaching stages :

Stages Activities Content Listening

7’ T lets sts listen the dialogueSts listen three times then give the answerT remarks

Expected answer :

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11g b e f d j h k c a i


T asks sts to read the text Sts work in pair to discuss the answer T lets sts give the answer loudly

Expected answer :1. They gather before midnight and select twelve grapes from a large bunch.2. Because the twelve grapes are symbols of the twelve months of the year.3. In Iran


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4. It lasts for thirteen days.5. They read from the Koran , then all embrace each other and say. “ May you live 100 years”


T reads the words Sts listen then choose the words they listenT asks sts to do the exercise in groups of fourSts do then come to the board to writeOthers remark and correctT gives comments

Expected answer :A. 1. glean 2. fry 3. thrive 4. overthrowB. 1. Earth is a planet which can support life.2. The book is about a girl who runs away from home.3. A dictionary is a book which gives you the meaning of words.


T explains the way to doSts work in individualsT goes around and helps themT asks sts to give their task ( 5 sts)T will mark at home

Sts ‘ tasks


T asks sts to prepare for the next period

Prepare unit 10 ( reading)


I. Aims : By the end of the lesson , students can ; - Understand the passage

- Identify the main idea.- guess the meaning in context- Express their own ideas about nature in danger and the endangered animals.

II. Method: - Communicative approachIII. Skills : Integrated skills IV. Teaching aids : pictures, text books , CD, ChalksV . Teaching stages

Stages Activities ContentWarm-up

5’T gives some pictures of animals and asks sts to give their namesSts work in groups of fourSts answer loudly


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T corrects and introduces the lessonBefore you


T explains the wordsSts give their meaning if they canT elicits the new words by asking questions, using the techniques suggested aboveT asks sts to give the Vietnamese meaning

Pre-teaching vocabulary.1.pollutant (n) 2.extinct (a)3.interference (n)4.endangered (a)

While you read22’

Task 1: Checking : Filling – gap T asks sts to work in pairs the exercise 1 in bookSts answer loudlyOthers remark and correct

Task 2 : (page 116)T asks sts to read the text silently then work in pairs to find the main idea of each paragraphT moves around and helps them T checks the answer with the class.

Task 3:T asks sts to read the text againT asks sts to work in groups of fourTo ask and answer the questionsSts answer in pairsT asks sts to remark and correctT checks

Task 1: Checking : Filling – gap Expected answer:

1. extinct2. protect3. decrease4. pollutants5. endangered

6. interferenceTask 2 : (page 116) Expected answer:

1. C2. B3. A4. C

Task 3: Expected answer:

1. The four ways that human beings are changing the world are : they are changing the environment by building cities and villages, they are affeting the water supply by using water for industry and agriculture, they are changing weather conditions by cutting down trees in the forests, and they are destroying the air by adding pollutants like smoke from factories and fumes from autombiles motors.2. The serious consequences of people’s interference with the environment are : many kinds of rare animals are killed, the environment where these animals are living is badly destroyed.3. Many efforts have been done to protect endangered nature, such as many organizations have been set up and funds have been raised, thousands of national parks have been established to protectendangered animals, laws have been introduced to prohibit the killing of


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endangered animals.After you


T asks sts to work in groups and find out why some animals have become extinct.T calls on the representatives of some groups to answer.T remarks and corrects if necessary.

- Sts work


T asks sts to prepare for the next period

Learn the wordsDo exercises againPrepare “ speaking”

Unit 10 : (cont) SPEAKINGI. Aims : By the end of the lesson studentsa can :

- talk about endangered nature- express their own ideas about measures for protecting endangered nature.

II. Method: - Communicative approachIII. Skills : Integrated skill(Especially reading skill) IV. Teaching aids : pictures, text books , ChalksV . Teaching stages

Stages Activities Content Warm-up

5’T asks a st to come to the board and stand in front of classT writes some words on the board but that st cannot see them.Others can use the gestures , other words to explainThat st has to guess the word

Befor you speak


T explains the words that sts can encouter T elicits the new words by asking questions, using techniques suggested aboveT asks sts to give Vietnamese equivalent

Vocabulary- cultivation (n)- discharge (v)= release- discourage ( V)- capture (v)

While you speak


Task1:T devides the class into groups of 3-4 and gives them the task. T might want to remind Ss of the ways to ask and give opinions. Eg. What do you think….?In my pinion/ I think / I feel, etc.Ss may appoint one among themselves to be a secretary to write down their peer’s ideas.


Sts ‘ tasks


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T calls on each group to turn in their answers. Ss should be able to explain their choice.T checks with their groups to see if they have the same idea. T helps Ss express their ideas correctly.Task 2:Sts work in pairsT goes around and helps themSts express loudlyT gives a chart with possible measures for protecting endangered nature which are prepared beforehand on each slice.T asks sts to work in groups and in turn come to the board, matching the reasons in task1 with possible measures for protecting endangered nature below.T calls some pairs to say them out.

Task 2:Example : Reason : Killing endangered animal for fur , food or skin.Measure : - Killing endangered animal for fur, food or skin should be banned, All kinds of animals and plants should be protected.

After you speak



T asks sts to make a conversation, using passive voice of “ should “ to combine the ideas in Task1 with Task2

T asks sts to prepare for the next period

Practise speaking at homePrepare “ Listening”

Unit 10 : (cont) LISTENINGI. Aims : By the end of the lesson students can :

- listen and understand the general ideas.- pick up the specific ideas.

II. Method: - Communicative approachIII. Skills : Integrated skills ( Especially, listening skill)IV. Teaching aids : pictures.. handoutsV. Teaching stages :

Stages Activities Content Review

5’T checks previous lesson


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Before you listen


T explains new words that make sts difficult to understand

T copies the True-false statement predictions ( task 1 ) on the board and draw the tableT asks sts to guess the answer without listening

Scenic features (n) Devastating (a)Approximately (adv)Vehicles (n)Maintenance (n)

1 2 3 4 5Prediction Correct

While you listen20’

T asks sts to listen to the monologue and check their predictionSts listen for three timesFor the first , T asks sts to do nothingFor the second and third , T lets sts to take notes and compare their answers with their partnersT asks sts to report the resultsT gives feedback.

T run through the questions to make sure Sts understand all of themT asks sts to listen to the tape again then answer the questionsSts compare their answer with their partnersT tell sts to ask and answer these questions in open pairs, then in closed pairsT gives feedback where needed

Task 1 :1.T 2.T 3.F 4.T 5.T

Task 2 1. There are 52 national parks in the United States.2. Millions of people visit national parks every year.3. Rare animals are killed or hunted for fur, skin or other parts. Trees are cut down for wood. Large areas of national parks experience devastating fires caused by careless people. The increaseing number of visitors is harming the parks due to the pollution from their vehicles.4. Rare animals and trees should be protected, fires caused by careless people should be limited, pollution from their visitors’ vehicles should be decreased and money should be rised for the parks’ staff and maintenance of their resources.

After you listen


T asks sts to work in groups of four or five to retell what they listenedOne st talks in front of classT remarks


T asks sts to prepare for the next period

Summarize the listening textPrepare “ writing “


Page 96: Anh 11 Co Ban Tuyet Dinh

Unit 10 : (cont) WRITINGI. Aims : By the end of the lesson , students can :

- understand the information about Cat Ba National park- write a description of a location

II. Method: - Communicative approachIII. Skills : Integrated skills (Especially writing skill)IV. Teaching aids : handouts , picturesV. Teaching stages :

Stages Activities Content Review

5’T checks sts’ homework

Before you write


T explains the words

T asks sts to discuss the questions Sts work in pairsT goes around and helps them

Coastal waters (n) vuøng nöôùc ven bieånAbundant (a) = more than enoughHa = hectareStone tool (n) ñoà ñaùHuman bone (n) 1. Where is Cat Ba national park?2. What are the special features of Cat Ba National Park?3. How large is it ?4. What do you know about the animals and plants in Cat Ba National Park ?5. What are some of the historic features of the park?

While you write15’

T asks sts to use the prompts to write a short description of Cat ba National Park.T goes around and hlps them

After you write12’

T asks two sts to come to the board and write their own tasksOther exchange their task to the others and correctT corrects the tasks on the board and gives feedback


T asks sts to prepare for the next period

Write the task again Prepare “ Language focus “


Page 97: Anh 11 Co Ban Tuyet Dinh

Unit 10 : (cont) LANGUAGE FOCUSI Aims : By the end of the lesson students can :

- distinguish the difference between the consonant /st/, /sm/, /sn/, and /sw/- understand the use of relative pronouns with prepositions- write the sentences with relative pronouns with prepositions

II. Method: - Communicative approachIII. Skills : Integrated skills IV. Teaching aids : Flipchart, pictures, CD playerIII. Teaching stages :

Stages Activities Content Review

5’T checks sts’ homework


T reads the sound then asks sts to repeatT reads the words and sts repeatSts repeat the sentences in groups and in individuals

/sl/ : slave, slim, slice, slow/sm/ : smart, smell, smoke, smile/sn/ : sneeze, snookers, snow, snap/sw/ : swing, switch, swear, swallow

Grammar 28’

T gives examples and explains

T asks sts to work in groups of four and discuss to choose the proper relatives to fill in the blanksSts answer loudlyT corrects

T asks sts to do the exercise in pairsSts work then some sts come to the board to write Some sts read their own

Ex : The man is Tom’s teacher. Tom is talking to him.Formal : The man to whom Tom is talking is his father.Informal : The man whom Tom is talking to is his teacher.* Trong tieáng Anh, ta coù theå ñaët giôùi töø tröôùc whom vaø which. Ta khoâng theå duøng who vaø that trong tröôøng hôïp naøyExercise 1 :1. whom 2. which 3. whom 4. who 5. that 6. whom 7. which

Exercise 2 :1. The man to whom I talked yesterday was very kind.2. The man about whom I told you works in the hospital.3. The woman about whom I am


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sentencesOthers remark and correct

T asks sts to work in pairsSts discuss then answer loudlyOthers remark and correct

telling you teaches me English.4. The movie about which they are talking is fantastic.5. The picture at which she was looking was beautiful.6. I’ll give you the address to which you should writeExercise 3 :1. that 2. which 3. who 4. whom 5. which/that 6. which 7. who 8. whom

Homework 2’

T asks sts to prepare for the next period

Do exercises againPrepare “ Unit 11 – reading “

Unit 11 : SOURCES OF ENERGYLesson: Reading

I. Aims : By the end of the lesson , students will be able to :- understand the passage- identify the main idea.- guess the meaning in context- express their own ideas about sources of energy.

II. Method: - Communicative approachIII. Skills : Integrated skills ( Reading skill) IV. Teaching aids : Flipchart, pictures, CD playerV. Teaching stages :

Stages Activities Content Review

5’T checks sts’ previous lesson

Before reading


T gives picture and asks sts to look at itSts work in pairs and guess the then answer the questions

* Words :- alternative (a) be replaced- reserve (n) söï döï tröõ- exhaust ( v) empty, run out of


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T explains the words to be sure that the students can understand the text

- release (v) thaûi , phoùng thích- limited (a) giôùi haïn

While you read20’

Task 1 :T asks sts to read the text silentlyT asks sts to read the sentences and fill in the blanks with proper wordsT asks sts to compare with their partnerT lets some sts answerOthers remark and correct.Task 2 :T asks sts to read the text againSts work in pairs to do the exercisesT asks sts to read their results in front of classOther listen and correctTask 3: T asks sts to read the text again then answer the questionsSts work in pairs to discuss the resultsT asks sts to answer loudlyOthers remark and correctT gives comment

Task 1 :1. released 2. alternative 4. limited 5. exhaustedTask 2 :Sources of energy

Advantage(s) Disadvantage(s)

Nuclear power

It’s unlimited It can be very dangerous

Geothermal heat

It’s available It is only possible in few places

Solar energy

It is not only plentiful and infinite but also clean and safe

It’s on posible during the day time

Wind power

It is a clean and unlimited

There’s no wind energy when there is no wind

Watwer power

It is a clean and unlimited

It is expensive

Task 3: Expected answer 1. Our major source of energy comes from fossil fuels.2. Five sources of energy are mentioned in the text. I think solar energy is the most potential.

