AngularJS basics




Transcript of AngularJS basics

Page 1: AngularJS basics


Page 2: AngularJS basics

What is AngularJS?

• It is many things, but fits best in the Framework category. (It is often mistaken for a library because it is more lightweight than a normal framework)

• It’s 100% Javascript and 100% client side.

Page 3: AngularJS basics

Main Concepts• Model - application data

• View - what the user sees

• Controller - application behavior

• Scope - glue between application data and behavior

• $ - angular namespace

• Module - configures the injector

• Injector - assembles the application

Page 4: AngularJS basics

How it works• Browser loads the HTML and then the angular.js script.

• Angular waits for DOMContentLoaded event and looks for the ng-app directive.

• The module specified in ng-app is used to configure the injector.

• The injector is used to create the $compile service and $rootScope.

• $compile compiles the DOM and links it with $rootScope.

• ng-init assigns World to the name property on the scope.

• {{name}} is turned into World.

<!doctype html><html ng-app>

<head><script src=””></script>


<p ng-init=” name=‘World’ “>Hello {{name}}!</p></body>


Page 5: AngularJS basics

Simple Controllerfunction ContainersListCtrl($scope){

$scope.containers = [{

"Number": "CAXU0000004",

"AttributedForLoading": false,

"Notes": null,

"id": 10564,

"ContainerType": {

"id": 10,

"Code": "20DV",

"TareWeight": 2300


"OperationalStatus": {

"Code": "STOCKPSA",

"IsOutOfPark": true




(file - app/js/controllers.js)

Page 6: AngularJS basics

<!doctype html>

<html ng-app>



<script src="lib/angular/angular.js"></script>

<script src="js/controllers.js"></script>

<link href="css/containerList.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">


<body ng-controller="ContainersListCtrl">

<div ng-repeat="container in containers">








binds the controller to the elements inside the body

repeats the elements inside the div for each element in the

controller’s $scope.containers(file - app/index.html)

Page 7: AngularJS basics

Using services in the controller

• If you want to use a service in order to populate the controller’s scope with a json array, you can.

• Here’s an example of an http GET request, that uses the $http service provided by angular.

function ContainersListCtrl($scope, $http) { $http.get('http://address?callback=true&action=getallcontainersjson').success(function(data)

{ $scope.containers = data;


(file - app/js/controllers.js)

Page 8: AngularJS basics

Generating Templates• In order to generate a template, you will need to:

1. Define a new module for your application.

var containerModule = angular.module('containersTOS', []). config(['$routeProvider', function($routeProvider){ $routeProvider. when('/containers', {

templateUrl: 'partials/containers-list.html', controller: ContainersListCtrl}). when('/containers/:containerNumber', {

templateUrl: 'partials/container-detail.html', controller: ContainerCtrl}). otherwise({redirectTo: '/containers'}); }]);

(file - app/js/app.js)

links URLs to controllers and views

Page 9: AngularJS basics

2. Modify the index.html page to use this module<html lang="en" ng-app="containersTOS">

3. Modify the index.html in order to use a view<body>

<div ng-view></div></body>

4. Add a new controller for the container Detail viewfunction ContainerCtrl($scope, $routeParams, $http){ $http.get('http://address?callback=true&action=getcontainerjson&number=' +

$routeParams.containerNumber).success(function(data){$scope.container = data;


(file - app/js/controllers.js)

Page 10: AngularJS basics

5. Add new html views to your project

<ul> <li>Container: {{container.Number}}</li> <li>Container Status: {{container.ContainerStatus.LocalizedDescription}}</li> <li>Container Type: {{container.ContainerType.Code}}</li> <li>Place: {{container.Place.Name}} [{{container.Z}}]</li> </ul>

(file - app/partials/container-detail.html)

<div class="containerLi" ng-repeat="container in containers”> <a ng-href="#/containers/{{container.Number}}"><p>Número: {{container.Number}}</p> <p>Destino: {{container.OperationalStatus.Code}}</p> <p>Tipo: {{container.ContainerType.Code}}</p> <p>Notas: {{container.Notes}}</p></a></div>

(file - app/partials/container-list.html)

Page 11: AngularJS basics

More on AngularJS in the next chapter

• Unit and End to End tests

• Search and Filters