After you read


T asks sts to work in groupsSts read and find the proper words to fill in the blanksSts answer in front of the classOthers remark

Expected answer :1. energy 2. one 3. fuels 4. limited5. alternative 6. sources 7. unlimited8. environment


T asks sts to prepare for the next period

Read the text againLearn the words by heartPrepare “speaking “

Unit 11 : (cont) SPEAKINGI. Aims : By the end of the lesson, students can :

- talk about advantages and disadvantages of energy sources- express their own ideas about alternative sources of energy


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II. Method: Communicative approachIII. Skills : Integrated skills ( speaking skill) IV. Teaching aids : picturesV. Teaching stages :

Stages Activities Content Review

5’T checks sts’ previous lesson

Before you speak


T explains the new words * words:-renewable (a) =/= non-- reactor ( n) loø phaûn öùng- rediation (n) phoùng xaï- hydro electricity

While you speak


Task 1 :-T gets Ss to read through the statements and explains new words if necessary.- T gets Ss to do the task and then compares their answers with a peer.- T checks the answers with the whole class and elicits more advantages and disadvantages if possible.Task 2 :T asks two of best sts to do example.T explains new words if necessary and reminds Ss of the structure to ask for and give opinion , agree and disagree with someone.Sts work in pairs to discuss the use of alternative energy in the future.Task 3 :T lets sts express their conversation in front of the classT lets sts express their own ideas about the alternative energy.T goes around to check and help.After 6-7 minutes T gets Ss to report the outcmes of their discussion and elicits of feed back from the class. T gives the feedback afterwards.

Task 1 :1.D 2.D 3.D 4.A 5.D 6.A 7.D

Task 2 :

Sts’ tasks

Task 3 :Sts’ tasks

After you speak


T asks sts to list things family should do to save energy


T asks sts to prepare for the next peiod Write a short paragraph about the ways to save energy in you familyPrepare “ listening”


Page 101: Anh 11 Co Ban Tuyet Dinh

Unit 11 : (cont) LISTENINGI. Aims :-By the end of the lesson, students can :

- listen to specific information - express their own ideas about how to protect environment

II. Method: - Communicative approachIII. Skills : Integrated skills ( listening skill) IV. Teaching aids : paper, markersV. Teaching stages :

Stages Activities Content Review

5’T checks sts’ homework

Before you listen


T asks sts to work in pair to write down the kinds of energy in familyT reads loudly and asks sts to repeatT lets sts give the meaning

Suggested answer:Petrolium, gas, coal, electricity, solar, pannel

While you listen22’

Task 1 :T asks sts to listen to the monologue and check their predictionSts listen for three timesFor the first , T asks sts to do nothingFor the second and third , T lets sts to take notes and compare their answers with their partnersT asks sts to report the resultsT gives feedback.Task 2 : T asks sts to listen to the tape again then to fill in the blanksSts compare their answer with their partnersT tell sts to answer loudlyT gives feedback where needed

Task 1 : Expected answer:

1.D 2.C 3.D 4.A 5.C

Task 2 : Expected answer:1. unlimited 2. atmostphere 3. may4. gases 5. amount

After you listen12’

T asks sts to work in groupsT gives a table Sts discuss and give answer T checks

Sources of energy

nonrenewable Renewable

Coal xGeothermal heat xPetroleum xSolar energy xOil xWind energy xGas x


T asks sts to prepare for the next period

Prepare “ writing”


Page 102: Anh 11 Co Ban Tuyet Dinh

Unit 11 : (cont) WRITINGI. Aims : By the end of the lesson students can :

- read the information from a chart, write a description from a chart.II. Method: - Communicative approachIII. Skills : Integrated skills (Especially writing skill)IV. Teaching aids : handouts, picturesV. Teaching stages :

Stages Activities Content Review

5’T checks sts’ homework

Before you write10’

T hangs the chart on the board and explains the information in the chartSts look at the chart carefully and read the passage to find out the missing informationT lets sts compare the answer with othersT calls on some sts to read their answer

Expected answer ;1. 1172. coal3. smallest

While you write

T asks sts to give the useful languages

Tense : simple pastSample writing :


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20’ T lets sts give the outliningT asks sts to write the description of the trends in energy consumption in the year 2005 in highlandT limits the time and goe around to help them if they have difficultiesWhen the sts finish , T asks them to exchange their writings, comparing and giving corrections.T divides the class into 4 groups and ddelivers a large piece of paper for each groupT asks sts to compare the amount of energy consumption in the two years 2000 and 2005T sets the time and moves around to help themSts stick their poster on the board

The total energy consumption in 2005 was over 140 million tons. Nuclear and Hydroelectricity made up the largest amount of this figure. Ther was nearly as much petrolium used as coal which only made up the smallest proportion of the total about 41 million tons.

After you write


T gives the correction and comments on their writing

Sts’ posters


T asks sts to prepare for the next period

Write the essay againPrepare “ language focus ‘

Unit 11 : (cont) LANGUAGE FOCUS

I. Aims : By the end of the lesson, Students can :- distinguish the consonant clusters : / r / , / spl /, / spr /- understand the use of Relative clauses replaced by participles and to-inf- write the sentences with Relative clauses replaced by participles and to-inf

II. Method: - Communicative approachIII. Skills : Integrated skills IV. Teaching aids : picture , chalks, text books, Cd recoder.V. Teaching stages :

Stages Activities Content Review

5’T checks sts’ homework


T reads the sound then asks sts to repeatT reads the words and sts repeatSts repeat the sentences in groups and in individuals

1.Listen and repeat:/ ∫r/ : shred , shrill, shrug , shrink/ spl / : split , splash , spleen , splutter/ spr/: spray, spread, sprain, sprat2. Practise reading aloud these sentences:( page 131.)

Grammar 34’

1. Relative clauses replaced by present particple:T gets Ss to read the example and analyse the form of the sentences with and without a

1. Relative clauses replaced by participles and to-inf: 1. Active participles :


Page 104: Anh 11 Co Ban Tuyet Dinh

relative pronoun ( e.g. relative pronouns functioning as subjects can be replaced by present participles).Exercise 1:- T gets Ss to complete other sentences in the same way as the example . Before that, explain new words if necessary.- T gets Ss to go and write their answers on the blackboard .-Others remark and correct-T elicits correction/ feedback from the class.

2. Relative clauses replaced by past particple:T gets Ss to read the example and analyse the form of the sentences with and without a relative pronoun .Exercise 2:- T gets Ss to complete other sentences in the same way as the example . Before that, explain new words if necessary.- T gets Ss to go and write their answers on the blackboard .-Others remark and correct-T elicits correction/ feedback from the class.

3. Relative clauses replaced by to infinitives:T gets Ss to read the example and analyse the form of the sentences with and without a relative pronoun Exercise 3:- T gets Ss to complete other sentences in the same way as the example . Before that, explain new words if necessary.- T gets Ss to go and write their answers on the blackboard .-Others remark and correct-T elicits correction/ feedback from the class.

She is Lan’s siter . she is playing with her dog.-> the girl who is playing with her dog is Lan’s sister.-> The girl playing with her dog is Lan’s sister.* We can use the active participle to replace a relative clause which has an active meaning.Expected answer : Exercise 1 :

1. The boy playing the piano is Ben.2. Do you know the womwn coming

toward us3. the people waiting for the bus in the

rain are getting wet.

2. past participles :The window which was broken by the boy was new.-> the window broken by the boy was new* We can use the active participle to replace a relative clause which has an passive meaning.Exercise 2 :

1. The ideas presented in that book are interesting.

2. They live in a house built in 1890.3. They work in a hospital sponsored by

the government.

3. Infinitive relative clauses :Which was the first country which won the world cup?-> Which was the first country to win the world cup?* We can use a to-inf to replace a relative clause* we often use a to-inf after an ordinal number ( first , second…. ) , next and last, after, only or superlative adjectives.Exercise 3 :

1. John was the last man to reach the top.2. The last person to leave the room must

turn off the light.3. the first person to see is Mr. Smith


T asks sts to prepare for the next period Do the exercises again Learn grammar by heartPrepare Test yourself D ( write IV)

TEST YOURSELF DI.Aims : Students can use what they learnt in units 9,10 and 11 to do the exercise exactly and fluently


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II. Method: Communicative approachIII. Skills : Integrated skills IV. Teaching aids : chalks, text books, Cd recoder.V. Teaching stages :

Stages Activities Content Listening

10’T lets sts read the questions before they listenT asks sts to listen twice Sts give the answerOthers remarkT lets sts listen once again to check their answer

Expected answer :1. Without water , people and other living things cannot live.2. if there were no plants, water would run off after it rains.3. Water can be held on the land by planting vegetation.4. Dams are built across rivers to help hold back the water.5. water is stored in reservoirs during wet seasons for use in dry seasons.

Reading 10’

T lets sts read the passageSts work in pairs the discuss the answer T goes around and helps themSts give their answer Others remark and correctT remark and gives comments

Expected answer ;1. Air , water and soil are necessary to the survival of all living things.2. They would have stop using many things that benefit them.3. Governments can pass and enforce laws that require business and individuals to stop, or cut down on certain polluting activities.

Pron and grammar


T read the soundSts listen the tick T asks sts to work in groupSts discuss then give their answer Others remark and correctT remarks

1. sneeze 2. smash 3. shrimp 4.spread

1. living 2. ringing 3. to leave4. to drink 5. invited 6. blown

Writing 14’

T lets sts write the writing on the board and correctT give the marks


T asks sts to prepare for the next period.

Do exercises again Review units 9, 10, 11Prepare for the test 45’

THE THIRD FORTY-FIVE MINUTE TEST I. Aims : - Students can do the test exactly and fluently by using what they learnt

- Teacher can check sts’ understading about unit 9,10 and 11II. Form : Multiple choices


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III. Homework- Prepare Unit 12 : The Asian Games ( reading)

Week: 24 Teaching date : 14. 02.2011Period : 71 Planning date :11.01.2010

THE RESULT OF THE THIRD FORTY-FIVE-MINUTE TESTI . Aims : -Students can check their result of the test - Teacher can check sts’ understanding about the lesson

- Prepare Unit 12 : The Asian Games ( reading)

Unit 12 : THE ASIAN GAMES ( reading)I. Aims : by the end of the lesson, students can

- understand the passage- scan for specific information- guess the meaning in context- remember some events about Asian games

II. Method: Communicative method:III. Skills: Integrated skills (Especially reading skill)IV. Teaching aids : pictures, handouts, text books, chalks.V. Teaching stages :

Stages Activities ContentWarm-up

5’T gives picture of Ly Duc and van Mach then asks some questions about them.

Who are they ?What do they doWhat do they have in common?Expected answer :They are Ly Duc and Van MachThey are athletesThey have won gold and silver medals in body building in the asian games

Before you read15’

-T explains the new words-T asks sts to work task 1 ( page 138) to check vocabularySts discuss in group then answer loudly.

- effort ( n) = attempt = struggle- aquatic (a) sport in water- appreciate (v) đánh giá cao- advance : to make progress- facility (n) equipment- enthusiasm (a) nhiệt tình


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T asks others to give the comments.T gives the feedback and correct answer.

ex : She is interested in teaching . she never lost ________ for teachingExpected answer ;1. facility 2. aquatic c. enthusiasm 4. effort 5. advancing 6. appreciated

While you read19’

Task 2 T asks sts to read the text Sts discuss in pairs to fill in the blanks Sts answer loudlyT asks others to give the comments.T gives the feedback and correct answerTask 3 :T lets sts work in pair to ask and answer the questionsT goes around and helps them if necessarySts answer in pairs Other remark and correct

Task 2 :1. 19512. the 2nd Asian Games in Manila, the

Philippines3. 19584. Squash, rugby, fencing and mountain

biking5. 2002

Task 3 :1. the purpose of the A.S.G is to develop intercultural knowledge and friendship within Asia.2. 9.919 participants took part in the 14th Asian Games3. They won the gold medals in bodybuilding, billiards and women’s karatedo at the Busan Games.

After you read


T asks sts to work in group to discuss the Vietnamese athletes


T asks sts to prepare for the next period

Learn the words by heartDo the exercises againPrepare “ Speaking”

Unit 12 (cont) : SPEAKINGI. Aims : By the end of the lesson , students can :

- ask for and give some information about asian games- express their own ideas about sport results and about their favourite games or athletes

II. Method: Communicative method:III. Skills: Integrated skills (Especially speaking)IV. Teaching aids : Text Books, chalks, V. Teaching stages :


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Stages Activities Content Review

5’T checks students’ learning at home

Before you speak


T asks sts some questionsSts answer

Name some sports in Asian Games?What sports did Vietnamese athletes get in 14th Asian Games?

While you speak


T asks sts to look at the information in booksT read the example then asks sts to repeat in pairsT asks sts to work in pair to practise asking and answering about the time, places, countries and sports of Asian gamesT asks some pairs to practise loudlyT asks sts to work in groups of five to ask about the sport results of Vietnamese athletesT goes around and helps them if necessaryT asks some students to talk in front of class

Example :- When and where was the 1st Asian Games held?- ( They were held) in 1951 in India.- How many countries took part in the Games ?- Eleven- How many sports were there at the Games ?- Six.

Example :In bodybuilding , the Vietnamese athletes won one gold medal and one bronze medal.

After you speak


T asks sts to talk about the sports results of vietnamese athletes in the 15th Asian Gamnes

Homework 1’ T asks sts to prepare for the next period

Write a short paragraph about the 15th Asian Games you knowPrepare “ Listening”

Unit 12 (cont) : LISTENINGI. Aims : by the end pf the lesson, students can :

- listen to specific information- express their own ideas about.

II. Method: Communicative method:III. Skills: Integrated skills (Especially listening)IV. Teaching aids : Text Books, chalks, Tape cassette.V. Teaching stages :

Stages Activities Content Review

5’T asks sts to talk about the 14th

Asian GamesBefore you T asks sts to work in pair to Gymnastics, swimming , long jump, high jump


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discuss about the pictures T asks sts to answer loudlyT asks sts to repeat the words

While you listen20’

T asks sts to listen to the monologue and check their predictionSts listen for three timesFor the first , T asks sts to do nothingFor the second and third , T lets sts to take notes and compare their answers with their partnersT asks sts to report the resultsT gives feedback.

T run through the questions to make sure Sts understand all of themT asks sts to listen to the tape again then answer the questionsSts compare their answer with their partnersT tell sts to ask and answer these questions in open pairs, then in closed pairsT gives feedback where needed

Task 1 : 1. C 2. A 3. B 4. B 5.D

Task 2 :1. ( It was at ) 10.15 p.m2. ( They have won ) 6 gold medals.3. ( He has completed in the long jump) 2

times.4. High jump ( was the last sports event

mentioned in the report ).5. He was very disappointed.

After you listen11’

T asks sts to work in group and give the name of a famous athlete and talk about him/herT can give an exampleT asks sts to represent their groups to talk in front of class


T asks sts to prepare for the next period

Write a short paragraph about a famous Vietnamese athlete Prepare “ Writing “

Unit 12 (cont) : WRITINGI. Aims : By the end of the lesson , students can :

- read the information from a chart- write a description from a chart

II. Method: Communicative method:III. Skills: Integrated skills (Especially writing)IV. Teaching aids : Text Books, chalks, chart.


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V. Teaching stages :

Stages Activities Content Review

5’T asks sts to talk about one of Vietnamese athletes

Before you write12’

T asks sts to match a word in A with a line in B to find out the meaning of the new words.

T asks sts to look at some activities suggested in the box, the sample writing and elicit some useful languages from stsT copy on the board :

1. to upgrade 2. to promote 3. to recruit

a. To advertise sth in order to make it popular.b. to find new people to join an organizationc. to change something so that it is of a higher standard

Expected answer :1. c 2. a 3. b * Useful languages : Sequence adverbs First / Firstly / First of all …..Then….Next ….After that ….Finally …* Structure : need to be + P.P = need + V-ingEx : The national stadium needs to be upgraded

While you write17’

T asks sts to use the information in the box and write meaningful sentences, combining the verb in column T goes around and helps themT asks sts to compare their sentences with their partnersT asks sts to write on the board

Expected answer ;a. One more national stadium needs to be built.b. National sports centres and local stadium need to be upgraded because they are not in good conditions.c. We have to build more hotels and guest house with morden facilities to welcome foreign athletes and visitors.

After you write12’

T asks sts to work in groups of four to write a paragraph of about 120 words to describe the preparations for the coming Asian Games in VietnamT moves around to give sts help if necessaryT limits the timeT lets sts exchange their writings to correct the writings

Sample writing: To prepare for the Asian Games we have a lot of things to do.First of all, we will build one or more national stadiums and sport centres so that they can meet the international standard. At present, they are too small and many of them are rundown. We will widen and equip training areas because they don’t have enough facilities and are not large enough to accommodate a huge number of participants. We will also need to improve the roads leading to stadiums and sport centres where the Asians Games are going to take place so as to avoid traffic congestions. What is more, we will upgrade and build more hotels and guest houses because most of our hotels and guest houses at the


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moment don’t meet international standards. There are not enough of them, too, to accommodate. Besides, we need a lot of English- spreaking staff, so we will train and recruit volunteers from students and young people who speak good English. We will also advertise our preparation work on TV as to call for sponsor. Finally, we will need to have an official song for the event, so we might want to hold a competition to choose the best song.


T asks sts to prepare for the next period

Write the exercise againPrepare “ Language focus “

Unit 12 (cont) : LANGUAGE FOCUSI. Aims : By the end of the lesson , students can :

- distinguish the difference between the consonant clusters / str/, / skr /, / skw /- revise the use of relative clauses.- Understand and write sentences with omission of relative pronouns

II. Method: Communicative method:III. Skills: Integrated skills IV. Teaching aids : Text Books, chalks, Tape cassette.V. Teaching stages :

Stages Activities ContentWarm-up

5’T hangs a flipchart of some words on the boardT copy the following sentences on the board and ask Sts to find words beginning with str- to complete the 1st sentence, scr- for the 2nd and skw- for the 3rd

T sets the limited timeT asks sts to read the complete sentences loudlyT asks sts to give the same sound of the wordsT introduces the lesson

- strong, street, strange- screamed, scratch, screen- aquare, aqueezed,

1. The _________ man standing in the _____ looks very ______.2. In the ____ a little girl ______ aloud when she saw a deep _____ on her leg.3. My mother ____ an orange and put it on the ____ table in front of my face.Expected answer :

1. strange / street, strong2. screen / screamed , scratch3. squeezed / square


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Pronunciation 7’

Distinguishing sounds:T hangs on a flipchart with these words on the board and introduces the soundT read the sounds and asks sts to repeat in groups and in individuals.Practising sentences containing the target sounds.T asks sts to repeat the sentences in books

Listen and repeat:- / str / : street, strong, strange, strength- / skr / : scream, screen , screw, scratch- / skw/ :square, squeeze, squash, squeakPractise reading aloud the sentences (Page 114)


T asks sts to recall the use of relative clauseT gives some examples and asks sts to read carefullyT explains the grammar

1. Relative pronouns as subject :Ex : The woman who/that lives next door is a doctor. S2. Relative pronous as object :Ex : The woman whom /who/that I wanted to see is a doctor. OWe can say :The woman I wanted to see is a doctor.* We can leave out the relative pronoun when it isn’t a subject of relative clause.


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T asks sts to complete each of sentences in exercise 1Sts read aloud their own sentencesOthers remark and correctT gives correction if necessary

T asks sts to complete the sentences in the exercise 2 Sts read aloud their sentences Others remark and correctT gives comments

T asks sts to read the sentences carefully then tick the sentences which can be omitted the relative pronounSts give answerT remarks

Exercise 1 :1. have you found the bike you lost?2. Most of the classmates he invited to the party couldn’t come3. the short stories John told were very funny.4. the dictionary I bought yesterday is expensive, but very interesting.5. I didn’t like the man we met this morningExercise 2 :1. I enjoy my job because I like the people I work with.2. The dinner party we went to wasn’t very enjoyable.3. The house we are living in is not in good condition.4. I wasn’t interested in the things they were talking about.Exercise 3 ; 1,3,5,6


T asks sts to prepare for the next period

Do exercises againPrepare Unit 13 ( reading )

Unit 13 : HOBBIES Part A: Reading I. Aims :By the end of the lesson, students can : read about hobbies ,scan read for specific ideas and skim read for general ideas.II. Method: Communicative method:III. Skills: Integrated skills (Especially reading skill).IV. Teaching aids : pictures, handouts, cards

V. Teaching stages :Stages activities ContentReview T checks sts’ homework and


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5’ period lessonBefore you


T explians the words that sts can have difficulties in readingT checks sts ‘ understanding about the words by giving exercisesSts work in pairs Sts give their answer loudlyT gives comments

Vocabulary :- guitarist (n)- glass fish tank- admire (v) - throw sth away

Checking :1. My uncle is a good _______ . He often accompanies his wife singing with his guitar.2. Almost everyone in my class _________ Hoa because she is very good at Maths.3. We keep fish in ____________ .4. Their car is old and out of fashion. They intend to ______ it ________.Expected answer :1. guitarist 2. admires 3. glass fish tank 4. throw.. away

While you read20’

Task1:T asks sts to skim read the text and do the matching test in pairsT calls on some pairs to read aloud their choicesT remarks

Task 2:T divides the class into groups of fourT asks each group to read the text again and write down the answer to the following questionsT asks sts to answer their groups’ answerOthers remark

Activity 1 :A B

1. accomplished2. accompanying3. modest4. avid5. discarded6. indulge in 7. keep me occupied

a. keep me busyb. well-trainedc. allow oneself the pleasure ofd. thrown awaye. going with a singer, using a musical instrumentf. eagerg. humble

Expected answer :1.b, 2.e, 3.g, 4.f, 5.d, 6.c, 7.aTask2 : Expected answer :1. His first hobby is playing his guitar.2. No, he isn’t.3. Because he’s an accomplished guitarist and he is good at accompanying people singing by his guitar.4. his second hobby is keeping fish.5. He bought some from the shop and collected some from the rice field near his house.6. He is an avid stamp collector.7. He collects them from discarded envelopes his relatives and friends give him.8. Local stamps.9. he keeps the less common ones he usually gives away to others or if no one wants them he simply throws them away.


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After you read8’

T asks sts to work in pairs to talk about their hobbies, mentioning the following things

- What your partner’s hobby is- How much time he / she spends on it.- Ask whether he / she collects anything as a hobby.- Ask if he / she shares the same hobby with any member of his / her family / class- How much money he / she spends on his / her hobby


T ask sts to prepare for next period

Learn the words by heartDo exercises againPrepare “ speaking “

Unit 13 : ( cont ) SPEAKINGI. Aims :By the end of the lesson, students can talk about a hobby and collectionsII. Method: Communicative method:III. Skills: Integrated skills (Especially speaking skill)IV. Teaching aids : Handouts, chalks, blackboard……………V. Teaching stages :

Stages Activities ContentReview

5’T checks sts’ learning at home

Before you speak


T explains some words or T asks Sts to give the meanings of some work.

- Second-hand book stall - classify (v) - landscape (n)

While you speak


T asks sts to practise in pairs to ask and anwer about the sports they like or not likeT ask sts to practise in pairs to play the roles in the dialogue T goes around and helps them if they have difficulty T lets sts work loudlyT asks sts to work in pairsSts make a similar dialogue collecting stamps.T goes around and helps themSts practise loudly


Dialogue in book

After you read10’

T asks sts to work in pair to ask and answer about their own hobbiesT observes and helps them


T asks sts to prepare for the next period

Practice at homePrepare “ Listening”


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Unit 13 : ( cont ) LISTENINGI. Aims : By the end of the lesson , students can :

- listen about collection- listen for specific information- listen for general ideas

II. Method: Communicative method:III. Skills: Integrated skills (Especially listening)II, Teacing aids : handouts, chart, chalks, textbooks, cassette player…..III. Teaching stages :

Stages Activities ContentWarm up

5’T gives some informationSts guest the thing the T is concerning toSts answer

1. It is a noun with four letters.2. It can be your friend or even your

teacher3. It gives you knowledge about the

world.4. It can be found in a library.

Before you listen


T explains the wordsT asks sts to repeat the words Sts repeat the given words

- gigantic(a) = huge= very big- fairy tale (n)- profitably (adv)- by gone days

While you listen25’

T asks sts to listen to the monologue and check their predictionSts listen for three timesFor the first , T asks sts to do nothingFor the second and third , T lets sts to take notes and compare their answers with their partnersT asks sts to report the resultsT gives feedback.

T run through the passage to make sure Sts understand all of themT asks sts to listen to the tape again then fill in the blanksSts compare their answer with their partnersT tell sts to answer T gives feedback where needed

Task 1 :1.T 2.F 3.F 4.F 5.T 6.T 7.T 8.F

TASK 2 :1. wonderful 2. disease 3. jungle4. certainly 5. ignorantly 6. profitably

After you T asks sts to practise in pairs to


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discuss the disadvantages of the overreading.T gives some hints to Ss on the chart.T goes around and helps them

Homework 1’

T asks sts to prepare for the next period

Write a letter to one of your friends who is so interesting in reading book that she has to spend much time and money to readPrepare “ writing “

Unit 13 : ( cont ) WRITINGI , Aims By the end of the lesson sts can :write about a collection, work in pairs / groups effectively, do the tasks set by T correctly.II. Method: Communicative method:III. Skills: Integrated skills (Especially writing skill).IV. Teaching aids : handouts, chalks………………III. Teaching stages :

Stages Activities ContentReview

5’T checks sts homework

Before you write


T explains the content they can write in the writing textSts can answer

* name of the collection: collection of books, coins, stamp, clothes* how to collect them : buy, ask so to give, exchange* how to keep : in album, on the shelves, in boxes..* when started : * how to classified : into categories, countries, ages,colors* why collect :* future :

While you write22’

T lets sts work in individual to write about their collectionsT goes around and helps them if necessary

Sts’ task

After you write T asks one st to write his / her Sts’ work


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10’ writing on the boardT correct as an example


T asks sts to prepare for the next period

Write the task againPrepare “ Language focus “

Unit 13 : ( cont ) LANGUAGE FOCUSI. Aims : By the end of the lesson, students can :

- distinguish the 4 sounds / pt / , / bd / / ps / / bz/- know how to use cleft sentences : - subject focus, object focus, adverbial focus.

II. Method: Communicative method:III. Skills: Integrated skillsII. Teaching aids : handouts, colored chalk.III.Teaching stages :

Stages Activities Content Warm-up

5’T instructs a game

T lets sts play the gameCall the losers

T asks sts to do something, the sts do as the T tell them but they will do if the T begins with “ please “


T writes these 4 words on the boardT asks sts how the pronounce the ending sounds in these wordsT introduces the lessonT asks sts to open their books to page 151T hang the chart on the boardT asks sts to repeat the wordsSts repeat in groupT lets sts repeat the sentences then underline the sound they learn in the lessonT lets sts work in pair the compare their results

- stopped / robbed / stops / robs /pt/ /bd/ /ps / /bz/

In our lesson today we’ll practice these sounds / pt/ : stopped, jumped, stepped, trapped/bd/ : robbed, stabbed, grabbed, bribed/ ps/ : stops, steps, maps, shops/ bz/ : robs, bribes, rubs, clubs


T asks a st to give a book to otherT asks sts, sts answerT introduces the lesson

What did he do ?Sts : He gave Mai a book.T : Yes , It was Minh who gave Mai a book.It is the way to focus subject. You can have the same way to focus object and adverbialEx: Minh gave Mai a book. It was Minh who gave Mai a book.


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T gives example and explains the grammar

T asks sts to do the exercise 1 in pairsT goes around to offer helpT calls on some sts to read their answer aloudT corrects their mistakes if necessaryT asks sts to do the exercise 2 in pairsT goes around to offer helpT calls on some sts to read their answer aloudT corrects their mistakes if necessaryT asks sts to do the exercise 3 in pairsT goes around to offer helpT calls on some sts to read their answer aloudT corrects their mistakes if necessary

Subject focus : S (N/ PRO) +V→It + is / was + N/ pron + who/that + VEx : The girl saw the cat. It was the cat that the girl saw.

Object focus :S+ V + O (N/ pro )→It + is/was + N/pron + that + S + VEx : The girl saw the cat in the garden.It was in the garden that the girl saw the cat

Adverbial focus :S+ V+ Adverbial ( prep+ N)→It + was/ is + prep + N + that + S+ V …expected answer :Exercise 1 :1. It was the boy who visited his uncle last month.2. It was my mother who bought me a present on my birthday.3. It was Huong and Sandra who sang together at the party.Exercise 2 :1. It is English that the man is learning.2. It was the book that the woman gave him.3. It was the police man who the president asked a lot of question

Exercise 3 :1. It was in the garden that the boy hit the dog.2. It was for tea that she made some cakes.3. It was from the shop that she bought that present.


T asks sts to prepare for the next period

Learn the grammarDo exercise againPrepare Unit 14 ( reading)

Unit 14 : RECREATION A. Reading

I. Aims : By the end of the lesson, students can :- read about friendship- scan read for specific ideas- skim read for general ideas

II. Method: Communicative method:119

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III. Skills: Integrated (Especially reading).IV. Teaching aids : pictures, handouts, cassette player..V. Teaching stages :

Stages Activities Content Warm-up

5’T asks sts some questionsSts answer

1. What do people often do after dinner?2. What do people do to keep fit?3. What do people do at the library?4. What do most women like doing in free time?Answer :1. watching T.V2. doing exercise3. reading book4. shopping

Before you read


T explains the wordsT gives an execiseSts fill in the blanks

- pastime (n) - household (n) hộ gia đình- course (n) khóa học- apart from = except ngoại trừExercise :1 . There are 1000 ___________ in my town.2. ________ going out , I can do everything.3. I intend to take part in an English ________.4. I often reading in my ________Expected answer :1. households2. apart from3. course4. pastime

While you read20’

T lets sts read the text in three minutes and tell me which of their guesses are right.T calls on some sts to give answerT makes atick at the right guesses, and a cross at wrong onesT asks sts to read the text and then work in pairs to do the exerciseT calls some pairs to give the answersT gives feedbackT asks sts to work in groups to answer the questionsT calls some groups to give their answer on the boardT corrects

- watch TV x - shopping x- meeting friend x- playing sports x- Listening to music v- reading books v

Expected answer : 1 . A 2.B 3.B 4. A 5.B 6.A

Expected answer :1. because without them people will become dull.2. Football and rugby in winter, and cricket and athletics in summer.3. Walking and swimming4. because this is a new kind of entertainment


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which gives them pleasure. After you read

8’T asks sts to work in groups of four to discuss one of the following topics

- Should students play computer games for relax- The bad effects of watching TV


T asks sts to prepare for the next period

Read the text againLearn the words by heartPrepare “ speaking’

Unit 14 : (cont) SPEAKINGI. Aims : By the end of the lesson, students can express agreements and disagreements about

entertainment activities and starting the reasons. II. Method: Communicative method: III. Skills: Integrated (Especially speaking).

IV.Teaching aids : handouts, textbook, chalks……….V.Teaching stages : Stages Activities Content


T asks sts to work in pairs Sts choose the agreement expression and disagreement onesSts gives their answerT corrects

Agreement Disagreement- Yes, let’s do that- I quite agree with you- For sure- You are exactly right.

- I don’t think so.- I respect your opinion, but…- I don’t see it that way.- You could be right, but don’t you think that …

Before you speak


T explains the wordsT asks sts to repeat the words in group and in individual

T give exercise to check sts’ understanding in using the wordsSts work in pairs Sts answerT remarks and corrects

* Words :- tent (n) lều- equipment (n) trang thiết bị- scenery (n) cảnh- effective (a) có tác dụng, ảnh hưởngExercise :1. We have to bring lots of ___ and supplies when we go on a camping trip.2. Have the boys put up the _________ yet?3. We enjoyed the spectacular ____ there, especially the waterfalls and hills.4. thanks to _______ production mewthods, they have been able to produce better and cheaper products.Expected answer :

1. equipment 2. tent 3. scenery 4. effective


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While you speak


T introduces the dialogueSts play the roles in the dialogueT repeat the use of conditional sentence type 1T asks sts to practise in pairs to use the phrases in Task 1 and 2T goes around and helps them if necessary


free practice

After you speak


T gives situation and ask sts to give their agreement or disagreementT encourages sts to use englishT notices the mistakes then correct in front of class

What do you think about the programme “ viet Idol “?Some sts don’t want to wear Ao dai when going to school. Do you think about it ?


T asks sts to prepare for the next period

Write a short paragraph expressing you ideas about one of the topic given in activity 3

Unit 14 : (cont) LISTENINGI. Aims : By the end of the lesson, students can

- listen for specific information- listen for general ideas.

II. Method: Communicative method:III. Skills: Integrated (Especially listening).IV. Teaching aids : handouts, pictures, cassette player, chalks, textbook.V. Teaching stages :

Stages Activities Content


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T asks sts some questionsSts answer

- Where do you often spend your holiday?- Who do you usually go on holiday with?_ How do you like your holiday?Today we are going to listen to someone talking about his / her holiday.

Before you listen


T explains the wordsT asks sts to repeat the words in group and in individual

* words :- desert (n) sa mạc- solitude (n) sự hoang vắng- waterfalls (n) thác nước- depressed (a) =sad

While you listen18’

Sts listen for three timesFor the first , T asks sts to do nothingFor the second and third , T lets sts to take notes and compare their answers with their partnersT asks sts to report the resultsT gives feedback.

T run through the questions to make sure Sts understand all of themT asks sts to listen to the tape again then answer the questionsSts compare their answer with their partnersT tell sts to ask and answer these questions in open pairs, then in closed pairsT gives feedback where needed

Expected answer :Task 1 :

1. T 2.T 3.F 4.T 5.F 6.T

Task 2 :1. Riding their dirt bike in the desert , taking showers in waterfalls and swimming in lakes and rivers.2. In sleeping bags or tents.3. Because more and more people are coming to these places and leave trash in the forests and take rocks and plants with them.4. he thinks nature id also important in the world.5. In cities.6. Because she can’t put up an umbrella tent in the wind or make fire in the rain or carry a heavy backpack.

After you listen10’

T asks sts to discuss if they like camping or not. Sts work in groupT goes around and helps them


T asks sts to prepare for the next period

Write a short paragraph about the advantages of going campingPrepare “ Writing”


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Unit 14 : (cont) WRITINGI. Aims : By the end of the lesson, students can :

- write about a collection- work in pairs / group effectively.

II. Method: Communicative method:III. Skills: Integrated (Especially writing).IV. Teaching aids : handouts, picturesV. Teaching stages :

Stages Activities Content Warm-up

5’T gives the sentences which are used to give the information about the wordT asks sts to work in group to guess the word

1. This word is a noun with five letters.2. This noun tells you about something that happened in the past.3. This noun can be combined with such adj as funny, love, detective …4. Grandmothers often tell this to their grandchildren before they go to bed.Expected answer : STORY

Before you write


T explains the wordsT asks sts to repeat the words

* words :- forest (n)- camp-fire (n)- umbrella tent (n)- be up early

While you write20’

T asks sts to work in pairs and match the events with the given picturesT gives the answersT remarksT asks sts to look at the pictures in the order and write a story about camping holidayT goes around and helps them if necessaryT asks two sts to come to the board to write their tasksT gives feedback

1.G 2.A 3.B 4.C 5.F 6.D 7.H 8.I 9.E

Students tasks

After you write10’

T asks sts to work in group of four or fiveSts practice retelling the the trip they had taken part inT goes around and helps them


T asks sts to prepare for the next period

Write a short paragraph to tell about a trip you hadPrepare “ language focus”


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Unit 14 : LANGUAGE FOCUSI. Aims : By the end of the lesson students can :- distinguish the 4 sounds / ts/, /dz/, /tSt/ /dgd/-know how to use the conjunctions “ both…and…., not only…but also, either …or , neither… nor…- know how to use cleft sentences in the passiveII. Method: Communicative method:III. Skills: Integrated .IV. Teaching aids : Textbooks, chalks, blackboard, cassette player.V. Teaching aids :

Stages Activities Content Review

5’Check sts homework


T writes these 4 words on the boardT asks sts how the pronounce the ending sounds in these wordsT introduces the lessonT asks sts to open their books T hang the chart on the boardT asks sts to repeat the wordsSts repeat in groupT lets sts repeat the sentences then underline the sound they learn in the lessonT lets sts work in pair the compare their results

/ ts/ sits, eats, meets/dz/ reads, friends/ kinds/tSt/ marched,, watched, reached/ dgd/ bridge, raged, managed

Grammar 8’

T explains the grammartical pointsT can give the examples the make sure that sts understand the grammar

Grammar :* both… and : cả hai - both + N1 ( adj..) and + N2 (adj..) + VsEx: Both tom and Mary are students.* either … or : hoặc- either N1(adj) or N2(adj) Ex: Either they or he likes football.* neither … nor…- neither N1 ( adj) nor + N2 ( adj) Ex: Neither his friends nor he likes football.* neither … nor* either …or => V -> N2

* not only … but also . * Cleft sentences : Object focus :


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T asks sts to open their books to page 161/162T asks sts to work in pairs to combine the sentences , using both… and, neither… nor, either .. orSts work in pairsT asks some sts to come to the board to writeOther remarks and correctT asks sts to work in pairs to combine the sentences , using both… and, neither… nor, either .. orSts work in pairsT asks some sts to come to the board to writeOther remarks and correct

It + be + N that + S + V ….. It + be + N that + be + P.P + by OEx: It is the dog that is kicked by the manExpected answer :1. Both Jim and Carol are on holiday.2. George neither smokes nor drinks.3. Neither Jim nor Carol has got acar4. The film was both long and boring.5. We can leave either today or tomorrow.

Expected answer :1. It was Christina who was given a lot of flowers by fans2. It was the policeman who was asked for direction to the P.O3. It was his house that was talked about.4. It was a bike that was bought for him for his birthday.


T asks sts to prepare for the next period

Learn the grammar by heartDo the exercises againPrepare “ Test yourself F”

TEST YOURSELF EI. Aims : By the end of the lesson, students can use what they learn to do the exercise.II. Method: Communicative method:III. Skills: Integrated IV. Teaching aids : catsette playerV. Teaching stages :

Stages Activities Content Listening

10’T lets sts read the questions before they listen

1. Television brings pictures and souds from around the world into millions of home


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T asks sts to listen twice Sts give the answerOthers remarkT lets sts listen once again to check their answer

2. A person sitting in his home can watch the president make a speech or visit a foreign3. Home viewers can see and learn about people, places and things in far away lands.4. Entertainment programmes consist of plays or dramas, light comedies, sporting events, and motion pictures.

Reading 10’

T lets sts read the passageSts work in pairs the discuss the answer T goes around and helps themSts give their answer Others remark and correctT remark and gives comments

1. T 2.F 3.T 4.T 5.F

Pron and grammar


T read the soundSts listen the tick T asks sts to work in groupSts discuss then give their answer Others remark and correctT remarks

a. Pronunciation1. street 2. squeeze 3. meets 4.managedb. Grammar :1. who 2.that 3.that 4.who 5.who 6.that


T lets sts write the writing on the board and correctT give the marks

Structure : 0.5 msContent : 1mWords and sentences : 1m


T asks sts to prepare for the next period.

Review unit 12,13,14Do the test 45’

TEST 45’I. Aims : - Students can do the test exactly and fluently by using what they learnt

- Teacher can check sts’ understading about unit12,13 and 14II. Form : Multiple choiceIII. Homework

- Prepare Unit 15 : ( reading)


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CORRECT TEST 45’I . Aims : -Students can check their result of the test - Teacher can check sts’ understanding about the lesson II. Homework:

- Prepare Unit 15 : ( reading)

Unit 15 : SPACE CONQUEST A_ READINGI. Aims : By the end of the lesson students can :

- scan read for specific ideas. - skim read for general ideasII. Method: Communicative approachIII. SKILLS: Integrated skills ( especially reading skill)IV. Teaching aid: Textbook, chalk, blackboard, cassette player.V. Teaching stages :

Stages activities ContentI.Warmer

5 minsQuizDivide the class into two groupsPrepare 6 questions beforehand to ask the two groups.Each group takes turns to give the answer to the questions they hear. It they give the correct answer, they get one mark, There will be a special question, and the group giving the correct answer to this question gets three marks. The group with more marks wins the game.Special question: Declare the winnerLead – inDo you the first Vietnamese person who set foot on the moon?And who was the first person who to set foot on the moon?

I.Warmer (5 mins)Questions:1. What do we call someone invited to our house to have a party? (guest)2. What is the popular website enabling you to search for any information you need? ( Google)3. A kind of fruit related to the discovery of gravity. (apple)4. A small animal told in a fable to kill an elephant.(ant)5. An adj to describe the earth (round)6. What it the word to fill in this sentence?A friend in ………………. Is a friend indeed. (need)7. What is a small thing we need for making clothes? ( needle)Special question :Can you use the first letter of seven words above to make a meaningful word?



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(Gagarin)Yes, Gagarin, and today we are going to read about this interesting person. In the fist place,I’d like to help you with some new words.

Before you read10’

T explians the words that sts can have difficulties in readingT checks sts ‘ understanding about the words by giving exercisesSts work in pairs Sts give their answer loudlyT gives comments.CheckingT asks Ss to work in pairs to complete the following sentences with the word just learnt.T says: Now let’s get back to Gagarin, the first person to come to the moon. Let’s open your books to come to the moon. Let’s open your books to page 167 and read the reading text about him.

Vocabulary1. gravity (n) – the pull of the earth.2. cosmonaut (n): (translation)3. last (v) ( gap – fill)How long does this film……….?Expected answer: after (v) (context)This street was named after a Vietnamese writerWhat does named after mean?Expected answer: ñöôïc ñaët teân theo.

Checking.1. Pham Tuan was a very well – known…… Viet Nam.2. Water runs down hill because of …3. My school was…………a national hero.4. Our summer holiday often………about three months.Expected answer:1. cosmonaut 2. gravity 3. named after 4. lasts

While you read20’

Instructions:How to many paragraphs are there in this reading text(Five)Good and you see, each paragraph has a heading. Now you read the text and then work in pairs to match the heading to the paragraphsT asks sts to answer their groups’ answerOthers remark.

Activity 1: matching Test Suggested and answers:P1 – B (the lift – off)P2 –E (Uncertainties)P3 – D (A view of earth)P4 – C (Congratulations)P5 – A ( The tragic accident)T call on some Ss to give answers.T gives feedback.

Activity 2 : Questions – AnswersSuggested answers


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Activity 2 : -Divide the class into group four.Ask Ss to read the text again and work in groups of four to write their answers on the handouts.Ask the group to exchange the handouts for correction.

1. He became the first human being in space when he was 27.

2. He was in space for 108 minutes.3. Before his flight, these questions were raised– What would happen to a human being in

space?– How would the body react to the extreme

changes in the temperature?– How would the mind deal with the

psychological tension?4. It was more than 17.000 miles per hour.5. Because of a tragic accident.6. After his death, his hometown of Gzhatsk was

renamed Gagarin, and the Cosmonaut Training Center at Star City, Russia, was given the name to honour this hero.

After you read


Gap – fil:lT asks SS to read the reading text and then work in pair to do the gap- fill test (task3/page 169)T call on some pairs to give the answers.T gives feedback.

Gap – fill :Suggested answer:1. cosmonaut 2.lasted 3. uncertainties4.gravit 5.view 6.chapter 7.impossible 8.symbol


T ask sts to prepare for next period

Learn the words by heartDo exercises againPrepare “ speaking “

Unit 15 : SPEAKINGI. Aims : By the end of the lesson students can :- ask and answer questions on given information.- talk about historical events in the space conquestII. Method: Communicative approachIII. SKILLS: Integrated skills ( especially speaking skill)IV. Teaching aid: Textbook, chalk, blackboard, picturesV. Teaching stages :

Stages activities ContentI.Warmer T asks Ss to Complete this I. Warmer (5 mins)


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5 mins sentence with a noun. Lead – in: Today, we are going to talk about space exploration. First of all, I am going to provide you with some new words.

Complete this sentence with a noun1.Gagarin was a well – known……… (cosmonaut)2. Spacemen in the world have made progress in ………(conquest)3. What in the missing word in this sentence?Spacemen travel into space at great……(speed)

Before you speak


-Pre-teaching Vocabulary.T explians the words that sts can have difficulties in reading

-Task 1.Instruction You are going to read a piece of news about manned spacecraft of China, then work in pairs to ask and answer questions about the text.

Vocabulary1. launch (v) ( gap – fill)The first spacecraft was ……….into space in 1957.Expected answer: launched2. mark (v) ( translation)3. human (n) ( gap – fill)Only ……can use language to communicate.4. orbit ( n) ( translation)Checking:Rub out and remember.

Task1: Questions – AnswersExample:Student A: When did China launch its first spacecraft into space?Student B: On Oct 15, 2003.T goes around to offer help.T asks some pairs to act out the conversation.T takes notes and gives feedback.

You practice27’

Instructions:Instructions :Open your books on page 171 and have a look at the events in space exploration of 8 different countries.Now you have to work in groups of four.One member of each group has to read about the space exploration of one country carefully and then answer any questions that the other 3 members may ask.When you finish talking about the space exploration of one country, move on with another one .

Activity 2 Group – work:Suggested Answers: On 4th October, 1957 the first artifical satellite: “ Sputnik”, which was made by the USSR, was launched into space. It marked the beginning of Space Age. One month later, on 3th November 1957, a dog named laika was the first living thing being in space. It was abroard Sputnik 2. After that, on 12th April 1961, Yuri Gagarin, a 27 year old Russian Cosmonact, became the first human in space. His flight lasted 108 minutes. Then on 6th June 1963, Valentina Tershkova, a Russian cosmonaunt, became the first woman in space. On 20th 1969, two Amerian astronauts, Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin, were the first people to set foot on the moon .


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T goes around to offer help.T takes notes of Ss’ mistakes for indirectCorrection.After 7 minutes, T asks them to stop and gives feedback on their work.

The first Vietnamese in space was Pham Tuan. Along with a Russian cosmonaut, V.V.Gorbako, he stayed 8 days in orbit.


T consolidates the main points the class hve just leant.


Writing-Use the information given in box 6 / page 171, write a short paragraph about Pham Tuan, the first Vietnamese person to set foot on the moon.Copy your finished passage about Pham Tuan on your exercise notebook.-Learn the words by heart-Prepare “ listening. “

Unit 15 : (cont) LISTENINGI. Aims : By the end of the lesson students can :

-listen for specific information-listen for general ideas

II. Method: Communicative approachIII. SKILLS: Integrated skills ( especially listening)IV. Teaching aid: Textbook, chalk, blackboard, pictures, cassette player.V. Teaching stages :

Activities Content

I.Warm-up (5ms)Matching GameT photocopies pages 172 to make handouts for Ss.T gives handouts to Ss and ask them to face them down.When all students already have the handouts, T asks them to match the pictures with the descriptions at the bottom of the handout. The first student who gives the exact answers wins the game.

I.Warm-up (5ms)Matching GameKey:Picture A : 2 Picture B: 5Picture C : 3Picture D : 1 Picture E: 4Declare the winner.

Question and suggested answer:


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Lead – in: T asks a question to lead to the new lesson:-Now look at picture A, Now today we are going to listen about this crew. First I am going to help your know some new words.

II. Pre – listening (7ms)Activity 1: Introduction and explanation of the new words-T introduces and explains the new words._ Ss look at the board and may be answer what the teacher asks.Activity 2:Checking

T asks Ss to complete the following sentences with the words just learnt.Ss answer.T comments and gives correct feedback.

III.While – listeningActivity 1: Task1. (8ms)

InstructionsAs I have said, this time you are going to listen about the Apollo crew, who first reached the moon. Listen and work in pairs to decide if the statements are true or false. Remember that the tape will be played twice.T gives Ss handouts of T-F testP plays the tape twice.T call on some Ss to give the answers.T goes over the answers with the class.

Activity 2: Task2. Listen again and answer the question. (10ms)

T gives Ss handout of activity 2.Instruction: Now listen to the listening text again and answer the questions in the handout. You will listen to the tape twice. T gives Ss 1 minute to read the questions.T plays the tape twice.T call on some students to give the answers.T goes over the answers with the class.

-What do you know about Apollo crew?(They first set foot on the moon)-How many people were there in crew?(There were 3)

Activity 1-Vocabulary1. surface (n) (drawing)T draws the surface of the road, and elicits the word surface2. experiment (n) (question)What do scientists often do in laboratories?Expected answer: experiment3.astronaut (n) ~ spaceman4.challenge (n) : (translation)

Activity 2:Checkinga. They couldn’t walk on the moon’s……unless they wore spacesuit.b. Putting a man on the moon was a great……at that time.c. Mr. Minh is doing his……………in the chemistry lab.d. He was the first…………………to reach the moon.

Activity 1: Task1Suggested answers: 1F, 2F, 3F, 4F, 5T

Activity 2 : Task2. Listen again and answer the question. _Suggested answers

1. NASA’s Apollo program was developed to meet President Kennedy’s challenge.

2. The Apollo 11 was launched on July 16, 1969.3. The portable life support system was used for

controlling the oxygen temperature and pressure inside the spacesuit.

4. The astronauts stayed on the surface of the moon for two and a half hours.

5. While they were staying on the surface of the moon they performed a variety of experiments and collected soil and rock samples to return to Earth.

6. They returned to Earth on July 24th , 1969.


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IV.Post – listening (10ms)Instruction: Choose one of the following topics and discuss it in pairs.-Ss work in pairs.-T goes around and gives help.- Ss answer and T gives the comment

V.Home – work (2ms)T explains the task.


1. If you knew you had only one more week to live on Earth because you would go to the moon and stayed there forever, what would you do on those seven days?2. If you had a change to go to the moon and could take only three things with you, what would you choose and why?

V.Home – work (2ms)WritingWrite a short paragraph about this topic.In your opinion, why do people take interest in other planets in the solar system?

Unit 15 : (cont) WRITINGI. Aims : By the end of the lesson students can :

-write a biograph- work in pairs/ group effectively- do the tasks set by T correctly

II. Method: Communicative approachIII. Skill: Integrated skills ( especially writing)IV. Teaching aid: Textbook, chalk, blackboard, pictures.V. Teaching stages :

Stages ActivitiesI. Check -up: (5ms)-T call some Ss to go to the board and say about one of the important events in space exploration.- T comments and gives marks.- Lead-in

In today’s lesson, you are going to write the biography of AMSTRONG. First I will provide you with some new words.

II. BEFORE YOU WRITE ( 15’)Activity 1: Vocabulary -T introduces and explains some new words.- Checking:

Check-up (5ms)Ss say


1. disaster (explanation)2. flood, storm, earthquake….are disasters.


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-Rub out and remember

Activity 2 : Close – testInstructionsYou are going to read about Amstrong’s biography. After reading it, you have to work in groups of four to put each of the headings in the box in the appropriate blank.T calls on five representatives of five groups (choose at random) to go to the BB to write down their answer.- Out line: Write your own biography, the quote should include

- time to go to elementary school (where/when to go/name of school).

- time to go to secondary school (where/when to go/name of school).

- Time to attend upper - secondary school (where/when to go/name of school).

Prepare for the next period ( language focus

III. WHILE YOU WRITE. (16’)T asks Ss to read Amstrong’s biography again and work individually to write a paragraph of Neil Amstrong.Ss write their work on their notebooks.T goes a round to offer help.T takes notes of Ss’s mistakes for indirect correction.T comes to Ss to encourage them to writeT collects some mistakes made by Ss for indirect correction..IV. AFTER YOU WRITE (8’)T call on two Ss to go to the BB to write down their work T, together with Ss, find out the mistakes and corrects them.T gives feedback on Ss’ work.T point out some common mistakes made by Ss when doing this writing task.

What does disaster mean?Quote (n) (elicitation)What do you call a section of an application form in which you write important events in your life? (quote)3. Investigate (v) (gap – fill)The police are i…… the case of bank robbery in our village(investigating)4. biography (n) (translation).

Suggested answer :1 birth 2 place of birth 3 known as4 career5 quote


IV. AFTER YOU WRITE.Sample developmentNeil Armstrong is an American astronaut. He is known as the first person to walk on the moon. He was born on August 5th,1930 in Ohio. From 1949 to 1952, he worked as a pilot in the United States Navy. Amstrong received his BS from Purdue University in 1955. In 1962, he joined the Nasa astronaut program. On July 20th 1969 Neil Amstrong became the first human to step on the moon’s surface. He was joined by Buzz Aldrin forty minute later. Amstrong and Aldrin spent two and half hours on the moon’s surface. Amstrong received his M.S from the University of Southern California. He resigned from NASA a year later and from 1972 to 1979, he taught at the university of Cincinnati. In 1986, Amstrong was pointed vice chairman of the committee that investigated the Challenger shuttle disaster. Amstrong is also well-known for what he said when he stepped on the moon’s surface: “There’s one small


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V. HOME WORK ( 1 m)

step for man, one giant leap for mankind.

HOME WORK .- Write the biagraphy again.- Ss prepare Language Focus.

Unit 15 : (cont) LANGUAGE FOCUSI. Aims : By the end of the lesson students can :

-distinguish the 4 sounds /nt/, /nd/, /n0/, /ns/, /nz-know how to use the conjunctions both……and, not only………but also, either…..or, neither……..nor-know how to use cleft sentences in the passive

II. Method: Communicative approachIII. Skills: Integrated skills IV. Teaching aid: Textbook, chalk, blackboard, pictures. Cassette player.V. Teaching stages :

Stages ActivitiesWarm-up( 5ms) -Find the other part of your lifeT asks two students to volunteer to play the game.They should be a boy and a girl.The boy will look at the board and the girl stands behind the boy. They have to stand back to back.T explains that the boy will be asked five questions and all he has to do id nod or shake his head to express his agreement or disagreement.T will write his answer on the board.Then T will ask the girl the same five questions, the girl can say yes or no to answer. If the boy and the girl have more than three same answers they will become couple of the day.T declares if they are a couple or not.Lead-inCan you tell me another way to ask the above questions?(Expected answer)

Warm-upFind the other part of your lifeQuestions

1. Can you swim?2. Can you sleep 10 hours a day?3. Can you play a sport?4. Can you eat chocolate?5. Can you sing very well?

.II.PRONUNCIATION. -Went end month change

phones/nt/ /nd/ /n0/ /ns/-Practice the words containing the sounds in the chart

/nt/ rent, tenant, didn’t/nd/ remind, warned, friend/n0/ seventh, tenth, fifth/ns/ tense, glance, Florence


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Are you able to swim/…. sing well?)Now, let’s open your books to page 175. Today we are going to practice more about this grammar pointII. PRONUNCIATTION. ( 7 ms)1. Distinguishing sounds._T. introduces two consonant sounds /nt/ , /nd/, /n0/, /ns/, and /nz/ by writing some words containing the sounds on the board._ T models the sounds and for a few times and explains the difference in producing them._ T hangs the chart_ T plays the tape ( or reads) once for Ss to hear the words containing the sounds in the chart._Lets Ss. listen and repeat the words T asks :Who can pronounce these words?(Ss stand up to say the words)T corrects their mistakes if necessary.2.Practising the dialogue containing the targets sounds.- T reads the dialogue aloud, then asks Ss to listen and repeat after him._T asks Ss work in pairs and read aloud the dialogue in textbook and to pick out the word containing the sounds.-T calls on some pairs to read the sentences aloud, correcting their mistakes if necessary.III. GRAMMAR. ( 32 ms.)Presentation 1.Lead-in-T shows a picture of a man running.-T writes on BB- T shows a picture of a man whose leg was hurt but he was running fast.-T explainsExercise 1-T asks Ss to open their books to page 176.-T asks Ss to work in pairs to complete the sentences, using could, couldn’t or was/were (not) able toPresentation 2.-Tag questions-T revises how to make tag questions by giving some examples.-T asks Ss to do exercise 2/ page 176/177 in pairs.-T goes around to offer help.-T calls on some Ss to read their answers aloud.-T corrects their mistakes if necessary.Exercise3 :

/nz/ learns, tones, Barnes-Practice the sounds in the dialogue.A : Florence, Mr.Barns went on the tenth last month.B : Oh, I have warned you, haven’t I? Did you pay the rent?A : Only to the seventhB : Only to the seventh?A : Yes, and we have no change to see him again. Is he your friend?B : No, Mr. Barns is not my friend and if he phones, remind him that he must pay the rent to the end of the month.A : Don’t be so tense. We’ll have a new tenant on the thirteenth of this month.III. GRAMMAR.-A asks:Could he run fast five years ago? (Yes)He could run fast 5 years ago.T asks: Did his leg hurt? (Yes)-T writesHis leg hurt but he was able to run fast.Could/ was/were able to: -express an general ability and in the past .was/were able to : express an effort to do stNote: We can use could or was/ were able to in negative sentences and interrogative.Exercise1.1. was able to 2. was able to 3. could4. was able to 5. could 6. couldn’tExrcise2.Example:-It is a nice day, isn’t it?-They aren’t hungry, are they ?-You live here, don’t you?-You don’t speak English, do you?Exercise 2: Suggested answers1 It’s a very expensive restaurant, isn’t it?2. The film was great. Wasn’t it?3. She has a lovely voice, doesn’t she?4. It doesn’t look good on me, does it?5. You have had your hair cut, haven’t you?Exercise3 :Suggested answers1. doesn’t she? 2.haven’t you?3. wasn’t it ? 4. didn’t we?5. won’t we? 6.can’t you?7.mustn’t it?Further practice: Mistakes correction


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T asks Ss to do exercise 3/ page 177 in pairsT goes around to offer help.T calls on some Ss to read their answer aloud.T corrects their mistakes if necessary.Further practice: Mistakes correctionT hangs a chart containing an exercise.T asks Ss to work in pairs to do this exercise.T goes around to offer help.T calls on some Ss to read their answer aloud.T corrects their mistakes if necessary.

IV. HOME WORD. ( 1m)

Correct the mistake in each sentence below.1. The bus was crowed with people but finally I

could find a seat.2. She didn’t able to find him although she had

gone everywhere.3. I am not a fool, am not I?4. It seems to me that she is very good at maths,

doesn’t ?Suggested answers1. could -> was able to 2. didn’t -> wasn’t3. am not -> aren’t 4. doesn’t it -> isn’t shePrepare the next period Unit 16- Reading.

- Learn the grammar again.- Prepare: Reading ( Unit 16)

Unit 16: THE WONDERS OF THE WORLD A-ReadingI. Aims : By the end of the lesson students can :

- read about one wonder of the world (The Pyramid).- sean read for general ideas.- skim read fon general ideas.

II. Method: Communicative approachIII. SKILLS: Integrated skills ( especially reading)IV. Teaching aid: Textbook, chalk, blackboard, pictures,cassette player.V. Teaching stages :

Stages Activities

I.Warm – up (5 mins): Matching.-T hangs some pictures on the board.-Ss discuss to match the countries with thieir wonders of the world.-T asks Ss to give their answer.-T gives correct feedback.Lead- inGood, now today you are going to read about one of the wonders in the world.First, let,s get to know some new words.II. BEFORE YOU READ. ( 8ms)

I.Warm – up Matching the countries with thieir wonders of the world.Suggested answer.

II. BEFORE YOU READ. Activity 1: Look at the pictures and answer the questions.Activity 2. Pre-teaching vocabulary:Vocabulary1. tomb (v) (definition)


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Activity 1: Look at the pictures and answer the questions.Activity 2. Pre-teaching vocabulary:T introduces and explains some vocabulary.T reads the whole vocabulary , and Ss repeats after.T lets Ss do a small exercise to check.T say: Now let’s get back to the wonders of the world, the Great Pyramid. Open your books to page 179 and read the reading text about it, then do task 1 on page 180.III. WHILE YOU READ.T plays ( or reads ) the whole passage.Ss look at the text book and listen.Activity 1: Gap-fillInstruction: The words in the box all appear in the passage. Read the text and work in pairs to do the gap-fill test.T goes around and gives T calls some ss to answer.T gives the correct feedback.

Activity 2: Questions – AnswersT divides the class into groups of 4 T gives handouts of the questions to each group.T asks each group to read the text again and answer the questions given.T asks the group to exchange the handouts for correction.T call on some groups to give the answers, asking each group to correct the answers on the handout.T asks each group to take its handout back after correction.Activity 3: Scanning for information T asks Ss to scan read the passage again pairs to say what the following words refer to T goes around to encourage Ss to read.T call on some pairs to give the answers.T gives feedback.IV. POST READING DiscussionWork in pairs to discuss this question:Work of the wonders of the world do you like best? Why?T goes around to offer help.I calls on some pairs to act out the conversation.T gives feedback

What do you call a place whore the dead rest?2. pyramid (n) (picture)T shows the picture of the Pyramid and asks Ss what it is.3. construction (gap-fill)He builds houses and bridges. He works for a famous…………… company.4. treasure (n) (translation)CheckingT asks Ss to complete these sentences with the words they have just learnt.a. The Great………………………is one of the 7 wonders in the world.b. The …………….. of this building took them three months.c. The found a …………………… in an isolated island.d. Excuse me, can you tell me where King Tu Duc……….. is?Suggested answersa. pyramid b. construction c. treasure d. tomb

Activity 1: Gap-fillSuggested answers: 1 tomb, 2 wonder, 3 ramp, 4 chamber, 5 mysterious, 6 spiral.

Activity 2: Questions – AnswersSuggested answers.

1. On the west bank of the river Nile.2. About 147 m high and on a base of 230 m square3. To serve as a tomb when the Egyptian pharaoh

Khufu died and to protect the burial chamber from the weather and from the thieves who might try to steal the treasures and belongings there…

4. It is thought that ancient Egyptians used straight or spiral ramps or huge weight arms to lift and place the blocks of stone.

5. The boat is believed to have been used to carry the body of Khufu in his last journey on earth before being buried inside the Pyramid.

Activity 3: Scanning for information T asks Ss to scan read the passage again pairs to say what the following words refer to 1. who (line 4)2. it (line 8)3. it (line 9)4. each (line 12)Suggested answers:

1. who (line 4)( the thieves)2. it (line 8) (the Great Pyramid)


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V. HOME WORK. (1 m)

3. it (line 9) (the Great Pyramid)4. each (line 12) a block of stone

IV. POST READING Discussion.V. HOME WORK. Write a passage about your favorite wonder of the world.Prepare the next period: speaking.

Unit 16: THE WONDERS OF THE WORLD A-SpeakingI. Aims : By the end of the lesson students can :

- distinguish facts and opinions.- Use facts and opinions to talk about features of man-made placesII. Method:Communicative approachIII. SKILLS: Integrated skills ( especially speaking)IV. Teaching aid: Textbook, chalk, blackboard, pictures.V. Teaching stages :

Stages Activities

I. Check -up: (5ms)-T call some Ss to go to the board + One writes down vocabulary in the past period.+ One talks about some main points about the great pyramid of giza.- T comments and gives marks.- Lead-inIn today’s lesson, you are going to talk about about the great pyramid of giza.

. First I will provide you with some new words.

II. BEFORE YOU SPEAK. Activity 1( 10’) Distinguishing facts and opinions-T instructs the task. -T gets Ss to work in pairs to do the task.-T asks Ss to explain why they think these sentences are facts and those are opinions.

I. Check -up:

Ss work

II. BEFORE YOU SPEAK.Task1. Instructions: this time you have some statements about The Pyramid. Read them and work in pairs to decide

if each on describes fact or opinion Definition:+ A fact is something that can be proven to be true, to exist, or to have happened by evidence. + An opinion is the view somebody takes about an issue, especially when it is based solely on personal judgment.

Suggested answers:Facts: 2, 3, 4,Opinion: 1, 5, 6, 7.T goes around to offer help.T asks some pairs to give their answers.


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-T calls on some Ss to present their answers and asks orthers to comment.-T asks for the reason and asks Ss how the define a fact and an opinion.-T gives the definition:-T gives the correct feedback.Activity 2 Group – work ( 10’)-Let’s move to task 2. Before you do it, I am going to give you some useful language.-Now when you express your opinions, what phrases or sentence patterns do you use?-T elicits and introduces ways to express ideas- T puts Ss in pairs and gets themto tell each other about some facts and opinions of the Great Pyramid of Giza based on the information in Task1.- In the meantime, T goes around to check and offer help.- T calls on some pairs to perform in front of the class.- T elicits feedback from the class and gives final comments.

III. YOU PRACTICE. ( 18’)T instructs the task 3.- T puts Ss in groups and gets them to discuss possible answers to the given questions about the Great Pyramid of Giza .- In the meantime, T goes around to check and offer help.- T calls on some groups to perform in front of the class and other groups to share.- T elicits feedback from the class and gives final comments.


T gives feedback.

Activity 2 Group – workUseful language and expression.- I think / I am sure….- It is said / believes / thought that…- They might / may / can have …- Probably / maybe they …Examples:- I think the Pyramid was built by an enormous giant.- Probably an enormous giant built the Pyramid.- A giant might have built the Pyramid.

III. YOU PRACTICE. Instructions:

Work in pairs. This time you discuss possible answers to the following questions, using the suggested questions below.1. Who built the Great Pyramid?2. How long did it take to build it?3. Where did the builders find the stones?4. How did they transport them?5. How could they build the Pyramid so high?

IV. HOME WORD Write a report on what your friend told you about how the pyramid was built in the activity above.Prepare the next period : Listening.

Unit 16: THE WONDERS OF THE WORLD C- LISTENING.I. Aims : -By the end of the lesson students can :


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- listen to a listening text about The Great Wall.- Listen for specific information.- Listen for general ideas.

II. Method: Communicative approachIII. SKILLS: Integrated skills ( especially listening)IV. Teaching aid: Textbook, chalk, blackboard, pictures,cassette player.V. Teaching stages :

Stages Activities

I. Warm-up (5 mins )T divides the class into two groups.T tells them that there is a word in the T’s mind. T will give them 4 pieces of information about the word, one by one, and members of each group can raise their hands at any time to guess what the word is. Each group has only two chances to make a guess.Lead-in. T asks some questions to lead to the new lesson.Now, you are going to listen

II.PRE-LISTENING (7 mins)-T intrduces and explains some new words.- T gives a small exercise to check.III. WHILE-LISTENING.Activity 1 :Task1 (8mins).-T instructs: Now you are going to listen about The Great Will. One of the wonders of the world. Listen and work in pairs to fill in the missing information. Remember that the tape will be played twice.-T gives Ss handouts of gap-fill testT plays the tape twice.T calls on some Ss to give the answers.T goes over the answers with the classActivity 2: Task2 listen and answer the questions. (10 mins)-T instructs.-You will listen to the tape twice.-T gives Ss 1 minute to read the questions.-T plays the tape twice.-T calls on some students to give the answers-T goes over the answers with class.

Quiz1. This word is a noun and it is very well- known in the world.2. You can see this from the moon.3. It was enlisted in The World heritage by UNESCO.4. It is one of the wonders in the world and the symbol of China.Key: The Great Wall.T declares the winner.

Questions for lead-inHave you ever seen the Great Wall on TV? (yes)How old do you think it is? (Ss make a guess)Would you like to visit it some day? (Yes)words.II.PRE-LISTENING (7 mins)Vocabulary

1. ancient (adj) ~ very old2. Ming Dynasty (n) (translation)3. significance (n) (synonym)

Can you tell me a synonym of importance?Expected answer: significance

4. Beijing (proper noun): the capital of ChinaCheckingT asks Ss to complete the following sentencesWith the words just learnt.

a. Was this wonder built during Ming………………..?b. Hoi An is an interesting………….town in Viet Nam.c. I went to China last moth and I stayed in…….for a

week.d. He has realized the …….of learning computer

science.Suggested answers

a. Dynasty b. ancient c. Beijing d. significanceIII. WHILE-LISTENING.Activity 1 : Task1 .Suggested answers


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IV. POST- LISTENING.( 10 ms)Work in groups of four. One member play the role of mandarin in the Ming Dynasty who was leader of a building group of the Great Wall. And tell his grandchildren how the Great Wall built. The other members play the roles of his grandchildren to act out the conversation.


(1) the moon, (2) 1987,(3) the Ming Dynasty, (4) 200, (5) 200BC, (6) 6000km, (7) 1 Im, ( 8) stone

Activity 2: Task2 Instructions: Now listen to the listening text again and answer the question in the handout.Suggested answers1. In 1368 2. Five provinces3. Thanks to its magnificence and significance4. The parting the northwest of Beijing is the best choice for visit because it is still in its original state.

IV. POST- LISTENING.( 10 ms)Sentence building

1. The Great Will / said / visible / the moon.2. It / believe / The Great Will / built / defense purpose.3. The Great Will / symbol / the Chinese nation /

history.4. A visit / The Great Will / bring tourists great

excitement / each step / the will.Suggested answers1. The Great Will is said to be visible from the moon.2. It is believed that The Great Will wall was built for

defense purpose.3. The Great Will is a symbol of the Chinese nation

throughout history.4. A visit to The Great Will bring tourists great

excitement in each step of the wall.V. HOME WORK (2m)Write a short paragraph about this topic:In your opinion, why do people take interest in other planets in the solar system?Prepare the next period: Writing.

Unit 16: THE WONDERS OF THE WORLD D- WritingI. Aims : By the end of the lesson students can :

-write a report on a man-made placeII. Method:Communicative approachIII. SKILLS: Integrated skills ( especially writing)IV. Teaching aid: Textbook, chalk, blackboard, pictures.V- Stages:


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Stages ActivitiesI.Warm-up: Lucky NumberT divides the class into two groupsT draws a flower with 9 petals and writes a number on each petal.T asks each group to take turns to choose a number . and for each number there is a question for them . If they give the correct answer, they have one mark .T explains that there is one lucky number .If they choose it, they’ll have one mark without answering any questions. The group with more marks wins the game T declares the winner T asks who can use all the first letters of those 9 words to write the name of a beautiful man-made place in Nha Trang.

II. BEFORE YOU WRITE ( 15’)Activity 1: Vocabulary -T introduces and explains some new words.

Activity 2.Checking: -Rub out and rememberActivity 3: Instructions: writing about a placeOpen your books to page 184 and have a careful look at the notes made by a visitor to the Ponagar Cham Towers in Nha Trang.III. WHILE YOU WRITE.Work in groups of four to use the notes to write a report on the visit.While students are writing , T goes around and helps.IV. AFTER YOU WRITET call on five representatives of five groups (chosen at random) to go the SS to write down their reports.T gives feedback.

I.Warm-up: Lucky Number1. something coming out of your eyes when you are sad(Tear)2. Fill in the gap with a suitable word to make a meaningful proverb”…………..or west, home is best”(East)3. LUCKY NUMBER4. A portable device getting people close together .(Cell phone)5.part of the body that moves repeatedly when you speak.(Mouth)7. When you burn a piece of paper , it will turn to ……….8. Something sweet we take from the bees (Honey) 9. Part of a car protecting you from the wind (windscreen)10. A cute white animal in the forest which runs very fast (rabbit)Key : CHAM TOWERLead-inIn today’s lesson. You are going to write about man-made places . First I will provide you with some new words.


1. consist of (context)Water consists of two elements: hydrogen and oxygen

2. in honor of (exp) (translation) they built the temple in honor of the national hero

3. statue (n) (context)there is a statue of uncle Ho in the middle of our school yard what does statue mean ?

4. Buddha (n) (picture)Activity 2.Checking: Activity 3: Instructions: writing about a placeIII. WHILE YOU WRITE.IV. AFTER YOU WRITESuggested key:My visit to Nha Trang last year included a brief tour to Ponagar Cham Towers. This town complex is one of the most beautiful examples of Cham architecture in central Viet Nam.


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The Ponagar Cham Towers consists of four towers. They are located on Cu Lao Marble hill two kilometers north of Nha Trang . they were built between the 8 th and 13 th centuries Each town dedicated to different god. the largest tower was built in honor of lady Thien Y . the 22.5m high tower contains her sandstone statue sitting on Buddha’s throne . the 26m high statue has 10 hands , holding specific objects illustrating the power of Buddha.The tour to Ponagar Cham towers lasted 5 hours. I felt tired but the visit was enjoyable , memorable and informative.

V. HOMEWORK.Prepare the next period: Language focus.

Unit 16: THE WONDERS OF THE WORLD E- LANGUAGE FOCUSI. Aims : By the end of the lesson students can :

distinguish the 4 sounds / ft/, /vd/, /fs/, /vz/ know how to use the structures: It is said that…: People say that…

II. Method:Communicative approachIII. Skills: Integrated skills.IV. Teaching aid: Textbook, chalk, blackboard, pictures. V. Teaching stages: ACTIVITIES. CONTENT

Warm-up( 5ms) -Find the other part of your lifeNoughts And Crosses Game-T draws 9 numbered squares (as below) and asks Ss to play the Noughts and Crosses Game.-T divides the class into Nought Group and Cross Group.-T asks each group to take turns to choose a number, for each number there is a question for

Warm-upNoughts and Crosses Game.

1 2 34 5 67 8 9

1. something we give and take a parties. (gift)2. something we use to cut things with (knife)3. Find the missing word


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them to answer. If they get it right, they have I cross/nought. -The winner will be the group which forms three successive noughts / crosses in a straight line.T declares the winner.Lead – inT writes on the BB: gift, moved, laughs, knives.Can you pronounce these words?T asks some Ss to have a try and correct their mistakes if necessary.Do you think that those words have the same ending sounds?(Expected answer : No)Good, now let’s open your books to page 162 to learn about such cases.

II. PRONUNCIATTION. ( 7 ms)1. Distinguishing sounds._T. introduces two consonant sounds /ft/ /vd/ /fs/ /vz/ by writing some words containing the sounds on the board._ T models the sounds and for a few times and explains the difference in producing them._ T hangs the chart_ T plays the tape ( or reads) once for Ss to hear the words containing the sounds in the chart._Lets Ss. listen and repeat the words T asks :Who can pronounce these words?(Ss stand up to say the words)T corrects their mistakes if necessary.2.Practising the dialogue containing the targets sounds.- T reads the dialogue aloud, then asks Ss to listen and repeat after him._T asks Ss work in pairs and read aloud the dialogue in textbook and to pick out the word containing the sounds.-T calls on some Ss to read the sentences aloud, correcting their mistakes if necessary.- T hangs this chartT reads the sentences aloud, then asks Ss to listen an repeat after him.T calls on some Ss to read the sentences aloud, correcting their mistakes if necessary.III. GRAMMAR. ( 32 ms.)Lead – in-T draws a boy who is praised by his teacher.

She was ………….. to tears. (moved)4. Find the missing wordWho ………. First will laught last.5. the highest mountain in the world. (Everest)6. The longest river in the world. (Nile)7. Which letter can you drink? (letter T)8. Which letter can you verb? (letter C)9. Which letter can fly? (letter B)

II.PRONUNCIATION. - gift/ moved/ laughed/knives/ft/ /vd/ /fs/ /vz/-Practice the words containing the sounds in the chart

Listen and repeat./ft/ /vd/Gift arrivedList lovedSoft moved/fs/ /vz/Coughs behavesLaughs lovesRoofs knives

-Practice the sounds in the sentences.1. They are not on the roof now. They’ve been moved to the ground.Use the lift. I’ll ring to say you’ve arrived2. I thing he’s improved. Still coughs but laughs as lot, of course.3. We have plenty of laughs. We miss him when he leaves.4. He loves a nurse. Her name’s Soft. He wants me to bring her this gift.5.He brought me a gift when he arrived.III. GRAMMAR.- T ask : Is the boy good? (Yes)A asks: Does the teacher praise him every week? (yes)-The teacher praises Tom every week.-Expected answers:+People say that/ It is said that Tom is praised by the teacher every week.+Tom is said to be praised by the teacher every week.-It is said that /People say that + S + V-The teacher praised Tom last week.Expected answer: Tom is said to have been praised by teacher last week.)Form: S + is/was (said….) + to have + pp


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-T writes:Who can rewrite my sentence, beginning as shown?People say that………/It is said thatTom is said………T writes and explainsIt is said that /People say that + S + VT draws another picture who was praised by teacher last week.T lead to this sentence.The teacher praised Tom last week.T asks Ss to rewrite this sentence, beginning as shown.Tom is said…..Exercise1.T asks Ss to do exercise 1/pages 185 -186 in pairs.T goes around to offer help.T calls on some Ss to read their answers aloud.T corrects their mistakes if necessary.Suggested answersExrcise2T asks Ss to do exercise 2/page 186 in pairs.T goes around to offer help.T calls on some Ss to read their answers aloud.T corrects their mistakes if necessary.Further practice: Choose the best answerT hangs a chart containing an exercise.T asks Ss to work in pairs to do this exercise.T goes around to offer help.T calls on some Ss to read their answer aloud.T corrects their mistakes if necessary.V. HOME WORD. ( 1m)

.Exercise1. Suggested answers:

1. Many people are said to be homeless after the floods.

2. The prisoner is thought to have escaped by climbing over the wall.

3. He is believed to have driven through the town at 90 km per hour.

4. Two people are reported to have been seriously injured in the accident.

5. Three men are said to have been arrested after the explosion.

6. The strike is expected to begin tomorrow.7. He is said to speak English very well.

Exrcise2.Example:-It is a nice day, isn’t it?-They aren’t hungry, are they ?-You live here, don’t you?-You don’t speak English, do you?Exercise 2: Suggested answersSuggested answers

1. He is thought to be very clever.2. The wanted man is believed to living in

NewYork.3. He is known to be very rich.4. The film is supposed to be very good.5. Many people are thought to have been killed

in the accident.6. About a million puppies are thought to be

born each year.7. The factories are said to be much worse.8. Those dogs are said to be dangerous.

IV. Further practice: Choose the best answerChoose the best answer1. It was in this village that

Mr.John…………………….17 years agoA. were born B. was bornC. born D. has been born.

2. Nam is said to ……………………….. abroad three times before.

A. be B. beenC. has been D. have been

3. His wife is said to………………………..a big company in Ho Chi Minh city now.

A. be running B. run


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C. will be running D. to have run4. The woman was said to …………………for her husband ten years before she remarried

A. wait B. waitedC. Has waited D. have waited

Suggested answers : 1.B 2. D 3.APrepare the next period : Test yourself FV. HOME WORD. ( 1m)Prepare the next period : Test yourself F

TEST YOURSELF FI. Aims : By the end of the lesson, students can use what they learn to do the exercise.II. Method: Communicative method:III. Skills: Integrated IV. Teaching aids : catsette playerV. Teaching stages :

Stages Activities Content Listening

10’T lets sts read the questions before they listenT asks sts to listen twice Sts give the answerOthers remarkT lets sts listen once again to check their answer

Suggested answers:1.T 2. F 3. T 4. T 5. T

Reading 10’

T lets sts read the passageSts work in pairs the discuss the answer T goes around and helps themSts give their answer Others remark and correctT remark and gives comments

Suggested answers:1. They were made in medicine in the 19th and 20th centuries.2. A German doctor named Roentgen developed X- ray machine in 1895.3. It was discovered in 1928.


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4. Doctor can save people’s lives by giving them a new heart or new kidney. Hospitals have large computers and machines that help sick people live better lives.5. It is a very old method of treating sickness and pain. It uses needles to help the human body fight pain and disease.

Pron and grammar


T read the soundSts listen the tick T asks sts to work in groupSts discuss then give their answer Others remark and correctT remarks

a. Pronunciation1. end 2. tense 3. lift 4.loveb. Grammar :1. Jane is thought to be very rich.2. She is said to have won a special prize3. He is said to know five foreign languages.4. The thief is thought to have got in through the kitchen window.


T lets sts write the writing on the board and correctT give the marks

Structure : 0.5 msContent : 1mWords and sentences : 1m


T asks sts to prepare for the next period.

Review the main contents for the second semester test.

TEST 45’I. Aims : - Students can do the test exactly and fluently by using what they learnt

- Teacher can check sts’ understading about unit12,13 and 14II. Form : Multiple choiceIII. Homework

- Prepare Unit 15 : ( reading)